The Mediaeval Fair

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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The Mediaeval fair15.12.2014 5.A and 2.A

There was once a king, who he loved merriment and festivities. For his four daughters Zpěvanka, Balerinka, Krasava and Slavěna often held receptions and banquets. Zpěvanka loved most red, Balerinka favored green, Krasava likes dressed in yellow and Slavěna wanted all blue dress. Select your princess for additional color, calculate how much you need substance, how many yards of ribbons and many corals. Buying and sew for her dress. Other court ladies can buy goodies for the feast.

Pupils from 5.A were part of the project Erasmus + in Poland and took part in the teaching of mathematics in the context of history in an unconventional way - by his experience prepared a similar project for children from 2.A

Preparation and organization


Morning in 5.A

2.A counted and each group had got a wise mentor from 5.A

Who calculate its task - how much material will be needed for a princess dress and how long ribbon will buy, chose complementary color and started to buy.

Is it all right? Controlled vendors, helped mentors.

So they worked…

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And here we all participants - organizers and princesses and their courts.

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