The New Light of Myanmar 03-08-2009

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Daily English Newspaper of Myanmar


Established 1914

Volume XVII, Number 109 13th Waxing of Wagaung 1371 ME Monday, 3 August, 2009

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of theeconomy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented eco-nomic system

* Development of the economy inviting partici-pation in terms of technical know-how andinvestments from sources inside the countryand abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economymust be kept in the hands of the State and thenational peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of theentire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integrity andpreservation and safeguarding of culturalheritage and national character

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education stand-

ards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peace andtranquillity, prevalence of law and order

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State Consti-

tution* Building of a new modern developed nation in

accord with the new State Constitution

Four economic objectives

Four social objectives

Four political objectives

NAY PYI TAW, 2 Aug—Lt-Gen Ko Ko of theMinistry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman ofAyeyawady Division Peace and DevelopmentCouncil Commander of Southwest Command Maj-Gen Kyaw Swe and officials concerned, went toseed farm near Hteikwa village of DanubyuTownship in Ayeyawady Division on 31 July andmet with local farmers.

Officials concerned and local farmers presented

Lt-Gen Ko Ko of Ministry of Defence oninspection tour of Ayeyawady Division

reports to Lt-Gen Ko Ko on cultivation and productionof high yield paddy strains and utilization of modernagricultural methods.

After hearing the reports, Lt-Gen Ko Ko madea speech on the occasion, saying that AyeyawadyDivision is the one the State can mainly rely on theagriculture sector. Next, he inspected paddy strains,paddy saplings and equipment for soil test.

(See page 8)

Earthquake ReportNAY PYI TAW, 2 Aug—A strong earthquake of intensity (6.1) Richter Scale

with its epicenter outside Myanmar (Indonesia) about (2800) miles Southeast ofKaba-Aye seismological observatory was recorded at 15hrs 24min 35sec M.S.Ttoday.—MNA

Development tasks in MagwayDivision in full swing

Article: Maung Maung Htwe (MNA)

Roundabout in Minbu.

Beautiful scene of Shwe Chaung roundabout in Pakokku.

Having arrived inMagway Division, we,the news crew,witnessed equitabledevelopment amongtowns and villages in thedivision.

Magway Divisionmade up of five districts,

26 townships, 1,534village-tracts and 4,774villages and 160 wards hasan area of 17,305.32 squaremiles. A total of 712,911households of 4,898,905families reside in thedivision.

As the majority of

people in the country livein rural areas, the majorityof people in MagwayDivision are ruraldwellers. Therefore, theMagway DivisionDevelopment AffairsCommittee is activelyengaged in successful

realization of the five ruraldevelopment tasks forenhancing the socio-economic status of ruraldwellers.

In 2009-2010 fiscalyear, the committee hasmade arrangements tobuild over 144 miles ofgravel roads, earth roadsand laterite roads and 35bridges including eightconcrete bridges, woodenbridges and culverts forthe development of ruralregions. And steps are

being taken to build andupgrade over 34 miles oftarred roads, gravel roadsand laterite roads in urbanareas plus 43 bridgesincluding 29 concretebridges and woodenbridges.

Under the 30-yearrural road project, thecommittee hasconstructed over 1048miles of tarred roads,gravel roads, lateriteroads and earth roads in

(See page 7)

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 August, 2009

Monday, 3 August, 2009 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy


Nurture, train the youthinto human resources

The conclusion of Special RefresherCourse No (68) for Basic Education Teacherstook place at the Central Institute of CivilService (Phaunggyi) in Hlegu Township,Yangon Division, the other day.

Education staff responsible for nurturingthe youth of today are to be equippedthemselves with strong moral concept andconviction based on correct national views.At that same time, they are to train studentsinto younger generations capable of chartinga prosperous future of the nation, with strongnationalistic fervour.

Teachers have to ensure constantproduction of human resources, on whomthe people can rely in building up a newnation, by sharpening the learning abilitiesand inculcating a sense of duty into thestudents.

Younger generations on their part are totake over the responsibilities as a nationalduty for building a peaceful, moderndeveloped nation, while maintainingsovereignty of the State, the heritage of theirforefathers, for enabling the motherland tostand tall as an independent, sovereign nationin the global community.

Now, the education infrastructure is beingimproved across the nation for the youth ofurban and rural areas to enjoy equalopportunities to pursue education with theaim of producing a growing number ofintellectuals and intelligentsia capable ofcontributing effectively towards the drive ofbuilding a modern and developed nation.

Therefore, teachers are duty-bound tosee to the national education promotion planby nurturing and training the youth intohuman resources with strong conviction andconcept.

Triangle Region Command Commander inspectsKengtung-Tachilek-Monghsat Road

NAY PYI TAW, 2 Aug— Chairman of Shan State(East) Peace and Development Council Commanderof Triangle Region Command Maj-Gen Kyaw Phyoinspected situation of Kengtung-Tachilek-MonghsatRoad and monsoon paddy fields and rubber farms

along the sides of the road on 21 July morning.The commander visited and viewed round

Pyinyeinaye Bridge and Basic Education PrimarySchool in Painkhen Village of Monghsat Township.


South-West Command Commander’s Cup FootballTournament kicks off

NAY PYI TAW, 2 Aug—Opening ceremony ofSouth-West Command Commander’s Cup FootballTournament was held at Division Sports Ground inPathein on 13 July, attended by Commander of South-West Command Maj-Gen Kyaw Swe. The Commandermade a speech at the ceremony and watched the

opening match.The Commander also attended and delivered

an address at the coordination meeting on project ofDivision Peace and Development Council held at thePathein Ayeyashwewa Hall on 14 July morning.


YANGON, 2 Aug—With the sponsorship ofThanantanadhammapalaka(Hindu) Federation, the15th collective donationsof Hindu families tookplace at Mogok refectoryon Kaba-Aye Hill heretoday.

Collective donations ofHindu families

It was attended byDirector-General ofDepartment for Promotionand Propagation of theSasana Dr Myo Myint,Pro-Rector (Admin) ofInternational TheravadaBuddhist MissionaryUniversity Dr Myint Kyi,Hindu families and guests.

Executive of theFederation U Soe Myapresented religious, socialand cultural undertakingscarried out by theFederation.

This was followedby the recitation ofMettasutta and Dhammasongs.

After sharing meritsgained for pious deeds byexecutives, Hindu familiesand donors, those presentwere served with lunch.


Myanmar Hockey delegationleaves for Malaysia

YANGON, 2 Aug — A delegation led by Vice-Chairman of Myanmar Hockey Federation U Zaw Windeparted to Malaysia to attend Indoor Hockey-Techanical Seminar organized by Asia HockeyFederation in Ipoh today.

Officials of the Ministry of Sports, Chairman ofMHF Col Htin Zaw Win, Vice-Chairman U Kyaw KyawHlaing and Secretary U Khin Maung Lat and executivemembers saw off the delegation at Yangon InternationalAirport.

International referee U Tin Maung Thancomprised as a member of the delegation.—NLM

Commander Maj-Gen Kyaw Swe addressesthe opening of Commander’s Cup Football


Executive U Soe Mya presents religious,social and cultural undertakings carried out

by the Federation.—NLM A delegation led by Vice-Chairman of MHFU Zaw Win sees off at the airport—MHF

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 August, 2009 3

Raul Castro warns US, EU he willdefend Cuba socialism

Fire in Canary Islandsforces evacuation of 4,000LA PALMA, 2 Aug—A forest fire fanned by high

winds has forced the evacuation of about 4,000 resi-dents on the Canary Island of La Palma, the Spanishgovernment said on Saturday.

Flames raging on steep hillsides southeast of theisland’s dormant San Antonio volcano have engulfedseveral houses and could damage wildlife habitats,environmental worker Narciso Lorenzo said by tel-ephone.

A plume of smoke rose from the island to an esti-mated height of more than 1,000 meters (3,300 feet).It could be seen clearly from aircraft landing at LaPalma airport.

The cause of the fire is unknown. Several days ofhigh temperatures have contributed to dry conditionson the normally verdant La Palma — one of the leastdeveloped and greenest of Spain’s Canary Islands,off the West African coast. Pop singer Madonnapraised La Palma by its local name in her song “LaIsla Bonita.”

Virtually all the island’s firefighting forces, includ-ing several aircraft, have been deployed to combatthe blaze at three points around the town ofFuencaliente.

Spain sent a Military Emergency Unit from thenearby island of Tenerife, and a battalion was prepar-ing to depart for La Palma from a mainland militarybase near Seville, the Interior Ministry said in a state-ment.—Internet

Cuban President RaulCastro, shown in a file

picture, warned theUnited States and theEuropean Union on

Saturday that the coun-try’s socialist political

system was non-negoti-able, adding he would

not “restore capitalism”in Cuba.—INTERNET

S Korea first rocket launch setfor 11 August

South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak poses with researchers in front

of the KSLV-1 rocket at the NaroSpace Centre in Goheung, 475 km

south of Seoul in June 2009.INTERNET

Russia signs deal to open 2nd basein Kyrgyzstan

A firefighting helicopter drops water on a forestfire in Jeday on the Canary Island of La Palma,

Spain on 1 Aug, 2009. —INTERNET

French soldier killed inAfghanistan, two wounded

PARIS, 2 Aug—The French presidentialoffice confirmed that a French soldier waskilled and two others wounded in an at-tack by insurgents in eastern Afghanistanon Saturday.

The attack occurred in the Ghayne val-ley, where French soldiers were in an op-eration supporting the Afghan troops.

Earlier, the French military in Afghani-stan said a French soldier “was hit and diedof the injury.”

“The fighting lasted one and a half hourand two other French soldiers werewounded. The insurgents eventually re-treated,” it added.

The Elysee Palace confirmed the inci-dent, saying, “The president learned withdeep regret of the death today of a Frenchsoldier in Afghanistan.”

The death brings the total number ofFrench soldiers killed in the countrysince 2001 to 29.


Roadside bombkills three in

N AfghanistanKABUL, 2 Aug—A sen-

ior security officer and twoother persons were killed asa roadside bomb strucktheir vehicle in BaghlanProvince north of Afghani-stan on Saturday, policesaid.“The device plantedby enemies struck an offi-cial vehicle in Eightenkotalarea this morning as a re-sult director of intelligencedepartment of DahnaiGhori district along withhis body guard and driverwere killed,” senior policeofficer in the provinceShams Raman told.


An Iraqi woman reacts after learn-ing of her son’s death in a blastoutside Al-Shurufi mosque in

northeastern Baghdad.INTERNET

SEOUL, 2 Aug—Korea has rescheduledits first space rocket launch from its soilto 11 August after repeatedly postponingit due to technical reasons, officials saidSaturday.

The Ministry of Education, Scienceand Technology said South Korea andRussia, a co-builder of the rocket, set thenew launch date after talks.

“Both sides have set 11August forblast-off,” Kim Hong-Gab, a spokesmanfor the Korea Aerospace Research Insti-tute affiliated with the ministry, told AFP.

He added weather conditions on theday would be “a decisive factor” to de-termine if the launch would go ahead asscheduled. The previously-scheduledlaunch for around 30 July was postponed— for a third time — as Russians whohad built the first stage of the Korea SpaceLaunch Vehicle-1 called for more timefor testing.—Internet

HAVANA, 2 Aug—Cu-ban President Raul Castrowarned the United Statesand the European Unionthat the country’s socialist

political system was non-negotiable, adding hewould not “restore capital-ism” in Cuba.

In a speech Saturdaymarking the end of the an-nual parliamentary ses-sion, which has beendominated by Cuba’sgrave economic crisis,Castro said he would bewilling to “discuss every-thing” except the island’spolitical and social system.

The Cuban leader, whosucceeded his ailingbrother Fidel Castro aspresident three years ago,said he wanted to respondto US Secretary of StateHillary Clinton’s state-ments linking dialogue

with Cuba to democraticreform in the country.

“With all due respect, inresponse to Mrs Clinton,but also to the EuropeanUnion... I was not chosenas president to restorecapitalism to Cuba or to re-nounce the revolution,” hesaid to applause from law-makers. “I was chosen todefend, maintain and con-tinue to perfect socialism,not to destroy it,” saidCastro.

The former army chief,78, reiterated that hewould be willing to con-duct a “respectful dia-logue, between equals”with the United States.


CHOLPON-ATA, 2 Aug—Russiaclinched a tentative deal Satur-day allowing it to establish a sec-ond military base in Kyrgyzstan,where the United States also hasan important air base.

Under the terms of a jointmemorandum, Russia could sig-nificantly boost the number oftroops it has deployed in the Cen-tral Asian nation for a period ofup to 49 years. Russian forceswill be charged with “protectingKyrgyz sovereignty” and repel-ling attacks by international ter-rorist groups, it said.

A definitive agreement detail-ing the status of the proposed baseand Russia’s existing Kant basewill be signed by November.

No specifics on the location of

the base or the amount of troopswere given, but the documentsigned Saturday by the leaders ofthe two countries indicated thatRussia may be allowed to deploythe equivalent of a battalion.

Media reports have suggesteda base could be set up in Batkenprovince, near the border withUzbekistan. That is on the fringeof the Ferghana Valley region thatspreads across Tajikistan andUzbekistan, an area that has beenan incubator of Islamic militancyover the past decade.

The memorandum also stipu-lated that Russian troops stationedat the two bases in Kyrgyzstanmay be granted diplomatic status,giving them immunity from locallaws.—Internet

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 August, 2009

Honda expands airbagrecall

A visitor looks at a Daihatsu Luxio car during the 17th Indonesian Interna-tional Motor Show 2009 in Jakarta on 1 August, 2009.Indonesia car sales areexpected to reach 450,000 units in 2009, the head of the Indonesian Automo-tive Association (GAIKINDO) said on Thursday, lifting the industry forecast

because of a more stable economy.—INTERNET

A cargo ship is loaded with coal at the port of Qinhuangdao, northChina’s Hebei Province, on 1 Aug, 2009. The port cargo throughput

reached 22.61 million tons in July, the highest record since lastSeptember.—INTERNET

G20 Pittsburgh Summit to promoteworld economic recovery

Three children look aChinese painting in an

exhibition in Hefei,capital of east China’sAnhui Province on 1Aug, 2009. About 400

Chinese paintings wereshown in the exhibi-


Turkey’s exportdecline slows in July

ANKARA, 2 Aug— Tur-key’s exports in July fell27.2 percent year-on-yearto 8.8 billion US dollars,the semi-official Anatolianews agency reported onSaturday.

Exports increased by9.6 percent in July com-pared with June, showingTurkey would be able toreach the 104-billion-USdollar export target for2009, the agency cited astatement by TurkishState Minister ZaferCaglayan as saying.

Quoting Turkish Ex-porters’ Assembly (TIM)chairman MehmetBuyukeksi, the agencysaid July’s export volumewas the highest monthlyfigure so far in 2009 andexports to Africa and theMiddle East countries sawincreases and would con-tinue to grow.—Internet

Air China forecasts profits in first halfBEIJING, 2 Aug—Air China, the country’s national flag carrier, is expecting

profits in the first half of this year, an unidentified official of the company toldXinhua over the weekend.

The company’s profits in the first half were a result of its strategy to reducecosts, said the official, who declined to be identified, without elaboration.

The official also did not give specific figures of the profits.The company is scheduled to release its first-half report on 26 Aug.As one of the three major airlines in China, Air China posted a loss of 9.15

billion yuan (about 1.34 billion US dollars) in 2008.But it enjoyed a business recovering to report a net profit of 981 million yuan

in the first quarter.—Internet

WASHINGTON, 2 Aug— The G20 summit ofworld leaders in Pitts-burgh this Septembershould help promote theworld economic recovery,said Chinese Vice ForeignMinister He Yafei re-cently.

During the first coordi-nating meeting, whichkicked off on Thursday,the participanting coun-tries agreed that theyshould strengthen the co-ordination and coopera-

tion to help the summitachieve positive andpragmatic outcomes.

The Pittsburgh Sum-mit should continue topromote all sides tostrengthen the coordina-tion of their macro eco-nomic policies and toboost the world economicrecovery, said He duringthe two-day meeting.

He also urged theupcoming summit to im-plement actively the out-comes of the G20 London

Summit, to speed up thereforms of the interna-tional financial institu-tions, and to expand therepresentations of theemerging and developingcountries.

China hopes the sum-mit will pay more atten-tion to the developmentissue and to boost theworld economy to achievelong-term and sustainedgrowth by promotingcommon development,said He.—Internet

TORRANCE, 2 Aug—Honda Motor Co says itis expanding a safety re-call of driver’s airbags toinclude an additional440,000 Accords, Civicsand Acuras.

The Japanese auto-maker’s US headquartersin Torrance, Calif, said onFriday the recall expan-sion includes certain2001-2002 Honda Ac-cord, 2001 Civic and2002-2003 Acura TL driv-er’s airbags. The recall

was originally initiated inNovember 2008.

Honda said the recallwill require the replace-ment of the driver’s steer-i n g - w h e e l - m o u n t e dairbag inflator. It said thatin some vehicles, theairbag inflators can pro-duce over-pressurizationof the driver’s (front)airbag inflator mechanismduring airbag deploy-ment.

If an affected inflatordeploys, the increased in-ternal pressure may causeits casing to rupture, pos-sibly sending metal frag-ments through the clothairbag cushion materialand into vehicle occu-pants. The fragments,Honda said, could possi-bly cause an injury or fa-tality to the occupants.


Mitsubishi UFJ arranges $5 blnloan to UAE

TOKYO, 2 Aug —Mitsubishi UFJ FinancialGroup (MUFJ) has puttogether a syndicatedloan worth five billiondollars for a sovereignwealth fund in AbuDhabi, a report said onSunday.

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, partof the MUFJ group, hasarranged the multibankcredit for InternationalPetroleum InvestmentCo (IPIC), the business

daily Nikkei reported,without citing sources.

The syndicate also in-volves 15 other banks, in-cluding Santander ofSpain, HSBC HoldingsPlc of Britain andSumitomo Mitsui Bank-ing Corp of Japan, the re-port said.

Japanese banks arehoping to increase theirpresence in the MiddleEast, the Nikkei said,adding that manyMiddle Eastern sover-

eign wealth fundsneed large loanswhich major US andEuropean banks havegrown cautious aboutproviding in the globalfinancial crisis.

IPIC will most likelyuse the one-year loanto acquire Canada-basedNova Chemicals Corpand to take a stakein CEPSA, Spain’snumber two oil company,the Nikkei report said.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 August, 2009 5

All items from Xinhua News Agency

VANCOURVER, 2 Aug—An aggressive wildfire is rav-aging near Lillooet in Canada’s western British Colum-bia, leaving nearly 3,000 residents at evacuation alert,local media reported on Saturday.

Meanwhile, more than 500 wildfires are burning inthe province, fueled by record-high temperature combinedwith lightening.

The fire near the southwest interior town of Lillooetis nearly tripled in size from an estimated 1,000 hectareslast Monday to about 2,600 hectares on Saturday. Offi-cials said the blaze is less than one kilometer from thetown and is in danger of growing even larger given thetinder-dry conditions and thunderstorms in the forecast.

The fire is one of the most serious among hundreds ofwildfires the province is suffering.

British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell issued arare warning on Friday, saying the wildfire risk acrossthe province has reached a critical level due to continuedhot and dry weather and urging people to refrain fromentering the forest in order to avoid any risk.—Xinhua

One dead as light plane crashes in Kenya NAIROBI, 2 Aug—One person died on Saturday when a light aircraft crashed in

Nairobi’s residential estate, injuring three others on board According to eyewit-nesses, the Cessna 206 light aircraft belonging to African Inland Air Service ex-ploded into flames 20 metres near High rise residential estate, leaving three otherswith severe burns.

The three injured were rushed to hospital as the police secured the area toprevent the public from tampering with the scene before any investigations weredone.

Josephat Kariuki, an area resident, told Xinhua that the plane developed prob-lems while airborne, knocked down an electricity post before crashing into theflat, damaging part of the building.

Kariuki who witnessed the incident said the plane was preparing to land at theWilson Airport, one of the busiest airports in Eastand Central Africa, before itcrash-landed.—Xinhua

Fatah decides to hold its congresson 4 Aug in Bethlehem

Officers and soldiers attend flag-rising ceremony on the board of Zhoushanmissile frigate (front) and the supply ship Qiandaohu in Gulf of Aden, on 1

Aug, 2009. The Chinese escort flotilla, two frigates and a supply ship from theChinese navy, held celebrations on Saturday to mark the 82nd anniversary ofthe establishment of Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA). The flotilla is

on their escort mission to fend off Somali pirates.—XINHUA

NY’s LaGuardia Airport reopensfollowing bomb scare

A steward loads a baggage for a passenger in a train ofthe Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway, on 1 Aug, 2009.China’s self-developed Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Rail-way, which runs at more than 300 km/hr, has opened

to traffic for one year since last August.—XINHUA

China to launch Shanghai-Tianjinhigh-speed trains

Six dead, fourmissing as tropical

storm Jolinaleaves Philippines

MANILA, 2 Aug—Atleast six people werekilled and four went miss-ing as tropical storm sweptacross the Philippinearchipelago, the country’sdisaster-relief agencyreported on Sunday.

The six, including two4-year-olds, drowned inthe flood and land-slidetriggered by the storm innorthern and central Phil-ippine villages, the Na-tional Disaster Coordinat-ing Council said in a bul-letin.—Xinhua

Localsgather at

the spot ofthe


aircraft inNairobi,capital ofKenya, on

1 Aug,2009.


BEIJING, 2 Aug—Chinawill launch the high-speedElectric Multiple Unit(EMU) trains on railwaylinking the eastern finan-cial hub of Shanghai andnorthern Tianjin City,shortening the trip to ninehours, Tianjin railway au-thorities said on Saturday.

The EMU trains, codedD341 and D342, are ex-pected to shorten the trip

time from the current 10.5hours to nine hours and 14minutes, said an officialwith Tianjin Train Termi-nal.—Xinhua

NEW YORK, 2 Aug—The central terminal atNew York’s LaGuardiaAirport was evacuated forseveral hours on Saturdayafter a man with a bag

containing wires and abattery entered the airport,authorities said.

According to a CNNreport, port authority saidthe man is in custody, and

authorities have allowedpassengers back into theterminal.

Most of the airport’smain terminal was closedat 5:30 am EDT(0930GMT) and travelers wereallowed to return somefour hours later.

A law enforcementofficial close to the inves-tigation said the man is a32-year-old New YorkerScott McGann.


More than 500 wildfires burnin Canadian British Columbia

RAMALLAH, 2 Aug—Palestinian PresidentMahmoud Abbas Fatahparty Central Committeedecided on Saturday tohold the long-awaitedGeneral Assembly on 4August, in the West Bankcity of Bethlehem forthree days.

President Abbas, whois also Fatah chief,chaired a meeting ofhis group’s central com-mittee in Ramallah onSaturday, to preparefor holding the conven-

tion in Bethlehem onTuesday.

At the end of themeeting, Fatah centralcommittee decided thatthe number of theGeneral Assembly mem-bers, who have the rightto attend and to vote is2,260 members, repre-senting the Palestinianterritories and theDiaspora.

Apparently, thegroup’s congress will beheld in the West Bankwithout the participation

of 400 Gaza Strip mem-bers, after Hamas rulersof Gaza decided not to liftthe travel ban on themunless Abbas freesHamas prisoners in WestBank.

The committee said ina statement sent to report-ers that it discussed themechanism of GazaFatah leaders’ participa-tion in the conference “ifHamas insists to preventthem from leaving theGaza Strip.”


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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 August, 2009

NEWS ALBUMTourists miss isle after GPS blunder

Alcohol-fueled brawl cloudsMaine cod fish races

The annual Cod Fish Races in coastalMaine were disrupted when police sayalcohol-fueled fighting led to a brawlinvolving up to 60 people, sending twoto the hospital. State Police TrooperBarry Curtis said Saturday's melee inMilbridge stemmed from a dispute earlierin the afternoon over someone's driving.

The Bangor Daily News reported thatTown Manager Lewis Pinkham — alsothe police chief — and another personwere treated for minor injuries.

Two Swedes expecting the goldenbeaches of the Italian island of Capri gota shock when tourist officials told themthey were 650 km (400 miles) off coursein the northern town of Carpi, aftermistyping the name in their GPS.

“It’s hard to understand how theymanaged it. I mean, Capri is an island,”said Giovanni Medici, a spokesman forCarpi regional government, told ReutersTuesday. “It’s the first time somethinglike this has happened.”

The middle-aged couple, who werenot identified, only discovered their errorwhen they asked staff in the local touristoffice how to drive to the island's famous“Blue Grotto.”

“They were surprised, but not angry,”

Medici said. “They got back in the carand started driving south.”

The picturesque island of Capri,famed as a romantic holiday destination,lies in the Gulf of Naples in southernItaly and has been a resort since Romantimes. Carpi is a busy industrial town inthe province of Emilia Romagna, at theother end of Italy.

Tourists take a swim on an islandbeach in Italy in a file photo.

Two goats fight during a competitionon a folk acrobatics art festival held inWadian Township in Linquan County,east China's Anhui Province. Over 140goats took part in the fight competition.

Foot-long baby croccauses scare in the air

An official at Cairo airport says afoot-long baby crocodile wriggled outof a passenger’s hand luggage and causedpanic on a flight from the United ArabEmirates.

A crew member on the EgyptAir flightfrom Abu Dhabi rounded up the waywardreptile and calmed passengers. Theairport security official says the animalwas seized and given to the Cairo Zoo.

Transporting exotic animals in andout of the Egypt is illegal, and none ofthe passengers on Friday's flight claimedownership of the baby croc.

The airport official spoke on conditionof anonymity because he is not authorizedto speak to the press.

Ancient warrior's skeleton found near RomeArchaeologists have found the skeleton of a warrior from up to 5,000 years ago

floating in a tomb filled with sea water on a beach near Rome, Italy’s art squad said.The bones — believed to date from the 3rd millennium BC — were discovered

in May as art hunters were carrying out routine checks of the region’s archaeologicalareas, Carabinieri art squad official Raffaele Mancino said.

Archaeologists believe the warrior was likely killed by an arrow, part of whichwas found among his ribs, Mancino said. There was also a hole in the back of theskull, and six vases and two daggers were found buried nearby.

The tomb of the warrior, nicknamed “Nello” after the archaeologist who foundhim, could be part of a wider necropolis lying just a few steps from the sea,Mancino told a news conference.

“We will check the area to see whether this tomb is isolated and the warrior wasburied here because this was the battlefield where he died,” Mancino said. “Ormaybe there is a bigger necropolis, as we indeed believe.”

Three killed in Tel Aviv club shooting

An Israeli paramedic rushes a wounded man toan ambulance after a shooting incident in a

basement club in central Tel Aviv on 1 August,2009. —INTERNET

Hand bomb explosion killstwo in Sri Lanka

COLOMBO, 2 Aug—Two people were killed by ahand bomb explosion in western Sri Lanka, the po-lice said on Sunday.

The police at Baduraliya, about 48 km southof the capital Colombo, said the explosionoccurred on Saturday night in a jungle patch inthe rural part of the Western Province nearBaduraliya.

Another seriously wounded woman was admit-ted to the hospital, the police said.


Japan’s tobacco habitruns into court challenge

YOKOHAMA, 2 Aug—One plaintiff is a cancerpatient. Another is represented by his widow. Thethird, has emphysema and rolls into the courtroomon a wheelchair with tubes trailing out of his nose.The three Japanese are waging a minnow-vs.-whalebattle against Big Tobacco in one of the world’s mostsmoker-friendly countries. But precedentsuggests they’re likely to lose, and they hope theirsuit will at least draw attention to the dangers ofsmoking.

Even if they win, they’re unlikely to dent thefinances of Japan Tobacco Inc, a former monopolystill half-owned by the government. The three areasking for a total of 30 million yen ($320,000) froma company with 6.8 trillion yen ($72.8 billion) a yearin sales.—Internet

The world’s biggest heavy metalfestival opened in northern Germany.Over 75,000 fans are expected to dropby for the 20th anniversary of theWacken Open Air for three days ofserious headbanging. This year’slineup includes bands such as MachineHead, Motörhead, Gwar and Anthrax.

JERUSALEM, 2 Aug— Ashooting incident hap-pened in a Tel Aviv clubon Saturday night, caus-ing three dead and at least10 wounded, local mediareported.

A police spokesman

told Israeli televisionChannel 10 that a man anda woman were killed onthe spot.

A third victim died inhospital, Israeli emer-gency services said.

Medical care workers

said that at least ten peo-ple were wounded, six ofwhom seriously, localnews service Ynet re-ported.

Witness said that aman dressed in black en-tered the club and beganto shoot in every directionwith a handgun, and thenfled.

The incident was“criminal, rather than na-tionalistic,” the policespokesman said.


10 dead in rebel attacksin Central Africa

BANGUI, 2 Aug — Members of a Ugandan rebelgroup have launched attacks against towns in the Cen-tral African Republic that have left at least 10 peopledead in the last two weeks, humanitarian groups saidon Saturday.

The attacks by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA),launched from its rear bases in the Democratic Re-public of Congo, have also forced hundreds of peopleto flee their villages, UN and aid group officials said.

In the worst incident, LRA rebels stormed the mar-ket of the city of Mboki on 24 July, the groups said.

Some of the shopkeepers fought back and chasedthe rebels into the bush, according to the UN Officefor the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Two traders and three Ugandan rebels were killedon the spot while the bodies of four other soldiers werefound in the bush, the UN agency said. Six shopkeep-ers and an unknown number of rebels were also in-jured.

At least one other person has been killed since theLRA began its attacks on 15 July, said AlexisMbolinani, coordinator of the non-governmental or-ganisation Jupedec.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 August, 2009 7

Development tasks in Magway Division in full swingArticle: Maung Maung Htwe (MNA)

Water lily roundabout at the junction of Taungyi Road and RingRoad.

Fountain roundabout at the head of Anawrahta Bridge in Chauk.

(from page 1)the 2008-2009 fiscal year,thereby enabling localpeople to travel from oneplace to another withpeace of mind.

Meanwhile, underthe 10-year project forensuring the availabilityof potable water in ruralregions, water supply

tasks were carried out in1,469 villages in the 2008-2009 fiscal year and ruralpeople in Pakokku andThayet Districts are nowenjoying the fruits of theproject to the fullest. Soalso, plan is well underway to set up 164 urbanwater supply facilities and254 rural water supply

facilities in 2009-2010.Tasks for water

supply to urban and ruralareas are being carriedout through waterpumping stations, tube-wells, artesian wells,reservoirs, lakes and watertanks.

For the greening andbeautifying townships, the

Township DevelopmetAffairs Committeesestablished nurserygardens and parks andgrew shade trees,windbreakers andflowering plants on eitherside of downtown roads.

I have been almost allthe towns and villages inMagway Division on duty.

And I found theequitable developmentamong urban and ruralregions in MagwayDivision. At present, thereis no difference in thedevelopment of east andwest regions ofAyeyawady River.Towns and villages in thedivisions are in

possession of their ownfeatures and styleshighlighting remark-able progress. And it issafe to say that townsand villages in MagwayDivision are enjoyingharmonious develop-ment.

Translation: HKA(Kyemon 2-8-2009)

NAY PYI TAW, 2 Aug—Ministers, deputyministers, high ranking officials and delegates fromASEAN countries and dialogue partners who hadattended the 27th ASEAN Energy Ministerial Meetingled by Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi touredPyinOoLwin and Mandalay on 30 July.

They studied National Kandawgyi Gardens inPyinOoLwin. Upon arrival at Yatanarpon Teleport,Deputy Minister for Communications, Posts andTelegraphs Maj-Gen Thein Tun explained progress inperforming IT development and functions ofYatanarpon Teleport to them and the deputy ministerreplied to the queries raised by those present.

Ministers, deputy ministersand high ranking officials anddelegates tour PyinOoLwin

and Mandalay

In the evening, the study group paid homage toHsutaungpyae Pagoda on Mandalay Hill and enjoyedscenic beauty of Mandalay from the observation deck.

Paying homage to Maha Lawkamarazein KuthodawPagoda, they observed the stone inscriptions andMyanansankyaw Shwenandaw in a motorcade.—MNA

Deputy Minister for Transport attendsopening ceremony of new school buildingNAY PYI TAW, 2 Aug

—Deputy Minister forTransport Col Nyan TunAung attended theopening ceremony of newtwo-storey schoolbuilding of BasicEducation High School(branch) in MinywaModel Village ofNahtogyi Township on 28July morning.

Division education

officer and donor of theschool building formallyopened the schoolbuilding.

The deputy ministerunveiled the inscriptionand sprinkled withscented water. The donorof the school handed overthe documents related tothe school building to thedivision educationofficer.

The deputyminister also attended theopening ceremony of UKyine Ye Kyaw Bridge.

The deputy ministerand wife attended prizepresentation ceremoniesin BEHSs (branch) ofMinywa Model Villageand of Pechet Village andawarded prizes to theoutstanding students.


Deputy Minister Maj-Gen Thein Tun explaining progress of Yatanarpon Teleport at the hall ofthe teleport.—MNA




opensthe newschool


3-8-09 NL 7/31/18, 8:42 PM7

8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 August, 2009

NAY PYI TAW, 2Aug—A ceremony toconclude Special Re-fresher Course No 34 forBasic Education Teach-ers was held at YadanaHall of the Central Insti-tute of Civil Service (Up-per Myanmar) inPyinOoLwin in Manda-lay Division yesterday,

Perpetuation of independence and sovereigntyis the heart of the nation

Special Refresher Course No 34 for Basic Education Teachers concludes

attended by Minister forScience and TechnologyU Thaung.

On behalf of Chair-man of Myanmar Educa-tion Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace andDevelopment CouncilGeneral Thiha Thura TinAung Myint Oo, Ministerfor Science and Technol-ogy U Thaung made aspeech on the occasion.

Present on the occa-sion were Minister forHotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Soe Naing, Chairmanof Civil Service Selectionand Training Board UKyaw Thu, Deputy Min-ister for Education Brig-

Gen Aung Myo Min,Deputy Minister forProgress of Border Areasand National Races andDevelopment Affairs ColTin Ngwe, Chairman ofMandalay City Develop-ment Committee MayorBrig-Gen Phone ZawHan, the Deputy ChiefJustice of Upper

Myanmar, members ofCSSTB, heads of depart-ment, the rector of CICS(Upper Myanmar), thepro-rectors, heads of de-partment and lecturers,demonstrators, traineesand teachers.

Minister U Thaung inhis speech said that teach-ers are to imbue firmlythemselves with correctconcept and convictionbased on national outlook,and to train the youth intonew generation forces ca-pable of generating abrighter future of the na-tion with high nationalis-tic spirit.

In addition, teachers

are under a duty to furtherenhance the developmentof human resources by pro-moting the education stand-ard and uplifting the moraleand morality of the youth.

The Union ofMyanmar is amulticultural country withrich natural resources, hu-man resources, and tradi-

tional culture and herit-age. National races havebeen living in the mother-land as a people with ownmonarchs, fine traditions,customs and culture, whilesafeguarding the territoryof the nation for millionsof years.

In the colonial days,national brethren did theirbit in national liberationmovements to help thenation return to a sover-eign one. Since time im-memorial, the people havebeen convinced that per-petuation of independenceand sovereignty is the heartof the nation and have re-lated the duties of strength-

ening the nation from onegeneration to the next. So,today the nation stands tallas an independent and sov-ereign one in the world.

Today’s younger gen-erations are to materializethe national duty of build-ing a peaceful, modern anddeveloped nation, main-taining sovereignty of themother country.

The government isimproving the educationinfrastructure throughoutthe nation in line with themotto “To build a mod-ern, developed nationthrough education” to en-sure equal opportunitiesbetween urban and ruralareas for the youth to pur-sue education, in its bid toproduce a growingnumber of intellectualsand intelligentsia capableof transforming the Un-ion of Myanmar into amodern, developed na-tion.

Only with all-rounddevelopment of all statesand divisions of the Unionwill the public’s goal ofbuilding a modern nationbe achieved. At a timewhen the government isworking hard for progressin various spheres includ-ing the agricultural sector,teachers on their part areimproving the education ofyounger generations in theregion concerned to speedup development of statesand divisions.

S i m u l t a n e o u s l y ,teachers getting involved

in the national educationpromotion plan and edu-cation staff have to makesustained efforts to be ableto catch up with the edu-cation standard of othercountries.

In addition, they haveto stay in touch with newtechnological changes,uplift the dynamism of thestudents and enable thestudents to apply whatthey have studied at schoolin related fields.

Teacher-centered ap-proach and conventionalapproach have adverseeffect on the goal of pro-motion of national educa-tion, so teachers are toimplement the pro-grammes in the basic edu-cation section with all se-riousness, keeping intouch with the Myanmareducation goal.

He urged the teachersto comply with the guid-ance of Head of State Sen-ior General Than Shwe inimplementing the tasks inthe basic education sector:- to improve the teach-

ing skills of teachers,- to upgrade the cur-

riculum and sylla-buses to internationallevel ones,

- to use pedagogicalaid effectively,

- to enforce law, rulesand regulations, and

- to uplift dynamism ofpatriotic spirit andUnion Spirit of thepeople.Minister U Thaung

presented the outstandingtrainee awards to traineeNo E-147 to U Min MinThein, primary assistantteacher, AffiliatedNyaunggwaywa villageBasic Education PrimarySchool in Seikphyu Town-ship, Magway Divisionand trainee No A-187 DawNan Thuza Htay, seniorassistant teacher,Monglon village BEHS,Kyaukme Township inState State (North), perse-verance and diligenceawards to trainee No E-154 U Tin Maung Tun,junior assistant teacher,Htichaing town No 2 PostPrimary School ofSagaing Division, traineeNo A-56, senior assistantteacher, Yadanapon vil-lage Affiliated BEHS,Yetsauk township, ShanState (South) and traineeNo D-140 Daw MyintMyint Yi, junior assistantteacher, Uhmingon villagePost-Primary School,Kawlin Township,Sagaing Division, andmodel hostel awards toleaders of No 1 men’scompany and No 1 wom-en’s company.

Completion certifi-cates were presented to thetrainees through the lead-ers of the companies. Atotal of 1308 trainees fromMagway, Mandalay andSagaing Divisions andChin, Kachin, Kayah,Shan State (North), (East),and (South) attended thefive-week course.—MNA

(from page 1)Afterwards, he attended the ceremony of the

collective scattering of fertilizer in the field. At DanubyuTown Basic Education High School, he visited thestudents who were pursuing education and the library.

At the office of schoolhead, the headmistressbriefed on academic matters. Lt-Gen Ko Ko instructedthe teachers to nurture their students to become versa-tile ones.

Next, Lt-Gen Ko Ko and party went to DanubyuPeople’s Hospital and comforted the patients andinspected the hospital.


Lt-Gen Ko Ko of Ministryof Defence…

Lt-Gen Ko Ko views collective scattering of fertilizer in the field in Htakewa Village.—MNA

MinisterU Thaungpresents

prize to anoutstand-





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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 August, 2009 9

NAY PYI TAW, 2 Aug—A ceremony to markNutrition Development Week and World BreastfeedingWeek, jointly-organized by the Ministry of Health,Ministry of Mines, WHO and UNICEF, was held at themeeting hall of the Ministry of Health, here, today.

Present on the occasion were Minister for MinesBrig-Gen Ohn Myint, Minister for Health Dr KyawMyint, Deputy Minister Dr Paing Soe, delegates ofMyanmar Women’s Affairs Federation and MyanmarMaternal and Child Welfare Association, heads ofdepartment, officials of WHO and UNICEF, chairmenof social organizations and guests.

First, Minister for Health Dr Kyaw Myint madea speech on the occasion, saying that nutritiondevelopment week and world breastfeeding weekceremonies would be held on a grand scale in August.The world breastfeeding week activities with thenational awareness would be held in the first week ofAugust and the nutrition development week from thefirst week to the last week of August. With the purposeof performing health care services to the childrenunder five years and their mothers, the nutrition weekactivities were carried out across the nation at the sametime. The present one would be the 18th activity.Activities such as breastfeeding in the first week, U-5children nutrition development in the second week,pregnant women and breastfeeding mother nutritiondevelopment in the third week and eradication of

Nutrition Development Week and World BreastfeedingWeek ceremonies held

iodine deficiency in the fourth week would be carriedout. A total of 474 hospitals were recognized as babyfriendly hospital initiative and 172 townships as babyfriendly home delivery. The motto for this year was“Breastfeeding: A Vital Emergency Response, AreYou Ready”.

Next, Acting Resident Representative of WHOMr. Leonard Otega and Resident Representative ofUNICEF Mr. Ramesh Shretha made speeches on theoccasion.

Afterwards, prizes were presented to hospitals

and townships that were recognized as breastfeeding.After that Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint,Minister Dr Kyaw Myint and Deputy Minister DrPaing Soe presented prizes to breastfeeding-recognizedhospitals.

After the ceremony, the ministers and guests fedvitamin A-tablets to 35 children and iron tablets andvitamin B-1 tablets to 30 women. Director-General ofHealth Department Dr Win Myint and officials thenpresented prizes to 39 breastfeeding-recognizedtownship hospitals and health staff.—MNA

YANGON, 2 Aug—The ToshibaNotebook “New Art Collection” &Launch 2009 sponsored by ToshibaSingapore Pte Ltd and Lucky BirdTrading Co Ltd took place at SedonaHotel here yesterday with an addressby Managing Director of Lucky BirdTrading Co Ltd U Htin Aung Khaing.

Those present on the occasionviewed Toshiba Notebook produced in2009 on display. Those modern itemsinclude Latest Model TOSHIBASATELLITE L 510, TOSHIBA

F&R Minister attends opening ceremony ofnew school building

NAY PYI TAW, 2 Aug — Minister for Financeand Revenue Maj-Gen Hla Tun attended the openingceremony of new school building of Basic EducationPost-Primary School in Nyaungchaitaung Village ofKyaukpadaung Township, Mandalay Division on 1Aug morning.

Division Education Officer U Aung Swe,Chairman of Township Peace and DevelopmentCouncil U Zaw Myint Thein and Manager U Sai Naingon behalf of donor the Chairman of ACE constructionCo Ltd formally opened the school building.

The minister unveiled the inscription andsprinkled it with scented water. He delivered an addressat the ceremony.

Manager of ACE construction Co Ltd U SoeNaing handed over documents related to the newschool building to the division education officer.

Resident U Aung Thein of NyaungchaitaungVillage spoke words of thanks.

Next, the minister inspected the progress inconstruction of earth road on Kyaukpon-Netkanle-Sonekone Road.—MNA

Toshiba Notebook “New Art Collection”& Launch 2009

SATELLITE M 500 (Premier Series),TOSHIBA Portege M 900 (SignatureSeries), TOSHIBA Portege R 600 andToshiba MiniNotebook NB 200, and theywill soon be on the market. For moreinformation and services, contact No (355)on Theinbyu Road in Mingala TaungnyuntTownship, Yangon (Ph: 01- 379875,248167 and 09-99-27729), No (5) 26th

Street between 78th and 79th streets inMandalay (Ph: 02-21572) and Northwestsection of Nay Pyi Taw ThabyaegoneMarket (Ph: 067-414113).—MNA

Minister Dr Kyaw Myint addresses the ceremony to mark Nutrition Development Week andWorld Breastfeeding Week.—MNA

Minister Maj-Gen Hla Tun addresses the opening ceremony of new school building of BasicEducation Post-Primary School in Nyaungchaitaung Village .—MNA

ManagingDirectorU HtinAung



Notebook“New ArtCollection”& Launch


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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 August, 2009

Article: Mg Mg Myint Swe; Photos: Kyaw Myint Than (Lanmadaw)

Large vegetables plantations reflecting vigour of Ayeyawady dwellers

(from page 16)In response to my

question, a farmer at acreeper patch told theMyanma Alin, “I am UInn Htay . My creeperfarm is 250 feet long and80 feet wide.

“Indeed, running acreeper farm doesn’t takelong, so we can harvest itin a short term. And wedon’t need much invest-ment to grow creeper.So, creeper is grown on acommercial scale here.”

The lifespan of acreeper plant is short. Itcan be at harvest when itis 25 to 30 days old.Farmers pick creepersonce every four days.

He collected about4500 creepers from his

farm in a season.Po Tha Aye Village

has about 35 creeperfarms. The village’s veg-etables surpluses go toPyapon, Bogale andMawlamyinegyun town-ships.

There radish planta-tions stretched as far aswe could see. Accordingto farmers, the village pro-duced millions of viss ofradish a season.

After observing thevegetable plantations ofPo Tha Aye Village inMawlamyinegyun Town-ship, I was deeply im-pressed by the hard workand resilience the dwell-ers had showed to recoverfrom the catastrophe.

I witnessed that the

U Inn Htay , creeper farmer in Po Tha AyeVillage.

Female workers plucking radish leaves.Agricultural produce of Po Tha Aye Village is distributed to nearby


An arbour of ridged gourd in Po Tha Aye Village.

Flourishing radish and bitter gourd patches in Po Tha Aye Village.

village distributed its richagricultural produce bywater to nearby townshipsevery day. So, it is fair tosay that Po Tha Aye Vil-lage makes dominant con-

tribution to the suffi-ciency of greens of theregions.

*********Translation: MS

Myanma Alin: 31-7-2009

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 August, 2009 11

Study finds that lung cancer patients respondto erlotinib following cetuximab therapy

SAN FRANCISCO, 2Aug—Non-small celllung cancer patients whohave progressed on acetuximab-containingregimen may respond toerlotinib, Fox ChaseCancer Center researchersreported today at theannual meeting of theInternational Associationfor the Study of LungCancer.

Both cetuximab(Erbitux) and erlotinib(Tarceva) inhibit theepidermal growth factorreceptor (EGFR) and theassumption has been thatonce a patient progresseson one EGFR inhibitor

they will not respond toanother EGFR inhibitor.The new data suggests thatmay not be the case.

“Just because a patientreceived and progressedon one EGFR inhibitordoesn’t necessarily meanthey will not derive clinicalbenefit from another one,”says Hossein Borghaei,D.O., medical oncologistat Fox Chase. “And forpatients who don’t have alot of treatment options,we think this is a goodthing. It gives them onemore drug to try when theirdisease is progressing.”

To find out if patientswhose disease is no longer

controlled by cetuximabcan respond to erlotinib,Borghaei and colleaguesexamined the treatmentand clinical outcomes fora subgroup of patientswho had participated in aFox Chase clinical trialthat tested a combinationof carboplatin, paclitaxeland cetuximab as first-linetreatment for advancednon-small cell lungcancer. Out of 53 patientswho had participated inthat trial, the investigatorsidentified 15 individualswho had receivederlotinib duringsubsequent therapy.


Visitors (R) wait to ride the “Chaos” at the Fetes de Geneve, an annual streetfestival, in Geneva on 1 August , 2009.—INTERNET

Safety marshals watch

over competitors as

they compete in a

triathlon during the

London Triathlon in

the docklands area of

East London on

1 August, 2009.


A phone with Windows 6.5 OS now namedWindows Phone OS.—INTERNET

WASHINGTON, 2 Aug—The long-awaited Mic-rosoft Windows phone OS,formerly Windows 6.5should see the Redmundgroup back in the mobilepack. Weeks away fromthe official launch TheInquirer bagged a hands-on preview.

Completely redes-igned, the OS looks set torival Android and quitepossible the iPhone OS.Gone are the folder viewsto be replaced by 24-bitmenu icons, and there’salso a glimpse of theMarket Place for WindowsPhone.

Also in the previewsee a walkthrough of theMy Phone sync-hronisation features of theWindows Phone OS., Abrand spanking newfeature with which themobile’s contents can allbe backed-up to the cloudvia a Windows Live

Windows 6.5 mobile phone OS hands-on preview

account. The My PhonePC client software can alsoremotely wipe the handsetif it is lost or stolen and candownload all the SMS,emails and contacts to areplacement mobile. No

on-sale confirmed yet, butrumour has it that it will bebefore Christmas and quitepossibly on the 22 ofOctober to coincide withthe Windows 7 launch.


BEIJING, 2 Aug — Thousands of people have beenplaced under quarantine in a town in northwest Chinaafter a man died of pneumonic plague and 11 otherswere confirmed infected with the deadly lung infection,health authorities said.

The 32-year-old herdsman died in Ziketan inQinghai province, the provincial health bureau said ina statement posted on its Web site on Saturday. It didnot say when he died.Most of the others infected arerelatives of the deceased and are in stable condition ina hospital, the bureau said.The town of 10,000 peoplehas been placed under quarantine and a team ofexperts has been sent to the area, it said.


NEW DELHI, 2 Aug—Thousands of people were rendered homeless in India’seastern state of Bihar after a river driven by monsoon rains breached its embankment,flooding nearly 200 villages, news reports said on Sunday. An estimated 100,000people were affected after the swollen Bagmati river inundated the northernSitamarhi district bordering Nepal, the IANS news agency reported.

The stranded villagers were living under open skies without food and drinkingwater, waiting to be rescued.

Teams from the National Disaster Response Force began rescue on Sundaymorning as the river breached over a 100-feet embankment in Sitamarhi a day earlier.More villages were likely to be flooded, authorities said.

At least half a dozen people were feared drowned but officials confirmed onlya woman was killed. Major rivers in north Bihar, especially the Kosi, Gandak, Budhiand Bagmati are in spate following heavy rains in their catchment areas.With heavyrainfall recorded in the catchments areas in neighbouring Nepal, the water levels ofthese rivers have risen to dangerous levels in the last four to five days.—Internet

Man dies from plague inChina, 11 others infected

Floods leave thousands homeless in eastern India

American Air inspects jets after FAA auditWA S H I N G T O N/NE W

YORK, 2 Aug—Ame-rican Airlines pulledthree Boeing 737 jetsfrom service this weekand is inspecting the restof its fleet after a routinesafety audit flaggedunusual scratches foundon some planes, aspokesman for a federalregulator said on Friday.The damage was foundon the “skin” of jetsabove the mainpassenger doorway, andwas caused by a bolt orpiece of metalprotruding from a jetway

curtain in Phoenix,Arizona, said LynnLunsford, a spokesmanfor the Federal AviationAdministration.

“American isvoluntarily doing theinspections, but it’s withthe full concurrence ofthe FAA,” Lunsfordsaid. Scratches on theoutside of jets are ofconcern because, leftunchecked, they canweaken the metal andturn into a hole in thefuselage, Lunsfordexplained. “Because theskin at that part of the

aircraft is pretty thin, thetolerances for how muchdamage you can have thereis pretty small,” he said.

The problem came tothe light this week whenan FAA inspector noticedan “unusual repair” in alog for one of AmericanAirline’s jets, Lunsfordsaid. Further review ofrecords turned up a“handful” of similarrepairs, he said, with thefirst one logged inFebruary. The precisenumber is still underinvestigation, he said.


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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 August, 2009

2000-year-old ancient tombsdiscovered in C China

Moderatequake hits

easternIndonesiaJAKARTA, 2 Aug — An

earthquake measuring 5.5on the Richter scale rockedeastern part of Indonesiaon Sunday morning, butthere was no report ofdamage or casualties, saidthe local meteorology andgeophysics agency.

The quake struck at08:07 Jakarta time (0107GMT) with epicenter at161 km northwestSaumlaki of Maluku Prov-ince and 10 km in depth,the agency said.—Intrnet

BEIJING, 2 Aug—Morethan 80 ancient tombs,which can be dated backto more than 2,000 yearsago, have been discoveredrecently in Xiangfan city,south-central China’sHubei Province.

Up to now, nearly 1,000tombs between West ZhouDynasty (about 1029 BCto 771 BC) and Han Dy-nasty (206 BC-220 AD)have been unearthed at thesite named ShengangTombs.

The newly discoveredtombs on a constructionsite buried low-class aris-tocrats and civilians dur-ing the Spring and Autumnand the Warring States Pe-riods, covering an area of61 mu (about 4 hactare).

The archaeologists saidthat it was probably a cem-

etery. Some of the tombsthat were placed in thesame direction, side byside, of the same size, wereprobably the couple’stombs. Soundbite: WangXianfu, vice-director ofXiangfan ArchaeologicalInstitute “The tombs’ dis-tribution is special, as partof the graves were com-paratively centralized. Inthat way, that part couldbelong to a certain familyof Chu Dynasty.”

The discovery is be-lieved to push forward thearcheological research inHubei Province, especiallyits ancient culture studies.

Hubei is home to theancient state of Chu, a stateduring the Spring and Au-tumn and Warring StatesPeriod with its unique cul-ture.—Internet

Nissan unveils ‘Leaf’ electric car

Local people fight against forest fire in Avila, Spain on 30 July. A total of 75,000hectares of forests were destroyed and 11 people, mostly fire fighters, were killedin forest fires in Spain in the first seven months of this year.—INTERNET

Six mourners woundedin funeral shooting

People release turtles to the sea during the celebration to resume the annualfishing season in Yangjiang City, south China’s Guangdong Province,

on 1 Aug, 2009. —XINHUA

CHICAGO, 2 Aug—Agunman opened fire onSaturday outside a gangmember’s funeral in Chi-cago, putting six people inthe hospital, police said.

The shooting occurredas mourners gathered atthe Gospel Truth LifeChanging Ministries for afuneral service forCornelius Robinson, 28,the Chicago Tribune re-ported.

Robinson, described asa “self-admitted” gang

member, died of naturalcauses last week.

Police Officer KevinKilmer, a spokesman forthe department, said agroup of people were onthe sidewalk outside thechurch on the city’s WestSide.“An offender ap-proached on foot, walkedup to the intended targetand shot multiple times,”Kilmer said. “The of-fender then proceeded tofire at the crowd as he fledthe scene.”—Internet

Rain storms hit China, leaving threedead, one missing

YOKOHAMA, 2 Aug—Nissan unveiled on Sun-day its first all electric car,the Leaf, vowing to opena new chapter for the trou-bled auto industry and takea lead over its bigger rivalsin zero emission vehicles.

The mid-sized hatch-back, which will go on salein late 2010 in Japan, theUnited States, and Europe,represents a bold bet by

Nissan that hybrids aremerely a passing fad on theroad to pure electric vehi-cles. The Leaf, describedby Nissan as “the world’sfirst affordable, zero-emis-sion car,” can travel morethan 160 kilometres (100miles) on a single charge,at a top speed of 140 kilo-metres per hour, the com-pany said.

It will “lead the way to

a zero emission future,opening a new era in theautomotive industry,”chief executive CarlosGhosn said, unveilingthe car at the group’snew headquarters inYokohama, southwest ofTokyo.”—Internet

KUNMING/WUHAN, 2 Aug—Rainstorms hit southwest and central China,leaving three dead, two injured andone missing, local authorities said onSaturday.

The landslide triggered by rainstorm hit Fugong County in southwestChina’s Yunnan Province at 5:30 amSaturday, leaving two dead, two injuredand one missing, said Hu Rong, headof the county.

Rescuers had arrived at thecounty to search for the missing, Husaid.

Another death was caused by floodamid heavy rain from Thursday to Fri-

day in Shiyan City of central China’sHubei Province, said an official of theprovincial flood control and drought re-lief headquater.

More than 43,000 people had been af-fected by the rain which triggered floodand landslide and the direct economicloss was estimated to be 18.35 millionyuan (About 2.7 million US dollars), theofficial said.

Nearly 1,500 people had been evacu-ated, the official said. Other areas innorth, east, southwest and central China,including Beijing and Shanghai had alsobeen hit by heavy rain.


Nissan Motor Co’s prototype of the first mass-volume electric car “Leaf” isshowcased to the media after an opening ceremony of the company’s new globalheadquarters in Yokohama, south of Tokyo on 2 Aug, 2009.—INTERNET

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 August, 2009 13

Men stir porciuncula soup during La Porciuncula, a religious event in whichthe Franciscan community serves food to the poor at Los Descalzos Convent

in Lima, on 1 Aug 2009.—INTERNET

Workers repair an ancient kiln of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), in China’sporcelain capital, Jingdezhen City, eastern Jiangxi Province,

on 1 Aug, 2009.—INTERNET

The main stage at the site of the Big ValleyJamboree in Camrose, Alberta Canada on 1

August 2009. A vicious storm ripped through anoutdoor country music festival in central Alberta

around suppertime on Saturday, toppling theconcert stage and killing one person and injuring

15 others. Camrose Police Chief DarrellKambeitz confirmed the one death and said all 15

injured were taken to hospitals.—INTERNET

Sperm bank rejectssingle woman

More natural redheadsavoid dentist

CLEVELAND, 2 Aug —Natural redheads tend tofear the dentist more thanmost because of a geneticvariant that makes themsensitive to pain, aCleveland Clinic researchersaid. The variant responsiblefor red hair stimulates abrain receptor that makesthem more aware of pain, Dr

Infrared cameras reveal ancient city

Daniel Sessler told ThePlain Dealer in a storypublished on Saturday.

The variant also makesnatural redheads moreresistant to general andlocal anesthesia, Sesslersaid, noting redheads needabout 20 percent moreanesthesia than others.


BEIJING, 2 Aug—Patients with childhoodleukemia have elevatedlevels of householdpesticides in their urine,according to a new studyby the GeorgetownUniversity LombardiComprehensive CancerCenter.

The researcherscompared urine samplesfrom 41 pairs each ofchildren with ALL (acutelymphoblastic leukemia)

Pesticide linked toleukemia

BEIJING, 2 Aug — TheShanghai Sperm Bankhas turned down severalrequests from singlewoman wanting to have ababy. The city’s onlysperm bank, at RenjiHospital, is always shortof donated sperm, whichmust be provided toinfertile couplesaccording to Ministry ofHealth rules.

Officials saidyesterday that they hadreceived a few requests

VENICE, 2 Aug —Anancient Italian citydestroyed by Attila theHun and now hiddenunderground has been

mapped for the first timevia infrared photography,officials said.

Infrared aerialphotography, combinedwith 3D reconstructiontechniques, has revealedAltinum’s spectacularcoastal architecture,complete with bridges,walls, canals, houses andlarge public buildings, theItalian news agency ANSAreported on Saturday.

“Until now we onlyknew that Altinum wasthere, we didn’t know

what it was like,” teamleader Paolo Mozzi said.

Writing in the journalScience, Mozzi said themaps show the existenceof a complex urbanstructure and howinhabitants adapted to lifeon a lagoon.

The maps suggest theRomans exploited thewatery environmentcenturies before the city ofVenice began to emerge onthe archipelago in themiddle of the lagoon,” hesaid.—Internetand their mothers with

healthy children and theirmoms.

“We found elevatedlevels of commonhousehold pesticides moreoften in the mother-childpairs affected by cancer,”said lead researcher OffieSoldin. “We shouldn’tassume that pesticidescaused these cancers, butour findings support theneed for more research inthis area.” —Internet

earlier this year forsperms from singlewoman, who were eithercelibate or couldn’t finda suitable partner. Thecentre refused all theserequests, since theministry has clearregulations on recipientsof donated sperm, saidDr Li Zheng, the spermbank’s director. Givingsperm to single womancould result in socialproblems frustratingboth the woman and such

children, he added.In fact, delivering an

extramarital baby itselfviolated the nation’spopulation and familyplanning law and waspunishable by a fine.

According to thelaw, only a legal coupleare allowed to havechildren and there aredetailed rules on thenumber of childrenallowed by provincialpopulation authorities.


Scientists discover secrets ofred wine’s health benefits

LOS ANGELES, 2 Aug—Red wine’s health benefitslie in resveratrol whichworks as an effectivetherapy for life-threatening inflammation,a new study has found.

The study not onlyexplains resveratrol’s one-two punch oninflammation, but alsoshows how it, or aderivative, can be used totreat potentially deadlyinflammatory disease,such as appendicitis,peritonitis, and systemicsepsis, said a team ofscientists from Scotlandand Singapore.

The study waspublished in the August2009 print issue of Journalof the Federation ofAmerican Societies forExperimental Biology(The FASEB Journal) .

In the study, theresearchers administeredan inflammatory agent to

two groups of mice. Onegroup was pretreated withresveratrol and the othergroup was not. The micethat were not pretreatedwith resveratrolexperienced a stronginflammatory response,simulating disease inhumans, while thegroup pretreatedwith resveratrol wasprotected from theinflammation.

The scientists thenexamined the tissues of themice to determine exactlyhow resveratrol was able toprotect the mice frominflammation. They foundthat resveratrol used a one-two punch to stopinflammation in the mice bypreventing the body fromcreating two differentmolecules known to triggerinflammation, sphingosinekinase and phospholipaseD.

This finding suggests that

resveratrol may beharnessable as atreatment forinflammatory diseasesand may also lead toentirely newresveratrol-based drugsthat are even moreeffective, said theresearchers.

“Strong acuteinflammatory diseasessuch as sepsis are verydifficult to treat andmany die every day dueto lack of treatment, “said Alirio Melendez,senior lecturer on thefaculty of medicine atGlasgow BiomedicalResearch Centre inScotland and one of theresearchers involved inthe work.


3-8-09 NL 7/31/18, 8:42 PM13

14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 August, 2009


China breaks world record in winning relay goldA four-year-old playertakes part in the 6th In-ternational TraditionalWushu Competitionheld in Hangzhou, capi-tal of east China’sZhejiang Province,on 1Aug, 2009. The 6th In-ternational TraditionalWushu Competitionkicked off on Saturdayand attracted over 5,000participants from homeand abroad. —INTERNET

Double-up Arshavin leadsArsenal to victory

Abdrei Arshavinof Arsenal

Matthew takes 3-shot lead atWomen’s British Open

Scotland’s Catriona Matthew

Promoted Parma sign Panucci ROME, 2 Aug—Promoted Serie A side Parma an-

nounced on Friday to have signed with ChristianPanucci as the former Italian defender’s contract ranout at AS Roma.

“Parma announces that we have reached an agree-ment with defender Christian Panucci,” the club toldtheir website without giving details of the contract.

The 36-year-old had played for Roma for eight yearsbut fallen out with coach Luciano Spalletti last sea-son. He had also played with former Serie A champi-ons AC Milan.—Internet

Argentine strikerCruz moves to Lazio ROME, 2 Aug—Lazio announced on

Friday that the Italian Serie club hassigned with Julio Cruz and called up theArgentine striker for the Italian Super Cupmatch against his previous side Inter Mi-lan on 8 August. The 34-year-old was re-leased by champions Inter at the end oflast season and has taken his time choos-ing Italian Cup holders Lazio after sev-eral clubs expressed an interest.—Internet

Zhao Jing, Chen Huijia, Jiao Liuyang(from L to R) cheers for their teammateLi Zhesi at the women’s 4x100m medleyfinal during FINA World SwimmingChampionships in Rome, Italy, on 1Aug, 2009. China won gold and set a newworld record with 3:52.19.—INTERNET

Rejuvenated Owen targets World Cup

Michael Owen

Juventus beat Real to reach Peace Cup final

Real Madrid’s Cristiano Ronaldo (left)vies with Juventus’s Tiago Mendesduring a semi-final of the Peace CupAndalucia match at Sanchez Pizjuan

stadium in Sevilla.—INTERNET

Spurs confirmmild sprain inParker’s ankle

SAN ANTONIO, 2 Aug—Tony Parker will miss thenext game for the Frenchnational team after theSpurs confirmed a mildright ankle sprain in theirstar point guard.

The Spurs broughtParker back to SanAntonio for tests aftertheir leading scorer in-jured his ankle and thighin a collision with an Aus-trian player last week.Parker is not expected toplay when France playsItaly on Wednesday in aEuropean championshipqualifier.—Internet

Torres says big-spending Spanish clubshave much to learn from Premier League

Liverpool strikerFernando Torres

Answers to yesterday’sCrosswords Puzzle














LONDON, 2 Aug—Big-spending Spanish clubsReal Madrid and Barce-lona still have much tolearn form English Pre-mier League, Liverpoolstriker Fernando Torressaid on Saturday.

“English football hasan enormous followingacross the world, not justbecause of the players butbecause of its history, itstradition, the excitement,the capacity crowds,” the25-year-old Spaniard,who spent six years in theSpanish top flight with

Atletico Madrid, toldLiverpool’s website.


LONDON, 2 Aug—MichaelOwen believes his move to Man-chester United can help propel himinto Fabio Capello’s Englandsquad for the World Cup finals.

The 29-year-old striker has nodoubt that he can still force his wayback into the set-up despite an in-jury-plagued spell at relegatedNewcastle which contributed to hisinternational exile.

“My mind’s been thinkingabout that since I was three yearsold in the back garden, and noth-ing has changed,” Owen toldFourFourTwo magazine.” Win-ning the World Cup is the ultimate- it’s still my dream.” Owen alsohit back at his critics who insist heis past his best and could struggleat Old Trafford where the summerexits of Cristiano Ronaldo andCarlos Tevez have piled more pres-sure onto his shoulders.—Internet

SEVILLE, 2 Aug–Juventus beat RealMadrid 2-1 to reach the final of the PeaceCup as the big-spending Spanish clubfailed to shine in its first major pre-sea-son test.

The Italians will meet Aston Villa onSunday after the English Premier Leagueside beat Porto of Portugal by the samescore in Malaga.Juventus got off to a fly-ing start in Friday’s match in Sevillewhen Fabio Cannavaro connected witha free kick from Alessandro del Piero tohead the ball past Jerzy Dudek in thethird minute.—Internet

ROME, 2 Aug—China beat Olympicchampions Australia with a world recordfinish to win the women’s 4x100m med-ley relay at the world swimming cham-pionships on Saturday.China battled itout with Australia all the way before LiZhesi touched home in three minutes,52.19 seconds to shatter the mark of3:52.69 set by the Australians at theBeijing Olympics.

Australia had to settle for silver in3:52.58, with Germany taking bronze in3:55.79. American Michael Phelps wona showdown with Serbian Milorad

Cavic to claim the men’s 100m butter-fly gold. Phelps clocked 49.82 secondsto snatch the world record back fromCavic, who shattered the American’smark in Friday’s semifinals. —Internet

LONDON, 2 Aug—Rus-sian international AndreyArshavin came off thebench to score twice asArsenal beat Atletico Ma-drid 2-1 in the EmiratesCup on Saturday.All threegoals came in the last fiveminutes.Cesc Fabregaslofted the ball over to theback post from the right,where Arshavin arrived tovolley past Sergio Asenjo.

However, GermanPacheco then beat the off-

side trap to slot in anequaliser with just twominutes left.In one finaltwist, Arshavin latchedonto a poor backwardclearing header fromTomas Ujfalusi to slot theball in from the tightest ofangles.Arsenal welcomedback Czech winger TomasRosicky, who had beenout of action for some 18months with a string ofniggling injuries, and hisreturn was a welcomeboost for manager ArseneWenger following the lossof Samir Nasri to a bro-ken leg.—Internet


ANNES, 2 Aug—Catriona Matthewof Scotland openedup a three-shot leadat the Women’sBritish Open onSaturday after a 1-under 71 in the third round. Matthew, who is playing just10 weeks after giving birth to her second child, bogeyedthe third and fourth holes but recovered with three bird-ies to reach 4-under 212.

“I hit a good 8-iron 10 feet short at the fifth, and madethe putt (for birdie) so that settled me down,” said Mat-thew, who turns 40 later this month.Christina Kim of theUnited States was second at 1 under after a 71, whiledefending champion Jiyai Shin of South Korea shot a 68to climb into a share of third place with Ai Miyazato ofJapan at even par.—Internet

3-8-09 NL 7/31/18, 8:43 PM14

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 3 August, 2009 15

Monday, 3 AugustView on today

7:00 am 1. rif;uGef;q&mawmfbk&m;BuD;


7:25 am 2. To be Healthy

Exercise7:30 am 3. Morning News7:40 am 4. jrwf*kPfawmf

(oef;jrwfpdk;? aw;a&;-


Local Transmission

* Signature Tune* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights* Ayeyarwady’s Second Defile* A Memorable Market Day (Inle Khaung Taing)* National Herbal Park (Part II)* A Glimpse at the Mighty loggers* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights

Europe/ North America Transmission

* Signature Tune* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights* Ayeyarwady’s Second Defile* Maungmagan, The Seaside Village* A Memorable Market Day (Inle Khaung Taing)* Culture Stage* National Herbal Park (Part II)* Myanmar Modern Song* A Glimpse at the Mighty loggers* Easily Cooked Tasty Dishes* Memorial Stones from Chin Mountain Ranges* Poem Garden ]]The Moon}}

* Myanmar Natural Resource Spirulina* Myanmar Modern Song* Innovative Skills of Myanmar Handicrafts

(Part-2)* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights



Local - (09:00am ~ 10:00am) MSTEurope - (15:30pm ~ 23:30pm) MSTNorth America - (23:30pm ~ 07:30am) MST


R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

MRTV-3Programme Schedule

(3-8-2009) (Monday)

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr MST:During the past 24 hours, weather has been partly cloudyin lower Sagaing and Magway Divisions, rain have beenscattered in Mandalay and Bago Divisions, fairlywidespread in Rakhine State, upper Sgaing, Ayeyarwadyand Taninthayi Divisions and widespread in the remainingareas with locally heavyfall in Taninthayi Division andisolated heavyfall in Mon State. The noteworthy amountsof rainfall recorded were Thaton (5.95) inches, Lounglon(5.04) inches and Dawei (3.90) inches.

Maximum temperature on 1-8-2009 was 84°F.Minimum temperature on 2-8-2009 was 69°F. Relativehumidity at (09:30) hours MST on 2-8-2009 was 96%. Totalsun shine hours on 1-8-2009 was Nil.

Rainfall on 2-8-2009 was (1.26) inches at Mingaladon,(1.42) inches at Kaba-Aye and (0.95) inch at Central Yangon.Total rainfall since 1-1-2009 was (73.23) inches atMingaladon, (81.46) inches at Kaba-Aye and (83.94) inchesat Central Yangon. Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (4) mph from South at (15:30) hours MST on1-8-2009.

Bay inference: Monsoon is strong in the Andaman Seaand Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 3rd August 2009: Rainwill be isolated in Kayah State, lower Sagaing and MagwayDivisions, scattered in Shan State and Mandalay Division,fairly widespread in Rakhine State and upper SagaingDivision and widespread in the remaining States andDivisions with likelihood of isolated heavyfall in TaninthayiDivision. Degree of certainty is (80%).

State of the sea: Squalls with moderate to rough seas arelikely at times off and along Myanmar Coasts. Surface windspeed in squalls may reach (35-40) mph.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Continuation ofstrong monsoon.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for2-8-2009: Isolated rain. Degree of certainty is (80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for2-8-2009: One or two rain. Degree of certainty is (80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for2-8-2009: Likelihood of isolated rain. Degree of certaintyis (60%).

WEATHERSunday, 2nd August, 2009

7:45 am 5. Nice & Sweet Song

8:00 am 6. Cute Little Dancers

8:10 am 7. twD;NydKifyGJ

8:25 am 8. ]]aumif;jcif;a0jzm}}

8:40 am9. International News

8:50 am10. Musical Programme

4:00 pm 1. Martial Song

4:10 pm 2. Dance Variety

4:20 pm 3. jrefrmpm?jrefrmpum;

4:35 pm 4. Dance of National


4:45 pm

5. ta0;oifwuúodkvfynma&;


pwkw¬ESpf (Oya'ynm

txl;jyK) (t*Fvdyfpm)

5:00 pm

6. Songs for uphold

National Spirit

5:10 pm

7. tqdkNydKifyGJ

5:20 pm

8. Musical programme

(The Radio

Myanmar Modern

Music Troupe)

5:35 pm

9. obm0ywf0e f ;usi fE Si f h


5:45 pm

10. plygaw;oH&Sifa&G;cs,fyGJ

6:00 pm

11. Evening News

6:30 pm

12. Weather Report

6:35 pm

13. Sing & Enjoy

7:00 pm

14. ]]wm;qD;umuG,f


(iSufaysmaMumf? ESif;£udk)


7:10 pm

15. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ

]]wpfa&;Edk;zl;pm}} (tydkif;-3)

8:00 pm

16. News

17. International News

18. Weather Report

19. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ

]]arharwåm}} (tydkif;-16)

Americans ready to buyIndian, Chinese cars

A diamond encrusted golf ball is put on displayprior to the Moravia Silesia Open golf tournament

in Celadna 1 August, 2009.—INTERNET

WASHINGTON, 2 Aug—Americans are ready to buycars from India and China, a survey in the US hasrevealed. Results of the survey called ‘Opportunity forChinese and Indian Brands in the USA’ shows that 15per cent of the new car buyers in the US say they wouldconsider purchasing their next vehicle from China, and11 per cent would consider buying a car from India.

More than 30,000 buyers from around the countrywere interviewed in this survey conducted byAutoPacific. “As Hyundai and Kia have been on theAmerican scene for decades now, it’s surprising thatconsideration for Chinese and Indian brands would beabout as strong as it is for the Korean brands,”automotive research firm AutoPacific President andauthor of the study George Peterson said.

“It appears that buyers in America are willing togive Chinese and Indian vehicles a chance right out ofthe box. Understanding these consumers will becritically important to the success of any newcomer,”he said. “Not only are a significant number of peoplewilling to consider Chinese and Indian brands, thisgroup consists of highly desirable buyers who wouldbe coveted by any manufacturer,” Peterson said.


3-8-2009.pmd 8/3/2009, 3:29 AM15

13th Waxing of Wagaung 1371 ME Monday, 3 August, 2009

★ Only with stability and peace will the nation develop

★ Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

People’s Desire■ We favour peace and stability■ We favour development■ We oppose unrest and violence■ Wipe out those inciting unrest and violence

Flood warningNAY PYI TAW, 2 Aug—According to the

(12:30) hr M.S.T observation today, the water levelof Shwegyin River at Shwegyin is (726) cm and ithas exceeded by (26) cm (about 1-foot) above itsdanger level. It may remain above its danger level(700) cm during the next (24) hours commencingnoon today.

According to the (12:30) hr M.S.T observa-tion today, the water level of Sittoung River atMadauk is (1139) cm and it has exceeded by (69) cm(about 2.5 feet) above its danger level. It mayremain above its danger level (1070) cm during thenext (48) hours commencing noon today.


NAY PYI TAW, 2 Aug —The Ministry of Health is screening those who havearrived here from abroad for new influenza A (H1N1). Three men, who arrivedfrom Malaysia, were transferred to hospitals after they had been found to havebeen ill. National Health Laboratory detected them and they were found to havebeen infected with the A (H1N1) virus. The patients are receiving treatment atYangon General Hospital, Insein General Hospital and Waibagi Hospital.

Seventeen family members of the patients are kept in home quarantine andunder surveillance. Authorities concerned have put under surveillance all thosewho had arrived on the same flight with the patients in their respective places.They are 172 passengers who arrived by TG-303 Flight, 151 by MH-740 Flightand 118 by 8M-502, and 138 airport staff.

There have been 13 A (H1N1)-infected persons in Myanmar. Six have beendischarged from the hospitals as they have recovered fully from their illness andthe remaining seven are being given special treatment by specialists. The NationalHealth Laboratory detected 120 flu-suspected persons and 13 were found to havebeen infected with the virus.—MNA

Three more persons found infected with A (H1N1)13 have been infected with virus in Myanmar

Large vegetables plantations reflecting vigour of Ayeyawady dwellersArticle: Mg Mg Myint Swe; Photos: Kyaw Myint Than (Lanmadaw)

Radish is grown on a vast scale in Po Tha Aye Village, Mawlamyinegyun Township.

Just as news crew members of us disembarkedthe motorized boat and got to the bank in BogaleTownship, seven miles from Mawlamyinegyun, wewere impressed by thriving vast stretches of planta-tions of vegetables.

Many of the villages in Mawlamyinegyun Town-ship were hit hard by not only the cyclone “Nargis”but also huge tidal waves it triggered, one of which isPo Tha Aye Village.

The whole scene looked incredible as if themiseries the village encountered in the natural disas-ter last year were just a dream. The faces of thefarmers showed that strong impact of absolute night-mare on them was no more, thus supporting the motto“Ayeyawady Delta, hardworking dwellers”.

Along the bank just outside Po Tha Aye Villagewere so many large-scale patches of such vegetablesas radish, creeper, bitter gourd, cucumber, roselle,and ridged gourd.

(See page 10)

Robotics insights through flies’ eyes

Specific flight patterns are simulatedby controlling optical "flux fields"

presented to the fly.

SCIENCE DAILY, 2 Aug— Commonand clumsy-looking, the blow fly is atrue artist of flight. Suddenly changingdirection, standing still in the air, spin-ning lightning-fast around its own axis,and making precise, pinpoint landings– all these maneuvers are simply amatter of course. Extremely quick eye-sight helps to keep it from losing orien-tation as it races to and fro. Still, howdoes its tiny brain process the multi-plicity of images and signals so rapidlyand efficiently?

To get to the bottom of this, mem-bers of a Munich-based "excellencecluster" called Cognition for TechnicalSystems or CoTeSys have created anunusual research environment: a flightsimulator for flies.—Internet

3-8-09 NL 7/31/18, 8:43 PM16

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