The Massabielle - St. It seems there is some merit in knowing about this man who is our

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January 24 & 25, 2015 - THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME- Year B Issue Number 623

The Massabielle The Weekly Newsletter of St Bernadette’s

Parish Community, Castle Hill, NSW

many cellos or basses in one orchestra? To say nothing of the thousands in the mass choir. The people stood in the rain in ponchos. Umbrellas were not allowed. Then we saw the second record-breaking phenomena. Following the homily the “congregation” in the stadium and the surrounding streets were perfectly silent for some minutes until the reciting of the Creed and the Prayer of the Faithful. Truly amazing! So who is this man who can command such a crowd of devotees and then, in the midst of all the hype, have sustained silence for a period of reflection? For sure it is not his soothing words. In a frank

exchange with President Benigno Aquino he urged the political leader to reject corruption and promote “honesty, integrity and commitment to the common good”. He also spoke of “the moral imperative of ensuring social justice and respect for human dignity”. To the Filipinos he said, “While all too many people live in dire

poverty, others are caught up in materialism and lifestyles which are destructive of family life and the most basic demands of Christian morality”. So who is this man that leads the Catholic Church? Why is he so popular? Where does he come from? What makes him tick? I guess we are anxious to know the answers to these questions because he is our leader and to ‘some extent’ he is in control of our spiritual destiny. A parishioner gave me a copy of Austen Ivereigh’s book, The Great Reformer – Francis and the making of a radical Pope, to read over the Christmas break. I had reprinted some sections of the book in two editions of the Massabielle before Christmas. I encourage you to get hold of a copy of the book and read it. It is an easy read. Keep in mind that Austen Ivereigh is an apologist for the Catholic Church and he trains

E ven allowing for exaggeration, last Sunday’s six million people all in one place, all standing in the rain, and all there for one purpose: to celebrate an

ancient ritual with the man from Rome - I find amazing. I also found it strange that my newspaper had no report of this Manila phenomenon in its Monday edition. Pope Francis had gone to the Philippines to show solidarity with the victims of super typhoon Haiyan where 7,000 Filipinos were killed and, even today, one million remain homeless. He stayed with the people in that still-devastated place until, in a brief appearance in the cathedral, he apologised to the thousands waiting for him saying his pilots had told him to return to the aircraft immediately. In fact an aircraft attempting to take off minutes after the pope had taken off slew off the runway. No one was injured but the pictures looked pretty scary. The weather had turned nasty and he had to be in Manila the next day where the crowds were gathering in the rain wanting to be with him to celebrate Mass. In Rizal Park in Manila the next day millions celebrated Mass with Pope Francis. It was the feast of Santo Nino, a commemoration of the giving of a 12 inch wooden statue of Christ as a baptismal gift by Ferdinand Magellan who was in the service of Charles V of Spain. The year was 1521. The Mass itself was extraordinary. Francis was shielded from the rain and was without the yellow plastic raincoat he wore celebrating Mass the previous day. The readers read from under umbrellas.The first was read in braille by a blind girl. The second by a small boy. The orchestra was also protected from the rain and thank heavens, because where has there ever been so


Pope Francis in Manila last Sunday.


This week we return to the Gospel of Mark, the

main source of readings through the weeks of

Ordinary Time this year. Mark’s Gospel was the first

of the accounts of Jesus’ ministry to be written

down. It is widely accepted that it was written

around 65-70AD for a community in Rome where

Christians were undergoing persecution because of

their faith. Because of this setting, Mark often recalls

stories that give great hope to people and

encourage them to stay firm in their faith in the face

of opposition. In this week’s Gospel (Mk1:14-20) the

disciples do not make excuses or delay. They simply

leave everything to follow Jesus. They are

immediately drawn to the words and person of

Jesus; nothing else is as important as the Kingdom

of God and the One who preaches it. The Summit

people to put the Church’s case in the media. (God only knows we need a few more people like him.) The biography is lacking any real criticism of Pope Francis. I don’t find that a bad thing. He guilds the lily a little and, at times, the book takes on a hagiographical air but I can live with that. I learned from the book—a footnote actually—that Ivereigh was in Sydney in May, 2013. The 450 page book needed a good proof reader and sometimes Ivereigh’s lack of technical detail shows it has been a long time since he was a Jesuit seminarian. For instance, the pope wears an alb when saying Mass, not a surplus. But then I don’t know the Jesuits were ever into liturgy. Francis himself ‘dresses down’ when celebrating the Eucharist and the opening prayer is prayed always in a calm, too-soft, let’s-get-through-this tone of voice. There is no hint of proclamation. That is not to say Francis is not assertive. He leaves his aggression for curial cardinals and bishops in the public service like in his address to the Curia just before Christmas. The man is an enigma! That’s why you have got to read the book. Ivereigh also makes the mistake, common with too many authors, of putting interesting stuff in the footnotes. It means you have to keep a bookmark in the footnotes as well as in the text. I suggest you read the footnotes first before reading the chapter to see if there is any titbit or trivia that will give colour to the story that follows. In 1993 Ivereigh completed a D.Phil at Oxford, titled Catholicism and Politics in Argentina: an Interpretation, with special reference to the Period 1930-1960. In my view this legitimises his claim to write authoritatively in relation to the culture in which Jorge Mario Bergoglio grew up. Most Australians are like me and have heard of the Disappeared but do not know anything more than that. Ivereigh gives the background to the regime and the difficulties associated with ministering as a priest and bishop. The Jesuits have been reluctant to speak in detail of what happened between Bergoglio and the Jesuit order at the end of the 1980s that resulted in the Provincial sending him into internal exile in Cớrdoba between 1990 and 1992. Again, this issue is discussed in The Great Reformer. The book is meticulously researched. Francis is not only the first Jesuit pope but also the first Argentinian pope. German Cardinal

Walter Kasper had a message for some of the critics of the present pope. “He is not a liberal. He

is a radical”. He is able to make ancient church teaching sound like headline news. He is larger-

than-life. It seems there is some merit in knowing about this man who is our leader. The Great Reformer is

an easy read. $39.99 from Dymocks.

Monsignor John

Today’s Readings

First Reading: Jonah 3:1-5.10. At Jonah’s preaching the people of Ninevah repent and the Lord withdraws the punishment he had threatened.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31. This world is passing away, time is short; Paul tells us to get our priorities right..

Gospel: Mark 1:14-20. The heart of Jesus’ preaching, the kingdom of God and the call to repentance and belief, and his first disciples.

Next Week: 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B Deut 18:15-20; 1 Corinthians 7:32-35; Mark 1:21-28

Feast Days this Week

Monday 26 January - Australia Day

Wednesday 28 January - St Thomas Aquinas

Saturday 31 January - St John Bosco

HOLY HOUR this Thursday from 8.00 to 9.00pm including Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary, prayers, hymns and scripture reading. All welcome.

REPARATION PRAYER GROUP meets Tuesdays in the Parish Basement from 8.00 to 9.00pm including Rosary and a cuppa. All welcome.

WORLD DAY OF THE SICK HEALING MASS: St John Paul II instituted the World Day of the Sick celebrations on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Our Diocese will celebrate World Day of the Sick with a Healing Mass and anointing at St Patrick’s Church, 51-59 Allawah Street Blacktown on Wednesday 11 February at 7.00pm. A welcome is extended to the sick and frail-aged, their relatives and carers. People from the healing professions: nurses, ancillary and administrative staff from hospitals and nursing homes will also attend. The organiser of the Mass is Msgr John Boyle in his role as co-ordinator for diocesan health matters.

AUSTRALIA DAY Mass this Monday will be at 8.00am only.

SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION PROGRAMME 2014-2015: Welcome cards of the children who are preparing for the sacraments are now on display in the church foyer. Please continue to keep all our parish families in your prayers during this special time. Sessions will resume on your choice of Monday 2 February or Tuesday 3 February at 7.30pm in the church for parents only. THE LENT STUDY GROUP begins Thursday 19th February in the Marian Centre from 10.00 to 11.30am. Cost $10. If you are interested in joining the group or obtaining a book, please RSVP to the Parish Office by Monday 9th February. MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Irish Night, Saturday 14th March at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. ATTENTION EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: If you are unable to continue as a weekend Minister of Communion would you please inform the Parish Office as soon as possible. New rosters are being prepared. LITTLE ROCK SCRIPTURE STUDY will recommence on Wednesday 11th February at 10.00am in the Marian Centre studying the Book of Isaiah. New members are welcome. The cost of the books is $18.00. Please call the parish office before 3rd February to register.

ST BERNADETTE’S 2015 CALENDAR IS AVAILABLE FROM THE CHURCH ENTRANCE. LITURGICAL MINISTRY FORMATION COURSE The Institute for Mission is taking enrolments for its Liturgical Ministry Formation Courses from February to May for those who are interested in being Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, taking Communion to the Sick and Dying, Senior Servers and Acolytes. There is no cost for these courses which will begin mid-February and will be offered at the Institute for Mission: 1-5 Marion St, Blacktown on Mondays from 7-9pm. Introduction Sessions on 23 February & 2 March are compulsory. Enrolments close on Sunday 8th February. To download an enrolment form go to TUESDAY PRAYER GROUP continues over the Christmas break in the Marian Centre every Tuesday morning at 10.00am. All welcome. For information phone Pauline on 0407 417 039.

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT PROGRAM: CCSS Solo Parent Services is commencing a fortnightly Bereavement Support Program for men or women who have suffered the death of their spouse or long term partner commencing on Tuesday 3rd February from 10.00am - 12.00pm. Venue: 51 – 59 Allawah St, Blacktown. There will be input, reflection and discussion on various aspects of grief. Registration essential: Eileen or Rita on 9933 0205 or

It’s Holidays! We hope you all had the best

Christmas and New Year!

Into Life will return this Friday January 30 at 7pm in

the Hall.

Life Night will return next Sunday February 1 at 7pm in the Hall

Have ideas for new works and ministries Please contact

James Hay.

More information? Please contact James Hay on 0403 933 732, Twitter: @StBernadettesYM, Instagram:

StBernadetteYouth or PROJECTIONIST NEEDED: Are you going to be in high school in 2015? Are you looking for some way of getting involved in the work of the Church? We are looking for anyone interested in being a projectionist for our Sunday evening Youth Mass. The minimum commitment is one Sunday a month (from 3:45pm to the conclusion of Mass). No previous experience necessary – all training will be provided. Please contact Alice on 9634 2622 or or come up and see us in the gallery after the Youth Mass. We are also always on the lookout for anyone in high school or above to join our music ministry. See us in the gallery for details!

OUR LADY’S STATUE: Parishioners are invited to borrow the beautiful statue of Our Lady appearing to St Bernadette for any week in 2015. Book it for a special occasion or simply to encourage private/family prayer. Place your name, address and contact number on the roster at the entrance of the church. Enquiries: Janina Mousley on 9899 6060. ONLINE SURVEY FOR THE ORDINARY SYNOD ON THE FAMILY: The Vatican has released a new Lineamenta for the Ordinary Synod on the Family to be held in the US in October this year. The document is composed of the Relatio Synodi, which was the final document of the Extraordinary Synod held in October 2014. The document also includes 46 questions on various aspects of the Relatio Synodi. The Vatican is seeking feedback on these questions. An online survey that includes a simplified version of the questions has been posted on the diocesan website: The Diocese of Parramatta would appreciate some of your time to fill in this survey so that they can help shape the response that the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference will send to Rome. Deadline for submissions: Friday 30 January.

POSITION VACANT: Employment Services Manager The Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney is seeking applications for the position of Employment Services Manager. For a copy of the Information Pack please contact Anthony Spata, REACH Human Resources on 0402 210 055 or Applications close 30 January.

Youth & Young Adults Ministry

Have you considered leaving a gift to the parish in your will? If you would like further information please phone 9634 2622 for a confidential discussion.

St Bernadette’s Parish Community

Parish House, 367 Old Northern Road, Castle Hill, NSW 2154

Telephone 9634 2622 Fax 9899 3511 Email:

Web page:

Parish Staff Mass Times for this Week Monsignor John Boyle, Parish Priest Sunday Sat 6.00pm Fr Eugene Szondi, Assistant Priest Sun 7.30am, 9.00am, 10.30am & Fr Michael Gathuku, Assistant Priest 6.00pm Parish LIFE TEEN Youth Mass Sr Judy McLeod, rsm, Pastoral Associate Weekdays Mon 8.00am Mrs Alice Bradshaw, Sacramental Co-ordinator Tue 6.45am Mr James Hay, Youth Minister Wed 6.45am, 9.15am Mrs Frances Gallagher, Office Manager Thurs 6.45am, 9.15am

Mrs Monica Rubic, Parish Secretary (Finance: Mon-Thu) Fri 6.45am, 9.15am Mr Darren Edwards, Maintenance Sat 8.00 am

Reconciliation Sat 8.30am - 9.00am, 4.30pm - 5.30pm Mass on Public Holidays at 8.00am

Baptisms and Marriages: By appointment only. Contact the Parish Office. Please note the Church law: Parents are obliged to take care that infants are baptised in the first few weeks. As soon as possible after the birth or even before it, they are to go to the pastor to request the sacrament for their child and to be prepared properly for it. [Can. 867 §1]

St Bernadette’s Parish School: Mrs Leanne Nettleton (Principal) 9634 2898

Acting Parish Council Administrator: Peter Grace 9659 5350

Sacramental Programme 2016 Information Nights - 12th & 13th October, 2015

Please pray for Vilma Roberts, Mary Camilleri, Dawn Dover, Giovanni Tropea, Joe Rego, Gladys Hagerty and Luis Ventura who have died recently and for the anniversaries of Kenneth Brito, Mary-Anne Langford, Brian Fausset, Herbert Taylor, Emelie Davis, Billy McNally, Jessica & Gill Brown, Audrey Kilby and Ivica Stanic and in remembrance of deceased relatives and friends of the Kearns, Walker, Ryan, Russell, Lynch, Steedman, Graham and Manning Families. Prayers for the Sick: Elaine Rowe, Sr Bridie O’Connell, Greta Meier, Robert Teoh, Peter Yao, Patrick Chensee, Archer Kemmis, Howard Woodward, Sophie Maher, Dorothy Barbour, Kay Taylor, Lina & Ken Raue and Gabrielle Aliprandi.

ROSTERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND - 31 January & 1 February, 2015


VIGIL Zeno Hong, Roque Dias


Douglas Carvalho Tony Calabria

Felicity Carvalho

Sue McDonald, Iciar Quintana, Marjorie Orioles, Harry Reyden, Monica & Matthew Fitzalan,

Kathleen & John Abernethy, John Geoghegan

7.30AM Budi Kawiadji, Dennis Frketic


Lisa/Geoffrey Kemmis Patricia Bright

Robert Ash

Paul Hennessey, Francesca Menezes, Remy Sie, Bernard Rogers, Geoff Roney, Catherine Seddon

9.00AM Edy Kesuma, Joseph Frketic


Trevor O’Shea Brian Blacklock Joanne O’Shea

Minna Koo, Catherine Chan, John Hogan, Vesna Rakuljic, Lisa Hurst, Joan Claxton, Gi Zenere,

Mike Reidy, Yvette Braganza

10.30AM John Maker, Michael Lopez


Tony Smith Jan Crawford

John Rajkumar

Mary & Jeyaraj Winslow, Crystal & Bernie Good, Mark Street, Gaye Crammond, Lydia Flores,

Teresa Somasundram, Tim Long


Servers Aleksei Gracias Flor


Welcoming James Hay

Simon Jones

Lectors Simon Fam Paul Jones

Pamela Golamco

Offertory Brendan Hassan

Anne Younis Joseph Mathias

Dom Boudib Projectionist Josh Becker

Communion Ben Mules

Zara Boudib Raphael de Leon

Nat Mathias Matt Ashton

Adam Chioatto Darren Edwards

Lorena Perez

Singers Cassie Knezevic

Natalie Jones Nicholas Holden Jacqui Holden Dominic Jones

Jamison Bonifacio Kristen Mathias

Lauren Fernandez


Pauline Andrew


CHURCH HOUSEKEEPING Maria Mochnik, Kathy Habek

COUNTING (1st Collection) John Faehrmann Len Goldsworthy

COUNTING (2nd Collection) Rex Smith, Jeff Cronan, Erika Druzine, Siew Elsden,

Tony Virgona

BOOKSHOP Maureen Gain / Heather Woods / Jane Beard /

Nancy Eberhaut / Patricia Smith

Piano Brigit Huxley

Bass Erich Gracias Flor

Drums Chris Dogulin


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