The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Content Visually The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Content Creation

Post on 26-May-2018






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The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Content Creation ScribbleLive Visually

The Modern Marketer’s Guideto Content Creation



The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Content Creation ScribbleLive Visually

The Content Creation Dilemma

The Real Content Challenge

What You’ll Learn Here

Planning & Mapping Your Content

Types of Content

The Buyer Journey

Aligning Your Content to Each Stage of the Customer Buying Journey

The Four Content Creation Models

The Role of Technology in Your Content Creation Operation

Visually Helps Marketers Create High-Impact Visual Content

Next Steps

Contents Page













The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Content Creation ScribbleLive Visually

Content is fuel for organizations today. Marketers need it for most, if not all, of their programs - content marketing programs, social media marketing, product marketing, communications, sales enablement, nurture programs, and more.

Sales and customer success teams need content to share with prospects and customers to educate them, add value to their exchanges, and ultimately close deals or up-sell.

Even the HR team requires content to help them with recruitment and communicating the organizational culture.

But not just any content will do. High impact, visual, quality content that resonates with the right audience, at just the right time. That’s the type of content that needs to be created.

The Content Creation Dilemma

Top Reason for Success

“85% of B2B marketers cited content creation as the contributing factor that led to their success.”

Content Marketing Institute & MarketingProfs

Easier said than done. We all know content needs to be engaging. The real challenge lies in figuring out how to create this content. No matter how great your content plan may be, it will fail to deliver expected results if the underlying content isn’t great itself.

Content like eBooks, whitepapers, blogs, infographics, videos, presentations, social media content, microsites, and photography can be a challenge to produce if organizations go about it the wrong way. It’s no surprise that the majority of B2B and B2C marketing professionals around the world cite that their top challenges are creating engaging content, and creating content on a consistent basis, according to Content Marketing Institute’s 2016 Benchmarks, Budget, and Trends Research Report.1

So, with the majority of marketers having challenges creating high quality content, those organizations who get it right can make a big impact.

The Real Content Challenge


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The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Content Creation ScribbleLive Visually

85% of B2B marketers noted that the creation of higher quality content, as well as becoming more efficient at creating content were the top reasons for their success, according to the 2017 B2B Content Marketing Trends—North America report by Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs.

In this eBook, we’ll walk you through the steps to get your organization on the right track to creating highly visual and engaging content. We’ll review the key stages in the customer buying journey and the range of content choices you should be considering. We’ll also compare and contrast four methods commonly used in creating visually engaging content. And to top if all off, you’ll learn about technology solutions that can help you accelerate your content creation process consistently and reliably to ensure your content’s success.

Note that this eBook will not be discussing how to create a content strategy. However, having a content strategy in place before you start the content creation process is crucial for success. At its core, your content strategy is your “why”. That is, why are you creating content? Without a strategy, you run the risk of creating content that isn’t aligned to your overall marketing goals. To learn more about how to create a content strategy, please visit the ScribbleLive Blog.

What You’ll Learn Here


As with most things in life, your content creation initiative should start with a good plan. The plan covers the various types of content you will be creating and the different stages in the buyer journey where this content is best utilized. Let’s dive in.

Types of Content

There are many different types of content that can be leveraged in your marketing initiatives. Let’s review some of the most popular forms that marketers typically use in content marketing programs.

Planning & Mapping Your Content

68% of B2B marketers create eBooks.They influence purchase decisions of over 50% of B2B buyers. 5

Content Marketing Institute


The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Content Creation ScribbleLive Visually

Whitepapers are without a doubt one of the most widely used content assets by marketing and sales teams, particularly within B2B environments. In this context, whitepapers provide in-depth information on a specific topic such as a product or service. To be seen as credible, whitepapers need to come across as being the authority on a topic.

While being educational in nature, whitepapers often guide readers (e.g. the prospective buyer), to a conclusion that aligns with the viewpoint of author (i.e. the organizations), relying on facts and figures to support their viewpoint. Whitepapers are also well received and valued among prospective buyers, with 76% of buyers willing to share contact information in exchange for downloading whitepapers.3

eBooks are similar to whitepapers, but with some distinguishing differences. They tend to be longer than whitepapers and easier to read4 . EBooks are also typically used when complex concepts are being explained as this format allows for easier visualizations. Information can also be distilled into easily digestible pieces.

Infographics have grown in popularity over the years as a great way to tell a story in a visual manner. This type of content tends to have the highest engagement and is great for early-stage awareness. For example, infographics are “liked” and shared on social media three times more than other any other type of content, according to HubSpot.6

Animated video and motion graphics are one of the most effective and increasingly popular ways marketers can reach prospective buyers. They usually promote case studies, how-to topics, product demos, or general brand awareness.

Four times as many consumers prefer to watch a video about a product than to read about it7 and 60% of B2B marketers rated videos as an effective content marketing tactic in 2017.8 The bottom line here is that if video is not part of your content mix, you’re missing out because the majority of buyers are more likely to engage with this type of content.






The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Content Creation ScribbleLive Visually

Photos add an incredibly powerful element to any content program. While stock photography is sufficient for some organizations, the ability to include custom photography within content projects that better align with your brand’s identity can be very impactful.

When combined with other content assets and shared across the right channels, custom photos can deliver compelling visual content that stands out and gets your brand noticed.

Case studies, sometimes referred to as customer success stories, help prospective buyers obtain proof, or validation, that your product or service is effective and has achieved what it claims. Case studies typically tell a story about the challenges a customer faced, why they purchased your product, the solution they implemented, and the benefits and results they achieved.

This type of content is typically used in the decision stage of the customer buying journey. In a study by Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs, B2B content marketers reported a 70% effectiveness rate for case studies in their campaigns.9

The mighty blog post is still the second most popular content marketing tactic used by B2B marketers, at 80% usage.10 A steady stream of well written, high quality blog posts will help round out any content marketing program, boost reader engagement, assist with SEO, and bolster thought leadership. They are very versatile because they can cover any topic, which is especially great for real-time trending headlines, and easy to deploy.

Webinars still rank within the top six content marketing tactics that B2B marketing professionals use11. They may require a bit of coordination and planning, but webinars are still a very low cost, high return content investment.

A great tool for lead generation, webinars can cover anything from a customer case study, to a new product or solution release, to insights shared by an industry expert. While they’re usually live events, you can also record them and use for further lead generation by posting them on a gated landing page.

Custom Photos

Case Studies

Blog Posts



The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Content Creation ScribbleLive Visually

Social media content is the top content marketing tactic (83% usage) employed by marketers.12 It’s also one of the most cost-effective ways to share the above noted content types and build visibility of your brand.

Social media content should be high value and augmented with visuals to help boost engagement, retweets, likes, shares, and followers. In fact, tweets with images received 18% more clicks, 89% more favorites, and 150% more retweets than those with no images.13 As you can see, high value visual content is critically important when it comes to social media.

Social Media


Now that you’ve had a refresher in the most common types of content, let’s go through the different stages in the buyer’s journey. This is important because prospective customers will be most receptive to content that aligns with where they are in their journey. And as an astute marketer, you need to craft your content to meet buyer needs at each and every step.

In the awareness stage, also referred to as the top of the funnel, prospects are looking for answers. They know they have a problem or a challenge but just aren’t quite sure how best to solve it. They’re on a mission to educate themselves, looking for resources, third party research, data, and other helpful insights.

Prospects in the consideration stage are fully aware of their problem now. Here, the buyer is often referred to as being in the middle of the sales funnel as they have already completed their preliminary research and are aware of available solutions in the market. Prospective buyers are now looking for more detailed information on available solutions.

In the evaluation stage leading up to the purchase decision, buyers are still reviewing possible solutions but will ultimately narrow down their focus to two or three solutions or vendors.

It’s at this stage, often referred to as a bottom of the funnel, where the prospect is at the highest potential value for purchasing, and are

The Buyer Journey




& Decision


The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Content Creation ScribbleLive Visually

looking for content that will support and validate selecting you as a solution. They are getting ready to make a purchase decision, so your content needs to convince them that you are the best decision.

If all goes well and the buyer decides to purchase from you, the customer then enters the retention stage. Note that this stage is often neglected by organizations as an additional revenue channel. Not only do you still need to keep customers happy, but you now have the opportunity to up-sell or cross-sell.

Research conducted by Bain & Company has shown that increasing customer retention rates by 5% increases profits by 25% to 95%.14 Continue to nurture and market to your customers in the right way and you’ll build a long-lasting relationship, develop new revenue opportunities, and turn customers into high value advocates for your brand.


& Advocacy

Knowing the different types of content available to you, and equipped with the knowledge of each stage of the customer buying journey, let’s now put it all together.

The figure below from SpotOnvision shows a typical customer buying journey and the types of content that are best used at each stage.

Aligning Your Content to Each Stage ofthe Customer Buying Journey

One thing to keep in mind is that most content types can be leveraged across multiple stages. What’s truly important in assessing which content type is appropriate for any given stage is the actual content itself. Let’s expand on the different types of content that are most effective for each stage.


The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Content Creation ScribbleLive Visually

• Blogs• Whitepapers• eBooks • eGuides• Video • Toolkits or Templates• How to Guides or Lists• Social Media Content• Infographics• Interactive Microsites• FAQs

• Case Studies/Success Stories• Product & Solution Data Sheets• Presentations• Trial Downloads• Analyst Reports• Demos• Comparison Guides• Buyer Guides

• Whitepapers• eBooks• Infographics• Webinars• Podcasts• Videos (company or product)• Comparison Guides• How to Guides or Lists• Interactive Microsites• FAQs• Cheat Sheets

• Customer Webinars• Newsletters• Playbooks• Product Update • Customer Surveys• Advocacy Programs• Training or Optimization Guides• Referral Programs• Customer Users Groups• Customer Events• Blogs

Best Content for Awareness Stage Best Content for Evaluation & Decision

Best Content for Consideration Best Content for Retention & Advocacy


The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Content Creation ScribbleLive Visually

At this point, you should have a solid understanding of the different types of content assets that contribute to a successful marketing program, as well as which types are most appropriate for each stage of the customer buying journey.

The next step, which is usually the most challenging for marketers, is figuring out how to actually get the content created. Below are the four most common approaches.

Insourcing: The first option, and usually the go-to for most marketers, is to create the content assets yourself. Using this method, your organization maintains control through every step of the process by leveraging the inhouse team of content writers, graphic designers, and web designers. Additional resources sometimes tapped into depending on the complexity of the product or service include subject matter experts.

However, there are several downsides to this approach, so using it exclusively usually isn’t the best approach for most organizations. Inhouse resources always have other competing priorities, commonly leading to lapsed deadlines and bottlenecks. Also, there’s the potential for inconsistency in output and quality if there are multiple writers and designers on the team, each of whom have varying skillsets and creative style.

Addressing these hurdles can be time consuming, especially for more complex content projects, and potentially take longer than using other content creation approaches.

Agency: Another option is to hire a marketing or creative agency to take care of your content creation requirements. This has an immediate appeal for several reasons. It gives you scale and flexibility, you can tap into the agency’s larger pool of creative talent, and agencies will have the insight in knowing which content assets have worked for other clients.

The Four Content Creation Models


The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Content Creation ScribbleLive Visually

In short, you have a small army of content and design specialists at your disposal. Hiring any agency also comes with reference checks and thorough due diligence, which provides some assurance in terms of quality standards.

The downsides are that most of the time you’re paying high hourly rates, and agencies can be slow moving at times because they’re also serving other clients. In terms of time commitment, you still need to manage them, provide direction, inputs, and factor in time to review and approve all content assets.

Freelancers: Freelancers are often a breath of fresh air if you’ve had problems creating content through insourcing or agencies. They are often less expensive than an agency, and if you do your due diligence, you can find freelancers who are on par with agencies in terms of talent and expertise. Another great advantage is that often specialize in certain areas (e.g. video production, or eBook designer) so you can basically find an expert in any type of content you want to get created.

Freelancers are flexible and can work on an hourly or a flat rate basis, and will work until you are happy with the end product. There are also several popular sites where you can hire freelancers, so this makes finding them easy. It’s a competitive field so many of them are constantly keeping their skills up to date.

But, just like all of the approaches, there are a few downsides to hiring a freelancer to help you with content creation. One challenge is that there’s minimal oversight, so it’s really up to you to find the best resource and hope they can deliver as promised. Also, they typically require payment through credit card or PayPal as soon as a project is finished (or payments at pre-determined intervals over the course of the project) which means your finance department loses a bit of control over vendor payment cycles.

Also, remember freelancers are not your employees. They’re hired to perform a task so if your needs change or expand half way through a project, you may need to set up another project or revisit the original project cost. You may also encounter problems with some freelancers failing to meet deadlines or expectations.


The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Content Creation ScribbleLive Visually

Content Marketplace: The fourth approach is really a hybrid of the agency and freelancer model, but typically offers the best aspects from each. The content marketplace model enables organizations create content assets on-demand by leveraging technology, managed services, and a vast network of creative talent, including designers, writers, developers, creative directors, and animators.

With this model, the content marketplace vendor is part of the entire process which adds a level of oversight and accountability missing from some of the other models. The organization simply submits their requirements, a price is agreed, and based on the brief the organization completes, you are matched with the creative resources best suited to create your custom content asset or project.

Communication is maintained throughout the entire process. Content assets are delivered at the highest level of quality, on time, and in-line with your expectations. The content marketplace model also allows you to scale your production of visual content with ease and without hiring additional resources. Additionally, project costs can typically align to most budgets.

Technology will play a central role in your content creation operation. Think of technology as the catalyst that will take your content creation efforts to the next level (both in quality and quantity). With the first three content creation models (insourcing, agency, and freelancers), technology that enables an efficient workflow in creating content is usually not present, or is insufficient. A good content marketplace technology platform should help you achieve the following results:

The Role of Technology in Your ContentCreation Operation

High Quality: A cloud-based technology platform from a content marketplace provider can connect you with a vast network of specialized creative professionals. Based on the details you provide in a brief, this process can even be handled for you, so you don’t need to spend time searching through hundreds of profiles looking for that perfect someone. Your content creation project will be matched with the most appropriate talent of the highest caliber to produce the high quality, visual content your audience expects.

Agency Model

Freelancer Model

Content Marketplace


The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Content Creation ScribbleLive Visually

Speed & Efficiency: The right technology will eliminate unnecessary steps for you and provide an efficient streamlined approach from content asset ideation right through to the completed project with full tracking of every detail. From requesting a quote, to completing a brief, matching you with a creative professional, to leveraging the latest tools for managing workflow, the right technology will make the process quicker and more efficient.

Scalability: Your organization can easily scale its content creation efforts by leveraging the content marketplace model; and technology makes this easier. It allows you to create multiple new projects with ease, and access talent from around the globe across a number of geographies and time zones to build out a growing library of stunning, visual content.

Transparency: With tools to make communication and collaboration incredibly simple and conveniently housed in your own digital workspace, you have full insight on the progress and status of your projects at every step of the way.

Reduce Risks via Managed Services: Risk of poor quality content, missed deadlines, failed agency or freelancer relationships, over billing, or insufficient resources are always a possibility. The content marketplace vendor can reduce much of the risks associated with content creation by leveraging a technology platform throughout the process. When combined with vendor oversight of the project through a layer of managed services, many risks and time-consuming aspects of the content creation process can be shifted from your organization to the vendor.

Visually is the industry-leading content creation marketplace that helps businesses achieve amazing creativity in their content across the entire customer journey.

Part of ScribbleLive’s Content Experience Platform, Visually connects brands from around the world with over 1,500 highly specialized creative professionals.

Visually Helps Marketers CreateHigh-Impact Visual Content


The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Content Creation ScribbleLive Visually

Visually’s easy-to-use online collaboration platform enables brands to be matched with the best creatives for their projects and allows for effortless direct collaboration and project management.

Visually’s creative professionals are able to meet any creative project need, with a portfolio that includes writing, graphic design, interactive development, video, infographics and custom photography.

Ready to scale your content creation operations today? Do you have a creative project that you need to get started?

Request a demo or quote

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The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Content Creation ScribbleLive Visually

ScribbleLive Visually is the content creation platform that enables businesses to connect with their audiences through engaging, beautiful visual content.

The world’s top brands rely on us for premium videos, infographics, ebooks, presentations, web interactives and more — created fast and cost-effectively. With over 1000 certified creative professionals, our clients get access to the best designers, writers, researchers, and developers available, with a wide range of skills to support their business needs.

Using our easy-to-use online collaboration platform, clients work closely with their team and enjoy a high-degree of creative control. And they are supported every step of the way—from talent assignment to creative direction—to create content that connects and converts.

About ScribbleLive Visually

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The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Content Creation ScribbleLive Visually

1 - “How to Conquer the 6 Most Pressing Content Marketing Challenges” Content Marketing Institute.

Feb 15, 2016

2 - “B2B Content Marketing, 2017 Benchmarket, Budgets, and Trends - North America” Content Marketing Institute and

MarketingProfs. 2017.

3 - “Content Marketing Statistics: The Ultimate List”. Curata. July 17, 2017.


4 - “The Difference Between eBooks and Whitepapers”. Christopher Penn. Aug 19, 2016 http://www.christopherspenn.


5 - “Content Marketing Institute and the Demand Gen Report” Content Marketing Institute. March 15, 2017

6 - “42 Visual Content Marketing Statistics You Should Know in 2017” HubSpot. Sept 6, 2017.


7 - “The 2015 Video Marketing Cheat Sheet [Infographic]” Animoto. May 7, 2015


8,9,10,11,12 B2B Content Marketing, 2017 Benchmarket, Budgets, and Trends - North America” Content Marketing

Institute and MarketingProfs. 2017.

13 - “9 Best Social Media and Content Marketing Tips From Buffer” Convince and Convert. 2015 http://www.

14 - “The Value of Keeping the Right Customers” Harvard Business Review. Oct 29 2014.



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