The Innovation Factory on RWTH Aachen Campus€¦ · The Innovation Factory on RWTH Aachen Campus shortens the road from the initial idea to market-readiness – with overall better

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The Innovation Factory on RWTH Aachen Campus

One Location – Countless Ideas



State of the Art Product Development Faster, Leaner, Smarter

Time is Money

The hurdles companies face in the development of new products are high. The road to market-readiness can there fore often be rocky. Traditional methods are tedious and cost-intensive. Meanwhile, the competition never sleeps. The invest ment as a whole could be in jeopardy if a prototype that was me -ti culously developed is overtaken by a competitor product by the time it reaches readiness for serial production.

Growth Needs Innovation

Modern economies are driven by quick off the mark, ready to market ideas and innovations. That is specifically the case in high-wage countries and saturated markets. Without a steady supply of future-proof products, companies lose their competitive edge. Today, new products generate up to 50% of sales in technology-based industries like the automotive, electronics and engineering sectors. The capacity for innovation of a company therefore has become a decisive factor for success.

Fueled by Know-How

The Innovation Factory represents a unique agglomeration of technology and process know-how: The new mega- cluster brings together experts and pioneers from business and research on over 60,000 m² on RWTH Aachen Campus. The main focus here is on areas of technology that are crucial for successful development.

Focus on Productivity

The Innovation Factory aims to support businesses in shortening the time to market for new and innovative products. The methodologies and knowledge base available at the Innovation Factory allow the production of prototypes within 25% of the time traditionally needed and at 10% of costs.Innovations are then honed in the test market using an intensive iterative pro-cess. The end result is an optimized pro-duct, which can be mass produced at attractive prices and can be introduced to the open market successfully.

The Five Levers of the Innovation Factory

1. Transfer of the innovative process of the Scrum method from software development to the hardware level.

2. Exclusive access to a multi-discipli-nary competence pool and state of the art research and development facilities.

3. Significantly faster, cost-optimized prototype manufacture.

The Innovation Factory on RWTH Aachen Campus shortens the road from the initial idea to market-readiness – with overall better results.This quantum leap is based on our high concentration of technology competence paired with innovative process management.

4. Liberation of the development team from traditional restrictions – in terms of location and methodology.

5. Increased innovative power fos-tered by a creative environment and intensive exchange with and among specialists.


Scrum Method Achieving Goals Through Manageable Size and Agility

The methodology of the Innovation Factory is based on the Scrum methods used in software development. Scrum is a structured trial and error process characterized by small teams and dynamic progress in short development cycles.

Lean Development in Project Management

It is a well-known fact that horizontal hierarchies help shorten decision making routes and response times. When we add an empiric and target-oriented process structure divided into manageable development intervals, then we are very close to the basic idea of Scrum: Speed, direct control, optimization, repetition – until the prototype is complete.

Scrum – How it Works

A team of three to nine individuals develops and implements the new product under the direction of a project lead, the Scrum Master. The team works towards its goal in intervals of five to 20 days, the so-called sprints. A finished partial product is available at the end of each interval, which is then further improved in the subsequent sprint. A product backlog, i.e. a list with requirements for the new product, is maintained in the background. The product backlog is continuously updated on the basis of the insights and conclusions from the sprints.


The Innovation FactoryFour Cornerstones of Success

Product development is a highly complex process. The Innovation Factory accommodates that complexity in four separate divisions: Shops, Labs, Camps and Convention. Each of these divisions contributes significantly to the envisaged final result.


True to its name, the Innovation Factory also offers manufacturing. The labs create prototypes, conduct test series, exhibit finished product innovations and offer live product demos. Technology companies present their machines here in a permanent exhibition.


Specialized providers from business and research offer their expertise in shops. The shop operators are companies and institutions from a variety of areas: Tech-nology and consultancy providers are represented here, as well as research institutes and other service providers.





The camps are temporary homes for teams sent to Aachen by individual com-panies to develop their future product successes. This is where visions and ideas become initial prototypes using the agile Scrum method and utilizing the spe-cial input provided by the shops and labs – and all that in record time.


Conventions are an integral part of the Innovation Factory. Conventions, specia-list fairs, seminars, training courses – this is where know-how and expertise con-gregate. Convention offers a wealth of relevant information for anyone seeking innovation and all that in its still most com-pact and interactive form: at eye level and in one-to-one conversation.


Shops On-Demand Performance

There is no such thing as off the rail innovation. Shops, however, have all the components readily available and concentrated in one location. An absolutely unique offering that saves time and money.


Excellent Skills in High Demand

Progress is driven by knowledge. The more product-relevant know-how a de-velopment team has at its disposal to find solutions, the better the end result. Excel-lent knowledge of materials and compo-site materials and their transformation and refinement, experience in the coor-dination and optimization of production processes, high IT competence, and last but by no means least: well-founded in-sights into buyer markets are the muscles moving innovative strength.

Core Drivers of Innovation in the Shops

n Material Science & Engineeringn Production & Process Engineeringn Information Technology &

Knowledge Management

Pioneering Diversity

The whole spectrum of specializations under one roof: The shops offer plenty of space for highly competent representa-tives from all areas of industry. Technol-ogy companies, design firms, research institutes, and consultancy firms are all represented here. The shop operators utilize the location to market their exper-tise, provide demonstrations, offer training courses and encourage interdisciplinary exchange. These shops offer everything a developer might need – from experi-enced brainstorming partners to material specialists or process experts.

My Knowledgeable Neighbor

Attempting to cover a knowledge spec-trum of such magnitude used to invol-ve a significant amount of research and man agement. This is quite different at the Innovation Factory: The all-important in-put, the last missing piece of the puzzle is just a stone‘s throw away. After all: the camps, the home base of the developer teams, are under the same roof as the shops. It has never been so easy to ac-cess specialist know-how so easily. All you have to do is take a walk down the hall to get the answers you need. Your train of thought will change tracks, and a new solution begins to form in your head.




Experience Innovation Live

Technology companies utilize the labs for permanent exhibitions of their ma-chines and system components in live operation. Materials, processing or IT solutions – this is where development teams from the camps can see the so-lutions first hand, which could mean the definitive breakthrough their project needs. Labs are also used for training and sales.

From Eureka Moment to Prototype

Hardware developers know the problem well: Things that look perfectly functional on the drawing board turn out to be dead ends when they come out of the 3D prin-ter. The faster the metamorphosis from draft on paper and to a haptic 3D model, the sooner weaknesses are detected and a correct solution can be found. Labs offer a significant contribution in ensuring that the learning curves can be steeper than ever.

Perfect Scaling is Half the Battle

The next project phase begins the mo-ment you hold your freshly assembled prototype in your hands: Fine tuning on the way to mass production. The labs offer facilities for testing and ongoing product improvements. Each of these iterations reduce the number of hurdles and deliver new insights for later optimi-zation – at a speed and productivity rate only the Innovation Factory can offer.

Labs Progress You Can Touch

Every new product begins with an idea. Demonstration and production areas are needed for this idea to take tangible shape during the development process. Welcome at the Labs of Innovation Factory!



Camps The Project Nucleus

The development team moves into temporary offices which are suited perfectly to the project at hand. In addition to the close proximity to other Innovation Factory facilities, the camps offer another important advantage: overcoming existing structures.

Out with the Old – In with the New

Those, who look to create something entirely new will often find the neces-sary impulse in a new environment. It makes sense to leave trodden paths behind – both mentally and physically. It frees the mind, revitalizes thought pro-cesses and opens doors for new and unexpected solution approaches – and that often before the first visit to any shop or lab. The only thing missing now is a process expert with experience in the Scrum method.

Scrum Expert: the Camp Coach

The Camp Coach offers help and support for the development team at the Innovation Factory. Consulting, training, guidance – the Camp Coach has many duties. He introduces the Scrum rules to the team. He irons out problems arising in collaboration and deals with issues. He knows exactly the type and scope of available compe-tences and capacities, and offers helpful advice on the team‘s road towards top innovation results.

Success Comes Calling

Productive think tank and state of the art production facility in one: The camps have particularly high potential for systemic and multi-technological appli-cations. The material science dimen-sion of the location in particular offers invaluable advantages. Combined with the lean, highly efficient process method-ology, these camps are absolutely unique powerhouses for new and exciting ideas.




Why Convention?

Because innovative product development depends on networked thinking. On new impulses that nobody had thought of before. On exciting input discovered by chance during the course of the project. On entirely unplanned and spontaneous ideas that can often mark the turning point of a project. The convention creates the ideal conditions for the spark of genius to find its mark, and to fan the flames in the ongoing development process.

Unique Location

Transparency is the central architectural theme of the Innovation Factory. There are state of the art facilities available for con-ventions in close proximity to the shops and labs and additionally allowing direct access to the product exhibitions and live demonstrations of machines and tech-nologies. The shops, labs and camps all benefit from the traffic generated here and from the resulting interdisciplinary exchange.

More than an Industry Fair

The convention platform is designed as a universal event stage. Quite naturally, the focal point here is on topics and target groups from the areas of business and research. General assembly or depart-ment meeting, presentations or semi-nars – all industry sectors and specialist areas benefit from a perfect platform. The Innovation Factory furthermore hosts social and cultural events like art exhibi-tions and concerts. The spectrum is as broad as the sources of inspiration are varied.

Convention A Brilliant Mix of Events

Exchange at its best: The convention is an attractive event stage for the operators of the shops, labs and camps, as well as for external events like conventions, specialist fairs, seminars, and more.




Aachen, Here We ComeTake the Initiative!

Less time from the initial idea to a market-ready product: You now have an initial idea of what the Innovation Factory has to offer. We would be very happy to welcome you in person here at this future center for pioneering technologies and development processes to provide you with more in-depth firsthand information.

One Location – Countless Ideas

The Innovation Factory is a one of a kind institution for all those companies that wish to travel new roads and find new impulses for pioneering ideas and product development solutions. The Innovation Factory on RWTH Aachen Campus also offers interes-ting collaborative options for representatives from research facilities and training and teaching institutions. You would definitely benefit from a personal visit on our campus to discuss the specific potential we can offer for your projects. We are looking forward to receiving your call!


Your Partners – Your ContactWe are here for you

Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. Günther SchuhManaging DirectorCampus-Boulevard 5752074 AachenPhone +49 241 80 27405Fax +49 241 80 6 27405Email

Dr. Klaus FeuerbornManaging DirectorCampus-Boulevard 5752074 AachenPhone +49 241 80 25341Fax +49 241 80 6 25341Email

Dr. Claus Peter GroosManaging DirectorCampus-Boulevard 5752074 AachenPhone +49 241 80 25373Fax +49 241 80 6 25373Email

Picture creditsTitle, p. 2, p. 14: RKW Rhode Kellermann Wawrowsky; p. 7: Shutterstock: YIUCHEUNG (top), Pressmaster (bottom); p. 9: Shutterstock: bogdanhoda (top), Monkey Business Images (center left), Goodluz (center right), SasinT (bottom left), Hywit Dimyadi (bottom right); p. 11: Shutterstock: Pressmaster (top), StockLite (bottom left), Scorpp (bottom right); p. 13: Jan Grüger (center right), Shutterstock: lightpoet (top), hxdbzxy (center left), Maxim Blinkov (bottom left), Olga Sapegina (bottom right)

RWTH Aachen Campus GmbHCampus-Boulevard 5752074 AachenPhone +49 241 80 27374Fax +49 241 80 6 27374Email info-campus@rwth-aachen.deWeb Ve


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