The Patrician - Victoria Flying · 2019-06-06 · The Patrician accepts unsolicited submissions. This publication may be reproduced

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The PatricianThe Victoria Flying Club ~ Aviation Excellence Since 1946

JUNE 2019

Where Will Your Licence Take You?

3www.flyvfc.comVFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946JUNE 20192

SCHOLARSHIPS, RECEIVERS AND GIVERSVFC members are getting creative in the types of scholarships they are applying for, while finding ways to give back. Many congratulations to Navya Pottumutu for receiving the Flying Musician Association, Inc. Solo Program Award. Navya moved to Victoria from India in 2012 and now is in grade 11 . She plays the alto saxophone, sings in a choir, and plays in a number of bands. As the president of Belmont’s Music Department, she plays a major role in organizing events and planning activities. Navya also helps the local Royal Canadian Legion with poppy campaigns, food drives and other fundraisers. Through her involvement with the Royal Canadian Air Cadet Program, Navya got inspired to work towards becoming an RCAF fighter pilot and eventually an astronaut for the Canadian Space Agency. As of now, she is a licensed glider pilot and is working towards her PPL. Navya is very grateful for all the opportunities she has

received since moving to Canada and looks forward to reaching the next level towards her pilot dreams.

Another VFC member is working to be a positive role model and financial support towards women internationally. Brandi Hansen, SAR volunteer and VFC student made it in first place to the highly competitive semi-finals of the MAXIM Cover Girl competition which offers a fund of $10,000 to the winner. Brandi has said that if she wins, she will create an $8000 scholarship for young women under the age of 18 who have already completed their Fixed Wing PPL and are working towards their CPL. Brandi would also donate $2000 to a BCSARA Search & Rescue group of her choice. The current round of competition wraps up on June 13:

Other scholarships have their application due date coming up quickly, such as the ones listed on the BC Coast 99s website ( and in the COPA Career and Scholarship Guide ( Be sure to check it out!

News Around the Club


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2 News Around the Club

6 D-Day Plus 75 Contributed by Eleanor Eastick

8 Social Media Picks

12 COPA Quadrant, COPA 4 Kids

14 Plane Maintenance

16 First Solos and Member Achievements

18 Ground School Schedules

The Patrician“To promote flying and aviation in general, and to teach and train

persons in the art and science of flying and navigating and operating all manner of heavier-than-air aircraft.”

(Victoria Flying Club Incorporation Bylaws, 1946)


PRESIDENT Colin WilliamsonVICE PRESIDENT Don Devenney

SECRETARY Jennifer ZadorozniakTREASURER Adrian SudburyDIRECTORS Iain Barnes

John AinsworthJohn RyanKen Teghmeyer


Graham Palmer

Editor: Katy

The Patrician accepts unsolicited submissions.

This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, with prior permission of the publisher or author. The opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors.

1852 Canso RoadSidney, BC V8L 5V5

P: 250-656-2833F: 250-655-0910




Front cover photo credits: Eduardo Feo, VFC CPL grad, 2015, on the job in a CItation V in Venezuala. His story

was in the April 2016 Patrician. •Photo to the right credit: Instagram: shakey_knees.

"Turning final at Penticton."



PARKINGIf you’re interested in prime

paved parking spaces for your aircraft, we want to hear from you!

Secure, pull-in/pull-out, easy access.

Please call Dispatch to arrange a spot, or get on the waitlist for hangar spaces at


Above: provides support for Indigenous students ex-ploring aviation career options. Left: Navya Pottumutu. Centre: Brandi Hansen.

HANGAR SPACEA spot has opened up! Contact Marcel at the Club to see if it is a good spot for your plane.

54 VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946JUNE 2019


Looking to brush up your flying skills? Email

to find a mentor or be a mentor.


Come teach with us! Send your resume to

YOUR STORYWe'd love to hear it! Share with us for a chance to have your aviation-

related story printed in The Patrician!

IFR / IMC Round Table

This group meets on the last Saturday of the month, 2 pm. Contact John at to join in.


JUN 1 COPA 4 KidsJUN 4 COPA Flight 6 meeting and social

JUN 16 Father's DayJUN 21 National Indigenous Peoples DayJUN 29 BBQ at the Club

JUL 13, 14 Fairmont Hot Springs Airport Fly-InJUL 27 BC Aviation Museum Open House

Is your aviation-related event not listed?Let us know at


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Contact Customer Service to book the lounge or classrooms for your event, or

contact the Dakota Cafe about catered possibilities.



A fundraiser event to upgrade the flight club lounge! BURGERS by donation DRINKS available ARRANGE rides accordingly!

June 29, 2019 4 pm – 8 pm Victoria Flying Club Lounge


NATIONAL INDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAYJune 21st marks a national day of celebrating the Indigenous peoples of our country and their achievements. We are so proud of the many students of many Indigenous backgrounds that have gotten their wings with us. Also here in BC, we were proud to see the launch of Richmond-based Iskwew Air (pronunciation: ISS-KWAYY-YO) earlier this year, with Métis CEO Teara Fraser also launching Give Them Wings, a non-profit organization that supports Indigenous students considering a career in aviation. Check out their website for futher details:

The Victoria Flying Club would like to acknowledge that its Club is within the traditional territories of the Malahat, Pacheedaht, Scia’new, T’Sou-ke and W̱SÁNEĆ (Pauquachin, Tsartlip, Tsawout, Tseycum) peoples.

WILDFIRE REPORTINGThe wildfire season has started early this year, and after two very smoky years, it is useful to brush up on procedure if you happen to see a fire while out flying recreationally. Remember to fly at least 5NM away from all fires, unless otherwise indicated in a NOTAM, being mindful that smoke can greatly reduce visibility and that aerial firefighting operations might already be occurring. If you happen to see a fire, report it to the nearest ATC Tower, Enroute Frequency, Flight Information Centre, or the BC Wildfire Service (800-663-5555 or *5555 on a cell). Read your NOTAMs carefully before setting out to fly!

WEBSTER APPLICATIONS DUEApplication due dates for the Webster Memorial Trophy Competition, to find Canada's Top Amateur Pilot, are also approaching quickly! Supported by Air Canada and NavCanada, this is an excellent opportunity to have some fun while getting your name out there. Winners receive scholarships, cash awards, and other prizes. Past VFC winners include Etienne White (2006), Yorgo Roumanis (2005), Graham Palmer (1995), and Tracy Biddle (1993. The story of her career is in the February 2018 Patrician!). The application, flight test, fee, and online assessment of knowledge is due by June 15, 2019. More information can be found here:

HAPPY FATHER'S DAYFather's Day comes on Sunday, June 16 this year. Why not treat Dad for a flight or a bite to eat at the Dakota Cafe? As you know, reserve planes early, as time slots get booked quickly.

Have news or a story to tell? Email us at for a chance to have your news or story published in The Patrician.


Advertising in The Patrician is affordable! Contact us for more

Although VFC’s management team has negotiated our credit card fees down considerably over the last year, did you know that VFC pays the equivalent of a half of an airplane per year in credit card company fees?

We’d ask you to consider using cash, interact or e-transfer in paying your account to reduce unnecessary fees, yours and ours, because we’d like to spend that money on adding another plane to the fleet.

What?! Half a 172 per year?

June 6, 2019 is the 75th anniversary of D-Day, the planned, massive assault that began on the shores of Normandy and marked the beginning of the end of the Second World War. The courage and patriotism shown that day changed the history of the world.

VFC’s predecessor, the Victoria Aero Club, was formed by returning Great War pilots; the present day VFC was “rebooted” by pilots returning from the Second World War. Since those days, the Victoria Flying Club has always counted many military pilots and armed forces personnel among its members, and certainly in the post war decades, the anniversary of D-Day has been a marked occasion among members.

When I joined the Club in 1993, the CFI was Jack Kaiser (June 28, 1924 - December 2, 2011). Jack hailed from Saskatoon; he learned to fly in the RCAF and went to war in 1942, flying 30 sorties in Lancasters for the RAF. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his services. He returned to Canada and to a career in the RCAF, retiring in 1975 as a Lieutenant Colonel. Jack never lost his interest in, or his love for aviation, logging a total of 30,000 hours in numerous aircraft types.

As a WW II pilot, he was passionate about acknowledging D-Day every year, and in 1994, on the 50th anniversary, Jack organized a civilian formation flight over Victoria – his hope was to have 50 aircraft flying for the occasion. With all the Club’s aircraft as well as members’ planes, the total was 44 aircraft participating in an impressive flyover on June 6th, 1994. Jack kindly let me fly left seat for one hour in a practice formation flight on May 23rd. It was a thrill.

My Dad, Flight Lieutenant JW Cantelon was on Juno Beach in 1944, a few days after D-Day with the 143 Wing RCAF. He celebrated his 25th birthday there; he was not a pilot but was the Wing’s Armaments Officer. His responsibility was ordering the bombs and rockets needed for a mission and overseeing the armourers loading them aboard the aircraft. The 143 Wing flew the fearsome Hawker Typhoon, a 24-cylinder fast fighter-bomber.

June 5th had been the tentative date of the invasion but the Azores High, the mid-Atlantic system that fueled the Channel area climate did not bring its high pressure and good weather as far north as usual. The warm, clear days began to turn ugly. Two low-pressure troughs headed eastward across the Atlantic,

the winds whipped up to a near gale, causing huge swells in the Channel. Too much for the troop ships and landing craft. The sky filled with clouds down to 500’ AGL. June 5th was a no-go.

But there was a small break for June 6th, not the greatest weather – the channel was rough and the clouds rolled in sooner and thicker than expected. Convoys of ships set out on the morning of June 5th from British shores where the RCAF squadrons were standing on 30 minutes readiness by 0400 on the morning of June 6th. My Dad was busy getting the Typhoons armed for the raids. Their job was to provide cover for the landing craft as tanks and equipment rolled off them onto Juno Beach. They were highly successful. Heavy smoke was everywhere on the five beaches swarming with men and equipment. The sky was filled with planes.

Immense bravery was shown by troops on that incredible day, starting with the Pathfinders who parachuted in the dark to set up radar beacons for the paratroopers who followed an hour later. The C-47 troop carrier pilots did an astounding job flying through clouds and bullets to reach the parachute

D-Day Plus 75Contributed by Eleanor Eastick,

VFC Member

drop zones, navigating to hastily set-up beacons and signal lanterns.

Total Allied casualties on D-Day reached more than 10,000, including 1,074 Canadians, of whom 359 were killed. When the windy, cloudy day ended, the Allies had a firm hold on the beaches. The Canadian defence of Juno Beach was one of the most effective.

My Dad is gone now; he would have been 100 years old this June, 75 years after having his 25th birthday on Juno Beach, D-Day, 1944.

Images: Top left: Second wave troops of 9th Canadian Infantry Brigade, disembarking with bicycles onto 'Nan White' Beach, JUNO Area at Bernières-sur-Mer, shortly before midday on 6 June 1944. Wikipedia Commons.

Right, top to bottom: Eleanor's Dad, in the centre of the photo, listening to General Eisenhower (second from the left in the photo).

Souvenir of the last reunion of the 143 Wing.

Typhoon pilots pose for a photo with the squadron dog (permission from CANAV Books, Larry Milberry, Publisher).

A beached tank landing ship has served its purpose.

Eleanor's log book for May 23rd, 1994 showing her trip in a practice formation flight for D-Day commemorations.

Immediate right: Jack Kaiser in the 1970s as one of the Board of Directors at VFC.

76 VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946JUNE 2019





Feature Article

Social Media PicsFrom You

From PrepAIR, to Club BBQs, to Mother's Day, to the Open House, to the Poker Run, it has been a very busy few months! Thanks for sharing your photos with us, and keep tagging us with #flyvfc or #victoriaflyingclub.

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Images: Left, yellow framed: BBQ after PrepAIR, put on by the VFC Social Committee. Left, grey framed: PrepAIR photos. Above, red framed: Jason Child celebrates Mother's Day with his wife and daughter. COPA 4 Kids photos. Above, orange framed: A very wet day with low ceilings for the Open House this year, but our volunteers and exhibitors braved it out. Many thanks to the BC Aviation Museum and the Catalina Preservation Society for coming out. Right, blue framed: Ken Miner has a mug made of a print of his first solo certificate.

Social M


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Feature Article

Images above, right-side, top two: Credit: Jennifer Zadorozniak. The 'Blues Brothers' during the Poker Run, June 2. Third from top, from Instagram: @bccoast99s photo during the Poker Run. Bottom: Credit: Bruce Burley. "Group of fellow BCGA members admiring a swanky C210 outside Dakota's after the course."

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Fly-Out Bug COPA Flight 6

Would you like to volunteer as a board member? COPA Flight 6 would love to hear from you!

On Saturday, June 1st, COPA Flight 6 ran its COPA 4 Kids event. This year, the weather cooperated beautifully, and members and volunteers helped 43 kids in a total of 4 planes to experience flight in a small aircraft for the first time. There were 3 C-172s and 1 Steen Skybolt. A big thank you to all of the volunteers and to YYJ Tower for accommodating the flights, as at times the air space was very

active. And a special thank you to the Victoria Flying Club for allowing us to stage the event at the club.

Our next meeting will be on June 4th. As always you neither need to be a member of COPA National to attend. As your voice for the Freedom to Fly in Canada your participation is appreciated.

Email: copaflight6@gmail.comBlog:

COPA FLIGHT 6Flight Captain (President)Rob Shemilt

Co-Captain (Vice President) Allan Rempel

Navigator (Treasurer)Art Reitsma





1514 VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946JUNE 2019

Contributed by Leslie at Sea and Sky Eco Detailing

In a society that believes more is better, more water and more soap must therefore equal a better clean. Somehow the belief persists that a plane bathed in gallons of water and piles of great smelling soap will deliver us a spectacular clean.

Waterless wash goes against traditional thinking. However, dry wash has been a growing method of choice nationally and internationally for over 15 years. It has gained popularity due to producing better results in less time and good water conservation incurring a smaller impact on our water filters and systems. Some products even include a light wax built in for additional shine. How does the dry wash process work?

Waterless, or dry aviation washing is just that, washing without water. You use a minimum amount of dry wash instead of using water. If your plane has an excessive amount of biologic debris (bugs, etc.) or if it has a belly full of oil and retardant, then our first step is to use appropriate products (Turbine Sootmaster or Wingman bug remover). These products will remove excessive debris so you can then get started with your choice of dry wash.

Like with all products to be used on your plane please ensure the product you use is developed

for aviation. The danger of using any other type of product can be deadly in aviation, interrupting instruments, building electricity. Taking care of a plane is not like taking care of a bike or car.

Once you are ready to begin with the dry wash you proceed by 1. Spraying the area with dry wash; 2. Working on one panel at a time; 3. Using one microfibre to wipe up dirt and dry wash solution; 4. Using a second microfibre to buff area to a shine.

Enjoy instant results that are spectacular, quicker, easier, and allow you to review every square inch of your plane.

We often get asked about dry wash and scratching the surface of your plane. At some level you cannot even touch your plane without “scratching” the paint. So scratching becomes relative. The real question is, at what degree or level does scratching become an issue? If your planes paint is being scratched at a level that will never be observed by the naked eye, then is it really relevant? The issue of scratching is a reality with both dry and wet wash methods. However, if only using a microscope will allow you to notice paint scratching, the argument becomes circular. Everything that touches your paint will leave its mark on some level. Our goal is to remove debris, then ultimately seal the surface to ensure environmental factors

(sun, bugs, dirt and oil) have a more difficult time embedding into the paint.

Within the work of chemical engineering, you have a variety of new choices when it comes to dry wash. There is no perfect product; the best way is simply to try. As for us, we have tested many products and continue to test best options. Check out our website for our top picks. Look under 'Shop > Clean > Exterior Clean' for our best finds for dry wash, and stay tuned to our blog for our latest discoveries (

We mentioned the benefit to the environment. Many European airlines are moving over to dry wash methods for the above mentioned reasons as well as the environmental impact. You will not be flushing soap, oil, and other environmental debris down the drains and into the waterways.

But lets also talk water usage and overall environmental impact. I was able to find a study using the impact of washing a car in three ways; hose and bucket, commercial car wash and dry wash method. This study highlights the amount of overall impact on our environment, as follows:

Hose and bucket wash

• Production and transportation of chemicals - distributor -

Feature Article

Plane Maintenance"Dry Wash," an Oxymoron?





retail store - consumer• 80 to 140 gallons of water

per wash (data from the International Car Wash Association)

• Discharge of soapy suds, brake dust and car oils into environment

• Water sanitation costs and energy

• Disposal of packaging

Commercial car wash

• Production and transportation of chemicals - distributor - car wash facility

• Disposal of packaging (drums)• 45 gallons of water per wash• Energy required to run

equipment and reclaim water• Fixed sites' impact on the land

Waterless car wash

• Production and transportation of chemicals - distributor - retail store - consumer

• 4 to 6 oz of waterless car wash formula used per car

• Disposal of packaging

Stepping back and looking at the overall picture, the best answer to keeping your plane clean, the paintin good condition, and doing the least amount of damage to the environment is by using the dry washmethod. However please ensure you only dry wash with new or de-oxidized paint. This means ensuring that the paint is not overly porous. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

Happy Flying,Graden and

Many thanks to Sea and Sky Eco Detailing for sharing this angle involved with airplane ownership.

courtesy of





To take advantage of this offer you must:

Provide proof of enrollment from a Canadian Flight Training Unit or

Provide an instructor’s endorsement stating current training being undertaken and

Have not previously held a COPA membership

Unlock the benefits of your membership:


visit our website HTTPS://WWW.COPANATIONAL.ORG


75 Albert St. Suite 903 Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7 613-236-4901 | |


1716 VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946JUNE 2019


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For more information or to book a flightEmail: tedk@flyvfc.comCall: 1-778-350-3213

VFC Charter offers inexpensive, on-demand, and direct transportation to places not serviced by other commercial carriers in the lower BC area.

The charter service is operational in day VFR conditions. Please contact us for more information on destinations and costs.

VFC CHARTER SERVICE Be there in minutes!

"Without disruption of air traffic, these fearless, forthright, indomitable and courageous individuals did venture into the wild blue yonder in flying machines. Furthermore, these

skillful individuals did safely land said flying machines at Victoria International Airport, incurring no significant damage to self or machine, thus completing first solo flights."

First Solos and Member


New MembersAlena KottovaBruce IngimundsonCaillum Duncan Christopher CowanHal Foster Jackson Waniek Jim FauxJohn McGowan Kurt Alisch Mark Rudd Matthew Huotari Michael Deakin-Macey Oscar Blue Paul Onderwater Richard ProbstRico Xie

Rob Parker Robert Macgregor Thomas Rilpey

First SoloBen VenesiaLindsay Harmsworth

PPL WrittenRyan PostleTeagan Gosling

CPL WrittenMatthew Mosveen

CONGRATULATIONSTo Navya Pottumutu for winning the Flying Musicians Solo Program Award.

Lindsay HarmsworthInstructor: James Knie







Ben VenesiaInstructor: Andrew Kott

Flying Musicians Association

Two Passions, One GoalBringing Aviation and Music Together

In 2015 the Flying Musicians Association created a program whereby music directors nominate for a scholarship a junior or senior high school music student who excels and has a desire to fly. Although based out of Texas, they accept international applications.

1918 VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946JUNE 2019


t Info



Private Pilot Classes run Mon. and Wed. from 19:00 to 22:00.

DATE TOPIC INSTRUCTORJune 3 Navigation III AndrewJune 5 ATC AndrewJune 12 Canadian Aviation Regulations & Licencing I BrendaJune 17 Canadian Aviation Regulations & Licencing II BrendaJune 19 Aerodynamics & Theory of Flight AndrewJune 24 Airframes & Engines StephanJune 26 Systems & Flight Instruments StephanJuly 1 NO CLASS - Canada Day N/AJuly 3 Human Factors & Pilot Decision Making MattJuly 8 Meteorology I SeanJuly 10 Meteorology II Sean

Ground School Course: $350 Ground School Kit: $275 Call Customer Service at 250 656 2833 to register for Ground School today!


Ground School Schedules






Victoria: 905 Fort St., Victoria BC V8V 3K3 Tel: 250-385-9786Sidney: 2411 Beacon Ave., Sidney BC V8L 2X2 Tel: 250-656-1233

print & imaging

book printing

art & framing

VFC smile Cards Pick up your smile card today at the VFC office, and 5% of your grocery purchase will go towards creating scholarships and awards for VFC members. Since the autumn of 2005, the Victoria Flying Club has received over $19,600 from the Thrifty Foods Smile Card program. These funds have been appreciated by all mem-bers of the club. Thank you Thrifty Foods!

20 VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946JUNE 2019

You want to be a high flyer with your feet on the ground. Now you can do both. Combine flight training with a prestigious university business diploma tailored to the aviation industry. If you’re graduating or have recently graduated from high school and want to become a commercial airline pilot, this program is for you!

Employers recognize that good pilots do more than fly aircraft; they are active problem solvers, strategic decision makers and superior communicators. The most successful are skilled in business management, leadership, team building and crew resource management.

Classes are held at the Victoria International Airport or on the University of Victoria campus over a nine-month period. The unique program schedule means you can complete both your private and commercial pilot’s license and also obtain the Diploma in Business Administration. Start shaping better career options for yourself today and watch things really take off!

Entrance Requirements• Successful completion of Grade 12• A desire for a career in aviation• Motivation to complete an intensive business program

Ask about our partnership pathway to the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program Royal Roads University!

See other side for the 2019–20 schedule

Business Administration – Aviation OptionDIPLOMA PROGRAM

Gain a new perspective on...

For more information or to apply, contact:Business and Management Programs250-721-8073/

For information on flight training:Victoria Flying Club

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