The Paradox

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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The Paradox. What is a Paradox?. Goes against itself. A seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained, may prove to be well founded or true. Silly. Actually makes sense. In your own words…. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Paradox

What is a Paradox?

A seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when

investigated or explained, may prove to be well founded or true.


Goes against itself

Actually makes sense

In your own words… Complete the following in your own


A paradox is….

Isn’t this Juxtaposition? Close! Similar!

Probably NEED juxtaposition to MAKE a paradox! Large and small On-time and late

How Do I Find Them? While actively reading, look for items

that SEEM to contradict each other.

Give those items more thought.

Figure out (deduce) what is the AUTHOR’S POINT?

Why Do These Matter? As always, we read literature to learn

about THEME, the message the author has for the world!

Many themes will not be directly expressed.

Many themes will be revealed through the use of paradox!

Example of Paradox A jumbo shrimp

At first, we think “that’s not possible. It says it’s a shrimp, and shrimp means small. It can’t be big AND small.”

Then, we realize that shrimp in this case means the animal, not size.

Therefore you CAN have a jumbo (big) shrimp (animal)

Example All animals are equal, but some are

more equal than others. Orwell, Animal Farm

Examples of Paradox The statement of “I’m nobody”

At first, we think…that’s not possible because you ARE someone. You are here.

Then, we think “Oh, you’re not saying NOBODY as in not being here; you’re saying NOBODY meaning ‘not important’.”

Example Nobody goes to that restaurant because

it is too crowded.

Example If EVERYONE is unique, how is ANYONE


Connection: Students who say they “dress this way” to

NOT fit in, but then turn around and hang out with their friends…all dressed like them!

Example I must be cruel to be kind.


Example War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength

Orwell, 1984

Example A liberal may be roughly defined as

someone who, if he could stop all the deceivers from deceiving and all the oppressors from oppressing merely by snapping his fingers, wouldn’t snap his fingers.

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