The Mum's Guide To Feeling More Energised

Post on 11-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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Naturopath and nutritionist Lisa Guy shares natural ways for Mums to boost their energy. She discusses the importance of sleep, natural and organic foods, balancing your blood sugar levels, choosing whole grains, the importance of Iron, Magnesium and Vitamin C in your diet.


The Mum's Guide

To Feeling More


By: Simone Denny

We are very fortunate to have the wonderful Lisa Guy contribute to the Nourishing Hub

blog again this week. Lisa is a respected Sydney based naturopath, nutritionist and

passionate foodie. In addition to operating her 'Art of Healing' clinic, Lisa makes

regular contributions to a variety of leading magazines, newspapers and websites.

Read more about Lisa below.

The Mum's Guide to Feeling More Energised

Lisa Guy ND

Being a mum can be one of the most rewarding and yet one of the most tiring

occupations going. When you bring your little bundle of joy home for the first time the

option of resting up and getting enough sleep, to recoup and recover, is usually a pipe

dream. Then if you are unlucky enough to have a little one who is not sleeping well,

throw in low iron levels and being too busy to eat well, and other children to look after,

it is not hard to see how exhaustion can set in.

The good news is though that there are plenty of things you can do naturally to give

your energy levels a much-needed boost.

Get some sleep

Firstly, it is important to grab sleep were you can to recharge the batteries. So when

your little one has a sleep in the day, make sure you have one too. The washing and

cleaning up can definitely wait.

Go natural

Eat wholesome natural foods, preferably organic, including plenty of fresh fruits,

vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and wholegrain breads and cereals. A healthy diet is

important to supply you with all the vitamins and minerals you need for energy

production and good health. Remember that fresh and unprocessed is best. Drinking

plenty of water is also very important, so aim for at least 2 Litres a day.

Keep your blood sugar levels balanced

Keep your energy levels up by eating smaller, frequent meals throughout the day,

including nutritious protein-rich snacks. Limit any sugary, processed foods that cause

your blood sugar levels to rise rapidly then plummet, which will leave you feeling even

more exhausted. Protein-rich meals will help stabilise your blood sugar levels and help

you maintain more balanced energy levels. Good protein choices include nuts, seeds,

yoghurt, organic eggs and chicken, fish, lean meat, tofu and legumes. Trail mixes

made up of raw almonds, brazil nuts, walnuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds with

some dried fruits, or hummus with vegetable sticks or wholegrain crackers make

excellent snacks. Protein powders can make a healthy addition to a busy mums diet,

great for making fruit smoothies, and protein balls to snack on when you are out and

about. Brown rice protein powders are particularly beneficial for breastfeeding mums

as rice is hypo-allergenic and won’t cause digestive complaints in lactose sensitive


Choose wholegrain over ‘white’ refined carbohydrates

Choose natural wholegrain, complex carbohydrate foods (wholegrain breads and pasta,

brown rice, quinoa and whole oats), over refined ‘white’ carbohydrates (aka: white

bread and pasta, commercially baked cakes and cookies made with white flour, sugary

breakfast cereals). Wholegrains are rich in fibre and a good source of carbohydrates,

which will provide you with a slow, steady supply of energy throughout the day, as well

as B vitamins, needed for energy production. Eating ‘white’ carbohydrate foods, on the

other hand, will cause a sharp rise then drop in blood sugar levels, which will leave you

feeling tired and flat and craving more sugary, ‘white’ carbohydrate foods. This is also

a trigger for your body to lay fat.

The importance of iron

Low iron levels are very common in women, especially post pregnancy. Iron deficiency

can be a major cause for women feeling tired and run-down. Iron plays an essential

role in energy production, and is needed to make red blood cells to transport oxygen

to all the cells in the body. Iron is also important for strengthening the immune system

to protect you from colds and flu and other infections. Common symptoms of iron

deficiency are tiredness, muscle weakness, lowered immune function, difficulties

concentrating and poor memory.

Women’s iron requirements are a lot higher than men’s, and it increases by almost 10

fold during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This increased demand is often hard to meet

by diet alone, so iron supplementation along with a healthy well-balanced diet is

important for mums.

Not all iron supplements are created equal though. Iron supplements made with iron

sulfate or ferrous sulfate can cause digestive upsets including constipation. The type of

iron supplement you should be using is one made from organic chelated iron, which is

easily digested and absorbed, and just as effective as the other type of iron, but

without the unwanted side effects. Organic iron supplements don’t cause constipation

or digestive complaints. A good iron supplement will also contain vitamin C to help

improve iron absorption. You should also make sure you eat plenty of iron rich foods

such as red meat, legumes (especially lentils), wholegrain breads and cereals, and

green leafy vegetables. Vitamin C helps improve the absorption of iron, so include

some vitamin C rich foods like tomatoes, orange, lemon, broccoli, parsley or cabbage

with meals.

Energy boosting B vitamins and magnesium

B vitamins and magnesium are two important nutrients needed for energy production.

They are also your ‘anti-stress’ nutrients to help you deal with being a busy mum in a

healthier way. Supplementation is recommended together with including foods rich in

vitamin B and magnesium, such as wholegrain cereals, nuts, seeds, legumes, eggs,

milk and green leafy vegetables.

Super spirulina

Taking the superfood spirulina can help give you a much needed boost in energy.

Spirulina is an extremely nutrient-rich food, including protein, omega-3 fats, B

vitamins, iron and magnesium. Spirulina also has immune boosting properties and can

help keep your blood sugar levels more balanced. A good maintenance dose is around

6 tablets or capsules a day. You can also buy spirulina powder which is easy to add to

juices and smoothies. A green smoothie with green leafies (spinach and kale),

cucumber, celery, apple, avocado and a heap teaspoon of spirulina is a perfect way to

start the day.

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About Lisa

Lisa is the author several books including My Goodness: all you need to know about

children’s health and nutrition, Heal Yourself, and Pregnancy Essentials. She is also

Body and Soul magazine's resident nutrition expert. Lisa is driven by a desire to help

people achieve their happiest, healthiest selves by using healing herbs, homeopathic

remedies, and clean, wholesome foods that are full of nutritional goodness. Lisa has a

particular interest in infant and children’s health and helping support women through

pregnancy and beyond.

Read more about Lisa here

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Gen 1.29 Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Superfood is a carefully balanced natural

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