The Most Strategic Mission Field in the World – University Campuses.

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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The Most Strategic Mission Field in the World – University Campuses.

Students are making decisions in college that will affect them for the rest of their lives.

If they are not reached with the gospel during these years, most of them will never come to know the Lord. There are four main reasons why we need

workers on college campuses.

Romans 10:14

Expose students to a relationship with Jesus Christ.

This is God’s desire!

Reaching out to students right where they are!

High school students transitioning to the University.

Youth leaders and churches have worked hard!

We must protect the investment we have made in our youth!

Gifted students in the world are on our campuses right now.

Future leaders in their countries.

Over 700,000 foreign students from almost every nation of the world.

George Barna says international student ministry is the “opportunity of a lifetime!”

The students on college campuses today are the leaders of tomorrow.

If we truly desire to reach our world, we have to start where community leaders are shaped.

They are the next generation of doctors, lawyers, politicians, media executives, moms and dads.

The social, scientific, and spiritual theories of today’s campuses will become the accepted norm for tomorrow’s grade schools, businesses and television programs.

What America is and what it will become is directly related to what happens on it’s university campuses.

•Amanda Jax was the first of three young adults to die from binge drinking from October to January in Minnesota college towns in 2007.

•Jax, a former pre-nursing student at Minnesota State University, Mankato, died of acute alcohol poisoning after celebrating her 21st birthday in late October.

•Her blood-alcohol content was nearly 0.46 percent, nearly six times the legal limit for driving.

•We believe that God has much more for these student and we believe God has called us to reach them, but we can’t do it alone!

Amanda Jax

1986- 2007

The Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:20, “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf, to be reconciled to God.”

Chi Alpha is on over 240 Campuses throughout the U.S. and around the world.

We will reconcile students to Christ, transforming the university, the marketplace and the world. We will accomplish this by creating a Spirit-empowered community reflecting our

philosophy of ministry and core values.

Lindsey Kurtz MSU-Mankato with a full ride scholarship for

women’s basketball.

God has lead my wife and I into a lifetime of ministry in Chi Alpha. Over the next year an internship at:

University of MinnesotaMinnesota State – Mankato.

Coaching MentoringClasses for Pastoral Studies.

Like many other missions organizations, Chi Alpha workers depend upon the gifts of friends and churches who have a heart for young people on campus.

Each Campus Missionary in Training Candidate is responsible for raising his/her pers0nal support.

We must find partners who believe in the mission of Chi Alpha, and reaching college students for Christ who will support us on a monthly basis. We need to be at 100% by August 1st, 2008.

To serve the Lord and our fundraising team with excellence.

To work diligently to reach and disciple people in the Lord.

To keep you informed on what God is doing in our ministry.

To pray for you.

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