The Infallible Holy Twelve Imams(as)

Post on 10-Mar-2015






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The Infallible Holy Twelve Imams(as) brief description


The Infallible Holy Twelve Imams(as)

Just as Allah(swt), The Most High, appointed His Messengers for the guidance

of mankind in the same way of the appointment of deputies and successors for

the Prophets was a matter of sheer neccessity!

Allah(swt), The Most High, appointed Twelve distinguished Holy Personalities,

one after the other as successors of The Holy Prophet(pbuh) of Islam, starting

with the First Holy Infallible Imam Ali Ibin Abe Taleb(as).

The Holy Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf) had said

"After me there are Twelve Caliphas.

And they are all from Quraysh."

These Infallible Twelve Holy Imams, or the Leaders of all mankind, are very

well know to all Muslims.

1. Imam Ali Al-Murtatha(as)

2. Imam Hassan Al-Mujtaba(as)

3. Imam Hussein Al-Shaheed(as)

4. Imam Zain Al-Abdeen Al-Shujjad(as)

5. Imam Mohammed Al-Bakir(as)

6. Imam Jaffar Al-Sadiq(as)

7. Imam Musa Al-Kathum(as)

8. Imam Ali Al-Reda(as)

9. Imam Mohammed Al-Jawad(as)

10. Imam Ali Al-Hadi(as)

11. Imam Hassan Al-Askari(as)

12. Imam Mehdi Al-Muntadar(as)

Still living and awaiting God's Divine Command of his "SECOND


These Twelve Imams(as) are,

The absolute authorities of, Allah(swt),

among all the mankind.

They all were from the same Divine Light, out of which The Holy

Prophet(pbuh&hf) was created from.

Like The Holy Prophet(pbuh) they all were special personalities in

matter of knowledge, forbearance, moral excellence, justice, high moral

standards and other intellectual achievements as being the successors of

The Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf) and Leaders and Divine Guides for all


Sadly of all the Twelve Infallible Holy Imams(as), Eleven of them have

been murdered, either by the sword or by poisioning.

It has been narrated by The Holy Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf). That

even the last of the Infallible Holy Twelve Imams(as), the Imam Mehdi

Al-Muntader(as) will also be murdered after he had accomplished his

divine quest.

By ridding the world of all miseries and injustice. Then he will

establish Justice, and human rights to all mankind!

Even The Holy Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf), himself wasn't spared,

and was poisioned by a Jewish old woman, who he later,

unconditionaly freed and forgave.

Soon after The Prophet's(pbuh&hf) death, his beloved daughter the

Lady Fatimah Al-Zahra(as) was also killed due to the blow she recived

to her chest breaking her ribs, causing her sevear internal bleeding and

misscarriage of her unborn baby

Imam Ali Ibin Abe Taleb(as)

The Infallible First Holy Imam

Name: - Ali Ibin Abe Taleb(as)

Title: - Al-Murtatha(as)

Kunyat: - Abul Hassan(as)

Born: - On Friday 13th Rajab, in The Holy Kaba in Mecca, Arabia.

Father: - Abu Taleb, The Clan Chief of the Bani Hashim(as)

Mother: - Fatimah Bint Al-Assad(as)

Wife : - The Lady Fatimah Al-Zahra(as) The Prophet's(pbuh&hf)


Children :

Imam Hassan(as) - 2nd holy Imam(as)

Imam Hussain(as) - 3rd holy Imam(as)

Zaynab(as) - Herowin of Karbala

Umm Al-Kaltum(as)

Mohsen(as) - still born

Date of death: - On 21st. Ramadan, 40 AH. - at the age of 63 years old,

Cause of death: - Assinated in the Mosque of Kufa., Iraq.

Buried: - He was buried in secret in Najaf, Iraq

Dua Al-Kumail An important prayer of supplication given by the Imam


Picture Gallery of the Imam Ali Ibin Abe Taleb(as)

The First Infallible Holy Imam Ali(as)

He is the son of the Clan Chief Abu Taleb(as) of the family of Bani Hashim and

his wife Fatimah Bint Al-Assad(as).

He's the nephew and the son in-law of The Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf).

He was the designated as the Calipha or the First Legitimate Successor of The

Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf) and the Leader of all mankind and he is the holy

Father of all the Eleven Infallible holy Imams(as) after him.

The Imam Ali Ibin Abe Taleb(as) was the only person to have the honour

bestowed upon him of being born in The Sacred Holy Kaba in Mecca on

friday, 13th day of the month of Rajab, 600AD. Thirty years after the year of

the Elephant in 570 AD.

Nobody before him or after him has ever had the honour bestowed upon him

by Allah(swt), to be born in The House of God, The Most High, thus his

position in Islam is being dignified in its all greatness.

He was fatally wounded by the blow from a poisionous sword upon his head,

by an assasin Abdurrahman Ibin Al-Muljim on Friday, 19th. of the Month

Ramadan in the great Mosque of Kufa, while the Imam(as) was leading the

early morning prayers.

Three days latter at the age of sixty three he died in his home of his fatal head


His body was prepared for burial by his two holy sons Imam Hassan(as) and

Imam Hussain(as) and was secrectly buried, as explicitly willed by him, in an

umarked grave, at Najaf, in southern Iraq, where his Sacred Shrine stands now.

His excellent attributes are of a great number

1. He was brought up and taught by The Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf)


2. He was the first to become a Muslim.

3. He never worshipped any kind of pagan idols or other gods.

4. He was the most closest, faithfull and the most loyal to The

Prophet(pbuh&hf), of all his Companions.

5. Under his flag of Leadership, victory was always assured.

6. He never turned his back on the enemy.

7. His courage was magnificient and second to none.

8. As a Judge he received this compliment from The Holy


"Ali is the best judge, amongst all of you."

9. About his vast knowledge The Prophet(pbuh&hf) had said,

" I am the city of knowledge and Ali is it's gate!"

10. In Imam Ali's(as) relation to the Truth The Prophet(pbuh&hf) had said,

"Ali is with the Truth, and Truth is with Ali."

11. He was just in his dealings with all the people.

12. He treated all the people equally.

13. He never indulged himself in the worldly materials and it's luxuries.

14. He would enter the Bayt Al-Mal (Public Treasury) and would look at

the gold and silver with indifference and address it by saying,

"White and yellow, attracts the people, but not me!"

White meaning silver and yellow meaning gold

15. He would then distribute them among the needy.

16. He would treat the destitute with mercy and would at every

opporturnity sit with the poor and homeless and would rush to help

any person in need.

17. He would speak out for the truth and issue his decrees on the basis of


18. He would never appease anyone and comprimise or undertermin justic,

honesty and the truth.

19. He would never supported any person's selfish interest over the interest

of Islam and human justice.

In short he was very much like The Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf) in virtuous

attributes and for this reason Allah(swt), The Most High, has considered him in

the Holy Koran as the Soul of The Holy Prophet Mohammad Al-


Warn Thy Family The Prophet(pbuh&hf) invites Ali(as) to help him in a

task, that God had commanded of him

Succession Ali(as) is clearly appointed the Calipha to succeed The


Migration The Prophet(pbuh&hf) ask Ali(as) to cover for him, by

sleeping in his bed, so that he may escape undected

Nahj Al-Balagh, A fine collection of Speeches and Hadeeths of Ali(as)

His Exploits Decribes how Ali(as) endavoured for the sake of Islam

Battle of the Camal Rebels try to seize the Caliphate from Ali(as), by

raising a formidable force in Basra, Iraq

Muawiyah revolts Refusual of to step down from his post as govenor in


Imam Hassan Al-Mujtaba(as) The Infallible Second Holy Imam

Name: Hassan Ibin Ali Ibin Abe Taleb(as) 5th Calipha

Title: Al-Mujtaba(as)

Kunyat: Abul Mohammad.

Born: On Tuesday, 15h. Ramadan, 3 AH in Al-Medina, Arabia.

Father: The First Imam Ali Ibin Abe Taleb(as)

Mother:The Lady Fatimah Al-Zahra(as)

Cause of death: Poisioned by his wife bribed by Muawiyah Ibin Abu


Date of death:On Thursday, 7th. Safar, 50 Ah.

Buried:Al-Baggea public cementary, in Al-Medina, Arabia.

The Second Holy Imam Hassan son of the Imam Ali Ibn Abu Taleb(as) and

Lady Fatimah Al-Zahra(as) the daughter of The Holy Prophet(pbuh).

He died, as a martyr because of poison mixed in his food, by his wife paid for

her deed by Muawiyah.

His younger brother, Imam Hussain(as) prepared his body for the burial, in his

grandfather's The Prophet's(pbuh) house but was violently forced to bury his

dead brother's body instead in the nearby Al-Baqgea cemetery in Medina.

He excelled all others in his time in worshipping Allah(swt), in knowledge and

in spiritual perfections. He was more like the prophet than other people. He

was the most kind hearted person in his family at his time and the most

forbearing among people.

Once a house maid presented him a bunch of flowers and because of this the

Imam(as) set her free. He then said that it was because of how Allah(swy) has

disciplined us and he stated this from the Holy Koran,

"When you are greeted,

you should respond in even a better way or

just return the greeting."

Once a person from Syria on a horse back met the Imam and started to abuse

him but the Imam did not respond. When the Syrian said all that he wanted to

say the Imam went closer to him and said with a smile,

"May peace be with you.

I think you have just come to this town.

If you need some food we can provide you.

If you may need anything we can give you

and if you need directions we can give directions

and if you may need a ride we can provide one

and if you need protection we are ready to protect you."

The man after hearing all this began to cry and said,

" I testify that you are deputy of Allah on earth and Allah knows better who to

entrust with Divine message."

Imam Ali Zain Al-Abideen(as) The Infallible Fourth Holy Imam

Name: Ali(as)

Title: Zain Al-Abideen(as)

Kunyat: Abu Mohammad

Born: On Saturday, 15th of Jumadi Al-Awwal 36 AH, in Medina, Arabia

Father: The Third Imam Hussain Ibin Abe Taleb(as)

Mother: Shahe Zanan daughter of King Yazdjard II

Date of death: 21st Muharram 95AH, at the age of 58 years old.

Cause of Death: Murdered by poisoning by Waleed Ibin Abdul Malik


Buried: In Al-Baggea cemmetary, Arabia.

The fourth Imam was Ali son of the Imam Hussain(as) and Shahe Zanan

daughter of Yazdjard, King of Persia.

He was born in Madina on the same day when his grandfather Imam

Ali Ibin Abe Taleb liberated the city of Basra, in Iraq.

He died of poisoning and his body was prepared by the Fifth Imam

Mohammad Al-Baqir(as) and was buried in the Baggea cemmentary in


He excelled all others in his time in his vast knowledge, worshipping

Allah, spiritual perfections, piety and helping the needy.

The jurists, in the matters of the Islamic Sharia, quote him widely and

there are many facts of spiritual guidance, prayers and words of wisdom

that he left behind as his legacy.

Very often at night he would carry money and sacks of food to the

needy with his face covered up so that no one would recognize him.

Because the people would intercede and would take his load off him.

Only when he had died, then only, then did the people of Medina

realize that the person who used to deliver to them food with his face

covered by a mask was no one other than Imam Ali son of Imam


When he ever saw any orphans and destitute he would invite and share

with them his meal.

Every month he would call a meeting of his employees and would offer

them help if any of them needed to get married or wanted to be set


Whenever a needy person would come to him asking for help he would

say this,

"Welcome to those who carry for me supplies to the after life"

It is said that he would pray a thousand rakat of prayer in every twenty

four hours. At the time of prayer his face would change out of his

realization of the greatness of Allah the Most High(swt). Due to his

prostrating so much before Allah his forehead and knees were clearly


Once a person from his relatives spoke to him some improper words as

such that normally would hurt one's feelings. After a while the Imam

stood up and stepped nearer to that person. People around thought

that he, perhaps, wants to answer him in the same manner, but the

Imam, instead, recited this from the Holy Koran,

" Allah loves Those who control their anger

and be forgiving towards the people and who do good."

He then said to that person,

"Brother, I heard all that you said to me. If all that you said about me is

true, then I ask Allah to forgive me and if all that you said about me is

not true, then may Allah forgive you."

Imam Mohammad Al-Baqir(as) The Infallible Fifth Holy Imam

Name: Mohammad(as)

Title: Al-Baqir

Kunyat: Abu Jafar

Born: On Tuesday, 1st of Rajab 57 AH, in Medina, Arabia

Father: The Fourth Imam Ali Ibin Hussain(as)

Mother: Fatimah Bint Al-Hassan

Date of death: 7th Thul Al-Hijja 116AH, at the age of 57 years old.

Cause of Death: Murdered by poisoning by Hashim Ibin Abdul Malik

Buried: In Al-Baggea cemmetary, Arabia.

Imam Mohammad AI-Bakir(as) the son of Imam Ali Ibin Hussain(as) and

Fatimah, the daughter of the Imam Hassan(as) was the Fifth Imam.

He was a man of great virtue and leadership, a man of a vast

knowledge, great forbearance, great moral discipline, worship,

generosity and kindness.

A Christian man, mispronouncing Imam's name, once said to him,

"Are you Baqar?" ( meaning, a 'Cow').

The Imam said,

"No, I am Baqir."

The man then said,

"Are you the son of female cook?"

The Imam said,

Yes, that is her profession!"

The man then said,

"Are you the son of the bad negro woman?"

The Imam said,

"If what you say is true,

then may Allah forgive her

and if what you say is not true

then may Allah forgive you."

This moved the Christian man so much so, that he became a Muslim.

He had profound knowledge and he would answer every question

without delay. Ibin Ata of Mecca has said this about the Imam,

"I never saw the scholars look so small as they did in the presence of the

Imam Mohammad Baqir. I saw AI- Hakam Ibin Utaybah, with all his

prestige in the community, but looked just like a child in the presence of

Imam Muhammad Baqir."

Mohammad Ibin Muslim has said this,

"I asked Imam Mohammad AI-Baqir all the questions that would come

to my mind. I asked him about thirty thousand Hadith."

The Fifth Imam would recite all the names and all the attributes of Allah

very often. His son Imam Jafar AL-Sadiq(as) has said of his father,

"My father would recite Allah's names very often and even when

walking he would keep reciting Allah's names. And the conversation of

the people before him, would not distract him or stop him from reciting

Allah's names. He would pray a lot at night and his tears would flow

tremendously during his prayers."

Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq(as) The Infallible Sixth Holy Imam

Name: Jaffar

Title: Al-Sadiq(as)

Kunyat: Abu Abdullah

Born: On Monday, 17th of Rabea Al-Awwal 83 AH, in Medina, Arabia

Father: The Fifth Imam Mohammad Al-Baqir(as)

Mother: Umme-E-Farwah

Date of death: 15th Shawwaal 148 AH, at the age of 65 years old.

Cause of Death: Murdered by poisoning by Mansur Al-Abbassi

Buried: In Al-Baggea cemmetary, Arabia.

Hadeeth of the Sixth Imam(as), the founder of the Shia School of Law.

Religious Scholars Students of the Imam Al-Sadiq(as)

The Holy Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq(as) was , unquestionably, an intellectual

as well as a religious man, who possessed vast knowledge, wisdom and

sense of justice. He was a man of great piety, truthfulness and his living

manners was very simple.

He died of poisoning and his body was prepared by the Fifth Imam

Musa Al-Kathum(as) and was buried in the Baggea cemmentary in Al-


Of all the members of the Family of The Holy Prophet(pbuh) Imam

Jafar Al-Sadiq(as) had narrated much of the Hadeeths. Because none of

the other members before him,of the Family of The Holy

Prophet(pbuh) had the chance to meet and converse with so many of

the narrators of the Hadeeths or historians as did the Sixth Imam.

A list of the names of the narrators of Hadeeths from the Sixth Imam

number around four thousand among whom is Abu Hanifah, one of the

Sixth Imam's students, who later became the Imam of a certain school of

law of the Sunni Muslims.

Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq(as) lived a very simple life. He himself would work

in his garden growing his own food of vegatables.

It has been said, that during his prayers of worship to God, his

concentration was so great, he was totally oblivious of his immeadiate

surroundings. In fact so much so, that he would not feel any bodily

contact to his person.

One night Harroun Al-Rasheed, then the Calipha of the time wanted to

meet with him. So he sent one of his servants to the Imam's house. The

servant told Harroun that when arrived at his house, he found the

Imam in the state of prostration before Allah(swt) with his hands and

face pressed on the ground, with dust still on his forehead and the sides

of his face.

The Sixth Imam(as) was very generous person, and of excellent moral

perfections. He had very polite manners in his social dealings of his

vistors and hosted and treated them equally.

Imam Musa Al-Kathum(as) The Infallible Seventh Holy Imam

Name: Musa(as)

Title: Al-Kathum

Kunyat: Abu Ali

Born: On Sunday, 17th of Safar, 128 AH, in Abwa, Arabia

Father: The Sixth Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq(as)

Mother: Umme Hameeda

Date of death: 25th Rajab 183 AH, at the age of 55 years old.

Cause of Death: Murdered by poisoning by Harroun Al-Rasheed Al-


Buried: In Baghdad, Iraq.

The Seventh Holy Imam Musa AI-Kathum(as) the son of the Imam Jafar

Al-Sadiq(as) and Umm Hameeda.

He was born in place called Abwa between Mecca and Medina.

He died of poison while he was imprisoned for fouteen years of

unjustified and torturous imprisonment in Haroun's Jail, without scacely

any food and water..

So much was his torture and starvation that his body was bundle of

bones covered up by loose broken skin, due to the daily whippings he

received from his jailers.

His body was prepared for burial by his son the Eighth Imam Ali AI-

Reda(as) and was buried where his shrine stands today in the Kathumiya

suburb of Baghdad, in Iraq.

He was the most knowledgeable person of his time and the best of

them. He was very generous, brave and of excellent spiritual perfections

and worship with long prostrations in the presence of Allah(swt).

His control over his anger was as such that he was named, AI-Kathum,

which means having great control over one's anger.

Once a poor person asked him for some help, and the Imam(as) just to

know the man's attitude of mind asked him some questions. When the

man answered them properly, the Imam rewarded him in appreciation

of alertness of the man's mind gave him a thousand Dirham instead of a

hundred that he had asked for.

His love of worshipping Allah and prostrating before Him was so much

that he breathed his last breath during his prostration before Allah(swt).

Imam Ali Al-Reda(as) The Infallible Eighth Holy Imam

Name: Ali(as)

Title: Al-Reda

Kunyat: Abu Mohammad

Born: On Friday, 11th of Thul Al-Qida, 148 AH, in Medina, Arabia

Father: The Seventh Imam Musa Al-Kathum(as)

Mother: Umme Al-Sayyidah Najmah

Date of death: 29th Safar 203 AH, at the age of 55 years old.

Cause of Death: Murdered by poisoning by Mamoun Ibin Harroun Al-


Buried: In Meshad, northen Iran.

The Eighth Holy Imam Ali Al-Reda(as) son of the Imam Musa AI-

Kharthom(as) and AI-Sayyidah Najmah.

He died, by poisoning mixed in his fruit by Mamoon.

His body was prepared for burial by his son the Imam Mohammad AI-

Jawad(as) and he was buried in Meshad, Khorasan in Iran, where his

shrine stands now.

It is needless to speak of his achievements in vast knowledge, virtue,

nobility, generosity, moral perfections, humbleness and worship of


Mamoon Al-Abbassi, then the Calipha asked him to take charge of the

administration of the Muslim government but he did not accept it

because he knew that things will not go the way he liked them to go.

It was just like the case of his great grandfather the Imam Ali Ibin Abe

Taleb(as) who did not accept the post of leadership with the condition

set by the counsel that he should run the government according to the

book of Allah(swt), the traditions of The Holy Prophet(pbuh) and the

policies of the two previous Caliphas Abu Bakir and Umar Al-Khattab.

Imam Ali(as) couldn't ofcourse and didn't accept such an offer but

Uthman accepted it. Hence he was appointed the third Calipha, over

Imam Ali(as)!

When the eighth Imam did not accept the post of the leadership of the

Muslim govermnent, Mamoon then asked him to be his successor and

the Imam accepted it with the condition that he will not be asked to

take part in any governmental task during the life time of Mamoon.

Because quite simply, Mamoon's government policies were completely

contary to Islam principles and the teachings of The Holy Prophet


Some examples of his vast knowledge came to light when Mamoon

invited the scholars of different schools of thought to attend a seminar

of debate over the theological issues and matters of the doctrines of


For his worship he would stay up for many nights and read the whole

book of Holy Koran in just over three days. Very often he would fast

and also pray a thousand prayers in twenty four hours.

He was very generous to everyone especially the poor. He would help

the needy during the night so that no one would recognise him.

He never did any injustice to any one in words or deeds. He was not

loud spoken but always spoke softly with a polite manner and was

cordial with everyone. He always sat politely and never slouched in

presence of others. He would call all the members of his family and

servants to have dinner or lunch together.

Imam Mohammad Al-Jawad(as) The Infallible Nineth Holy Imam

Name: Mohammad(as)

Title: Al-Jawad and Al-Taqi

Kunyat: Abu Jafar

Born: On Friday, 10th of Rajab, 195 AH, in Medina, Arabia

Father: The Eighth Imam Ali Al-Reda(as)

Mother: Umme Al-Sayyidah Subeeka

Date of death: 29th Thul Al-Qida 225AH, at the age of 30 years old.

Cause of Death: Murdered by poisoning by Muttassim Ibin Harroun Al-


Buried: In Baghdad, Iraq.

The Nineth Holy Imam Mohammad AI-Jawad the son of the Imam Ali

AI-Reda and AI-Sayyidah Subeeka.

He died of poisoning and buried in Baghdad by his son the Tenth Imam

Ali Al-Hadi(as), next to his grandfather grave in Kharthomiyah, a suburb

of Baghdad, in Iraq where his shrine stands now along side his

grandfather's the Seventh Imam Musa Al-Kharthom(as).

Imam Ali Al-Hadi(as) The Infallible tenth Holy Imam

o Name: Ali(as)

o Title: Al-Hadi and Al-Naqi

o Kunyat: Abu Hassan

o Born: On Friday, 15th of Thul Al-Hijja, 212 AH, in Surba

o Father: The Nineth Imam Mohammad Al-Jawad(as)

o Mother: Al-Sayyidah Summana Khatoon

o Date of death: 3rd Rajab 254AH, at the age of 42 years old.

o Cause of Death: Murdered by poisoning by Mutazz Ibin

Mutawakkil Al-Abbassi

o Buried: In Samarra, northern Iraq.

The Tenth Holy Imam Ali AI-Hadi the son of the Imam

Mohammad AI-Jawad and Al-Sayyidah Samanah.

He died of poisoning,and was buried in Samarra, Iraq, by his son

the Eleventh Imam Hassan Al-Askari(as) where his shrine stands


He remarkably excelled all others of his time in the fields of

human perfections, as vast knowledge, generosity, politeness of

manners, worshipping of Allah(swt), with moral qualities and


As one example of his generosity is that he paid thirty thousand

Dirhams to an Arab man of Kufa, saying to him,

"We pay your debts."

The man then, thanking the Imam said,

"Sir, the debts on me is only about one third of the amount you

gave!" The Imam added,

"Spend the rest on your family and your people."

The man in astonishment of the Imam's generosity said,

"Allah knows who to entrust with His Message of Divine

Guidance!" Then he left.

Imam Hassan Al-Askari(as) The Infallible Fifth Holy Imam

Name: Hassan(as)

Title: Al-Askari

Kunyat: Abu Mohammad

Born: On Monday, 10th of Rabea Al-Akhir, 232 AH, in Medina, Saudi


Father: The Tenth Imam Ali Al-Hadi(as)

Mother: Al-Sayyidah Jiddah

Date of death: Friday, 8th Rabea Al-Awwal 260AH, at the age of 28

years old.

Cause of Death: Murdered by poisoning by Mu'tamid Ibin Mutawakkil


Buried: In Samarra, northen Iraq.

The Eleventh Holy Imam Hassan AI-Askari(as) the son of the Imam Ali

Al-Hadi(as) and AI-Sayyidah Jiddah.

His body was prepared for burial by his son the Twelveth Imam AI-

Mehdi Al-Muntathar and was buried next to the grave of his father the

Imam Al-Hadi in Samarra northern Iraq where his shrine stands now.

His noble and excellent personality is well-known to Muslims. His

physical form was perfectly shaped and spiritually he was just like his

great grandfather The Holy Prophet(pbuh).

Ismael narrates the following:

"Once I sitting on the path waiting for the Imam to pass by and when

he did, I started complaining of my difficulties and asked him for some

financial help." The Imam said,

"You swear by Allah(SWT) falsely, because you have already buried one

hundred Dinars as a saving. What I say is not to deny you financial help.

Boys, give him all the money with you."

He was well-known to the Christians as having all the human

perfections like the Prophet Jesus(as) had.

The Imam would worship Allah(swt) a lot and his personality was quite


Imam Mohammad Al-Mehdi Al-Muntadar(as) The Infallible Twelveth Holy



Name: Mohammad(as)

Title: Al-Mehdi | Al-Sahib Al-Zamaan | Al-Hujjah | Al-Muntathar

Kunyat: Abu Qassim

Born: On Friday, 15th of Shaban, 225 AH, in Samarra, northern Iraq

Father: The Eleventh Imam Hassan Al-Askari(as)

Mother: Nargis Khatoon

Date of death: Unknow as he is still living and waiting God's Divine

Order to make himself known to the world and fight injustice and

instigate justice, law and order for all mankind!

Appearance of the Imam Al-Mehdi(as), "The Awaited One!"

Prophet Essa(as) The true second comming of Jesus Christ(as).

The Twelfth Holy Imam Al-Mehdi, AI-Hujjah(as) the son of the Imam Hassan

AI-Askari(as) and AI-Sayyidah Nargis.

He is the last of the Holy Infallible Imams of the people on earth and with him

the fine of succession to The Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf) now ends.

He is still, by The Will of Allah(swt), living in this world of ours, but does not

appear in the public sight.

He will re-appear to all mankind only by The Command of God towards the

last days of the human civilization at a time when the world will become

unbearablely full of injustice and imorality.

The Imam(as) will appear and will crush all oppression and restore God's law

and order and make justice once again prevail.

The Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf) and the all other Eleven Imams(as) have said that

the Imam AI-Mehdi will live until he has full control of the whole wide world,

and make justice prevail and will do away with all kind of tyranny.

He will re-establish the Islamic religion and make it prevail even though the

paganist and unbelivers will all dislike and object to his cause violently.








Before this great Imam disappeared from the public sight, by the will of

Allah(swt), he lived in his father's house in Samarra,

The people gather their out of respect to this Imam and it is consider his shrine

and place of worship to God.

The promised Imam Al-Mahdi

Who is usually mentioned by his title of

AI-Imam Al-Asr, The Imam of the "Period"

Sahib Al-Zaman, The Lord of the Age

His name is the same as that of The Holy Prophet Mohammad Al-


He is the son of the Eleventh Holy Imam(as)

He was born in Samarrah in 256/868 and until 260/872 when his father was

martyred, lived under his father's care and tutelage. He was hidden from public

view and only a few of the elite among the Shia were able to meet him.

After the martyrdom of his father he became the Imam and by

Divine.Command went into Ghaybat(Occultation) .

Thereafter he appeared only to his Na'ib (deputies) and even then only in

exceptional circumstances.

The lmam chose as a special deputy for a time, Uthman Ibin Sa'id Umari, one

of the companions of his father and Grandfather who was his confidant and

trusted friend. Through his deputy the Imam would answer the demands and

questions of the Shia.

After Uthman Ibin Sa'id, his son Muhammad Ibin Uthman Umari was

appointed the deputy of the Imam.

After the death of Muhammad ibn Uthman, Abul Qasim Hussain Ibin Ruh

Nawbakht was the special deputy, and after his death Ali Ibin Muhammad

Simmari was chosen for this task.

A few days before the death of Ali Ibin Muhammad Simmari in 329/939 an

order was issued by the Imam stating that in six days Ali Ibin Muhammad

Simmari would die.

Henceforth the special deputation of the Imam would an end and the

Ghaybat Al-Kubra (Major Occultation) would begin and would continue until

the day God grants permission to the Imam to manifest himself.

The Occultation of the Twelfth Imam

This Is divided into two parts

1. The First, the Ghaybat Al-Sughra (Minor Occultation)

Which began in 260/872 and ended in 329/939, lasting about seventy


2. The Second, the Ghaybat Al-Kubra (Major Occultation)

Which commenced in 329/939 and will continue as long as God wills it.

In a hadeeth upon whose authenticity everyone agrees, The Holy

Prophet had said,

"If there were to remain in the life of the world but one day,

God would prolong that day until He sends in it a man from my

community and my Household.

His name will be the same as my name.

He will fill the earth with Equity and Justice as it was filled with

oppression and tyranny."

On the Appearance of the Mahdi

In the discussion on prophecy and the imamate

It was indicated that as a result of the law of general guidance which governs

all of creation, man is of necessity endowed with the power of receiving

revelation through prophecy, which directs him toward the perfection of the

human norm and the well being of the human species.

Obviously, if this perfection and happiness were not possible for man, whose

life possesses a social aspect, the very fact that he is endowed with this power

would be meaningless and futile. But there is no futility in creation.

In other words, ever since he has inhabited the earth, man has had the wish to

lead a social life filled with happiness in its true sense and has striven toward

this end. If such a wish were not to have an objective existence it would never

have been imprinted upon man's inner nature, in the same way that if there

were no food there would have been no hunger.

Or if there were to be no water there would be no thirst and if there were to

be no reproduction there would have been no sexual attraction between the


Therefore, by reason of inner necessity and determination, the future will see a

day when human society will be replete with justice and when all will live in

peace and tranquillity, when human beings will be fully possessed of virtue and


The establishment of such a condition will occur through human hands but

with Divine succor. And the leader of such a society, who will be the savior of

man, is called in the language of the hadeeth, the Mahdi.

In different religions that govern the world

Such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Islam

there are references to a person who will come as the savior of mankind.

These religions have usually given happy tidings of his coming, although there

are naturally certain differences in detail that can be discerned when these

teachings are compared carefully.

The hadeeth of The Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf) upon which all Muslims agree,

"The Mahdi is of my progeny"

This refers to this same truth.

There are numerous hadeeths

That is cited in Sunni and Shia sources from the Holy Prophet and the Imams

concerning the appearance of the Mahdi, such as that he is of the progeny of

the Prophet and that his appearance will enable human society to reach true

perfection and the full realization of spiritual life. In addition, there are

numerous other traditions concerning the fact that the Mahdi is the son of the

eleventh Imam, Hasan Al-Askari.

They both agree that after being born and undergoing a long occultation the

Mahdi will appear again, filling with justice the world that has been corrupted

by injustice -and iniquity.

As an example

Ali Ibin Musa Al-Rida(as) the eighth Imam has said, in the course of a hadeeth,

"The Imam after me is my son, Muhammad, and after him his son Ali, and

after Ali his son, Hasan, and after Hasan his son Hujjat Al-Qa'im, who is

awaited during his occultation and obeyed during his manifestation.

If there remain from the life of the World but a single day, Allah will extend

that day until he becomes manifest, and fill the world with justice in the same

way that it had been filled with iniquity.

But when?As for news of the Hour, verily my father told me, having heard it

from his father who heard it from his father who heard it from his ancestors

who heard it from Ali, that it was asked of the Holy Prophet,

"Oh Prophet of God, when will the Qa'im (Support) who is from thy family


He said, "His case is like that of the Hour (of the Resurrection)

"He alone will manifest it at its proper time.

It is heavy in the heavens and the earth.

It cometh not to you save unawares. "

Koran, 7, verse: 187

Saqr Ibin Abi Dulaf said,

"I heard from Abu Jafar Muhammad Ibin Ali Al-Rida who said, "

"The Imam after me is my son, Ali; his command is my command; his word is

my word; to obey him is to obey me. The Imam after him is his son, Hasan.

His command is the command of his father; his word is the word of his father;

to obey him is to obey his father."

After these words the Imam remained silent. I said to him, Oh son of the

Prophet, who will be the Imam after Hasan,? The Imam cried hard, then said.

"Verily after Hasan his son is the awaited Imam who is Al-Qa'im Al-Bil Haqq

(He who is supported by the Truth)."

Musa Ibin Jafar Baghdadi said,

"I heard from the Imam Abu Muhammad Al-Hasan Ibin Ali who said,"

"I see that after me differences will appear among you concerning the Imam

after me. Whoso accepts the Imams after The Prophet of God but denies my

son is like the person who accepts all the Prophets but denies the prophethood

of Muhammad, the Prophet of God, upon whom be peace and blessing.

And whoso denies Muhammad The Prophet of God is like one who has

denied all the Prophets of God, for to obey the last of us is like obeying the

first and to deny the last of us is like denying the first.

But beware! Verily for my son there is an occultation during which all people

will fall into doubt except those whom Allah protects."

The Opponents of Shiasim Protest

The opponents of Shiasim protest that according to the beliefs of this

school the Hidden Imam should by now be nearly twelve centuries old,

whereas this is impossible for any human being.

In answer It must be said that the protest is based only on the

unlikelihood of such an occurrence, not its impossibility. Of course such

a long lifetime or a life of a longer period is unlikely. But those who

study the hadeeths of the Holy Prophet and the Imams will see that

they refer to this life as one possessing miraculous qualities.

Miracles are certainly not impossible nor can they be negated through

scientific arguments. It can never be proved that the causes and agents

that are functioning in the world are solely those that we see and know

and that other causes which we do not know or whose effects and

actions we have not seen nor understood do not exist.

It is in this way possible that in one or several members of mankind

there can be operating certain causes and agents which bestow upon

them a very long life of a thousand or several thousand years.

Medicine has not even lost hope of discovering a way to achieve very

long life spans. In any case such protests from "Peoples of the Book"

such as Jews, Christians and Muslims are most strange for they accept

the miracles of the Prophets of God according to their own sacred


The opponents of Shiasim also protest that, although Shiasim considers

the Imam necessary in order to expound the injunctions and verities of

religion and to guide the people, the occultation of the Imam is the

negation of this very purpose, for an Imam in occultation who cannot

be reached by mankind cannot be in any way beneficial or effective.

The opponents say that if God wills to bring forth an Imam to reform

mankind He is able to create him at the necessary moment and does not

need to create him thousands of years earlier.

In answer It must be said that such people have not really understood

the meaning of the Imam, for in the discussion on the imamate it

became clear that the duty of the Imam is not only the formal

explanation of the religious sciences and exoteric guidance of the

people. In the same way that he has the duty of guiding men

outwardly, the Imam also bears the function of Walayat and the

esoteric guidance of men.

It is he who directs man's spirituaI life and orients the inner aspect of

human action towards God. Clearly, his physical presence or absence

has no effect in this matter.

The Imam watches over men inwardly and is in communion with the

soul and spirit of men even if he be hidden from their physical eyes.

His existence is always necessary even if the time has not as yet arrived

for his outward appearance and the universal reconstruction that he is

to bring about!

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