The New Light of Myanmar 20-01-2010

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Daily English Newspaper of Myanmar


Established 1914

Volume XVII, Number 279 6th Waxing of Tabodwe 1371 ME Wednesday, 20 January, 2010

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-round devel-opment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system* Development of the economy inviting participation in terms

of technical know-how and investments from sources insidethe country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept inthe hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of theentire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integrity andpreservation and safeguarding of culturalheritage and national character

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peaceand tranquillity, prevalence of law andorder

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State Con-

stitution* Building of a new modern developed nation

in accord with the new State Constitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives

— For all national races to uphold thenational policy—non-disintegrationof the Union, non-disintegration ofnational solidarity, and perpetuationof sovereignty

— To boost the sense of Union Spirit ofthe national people

— To defend and safeguard the Unionwith consolidated unity of all nationalraces against dangers posed to dis-rupt State stability and developmentby internal and external subversives

— For all national races to work harderto build a modern, developed, disci-pline-flourishing democratic nationin line with the State Constitutionapproved with the great majority ofthe ballot

— For all national races to make con-certed efforts for successful accom-plishment of the seven-step Road Map

63rd Anniversary Union Day Objectives

NAY PYI TAW, 19 Jan—A meeting took place atthe State Peace and Development Council Officehere this afternoon to coordinate holding of the 63rdAnniversary Union Day (2010).

Chairman of the Central Committee for Organ-izing the 63rd Anniversary Union Day Secretary-1 ofthe State Peace and Development Council GeneralThiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo in his address saidthat the 63rd Anniversary Union Day celebration willbe held in line with the five objectives:1. For all national races to uphold the national

policy—non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity, and per-petuation of sovereignty

2. To boost the sense of Union Spirit of thenational people

3. To defend and safeguard the Union with con-solidated unity of all national races againstdangers posed to disrupt State stability anddevelopment by internal and externalsubversives

4. For all national races to work harder to build amodern, developed, discipline-flourishingdemocratic nation in line with the State Con-stitution approved with the great majority of

63rd AnniversaryUnion Day to be celebrated

on a grand scalethe ballot

5. For all national races to make concerted effortsfor successful accomplishment of the seven-step Road MapUnion Day commemorative ceremonies are

held on a grand scale with the aim of portraying thefine tradition of regaining the State’s independenceand sovereignty with the might of consolidated na-tional unity, and enhancing the people’s sense ofUnion Spirit.

He called on the Central Committee, the Man-agement Committee, and subcommittees for Organ-izing Union Day to deal with the tasks to achieve thegoal.

Chairman of the Management Committee Com-mander of Nay Pyi Taw Command Maj-Gen Wai Lwingave an account of arrangements for the celebration.

The attendees reported on Union Day messageand celebration, fixing the numbers of Union Daydelegates, and delegates to Union Day dinner andreception, traditional dances of national races andmodern music entertainment at the dinner, and excur-sions for Union Day delegates.

The Secretary-1 gave concluding remarks.MNA

Secretary-1 General Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo addresses coordination meeting of Central Committee for Organizingthe 63rd Anniversary Union Day.—MNA

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 January, 2010

Wednesday, 20 January, 2010


Build new roads andbridges for speedy regionaldevelopment

* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s Desire

Good transport is the key to regionaldevelopment. Northern regions of Myanmar,due to their topography, are difficult of access.Therefore, development infrastructures arenow being built the length and breadth of theUnion.

New roads and bridges are beingconstructed in every region of the country andKachin State is no exception. In Kachin State,the Mandalay-Tagaung-Bhamo motor roadhas been built. The Ayeyawady river-crossingbridge (Sinkhan) is being constructed nearSinkhan village in Bhamo Township andconstruction of the Katha-Bhamo railroad isunder way. Katha, Shwegu, Mansi and Bhamotownships are going to be linked. Commoditieswill be able to be shipped direct from Mandalayto Bhamo by train.

The Nankwae Creek Bridge on theMyitkyina-Namtee (Tanai) motor road, whichcontributes to good transport in northern partsof Myanmar, was opened on 15 January. Thebridge is of broad crest type, 262 feet long andcan withstand 60-ton loads. It will facilitatethe transportation of passengers and goods inthe region.

As the region is mountainous and hasnumerous valleys, river- and creek-crossingbridges have to be constructed on motor roadsand railroads being built. With improvementin road, rail, water and air transport, nationalbrethren will be able to travel from one regionto another easily and speedily, thus increasingcontacts and relations among them andcementing national unity.

As the government places specialemphasis on speedy development of all regionswhere various national races live, it is buildingnetworks of motor roads, railroads andbridges. With easy and smooth transport,various regions will enjoy speedy development.Therefore, we would like to call on all thoseresponsible to make sure that all constructionprojects meet the required standards and arecompleted in time.

NAY PYI TAW, 19Jan—Minister for ForeignAffairs U Nyan Winattended the 4th ForeignMinisters’ Meeting of theForum for East Asia-LatinAmerica Cooperation(FEALAC) held inTokyo, Japan, from 16 to17 January.

The meeting wasattended by 34 FEALACmember countries.

The opening sessionheld on 16 Januaryfocused on globalfinancial and economiccrisis and sustaineddevelopment includingenvironmental protection,climate change and socialinclusion.

In his statement,Minister U Nyan Winnoted that developingcountries suffer most thenegative consequencesof environmentaldegradation although theenvironmental hazardand climate change aremainly caused by theindustrialized countries,calling on industrializedcountries to increase

NAY PYI TAW, 19 Jan—Minister for RailTransportation Maj-Gen Aung Min inspected the 225-acre salt farm of U Kyi Win in front of ThamanseikVillage, Kawa Township, Bago Division, on 17January.

The salt entrepreneur gave an account of the

Foreign Minister attends 4th FEALAC ForeignMinisters’ Meeting

assistance to thedeveloping countries fortheir economicdevelopment and envi-ronmental conservation.

He attended theretreat style session, thereception hosted byJapanese Foreign AffairsMinister Mr KatsuyaOkada in honour of theheads of delegation on 16January, and the dialoguesession with theInternational Financial

Institutions on 17January, which adoptedits Tokyo Declarationand two decisions on theSub-Group of Tourism ofFEALAC and on Bi-Regional Centre for theDevelopment of SMEs;and approved theadmission of Mongoliaas its 34th member.

He exchanged viewson matters of mutualinterest in meeting withDeputy Prime Minister

and Minister of ForeignAffairs and InternationalCooperation of CambodiaMr Hor Namhong on 16January, and Vice ForeignMinister of BrazilAmbassador RobertoJaguaribe and ForeignMinister of Japan MrKatsuya Okada on 17January. He also attendedSenior Officials Meetingof the FEALAC held on14 and 15 January.


2000-acre salt farm under reclamation in Kawa Tsp

programme to reclaim 2000-acre of sun-baked saltfarm. The minister called for boosting production ofsalt and completion of work on schedule.

The minister inspected the 11.5-mile Thakkala-Thayetgon-Ayemon inter-village earth road atThakkala Village in Kawa Township.—MNA

Donation ceremonypostponed to 24 Jan

YANGON, 19 Jan—A ceremony to donate land,buildings, trust funds, media aids and publications toself-reliant libraries at No. 2 Basic Education HighSchool in Sangyoung Township, in Yangon Divisionhas been postponed to 24 January instead of 23 January.Well-wishers may make donations at Yangon DivisionPeace and Development Council (Ph: 370507) and atthe office of Information and Public RelationsDepartment, Yangon, No 22/24, Pansodan Street,Yangon (Ph: 371339).—MNA

Minister U Nyan Win discussing with other participants in


Minister Maj-Gen Aung Min views salt farm of U Kyi Win in Thamanseik Village, KawaTownship of Bago Division.—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 January, 2010 3

Some evacuations lifted in Califas storm tapers

Workers gather around a large tree on the roof a home in Corona del Mar,Calif on Monday afternoon 18 Jan, 2010. Forecasters said storms lastingthrough at least Friday could drop 20 inches of rain inland and 8 inches

along the coast and in the valleys of Southern California.—INTERNET

LA CANADA FLIN-TRIDGE, 19 Jan — Aheavy rainstorm thatpounded Southern Cali-fornia’s wildfire-scarredfoothills with heavy rainmoved on without caus-ing major damage onMonday, but not beforeprompting evacuations,cutting power to thou-sands and forcing evenDisneyland to close sev-eral hours early.

Skies were expectedto clear on Tuesday,giving Californians abrief respite before thenext of three back-to-back storms was ex-

pected to sweep into theregion later in the day.

Rainfall totals rangedfrom 1 to 3 inches alongthe coast and in the val-leys, and from 3 to 6inches in the mountain ar-eas, said Bill Hoffer,spokesman for the Na-tional Weather Service inOxnard. Forecasters saidstorms lasting through onFriday could drop a totalof 20 inches of rain onSouthern California.

Authorities orderednearly 200 homes evacu-ated or put on alert infoothill communities justbelow areas devastated

by the massive Stationwildfire, which charredmore than 250 squaremiles of the Angeles Na-tional Forest in August.More than 100 homes re-mained evacuated or onalert in La CanadaFlintridge on Mondaynight.

Authorities evacuated83 homes about sevenmiles away in Los Ange-les’ San Fernando Moun-tain foothills for part ofthe day, but invited mostof those residents to re-turn in the evening afterthe storm had passed.


Indian minister slams UN body onglacier research

Kabul on high alert afterbrazen Taleban strikes

KABUL, 19 Jan — The Afghan capital was on high alerton Tuesday after one of the most dramatic attacks on Ka-bul since the hardline Islamist Taleban were thrown frompower more than nine years ago.

The authorities are likely to face questions about howthe militants were able to penetrate the highly-fortifiedheart of Kabul, although top US and NATO officials hailedlocal security forces for their defence of the capital.

Taleban gunmen and suicide bombers launched aseries of attacks on Monday on commercial and gov-ernment buildings and fought running gun battles withsecurity forces, leaving five people dead and sendingresidents fleeing. —Internet

The Everest mountain range is seen from a plane. India’s EnvironmentMinister slammed the UN’s top climate body in comments published on

Tuesday, claiming its doomsday warning about Himalayan glaciers was notbased on “scientific evidence.—INTERNET

NEW DELHI, 19 Jan —India’s Environment Min-ister slammed the UN’s topclimate body in commentspublished on Tuesday,claiming its doomsdaywarning about Himalayanglaciers was not based on“scientific evidence.”

The controversy fo-cuses on a reference in theIntergovernmental Panelon Climate Change’s(IPCC) landmark 2007 re-port that said the chancesof Himalayan glaciers“disappearing by the year2035 and perhaps sooner isvery high.”

“The IPCC claim thatglaciers will vanish by2035 was not based on aniota of scientific evidence,”

minister Jairam Rameshtold the Hindustan Times.

“The IPCC has to do alot of answering on how itreached the 2035 figure,which created such ascare.”

On Monday, the IPCC’schairman, RajendraPachauri, told AFP that thepanel would review the2035 figure.

Ramesh said he felt“vindicated” after repeat-edly challenging theIPCC’s work on glaciers.He believes there is no“conclusive scientific evi-dence” linking globalwarming to the melting ofglaciers.

In November, Rameshbacked a study by Indian

scientists which supportedhis view, promptingPachauri to label his sup-port “arrogant.”

The Nobel-winningIPCC is already under at-tack over hacked email ex-changes which skeptics sayreflected attempts to skewthe evidence for globalwarming.—Internet

Iraqis authorize government to sueBlackwater

BAGHDAD, 19 Jan — Iraq’s government has started collecting signatures for aclass-action lawsuit from victims who were wounded or lost family in incidentsinvolving the US private security firm formerly known as Blackwater.

The head of the Prime Minister’s legal consultation office said on Monday thegovernment will seek compensation for a string of incidents, including the 2007killing of 17 civilians in Nisoor Square.

The official, Fadhil Mohammed Jawad, says there is no deadline to receive theauthorizations. He refused to give a date for the lawsuit.

On 31 Dec, a US federal judge threw out criminal charges against the com-pany, now known as Xe Services, regarding the Nisoor Square killings, citingmistakes by prosecutors.—Internet

Gunmen killfive people atBaghdad aid

officeBAGHDAD, 19 Jan —

Officials said gunmenbroke into the office of anIraqi humanitarian organi-zation in Baghdad onMonday and killed fiveemployees.

The attackers also leftbehind a bomb, which ex-ploded later when securityforces arrived at the scene,according to an InteriorMinistry official and apolice officer who de-scribed the attack.

They said the blast inthe mainly SunniAzamiyah neighbourhoodin northern Baghdadwounded two members ofIraqi security forces. Theofficials spoke on condi-tion of anonymity becausethey were not authorizedto release details of the at-tack.

Security forces sealedoff the area shortly afterthe shooting, which oc-curred around 2:30 pm,witnesses said. Four menand one woman employedby the Mawteni charitywere shot dead, policesaid.—Internet

A man, whosays he was

wounded by USsecurity firmBlackwater,

listens to a newsconference heldby Iraqi govern-

ment spokes-man Ali al-Dabbagh in

Baghdad on 18January, 2010.


Malaysia says US wrong towarn of Borneo threat

KUALA LUMPUR, 19 Jan — Malaysia’s governmenthas urged the United States to review what it called amisleading travel advisory warning of possible attackson foreigners on Borneo Island.

The US warned its citizens last week that criminaland terrorist groups could be plotting attacks in Ma-laysia’s eastern Sabah state in Borneo. The alert urgedAmericans to “avoid or use extreme caution” especiallywhen travelling to remote island resorts in Sabah.


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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 January, 2010

Two holidaymakers onthe beach in Miami

Beach, Florida. Inter-national tourist arrivalsshould recover stronglyin 2010 after the globalcrisis and the swine flu

pandemic produced“one of the most diffi-

cult years” for thesector, the UN World

Tourism Organizationsaid.—INTERNET

BEIJING, 19 Jan—Oneyear after US PresidentBarack Obama was swornin, the world’s largesteconomy has shown en-couraging signs of recov-ery, a sharp contrast fromwhat the President de-scribed in his inauguralspeech last January.

“Homes have beenlost, jobs shed, businessesshuttered,” he said then.

Despite the weakeningjob figures — unemploy-ment in the US is roughly10 percent — American

MADRID, 19 Jan—Glo-bal tourism is set to re-bound in 2010 after theeconomic crisis and theswine flu pandemic pro-duced “one of the mostdifficult years” for thesector, the UN WorldTourism Organisation.

BEIJING, 19 Jan—New-energy vehicle and batterymanufacturer BYD Auto-mobile Co said on Mon-day that it has won ap-proval to produce the e6,its first pure electric car, inthe country. A BYD offi-cial said the e6 acceleratedthe auto maker’s new-en-ergy vehicle strategy andwill help domestic carmakers compete againstinternational rivals.

China-based BYD,backed by billionaire War-

BYD Auto’s e6 is presented during the 2010 North American InternationalAuto Show (NAIAS) at Cobo centre in Detroit, Michigan, USA,

on 11 Jan, 2010.—XINHUA

US economy begins to recoverbut jobless rate still high

GDP growth is expectedto stabilize this year andthe worst is past, someanalysts said.

“This recession is verylikely to have concludedin the third quarter of2009 although it is up tothe US National Bureauof Economic Research todecided when the eco-nomy has bottomed out,”said investment bankNomura International in arecent report. PeterCardillo, chief marketeconomist at Avalon Part-

ners, said recently that USGDP growth could reach3 percent this year. Manyother economists forecastthat it would be about 2.5percent year-on-year.

Obama has claimedcredit for this improve-ment, arguing that his$787 billion stimuluspackage helped right theeconomy.

“We can see clearlynow that the steps my ad-ministration is taking aremaking a difference,blunting the worst of thisrecession and helping tobring about its conclu-sion”, Obama said in lateOctober.

But significant chal-lenges remain, and not alleconomists are convincedthat Obama’s efforts havehelped.—Internet

World tourism to reboundfrom crisis in 2010

SEOUL, 19 Jan—South Korea’s POSCO said onTuesday US investor Warren Buffett, whose invest-ment vehicle owns 4.5 percent of the world’s No 4steelmaker, had indicated he wanted to buy morePOSCO stocks.

POSCO said in a statement that the US billionairesaid he wanted to own more POSCO stocks after miss-ing the opportunity to buy them on dips last year whenthe global financial crisis depressed equity asset val-ues.

The comments were made while POSCO chief ex-ecutive Chung Joon-yang visited Buffett’s BerkshireHathaway headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska on Mon-day, POSCO said.


SEOUL, 19 Jan— SouthKorea will purchase ac-count receivable insur-ance worth 5.4 trillionwon (4.8 billion US dol-lars) from small and mid-size enterprises in a bid torelieve their financial dis-tress, a governmentagency said on Tuesday.

According to the Smalland Medium BusinessAdministration (SMBA) ,it decided to expand thesize of insurance purchasefrom last year’s 5 trillionwon (4.4 billion US dol-lars), which doubled theamount of 2008’s 2.5 tril-lion won (2.2 billion USdollars) in the wake of aglobal economic down-

“2010 will be a trans-formational year” forworld tourism, UNWTOSecretary General TalebRifai told a news confer-ence called to present theorganization’s annualWorld Tourism Barom-eter. The report said inter-national tourist arrivalsfell by an estimated 4.0percent in 2009, to 880million, but should re-cover to grow by 3.0 to4.0 percent in 2010.

It said growth in the sec-tor returned in the last quar-ter of 2009 contributing tobetter than expected full-year results, led by theAsia-Pacific and MiddleEast regions. “Still, 2009 isconsidered to be one of themost difficult years thattourism has seen” for a longtime and “probably one ofthe toughest in the last twodecades,” Rifai said.

He said a slump due tothe global economic crisiswas “aggravated by theuncertainty around theA(H1N1) pandemic.” Buthe added: “The trend isbottoming out.”—Internet

SEOUL, 19 Jan— Leading LCD makers in SouthKorea and Taiwan are headed for a robust first halfthis year on improving demand for flat screen TVs,but performance for the last quarter of 2009 is likelyto be hit by seasonal weakness and a strong currency.

The liquid crystal display (LCD) industry re-bounded from a downturn last year thanks to China’sTV-buying spree and a shortage of key glass outputthat kept screen prices firm.

The outlook is bright for the next few quarters asstrong Chinese demand for screens used in televisionsis lifting the sector from the seasonal downturn muchearlier than expected.—Internet

MEXICO CITY, 19 Jan— A senior European Union(EU) official on Monday stressed the 27-nation bloc’scommitment to signing a free trade agreement withCentral American nations.

EU Trade Commissioner Benita Ferrero Waldnersaid the accord would be signed on 18 May in Ma-drid. “We are firmly committed to completing thesenegotiations (for signing the accord),” she told report-ers in Guatemala City, where she is on an official visit.The commissioner is also travelling to El Salvadorand Costa Rica later this week.—Xinhua

BYD wins backing to make e6ren Buffet, will launch theplug-in e6 sedan in Chinain the first half of this yearfor about 300,000 yuan(43,988 US dollars),mainly supplying govern-ment, public services andtaxi fleets. BYD also plansto sell the e6 in the UnitedStates at the end of thisyear with a price tag ofabout 40,000 dollars.

With government sup-port, hybrid and electricvehicles are becoming anindustry trend as consum-

ers seek ways to reduceemissions to protect theenvironment. Demand forsuch vehicles has pro-mpted car makers to in-crease investment andspeed up engineering inthe field. General Motorsplans to launch its ex-tended-range electric carVolt in the US this yearbefore introducing it toChina in 2011. Nissanplans to launch its Leafplug-in electric car in2012.—Xinhua

S Korean Gov’t to purchase accountreceivable insurance worth 4.8b USD

turn. Amid wide specula-tion that corporate re-structuring would expandand an exit strategy wouldcome in 2010, there stillis a high chance that small

companies may face a se-ries of bankruptcies ascustomers may not payfor their receivable, theSMBA explained.


EU still committed to signingfree trade accord with

C America

LCD makers set for strong firsthalf after Q4 slowdown

POSCO says Buffett wants tobuy more POSCO shares

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 January, 2010 5

Shanghai holds Press conferencefor 2010 Expo

Photo taken on 18 Jan, 2010 shows the newly-completed suspending sightsee-ing corridor on the overstorey of the China Pavilion of the 2010 Shanghai

World Expo, in Shanghai, east China. The project of indoor decoration anddisplay arrangement in the World Expo’s China Pavilion has started, as the100-days countdown to the opening of Shanghai World Expo is to be greeted

on 21 Jan.—XINHUA

Earthquake shakes entire westernGreece, no injuries reported

South Korea toconsider deploying

peacekeepers in HaitiSEOUL, 19 Jan—The

South Korean govern-ment is seriously mullingover dispatching militarytroops to quake-hit Haitito take part in the UNpeacekeeping operations(PKO), local media re-ported on Tuesday.

“Due to heightening se-curity concerns in Haiti,the United Nations hasbeen urging memberstates for an increase indeployment,” a govern-ment source was quotedas saying by Yonhap newsagency.

The UN SecurityCouncil passed a resolu-tion on Monday request-ing 1,500 more police of-ficers and 2,000 addi-tional military troopsfrom its member states toparticipate in its humani-tarian operations in Haiti,the source added.


BEIJING, 19 Jan—Shang-hai’s major preparationsare well underway, withjust 103 days to go beforethe 2010 World Expo. Ata Press conference held bythe State Council Informa-tion Office this morning,officials from Shanghaisaid they’re confident theexpo will be a success.

Shanghai ExecutiveVice Mayor Yang Xiongsays preparation workhas been progressingsmoothly, with supportand participation from

both home and abroad.President Hu Jintao’s

visit to the Expo site onFriday also encouraged or-ganizers, workers and par-ticipants.

Plans are well on targetas the 100-day countdownapproaches. The installa-tion of exhibition standswill be finished in lateMarch. It started as soonas the five permanentbuildings and 100 pavil-ions were ready.

Yang Xiong, Shanghaiexecutive vice mayor, said,

“So far 192 countries and50 international organiza-tions have confirmed par-ticipation in the event, to-gether with 31 domesticprovinces, autonomous re-gions, Hong Kong andMacao special administra-tive regions as well as Tai-wan island. More than 80percent of the 42 self-builtforeign pavilions havestarted interior decorationand exhibition arrange-ment. 11 joint pavilionshave been completed.”


Russia registers first stabilizingpopulation for 15 years

MOSCOW, 19 Jan—Russia has registered the tendencyof a stabilizing population for the first time over the past15 years, said Health and Social Development MinisterTatiana Golikova on Monday. “Russia has approachedthe population stabilization standard,” the minister wasquoted as saying by the Itar-Tass news agency.

Preliminary forecasts showed that as of 1 Jan, 2010,the total population levelled with that of the same datelast year, or even 15,000 to 25,000 higher, said Golikova.

In 2009 the number of newly-born babies registeredin Russia was 1.76 million, 2.8 percent higher than the1.714 million registered in 2008, she said.

The number of deaths in last year also went down 4percent, she said, adding that the gap between the num-bers of births and deaths could be compensated by grow-ing migration.—Xinhua

UN gives 16 mln USD for humanitarian activities in DRCNAIROBI, 19 Jan—The UN humanitarian affairs has allocated 16 million US dol-

lars to sustain emergency humanitarian activities in the Democratic Republic ofthe Congo (DRC), through the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF).

Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Co-ordinator (ERC) John Holmes, who allocated the funds, said the money will bechanneled to specific priority projects implemented by the UN and its partners.

The CERF’s twice-yearly allocations for underfunded humanitarian crises arebased on an analysis of past and current funding levels, and they prioritise themost life-saving activities.—Xinhua

Brazil to renew constructionof third nuclear power plantRIO DE JANEIRO, 19 Jan—Brazil will restart building

its third nuclear power plant in February after a sus-pension of some 24 years, the country’s nuclear energycompany Eletronuclear announced on Monday.

The renewal of Angra 3’s construction, which wassupposed to begin last December, had to be postponedsince the local government of Angra dos Reis, a south-ern city where the plant is located, had revoked its con-struction licence, said Leonam Guimaraes, assistant tothe president of the state-owned company.—Xinhua

Visitors view exhibits on a miniature garden exhibition in Suzhou UrbanPlanning Exhibition Hall in Suzhou, east China’s Jiangsu Province, on 16

Jan, 2010. A 5-day-long miniature garden exhibition was held here onSaturday with over 100 miniature garden works on shown.—XINHUA

All Items from Xinhua News Agency

ATHENS, 19 Jan—A moderate quakemeasuring 5.2 on the Richter Scale wasregistered at 5:56 pm local time on Mon-day in Western Greece. No injury was re-ported, according to Athens News Agency.

The quake’s epicentre was located inthe region of western Evpalio, 160 kilo-metres northwest of Athens. The quakewas particularly felt in Patras, Nafpaktosand the broader region.

According to early information byGreek authorities it was felt across anarea of hundreds of kilometres awayfrom the epicentre which is traced nearthe city of Nafpactos.

The province’s prefect Thimios Sokossaid on local media that people werepanic, because the quake lasted morethan usually and so far no injuries havebeen reported.

The earthquake caused some problemsto highways though due to falling rocks.

Strong quakes are no strangers toGreeks. Greece suffers more earthquakesthan any other country in Europe. OnSeptember 1999 in one of the most cata-strophic earthquakes in its recent historymeasuring 5.9 degrees on the RichterScale which hit Athens, Greece counted143 dead. —Xinhua

Members of a medical team from Japan tend to an earthquake victim in Leogane,Haiti on 18 Jan, 2010. International rescue and medical teams are aiding victims of

last Tuesday’s deadly earthquake which killed thousands.—Xinhua

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 January, 2010

The man responsible for discover-ing King Tut’s tomb may have de-ceived Egyptian authorities to stealtreasured relics for himself, experts say.

British explorer Howard Carter dis-covered the Pharaoh Tutankhamun’stomb in 1922 is one of the world’s mostfamous archaeological finds, but mayhave systematically removed objectswithout authorization, Der Spiegel re-ported on Sunday.

Carter had intended the contents ofthe tomb to go to England and theUnited States, but Egypt refused, in-

Tut’s finder may have stolen relicssisting all artifacts remain in the coun-try. Thwarted, Carter and his team thensecretly helped themselves to many ofthe relics, some of which ended up inmuseums outside Egypt, the newspapersaid. The Metropolitan Museum of Artin New York, for example, holds about20 objects believed to have come fromTut’s tomb, while other museums in theUnited States and Europe have confirmedthey hold tomb relics, Der Speigel said.In the most recent discovery, a smallsculpture of a servant for the dead wasfound in the Louvre in Paris.

A Chinese cabbage is handed to a ro-bot named “Robovie-II”, developed byJapanese robotics research institutionATR, at a grocery store during a shop-ping assisting experiment by utilizingthe robot in an ubiquitous networktechnology platform in Kyoto, westernJapan on 6 January, 2010. The robotgreets the shopper at the entrance ofthe store, follows him to the shelveswhile holding a grocery basket and re-minds him of the items on a shoppinglist, which the shopper would haveentered beforehand in a specializedmobile device. The experiment is aimedto gather data in order to provide live-lihood support for the elderly by usingrobots and network technologies,ATR’s researcher Satoshi Koizumi


A photograph taken by RussianPresident Dmitry Medvedev is sold at

a charity auction in St Petersburg,Russia, on 16 Jan, 2010. Medvedev’sblack-and-white photo showing theTobolsk Kremlin has sold for $1.7million at a charity auction that

exhibits works by well-known Rus-sians. It was snapped up for 51

million roubles by MikhailZingarevich, a board member at IlimGroup, the pulp and paper companywhere Medvedev once worked as alawyer. In donating his photograph

for Saturday night’s auction,Medvedev followed the example set

last year by Prime MinisterVladimir Putin.

This undated photo released by theWildlife Conservation Society shows alarge-billed reed warbler. The breeding

area of the large-billed reed warbler,one of the world’s rarest birds, has been

discovered in the remote and ruggedPamir Mountains in war-torn Afghani-

stan, a New York-based conservationgroup announced on 18 Jan, 2010.


The first known breeding area of oneof the world’s rarest birds has beenfound in the remote and rugged PamirMountains in war-torn Afghanistan, aNew York-based conservation groupsaid on Monday.

A researcher with the Wildlife Con-servation Society stumbled upon thesmall, olive-brown large-billed reedwarbler in 2008 and taped its distinc-tive song — a recording experts nowsay is probably the first ever.

He and colleagues later caught andreleased 20 of the birds, the largestnumber ever recorded, the group says.

At the time, however, RobertTimmins, who conducting a survey ofaviary communities along the Wakhanand Pamir rivers, thought he was ob-serving a more common warbler spe-cies.

Rare bird’s breedingground foundin Afghanistan

BEIJING, 19 Jan—Closed roads and delayedflights left thousands oftravellers stranded onTuesday following bliz-zards and extreme coldthat killed four people andaffected 1.6 million othersin northwestern China, agovernment spokesmansaid.

Snowstorms delayed122 flights in Urumqi,capital of Xinjiang region,on Monday, leaving morethan 4,000 passengers

In this photo taken on 16Jan, 2010, released byChina’s Xinhua NewsAgency, a herdsman

handles a cow who frozeto death in Xilingol

League of north China’sInner Mongolia Autono-

mous Region. Rescueworkers were evacuatingthousands of rural resi-

dents from parts of north-western China after

extreme cold and blizzardconditions killed fourpeople and left half amillion snowed under,

meteorologists said on 18Jan, 2010.INTERNET

Extreme cold affects millionsin northwest China

stranded, and blockedroads from nine ava-lanches stranded morethan 1,000 passengers inthe region, according to aUrumqi governmentspokesman surnamedWang. Like many Chi-nese officials he declinedto give his full name.

Four people had diedbecause of the badweather, Wang said Tues-day. He did not give de-tails. Rescue workers wereevacuating thousands of

rural residents to saferground at lower altitudesbecause of the latest stormfront, expected to lastthrough on Wednesdayand plunge temperaturesto minus 45 degrees (mi-nus 43 Celsius), Wangsaid. `In neighbouringMongolia, an official ap-pealed for help from theinternational communityas his country battles themost severe winter it hasseen in three decades.


KABUL, 19 Jan—Two Chinese engineers and fourAfghans have been kidnapped by gunmen in north-western Afghanistan, an official said on Monday.

The six men were seized late Saturday while travel-ling back to their base after a day working on a roadconstruction project, according to Abdul Sattar Barez,the deputy provincial governor of Faryab Province.

Nobody has claimed responsibility for the kidnap-ping. Afghan police and intelligence services weresearching for the men.

Kidnappings — mostly of Afghans — for ransomor for political reasons are on common in Afghani-stan, where violence has made efforts to rebuild thecountry costly and dangerous.—Internet

LAGOS, 19 Jan—Nigerian gunmen on Monday freedthree British expatriate workers and their Colombiancolleague abducted last week in the country’s NigerDelta, a police spokeswoman said.

“All kidnapped victims — the three Britons andthe Columbian — have been released this evening and(are) looking okay,” Rivers State police spokeswoman,Rita Abbey, said in a text message to AFP.

She gave no further details on their state of healthor if a ransom was paid before their release was se-cured.

Earlier police said that the gunmen had demanded300 million naira (1.98 million dollars, 1.38 millioneuros) for the release of the captives.—Internet

WASHINGTON, 19 Jan—Apple has announced itwould show off its “latest creation” in San Franciscolater this month, an event expected to feature the un-veiling of a long-awaited tablet computer.

“Please join Apple on 27 January for a SpecialEvent,” said a typically cryptic email invitation to jour-nalists from the company behind the Macintosh com-puter, the iPod and the iPhone.

“Come see our latest creation,” said the invitation,which featured colourful blobs of paint surroundingthe Apple logo. The California-based company did notsupply any further details about the invitation-onlyevent to be held at 10:00 am Pacific time (1800 GMT)at the Yerba Buena Centre for the Arts Theatre in SanFrancisco.—Internet

Two Chinese, four Afghanskidnapped in Afghanistan

Nigerian kidnappers freethree Britons and Columbian

Apple tablet computerexpected at 27 January event

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 January, 2010 7

NAY PYI TAW, 19 Jan—Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan inspectedmeasures for sustainabledevelopment of self-reliantlibraries in Aima and Kyatyin

Information Minister inspects self-reliantlibraries, donates publications

Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan presentsDTH receivers for Aima Village Library in

Pale Township through a responsibleperson.—MNA

Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan presentspublications for libraries in Pale

Township through a responsible person.MNA

Marine technology is one of the technologiesthat can contribute a lot towards national defence andeconomic development.

With the aim of enabling students to haveaccess to international standard marine technologyand turning out marine officers, marine engineers,marine engineers and architects, Myanmar MaritimeUniversity was built at Thilawa in Thanlyin Town-ship, Yangon South District and the main building ofthe university was opened on 29 March, 2004.

Myanmar Maritime University turning out outstanding technocrats

Byline: Tin Mar Win & Aye Thanda TheinPhoto: Myanma Alin

Myanmar Maritime University was built pos-sessing form and essence of international universities.The degrees offered at Myanmar Maritime Universityare B.E. (Naval Architecture), B.E. (Marine Engineer-ing), B.E. (Marine Electrical System and Electronics),B.E. (River and Coastal Engineering), B.E. (Port andHarbouring Engineering) in addition to B.Sc. (Nauti-cal Science) and B.Sc. (Hons) (Nautical Science).

Thanks to emergence of Myanmar MaritimeUniversity, national brethren have an opportunity to

study advanced marine technology at home. With theemergence of outstanding marine officers, not onlyMyanmar marine technology can stand tall amongother countries but also the graduates can work forinternational maritime industry.

Translation: YMMyanma Alin: (18-1-2010)

Myanmar Maritime University.

village-tracts of Pale Townshipin Monywa District, SagaingDivision, on 15 January.

The minister alsoinspected development works ofMyat Swesone Library in Pale.

Departmental and regional officialsconducted the minister round the libraries andsubmitted reports on tasks being carried out for

constant development of the libraries. The ministerleft necessary instructions and donated publications,DTH receivers for the self-reliant libraries.—MNA

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 January, 2010

ized by United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization/Intergovernmental OceanographicCommission (UNESCO/IOC) and De-partment of Meteorology and Hydrol-ogy (DMH) was held at the Ministry ofTransport here this morning., with anaddress by Deputy Minister for Trans-port Col Nyan Tun Aung.

Head of ICG/IOTWS Secretariat,UNESCO/IOC Mr Tony Elliott madeopening remarks. The training work-shop will focus on the developmentof SOPs for National Tsunami warn-ing Centre-warning provider, also forother disaster related organizationsincluding media and authorities ofstate/division, township and localwhich must be practiced wheneverthe occurrence of tsunami in the In-dian Ocean.

The DMH will also present theexiting SOPs, practiced in the occur-rence of tsunami, storm and flood inMyanmar during the training work-shop. The workshop will conclude on21 January.


Training Workshop on the Developmentof End-to End Tsunami SOPS

NAY PYI TAW, 19 Jan—The openingceremony of the Training Workshop onthe Development of End-to End Tsu-nami Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs), jointly sponsored and organ-

NAY PYI TAW, 19Jan—Minister for HealthDr Kyaw Myint met aliver donor and a livertransplant patient under-taken with the State fundsby Myanmar surgeons forthe second time at YangonGeneral Hospital on 16January.

At the room-1 of in-tensive care unit of thenew YGH, Minister DrKyaw Myint cordiallymet liver donor U Lin HtetHlaing and asked after hishealth condition and thengave encouragement toliver transplant patient U

Health Minister Dr Kyaw Myint meetsliver donor and liver transplant patient

Aung Myint Naing whohad recovered from livertransplant operation us-ing half liver of the do-nor.

At the meeting hallof the new YGH, the min-ister together with direc-tors-general met profes-sors who had performedthe liver transplant opera-tion for the second timeand those who had con-tributed to the operation.In response to reports onthe liver transplant opera-tion performed by the pro-fessors, the minister madearrangements to fulfil the

requirements and dis-cussed long-term meas-ures with responsible per-sons. In meeting liver pa-tient U Khin Zaw Htetwho was transplantedwith the liver of a deadperson for the first timein 2004, the ministerasked the patient aboutthe successful liver trans-plant operation and at-tended to the needs.

During his inspectionof progress in renovatingthe building of NationalBlood Centre in the com-pound of the YGH, theminister was conducted

Mr Tony Elliott making opening

remarks at opening ceremony of

Training Workshop on the

Development of End-to End

Tsunami SOPs.—MNA

Minister Dr Kyaw Myint meets liver transplant patient U Khin ZawHtet.—MNA

Culture related roundtablemeeting on 23 Jan

NAY PYI TAW, 19Jan— A culture relatedroundtable meeting ofMinisters of Culture andArts of Cambodia, Laos,Myanmar and Vietnam(CLMV) hosted byMyanmar will be held atThingaha Hotel in hereon 23 January.

C a m b o d i a nMinister of Culture andArts Mr Him Chhem,

Laotian Minister ofCulture and InformationMr Mounkeo Orabounand wife Mrs VilayviengPhimmasone, VietnameseMinister of Culture,Sports and Tourism MrHoang Tuan Anh andsenior officers arrived inYangon to attend themeeting on 18 and 19January.

The aims of the

meeting are to strengthenfriendship among CLMVcountries, uplift goodneighbouring spirit,ensure cooperationamong member countries,holding culturalexchange, enhancingcultural preservation, andboosting tourism sectorthrough culturalcooperation.


round the hospital byMedical SuperintendentDr Daw Nu Nu Tha, Pa-

thologist Dr Daw ThidaAung and officials con-cerned and made ar-

rangements to fulfill therequirements.


Ministers and senior officers of CLMV member countries arrive inYangon.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 19Jan—Minister for LabourU Aung Kyi received aparty led by Executive Di-rector Mr Kari Tapiola ofInternational Labour Or-ganization at the ministryhere on 18 January. Themeeting focused on worksbetween the government

Labour Minister receives ExecutiveDirector of ILO

Minister for Labour U Aung Kyi receives ILO Executive Director MrKari Tapiola and party.—MNA

of the Union of Myanmarand ILO. It was also at-tended by Deputy Minis-ter Brig-Gen Tin TunAung, Director-General UChit Shein, Deputy Direc-tor Ms Karen Curtis ofLabour Standards Depart-ment, Law Officer MrDrazen Petrovic and Liai-

son Officer Mr SteveMarshall.

The government ofthe Union of Myanmar andILO agreed on extensionof appendix MoU for next12 months to carry out ar-rangement for complaintsagainst forced labour.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 January, 2010 9

Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thura Myint Aung addresses 18th Defence Services Medical Seminar

NAY PYI TAW, 19Jan—Adjutant-GeneralLt-Gen Thura Myint Aungaddressed 18th DefenceServices Medical Seminarat Hsinbyushin Hall ofTransit Center here thismorning.

Also present on theoccasion were Lt-GenOhn Myint of the Minis-try of Defence, DefenceServices Inspector-Gen-eral Lt-Gen Thein Htaik,Military Appointment-General Lt-Gen HsanHsint, Judge Advocate-General Lt-Gen SoeMaung, Commander ofNay Pyi Taw CommandMaj-Gen Wai Lwin, Min-ister for Health Dr KyawMyint, Director of Medi-cal Services Maj-GenThan Aung, Deputy Min-ister for Health Dr MyaOo, senior military offic-ers, foreign medical ex-perts, advisors to medicalservices, professors and

heads of department, com-mandants of medical serv-ices, doctors and guests.

In his address, Lt-Gen Thura Myint Aungsaid today’s seminar isthe 18th seminar ofMMMC. I am glad to seeefforts of medical serv-ices on making betterpresentations in researchsector than previousyears, organizing pre-conference workshop atNo (2) Defence ServicesGeneral Hospital andmajor and mini symposi-ums, providing healthcare services, conductingmanagement, training,cure and preventive meas-ures, diagnosis and re-search and health educa-tion.

Today, the worldwas experiencing dra-matic progress in technol-ogy and research field. So,it was necessary to keeppace with changes and dis-

seminate knowledge andinformation. But, the in-formation and knowledgeshould be accurate andcorrect and thus the guid-ance of professionals wasimportant. There were alot of challenges in healthsector across the globe andthere were also many es-sential parts to be preparedto fight new epidemic dis-eases.

The research find-ings, information andanalysis of annual medi-cal seminar would be dis-seminated among themedical corps, whichwould contribute much toheathcare management ofTatmadaw and broadenthe scope of knowledgeof physicians, medicalofficers and health pro-fessionals.

This year’s seminarwould include 47 researchpapers, 15 research post-ers, five data posters, three

major symposiums, fivemini symposium, oneclinico-pathological con-ference, one clinical ses-sion and seven special talks.

The research pa-pers to be read out in theseminar covered multi-sector such as prevention,

findings into practice andviewed the display ofmedical research posters.

The 18th DefenceServices Medical Semi-nar continues atSinbyushin Hall of Tran-sit Centre in Nay Pyi Tawtill 21 January.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 19 Jan — Lt-Gen Tha Aye of theMinistry of Defence accompanied by Chairman ofKachin State Peace and Development Council Com-mander of Northern Command Maj-Gen Soe Winand departmental officials inspected construction ofarchway at the entrance to Panmatee village onMyitkyina-Tanai road, extended building of newsatellite town for Myitkyina, progress of constructionof a bypass, development of Myitkyina and down-town roads on 15 January.

Next, Lt-Gen Tha Aye looked into progress ofconstruction of Sadon Township People’s Hospital(25-bed).

After hearing reports on work progress andongoing tasks in meeting with departmental officialsand local people at the hall in Sadon Township, Lt-Gen Tha Aye left instructions on regional develop-ment, and presented gifts to them.


Lt-Gen Tha Aye of Ministry of Defence oversees development of Sadon Township

Lt-Gen Tha Aye of the Ministry of Defence inspects construction of bypass of Myitkyina.—MNA

Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thura Myint Aung views posters onmedical research.—MNA

Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thura Myint Aung addresses 18th Defence Services Medical Seminar.—MNA

treatment, rehabilitationand exercise that it wouldbroaden the horizons ofthe attendees.

Adjutant-GeneralLt-Gen Thura Myint Aungthen urged researchers ofDefence Services Medi-cal Corps to put research

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 January, 2010

Brazil to launch Programmeto Accelerate Growth twoBRASILIA, 19 Jan—Brazil will launch the second

phase of the Programme to Accelerate Growth (PAC)in March, said Brazilian Minister of Institutional Re-lations Alexandre Padilha on Monday.

The first phase of this ambitious plan launched inJanuary 2007 included various infrastructure invest-ments. PAC 2 aim to ensure the plan’s continuity from2011 on. Padilha said President Luiz Inacio Lula daSilva has called this year’s first ministerial meetingnext Thursday to discuss the new measures.

For the second phase of PAC, Lula wanted priorityto be given to improving sanitation and solid wastetreatment in metropolitan areas.

Other objectives include the integration of budgetsfor science and technology with Internet globalizationand democratization.

According to official estimates, investments of thefirst four years of PAC will reach about 360,000 mil-lion US dollars by the end of this year.

PAC 2 will be implemented by a new governmentthat emerges from general elections in October thisyear.—Xinhua

Australia’s LNG plantscould face delays

SYDNEY, 19 Jan—Half the proposed liquefiednatural gas plants in Australia could face delays, ana-lysts say.

A larger playing field of supply options for AsianLNG customers could adversely affect the prices pro-ducers receive, giving buyers an advantage in con-tract negotiations, according to a Merrill Lynch re-port.

“Project attrition, delay and even outright cancella-tion are inevitable,” wrote Sydney-based analyst MarkHume to Merrill Lynch clients, Bloomberg reports.Hume said that about half of the 30 proposed LNGprocessing units in Australia and Papua New Guineacould still stay on schedule.

While annual LNG demand is forecast to grow to384 million metric tons by 2020, exceeding supply,“it is a far cry from the heady days of 2007 when ex-pectations were for demand to grow to circa 500 mil-lion tons a year,” Hume wrote.

Chevron Corp, Royal Dutch Shell Plc and WoodsidePetroleum Ltd. are among Australia’s key players com-peting for LNG customers. But for “preferred globalLNG supply-side picks,” Bank of America MerrillLynch chose BG Group Plc, Inpex Corp, Oil SearchLtd, a partner in Exxon Mobil Corp’s Papua NewGuinea venture, and Origin Energy Ltd.


Three Saudimilitantskilled in

blast abroadRIYADH, 19 Jan—The

Saudi Interior Ministrysays an investigation hasshown that three Saudimilitants were killed in a14 Sept blast outside thecountry.

The official SaudiPress Agency quoted aministry statement as say-ing on Monday that DNAtests showed the threewere militants who hadfled the country to joinmilitants abroad.

It did not say inwhich country the blasttook place.

It named the threeas Mohammed Abdel-Rahman al-Rashed, 28,Sultan Radi al-Utaibi, 26,and Fahd Jutayli, 28, whowas released fromGuantanamo Prison in2007. Jutayli was reportedto have been killed by se-curity forces last year inYemen, where Saudi mili-tants have been findingsanctuary.

Both al-Rashed and al-Utaibi were on Saudi Ara-bia’s most wanted list.


Guatemala sends first aidflight to quake-hit Haiti

MEXICO CITY, 19 Jan—Guatemala has flown outits first batch of humanitarian aid to Haiti where astrong earthquake could have killed 200,000 peo-ple, according to reports reaching here on Monday.

Guatemala’s National Disaster Reduction Direc-torate (Conared) was sending tinned food, drinkingwater, medicine and clothing, which had been gath-ered at collection points across the country, Conaredspokesman David de Leon told the Press.

Conared will send to Haiti another batch of reliefsupplies by airplane on either on Wednesday or Thurs-day, the spokesman added. The bulk of the supplieswere contributed by individual Guatemalans.—Xinhua

Bolivian Vice President delivershumanitarian aid to Haiti

LA PAZ, 19 Jan—Bolivian Vice President AlvaroGarcia travelled on Monday to Port-au-Prince, Hai-ti’s capital, aboard a military plane with 50 tons ofhumanitarian aid for the victims of last Tuesday’sdevastating earthquake.

The aid included 20 tons of food, 20 tons of vi-ands, 5 tons of medicines and 5 tons of blood andplasma.

Garcia will meet with Bolivian members of theUnited Nations peacekeeping mission in Haiti, whoare currently assisting the victims in Haiti.—Xinhua

Sweden to contribute 67million dollars to Haiti

STOCKHOLM, 19 Jan— The Swedish governmentannounced on Monday that it would disburse its en-tire annual contribution of 425 million Swedishkronor (about 67 million US dollars) to the UN Cen-tral Emergency Response Fund (CERF) for quakerelief in Haiti.

“We would like to express our deep sympathy forthe hard-hit people of Haiti. We are also making arapid response to the UN’s appeal for help for thetremendous humanitarian disaster in Haiti, and havecontributed 180 million kronor so far,” said Minis-ter for International Development CooperationGunilla Carlsson in a statement.—Xinhua

Universal Studios to buildtheme park in S Korea

A visitor looks at watch on the Mont Blanc boothduring the opening day of the “ Salon Interna-tional de la Haute Horlogerie” at Palexpo in

Geneva, on 18 Jan, 2010.—XINHUA

People transport relief goods in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on 17 Jan, 2009. Morerelief goods arrived at Haiti on Sunday.—XINHUA

SEOUL, 19 Jan—US filmgiant Universal Studioson Tuesday signed adeal with South Koreanpartners to build itslargest theme park in Asiaat a cost of around threetrillion won (2.67 billiondollars).

Universal Parks andResorts and 14 South Ko-rean partners, includingLotte Group and a sub-sidiary of steel giantPOSCO, signed theframework agreement to

develop the park atHwaseong, by 2014.

The initial deal was an-nounced in late 2007 butfaced problems raisingcapital until retail and ho-tels group Lotte was per-suaded to join the project.

Universal Studios alsooperates theme parks inHollywood, Orlando inFlorida and Japan, and apark on Singapore’sSentosa Island is nearingcompletion.

When completed, the

South Korean resort, 40kilometres (25 miles)southwest of Seoul, willbe larger in area than allfour combined and willcreate more than 40,000jobs, according to KimMoon-Soo, governor ofGyeonggi Province.

It aims to attract up to15 million visitors everyyear, said Chung Chai-Kwan, president of USResorts Asset Manage-ment Co, an agent for theproject.—Internet

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 January, 2010 11

Photo taken on 18 Jan, 2010 shows the site of a traffic accident on an ex-pressway linking Anqing and Hefei, east China’s Anhui Province, a section of

Jingtai expressway. Six people were killed and other 17 injured in the acci-dent on the expressway on Monday. —XINHUA

Yemen threatens morestrikes on al-Qaeda

Artemisia genome to aid malaria treatments

Poverty, hunger and wealth gaps prevailBEIJING, 19 Jan—Last

year, the United NationsFood and Agriculture Or-ganization announcedthat the number of hungrypeople in the world in-creased over the last dec-ade. In 2008, the WorldBank announced a signifi-cant decline in the numberof poor people up to theyear 2005. But if povertyis defined principally interms of the money in-come needed to avoidhunger, how can an-nouncements such asthese be reconciled?

According to theWorld Bank’s much cited“dollar-a-day” interna-tional poverty line, whichwas revised in 2008 toUS$1.25 a day in 2005prices, there are still 1.4billion people living inpoverty, down from 1.9billion in 1981.

However, as China hasaccounted for most of thisdecline, there were at least100 million more peopleliving in poverty outsideChina in 2005 than in1981. In Sub-Saharan Af-rica and parts of Asia,

poverty and hunger re-main stubbornly high.

International agenciesestimate that more than100 million people fellinto poverty as a result ofhigher food prices during2007-2008, and that theglobal financial and eco-nomic crisis of 2008-2009accounted for an increaseof another 200 million.

Delayed job recoveryfrom the global downturnremains a major challengefor poverty reduction inthe coming years.


WHO chief says world fortunate tohave “moderate” pandemic

Mexican super flyweightboxer dies of lung cancer

MEXICO CITY, 19 Jan—Marco Antonio Hernandez,who boxed in the World Boxing Council’s super fly-weight division, died earlier on Monday of lung can-cer, his manager, Fausto Daniel Garcia told Mexicanbroadcasters.

Hernandez died aged 24 in the Salvador ZubrianNational Nutrition Clinic 27 days after being admit-ted with pneumonia symptoms. Doctors discoveredadvanced lung cancer while running tests on the in-fection. He was being treated with chemotherapy andhad been breathing with a respirator for several dayswhen he died.

Hernandez, better known as The Bombadier, wasthe holder of two championship belts. He won theMexican super flyweight title in December 2008, anddefended it four times last year. He also won the cen-tral American title.—Xinhua

GENEVA, 19 Jan—Theworld has been fortunateso far to see that the im-pact of the A/H1N1 pan-demic influenza is moder-ate, World Health Organi-zation (WHO) Director-General Dr MargaretChan said on Monday.

“The best health newsof the previous decade isthe fact that the long over-due influenza pandemichas been so moderate inits impact ... We have re-mained fortunate up tonow,” Chan told a sessionof the WHO’s ExecutiveBoard.

“The H1N1 virus didnot mutate to a more viru-

lent form. Resistance tooseltamivir did not be-come widespread.

The vaccine provedsafe and a close matchwith circulating virus.Things could have gonewrong in any of these ar-eas,” Chan told the 34-member board.

Currently the pan-demic appears to be eas-ing in some countries inthe northern hemispherewith good surveillancesystems, and the worstmay be over, Chan said.

“But it would be un-wise for anyone to reachfirm conclusions beforeApril, when the normal

influenza season usuallyends.

There is still quite a lotof winter left,” shewarned. In addition, it re-mains unpredictable whatwould happen betweennow and later this year,when the southern hemi-sphere enters its influenzaseason and the virus be-comes more transmissi-ble, she said.—Xinhua

China to expand smokingbans in 7 major cities

YORK, 19 Jan— Ge-netic mapping of theplant Artemisia annuawill speed breeding ofthe herb for urgentlyneeded malaria treat-ments, scientists in Brit-ain said.

Plant scientists at theUniversity of York havepublished the first geneticmap of the plant and willuse it to accelerate pro-duction of high-yieldcrops, said Ian Graham,

who heads the universi-ty’s Centre for Novel Ag-ricultural Products.

Malaria kills an esti-mated 1 million people ayear worldwide and themost effective treatmentsare Artemisinin Combi-nation Therapies, thedemand for which isexpected to double by2012 to about 200 mil-lion treatments a year,Graham said this monthin the journal Science.

In recent years, ar-temisia production hasdeclined because farmersmade too little profitfrom existing plants spe-cies, Graham said, add-ing the decline in produc-tion has raised fears ofshortages.

Knowing the plant’sgenome will enable sci-entists to breed for high-performance and speedgrowth of the crop, hesaid.—Internet

BEIJING, 19 Jan—China is tighteningsmoking regulations toban lighting up in anyindoor public spaces inseven provincial capi-tals, the latest sign of ris-ing health awareness inthe world’s largest to-bacco-consuming na-tion.

The success of the ef-fort may provide the bestindicator yet as towhether broad efforts torestrict tobacco use canovercome stiff resistancefrom retailers and somelocal governments,which profit signifi-cantly from tobaccotaxes.

Smoking is a hugebusiness in China: 2 tril-lion cigarettes are sold inthe country every year.

The country accounts formore than one-quarter ofthe world’s 1.3 billionsmokers, with about 60percent of Chinese menand 3 percent of womenindulging in the habit.

China pledged to banindoor smoking in pub-lic places four years agounder a UN treaty, butlocal laws and regula-tions have not beenchanged sufficiently forthe measure to be prop-erly enforced.


SANAA, 19 Jan—Yemen army will con-tinue strike al- Qaeda aslong as it threats Yemen’ssecurity and stability, theofficial Saba news agencyquoted Yemeni InteriorMinister Mutahar al-Masri as saying on Mon-day.

The minister toldpolice officers in Yemenipolice academy thatYemen is able to deal withall challenges its securityservices facing and willcontinue its military op-eration against al-Qaeda.

Al-Qaeda had sufferedheavy losses, includingthe death of a number ofits leaders, the ministeradded.

Al-Masri highlightedthe importance of apply-

ing security measureswith the outlaws accord-ing to the Yemeni law andConstitution.

Yemeni officials saidon Friday that Kasim al-Raimy, the al-Qaeda inthe Arabian Peninsula(AQAP) military leaderand Amar Ubadah al-Waili, the leader of al-Qaeda group in al-Jawfgovernorate, northernYemen, were among sixmilitants who was killedin an airstrike in northernYemen.—Xinhua

A burning shopping centre is seen in Kabul,capital of Afghanistan, on 18 Jan, 2010. Aseries of explosions rocked Afghan capital

Kabul on Monday as militants penetrated down-town city and targeted important government

buildings, leaving 15 people, dead and 63 otherswounded, Defence Ministry spokesman Zahir

Azimi said. —XINHUA

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 January, 2010


Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTA TEGAPVOY NO (492) are here by notified that the vessels willbe arriving on 20.1.2010 and cargo will be dischargedinto the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797


Consignees of cargo carried on MV BILLIONVOY NO ( ) are here by notified that the vessels will bearriving on 20.1.2010 and cargo will be discharged intothe premises of S.P.W.3 where it will lie at the consign-ee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws andconditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256916/256919/256921

Man questioned after fivefound dead in Texas homeBELLVILLE, 19 Jan—Authorities working to determine

what spurred a flurry of gunshots that left five peopledead in southeast Texas are questioning a 20-year-oldrelative who lived with the victims in the isolated housesurrounded by pasture land.

Police said on Monday the victims of the weekendbloodshed all lived in the single-storey brick home inBellville, a town of about 4,000 people located 55 milesnorthwest of Houston. They included a retiree and hiswife, a younger woman and man, and a girl believedto be about 3 years old, police said.

Investigators were questioning a 20-year-old man,who a relative said is a son of the wife. He remainedjailed on burglary and attempted burglary charges af-ter allegedly trying to break into a Bellville home.

The man—arrested about 3 am on Sunday after ahomeowner pulled a gun on him—could face capitalmurder charges. Prosecutors are reviewing the case.No one else is being sought and it does not appear anyother people were involved in the shootings, SheriffDeWayne Burger said.

Sgt Paul Faircloth of the Austin County Sheriff’sOffice said authorities were still trying to determine amotive for the slayings. He said the sheriff’s officereceived a call Sunday afternoon from a person whohad gone to the home and discovered the crime scene.Deputies arrived and found four bodies inside thehome.—Internet

Hongkong Post to issuespecial stamp to mark

Chinese lunar yearof the tiger

HONG KONG, 19 Jan—Hongkong Post on Tues-day announced that a setof special stamps to markthe Chinese lunar year ofthe tiger will be releasedfor sale on 6 February.

The special stamps viv-idly portray four breeds oftigers in different postures.A sheetlet with two stampsfeaturing the ox and thetiger embossed with genu-ine gold and 99.9 percentpure silver bearing a cer-tificate of authenticity isalso available as a personalor business gift.

Official first day coversfor the “Year of the Tiger”special stamps as well asofficial souvenir coversfor the “Gold and SilverStamp Sheetlet on LunarNew Year Animals - Ox/Tiger” will go on saleat all post offices fromSaturday together with aset of four postcardsfeaturing different breedsof tigers at all philatelicoffices.—Xinhua

S Korea, Japanagree to extendcurrency swap

agreementSEOUL, 19 Jan—South

Korea’s central bank ex-tended its 20 billion USdollar emergency currencyswap agreement with theJapanese central bank bythree months to the end ofApril in a bid to further sta-bilize the local financialmarket, the bank said onTuesday.

“The Bank of Korea hasagreed with the Bank ofJapan to extend the meas-ure to increase the maxi-mum amount of the bilat-eral won- yen swap ar-rangement, which will beeffective until 30 April,2010, “the Bank of Korea(BOK) said in a press re-lease. “(We) believe thatthis action will continue tocontribute to securing sta-bility in regional financialmarkets,” it added.

The move follows thetwo sides’ agreement toexpand the currency swapline to 20 billion US dol-lars from 3 billion US dol-lars in mid-December2008. After the decision in2008, the agreement wasfurther extended twice tobe effective until 1 Feb,2010.—Xinhua

Crime scene tape surrounds off a residence where five family memberswere found slain on 17 Jan in Bellville, Texas. —INTERNET


Australian researchers find promisingcandidates for malaria vaccine

WASHINGTON, 19 Jan—Australian re-searchers have uncovered a group ofproteins that could form the basis of aneffective vaccine against malaria. Theirfindings are published on Monday in theinternational journal PLoS Medicine.

Presently there is no malaria vaccineavailable, and these new findings sup-port the development of a vaccineagainst the blood- stage of malaria.

Malaria is an infection of blood cellsand is transmitted by mosquitoes. Themost common form of malaria is causedby the parasite Plasmodium falciparum.

Malaria parasites burrow into red bloodcells by producing specific proteins.Once inside red blood cells, the parasitesrapidly multiply, leading to massivenumbers of parasites in the blood streamthat can cause severe disease and death.

James Beeson, Freya Fowkes from theAustralia’s Walter and Eliza HallInstitute and colleagues have identifiedproteins produced by malaria parasitesduring the blood-stage that are effectiveat promoting immune responses thatprotect people from malaria illness.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 January, 2010 13

Chinese paramilitary police prepare to clean up snow on the tarmac at BeijingInternational Airport, Beijing, China, on 19 Jan, 2010. Parts of northern

China are seeing their harshest winter in decades, with Beijing this monthreceiving its heaviest one-day snowfall in 59 years.—INTERNET

Daily D and calcium keepfractures away

DAVIS, 19 Jan — Tak-ing both vitamin D andcalcium daily reducesbone fracture risk, a USresearcher says.

John Robbins of theUniversity of California,Davis, in the Sacramentoarea says this holds truewhether a person is youngor old, male or female, orhas had fractures in thepast.

The study, published inthe British Medical Jour-nal, includes 70,000 pa-tients from the UnitedStates and Europe includ-ing data published in 2006

from clinical trials con-ducted at University ofCalifornia, Davis, as partof the Women’s HealthInitiative.

“What is importantabout this very large studyis that goes a long waytoward resolving conflict-ing evidence about therole of vitamin D, eitheralone or in combinationwith calcium, in reducingfractures,” study co-au-thor Robbins said in astatement.

“Our WHI research inSacramento includedmore than 1,000 healthy,

postmenopausal womenand concluded that takingcalcium and vitamin Dtogether helped them pre-serve bone health and pre-vent fractures,” he said.“This latest analysis, be-cause it incorporates somany more people, reallyconfirms our earlier con-clusions.”

Robbins was part of aninternational team of re-searchers led by Copenha-gen University in Den-mark, who analyzed theresults of seven largeclinical trials from aroundthe world.—Internet

Software catches missedcancer cases

LONDON, 19 Jan — A computerized system thatscreens mammogrammes could save lives by spottingbreast cancer results doctors may miss, a British re-searcher said.

The Volpara system reduced the number of missedcancer cases from about 20 percent to 5 percent inclinical trials of 2,500 women in the United States,the Netherlands and New Zealand, said Michael Brady,who spent 20 years developing the mammographysoftware.

For his work, Brady, a biomedical researcher, re-ceived the Sir Frank Whittle Medal, an engineeringprize given annually in Britain for an outstanding con-tribution to the nation, The Times of London reportedon Monday.


Healthier big game snacking options

Tigers in wild face riskof extinction

Gene’s role in skin cancer revealed

Sleep apnea link to glucose controlCHICAGO, 19 Jan — Ob-

structive sleep apnea mayworsen diabetes, research-ers at the University of Chi-cago say.

Lead author Dr. ReneeAronsohn says the studydemonstrates a clear,graded, inverse relationshipbetween obstructive sleepapnea — a disorder char-acterized by episodes ofstopped breathing duringsleep — and glucose con-trol in patients with type 2diabetes.

Relative to patients with-out the sleep disorder, thepresence of mild, moderateor severe obstructive sleep

disorder significantly in-creased mean adjustedHbA1c values — a meas-ure of glucose control notaffected by short-term fluc-tuations due to meals — by1.49 percent, 1.93 percentand 3.69 percent,respectively.The study,published in the AmericanJournal of Respiratory andCritical Care Medicine,also confirmed the sleepdisorder is very commonamong type 2 diabetespatients. Overnight poly-somnography tests re-vealed 77 percent of thetotal of 60 diabetes patientin the study had obstructive

sleep apnea. However, onlyfive patients were previ-ously evaluated for the dis-ease, and none were under-going treatment.

“Our findings haveimportant clinical implica-tions as they support thehypothesis that reducingthe severity of obstructivesleep apnea may improveglycemic control,” Aron-sohn says in a state-ment.“Thus effective treat-ment of obstructive sleepapnea may represent anovel and non-phar-macologic intervention inthe management of type 2diabetes.”—Internet

FRESNO, 19 Jan — Forthose who are still tryingto follow through on NewYear’s resolutions or look-ing for healthier SuperBowl snacks, a chef anddietitians have sugges-tions.

Healthy chef KathleenDaelemans, author of“Cooking Thin with ChefKathleen,” and registereddietitians Keri Glassman,author of “The O Diet,”and Alyse Levine, diet andnutrition contributor for, offer tipson how to score great sub-stitutions for favouriteparty fare that are still easy,delicious and healthy.

Instead of wings andblue cheese dressing, asmarter substitution isshrimp and cocktail sauce.Calories for shrimp andcocktail sauce are less than140, while chicken wingsand blue cheese dressingare nearly 420, Daelemanssuggests.

Instead of munching onpotato chips, chooselightly salted pistachios.Although the two snackshave the same amount ofcalories, pistachios pro-vide 6g of protein vs. 2gper serving of potato chips— about eight potato chips— and pistachios provide3g of the daily value forfiber per serving vs. 1g inpotato chips.—Internet

CHICAGO, 19 Jan—USresearchers say skin cellscan turn cancerous if theprotein kinase C gene isturned off.

The Loyola UniversityChicago Stritch Schoolof Medicine researchersfound the protein kinaseC gene provides the last

checkpoint at which skincells with unrepairedsun-damaged DNA canbe destroyed before re-producing.

Normally, the proteinkinase C is activated inresponse to DNA dam-age. If the damage is toogreat to repair the PKCprotein directs the cell todie. In squamous cell car-cinoma this gene isturned off — the cell pro-ceeds to divide withoutfirst stopping to repair itsDNA, thus producingdaughter tumour cells.


BEIJING, 19 Jan—Wild tigers in thecountry face the danger of extinction inabout three decades if loss of habitatsand illegal trade continue, the WorldWide Fund for Nature (WWF) haswarned.

“If urgent and proper measures arenot taken, there is a risk that wild tigerswill no longer be found on Chinese ter-ritory,” Zhu Chunquan, conservationdirector of biodiversity of WWF ChinaProgram Office, told China Daily yes-terday.

The warning came as the countrymarks the Year of the Tiger next month.The animal tops WWF’s list of “10 toWatch in 2010”, followed by polarbears, pandas and rhinos.

The tiger is believed to be native toChina, which evolved into eight subspe-cies.

But the country now has only about50 wild tigers - in four subspecies -Wang Weisheng, director of the wild-life management division of China’s

State Forestry Administration (SFA),told China Daily.

South China tigers are believed to beextinct in the wild after the species hasnot been sighted for more than 25 years,according to WWF.

The country is left with 20 Siberiantigers, 10 to 20 Bengal tigers and 10Indochinese tigers, Wang with the SFAadded.

The number is a sharp decline fromonly half a century ago. The South Chinatiger numbered about 4,000 in the 1950sand there were 200 Siberian tigers in the1960s.

The plight of wild tigers in the coun-try mirrors the situation in the rest of theworld as new studies indicate that theremay be as few as 3,200 tigers left in thewild, according to WWF.

Tigers occupy less than 7 percent oftheir original habitat, which has de-creased by 40 percent over the past dec-ade, WWF said.


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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 January, 2010


Henry escapes punishmentover handball incident

ZURICH, 19 Jan—French captain Thierry Henryescaped being punished for his infamous handball inthe 2010 World Cup finals play-off against Ireland, FIFAannounced on Monday. France were losing 1-0 to Irelandat the Stade de France on 18 November, having wonthe first leg 1-0, when Henry teed up William Gallas inextra-time for what proved to be the decisive goal afterillegally controlling the ball with his hand.

FIFA’s disciplinary committee said, however, thatthey were powerless to punish the 1998 World Cup-winning striker because their rules forbade them to doso if the original misdemeanour had not been seen bythe match officials.—Internet

Angola, Algeria fight onas Essien hobbles homeLUANDA, 19 Jan—Angola and World Cup

qualifiers Algeria joined holders Egypt andIvory Coast in the Africa Cup of Nationsquarter-finals on Monday.

A goalless draw played out to another50,000 capacity crowd at Luanda’s 11November stadium put both teams inito thelast eight mix, at the expense of Mali andMalawi.

While the hosts and the Desert Foxes arestill in contention day nine of this feast ofAfrican football proved the end of the roadfor Chelsea’s star midfielder MichaelEssien.

Ghana’s best player hobbled out ofcontention for Tuesday’s make or break GroupB date with Burkina Faso after picking up aknee injury in training over the weekend.


Madjid Bougherra (left) ofAlgeria and Ze Kalanga ofAngola vie for the ball duringtheir third qualifing roundmatch, during African Cup ofNations football championships

at 11 November stadium inLuanda. Angola and Algeria

became the latest teams toqualify for the quarter-finalsafter a 0-0 draw.—INTERNET

No-nonsense Serena powerson in Australia

Rafael Nadal of Spainhits a return againstPeter Luczak of Australiain their men’s singlesfirst round match on dayone of the AustralianOpen tennis tournament

in Melbourne. Nadalwore down Luczak tobegin his AustralianOpen campaign witha straight sets victory


Nadal wears down Luczakin three sets

Moore in a hurry to be aworld champion

SINGAPOREE, 19 Jan—Guyanese boxer Leon “HurryUp” Moore has fought in Colombia, Barbados andKyrgyzstan and now a move to Southeast Asia late inhis career has put the fighter into the position ofpossible world-title contender.

Moore, 31, won a unanimous points decision overIndonesian Marangin Marbun in Singapore Saturday,leaving him potentially one victory away from a showdownwith WBA super-bantamweight champion PoonsawatKratingdaenggym. The shy Moore’s route to victory inthe city state at the weekend was an unlikely one.

In a career which he says has been mis-managed, ameeting with American journalist-turned-promoterScott Mallon last year gave him new hope of achievinghis ambition to become a world champion after hethought the chance had passed.—Internet

Leon Moore (R) of Guyana fights with MaranginMarbun of Indonesia during their WBA (PABA)super bantamweight title bout in Singapore on 16

Jan, 2010. Moore won the bout.—INTERNET

French captainThierry Henry

Davydenko’s hot runcontinues at Australian Open

Russia’s NikolayDavydenko (pictured)

continued hisimpeccable start to theyear when he advanced

comfortably to thesecond round of the

Australian Open aftercruising past GermanDieter Kindlmann 6-1,

6-0, 6-3 in just 91minutes.—INTERNET

Serena Williams plays abackhand returnduring her match

against Polishopponent UrszulaRadwanska on the

second day of play atthe Australian Opentennis tournament in

Melbourne, on 19 Jan.Williams won 6-2,


Maradona hopesto lift trophy in

S AfricaBUENOS AIRES, 19 Jan—

Argentine coach DiegoMaradona said Mondaythat his team have boththe hope and desire to liftthe World Cup in SouthAfrica this year.

If they do so, it will bea 24-year-old curse bro-ken. In 1986, Maradonainspired his country to theWorld Cup in Mexico andArgentina, having lost toWest Germany in the1990 final, have not wonthe tournament since.

“We hope to get as faras possible. We know weare not the favorites butwe have a great desire,”Maradona told reportersduring an inspection of histeam’s base at the Univer-sity of Pretoria.

“We want to break thecurse after 24 years thatwe have not been given(the World Cup). The de-sire never goes away. Thehope never goes away.”


Haitian boxer Bertopulls out of fight

LAS VEGAS, 19 Jan—Andre Bertopulled out of next week’s World BoxingCouncil welterweight title fight withShane Mosley, saying the pain of dealingwith the horrific earthquake has taken toobig a toll on him emotionally.

Berto, whose parents are Haitian andrepresented Haiti in the Athens Olympics,said even though this was the biggestfight of his career he cannot continueto train.


Andre Berto, pictured in 2009,pulled out of next week’s WorldBoxing Council welterweight titlefight with Shane Mosley, saying thepain of dealing with the horrificearthquake has taken too big a tollon him emotionally.—INTERNET

MELBOURNE, 19 Jan—No-nonsense defendingchampion SerenaWilliams powered into theAustralian Open secondround on Tuesday whereshe was joined by in-formRussian NicolayDavydenko.

Williams, who issearching for her 12thGrand Slam singles title toput herself alongsideBillie Jean King as one ofthe all-time greats,demolished Pole UrszulaRadwanska 6-2, 6-1.

The four-time championhere, usually a slow starterat Grand Slams, had herright thigh heavilystrapped, which she saidwas to support herhamstring “Just supportiveand preventive,” she said.


MELBOURNE, 19 Jan—Defending champion andsecond seed Rafael Nadalwore down AustralianPeter Luczak to beginhis Australian Opencampaign with a straightsets victory on Monday.

The Spanish worldnumber two, bidding forhis seventh Grand Slamtitle, overcame the 78th-ranked ranked Luczak 7-6 (7/0), 6-1, 6-4 in twohours 34 minutes.

Nadal, who is workinghis way back to fullfitness after injuriesblighted his last season,will next play eitherArgentina’s LeonardoMayer or Slovakia’sLukas Lacko with apotential quarter-finallooming against AndyMurray.

Nadal, who beat RogerFederer in a grippingfive-set final herelast year, has notclaimeda title sincewinning on the Barcelonaclay last April.


MELBOURNE, 19 Jan—Unfashionable RussianNikolay Davydenkocontinued his impeccablestart to the year when headvanced comfortably tothe second round of the

Australian Open onTuesday.

The sixth seed cruisedpast German DieterKindlmann 6-1, 6-0, 6-3in just 91 minutes toremain unbeaten in 2010.

Davydenko beat worldnumber Rafael Nadal inthe final, and beat worldnumber one RogerFederer in the semis, inDoha before heading toAustralia for the year’sfirst Grand Slam.

Although his pre-vious encounter withKindlmann was a closelyfought three-set win atlast year ’s US Open,Davydenko was im-pressive as he outclassed the 175th-rankedGerman from theoutset.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 January, 2010 15

7:00 am 1. rif;uGef;q&mawmfbk&m;BuD;


7:15 am 2. atmifawmfrl




7:25 am 3. To Be Healthy


Wednesday, 20January

View on today

R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/32 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

Local Transmission

* Signature Tune* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights* Intricate Art of Silversmith* Breeding of Mythun* The Origin of Htainmathein* Culture Stage* Parahita Tiger School* Myanmar Modern Song* Feel Pretty .... in a Rawan Outfit* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic SightsEurope/ North America Transmission

* Signature Tune* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights* Intricate Art of Silversmith* Breeding of Mythun* The Origin of Htainmathein* Culture Stage* Parahita Tiger School* Myanmar Modern Song* Feel Pretty .... in a Rawan Outfit* Myanmar Modern Song* Treasure Trove of Myanmar Art and Handicrafts* Oboe; Myanma Musical Instrument* Travelogue “Ngapali”* Culture Stage* Inle, Land of the fabulous Leg- rowers* Myanmar Modern Song* Archaeological Museum, Pakhangyi (Part-II)* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights


MRTV-3Programme Schedule(20-1-2010) (Wednesday)

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr.M.S.T. During the past 24 hours, weather has been partlycloudy in Kachin, Rakhine and Mon States, Sagaing,Yangon and Taninthayi Divisions and generally fair in theremaining States and Divisions. Night temperatures were(3°C) below January average temperatures in Kachin State,(3°C) to (4°C) above January average temperatures in Shanand Rakhine States, Mandalay, Magway, Bago, Ayeyawadyand Taninthayi Divisions, (5°C) above January averagetemperatures in Kayah State and about January averagetemperatures in the remaining States and Divisions. Thesignificant night temperatures were Haka (3°C), Putaoand Loilem (4°C) each.

Maximum temperature on 18-1-2010 was 90°F.Minimum temperature on 19 -1-2010 was 62°F. Relativehumidity at (09:30) hours MST on 19 -1-2010 was 68%.Total sun shine hours on 18 -1-2010 was (4.2) hours approx.

Rainfall on 19-1-2010 was (Nil) at Mingaladon, Kaba-Aye and Central Yangon. Total rainfall since 1-1-2010was (Tr) at Mingaladon, Kaba-Aye and (Nil) at CentralYangon. Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was(4) mph from Southeast at (16:30) hours MST on 18-1-2010.

Bay inference: Weather is partly cloudy in theAndaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 20th January 2010:Rain are likely to be islolated in Kachin, Chin and RakhineStates, upper Sagaing and Taninthayi Divisions, weatherwill be partly cloudy in Shan, Mon and Kayin States, YangonDivision and generally fair in the remaining States andDivisions. Degree of certainty is (60%).

State of the sea: Seas will be moderate in Myanmarwaters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Likelihood ofisolated light rain in the Southern Myanmar areas.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for20-1-2010: Partly cloudy.

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for20-1-2010:Partly cloudy.

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for20-1-2010:Partly cloudy.

Tuesday, 19th January, 2010

Transmissions Times

Local - (09:00am ~ 10:00am) MSTEurope - (19:30pm ~21:30pm) MSTNorth America - (23:30pm ~ 07:30am) MST

7:30 am 4. Morning News7:40 am 5. Nice & Sweet Song7:55 am 6. Dance Of National

Races8:00 am 7. ]]ta&;BuD;vdkYyg}}

8:10 am 8. EdkifiHpD;yGm;tav;xm;


8:25 am 9. tqdkNydKifyGJ

8:40 am10. International News8:45 am11. Musical Programme4:00 pm 1. Martial Song4:10 pm 2. jrL;jrL;<u<u


4:20 pm3. ta0;oifwuúodkvfynma&;


yxrESpf (ocs Fmtxl;jyK)


4:35 pm

4. Songs For Uphold

National Spirit

4:40 pm

5. Classical Songs

4:55 pm

6. Musical Programme

5:10 pm

7. ½IzG,fpHkviftmqD,H


5:20 pm

8. ]]arG;uif;puav;jyKpk


5:40 pm

9. plygaw;oH&Sifa&G;cs,fyGJ

f6:00 pm10. Evening News6:15 pm11. Weather Report6:20 pm12. jrefrmh"avh½dk;&mvufa0SU


6:35 pm13. xufjrufaysmf&Tif


7:10 pm14. &oay:vGif


7:40 pm15. tvuFm0wf&nfjrefrmrI


8:00 pm16. News17. International News18. Weather Report19. acwfrDzGHUNzdK;wdk;wufrI



20. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ



21. jrefrmAD'D,dkZmwfvrf;




A worker shows “huamo”, a steamed breadeaten during festivals, at a bread shop inWanrong County, north China’s Shanxi

Province, on 19 Jan, 2010. The bread shopproduced more than 30 varieties of “huamo”with the pattern of tiger for customers as the

spring festival approaches.XINHUA

Shanghai selects 70,000volunteers for World Expo 2010SHANGHAI,19 Jan—Shanghai, the host city of the

World Expo 2010, has chosen 70,000 volunteers towork inside the Expo site, organizers told a pressbriefing on Tuesday.

They were chosen from more than 560,000registered applicants all over the world, said MaChunlei, deputy director of the publicity departmentof the Shanghai Committee of the Communist Partyof China. He didn’t specify the standards of theselection.

The on-site volunteers would serve asinterpreters, receptionists, guides, and mediacoordinators during the Expo, which would start on1 May and last through 31 Oct. Each one wasexpected to work at least 14 days, Ma said.

The selection of 130,000 more volunteers towork at 1,000 service sites around Shanghai wasunderway. They would offer services such asinformation, translation and emergency servicesoutside the Expo site, Ma said.—Xinhua

15 (20).pmd 1/20/2010, 12:27 PM15

6th Waxing of Tabodwe 1371 ME Wednesday, 20 January, 2010

★ Only with stability and peace will the nation develop

★ Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

★ Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracy★ Riots beget riots, not democracy★ Democracy can be introduced only through constitution

People’s Desire ■ VOA, BBC-sowing hatred amongthe people

■ RFA, DVB-generating publicoutrage

■ Do not allow ourselves to be swayed■ By broadcasts designed to cause


■ We favour peace and stability■ We favour development■ We oppose unrest and violence■ Wipe out those inciting unrest

and violence

YANGON, 19 Jan—Lt-Gen Myint Swe of theMinistry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman ofYangon Division Peace and Development CouncilCommander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen WinMyint and Chairman of Yangon City DevelopmentCommittee Mayor Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin, thismorning inspected Pandaing Sluice Gate nearPandaing Village in Htantabin Township, YangonNorth District, old intake channel adjacent to theKukkowa River, and construction of a channel link-ing Pandaing Sluice Gate and Mingalar Sluice Gate.

Lt-Gen Myint Swe inspected Mingalar SluiceGate near Khanaungpaw Village in Htantabin Town-ship, the water inflow at Myaungtalok Village inTwantay Township, and Basic Education High School

Htantabin Township, Yangon Division togrow summer paddy extensively

(Branch) in Yayso Ma-ngezu Village in HtantabinTownship.

Next, he inspected the scattering of fertilizer onthe paddy field in Hngetthaik Village, HlinethayaTownship, and the dredging in Mya Sein YaungCreek.

He viewed the site chosen for construction of arailway station near Atwin Padan Village in HlinethayaTownship, and gave instructions in response to thereports presented by officials concerned.

Lt-Gen Myint Swe and party inspected theupgrading of roads on Tay-U Yin Street in Ward (7)and on Aung Thukha Street in Ward (8), HlinethayaTownship.


YANGON, 19 Jan—The prize presentation cer-emony of Tun Foundation literary award for 2009 willbe held at No. 2 Myanmar Banks Association, YankinTownship, here, at 9:30 am on 24 January. LiteraryCommittee announced that all prize winners and in-vited guests are to attend the ceremony. For moreinformation, dial 296325 or 296261.


Prize presentation ofTun Foundation literaryaward-2009 on 24 Jan

Lt-Gen Myint Swe of

the Ministry of

Defence views the

dredging of Mya

Sein Yaung Creek.




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