The Operating Theatre Journal Operating Theatre Journal PROACT Medical Ltd - Please call for a copy our new 2004 Catalogue Tel: ... sponsored by Ethicon

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ISSN 0963-7974 November/December 2004 Issue No. 170


Operating Theatre JournalOperating Theatre Journal









PROACT Medical Ltd - Please call for a copy our new 2004 Catalogue

Tel: 0870 909 7400 Fax: 0870 909 7500 e-mail:

Molecular Resonance Surgery

The Bladion Molecular Resonance Generator takes

surgery to a new level. Rather than relying on

thermal vaporisation of the cells as with traditional

Electro-surgery, the Bladion as the name suggests

works at the resonant frequency of the bond

between the cells and divides the tissues without cell

damage. The cut is achieved at less than 50°C which

results in no carbonisation of the surrounding tissues

making it easier for the surgeon to close the opening

and leaves the patient with less post operative pain

and a much cleaner finish to the surgical procedure

Cold Cut (under 50°C)- faster recovery

No Soft Tissue Damage - (no Eschar /Carbonsiation which

reduces Scaring)

Recovery Times - Reduced by up to 75%

Biopsies Easily Obtainable- full simple Utilization

Simple and Easy - no re-training needed

Less Post Operative Pain- Improves Patient Comfort







Molecular Resonance Generator - A True Revolution in Surgery

The Key Advantages over Electro & Laser Surgery:

Wide Range of Accessories Available

The Bladion Molecular Resonance Generator is Exclusive to Medical


including a 2 button handle option

Please call

for a Trial

Molecular Resonance Generator shown above


Many surgeons do not regard glove punctures as a threat

to their health and career. They are unaware of the true

predatory nature of blood-borne infections that lie in

wait ready to strike.1

The reality is that up to 88% of glove punctures

go completely unnoticed2 and that the patient’s blood

comes into direct contact with the surgeon’s skin in 38%

of such cases.3

Surgeons using Biogel Indicator Underglove were

not just aware, they were visibly aware of glove punctures

in 97% of instances.4

So which kind of glove would you put your trust in?

One that doesn’t let you see when you’re at risk or one

that highlights the risk the instant it appears.

References 1. Germaine RL. St. Am. J. Surg. 2003; 185: 141-45. 2. Maffuli N, et al, J. Hand Surg. 1991; 1, 6A: 1034. 3. Cohn GM, Seifer

DB. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 1990; 160: 715-17. 4. Wigmore SJ, Rainey JB. BJS 1994; 81: 1480.

Regent Medical Ltd., Mere House, Brook Street, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 8GP. Tel: 0870 990 1572. Fax: 01565 624114. e-mail: info@regentmedical.comThe science of protection

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The National Association of Assistants in Surgical Practice

Is pleased to announce their 3rd Annual Conference & Exhibition Theme: Partnerships in Surgery

Wednesday 23rd Friday 25 th February 2005 Cardiff International Arena


Day 1: Workshops 23rd February 2005 Including

Suture & Knot Tying (All day Session) sponsored by Ethicon Medico-Legal Workshop

Male & Female Catheterisation sponsored by BARD Wound Healing & Management sponsored by ConvaTec

Advanced Scrub Practitioner NAASP Portfolio sponsored by Swann-Morton

Minimal Access Surgery sponsored by Tyco Healthcare

Main Conference Programme

Thursday 24th- Friday 25th February 2005 Medical & Legal Issues

Education Update Health Department Update

New Roles in Surgery Disaster Management

Free Paper Session

Keynote Speakers

Mr. Colum J. Smith Prosecution Solicitor

& M. Peter Mount

Chairman of NHS Confederation

For more information or request an application form please contact Email:

Or visit naasp website: to download your delegate registration form NAASP, PO Box 182, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5GD

Tel no 01625-536577 Fax no 01625-522264

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is published twelve times per

year. Available in electronic

format from the pages of

and in hard copy to hospitals

throughout the UK. Personal

copies are available by nominal


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07092 097696



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‘The OTJ’ Next Issue Copy DeadlineFriday 26th November 2004

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may be reproduced without prior per-

mission from Lawrand Ltd. © 2004

Publishers of:

The Operating Theatre Journal

When responding please quote ‘OTJ’

The Health Professions Council Register opened on the 18th of October 2004 to operating department practitioners (ODPs). ODPs are the 13th profession to be regulated by the HPC and the fi rst to come onto the Register since the HPC began operating under its new rules in July 2003.

The Association of Operating Department Practitioners applied to the Council to be regulated in April 2003. A recommendation was made by the Council to the Department of Health that ODPs should be regulated by the HPC. The Department of Health then launched a consultation on the regulation of Operating Department Practitioners. This consultation ran from 1/8/2003 to 14/11/2003. The legislation was debated and passed by the Scottish and English Parliaments and was approved by the Privy Council in July 2004.

On the day of the transfer, all operating department practitioners whose names appear on Part 1 of the AODP register will be automatically transferred onto the HPC Register. The Grandparenting window will be open until 17th October 2006.

The AODP remains as the professional body and will continue to promote and represent the profession and its members.

Norma Brook, President of the HPC Council said “We are delighted to welcome operating department practitioners to the Register and hope this will be the fi rst of many aspirant professions to join the HPC. I am looking forward to working closely with the AODP and to welcoming three new members of Council.”

Health Professions Council

See further information as circulated to NHS Chief Executives illustrated on page 5

Health Professions Council announces

13th profession to be regulated.

ADVANCE NOTICEThe Copy deadline for the January Issue of

The Operating Theatre Journal isWednesday29th December 2004

Regent Medical has launched The Regent Foundation. The leading supplier of surgical gloves created The Foundation to provide monetary and product led donations to deserving causes and individuals within the medical environment.Established to accommodate the high volume of requests for both fi nancial and glove/antiseptic donations received on a monthly basis by Regent, and to support the charitable work carried out by many individuals, Regent offi cially launched The Foundation during August 2004.

The nature of applications for funds and products made to Regent varies enormously, from surgeons requesting donations of gloves for voluntary operational trips to the third world, to requests from theatre nurses for funding for further education.

Commenting on The Foundation, Heidi James, UK product manager for the company said: “We applaud the many people within the medical profession who undertake voluntary and charitable work outside of their working lives and we are delighted to be able to support many of them in their quests.” James continues, “Regent is also very aware of the number of charitable projects within the industry that rely on funds from companies such as ourselves, equally we recognise many individuals’ needs for fi nancial support in progressing their careers. Although we may not be able to help every individual or meet every request, we try our absolute best to share the Foundation’s funds fairly.”All applications made to The Foundation will be reviewed by The Regent Foundation Bursary Team and all requests will be informed as to whether their application has been successful or not.

To request a Regent Foundation application form, please contact:Heidi James on 0870 9901572 ore-mail



The Critical Care Division of Tyco Healthcare is a leading manufacturer and supplier of specialised critical care products, which include the new, innovative range of Shiley FlexTra dual cannula tracheostomy tubes. These highly fl exible tubes, for either surgical or percutaneous insertion, combine the convenience of a dual cannula with a disposable inner cannula.

The FlexTra family of fl exible dual-cannula tracheostomy tubes feature a conventional shaft design, which facilitates patient transfer from hospital to home using the same FlexTra tube, thus saving time and money.

Key features of FlexTra include:

• Flexible non-stick inner cannula minimises build up of secretions.

• Disposable inner cannula saves cleaning time.• 15mm connector design allows ventilatory support with or

without the inner cannula in place.• A soft, fl exible neck fl ange with convenient swivel design

minimises trauma.• A rigid distal tip with smooth cuff-to-shaft profi le, to reduce

insertion force during percutaneous tracheostomy.• Five standard, colour-coded ISO sizes for adult patients.• Surgical or percutaneous tips.

The new FlexTra fl exible tracheostromy tubes may be the only tracheostomy tube the patient requires. Innovative in design and with the Shiley seal of quality and adaptability, FlexTra offers the versatile solution for both surgical and percutaneous applications and reduces the need to change tubes. For a copy of the new FlexTra brochure, or for further information on the Tyco Healthcare products, please telephone the company on 01329 224187.

Tyco Healthcare: You may not know everything we make, but everything we make is critical.

Exceptionally versatile FlexTra™ tracheostomy tube from Tyco Healthcare for surgical and percutaneous procedures

Gambro Hospal Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Gambro AB, now incorporates the Diascan feature with their AK 200 S and AK 200 ULTRA™ S machines, enabling the dialysis dose to be measured at each treatment. Therapies being performed by these user-friendly, advanced machines now offer the benefi t of real time evaluation of treatment effi ciency without any added cost per treatment. The correct prescription for each patient is thus effectively delivered each time.

By simply pressing a single button, the Kt/V can be monitored as treatment progresses, and any deviation from the prescription will be displayed. Diascan also indicates the presence of factors that decrease the clearance and dialysis dose.

From measurements of ionic clearance and effective dialysis time, the Diascan function continuously calculates the Kt/V value and forecasts an end of session fi gure on an ongoing basis. As its results are based on conductivity measurements of the dialysis fl uid, the Diascan function is accurate, reliable and non-invasive. Clinical trials have proven the excellent correlation with blood based measurements of KT/V. With treatment surveillance being assisted by the AK 200 S and AK 200 ULTRA S machines, more time is available for patient care.

Diascan is a valuable tool in the dialysis clinic since it continuously assesses the effi cacy of the prescription delivery, and displays key parameters. For more information or a brochure on Diascan, please telephone the company on 01480 444 000.

Gambro AK 200 dialysis machines now incorporate Diascan® for

controlled dosing

New Chief Nurse says all staff must play their part in fi ght against MRSA

Over one million NHS staff will receive infection control training to help in the fi ght against MRSA, the new Chief Nursing Offi cer Chris Beasley announced on the 4th November 2004. All staff covered by the new NHS pay scheme Agenda for Change - including nurses, porters, cleaners and healthcare assistants - must show that they are able to reduce the risk of healthcare associated infections, including MRSA.

Chris Beasley said: ‘Tackling hospital acquired infections is my top priority, and I have set out a number of ways to do this in the Matron’s Charter, published last month. However, there is another front on which we will fi ght MRSA: through Agenda for Change. The proposed new Knowledge and Skills Framework - a key part of the Agenda for Change package - will help staff to recognise how they can play a part in maintaining high standards of cleanliness in the NHS.

“All staff covered by Agenda for Change, whether nurses, healthcare assistants, porters or cleaners, must show that they can develop and apply the appropriate knowledge and skills to reduce the risks of healthcare associated infections. Personal development plans will give staff and managers an opportunity to identify how to raise standards of cleanliness.

“So Agenda for Change will not just be good for nurses’ pay and careers but it will also be another weapon against the the number one concern for patients.”

Chris Beasley was speaking on the fi rst day of the Chief Nursing Offi cer’s conference, held in Manchester.


Website puts people in touch with local patient groups

Every year the number of people newly infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) increases by three to four million worldwide, adding to the 170 million people already infected. For people who have been newly diagnosed with the virus or for anyone who is interested in seeking information about hepatitis C, there is now a new website resource,, which is launching today, on the fi rst annual international Hepatitis C Awareness Day.

The web portal is a result of a cooperative initiative among hepatitis C and liver disease patient associations in countries from across Europe and the Middle East. Supported by an unrestricted grant from Roche, provides access to the websites of established local patient groups throughout the world.

“The internet has been identifi ed by nearly two-thirds of patients as being their key source of information on hepatitis C,” said Ciro Caravaggio, Hepatitis Franchise Leader at Roche. “However, patients also said that they realised that not all of the information on the internet was credible. Hence our decision to work with patient groups to create a trustworthy resource.” currently contains information on patient groups and resources in 15 countries and there are plans to continue to expand with additional countries in 2005. The web portal has been developed with input from a steering committee of patient groups: +VE Magazine (UK); SOS Hépatites (France); The German Liver Help Association (Germany); The Dutch National Hepatitis Centre (The Netherlands) and The Egyptian Hepatitis Patient Care Society (Egypt).

Information found on includes:

- Facts about hepatitis C - Frequently ask questions and answers - Links to patient associations and liver organisations Source: PRNewswire

Roche Launches New Hepatitis Patient Internet in Support of First International Hepatitis C Awareness Day

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Limited companies welcome Highest rates paid

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On 18th October 2004 the Health Professions Council (HPC) register opened for operating department practitioners (ODPs). From then on anyone using the protected title of ‘operating department practitioner’ who is not HPC registered may be liable for prosecution and a fi ne of up to £5,000.

ODPs who were registered in Part 1 of the Association of Operating Department Practitioners register on 17th October 2004 will transfer to the HPC register under arrangements made under the new legislation.

ODPs who will be able to use the protected title only if they are registered with HPC.

There will be a two year grandparenting period for currently unregistered practitioners without approved ODP training to apply to be assessed by HPC and gain registration if they can demonstrate they meet HPC standards.

Employers are requested to ensure that ODP employees are encouraged to apply for HPC registration from 18 October 2004.

In the interests of patient safety employers are requested to ensure that posts which require ODPs are fi lled by either registered ODPs or ODPs who have applied for registration with HPC.

Employers can check individuals’ registration status on the HPC website at

Introduction of statutory regulation of Operating Department Practitioners

( Advice as issued to NHS Chief Executives )

Health Minister John Hutton recently announced that all eligible new recruits into the NHS must undergo checks on their criminal record under a new measure to increase patient safety.

From early next year, Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks willbecome mandatory for every new recruit with access to patients as part of their normal duties.

Staff requiring checks will include all medical, nursing and other staff with direct patient contact, as well as staff whose work provides access to patients, such as cleaners and maintenance workers.

The checks will trawl information held on the Police National Computer and the records held by the Department for Education and Skills to help NHS employers assess the suitability of candidates.

There is currently a considerable variation in the checking policy of NHS employers. At present, only staff who work with children are legally obliged to have CRB checks.

John Hutton said: “We want to do all we can to ensure the safety of patients receiving treatment on the NHS. Checks on the criminal records of new recruits will help us achieve this aim. The security of patients must always be our top priority. “The results of the checks will help NHS employers make safer recruitment decisions and give the public extra piece of mind.”

A recent survey of NHS employers showed a good level of support for the introduction of mandatory CRB checks, including from Berkshire Healthcare NHS Trust.

Hugh Chapman, Associate Director of Human Resources, Berkshire Healthcare NHS Trust, said: “It is our policy that our recruitment team carry out criminal records checks on behalf of Berkshire Healthcare NHS Trust and six Primary Care Trusts across Berkshire for all new recruits into posts working with vulnerable adults, adolescents and children. In addition, we also check administrative staff who may be in contact with patients in the course of their duties.”

Jim Gee, Chief Executive of the NHS Counter Fraud and Security Management Service, a Special Health Authority which has responsibility for all policy and operational matters relating to the prevention, detection and investigation of fraud and corruption and the management of security in the NHS, said:

“Criminal Records Bureau checks will be a useful tool in preventing NHS fraud. Over the last fi ve years, a number of fraud cases have involved individuals concealing criminal records to gain employment. These checks will make this harder for new NHS recruits. We believe these checks will help our work in reducing losses to fraud and make a safer and more secure NHS.”



MedIPeX is the National Health Service’s (NHS) Regional Innovation Centre for the Yorkshire and

Humber region of the UK. It is one of a national network of NHS innovation hubs that manage and

exploit Intellectual Property (IP) within the NHS. It is an independent company with commercial

expertise working within the NHS. The Aims and Objectives of MedIPeX are:

* To identify, assess and to commercialise new ideas and innovations leading to improved patient care.

* To identify partners who would like to work with the NHS to develop innovative and new products and services.

* To exploit healthcare-related innovation opportunities.

Here we illustrate some of the MedIPeX products that are being exhibited at MEDICA 2004 (stand 13B 72)

Medipex in search of Hip Spica partner at Medica

In search of a commercial partner for ‘Hip Spica’ – a novel accessory to hospital operating tables, which ease the procedure of casting patients during hip surgery (or any other condition where there is a risk of subluxation of the hip).

MedIPeX are seeking a manufacturer of operating tables who is interested in commercially exploiting the Hip Spica product, or for licensing of the manufacturing rights to a sub-contract fabricator.

The CE marked product, developed by Sheffi eld Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, provides support for the patient’s lower back without compromising access to the hips and allows access for radiographs to be taken using portable radiographic equipment. It aids an otherwise awkward procedure, resulting in the achievement of a plaster cast in the optimum position and also a reduction in the duration of the process and therefore cost of surgery.

Richard Clark, Chief Executive of MedIPeX Ltd said: “The Hip Spica has been successfully used at Sheffi eld Teaching Hospital and elsewhere. It was well received by nurses and doctors and we are confi dent to fi nd a suitable partner at Medica.”

Panoramic Test Object could reduce amount of

patient x-rays required

Also on show is a new Panoramic Test Object which allows routine Quality Assurance (QA) of dental panoramic x-ray units.

The device was developed by the medical physics team at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust in response to the limits imposed by the complexity of existing devices, which are machine specifi c, costly and are diffi cult to determine the exact tolerance.

The Panoramic Test Object is light, easy-to-use, and will allow dental surgeries and dental hospitals to routinely calibrate their panoramic x-ray units and hence avoid the cost of using external contractors.It is based on a standard jaw and mounted on a tripod, facilitating repeatable anatomic positioning in any panoramic machine including the chin, bite, light and forehead positioning, while allowing optimal patient positioning to be determined, therefore improving diagnostic effi ciency.

Richard Clark, Chief Executive of MedIPeX Ltd, commented: “It uses key measurements which are obtained in just three fi lms and these, combined with a remote solid state detector kV/dosemeter allow a full QA survey of a unit which previously has had minimal testing. The more frequent calibration it will allow is also likely to reduce the number of x-rays a patient may have to undergo.”

Digital Frame of Reference (DFOR) for precise medical imaging.

In search of a partner for commercial exploitation of the Digital Frame of Reference (DFOR). (Filed UK Patent GB2359932).

The DFOR is a graphical icon to be used where image interpretation is paramount. This new innovation allows the viewer (X-Ray departments or any clinical department that uses digital imagery) to visually determine what processing has been applied to a digital image by giving a detailed visual representation of an image, pre- and post-processing. This is achieved by providing an instantaneous comparison (on both black and white and colour images) that will indicate changes that have been made by computer algorithms, and any potential artefacts that may have been introduced.

Richard Clark, Chief Executive of MedIPeX stated: “The design is simple but incorporates all the technical aspects of an image that may be affected by digital processing. The market for this product could be as signifi cant in sectors such as forensic science, CCTV, manufacturing and QC systems where machine vision and software are routinely used for continuous quality control of components, but is critical within, for example, forensics or medicine, where these artefacts may adversely affect the interpretation or diagnosis.”

Motorised Drip Stand to reduce staff strain

A new CE marked Motorised Drip Stand, aimed at reducing the risk of back and shoulder injuries to theatre staff.

Current drip stands do not provide assistance to theatre staff in raising irrigation bags to the required height, and even mounting bags onto them can be a challenge for many theatre nurses and ODA’s, because the stands cannot be lowered to shoulder height. Such a repetitive task can lead to acute and chronic back and shoulder injuries. Because of this, and in response to the concerns of urology theatre staff, a team of engineers and technologists of the Medical Engineering Section at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffi eld, have developed the new stand that offers an ergonomic loading height. It provides a safe method to elevate drip bags where a high gravity-fed fl ow rate of fl uid delivery is required and as such could be used for other theatre procedures, subject to checking procedure requirements (it is not intended for use in central nervous system or central circulatory system operations).

Richard Clark, Chief Executive of MedIPeX Ltd, said: “Urology theatre staff were concerned at the potential risk and a simple commercial powered drip stand did not appear to exist. This innovation will increase health and safety which is clearly very important in the workplace.”

Medilink @ MEDICAMedilink is a fl ourishing UK network, which brings together in formal regional

associations, healthcare companies, hospital & community trusts and universities, to

stimulate innovation and profi table developments in healthcare technologies.

Medilink provides a wide range of international services to medical companies and

economic development organisations throughout the world.

The Medilink network can deliver international services relating to the following areas:

Agent/Distributor identifi cation, outward and inward trade missions, international

product placements, market selection, market intelligence, joint venturing & overseas


Exhibiting products and literature on the Medilink stand are: Autonomed Ltd - Waterproof

cast & bandage protectors for bathing and showering; Anetic Aid Ltd - Manufacturer

of patient trolleys, day surgery trolleys and tourniquet equipment; Uniplex (UK) Ltd

- Manufacturer & distributor of medical devices for operating theatres and sterilising

units; Lotus Pharma UK Ltd – providers of herbal, Ayurveda and nutritional products,

specially developed to naturally enhance the health of females; Spinal Products Ltd

- Manufacturer of orthopaedic & pressure relieving pillows, mattresses, back supports,

cushions etc; Rosebank Industries - Healthcare disposables, patient cleansing systems,

disinfection & soluble laundry sacks; Nidd Valley Medical Ltd - Manufacturers of Tens

machines and distributor for PALS Electrodes; Bioskin International Ltd - Natural Skin

Therapy, treating common skin disorders ie dermatitis, urticaria, eczema, psoriasis and

acne, including Latex Allergy types I and IV; Granton Ragg Ltd - Manufacturers of self

sterilisation pouches for use in steam & ETO sterilisers; Rose Plastics UK Ltd - Plastic

packaging products; Hallmark Blades - Surgical Blades & Scalpels.

MEDILINK – Stand location: 13 / B72-6

Email: Web:

For further information on MediPex or any other of the products

illustrated contact: Richard Clark, Chief Executive, MedIPex Ltd.

Tel: 0113 392 6494, Fax: 0113 392 6452,


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Bioskin International Ltd will be displaying the ‘Salcura’ Natural Skin Therapy range - aimed at the prevention and treatment of a range of skin disorders, including Latex Allergy – on the Medilink Yorkshire and Humber stand (13/B72-6) at Medica 2004.

The CE marked ‘Salcura’ range is a proven solution to skin conditions such as dermatitis, urticaria, eczema, psoriasis and acne, including Latex Allergy types I and IV, which are increasingly problematic among the medical profession (health care workers, patients in surgeries and those in various occupational groups) and the general public.

Latex Allergy is an immunological reaction to one or more of the components of the Natural Rubber Latex (NRL) found in a number of medical devices, rubber gloves and other products. The allergy can result in itching of the skin, dry skin and rashes, and can progress to a runny nose, red eyes, diffi culty in breathing, asthma attacks and even life-threatening anaphylactic shocks.

Dr Martin Schiele, Scientifi c Director at Bioskin International Ltd, said: “Up until now there has been no effective prevention and therapy for Latex Allergy (types I and IV) sufferers beyond avoidance of the material which is not always practical or possible. The Salcura Natural Skin Therapy products are proven and trusted, completely natural (free from steroids, alcohol, antibiotics, parabens and peroxides) and contain essential nutrients, minerals and oils. The oils used are natural antibacterial agents known for antiseptic properties and help maintain skin cells in a viable and healthy condition. All products are formulated with anti-itch, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Our products are the only proprietary spray treatments available today, where all the natural active and carrier ingredients are prepared in such a way that they give double action treatment for immediate relief and superior skin therapy”.

Further information available from: Dr Martin Schiele Bioskin International Ltd, Europarc Innovation Centre, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, UK, DN37 9TT: T +44 (0)1472 245 681, F +44 (0)1472 241 232, E information

Salcura range for Latex Allergy and other skin disorders will be displayed at Medica

Women in Britain with breast cancer will soon benefi t from a pioneering surgical technique developed by Professor Robert Mansel and his team at Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff University.

Professor Mansel of the University’s Department of Surgery will tomorrow (Oct. 28) launch the ‘New Start’ training programme jointly devised with the Royal College of Surgeons. The programme aims to rapidly bring the benefi ts of the new procedure to women throughout England and Wales by ensuring all surgeons are trained in the technique to a high standard.

Professor Mansel said: “The latest results of the UK ‘Almanac’ trial - to be presented in the USA in December - show that our new procedure can accurately determine whether cancer has spread to lymph nodes, and reduces the side-effects of breast surgery in around 60% of women with breast cancer. The procedure gives much lower rates of arm swelling and numbness compared with current treatments.”

The new training programme is the result of research co-ordinated by Professor Mansel and his clinical colleagues which found that it is unnecessary in two-thirds of cases to remove all the lymph nodes from under the arm when it is suspected that breast cancer has spread. The old clearance procedure itself is painful and can result in loss of arm movement and arm swelling.

The new technique developed in Cardiff after three years of research across Wales and England means that the main gland - the sentinel node - can now be traced using a small dose of radioactivity to fi nd out whether the cancer has spread. Women found not to have cancer spread, will no longer have to have such invasive surgery ‘just in case’ of cancer spread.

The ‘New Start’ training programme has been jointly devised by The Royal College of Surgeons of England and the Department of Surgery at Cardiff University, and is supported by the Department of Health and the National Assembly for Wales.

Further information: Professor Mansel Department of SurgeryWales College of Medicine Cardiff UniversityTel: 02920 42 749 Email:

Pioneering Welsh surgery delivered to hospitals


Dynamics between Disposable and Reusable Segments Affect Expansion of Disposable Drapes and Gowns Markets

The market for disposable surgical drapes and gowns in Europe has seen steady growth in the recent past owing to the high standards of infection control enforced by the new European Union Medical Device Directive (MDD) and EU regulations. While penetration rates are not as high as those in the United States, they have been increasing gradually throughout Europe.

New analysis from Frost & Sullivan (, reveals that the disposable surgical drapes and gowns industry generated revenues totalling USD 419.0 million in 2003. Total market revenues are expected to reach USD 608.1 million in 2010.

“The adoption rates of disposables vary signifi cantly among member states of the European Union due to different concerns about infection control, product usage tradition, natural resources, cost and environmental concerns,” notes Vaishnavi Ananthanarayanan, Industry Analyst at Frost & Sullivan. “While the demand for drapes and gowns remains relatively stable, the dynamics between the disposable and reusable segments is a key infl uence in the industry.”

Increasing awareness on the need for better infection control - particularly with respect to human immunodefi ciency virus (HIV), Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and hepatitis B - has drawn attention toward providing improved bacterial barriers. Due to their patient protecting properties, drapes and gowns are now considered to be medical devices that have to comply with the MDD specifi cations.

This has given non-woven technology a boost. Non-woven fabrics have excellent liquid resistance, tensile strength and hydrophobic/hydrophilic properties and are, therefore, highly suitable for surgical drapes and gowns. In the meantime, the use of traditional cotton and cotton-polyester mixed textiles has been decreasing since these fabrics fail to meet the requirements of the new standards.

The choice, then, has been reduced to single-use products and ‘high-tech’ reusable products for most healthcare purchasers. However, studies show that the microbial penetration resistance of single-use drapes and gowns is much superior to that of reusable drapes and gowns - both traditional and ‘high-tech’.

European Disposable Surgical Drapes and Gowns Markets Another factor in the reusable/disposable dynamics is pricing. Reusable drapes and gowns have a relatively higher initial cost but can be used between 50 and 100 times. Still, they involve other overhead and logistics costs such as sterilisation and laundering. Thus, when total costs are considered, the disposable products tend to prove less expensive than the reusable alternatives.

Overall, there has undoubtedly been a general trend in developed countries toward disposable products for the remarkable balance of safety and comfort they offer.

Participants in the disposable surgical drapes and gowns market need to focus on end-user education to benefi t from this trend. Providing clear product and cost benefi ts to all end users from the surgeons and staff to the infection control personnel and the purchase or procurement departments is necessary to accelerate demand.

“Maintaining good customer relations and, perhaps, partnering with custom prepared trays (CPT) companies are likely to provide a steady base against the threat of the growing CPT market,” observes Ms. Ananthanarayanan. “Viable mergers and acquisitions can also be vital to market share growth,” she adds.

The major focus for companies manufacturing and marketing disposable surgical drapes and gowns should be to achieve long-term contracts with large institutions. Along with specialisation and core competency, this would help create a strong brand name, which could potentially prevent the users reverting to reusable products.

The highly fragmented European market also calls for a strong supply chain management to help obtain regional coverage. Low levels of penetration in the European disposable drapes and gowns market have been attracting foreign companies. Domestic participants must, therefore, move quickly to take advantage of their expertise in the regional regulations, languages, buying culture and proximity of production site to grow through geographic expansion.

If you are interested in an overview providing a fi rst introduction into the European Disposable Surgical Drapes and Gowns Markets - send an email to Katja Feick - Corporate Communications - at with the following information: Full name, Company Name, Title, Contact Tel Number, Email. Upon receipt of the above information, an overview will be emailed to you.

When responding please quote ‘OTJ’

A new brochure, entitled “Understanding the European Standard EN 13795” is now available from DuPont Medical Fabrics. The new, 16-page brochure clarifi es all available requirements of the proposed new EN Standard for single use and reusable surgical gowns, drapes and clean air suits. Aimed at hospital purchasers and end-users, marketing and technical personnel at medical fabric manufacturers, garment manufacturers, post-operative infection prevention associations and healthcare providers, the brochure provides comprehensive information on the new EN Standard and its subsequent impact on the industry.

The EN13795 Standard is intended to harmonize the process of performance assessment of single use and reusable surgical gowns, drapes and clean air suits, and is expected to contribute to the prevention of post-operative infections. Its introduction will provide recognized industry-wide benchmarks for manufacturers and health care providers, and compliance with the Standard will provide peace of mind to medical professionals and patients alike. The strict testing regulations of EN 13795 will set fabric manufacturers new goals for innovation and will have signifi cant implications for garment and equipment manufacturers, in addition to the day-to-day running procedures of operating theatres.

Through easily comprehensible text, data tables and step-by-step diagrammatic and photographic illustrations, the brochure fully explains the essential requirements of EN 13795, to which there are three parts:

Part 1 defi nes for manufacturers and fabric converters the characteristics that must be evaluated for surgical gowns, drapes and clean air suits. To comply with the Standard, results from these evaluations must be provided with the product.

Part 2 describes and illustrates the proposed EN 13795 test methods. These include the evaluation of fabric’s resistance to microbial wet and dry penetration, microbial cleanliness, resistance to liquid penetration, bursting strength, tensile (fabric tear) strength and linting and cleanliness.

New brochure from DuPont clarifi es new EN13795 requirements Part 3 refers to performance requirements and performance levels applicable to the characteristics outlined in Part 1. Performance requirements and levels are still under discussion, but it is proposed that products will be divided into standard performance and high performance categories that can then be subdivided into critical and less critical product areas. High performance products will be used for surgical interventions with a high infection risk. Critical product areas are defi ned as product areas that are more likely to be involved in the transfer of infectious agents to or from the wound, such as the front or sleeves of a surgical gown.

Under the new norm, reusable or multi-patient products will have to be tested and certifi ed as fi t for use by laundries before being supplied for re-use in the operating theatre. Laundries will need to track usage and re-usage so that manufacturers recommendations for lifetime limitations are not exceeded.

DuPont welcomes the new European Standard and actively participates in its development. Striving to improve the standards for best practice in medical fabrics for the healthcare industry, DuPont is committed to excellence in every fi eld of development and production. DuPont Medical Fabrics provides a family of innovative operating room fabrics that go beyond increased protection and safety to offer improved comfort and control.

For your free copy of the DuPont brochure “Understanding the European Standard EN 13795” please contact: Stéphanie Allseits DuPont Medical Fabrics P.O. Box 50, CH-1218 LE GRAND-SACONNEX Switzerland Tel: +41 (0)22 717 5303 Fax:+41 (0)22 717 6288E-mail:

When responding please quote ‘OTJ’

The DuPont Medical Fabrics brochure clarifi es the

EN safety requirements for surgical gowns, drapes

and clean air suits.

fi nd out more 07092 097696 • e-mail Issue 170 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2004 9


For more information contact Jane Hunt on 01709 761000 email:

the heat is on forpatient warming systemsWhat if... there was a simpler way to warm patients in the operating room?What if... it was more effective than traditional air warming techniques?What if... it offered cost savings of around 80%?What if... the same system was so versatile it could also be used in the

anaesthetic room and recovery?

Maybe your existing patient warming systemdoesn’t look quite so hot...

The NHS Pension Scheme review partners have today released the fi ndings of an extensive research project carried out over the summer to establish the views and opinions of NHS employees in England and Wales regarding the NHS Pension Scheme and retirement planning.

The results of the research carried out by Mercer HR Consulting gives direction to the review which has a stated aim of ensuring the Scheme meets the needs of a modern NHS and its staff, by making benefi ts more appropriate for today’s workforce.

David Jordison, chair of the review said, “I believe the results of the research give weight to the work of the review. The report reinforces our belief that, although there is a high level of satisfaction with the NHS Pension Scheme, there is a desire to increase pensions savings and a high level of interest in greater fl exibility in how people are able to take their pension, perhaps combining this with continued working. However, the report also highlights areas of obvious concern around communication, understanding and retirement planning.”

Eddie Saville, chair of the staff side believes the research was a worthwhile activity, “I feel confi dent that the review partners will take into account in the fi nal consultations the views that have been expressed by the NHS workforce.”

Key fi ndings of the report show:

“ 96% of the survey population are currently members of the NHS Pension Scheme

“ 70% of respondents were satisfi ed with the NHS Pension Scheme

“ The NHS Pension Scheme is a big infl uence on employee retention

“ Only 4 in 10 NHS employees have a reasonably good understanding of what the Pension Scheme offers them

“ Only 40% of the total sample are confi dent that they are doing enough now to fi nancially prepare for their retirement

“ The NHS Pension Scheme is expected to be the most important source of income for 54% of NHS employees

“ 51% of current and former scheme members do not know what proportion of their fi nal salary they will receive as a monthly pension income

“ The closer people get to retirement age, the more likely they are to develop a clear expectation about their retirement age and the more likely they are to plan for a later age of retirement

“ 28% plan to retire beyond age 60 and 21% do not know what age they will retire. 37% of the sample indicate that they plan to work beyond the age at which they are eligible to retire

“ 63% of current and former scheme members are interested in the option of increasing their main monthly contribution to give them the benefi t of building up their pension more quickly

“ 67% of the total sample is interested in an option for stepping-down into retirement and 62% of the total sample are interested in an option for returning to work after retirement

More information on the review is available on the NHS Confederation website,


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A new recruitment company was launched in September this year by two of the most respected people in the medical recruitment business.

Tina Young and Sam Kirkham have spent more than 20 highly successful years in recruitment, 18 specialising in healthcare sales, marketing and technical support.

This expert market knowledge and honest, professional approach has led to amazing success since the company’s launch in September this year.

“We would really like to thank all our clients for their support and the faith that they have put in us since our launch earlier this year. We were completely blown away by the amazing reception the news of the launch of our own company received, including some clients sending cards and gifts in our fi rst week to wish us well” commented Tina Young, one of the Directors.

Exhibiting at the NATN conference in only their second month was part of their launch programme and proved highly successful for the team.

Fellow Director Sam Kirkham adds “ Attending NATN this year was an important strategy for us and it was fantastic to catch up with clients old and new at this meeting – I don’t think we’ve ever been so busy in all the years we have been attending the exhibition – it was amazing!”

With over one hundred positions registered from Blue Chip clients to smaller, specialist organisations with Kirkham Young in the fi rst month alone, this company is going from strength to strength.

Sam & Tina’s approach is clear - “We pride ourselves on going the “extra mile” for candidates and clients alike, and believe that this attitude, coupled with an unrivalled history and reputation within the market, will enable us to build on an already phenomenal start!”

So whether you are looking to recruit high calibre staff for your company, are searching for your next career move, or would simply like to catch up with Tina or Sam, You Should Talk to the Specialists – Kirkham Young!

For more information contact:Sam Kirkham Kirkham Young Ltd Tel: 0870 787

A lot to celebrate!

4th October 2004, Edinburgh - Representing a new era of medical devices that may help to reduce the risk of complications associated with surgery, Coated VICRYL* Plus Antibacterial (Polyglactin 910) Suture was launched in Europe today. As the fi rst and only antibacterial suture VICRYL* Plus signifi es a breakthrough in wound closure technology. VICRYL* Plus Suture is sold by ETHICON Products, a division of JOHNSON & JOHNSON MEDICAL LTD.

Designed to prevent bacterial colonisation on the suture, VICRYL* Plus Suture incorporates the antibacterial agent IRGACARE* MP, which is known to be effective against the bacteria that cause the majority of surgical site infections (SSIs) including: staphylococcus aureus, staphylococcus epidermidis and methicillin-resistant strains of staphylococcus (MRSA and MRSE)(1,2). Preventing colonisation of these microorganisms on the suture removes one of the contributing factors for infection. Neutralising the suture in this way may contribute to a safer surgical environment.

Professor Eugene Faist, Department of Surgery, Ludgwig-Maximilians Universität, Munich comments, “Typically when preparing for surgery, every possible precaution is taken to protect patients against bacterial contamination, such as scrubbing, antimicrobial skin preparations and prophylactic antibiotics. The regulatory approval of VICRYL* Plus Suture provides surgeons with a signifi cant new tool to fi ght bacterial contamination locally, right at the site of incision. This represents a major improvement in suture technology that holds the promise of making surgery safer for all.”

Hospital acquired infections are of growing concern in Europe, with SSIs being a serious risk for the 30 million European surgical patients each year.(3) With a 2-4 percent rate of infection, approximately 900,000 SSIs occur annually (4, 5, 6) and are estimated to cost European health care systems more than 2.5 billion euros per year.(7)

Professor David Leaper, Professor of Surgery, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne reports, “SSIs represent a much bigger issue than the data would suggest and are often masked through lack of awareness, inadequate resources and shorter hospital stays. Increased infectious complications can result in reduced quality of life for patients and may require additional use of medical and therapeutic resources, including antibiotics. All of these factors have a signifi cant impact on patients and hospitals and represent an economic burden for healthcare systems. The availability of a new device aimed at tackling this major problem, such as VICRYL* Plus Suture, may prove benefi cial in reducing the impact of SSIs.”

References : 1. Rothenburger S, Spangler D, Bhende S, Burkley D. In vitro Antibacterial Evaluation of Coated VICRYL* Plus Antibacterial Suture Using Zone of Inhibition Assays. Surg Infect 2002; 3(suppl 1): S79-S87 2. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology: Guideline for Prevention of Surgical Site Infection, 1999 3. Data on File 4. Emmerson AM, Enstone JE, Griffi n M et al. J Hosp Infect 1996; 32:175-90 5. Gastmeier P, et al. J Hosp Infect. 1998 Jan; 38(1):37-49 6. Thibon P, et al. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2002 Jul;23(7):368-71 7. Plowman R, Graves N, Griffi n MAS et al. J Hosp Infect 2001; 47:198-209 8. Barbolt TA. Chemistry and Safety of Triclosan, and its Use as an Antibacterial Coating on Coated VICRYL Plus Antibacterial Suture (Coated Polyglactin 910 Suture with Triclosan); Surg Infect 2002; 3 (suppl 1):S46-S52 9. Jones RD, et al. Triclosan: a review of effectiveness and safety in health care

settings. Am J Infect Control 2000 April: 28(2): 18496

For more information about ETHICON Products, visit or contact: Lucinda Ladbrook ETHICON Products Tel: 0131 442 5361 Email:

ETHICON Products announces the European launch of VICRYL* Plus, the fi rst ever antibacterial suture

Maximum electrical contact with new Cadence™ multi-function defi brillation electrodes from Tyco Healthcare

The Critical Care Division of Tyco Healthcare is a leading manufacturer and supplier of specialised critical care products. It now introduces the innovative Medi-Trace Cadence defi brillation electrodes, which are designed to provide maximum adhesion and electrical contact with a conductive adhesive hydrogel.

Cadence electrodes employ gradient technology, so that the silver/silver chloride composition enables a more uniform distribution of current under the electrode during defi brillation, thereby avoiding ‘hot spots’ and potential skin trauma. Importantly too, Cadence clearly demonstrates superior radiotransparency in comparison with some other electrodes at normal x-ray levels.

Additionally Cadence electrodes are user-friendly, with colour coded packaging and clear placement diagrams. The latex free foam substrate conforms easily to body contours and is available in both paediatric and adult formats. They connect directly to defi brillator cables without the need for special adapters, and conveniently can be used with OEM equipment, as well as biphasic defi brillators.

Why not fi nd out more information on Cadence multi-function defi brillation electrodes by telephoning Tyco Healthcare Marketing on 01329 224306 Alternatively, send for the illustrated datasheet, which gives details of the range, specifi cation and colour-coded packaging.

Tyco Healthcare: You may not know everything we make, but everything we make is critical. Please Quote ‘OTJ’

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A new type of full access under-body warming blanket about to be introduced into Britain is set to be especially well received by surgeons, A&E staff and patients, predicts its UK supplier. This new range of convectional warming blankets was launched at the National Association of Theatre Nurses conference in Harrogate.

Kevin Robinson, Temperature Management Product Manager, at the specialist medical supplies company Actamed, who market the Bair Hugger range of temperature management products in UK, said: “the new full access under-body range have been well received in the US and other European countries, where they have already been launched, especially where requiring full access to the patient, would have previously resulted in no blanket being used”.

Mr Robinson said: “As the blanket is generally placed under the conscious patient, pre-operative warming can be carried out during the induction of anaesthesia and continued on intra-operatively”

“Staff in the emergency and diagnostic departments (radiology, cardiac catheterisation) have been quick to take advantage of the blanket’s ability to provide full access to the patient without compromising the blankets ability to create a warm microenvironment preventing hypothermia which has been clinically proven to be detrimental to the patient”. “Making the range of blankets suitable for the surgical, diagnostic and traumatised patient”.

The new full access blanket range consists of a small and large paediatric blanket and two adult blankets, one the 635 which will allow an adult patient to be positioned in the supine, lateral or prone positions, will be launched later in 2004.

Mr Robinson said: “I don’t usually make predictions, but the new Bair Hugger blanket’s ability to provide full patient access to the clinical team, without compromising its already proven therapeutic benefi ts, makes me confi dent of predicting that it will become a standard item of equipment in most theatres, A&E and diagnostic areas throughout the UK before too long.”

For further details contact: ActamedTel: 01924 200550, E-mail:, Web:


To complement its novel Sporicidal Wipes for the decontamination of non-lumened medical instruments, the Tristel Company has launched Pre-Clean Wipes and Rinse Wipes. Each wipe, whether for pre-cleaning, disinfecting or rinsing, is supplied in an individual sachet and is suitable for use in hospitals, GP practices,

dental practices and veterinary clinics. Although primarily intended for use in conjunction with Tristel Sporicidal

Wipes, the Pre-Clean and Rinse Wipes may be used alone and in other applications. When combined with the Tristel/HealthEdge quality audit trail, a complete decontamination system is provided. This will be particularly useful where a water supply or sink facilities are not available and automated washer-disinfectors are inaccessible.

Since their launch last year, Tristel Sporicidal Wipes have been widely adopted and are proving especially useful for the decontamination of ENT fl exible endoscopes and ultrasound probes. The wipes incorporate Tristel’s patented chlorine dioxide technology and can kill all organisms on a pre-cleaned surface with a contact time of only 30 seconds.

As their names imply, the new Pre-Clean Wipes are intended for use in the fi rst ‘pre-cleaning’ step of the decontamination process, while sterile Rinse Wipes are for use in the fi nal ‘rinse’ step. Each type of wipe has been specially formulated for optimal performance. The Pre-Clean Wipes, for example, have been impregnated with a low-foaming surfactant system combined with triple enzymes to produce an ultra-low surface tension for rapid and thorough cleaning prior to high-level disinfection/sterilisation. The Rinse Wipes have been impregnated with de-ionised water and a low-level antioxidant to remove and neutralise any chemical residues remaining after use of the Tristel Sporicidal Wipe.

The Tristel/Health Edge traceability system provides users with a concise, easy-to-follow method of documentation to ensure the full traceability of every wipe’s use. The Tristel Sporicidal Wipe carries a unique set of traceability labels that users can peel off and affi x to patient notes and also to the Quality Audit Trail record book. In addition to providing evidence to indicate the correct activation and use of every wipe, the record book prompts users to specify details of the instrument being decontaminated, as well as the pre-cleaning and rinsing procedures, and the instrument’s next destination.

For further information about Tristel Sporicidal Wipes and sterilising solutions, visit or call +44 (0) 1638 721500.

Pre-Clean and Rinse Wipes complete Tristel’s decontamination Package

Healthline Products Ltd is a major supplier to the UK National Health Service of a wide range of quality-assured latex, vinyl and synthetic gloves. Among its most recently launched products is the CISION gel-coated latex surgeons glove range, giving users the option of superior donnability and easy double-gloving. To support CISION, the company has appointed a new Clinical Specialist, who will have a special focus on this advanced glove offering.

Based in Stockton-on-Tees, Richard Fenton is the new post holder, with particular responsibility for the North of the UK. Richard trained as a nurse and qualifi ed while working at the Manor Hospital, Walsall. Over a 12-year career he rose to a Nurse Manager position at the City Hospital, Birmingham, before moving to Yorkshire.

After moving North and for some two years prior to joining Healthline Products, Richard had considered putting his work skills to the test in a different environment. Selling was one option open to him, and when the opportunity arose within Healthline, with its unique challenges, he was interested.

Richard Fenton has brought adaptability to his role and an immediacy of contacts borne out of his Scrub Nursing days. To date he has found his training and induction very much to his liking, and the company fi eld support very helpful and comprehensive.

Healthline Products: Advanced solutions for stringent medical procedures.

Healthline can be contacted at:Tel: 01234 244100


Healthline appoints Clinical Specialist for its

CISION® gel-coated gloves

A patient is prepared for surgery using a

Bair Hugger “Full Access” under blanket

Please quote ‘OTJ’

Tristel wipes

Please quote ‘OTJ’


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the design and


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Brand-Conscious Customers Necessitate Robust Supply Chain Management in Custom Procedure Tray Markets

End users such as surgeons and operating room (OR) staff are very brand conscious, and the inability of custom procedure tray (CPT) vendors to provide a desired brand may result in loss of business and inability to maintain healthy customer relations. Market participants have to give signifi cant attention to purchasing and supply chain management at both strategic and operational levels.

To provide the desired components, CPT companies should either have their own product range or the ability to establish relationships with appropriate suppliers. This is especially important since end users in this market are loyal to products such as drapes and gowns, and even to seemingly commodity products such as needles and plasters.

“The range of products contained within the CPT can be diverse and depend on the type of operation being undertaken,” says Vaishnavi Ananthanarayanan, Research Analyst at Frost & Sullivan ( “Product suppliers need to assess their future distribution channel plans. Creative strategies such as developing alliances with former competitors or providing additional services may also be considered.”

Organisations that provide sterilisation services to hospitals on an outsourced basis also have enormous potential for growth in the CPT market. To complement their existing reusable medical instruments, these companies are considering the introduction of single-use CPTs to enhance their product ranges.

The USD 154.9 million market is developing at different rates across Europe. Increasingly sophisticated approaches to hospital management, reduced supply base/overheads, growing concerns about infection control and the spread of dangerous diseases are major factors that are driving the adoption of CPTs by hospitals. The intensifying need for convenience, speed and reliability in terms of the medical disposables used for surgery has also boosted product uptake.Many hospitals in Europe do not recognise the increased value of CPTs.

However, they are aware that the initial cost of CPTs is up to 20 per cent more than that of individual sterile components. CPT companies need to understand the many fi nancial, organisational and cultural reasons affecting the purchasing decision for these products.

“Complete customisation and optimisation of resources would be the propulsion factors for the CPT markets in future,” notes Ms. Ananthanarayanan. “The hospital authorities as well as the surgical staff should be made aware of the benefi ts of CPT. The acceptance has increased to a great extent as CPTs offer complete choice to end-users, thus giving more fl exibility and optimizing the use of skilled staff and infrastructure.”

By promoting these advantages, the market is likely to witness greater appreciation for CPTs. However, the approach to CPT adoption in Europe tends to be more cautious than that in the United States because of the prevalent lower health expenditure proportion of GDP than that existing in the United States.

If the market achieves its potential, it would have grown signifi cantly in both size and revenue to touch USD 1,484.9 million at a compound annual growth rate of 32.8 per cent over 2003-2010. Countries such as France and Belgium, having slightly higher rates of surgery per capita than other regions such as Spain and Italy, present considerable scope for development.

Among market sectors, OR CPT is likely to show the maximum growth, followed by angiography and ophthalmology. The OR segment is the least penetrated, and therefore, is expected to bring in greater revenue in the long term, unlike the mature angiography sector.

Title: European Custom Procedure Tray Markets Code: B371

Further information: Katja Feick Corporate CommunicationsTel:0207 915 7856 E-mail::

List of industry participants: 3M, Alcon, Allergan, Angiokard, B. Braun, Bausch & Lomb, Becton Dickinson, Beldico, Caledonian Medical, Cardinal Health, Cemed, Cordis, Corneal, DeRoyal, Domilens, Kimal, Kimberly Clark, Lohmann & Rauscher, Medex Medical, Medica Europe (Maxxim Medical), Medtronic, Mölnlycke, Paul Hartmann, Pennine Healthcare, PVB, Rocialle, Sengewald, Vygon.

European Custom Procedure Tray Markets


World leader Respironics Inc. acquires UK expertise in sleep and respiratory markets

Profi le Therapeutics plc has become a subsidiary of one of the largest medical device companies in the worldwide respiratory market, US-based Respironics Inc. Already renowned as an established and innovative leader in its fi eld, Profi le will now play a vital role in a global strategy that promises to deliver huge benefi ts for respiratory patients in the future.

Whilst visiting the Bognor Regis-based operation recently John Miclot, president and CEO of US-based Respironics, said: “Our strategy is to expand our presence in the global sleep and respiratory markets. We have enjoyed a 15 year relationship with Profi le and its advanced technologies for respiratory drug delivery made it an excellent choice to enhance the breadth of our products and services.”

Profi le has been developing and providing specialist inhaled therapies for more than 25 years. Its proven track record and the new Respironics’ backing will accelerate the development of innovations and support the organisation’s ongoing commitment to improving the lives of respiratory patients.

Respironics is a leading developer, manufacturer and distributor of innovative products and programmes that serve the global sleep and respiratory markets. The company is committed to providing valued solutions to help improve outcomes for patients, clinicians and healthcare providers. With more than 3,200 employees, Respironics markets its products in over 125 countries worldwide.

For further information please contact: Customer Service Profi le Respiratory Systems, Heath Place, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, PO22 9SLTel: 0870 770 3436 Fax: 0870 770 3437E-mail: customer.service@profi lehs.comwww.profi

From left to right: Pete Strange (Customer

Services Manager), Jim Moylan (MD) and

John Miclot (President and CEO of US-

based Respironics)

When responding to articles please quote ‘OTJ’

Gambro boosts CleanCart® Concept as part of the Hygienic Chain

Gambro Hospal Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Gambro AB, is emphasising that its CleanCart cartridge concept makes it possible to perform a heat disinfection in combination with a decalcifi cation or cleaning, in both a simple and safe way.

As a result of using Clean Cart for the maintenance and disinfection of a dialysis machine,

� nobody is exposed to concentrated chlorine or strong acids

� nobody risks developing intolerance or allergic reactions

� the environment is kept cleaner from much reduced pollution.

This disinfection concept is designed to ensure safety at work and respect environmental challenges. It is easy to use, effi cient and offers economical savings.

CleanCart cartridges only weigh 50gm and enable online production of the solution from a dry powder comprising sodium carbonate (CleanCart A) or citric acid (CleanCart C). Subsequently, the machine performs a thorough disinfection in combination with a decalcifi er or cleaner. There are no heavy canisters, no mixing requirements, no spillage potential, nor unpleasant odours. There is no need for residual testing and on completion of the cleansing, the cartridges can be safely discarded.

CleanCart cartridges are light, compact and demanding of much less storage space than conventional liquid disinfectants. Why not fi nd out more, or request a brochure, from Gambro Hospal,by telephoning 01480 444000. Please Quote ‘OTJ’

When responding to articles please quote ‘OTJ’

fi nd out more 07092 097696 • e-mail Issue 170 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2004 15


H.A.C Technical Gas Services have carried out a 5 year study on the condition of Anaesthetic Gas Scavenging (A.G.S)

Systems around the country and found that not all the systems are operating as they should or seem to be.

Although medical gas service engineers are carrying out their duties to set schedules and specifications regarding the flow rates found at the terminal units in theatres and other locations, they do not always carry the correct equipment for testing the level of suction being created in the pipeline by the A.G.S. plant.

Upon inspection it was found that A.G.S plants was achieving in excess of the BS6834 recommended maximum of 20Kpa negative pressure. The result is excessive suction levels being created. During the studies, readings of up to 40Kpa were taken at theatre outlet points.

Operating with excessive negative pressure can cause not only damage to anaesthesia equipment but also the premature burnout of the A.G.S pumping system.

H.A.C Technical Gas Services recommend that all A.G.S. systems should be re-commissioned on an annual basis to avoid the risk of incidents taking place that may have adverse affects on patients and the unnecessary expense of early plant replacement adding to the hospitals budgetary problems. If you believe you may have an existing problem or would like reassurance regarding your A.G.S. system please contact Paul Henton on 01909 567 401


e-mail for a no obligatory quote.

Anaesthetic Gas ScavengingReceiving System



Expansion at Fukuda Denshi sees new Rep in the Northwest

Fukuda Denshi is a leading supplier of advanced patient monitoring and clinical information management systems, which are extremely well received in the UK. As a result of continuing sales success and growth, Managing Director Terry Rickwood has decided to appoint an additional Representative (Monitoring Specialist) to provide enhanced fi eld support.

Chris Ramsey was appointed at the beginning of August 2004, to cover the Northwest, from his home base near Liverpool. Chris has extensive experience of the Health Service, where he gained qualifi cations in general nursing. He has subsequently enjoyed a successful sales career spanning 20 years.

Chris Ramsey brings to Fukuda Denshi some relevant cardiac monitoring experience, as well as familiarity with trauma products, infusion pumps and ophthalmics.

Commenting on his appointment, Chris was quick to say how much he identifi ed with the Fukuda Denshi philosophy and the positive environment that had been created by a dedicated team enjoying deserved success in the competitive patient monitoring fi eld.

Fukuda Denshi: Healthcare bound by technology.

For further information, please contact: FUKUDA DENSHI UK13 WESTMINSTER COURT, HIPLEY ST, OLD WOKING, SURREY, GU22 9LG, ENGLAND. Tel: 01483-728 065 Fax: 01483-728 066 E mail: Service @ Please Quote ‘OTJ’


MAX GREEN SYSTEM BLADESPROACT Medical offers you an amazing disposable green system laryngoscope blade at an amazing price. Our Metal MaxTM Green System 90 blade features an economical plastic block but has the strength of metal through the critical hook-on area. The blade is super strong and rigid and also has a correctly formed tip with no sharp edges. The high quality plastic optics gives a cold bright light. A box of 10 Metal Max GS90 is priced at a very competitive £44.50

PROACT now also provides the answer for people wanting a Fibre Optic ISO 7376/3 laryngoscope handle which offers a fl exible and comprehensive protection from cross infection.

The “Duo” Handle is a unique system where an inner reusable battery and xenon lamp holder can be attached to either a reusable or disposable knurled metal outer handle sleeve. The reusable sleeve is fully autoclavable and may be replaced by lower cost disposable metal sleeves should the user require it - offering a choice between a disposable or reusable handle, without compromising the feel or performance.

The disposable option dramatically reduces the risk of cross infection and there’s no issue of a sterile shelf life as sleeves are supplied clean. Priced at £26.00 for the Reusable Xenon Lamp holder, £13 for a Reusable Sleeve and £39.00 for a box of 10 Disposable Sleeves, PROACT offers a no compromise, fl exible and cost effective solution for users of ISO 7376/3 Fibre Optic type Laryngoscopes. When responding to articles please quote ‘OTJ’


For further information on the SOLUS laryngeal airway

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