The Muslim Link - April 27, 2012

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The Muslim Link - April 27, 2012


Sentencing Statement that Shook the courtroomPG 18 PG 6

Muharram|Safar|Rabi Al-Awaal |Rabi Al-Thani| Jumada Al-Awwal|6 Jumada al-akhir, 1433|Rajab|Shaban|Ramadan|Shawwal|Thul-Qedah|Thul-Hijjah

PG 29

The Muslim Link Coupons


Court of Appeals Upholds Sentence for Chandia | pg 8

JHU Students Hold Forum On New “Orwellian” Reality| pg 6

Emergency Response Training Offered As Act of Faith | pg 5

Group Aims to BridgeUS Muslims, Govt | pg 4

wpress: Spy Agency To Put Agents in Businesses | pg 22

Alexandria Cabbies Protest Yellow Cab Control | pg 5

>> housing Pg 15

Lack of Low Income Housing Leaves Few Options for Struggling Area FamiliesBy Wafa UnusMuslim Link Staff Reporter

Few employment opportunities, numerous foreclosures and rampant lay-offs are creating a perfect storm for financially struggling families. Many forced to downgrade lifestyle and living expenses are being rudely awakened by the limited options for low income housing in the D.C. metro area.

Recent years have seen a drop in low income housing options.

Emergency shelters like this one in Fairfax, Virginia provide only temporary housing for the increasing number of struggling families in the region. Perma-nent, low-income housing is extremely hard to find in Northern Virginia.

A Dangerous Mind?By Andrew F. March

LATE last year, a jury in Boston convic ted Ta r e k M e h a n n a , a 29-year-old pharmacist born in Pittsburgh, of mater ia l support for terrorism, conspiring to p rov ide ma te r i a l support to terror is ts and conspiring to kill in

a foreign country, after a 35-day trial in which I testified as an expert witness for the defense.

O n A p r i l 1 2 , M r . Mehanna was sentenced to 17 and a half years i n p r i s o n . H e a r i n g this, most Americans would probably assume that the F.B.I. caught

a major homegrown terrorist and that 17 and a ha l f yea r s i s reasonable punishment for someone plotting to engage in terrorism. The details, however, reveal this to be one of the most important free speech cases we

>> mind Pg 18

IsLAM: In Islam, Every Day is Earth Day | pg 23

montgomery county awardS LocaL muSLim

6 Jumada Al-Akhir - 19 Jumada Al-Akhir, 1433 A.H. |

april 27th 2012 - may 10th 2012 md, Va, and dc metropolitan area Bi-weekly newspaper | Free

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April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 2 | ADVERTISEMENT


| 3April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 INDEX

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April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 4 | COMMUNITY NEWS

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reLieF And AidZakat Foundation | 8Helping Hand for Relief and Development | 13

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MACCPAC Conference: Group Aims to Be Bridge Between US Muslims, GovernmentBy Wafa UnusMuslim Link Staff Reporter

The Muslim American Citizens Coalition and Public Affairs Council (MACCPAC) held its first annual conference on March 29th and 30th.

The conference, themed “Muslims in the United States: Helping America meet the Challenges of the 21st Century,” was held in Washington D.C. and focused on the rights and duties of Americans in the advancement of the United States.

“There is a need for a Muslim American Citizens Coalition as a bridge between the people of the Muslim community, regardless of which of these groups they belong to, and the government. We need that bridge...MACPACC is trying to do that,” said Dr. Sulayman Nyang, Chairman of MACCPAC.

The conference hosted representatives from several of the most prominent Muslim organizations in the United States as well as government officials. Among the attendees were Congressman Keith Ellison, Arsalan Suleman, US Deputy Special Envoy to Organization of the Islamic Conference, as well as representatives from the Coordinating Council of Muslim Organizations (CCMO), the Council on American-I s l amic Re la t i ons (CAIR) , t he International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC).

Sessions covered topics from “American Muslim Women in the 21st Century” to working with elected officials.

The first day of the two day conference closed with a dinner that showcased s e v e r a l p r o m i n e n t M u s l i m s i n government, including Adnan Kifayat, the

Deputy Special Representative to Muslim Communities from the U.S. Department of State, who addressed the attendees.

MACCPAC awarded seven people they considered “distinguished personalities” for their community service. Among the recipients were Representative John Conyers, Paul Monterio, Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, and George Selim, formerly of the Department of Homeland Security Office for Civil Liberties and Civil Rights. Also awarded was Farah Pandith, a Special Representative to Muslim Communities from the State Department, Imam Mohamed Magid, the President of ISNA, and Moon Yusif Sulfab, the president of the Congressional Muslim Staffers Association, as well as Jameel Johnson, the former Chief of Staff for Congressman Gregory Meeks and MACCPAC Congressional Advisor.

A White House Briefing at the Eisenhower

Executive Office Building took place the second day of the conference and hosted approximately 100 community leaders from around the nation where representatives from government agencies encouraged the community leaders to utilize government provided resources to bridge the gap between Muslims and the mainstream.

“It was a good experience for Muslim leaders to go back [to their organizations] and say that they were received at the White House and interacted with representatives from different branches of the government through MACCPAC,” said Nyang. “It’s a big difference between sitting in Texas or Alaska or Kentucky and reading about it in the paper.”

Nyang said that though the Council is still in its infancy with the conference as a


Community News

conference Pg 17

| 5April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 COMMUNITY NEWS

>> taxi Pg 17

Alexandria Cabbies Protest Yellow Cab ControlBy Wafa UnusMuslim Link Staff Reporter

Taxi drivers in the City of Alexandria are protesting recent Yellow Cab Company changes that garnish wages to cover cab upgrades and a city code that ultimately prevents them from finding work outside of the Company.

On April 17th many drivers in Alexandria took their cabs off the street between 11 A.M. and 2 P.M. and met at the Nannie Lee Memorial Recreation Center, demonstrating their discontent toward the company’s treatment of drivers.

“They put new equipment but this shouldn’t be at our expense,” said Daniel Berhane, a Yellow cab driver for nearly seven years and board member of Tenants and Workers United.

Taxi drivers pay a regular stand fee to the cab company and with new equipment that fee has increased to support the new infrastructure.

“We’ve invested in computers, backseat cameras and backseat credit card swipers. As a result our call volume has increased,” said Spencer Kimball, President of Alexandria Yellow Cab. “...The drivers

are the ones who benefit from it.”

The main problem isn’t the money, Berhane said, but the inability for cab drivers in the city to switch companies rather than be forced to face increases in fees to the cab company.

In 2010 the city of Alexandria amended its taxi code with cab companies within its jurisdiction requiring that each taxi meet a required number of dispatch calls per day. Any cab company that was not compliant would not be allowed to take on any additional drivers.

Because companies other than Yellow Cab have not been able to meet the quota, Yellow Cab drivers do not have

employment options when it comes to moving outside the company.

“The drivers are saying they’re stuck. They can go where they want to go if there is an opening. In Alexandria there isn’t an opening,” said Kimball.

Berhane said that though the city code itself is a problem, Yellow Cab knew that it would have an upperhand and has since taken advantage of its drivers’ situation.

“The only thing we ask for us to have the rights of any company. We need not should be objected as a slave for one company,” said Berhane. “We want to have freedom of movement so we can negotiate with the company...

The city cannot have one company that monopolizing.”

“We’re obviously very concerned about our drivers and we have done our best to reach out and try to handle this,” said Kimball.

Kimball said Yellow Cab has already compromised with their drivers, changing the stand fee increase from $15 a week to $7 a week after drivers expressed concern over the initial number.

“We have compromised and we have been open to their discussions,” he said.

As the issue began to heat up, Yellow Cab pulled statistics and found that the average cab fare in the City of Alexandria was twenty dollars.

“We’re asking for $1 to offset the cost,” he said. “If you can save $1 from $20 that’s a very good day.”

Increase in stand fees coupled with increasing gas prices have created a dilemma for some struggling cab drivers.

Emergency Response Training Offered As Act of FaithBy Wafa UnusMuslim Link Staff Reporter

The Metropolitan Area Sunni Society (M.A.S.S.) will hold the first of its two-part community emergency response workshops on April 29th. The Community Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.) workshops are sponsored by the Citizen Corps and Serve D.C., a volunteer initiative by the Mayor’s office.

The two day workshop offers training on how to deal with local hazards, respond to basic disasters and fire hazards as well as perform simple search and rescue operations. In addition, the workshop covers team organization, disaster medical operations, disaster psychology

and terrorism.

Nain Baker, the organizer of the workshop, felt a great need to share the program with the Muslim community after completing the C.E.R.T certification himself.

“[These programs are important] because Allah says in the Quran that if you save one life it’s like you save all ofl humanity...It takes that part of the ayah and brings it to life,” said Baker.

Though many masjid leaders hadn’t heard of the program, Baker said once he pitched the idea of bringing the training into the masjid, it was welcomed with open arms.

“People were not aware of the program.

They felt like what I felt when I first felt when I sat down and heard about the program. We as Muslims should be at the forefront of this,” he said.

The workshop, facilitated by Firefighter Abdul Majeed Calvert L. Potter is an effort to educate the community about the importance of being prepared in all situations. One of Baker’s goals is to encourage masajid to establish formal contingency plans for fires, power outages and to operate as shelters if a situation warrants it.

The workshop participants range in age and experience, from those who have never used a fire extinguisher to those who have formal military training.

“For someone who is new to [the basic training], it’s an exciting feeling for them,” said Baker. “The older people who we talk to feel like it’s important to them because many of them live on their own.”

Baker emphasised that while the C.E.R.T. workshops do not provide extensive training, they do provide skills that can help Muslims practice their faith in ways “other than putting our heads on the carpet.”

Currently the workshops are only being planned for D.C. masajid due to restrictions within the C.E.R.T program. However, Baker and M.A.S.S. have future plans to work with Maryland masajid on similar training programs.


April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 6 | COMMUNITY NEWS

JHU Students Hold Forum On New “Orwellian” RealityBy Lamees S. El-sadekMuslim Link Contributing Writer

Over 80 members of Johns Hopkins University concerned with the abuses of prisoners within the U.S. criminal justice system and with the protection of American civil liberties, gathered April 23rd to discuss Our New Orwellian Reali ty: Arrest without warrant , incarceration without trial, & buried alive for life.

The event featured lawyer Mr. Ashraf Nubani of the National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms, Avon Twitty (also known as Abdul Ali), a former inmate from the controversial Communication Management Unit prison in Terre Haute, Indiana, and Mariam Abu-Ali, with the Islamic Circle of North America Council on Social Justice and sister of Ahmed Abu-Ali—the man who also served as the face to the evening’s discussion.

Ahmed Abu-Ali is an American college

student who was arrested without warrant, held in a foreign prison for two years with no charges, tortured and forced to confess to a fabricated “thought” crime, and sentenced to life in solitary confinement. He is currently held in the Florence ADX supermax, the second most secure penitentiary, only next to Guantanamo.

Horrific were the torture measures taken to paint Abu-Ali as a terrorist, but also absurd are the conditions under which Abu-Ali has been imprisoned. Ahmed wakes up everyday in an 8x12 foot cell 20 meters beneath the ground, with a toilet jammed next to his bed. He receives his food three times a day through a slot in the door and has virtually no human contact. Ahmed is only allowed one unscheduled fifteen-minute phone call to his family every month and if they miss his call, they miss it. “Even Ahmed’s books are inspected by the FBI. In fact, he couldn’t even read Obama’s books, because they’re considered ‘potentially

detrimental to national security’,” shared Ahmed’s sister in reference to the myriad of absurd conditions to which Ahmed is subject.

Although light was shed on the many

inhumane injustices to which Ahmed Abu-Ali and his family (and many other victims of allegations) have been

>> orwellian Pg 17

Former inmate Avon Twitty gestures at the screen while addressing students at Johns Hopkins University on the sordid, inhumane conditions at the controversial Control Management Unit federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana. Photo by Sarah Khasawinah.

Founder of Muslim Non-Profit to Receive Montgomery County AwardI N A U G U R A L M O N T G O M E RY SERVES AWARDS:

“Neal Potter Path of Achievement” Winners Announced

The inaugural Montgomery Serves Awards ceremony will take place Monday, April 30, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at Imagination Stage in Bethesda. This event will honor some of our County’s most outstanding community leaders and dedicated volunteers.

In partnership with Montgomery County’s Commission on Aging and The Beacon newspaper, among those honored will be two Neal Potter Path of Achievement Award winners. This award, established in 1998 to honor volunteers aged 60 and older, was renamed in 2009 in memory of former County Councilmember, County Executive, and longtime civic activist Neal Potter. This year’s winners, Tufail

Ahmad and Ruby Rubens, were selected for their lifetime of volunteer service to our County.

Mr. Ahmad has been a community leader in Montgomery County for forty years. He has earned the respect, trust, and confidence of the community through his consistent efforts to bridge the gap

between Muslim Americans and the larger community. These efforts have become a model for others in Maryland and throughout the Capital area. After 9/11, Mr. Ahmad recognized the need for Muslim Americans to play a vital role in redefining their identity. He initiated dialogue between diverse groups to design grassroots initiatives. As a result, Mr. Ahmad co-founded Montgomery County Muslim Council (MCMC), whose mission is to pursue equal social, economic, educational, and political development opportunities for all County residents. He also spearheaded several other community-wide efforts to help those in need. These include feeding the homeless living in shelters; organizing distribution of three meals a day for 7 to 10 days during Ramadan for homeless women at Sophia House; coordinating a Countywide food drive for the food bank; co-hosting various interfaith events; for the last seven years, participating in the

distribution of 3,000 to 5,000 pounds of fresh meat to needy families, and providing transportation services to assist seniors. Mr. Ahmad also serves on various boards and commissions, including the Montgomery County Executive’s Asian American Advisory Group.

Ms. Rubens comes from a family with a long tradition of helping others, especially the young, the elderly, and those less fortunate. For over forty years, Ms. Rubens has been making a difference in the lives of residents in Montgomery County by devoting countless volunteer hours to a wide range of commitments. These include providing budgeting assistance to low income families in Sandy Spring; working with the Montgomery County New Horizons

>> award Pg 14....

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April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 8 | COMMUNITY NEWS


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4th Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds 15-Year Sentence for ChandiaBy Zahirah EppardMuslim Link Contributing Writer

For members of the Muslim community in Maryland who were previously unac-quainted with how the American legal system operates in practice, the case of Ali Asad Chandia has allowed ample opportunity to get familiar with the lan-guage of legal documents, federal court proceedings and a steady stream of ju-dicial disappointments.

Chandia, 35, was convicted of conspir-ing to provide “material support” to a “designated foreign terrorist organiza-tion” in August 2006.

Among the material support charges was the government’s allegation that Chandia helped ship a box of paintballs to Pakistan to be used by Kashmir liber-ation group Lashkar-i-Taiba. President Bush declared the group – which has been fighting India for Kashmiri inde-pendence for the last several decades –

as a terrorist organization after the 9/11 attacks.

Chandia, a popular third grade teacher from College Park, Md., was found guilty by a jury and sentenced to 15 years (or 180 months) in prison. A large portion of that sentence was based on Judge Claude Hilton’s use of the “ter-rorism enhancement” – a federal law

employed heavily after 9/11 allowing a defendant’s sentence to be dramati-cally increased if the alleged crime can be considered a “federal crime of ter-rorism”.

Efforts to appeal both the conviction and the expanded sentence have been ongoing since 2006.

Defense Attorney Marvin Miller has argued the case before the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals three times thus far. In the first- and second-round appeals, the sentence was vacated and the case remanded back to Judge Hilton for re-sentencing. At issue was the judge’s ability to meet the statutory test for ap-plication of the terrorism enhancement, i.e., that Chandia had acted “with the intent to influence or coerce govern-ment conduct” essentially by the use of violence. Particularly at issue were many factual misrepresentations in the Pre-Sentencing Report and an assertion by the prosecution that the terrorism enhancement should be automatically applied to material support convictions. The latest decision handed down by the Appeals Court on April 6, 2012, upheld the lower court ruling and the original 180-month sentence.

Chandia’s most recent appeal asserted that the district court had committed procedural errors at sentencing, namely applying a lesser standard of evidence – a preponderance as opposed to the tougher clear and convincing standard – to justify the expanded sentence; and misinterpreted facts that suggested that he had intentionally engaged in activi-ties to further the “terrorist purposes” of

Lashkar-e-Taibi, a group established in Kashmir to fight against Indian occupa-tion and designated by the U.S. govern-ment as an FTO in December 2001. Upon reviewing the arguments set forth by both the defense and the prosecu-tion, Judge Robert Bruce King, writ-ing on behalf of the three-judge panel, concluded that “a preponderance of the evidence is the appropriate standard of proof for establishing the requisite in-tent for the terrorism enhancement.” Although there seemed to be some con-sideration that the 15-year sentence was harsh, the appellate court nonetheless sided with the prerogative of the dis-trict court judge. “Put simply, ‘[w]here there are two permissible views of the evidence, the [court’s] choice between them cannot be clearly erroneous (An-derson, 470 U.S. at 574).” The decision further noted that the range set forth in the terrorism enhancement guidelines could have allowed for a far longer sen-tence, ranging from 360 months to life. When asked for his own thoughts on the latest legal wrangling, Miller contended that justice is very difficult to obtain un-der the current political climate. “The sentence and the case are grossly inap-propriate to even the government facts and it is a sad commentary on the well-being of the nation when a case like this and sentence like this take place. And here’s the kicker – under both Repub-lican and Democratic administrations.”Had Chandia prevailed at this stage, the appellate court could have removed Judge Hilton from the case and had the case transferred to a different judge. Chandia has 90 days to consider an-other appeal, this time to the Supreme Court.


| 9April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 COMMUNITY NEWS

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Ethnic Media Group Say New Laws Disenfranchising Minority VotersBy Fatimah WaseemMuslim Link Staff Writer

A surge of suppressive voting laws was the center of concern at a conference led by New American Media, a nationwide association of over 3,000 ethnic media organizations, and New York University’s Brennan Center for Justice, 3 p.m. Wednesday, as policy analysts shimmied over 24 suppressive laws and two executive actions that may make voting difficult for minorities, opponents of the laws said.

The discussion - which comes at the heels of the presidential election and in midst of a spotlight on presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s sweep of the Republican primaries - shed light upon voting laws that impose stricter controls at the ballot box and call for

These strict controls, adopted by states such as Texas, South Carolina, and Florida, call for mandatory federal identification, documented proof of citizenship, and cuts to early voting – steps opponents believe target minorities, particularly African Americans, Latinos, people with disabilities, and the poor.

“It’s the biggest setback in voting rights in decades,” Wendy Weiser, director of the Brennan Center’s Democracy Program, said. “States should not

gratuitously disenfranchise votes, cherry pick certain groups, eliminate exemption or voting procedures, and get rid of fail-safe procedures.”

In Florida, civic groups – like the League of Women Voters of Florida - cannot directly help voters – many of whom are minorities who depend on civic groups

for assistance at voting booths, resulting in a drop of 81,000 voters, the New York Times reports.

Photo-ID laws have also become very stringent, mandating state-issued licenses and additional government records, raising concerns for many minorities who live far from election booths. Virginia Democrats urged Gov. Robert F. McDonnell (R) to veto a pair of similar voter ID bills, Friday, after the General

Assembly stripped the governor ’s provision to make the measures more lenient. Over 11 percent of citizens – many of whom are minorities - do not carry state issued IDs.

These concerns rewind into glimpses of a past mired with discrimination of minorities – even after the milestone

reauthorization and bi-partisanship push of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

“We now see that it is still needed because discrimination against minority voters continues in this state today,” Senior Counsel of the Brennan Center with my life Myrna Perez said.

The Voting Rights Act contains a key provision – Section 5 – which requires certification and pre-approval of

presentation materials prior to the event. This process, known as the pre-clearance process, reveals that 4 out of 17 states have challenged the constitutionality of the law.

State Representative Trey Martinez Fisher and the Mexican American Legislative Caucus said these groups are playing a delay game in an effort to slow litigation in cases with the Supreme Court.

It is also unclear why these states were fighting to uphold the constitutionality of these laws, discounting voter fraud as an option given that there has only been one confirmed case of voter election out of a 3.7 million-person majority.

Despite this lack of clarity, Fisher believes these delays are part of a bureaucratic plan, in which legislators have often redrawn districts to loosely cherry-pick one or two cherries until mommy comes home – a case which Fisher says can easily transfer to the politics of voter elections and cut back on already stagnating voter turnouts.

“America has made great progress in guaranteeing the civil rights of our citizens,” Perez said. “We cannot afford to turn back the clock to a new era.”

There is nothing more sacred in a democracy than the right to vote, so an attack on voting rights is an attack on democracy. That is exactly what is happening in many states across our land. -- David Drum


April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 10 |COMMUNITY NEWS

>> trial Pg 16

Md. Neighborhood Watch Trial Set Against Fla. FuryBy SARAH BRUMFIELDAssociated Press, April 22, 2012

BALTIMORE (AP) — Two brothers accused of beating a black teenager while patrolling an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood are set to go on trial Monday in a case with similarities to the Trayvon Martin shooting.

The brothers, who are white and Jewish, have claimed self-defense, saying the teen was holding a nail-studded board. Local civil rights activists hope the Martin case will draw more attention to what they believe was racial profiling by neighborhood watch vigilantes.

Eliyahu and Avi Werdesheim are accused of beating a 15-year-old boy who was walking through a Baltimore neighborhood in November 2010. The brothers pulled up next to the teen in a vehicle, then got out and “surrounded him,” according to charging documents. The passenger threw the teen to the

ground and the driver hit him in the head with a hand-held radio and patted him down.

The teen remembered the driver yelling, “You wanna (mess) with us, you don’t belong around here, get outta here!” according to court documents, which do not identify which brother was driving.

While the teen struggled, a third man got out of a van and kneed the teen, pinning him to the ground. The teen told police that he stopped struggling and the third man continued to search him, while the teen insisted he didn’t have anything on him.

Eliyahu Werdesheim told the Baltimore Jewish Times that he was acting in self-defense because the teen was holding the piece of wood. The teen picked up the board during the encounter, but put it back down, said J. Wyndal Gordon, an attorney for the teen’s family. He said the family did not want to speak publicly.

After the trio left, the teen called police and was taken to a hospital with a cut on the back of his head and a broken wrist, according to court documents. Using a photo book compiled by investigators, the teen later identified Eliyahu Werdesheim, now 24, as one of the men who assaulted him. He was arrested after about 10 days; his now 21-year-old brother was charged two months later.

The brothers are charged with second-degree assault, false imprisonment and carrying a deadly weapon (the hand-held radio). The pair face up to 13 years in prison if convicted on all three counts. A third man, identified in a lawsuit brought by the teen’s family as Ronald Rosenbluth, does not face charges.Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said investigators don’t believe Rosenbluth was involved in the beating. Rosenbluth said he doesn’t believe there was a third person and he was only called to the scene after the incident.

Law enforcement officials emphasize that

neighborhood watchers’ responsibility is to report crime, and leave interventions to police. Most follow the rules, and confrontations are rare.

“We owe a lot of our success to communities that have stepped up and partnered with police. They help us out,” Guglielmi said. “But when they step too far, we have to hold people accountable.”

In the Florida case, authorities charged neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman this month with second-degree murder in Martin’s death Feb. 26. Zimmerman claims self-defense, but Martin’s family claims he targeted Martin mainly because he was black. Zimmerman’s father is white and his mother Hispanic.

It’s unusual to have a trial in which the allegations mirror a case so prominent in the news, said Steven Levin, a former

MCC Hopes for Ramadan Expansion Ground Breaking

By Muslim Link Staff

On Saturday, April 21, the Muslim Community Center (MCC) in Silver Spring, Maryland held a fundraising dinner for its masjid extension project, an $800,000 addition which will connect the masjid and the main building.

Attendance was lower than normal due to a wedding being held in the area which many regular donors attended; organizers are confident those donors will send in their contributions in the coming days.

>> exPansion Pg 16


| 11April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 COMMUNITY NEWS


April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 12 |COMMUNITY NEWS

>> interfaith Pg 16

ISWA Hosts Interfaith Conference Against Domestic ViolenceBy Muslim Link Staff

A friar in a brown robe stood silently in an Islamic center, reading a display about the many victims of domestic violence.

The scene was atypical, but the cause and concern was not.

On Thursday, April 19, 2012, the Islamic Society of the Washington Area (ISWA) was the venue for a gathering of priests, rabbis, pastors, and other area religious leaders and social workers who gathered there for the annual spring conference of Montgomery County based Interfaith Community Against Domestic Violence.

The half day conference started at 8 am with breakfast and a clergy fellowship, and was followed by speeches and seminars, ending at noon.

The Interfaith Community Against Domestic Violence has been operating for about 14 years.

About 40 religious leaders and social workers attended the event, approximately half of them being first time attendees.

ISWA Imam Faizul Khan was the only Muslim leader in attendance.

“I’ve been telling our [Muslim] brothers and sisters especially the leaders to come to this [conference],” he told the Muslim Link. “I sent the notices out, so I don’t understand [why Muslims did not attend].”

Imam Faizul Khan accepted a certificate of recognition on behalf of ISWA from the conference organizers. The certificate read: “The Interfaith Community Against Domestic Violence wishes to honor the people of faith who live out their beliefs and values in their outstanding work to help faith communities offer safety, help, accountability, and healing to those who are afflicted by domestic abuse and violence. We extend our appreciation and gratitude to the Islamic Society of the Washington Area for hosting the 14th annual IFCADV Conference.” The certificate was signed by IFCADV president Reverend Zeke Wharton.

Imam Faizul Khan, right, received a certificate of recognition given to ISWA for hosting the Interfaith Community Against Domestic Violence conference, headed by Rev. Zeke Wharton, left. Photo by the Muslim Link.


| 13April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 ADVERTISEMENT


April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 14 |COMMUNITY NEWS

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Task Force to develop fair housing policies; advocating for residents of assisted housing projects before the Housing Opportunities Commission; and advocating on behalf of residents of Tobytown, Scotland, and other historic African American communities.

Ms. Rubens’ extensive volunteer work in the area of education includes being

a member of the founding committee of Blacks United for Excellence in Education and its County-wide Saturday School Initiative, which provides tutoring and mentoring to enhance the academic achievement and social adjustment of African American students in Grades 1 through 12. She also has served as community coordinator for the National Council of Negro Women’s (NCNW) after-school program for more than 100 African American teen girls, and assisted in the development of the Montgomery

County Public Schools Success for Every Student Plan. Her work as social action chair of the Montgomery County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority helped initiate the first collaboration on the County’s annual Women’s Fair, the Women’s Legislative Briefing, the Equal Rights Amendment, and Teen Day in County Government.

The Montgomery Serves Awards are being hosted by the Fund for Montgomery (FFM), the Montgomery

County Volunteer Center (MCVC), and the Corporate Volunteer Council (CVC). FFM was created by County Executive Ike Leggett and the Office of Community Partnerships to raise private funding to continue important community building events that include the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service and Celebration, World of Montgomery Festival, Community Service Day, and programs focusing on the County’s ethnic and heritage diversity. The Fund for Montgomery is housed at The Community Foundation for Montgomery County, a regional affiliate of the Community Foundation for the National Capital Region.

“Thanks to the generosity of the sponsors of the Fund for Montgomery,” said County Executive Leggett, “the County will be able to recognize residents who have given selflessly to help our neighbors in need and improve our quality of life.”

For information about the April 30th awards event and to reserve free seats, please visit or call the Volunteer Center at 240-777-2600.

Source: Montgomery County Press Release, April 9, 2012

award >> continued from pg 6

Place an Ad with the Muslim Link

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| 15April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 COMMUNITY NEWS

As a result many social service groups have been working to not only serve the underprivileged by providing food and clothing, but by assisting in their search for housing that allows them to live safely on an extremely limited budget.

In the Northern Virginia area an average two bedroom apartment runs for $1,286, according to a report by the National Low Income Housing Coalition.

With minimum wage at seven dollars and twenty five cents an hour in the state of Virginia, a full time employee working for minimum wage would make less than the average rent for a two bedroom apartment, before taxes.

Increased foreclosures means fewer living options for a greater number of people in need of those options. As a result, fewer options and higher demand subsequently create an increase in housing prices making previously affordable living options, less affordable.

The growing popularity of Washington D.C. also plays a significant role in the disappearance of many affordable housing options. A 2010 report released by the Census Bureau documents a population growth of over ten thousand. As D.C.’s popularity rises, so does the cost of living. Where low-income housing once existed, luxury condos take their place. Rental units in the $750 a month range have been decreasing while units in the $1500 a month range have been increasing.

An estimated forty percent of D.C. households now face affordability problems. New data also suggests that while those in a higher pay grade, between 70k and 110k a year, pay approximately 30 percent of their income for housing, those considered “extremely low income” see more than half of their income go to housing.

Some area residents forced to stay put in rentals they can barely afford feel trapped by the current economy and housing market.

“Sometimes I feel [depressed]. I feel like I‘m so depressed, like I should go back [to my home country]. Sometimes I think about moving to another state but I don’t know what I’m going to do over there. Maybe the apartment is not going to be as expensive as here in Virginia,” said a single mother of two from Annandale.

She is currently on a waiting list for low income housing.

“All of them are just telling me ‘not yet,’ that they don’t have available units right now and they can’t guarantee the amount of assistance,” she said. “So it’s kind of risk that I do not want. If leave this apartment now I’m not going to get any apartment at the same amount [of rent].”

The Annandale resident works two jobs to pay for living expenses and attends classes at the local community college in hopes of securing a more financially sound future, something she recommends to others like her who are struggling to get by.

“The county helps but not that much so we should take care of ourselves by [getting an] education,” she said.

While she’s proactively seeking ways to find more stability in her financial life, she is aware of the toll her situation has on her two young boys.

“Sometimes my kids ask me why I look sad. I don’t want to be that way in front of them. I’m trying hard to control my feeling, my sense about the situation. Hopefully. Hopefully tomorrow will be better,” she said.

Tahani Jabarin, a social worker at the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia works extensively with individuals seeking financial support. While the mosque itself does not offer options for low income housing, it does refer individuals to the proper avenues and provides services to help people learn how to spread their dollar a little further.

Of the approximately 35 applications for assistance that come in per month, nearly 80% of them, according to Jabarin, are

in regards to eviction notices.

“The major i ty of the Musl ims [applicants] in the Falls Church area are low income with four or five children and [making] 20k a year,” said Jabarin.

The mosque offers assistance on a case by case basis, most commonly in situations where an eviction notice has been issued.

“We do assist once a year where we cover the full amount of rent,” she said. “I’ve seen this problem with our community where they wait for the last moment to come for help.”

When Jabarin asked a local shelter how many Muslim families were staying there she was informed that nearly half of the residents were Muslim.

“[The shelter] said 5 out of 10 but I had a feeling it was more,” she said. “Ten years ago we used to see a majority of Hispanic low income families. Now it’s Muslims who are the majority.”

The Dar Al-Hijrah social services program teams up with local Muslim business owners to help connect low income families with employment opportunities.

“It’s more about giving them resources than just money,” said Jabarin.

Sometimes a job can mean the difference between being eligible for certain housing programs and being forced onto the street. Some shelters have ninety day limits for residence but offer “bridge” programs ranging from one to two years that allow former residents, who sought and acquired employment during their initial ninety days, a seventy-five percent assistance for rent. This allows them to save money and gain more stable financial footing.

Those who are unable to acquire acceptable employment during their 90 day stay at the shelter, are not eligible for consideration for “bridge” programs and must leave the shelter once their 90 days are up.

With fewer job opportunities and disappearing low income housing, many

face homelessness.

Jabarin described one family who found themselves in that very situation. She contacted a community businessman and asked if he had any opportunities available so the family could become eligible for the “bridge” program. The businessman said he wasn’t looking for anyone but offered a position anyway.

“By offering that job, giving 8 dollars an hour, [the business owner] gave that family an opportunity to enter that program,” said Jabarin. “My goal in the near future is not see any Muslims struggle.”

Research by the Center for Housing Policy attributes several larger issues to the disappearance of low income housing. Not only are many adults struggling to pay rent but the frequency of moves for those seeking affordable housing impacts the emotional development of children as well as their academic achievement.

The repor t found ev idence of “connect ions between frequent moves and behavioral problems in childhood and risk-taking behavior in adolescence,” as well as disruptions in access to health-care services resulting in a lower rate of immunizations for children who frequently moved.

“Children who frequently move residences and/or change schools tend to fare worse than their peers,” according to the report. “Among a sample of more than 4,000 children between the ages of 7 and 12, researchers found that those that had moved eight or more times had a greater likelihood of repeating a grade, experiencing a suspension or expulsion,and performing “below” or “near the bottom” of the class.”

While social services and government assistance are available for those seeking low-income housing incentives, the growing number of those requiring assistance paired with the disappearance of many housing options has resulted in a large population of Americans who find themselves on the other side of the proverbial white picket fenced yard.

combating >> continued from pg 1


April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 16 |COMMUNITY NEWS

trial>> continued from pg 10

federal prosecutor.

“Since the Trayvon Martin case, people cannot help but think about that case and draw comparisons, whether they are fair or not,” he said.

In the Werdesheim case, the six trial postponements could significantly hinder the defense’s case, Levin said. However, the charges against Zimmerman since the last postponement may mean jurors won’t feel that they need to somehow set things right through the case they are deciding.

Eliyahu Werdesheim was suspended from the neighborhood group while Avi was never a member, according to Nathan Willner, general counsel for Shomrim of Baltimore, a group that patrols neighborhoods with a large concentration of Jewish residents and

institutions in the Baltimore area. Shomrim, which is Hebrew for guard, has about 30 volunteer, unarmed responders. It was founded in 2005 to provide security and gather information for police, Willner said.

While the case has not garnered the attention the Martin shooting has, Cortly C.D. Witherspoon, president of the local chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, has organized protests outside the courthouse during court hearings and has been frustrated by the postponements.

“We feel that justice should have been served long ago. I would contend that the urgency for justice (in this case) is affected by the Trayvon Martin case because of the similarities,” he said.

Members of the area’s Jewish community also rallied outside the courthouse when the brothers appeared in court to enter not guilty pleas in February. Jakob Lurman, the owner of a barbershop, was

among them.

“I have a business in the community. Shomrim do good work,” Lurman said. “I don’t know what happened in that case, but I wanted to show support.”

Jewish neighborhood watch groups in New York City have faced accusations of unnecessary force against blacks, creating tensions between the Jewish and black communities. That hasn’t yet happened in Baltimore, according to the Rev. Alvin Gwynn Sr., president of the Interdenominational Ministerial A l l i a n c e . T h e o rg a n i z a t i o n o f predominantly black clergy met with leaders of the area’s Jewish community to keep relationships between the two communities strong.

“We were already working with them when this came up,” Gwynn said. “It hasn’t done much damage yet.”

Baltimore is a city that’s 64 percent black, and the jury will likely have eight

or nine black members. So race will be a factor, said University of Baltimore School of Law professor and practicing attorney Byron Warnken.

“What the defense has to do is completely downplay that,” he said, and show the force was necessary to prevent a crime.

Susan Green, an attorney for Avi Werdesheim, said last month that she hoped the media coverage would not create an atmosphere that would make it difficult for her client, but declined to comment further. The attorney for Eliyahu Werdesheim did not return calls for comment.

------------------------------------------------In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

“We know people of faith are often first responders when issues of domestic violence come up, [and] they are often strategically positioned to [get involved] both before violence occurs to prevent it, and also after [violence occurs] to help in the healing process,” Wharton told the Muslim Link about why its important to get faith leaders involved in working against domestic abuse. “Today we want to empower people to be more equipped

to make a difference …. and to help others make a difference.” he added.

The conference took place on ISWA’s second floor, which has a professional layout with conference room, library, and other meeting rooms. Exhibits with resource material on dealing with domestic violence and related areas lined the perimeter of the circular conference area. The keynote address was delivered by Dr. Bent-Goodley and titled “A Renewed Look at Intimate Partner Violence: Rethinking What We Know to Create Change for the Future.”

interfaith>> continued from pg 12

Fundraising chair and board member Mansoor Mohiuddin said the goal for the evening was $100,000 and about $60,000 was collected. Going into the dinner, about $250,000 was needed to reach the $800,000 mark. Imam Johari Abdul-Malik conducted the fundraising.

Building permits have already been submitted to Montgomery County, said Mohiuddin. MCC plans on having a ground breaking in early August of this

year. Some portion of the sister’s prayer area will be off limits during construction, said Mohiuddin. A large tent will be set-up outside for Ramadan prayers due to the construction. The architect for the project is Montgomery County Muslim Haytham Younis.

The expansion will add 5000 square feet of total space, 700 additional square feet of sisters praying area, a separate bathroom and wudu facilities for brothers and sisters on the main level, and 2000 square feet of school space to be used for 5-6 classrooms.

To learn more or donate, visit

exPansion>> continued from pg 10


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| 17April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 COMMUNITY NEWS

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subjected, panelist Twitty was careful to leave the auditorium with a message of promise, “the one thing you can’t do is give up hope. Because once you’ve lost hope, you’ve lost all ability to ever change anything.”

Twitty continued, “and don’t just think this is a Muslim problem. I was in prison with good, Christian people who were accused of being terrorists as well. I was even in prison with a guy who was there for wanting to ‘save the trees.’ These violations of civil liberties affect us all.”

Lawye r Nuban i s ha r ed s im i l a r sentiments, “because if you, the youth and future of our country don’t think this is an important issue, we’re truly in a crisis.”

The event was sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Graduate Muslim Student Association, the Health and Human Rights Student Group, and the Black Graduate Student Association.

To watch a video played at the forum, see:

orwellian >> continued from pg 6

One driver said that after gas expenses, fees paid to the company, vehicle maintenance, and insurance costs, Alexandria Yellow Cab drivers have to work fourteen to sixteen hours a day to make a living.

[The drivers] are not angry but they are frustrated with the company...We have not seen any fare increase in a few

years even when gas prices and cost of living has gone up,” said Atif Zamir, an Alexandria Yellow Cab driver. “We’ve put in a lot more hours and we can’t even see our salary.”

Berhane said going on strike is not out of the question, though it is a last resort. With 200 taxi drivers out of the 290 under Yellow Cab supporting the the protest, a strike would potentially have a large impact on the city.

“Initially [a strike] is what most of the drivers wanted to do,” he said. “We don’t want to go down that road. We don’t want to hurt the citizens”

Yellow Cab is hoping to avoid that as well.

“We are very grateful and appreciate all of the service our drivers provide,” said Kimball. “[A strike] would be unfortunate for everyone.”

taxi >> continued from pg 5

starting point, he hopes that over the years it will begin to establish itself as a nesting ground for other Muslim organizations who want to create a dialogue with the government.

“It’s like a seed. You plant a seed. It’s going to grow and germinate and then you are going to see it become more and more visible. When you put it in the soil, people aren’t going to see it but when it begins to grow and germinate people will begin to see it going up. Then it becomes a massive oak tree and when it grows over the year it grows massive branches and you have many birds building nests on the tree,” said Nyang. “MACCPAC is one of those trees.”

conference >> continued from pg 4


April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 18 | NATIONAL NEWS

National News

Sentencing Statement by Tarek MehannaIn the name of God, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Exactly four years ago this month I was finishing my work shift at a local hospital. As I was walking to my car I was approached by two federal agents. They said that I had a choice to make: I could do things the easy way, or I could do them the hard way. The “easy way,” as they explained, was that I would become an informant for the government, and if I did so I would never see the inside of a courtroom or a prison cell. As for the hard way, this is it. Here I am, having spent the majority of the four years since then in a solitary cell the size of a small closet, in which I am locked down for 23 hours each day. The FBI and these prosecutors worked very hard—and the government spent millions of tax dollars – to put me in that cell, keep me there, put me on trial, and finally to have me stand

here before you today to be sentenced to even more time in a cell.

In the weeks leading up to this moment, many people have offered suggestions as to what I should say to you. Some said I should plead for mercy in hopes of a light sentence, while others suggested I would be hit hard either way. But what I want to do is just talk about myself for a few minutes.

When I refused to become an informant, the government responded by charging me with the “crime” of supporting the mujahideen fighting the occupation of Muslim countries around the world. Or as they like to call them, “terrorists.” I wasn’t born in a Muslim country, though. I was born and raised right here in America and this angers many people: how is it that I can be an American and

believe the things I believe, take the positions I take? Everything a man is exposed to in his environment becomes an ingredient that shapes his outlook, and I’m no different. So, in more ways than one, it’s because of America that I am who I am.When I was six, I began putting together

statement Pg 19

have seen since Brandenburg v. Ohio in 1969.

As a political scientist specializing in Islamic law and war, I frequently read, store, share and translate texts and videos by jihadi groups. As a political philosopher, I debate the ethics of killing. As a citizen, I express views, thoughts and emotions about killing to other citizens. As a human being, I sometimes feel joy (I am ashamed to admit) at the suffering of some humans and anger at the suffering of others.

At Mr. Mehanna’s trial, I saw how those same actions can constitute federal crimes.

Because Mr. Mehanna’s conviction was based largely on things he said, wrote and translated. Yet that speech was not prosecuted according to the Brandenburg standard of incitement to “imminent lawless act ion” but according to the much more troubling standard of having the intent to support a foreign terrorist organization.

Mr. Mehanna was convic ted and sentenced based on two broad sets of facts. First, in 2004, Mr. Mehanna traveled with a friend to Yemen for a week, in search, the government said, of a jihadi training camp from which they would then proceed to Iraq to fight American nationals. The trip was a complete bust, and Mr. Mehanna returned home.

Some of his friends continued to look for ways to join foreign conflicts.

One even fought in Somalia. But Mr. Mehanna stayed home, completed a doctorate in pharmacology and practiced and taught in the Boston area. But the Yemen trip and the actions of his friends were only one part of the government’s case.

For the government, Mr. Mehanna’s delivery of “material support” consisted not in his failed effort to join jihadi groups he never found, nor in financial contributions he never made to friends trying to join such groups, but in advocating the jihadi cause from his home in Sudbury.

MR. MEHANNA’S crimes were speech crimes, even thought crimes. The kinds of speech that the government successfully criminalized were not about coordinating acts of terror or giving directions on how to carry out violent acts. The speech for which Mr. Mehanna was convicted involved the religious and political advocacy of certain causes beyond American shores.

The government’s indictment of Mr. Mehanna l ists the following acts, among others, as furthering a criminal conspiracy: “watched jihadi videos,” “discussed efforts to create like-minded youth,” “discussed” the “religious justification” for certain violent acts like suicide bombings, “created and/or t ranslated, accepted credi t for authoring and distributed text, videos and other media to inspire others to engage in violent jihad,” “sought out online Internet links to tribute videos,” and spoke of “admiration and love for Usama bin Laden.” It is important to appreciate that those acts were not used by the government to demonstrate the intent or mental state behind some other crime in the way racist speech is used to prove that a violent act was a hate crime. They were the crime, because the conspiracy was to support Al Qaeda by advocating for it through speech.

mind >> continued from pg 1

A Dangerous Mind?

mind ii Pg 20

Everything a man is exposed to in his environment becomes an ingredient that shapes his outlook, and I’m no different. So, in more ways than one, it’s because of America that I am who I am.


| 19April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 NATIONAL NEWS

statement >> continued from pg 18

a massive collection of comic books. Batman implanted a concept in my mind, introduced me to a paradigm as to how the world is set up: that there are oppressors, there are the oppressed, and there are those who step up to defend the oppressed. This resonated with me so much that throughout the rest of my childhood, I gravitated towards any book that reflected that paradigm – Uncle Tom’s Cabin, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, and I even saw an ethical dimension to The Catcher in the Rye.

By the time I began high school and took a real history class, I was learning just how real that paradigm is in the world. I learned about the Native Americans and what befell them at the hands of European settlers. I learned about how the descendents of those European settlers were in turn oppressed under the tyranny of King George III. I read about Paul Revere, Tom Paine, and how Americans began an armed insurgency against British forces – an insurgency we now celebrate as the American Revolutionary War. As a kid I even went on school field trips just blocks away from where we sit now. I learned about Harriet Tubman, Nat Turner, John Brown, and the fight against slavery in this country. I learned about Emma Goldman, Eugene Debs, and the struggles of the labor unions, working class, and poor. I learned about Anne Frank, the Nazis, and how they persecuted minorities and imprisoned dissidents. I learned about Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and the civil rights struggle. I learned about Ho Chi Minh, and how the Vietnamese fought for decades to liberate themselves from one invader after another. I learned about Nelson Mandela and the fight against apartheid in South Africa. Everything I learned in those years confirmed what I was beginning to learn when I was six: that throughout history, there has been a constant struggle between the oppressed and their oppressors. With each struggle I learned about, I found myself consistently siding with the oppressed, and consistently respecting those who stepped up to defend them -regardless of nationality, regardless of religion. And I never threw my class notes away. As I stand here speaking, they are in a neat pile in my bedroom

closet at home.

From all the historical figures I learned about, one stood out above the rest. I was impressed by many things about Malcolm X; but above all, I was fascinated by the idea of transformation, his transformation. I don’t know if you’ve seen the movie “X” by Spike Lee, it’s over three and a half hours long, and the Malcolm at the beginning is different from the Malcolm at the end. He starts off as an illiterate criminal, but ends up a husband, a father, a protective and eloquent leader for his people, a disciplined Muslim performing the Hajj in Makkah, and finally, a martyr. Malcolm’s life taught me that Islam is not something inherited; it’s not a culture or ethnicity. It’s a way of life, a state of mind anyone can choose no matter where they come from or how they were raised.

This led me to look deeper into Islam, and I was hooked. I was just a teenager, but Islam answered the question that the greatest scientific minds were clueless about, the question that drives the rich & famous to depression and suicide from being unable to answer: what is the purpose of life? Why do we exist in this Universe? But it also answered the question of how we’re supposed to exist. And since there’s no hierarchy or priesthood, I could directly and immediately begin digging into the texts of the Qur’an and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, to begin the journey of understanding of what this was all about; the implications of Islam for me as a human being, as an individual, for the people around me, for the world; and the more I learned, the more I valued Islam like a piece of gold. This was when I was a teen, but even today, despite the pressures of the last few years, I stand here before you, and everyone else in this courtroom, as a very proud Muslim.

With that, my attention turned to what was happening to other Muslims in different parts of the world. And everywhere I looked, I saw the powers that be trying to destroy what I loved. I learned what the Soviets had done to the Muslims of Afghanistan. I learned what the Serbs had done to the Muslims of Bosnia. I learned what the Russians were doing to the Muslims of Chechnya. I learned what Israel had done in Lebanon – and what it continues to do in Palestine – with the full backing of the United States. And I

learned what America itself was doing to Muslims. I learned about the Gulf War, and the depleted uranium bombs that killed thousands and caused cancer rates to skyrocket across Iraq. I learned about the American-led sanctions that prevented food, medicine, and medical equipment from entering Iraq, and how – according to the United Nations – over half a million children perished as a result. I remember a clip from a ‘60 Minutes’ interview of Madeline Albright where she expressed her view that these dead children were “worth it.”

I watched on September 11th as a group of people felt driven to hijack airplanes and fly them into buildings from their outrage at the deaths of these children. I watched as America then attacked and invaded Iraq directly. I saw the effects of ‘Shock & Awe’ in the opening day of the invasion – the children in hospital wards with shrapnel from American missiles sticking out of their foreheads (of course, none of this was shown on CNN). I learned about the town of Haditha, where 24 Muslims – including a 76-year old man in a wheelchair, women, and even toddlers – were shot up and blown up in their bedclothes as they slept, by US Marines. I learned about Abeer al-Janabi, a fourteen-year old Iraqi girl gang-raped by five American soldiers, who then shot her and her family in the head, then set fire to their corpses.

I just want to point out, as you can see, Muslim women don’t even show their hair to unrelated men. So try to imagine this young girl from a conservative village with her dress torn off, being sexually assaulted by not one, not two, not three, not four, but five soldiers. Even today, as I sit in my jail cell, I read about the drone strikes which continue to kill Muslims daily in places like Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen. Just last month, we all heard about the seventeen Afghan Muslims – mostly mothers and their kids – shot to death by an American soldier, who also set fire to their corpses. These are just the stories that make it to the headlines, but one of the first concepts I learned in Islam is that of loyalty, of brotherhood – that each Muslim woman is my sister, each man is my brother, and together, we are one large body who must protect each other. In other words, I couldn’t see these things being done to my brothers & sisters – including by America – and remain neutral. My sympathy for the oppressed continued,

but was now more personal, as was my respect for those defending them.

I mentioned Paul Revere – when he went on his midnight ride, it was for the purpose of warning the people that the British were marching to Lexington to arrest Sam Adams and John Hancock, then on to Concord to confiscate the weapons stored there by the Minuteman. By the time they got to Concord, they found the Minuteman waiting for them, weapons in hand. They fired at the British, fought them, and beat them. From that battle came the American Revolution. There’s an Arabic word to describe what those Minutemen did that day. That word is: JIHAD, and this is what my trial was about. All those videos and translations and childish bickering over ‘Oh, he translated this paragraph’ and ‘Oh, he edited that sentence,’ and all those exhibits revolved around a single issue: Muslims who were defending themselves against American soldiers [who were] doing to them exactly what the British did to America.

It was made crystal clear at trial that I never, ever plotted to “kill Americans” at shopping malls or whatever the story was. The government’s own witnesses contradicted this claim, and we put expert after expert up on that stand, who spent hours dissecting my every written word, who explained my beliefs. Further, when I was free, the government sent an undercover agent to prod me into one of their little “terror plots,” but I refused to participate. Mysteriously, however, the jury never heard this.

So, this trial was not about my position on Muslims killing American civilians. It was about my position on Americans killing Muslim civilians, which is that Muslims should defend their lands from foreign invaders – Soviets, Americans, or Martians. This is what I believe. It’s what I’ve always believed, and what I will always believe. This is not terrorism, and it’s not extremism. It’s the simple logic of self-defense. It’s what the arrows on that seal above your head [over the head of Judge O’Toole] represent: defense of the homeland. So, I disagree with my lawyers when they say that you don’t have to agree with my beliefs – no. Anyone with commonsense and humanity has no choice but to agree with

statement ii Pg 21


April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 20 | NATIONAL NEWS

Much o f Mr. Mehanna ’s speech on Web sites and in IM chats was brutal, disgusting and unambiguously supportive of Islamic insurgencies in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia. In one harrowing IM chat, which the government brought up repeatedly during the trial, he referred to the mutilation of the remains of American soldiers in response to the rape of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl as “Texas BBQ.” He wrote poetry in praise of martyrdom. But is the government right that such speech, however repulsive, can be criminalized as material support for terrorism?

In the 2010 Supreme Court decision Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. declared that for speech to qualify as criminal material support, it has to take the form of expert advice or assistance conveyed in coordination with or under the control of a designated foreign terrorist organization. In that decision, Justice Roberts reaffirmed that “under the material-support statute, plaintiffs may say anything they wish on any topic” and pointed out that “Congress has not sought to suppress ideas or opinions in the form of ‘pure political speech.’ ” Justice Roberts emphasized that he wanted to “in no way suggest that a regulation of independent speech would pass constitutional muster, even if the Government were to show that such speech benefits foreign terrorist organizations.”

The government’s case against Mr. Mehanna, however, did not rest on proving that his translations were

done in coordination with Al Qaeda. Citing no explicit coordination with or direction by a foreign terrorist organization, the government’s case rested primarily on Mr. Mehanna’s intent in saying the things he said — his political and religious thoughts, feelings and viewpoints.

The prosecution’s strategy, a far cry from Justice Roberts’s statement that “independent advocacy” of a terror group’s ideology, aims or methods is not a crime, produced many ominous ideas. For example, in his opening statement to the jury one prosecutor suggested that “i t’s not i l legal to watch something on the television. It is illegal, however, to watch something in order to cultivate your desire, your ideology.” In other words, viewing perfectly legal material can become a crime with nothing other than a change of heart. When it comes to prosecuting speech as support for terrorism, it’s the thought that counts.

That is all troubling enough, but it gets worse. Not only has the government prosecuted a citizen for “independent advocacy” of a terror group, but it has prosecuted a citizen who actively argued against much of what most Americans mean when they talk about terrorism.

On a Web site that the government made central to the conspiracy charge, Mr. Mehanna angrily contested the common jihadi argument that American civilians are legitimate targets because they democratically endorse their government’s wars and pay taxes that support these wars.

Mr. Mehanna viewed Muslim attacks on foreign occupying militaries as justified but rejected the Qaeda doctrine

that the civilian citizens of a foreign country at war with Muslims can be targeted. His doctrine was that “those who fight Muslims may be fought, not those who have the same nationality as those who fight.”

The centerpiece of the government’s case against Mr. Mehanna’s speech activities was a translation of a text titled “39 Ways to Serve and Participate in Jihad.” The government described this text, written by a late pro-jihad Saudi religious scholar, as a “training manual for terrorism.” It is nothing of the sort. It is a fairly routine exercise of Islamic jurisprudence explaining to pious Muslims how they can discharge what many of them believe to be a duty to contribute to wars of self-defense.

This text does explain that in Islamic law a Muslim may “go for jihad” or “collect funds for the mujahidin.” But it also explains that, in place of fighting or sending money, a Musl im can assuage his conscience and take care of widows and children, praise fighters, pray for fighters, become physically fit, learn first aid, learn the Islamic rules of war, have feelings of enmity for one’s enemies, spread news about captives and abandon luxury.

The act of translating this text is far from incitement to violent action. The text in fact shows Muslims numerous ways to help fellow Muslims suffering in their own lands, without engaging in violence. Instead of this common-sense reading, however, the government did something extraordinary. It used this text of Islamic law to help define for us what should count as a violation of our own material support law.

Everything Mr. Mehanna did, from hiking to praying, was given a number

in the indictment based on this text as an act of material support for jihad. For example, his online discussion with a friend about working out and exercising should, in the government’s words, be “placed next to the directives in 39 Ways (Step 25: ‘Become Physically Fit’).” Federal prosecutors, in effect, used a Saudi religious scholar to tell us what our “material support” statute means.

The Mehanna case p resen ted an excruciating line-drawing exercise. How pro-Al Qaeda is too pro-Al Qaeda, legally speaking?

We have the resources to prevent acts of violence without threatening the First Amendment. The Mehanna prosecution is a frightening and unnecessary attempt to expand the kinds of religious and political speech that the government can criminalize. The First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston should at least invalidate Mr. Mehanna’s conviction for speech and reaffirm the Supreme Court’s doctrines in Brandenburg and Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project. Otherwise, the difference between what I do every day and what Mr. Mehanna did is about the differences between the thoughts in our heads and the feelings in our hearts, and I don’t trust prosecutors with that jurisdiction.------------------------------------------Andrew F. March is an associate professor of political science at Yale. Source: New York Times OP-ED, April 21, 2012------------------------------------------In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed wi thout prof i t to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

mind ii>> continued from pg 18

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CoAlitioN DENouNCEs

FBi PREssuRE tACtiCs,

FAkE tERRoR Plots

PG 9

PG 5Muharram|Safar|Rabi Al-Awaal |Rabi Al-Thani| 7 Jumada al-awwal, 1433|Jumada Al-Akhir|Rajab|Shaban|Ramadan|Shawwal|Thul-Qedah|Thul-Hijjah

PG 36The Muslim Link



WPRESS: America’s Islamic

Blind Spots | pg 26

Natl: Calif Killing Shakes

Muslim Community | pg 20

Recession Puts More Pressure on

Islamic Org Employees | pg 11

7 Jumada Al-Awwal - 20 Jumada Al-Awwal, 1433 A.H. |

March 30th 2012 - April 12th 2012

MD, VA, and DC Metropolitan Area Bi-Weekly Newspaper | FREE

ICCL Pushes To Begin Masjid

Expansion | pg 6

ISlaM: Seven Productive

Habits To Develop | pg 30

Like & Follow us

The Muslim Link

MoCo Holds Off On Sister City

Relationship For Now | pg 8

>> abortion Pg 12

Islamic View On Abortion Could Be Debate’s

Middle Ground, Say Muslims

By Wafa Unus

Muslim Link Staff Writer

Abortion is a hot button is-

sue and with election sea-

son in full swing it’s being

pressed hard.

Few political debates, tele-

vision addresses or passion-

ate platform pleas can es-

cape the seemingly morally

decisive viewpoint that of-

ten puts perspectives on one

side or the other of the issue.

While religious groups have

entered the debate providing

perspectives based on holy

scripture and moral stan-

dards the American Muslim

community has not yet en-

tered the discussion.

Islam allows abortion in par-

ticularly instances, in cases

DC Based Media Connecting the Ethiopian

Muslim Diaspora

By Fatimah Waseem

Muslim Link Staff Reporter

An Ethiopian man returned

to his village to die peace-

fully; kidney dialysis clean-

ings were expensive – some

cost an average person’s

monthly salary – and the

three required for a full re-

covery were too expensive.

But they stepped in: the

man’s brother appeared on

>> MEdia Pg 13


WAy to sCRiPPs


Ethiopian Muslim American protest the Ethiopian government’s attack on religious

freedom in Ethiopia at a Washington DC march earlier this year. Many of the pro-

testers learned about the repression in Ethiopia from Badr Communications news

reporting. File photo.

Anti-Abortion activists stage a rally in Washington DC.

Across the nation, anti-abortion protesters are appear-

ing on street corners and schools with graphic signs

against abortion. A protest occurred earlier this year at

Al-Huda School in College Park, MD as parents arrived.....

| 21April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 NATIONAL NEWS

me. If someone breaks into your home to rob you and harm your family, logic dictates that you do whatever it takes to expel that invader from your home. But when that home is a Muslim land, and that invader is the US military, for some reason the standards suddenly change. Common sense is renamed “terrorism” and the people defending themselves against those who come to kill them from across the ocean become “the terrorists” who are “killing Americans.”

The mental i ty that America was victimized with when British soldiers walked these streets 2 ½ centuries ago is the same mentality Muslims are victimized by as American soldiers walk their streets today. It’s the mentality of colonialism. When Sgt. Bales shot those Afghans to death last month, all of the focus in the media was on him—his life, his stress, his PTSD, the mortgage on his home—as if he was the victim. Very little

sympathy was expressed for the people he actually killed, as if they’re not real, they’re not humans. Unfortunately, this mentality trickles down to everyone in society, whether or not they realize it. Even with my lawyers, it took nearly two years of discussing, explaining, and clarifying before they were finally able to think outside the box and at least ostensibly accept the logic in what I was saying. Two years! If it took that long for people so intelligent, whose job it is to defend me, to de-program themselves, then to throw me in front of a randomly selected jury under the premise that they’re my “impartial peers,” I mean, come on. I wasn’t tried before a jury of my peers, because with the mentality gripping America today, I have no peers. Counting on this fact, the government prosecuted me – not because they needed to, but simply because they could.

I learned one more thing in history class: America has historically supported the most unjust policies against its minorities – practices that were even protected by

the law – only to look back later and ask: ‘what were we thinking?’ Slavery, Jim Crow, the internment of the Japanese during World War II – each was widely accepted by American society, each was defended by the Supreme Court. But as time passed and America changed, both people and courts looked back and asked ‘What were we thinking?’ Nelson Mandela was considered a terrorist by the South African government, and given a life sentence. But time passed, the world changed, they realized how oppressive their policies were, that it was not he who was the terrorist, and they released him from prison. He even became president. So, everything is subjective – even this whole business of “terrorism” and who is a “terrorist.” It all depends on the time and place and who the superpower happens to be at the moment.

In your eyes, I’m a terrorist, I’m the only one standing here in an orange jumpsuit and it’s perfectly reasonable that I be standing here in an orange jumpsuit.

But one day, America will change and people will recognize this day for what it is. They will look at how hundreds of thousands of Muslims were killed and maimed by the US military in foreign countries, yet somehow I’m the one going to prison for “conspiring to kill and maim” in those countries – because I support the Mujahidin defending those people. They will look back on how the government spent millions of dollars to imprison me as a “terrorist,” yet if we were to somehow bring Abeer al-Janabi back to life in the moment she was being gang-raped by your soldiers, to put her on that witness stand and ask her who the “terrorists” are, she sure wouldn’t be pointing at me.

The government says that I was obsessed with violence, obsessed with “killing Americans.” But as a Muslim living in these times, I can think of a lie no more ironic.

-Tarek Mehanna, 4/12/12

statement ii>> continued from pg 19


April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 22 | WORLD PRESS

World PressPentagon Sets Up New Spy Agency To Eavesdrop On A Changing WorldDefense Clandestine Service will focus on global threats and emerging economic and military powers

By Julian BorgerGuardian UK, Tuesday 24 April 2012

The Pentagon is to create a new spy service to focus on global strategic threats and the challenges posed by countries including Iran, North Korea and China. The move will bring to 17 the total number of intelligence organizations in the US.

The Defense Clandestine Service is supposed to work closely with its counterpart in the CIA, the National Clandestine Service, recruiting spies from the ranks of the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and deploying them globally to boost the flow of intelligence on perceived long-term threats to US national interests.

US military news website Insidedefense said the defense department had asked Congress for authority for spies to work undercover posing as businessmen when conducting covert operations abroad.

The move by the defense secretary, Leon Panetta, emerged in briefings to US journalists.

“You have to do global coverage,” a senior defense official said, according to the Los Angeles Times. The new service would seek to “make sure officers are

in the right locations to pursue those requirements”, the Washington Post quoted the official as saying.

The Pentagon argues that the new service is necessary because the DIA spends most of its time and manpower reporting

tactical intelligence about battlefields such as Afghanistan, and not enough time looking at strategic issues.

Obama administration officials have said they want to switch US national security focus away from the Middle East to address long-term issues such as China’s rise and nuclear threats in North Korea and Iran. Pentagon sources suggested the new service would also focus on Africa, where al-Qaida affiliates are on the rise.

The new service will be relatively small, increasing in numbers “from several

hundred to several more hundred” over the next few years, according to defense department officials.

The US already has 16 different intelligence organizations scattered around the defense, state, justice,

h o m e l a n d s e c u r i t y a n d e n e rg y departments, as well as the armed services.

After the attacks of 11 September 2001 revealed a lack of co-operation and intelligence-sharing among them, the Bush administration restructured the “intelligence community”, putting it all under a director of national intelligence.

Donald Rumsfeld, the defense secretary for most of the Bush era, attempted to increase the Pentagon’s espionage capability dramatically but the attempt

was rebuffed by the CIA, which was at loggerheads with Rumsfeld’s defense department over Iraq.

The Pentagon insisted that this time its new clandestine service would be set up in close collaboration with the CIA, which is led by the former military commander General David Petraeus. The fact that Panetta is a former CIA director is also said to have helped smooth co-operation.

Not all intelligence experts are convinced that the creation of a new organization will help America’s espionage capacity, however. Some argue that the move reflects turf battles and empire-building.

“I’m not sure what they are supposed to achieve that the CIA doesn’t,” Joshua Foust, a former DIA Middle East analyst told the LA Times. “This seems like a territorial thing: ‘Hey, the CIA has this – why don’t we have it, too?’ … I’m pretty skeptical that it’s necessary or good.”

------------------------------------------------In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

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US military news website Insidedefense said the defense department had asked Congress for authority for spies to work undercover posing as businessmen when conducting covert operations abroad.


| 23April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 ISLAM

IslamIn Islam, Every Day is Earth DayBy Fatima Ashraf

Earth Day was established in 1970 to raise awareness about the environment. Islam however, did more than that; it provided clear directives for action, as early as the seventh century. The Quran is filled with verses and the Sunnah is filled with actions, on how to be ‘green’ stewards of the Earth.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “the Earth is a Mosque.” You can pray anywhere. The entire planet is meant to be a place for worship of its Creator. You can kneel down in awe and gratitude of Allah on grass, on sand, on a mountain, in a cornfield to worship. Therefore, the planet and its people deserve to be protected for its divine nature.

To demonstrate the connection between Islam and the environment, let’s talk about waste, water, watts and food. These four topics are especially important because civilizations have been built and destroyed on their ability or inability to manage them. Think about it - a society

that cannot remove its trash, preserve its water, create energy, and distribute food - will not flourish. As Muslim-Americans who live in this country, we create waste, drink water, use energy, and eat food. We need to start thinking responsibly about our actions and how they impact the environment. Knowing what our Deen says about being Green is the perfect place to start.

America leads the world in waste production. We are less than 5% of the

world’s population and create over 25% of the entire world’s waste.

Allah (God) says, “Corruption has appeared on the land and in the sea because of what the hands of humans have wrought. This is in order that We give them a taste of the consequences of their misdeeds that perhaps they will turn to the path of right guidance.” (Qur’an, 30:41) Scholars have cited “corruption” in this verse to be synonymous with “pollution” or “waste”. “The path of

right guidance,” means the path of justice and righteousness towards the planet.

We have become a society that takes water for granted. The average American uses 150 gallons of water PER DAY. Those in developing countries barely use 5 gallons per day. Still 1.1 billion people on the planet do not have access to safe and clean drinking water.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) urged moderation and thriftiness in the use of water. He warned against wasting water when doing wudu, even if one lives near a river. Water is from God and should therefore be freely available to all. There is a stipulation in the Sha’riah that prohibits the sale of water. If one is selling water, for example, the bottled water vendors at Hajj, they cannot charge for the fluid. They can only charge for the cost of the packaging.

The United States consumes 5 times more watts of energy than China and

Remembering DeathDC Hidayah 2012: Theme Breakdown SeriesWithin our lives, we constantly anticipate the next task, the next deadline, the next day. There’s always something to look ahead towards, but for many of us, the foresight doesn’t go beyond this life. We remain unmindful of death, though this is the temporary life about which our beloved Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) has said, “By Allah, the life of this world, compared to that in the Hereafter, is but like someone

who puts his finger in the sea, so let him see what it brings out.”1 Still, we persist in pushing our religion to the side.

We say that we will fulfill our obligations tomorrow, when we’re done with our college papers and business meetings, though there is a possibility that tomorrow may never come. We delay our religious obligations, overlooking the fact that our lives could be taken

away within a matter of time. Allah (glorified and exalted be He) says in the Holy Qur’an, “When their specified time arrives, they cannot delay it for a single hour nor can they bring it forward.”2

But what significance does the constant remembrance of death hold in our lives? Our Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) gave us an exact answer. Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased

with him) says that an Ansari stood up in a gathering in the presence of the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) and asked him, “Who is the most intelligent and careful person?” The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) replied, “Those who remember death most and prepare for it most. These are people who have

>> earth Pg 24

>> death Pg 24


April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 24 | ISLAM

earth>> continued from pg 23

renewable energy only accounts for 7% of our energy use. Non-renewable sources are extracted from the ground. They are taken from the Earth. Renewable sources are gifts that come from above. Allah reminds us repeatedly in the Quran of the power of the sun and wind,

“Among His Signs is this, that He sends the winds, as heralds of glad tidings, giving you a taste of His Mercy - that the ships may sail by his command and that you may seek of His Bounty...” (Qur’an, 30:46) Allah reminds us that wind is a useful blessing!

As the worlds super power and richest country on the planet, still millions of Americans do not have access to healthy food. In New York City alone, 3 million people live in “food deserts,” neighborhoods without grocery stores or access to fresh fruits and vegetables.

Allah allows us to eat heartily, but warns us against excessiveness. “O Children of Adam! Wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer: eat and drink; But waste not by excess, For Allah loveth not the wasters.” (Qur’an, 7:31) It is amazing how much food is wasted each day while millions around the globe are starving.

There is also a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) that

while eating, take the food out from the side and not the middle. Eat from the food, which is closest to you. While this Sunnah is about serving oneself food, I thought, could it also mean to buy local?

April 22, 2010 is the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. As Muslims, how will we protect the planet, not just on this one day, but every day? Ibrahim Abdul-Matin, author of the new book,”Green Deen: What Islam Teaches About Protecting the Planet,” is preparing to launch a nationwide movement for Muslims called “Green Ramadan.” This movement is about three things:

Getting Muslims and mosques across the country to adopt Green principles for the holy month of Ramadan; Showing

the power of the Muslim community and how great our contribution to the environmental movement can be; and Inspiring Muslims to look to their Deen for guidance on how to be stewards of the Earth.

It’s time for Muslims to build a movement for everyone, every day, not just on Earth Day.

For more information about “Green Deen: What Islam Teaches About Protecting the Planet” and “Green Ramadan” visit

-----------------------------------------------Source: elan, October 22, 2012

excelled in the nobility of this world and the honor of the Hereafter.”3 Through the remembrance of death, we are reminded that our actions are worthless unless done for the sake of Allah. Therefore, it encourages us to engage in our duties with ihsaan (i.e. excellence).

One step to applying the remembrance of death in our lives is detaching our hearts

from the love of this world. According to a hadith related by Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) placed his hand on his shoulder and said, “Be in the world as if you are a stranger or a wayfarer.” In explanation of this, Ibn ‘Umar used to say, “When the night comes, do not wait for the day, and when the day comes, do not wait for the night. Take your health for your sickness, and take from your life for your death.”4 We need to prioritize our religious obligations over our worldly obligations,

and not vice versa, to make use of our time in this world. The remembrance of death prepares us for death itself, which in turn prepares us for our meeting with Allah on the Day of Judgment.

The Hereaf ter is of t remendous importance in Islam. For this reason, a whole conference has been devoted to the topic this year. The conference consists of a number of scholars from all over the country who are coming to the DMV area to enlighten us about the realities of this life, death, and the

Hereafter. DC Hidayah 2012’s The Last Day: Are You Ready? will take place on June 23rd from 10am to 10pm at the Washington Convention Center. To learn more about the conference and purchase tickets, visit

1[Muslim & Tirmidhi]2[Surah An-Nahl: 61]3[Reported by Tabraani, Ibn Maajah, Targheeb]4[Sahih al-Bukhari (7/170)]

death>> continued from pg 23

Salaah times for April 27th - May 10th, 2012If a person had a stream outside his door and he bathed in it fi ve times a day, do you

think he would have any fi lth left on him?” The people said, “No filth would remain on him whatsoever.” The Prophet (peace be upon him) then said, “That is like the fi ve daily prayers: Allah wipes away the sins by them.”

---Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari and Muslim

Day Date Hijri Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib IshaFri April 27 6/6 4:53 6:14 1:06 4:54 7:58 9:19

Sat 28 7/6 4:52 6:13 1:06 4:54 7:59 9:20Sun 29 8/6 4:50 6:12 1:06 4:55 8:00 9:22Mon 30 9/6 4:48 6:10 1:06 4:55 8:01 9:23Tue May 1 10/6 4:47 6:09 1:06 4:55 8:02 9:24Wed 2 11/6 4:45 6:08 1:05 4:55 8:03 9:26Thu 3 12/6 4:44 6:07 1:05 4:55 8:04 9:27Fri 4 13/6 4:43 6:06 1:05 4:56 8:05 9:28Sat 5 14/6 4:41 6:05 1:05 4:56 8:05 9:29Sun 6 15/6 4:40 6:03 1:05 4:56 8:06 9:31Mon 7 16/6 4:38 6:02 1:05 4:56 8:07 9:32Tue 8 17/6 4:37 6:01 1:05 4:57 8:08 9:33Wed 9 18/6 4:35 6:00 1:05 4:57 8:09 9:34Thu 10 19/6 4:34 5:59 1:05 4:57 8:10 9:36

Prayer times generated from for the



| 25April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 OPINION

OpinionRon Paul and the Israeli CapitalBy Ramy M Osman

Being an election year, candidates pandering to interest groups is in full swing. One “interest group” that has not been pandered to is the Muslim-American community. We’ve actually been politically quarantined.

But another interest group that has gotten the usual celebrity treatment from the candidates are the supporters of Israel. From the beginning of the presidential campaign, many Israel supporters have written-off Ron Paul as not being a “friend of Israel”. After all, Paul did say that the Israeli lobby has too much influence on our government, and it has gotten America involved in foreign wars and entanglements that it has no business being involved in. Paul also said he would stop all foreign aid to Israel, and that Iran is not a real existential threat to Israel. He was the only presidential candidate who did not attend the AIPAC conference in March 2012, which was held in DC. But, last week Ron Paul said something that flipped everything on its head.

He was talking to a group of Evangelical leaders, and their first question was about moving the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Paul responded by saying that if Israel wants its capital in Jerusalem, “then it’s Jerusalem”, and America should move its embassy to the capital just like it does in every other country. Israeli supporters who previously hated Paul for his views, now found themselves loving him. While those critical of Israeli policies and who previously loved Paul for his views, now found themselves calling him a sell-out.

When taken in isolation, I can see the confusion this creates on both sides. But when put into the context of his overall foreign policy, it actually makes perfect “Paulian” sense, and it’s what makes his positions revolutionary. Ron Paul says that America’s foreign policy should be absolutely no intervention. America would not go out of its way to support or oppose Israel. A Ron Paul president

wouldn’t authorize any more American financial or military aid to Israel. He also would not be tied into playing the veto game in the UN every time a resolution is proposed that censures Israel or calls it to action (and that’s even if he decides to remain a member of the UN). So his view is an American hands-off policy that would allow Israel to do what it wants, and it would also allow America to no longer use its blood and resources to shield Israel.

Israel already has most of its government funct ions headquar tered in West Jerusalem. But if Israel dared to claim East Jerusalem and parts of occupied West Bank as part of its “united capital”, then it would be challenged again by the international community. The international community has already passed dozens of UN resolutions over the past decades that Israel has never implemented. The withdrawal of America’s overwhelming support, would put the responsibility on Israel to start acting in a civil and respectful manner towards the Palestinians and its neighbors. It would no longer have America’s protection which has emboldened its aggressive and oppressive behaviors. It would lose its privileged status and find itself alone. Israel would actually have to answer directly to its neighbors and the

rest of the world. But despite all of this, America under a Ron Paul presidency would say “it’s their right to put their capital wherever they want”.

Paul sees that the role of America in the world, is for it to be a neutral country. America is not the policeman of the world. It doesn’t have the moral compass to do so. Nor should it be the bully of the world by invading, attacking, causing coups, and undermining the sovereignty of countries and people. But this is what America has been doing for the past 100 years. This was the warning of President Eisenhower who, in his 1961 farewell address, warned of the dangerous influence that a “military industrial complex” can have on the domestic and foreign policies of America. This was even warned by President George Washington who, in his 1796 farewell address, warned Americans not to become “entangled” in foreign affairs. President John Quincy Adams, in a speech given in 1821, said that America should not be going around the world “in search of monsters to destroy”.

Fast forward to modern times and you see America supporting dictators and oppressive regimes, invading and attacking countries that never attacked it, and continuously meddling in countries all over the world based on imagined or

exaggerated threats. This was never the intention of the founding fathers of this country. This is actually what they fought against. America simply needs to leave other countries alone.

This year, President Obama’s budget request includes $3.1 billion in security assistance to Israel. The Republicans and the Democrats want to fulfill a 10-year $30+ billion commitment to Israel to fund Israel’s security and defense systems. If Ron Paul was president, the commitment would be $0. America under Ron Paul, wouldn’t go out of its way to support or subvert Israel. Instead, Israel, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, etc. would all be free to do as they please. America’s foreign policies have proven detrimental to Arab and Muslim countries. But it has mysteriously proven advantageous for Israel. By ending its foreign interventions, America can allow these countries to recover from the imbalance of power that has prevailed for so long. Like the recent revolutions, people would discover a new ability where they can attempt to marginalize the extremists who run the show on all sides.

That would be American foreign policy under a President Ron Paul. But these are just ideas presented by a presidential candidate. If Muslims think these ideas make sense, then they should adopt them and make it part of their platform. They should seek out the millions of Americans who have embraced the Ron Paul message of no foreign intervention, and establish cooperation and coalitions with them. What makes the Ron Paul movement unique, is that its message will continue to spread long after the 2012 election. Ten years from now, there will be no movement that tries to follow the ideas of Romney or Santorum or even Obama. But there will be people still talking about Ron Paul’s ideas and how necessary it is for America. Maybe Muslims can be part of them.

------------------------------------------------Ramy Osman Writes from Northern Virginia.


April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 26 | OBITS & UPCOMING EVENTS

Helping Hand Muslim Orphan Event Friday, April 27 2012An Evening of Family Comedy with Baba Ali to Benefit Muslim Orphans.Location: Lecture Hall at George Mason University (GMU), 4400 University Dr. Fairfax, VA 22030----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Darul Uloom NY Fundraising Event Friday, April 27 2012, 7:00pm - 10:00pmDarul Uloom NY presents a fundraising event with special guests: Junaid Jamshed and Shaykh Hasan Abu Nur. Food available for purchase. Free parking. Observe Islamic Attire. All families are encouraged to join for an evening of inspirational talks and nasheeds in support of higher Islamic education. Location: ISB Gymnasium, 6631 Johnnycake Road, Baltimore, MD 21244. Contact: 410-747-4869, 410-961-0575, 516-468-2959-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Drone Summit: Killing and Spying by Remote Control Saturday, April 28 2012The peace group CODEPINK and the legal advocacy organizations Reprieve and the Center for Constitutional Rights are hosting the first international drone summit. Saturday, April 28; Time: 9:00am-9:00pm Location: 900 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20001. Sunday, April 29; Time: 10:00am-4:00pm Location: 100 Maryland Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20001. For a full list of topics, speakers, to register and for other information, please go to our website: Location: Washington, D.C. Contact: If you have questions, please contact Summit Organizer Ramah Kudaimi at Can We Avoid It ? Saturday, April 28 2012Almost everyone these days is having , or is feeling that he is having a stress. We have an expert Dr. Khan who is highly trained and experienced in stress management and avoidance of the same. He has kindly consented to come and talk to us on Understanding health related quality of life. In this he is going to give us very useful tips how to avoid stress and how to avoid its bad effects. Seminar will begin immediately following the Duhur prayer(1:45PM). This will be useful for the students as well. There will be enough time for question answer session during which refreshments will be served. Location: Adams Center, 46903 Sugarland Road,Sterling, VA 20164 Contact: Dr Mohammed Alvi, (703) 433 1325 or , to personal Finance Saturday, April 28 2012, 2:00pm - 4:00pmIslamic Leadership Institute of America is offering a short class and hands on activities covering Financial goals and plans Banking and financial services Savings, investments and retirement Budgeting and planning Credit and debt issues Financial set backs and recoveryLocation: Ellicott City. Contact: ILIA - ICM Spring Fundraising Dinner Saturday, April 28 2012, 6:00pm - 9:00pmAlhamdulillah, together we have arrived at our first milestone – ‘Break Ground’. It has been a long, slow and difficult path. But at this point we must redouble our effort to support the cash flow requirement. Please plan to attend the fund raiser and inform others. Tickets: $25 individuals, $50 family. You can also donate online at Together let us pave the way to an enlightened future.Location: Bohrer Park Activity Center, 508 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Immigration Open House Sunday, April 29 2012, 11:00am - 2:00pmPrivate Meeting with officials from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Sponsored by the Adventist Community Service of Greater Washington and the Somali American Community Association. Get Free consultation from experienced immigration Lawyer. Registration is required. Deadline for registration is April 26, 2012.Location: 501 Sligo Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Contact: To Register, call 301-565-0320 or email: Wrapping Class & Store Sale Sunday, April 29 2012, 1:00pm - 6:00pmCome and join us for a fun sisters only class about learning how to wrap your hijab/Scarf in different styles. Hijab stylists will be available to show you how to turn your simple hijab style into fancy styles. For Questions, contact: Zahrah Ghanim: 240-601-7531(Cell) or Hajja Rahma Ghanim: 240-305-6354(Cell) or Store 301-879-3598. No RSVP required to visit the store. Refreshments will be provided. Location: Rahma International Store (inside ISWA), 2701 Briggs Chaney Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20905 Contact: RSVP for the class by April 28th at

Upcoming Events In Your AreaRequest For Dua’s{ To Allah We Belong, and to Him is Our Return }

“Everyone is going to taste death, and We shall make a trial of you with evil and good, and to Us

you will be returned.” (Surah Al-Anbiya:35)”

4-16-12 Br Samir Saleem has passed away. His janaza was on April 17, 2012 in Washington, D.C. May the Most High, Grant him Forgiveness, Mercy and Paradise. Amin. (Source: Masjid Muhammad)

4-20-12 Salate Janaza for our Brother Malik Pervaiz Awan was on April 21, 2012 in Manassas, Virginia. May Allah (SWT) accept him in His infinite Mercy & Love and grant Sabr to the family and the community. (Source: M. Mehboob)

AttENtIoN INMAtES: As much as we would like to, we are unable to honor requests for free subscriptions at this time. To subscribe, follow the instructions above.

SubScRIbE to thE MuSLIM LINK! To get the Muslim Link print edition in the mail, send $5 for shipping and handling per issue using check or money order payable to: The Muslim Link, 5301 Edgewood Road, College Park MD 20740. To make payments over the phone using a credit card, call the Muslim Link office at 301-982-1020.

Subscribe to the online version of the newspaper so you get it in your email inbox FREE each issue. To subscribe for free, go to

301-982-1020To Advertise in the Muslim Link Call


| 27April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTHERN VIRGINIA

---------------------------------------------------------------------------All Muslim Brothers Association3900 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22302Tel: 703-647-0515Jumma Prayer Only - 1:15 P.m---------------------------------------------------------------------------IcNA VA center:2913 Woodlawn Trail, Alexandria, VA 22306.Tel: 703-660-1255---------------------------------------------------------------------------Idara Dawat-o-irshad:4803 VAlley St, Alexandria, VA 22312Tel: center:6844 Braddock Rd., Annandale, VA 22003Tel: 703-658-7134 www.mustafacenter.orgE-mail: Mukarram:2116 S Nelson St., Arlington, VA, 22204,Tel: 703-778-1550---------------------------------------------------------------------------Zakaria Islamic Academy:Galesbury Lane, Chantilly, VA 20151Tel: 571-969-2123www.ziacademy.orgE-mail: community center Of Dumfries:17794 Main Street, Dumfries, VA 22026Tel: 703-585-1689/703-554-7983 www.bccd.orgE-mail: Ul-ghuraba (Masjid Ur Rahmah):155 Baker St., Emporia, VA 23487---------------------------------------------------------------------------Dar Al Hijrah:3159 Rowe St., Falls Church, VA 22044,Tel: center Of NorthernVA Trust (Icnvt):4420 Shirley Gate Road, Fairfax, VA, 22030Tel: 703-591-0999www.icnvt.orgE-mail: Al-noor (Muslim Assoc. Of VA):5404 Hoadly Rd., Manassas, VA 20112,Tel: 703-580-0808Fax: Mosque:12950 Center Entrance Ct, Manassas, VATel: 703-257-5537---------------------------------------------------------------------------Islamic center Of Virginia:1241 Buford Rd.,

Richmond, VA 23235Tel: Society Of GreaterRichmond (ISGR):6324 Rigsby Road, Richamond, VA 23226Tel: Al Rahman:1305 Hull St., Richmond, VA 23224Tel: 804-232-7640---------------------------------------------------------------------------Masjidullah Of Richmond:211 North Ave., Richmond, VA 23222Tel: 804-321-8864/804-647-4297---------------------------------------------------------------------------Dar-ul Huda:6666 Commerce St., Springfield, VA 22150,Tel: Foundation of America:6606 Electronic Drive, Springfield, VA 22151Tel: 703-914-4982---------------------------------------------------------------------------Masjid Noor:8608 Pohick Rd, Springfield, VA 22153Tel: 703-451-7615---------------------------------------------------------------------------Adams center:46903 Sugarland Rd, Sterling,VA 20164,Tel: Heritage center (IHc):262 A-3 Cedar Ln., Vienna, VA 22180Tel: 703-206-9056---------------------------------------------------------------------------

WASHINGTON D.c.---------------------------------------------------------------------------First Hijra Muslim comm. center:4324 Georgia Ave, NW Washington, D.C. city Masjid:2001 Galludet St. NE, Washington, D.C. 20002Tel: 202-904-9668E-mail: Al-islam:4603 Benning Rd., SE, Washington, D.C. 20019E-mail: Muhammad:1519 4th St. NW, Washington D.C. 20001Tel: 202-483-8832 | Society Of Washington, D.c. (MSWDc):Howard Center, Room 805 (Above Hu Bookstore)Tel: 202-328-3236---------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Islamic center:2551 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington D.C. 20008Tel:

MARYLAND--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Islamic Society Of Annapolis (ISA):2635 Riva Rd. Suite 110, Annapolis, MD 21401Tel: 410-266-6660www.isamd.orgEmail: Masjid of Baltimore Inc1935 Frederick AveBaltimore, MD 21223Imam’s cell: 571-721-9938email: Dawah center, Inc:1910 Frederick Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21223Tel: 410-945-1515---------------------------------------------------------------------------Dar ul Uloom:6334 Dogwoood Rd, Baltimore, MD 21207,Tel: 410-493-0785Email: Ul-haq:514 Islamic Way (Wilson St. ), Baltimore, MD 21217Tel: 410-728-1363---------------------------------------------------------------------------Masjid Al-mumineen:2642 Harford Rd., Baltimore, MD 21218Tel: 410-467-8798---------------------------------------------------------------------------Masjid Jamaat Al-Muslimeen:4624 York Rd., Baltimore, MD 21212Tel: 443-622-2962 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Masjid Al-rahmah/ISB:6631 Johnnycake Rd., Baltimore, MD 21244Tel: 410-747-4869 | As Saffat:1335 W. North Ave., Baltimore, MD 21217Tel: 410-669-0655---------------------------------------------------------------------------Islamic Society Of Easton126 Port Street Unit # 1Easton, MD 21601Tel: 410-829 7924 (Islamic Research And Hum. Services center Of America):1 Chambers Ave, Capitol Heights, MDTel: Society Of Southern Pg county (ISSPGc):P O Box 99, Clinton, MD 207355410 Indian Head Hwy, Oxon Hill, MD 20745Tel: 240 603 4618

---------------------------------------------------------------------------Dar-us-Salaam:5301 Edgewood Rd., College Park, MD 20740,Tel: Zamzam1510 Lynch Road, Dundalk, MD 21222Tel: al-Taqwa:10740 Rte. 108, Ellicott City, MD 21042,Tel: Al-Hikmah:11064 Livingston Road Unit L (101) Ft. Washington, MD 20744,Tel: 301 292-9009---------------------------------------------------------------------------Islamic Society Of Frederick (ISF):1250 Key Parkway, Frederick,md 21702Tel: center Of Maryland (IcM):19411 Woodfield Rd. Gaithersburg,md Learning center (MLc):814 Brandy Farms Ln., Gambrills, MD 21054Tel: 410-721-5880www.isamd.orgEmail: Society Of Germantown (ISG):19900 Brandermill Rd., Germantown, MD 20876Tel: (240) Ibn Taymiyyah:8000 Mlk Highway, Glenarden MDTel: 301-461-9325 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Islamic Society of Western Maryland:2036 Day Rd., Hagerstown, MD 21740Tel: 301-797-0922---------------------------------------------------------------------------Southern Maryland Islamic center (SMIc):1046 Solomons Island Rd, Huntingtown, MD, 20639Tel: 410-535-0000---------------------------------------------------------------------------Avondale Islamic center:4637 Eastern Ave., Hyattsville, MD, 20782Tel: 301-779-9292---------------------------------------------------------------------------Prince Georges Muslim Assoc.(PGMA):9150 Lanham Severn Rd., Lanham, MD, 20706,Tel:

Imam’s Office: 301-459-1441E-mail: American community center9704 Good Luck Rd, Lanham, MD 20706Tel: Plata Masjid:111 Howard Street,La Plata, MD 20646Tel: 301-609-8769---------------------------------------------------------------------------Islamic com. center Of Laurel (IccL):7306 Contee Rd.,Laurel, MD 20707Tel: Al-Ghurabaa:8220 Washington St., South Laurel, MD 20724.Tel: 301-604-3295---------------------------------------------------------------------------Islamic center Of Lexington Park22583 Three Notch Road, Lexington Park, MD 20619Tel: 240-538-7839 or 561-414-0994 center:11600 Falls Road, Potomac MD 20854www.medinacenter.netE-mail: Islamic center9019 Marcella Ave. Randallstown, MD 21133Tel: 410-971-4018www.ricbaltimore.orgE-mail: Society Of The Washington Area (ISWA):2701 Briggs Chaney Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20904Tel: community center (Mcc):15200 New Hampshire Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20905Tel: 301-384-3454 (Jumuah Only)Jumuah: 12:50pm3201 Randolph Rd, Wheaton, MD 20906www.imaam.orgEmail: An-nur:5418 Ebenezer Road, White Marsh, MD 21162Tel: 410-663-9637Fax: 410-663-9817---------------------------------------------------------------------------Masjid Al-inshirah:7832 Fairbrook Road, Windsor Mill, MD 21244Tel: 410-298-2977

maSJid liSTiNGDo you have additions, changes, or corrections to the event listings in the Muslim Link? Email us at, or call us at 301-982-1020.


April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 28 |

Editor-in-Chief:Minhaj Hasan

Office Manager:Stephanie Benmoha

Layout & Design:Fadlullah Firman

Staff Writers:Fatimah WaseemWafa UnusRashad Mulla

Sharia Advisors:Sheikh Salah as-SawiImam Safi Khan

The Muslim Link (TML) is published every other week on Fridays and distributed throughout the Washington, Baltimore, and Northern Virginia Metropolitan Areas. TML is a non-profit publication and is based at Dar-us-Salaam in College Park, Maryland, USA. Staff and contributors are not necessarily affiliated with Dar-us-Salaam.

The views expressed in The Muslim Link do not necessarily reflect those of Dar-us-Salaam or TML management or their underwriters. Dar-us-Salaam and TML are not responsible for the accuracy of information presented by advertisers, or for the religious compliance of events, products, or services published in TML.

This publication contains the names of ALLAH (Subhanahu wa ta’ala). Please keep, recycle, or share it with others

The Muslim Link5301 Edgewood RoadCollege Park, MD 20740Phone : (301) 982-1020Fax: (240)

Advertising:301-982-1020 or email us at

The Muslim Link. All Rights Reserved 2012


To our readers and supporters who came out to keep their community’s voice strong, and to all those who sent in

donations and duas, and to all of our dedicated volunteers without whom our Uncovered Event and Fundraiser could not have been a success, and to the Islamic Society of the

Washington Area (ISWA), the Indonesian Muslim Association of America (IMAAM), and the Islamic Center of Maryland (ICM) for their generous sponsorship, we say

Thank you.May Allah keep us all united and working hard for

our common goal – Al-Jannah.


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April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 34 |

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301-982-1020To Advertise in the Muslim Link Call


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| 35April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012



April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 36 |


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| 37April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012



April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012 38 |

MONEY BACK GUARANTEE HoneyDerm is very confi dent that its products will defi nitely help you. If for any reason you are not satisfi ed with the product, we off er you a full money back guarantee with the return of any remaining portion of the product in their original containers. See our website for time restrictions.

All products are 100% drug free and are not intended to change any of the body physiological functions or treat any disease or possess any drug claim.

Honey-Based Healing for:Hair Loss, Hair growth, Itching, dandruff, and Scalp Psoriasis. Acne, Wrinkles, Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis, and Rosacea. Plus Supplements for Diabetics, Immunity, and Liver Health.

Order Risk Free Today by calling (800) 424 - 7710 or buy online at

2522 East Michigan Ave Lansing, Michigan 48912

“Alhumdulillah, I found Honeyderm’s Dermatonic-P, and it is really, really a blessing for people with Eczema or other skin illnesses. I no longer wake up sweating at night! Allahu-Akbar!.” -- Br.Hasan, Maryland






Every Muslim has read that the Prophet Sallallahu ‘alyhi wa sallam told his ummah about the wonderful nature of honey. In the Qur’an in Surah An-Nahl, Allah described honey as a “drink of varying color wherein is healing for men”.

Its no wonder that scientists are spending more and more resources examining, testing, and developing honey-based medical treatments. As early as December 26, 2007, the Associated Press ran a story titled “Honey makes medical comeback”.

One company that has believed in the restorative power of honey for a long time is HoneyDerm, Inc., a Lansing, Michigan based company that spent years bringing the healing power of honey to people suffering from hair loss, dandruff, and skin disease.

Their most famous product line is Hairback Lotion and Hairtonix Shampoo, that “helps stimulate new hair growth and thicken existing hair”. Honeyderm, Inc also claims the products solve dandruff and scalp psoriasis.

The Muslim Link requested access to some of Honeyderm’s customers, and Brother Mahmoud from Honeyderm gladly offered us some phone numbers.

Brother Hasan, in his late 30’s is from Maryland and suffers from the common skin disease eczema. “I’ve had eczema

since high school, and it got worse as the years went on. I went to a dermatologist and he recommended a cortisone-type prescription cream. It did stop the itch, but my skin was still dry and tight. I’ve tried lotions and shampoos from Aveeno, Lubiderm, Vaseline, and others. Alhumdulillah, I found Honeyderm’s Dermatonic-P, and it is really, really a blessing for people with Eczema or other skin illnesses. I no longer wake up sweating at night! Allahu-Akbar!.”

We called Abdurihman Khalil from Chicago. He did not know we were going to call. Abdurihman started losing his hair when he was about 28. He discovered the Hairback product line at a convention and decided to test its claims. “The hair loss stopped completely,” said Abdurihman. “It’s excellent, and I’ve been using it now for 6 years.”

We also called Brother Mustafa Al-Omary in Sterling Heights, Michigan. He decided to do something about his thinning hair at age 40 and tried the Hairback treatment. Asked how long it took for him to see results, he told us “Oh gosh, less than a month. My thin spots filled in within 3 months,.” He said he would “absolutely” recommend the product to anyone. “It’s not a fly-by-night product, its awesome,” said Mustafa.

We also called Najeebudheen Appat, a 30-year old living in

Los Angeles, CA. He’s had a severe dandruff

problem for a long-time, and had been searching for a solution. “I tried so many different products like tonics and shampoos, I can’t even remember them all, until I found this product around 2002. My problem was solved completely, the entire thing is taken care of. I even called [Honeyderm] with the great feedback,” recalled Najeebudheen. He told us that Allah creates shifa in many things, and Honeyderm’s products are a part of that. “For dandruff problems, this is the total solution,” he told us from his mobile phone.

On Honeyderm’s website, there are many more testimonials from Muslims and non-Muslims from around the nation and the world. There is also a gallery of “before and after” pictures of both hair loss treatments as well as skin treatments. And best of all, for those of us who’ve “tried it all”, there is a full money back guarantee.

Allah said honey heals. The Prophet Sallallahu’alyhi wa sallam said honey heals. The people we called said honey heals. With a money back guarantee, there is absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain – your hair and skin!

Honey Heals Skin Disease and Hair Loss



| 39April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012

Place a personal classified ad. Call us at 301-982-1020. Office@muslimlinkpaper.comWe invite you to place a classified on the web FREE of charge at Classifieds in the print edition of the Muslim Link newspaper are only $1 for every 3 words. All classifieds run for 3 issues in the Marketplace section. Get started by emailing your exact text to and then call in your credit card payment to 301-982-1020 or send a check or money order payable to: The Muslim Link, 5301 Edgewood Rd, College Park MD 20740.

cHILDcARE ExcHANGEMUSLIM DAYCARELicensed Muslim daycare provider. Infant to 10 years old. Teach Arabic and Qur’an. 301-593-4769.

EMPLOYMENTLOOKING FOR HIFZ TUTORLooking for an experienced Hifz teacher to work with our 2 boys in Greenbelt, MD. Needs to be available weekday afternoons/evenings. Please contact or 301-768-4435.--------------------------------------------------NEED A GOOD NANNY, HOUSEKEEPER, OR COOK?I am a good Muslim and I am legal in the United States. Looking for a job as a nanny or housekeeper or cook. I have good references and a lot of experience. 571-327-7363. --------------------------------------------------

FOR SALESISTERS SWIMWEAR AVAILABLEWomen Full Cover Swimwear on sale. Sooq-Alpak. Contact 240-271-9552, go online to

MATRIMONIALMOROCCAN BROTHER FOR MARRIAGEGood Moroccan Muslim brother in Morocco seeking good American Muslima for marriage, please contact Sister Fatima for more info 410-988-0705 or PIOUS RELIGIOUS MUSLIMAHAmerican citizen, widower, well-educated, retired, religious Sunni Muslim of Pakistani-origin for marriage to religious Muslimah of similar background.

Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C. areas preferred for easy contact but not required. Please call 540-533-7391.--------------------------------------------------SEEKING RELIGIOUS SISTERUnmarried, religious brother in his 30s looking for a religious sister for marriage. Race is immaterial. Email: GOOD BROTHER35 year old sister looking for a good Muslim brother who speaks a little Arabic. 571-327-7363

SERVIcESHOME SERVICESLicensed contractor. Home Improvement work, interior/exterior painting, drywall install/repair, brick/concrete repair. License #30385946 Estimates done. Contact Br. Allen Scott at 410-467-1259 or 443-538-7643(cell) --------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------LICENSED PLUMBERReduce Major Plumbing Bills. Give Twirl-A-Drain a call at 410-963-5807 for sewer and water pipe replacement underground. Free estimates given, Michael D. Shahid.--------------------------------------------------LOVING HOME CAREProviding elder and child care you can trust and afford. Companionship, hygiene care, meal preparation, housekeeping, shopping, doctor appointments. Loving, dependable caregivers for Live-in, Full, Part time. Call: --------------------------------------------------GET NOTICEDPlace an ad in the Muslim Link Newspaper. For further information contact us at or call us at 301-982-1020. Visit us online at




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