The Holocaust Dictionary

Post on 19-Mar-2016






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The Holocaust Dictionary. Auschwitz. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Auschwitz was started in early 1942, and was the largest concentration camp the Nazi had, it also had a death camp called Birkeneau. The camp started out primarily Poles, but then Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and others the Germans hated were sent to the camp also. When the prisoners arrived they were separated into groups; one group was killed immediately, the others were to do labor. The camp was one of the few camps to conduct major medical experiments, with the help of Dr. Mengele. Auschwitz was liberated by the soviets in early 1945. The death at the camp was estimated to be 1.5 million.


The camp was later turned into a museum.


Clive, Lawton. Auschwitz. Cambridge: Candlewick press, 2002. Print

In January, 1945 the Germans took their prisoners on marches because they feared the Russians were coming. During the marches thousands died, sometimes it would be from the freezing cold temperatures, or the Germans killing you if you stopped walking or took a break. Sometimes when the others died the prisoners would take their clothes to stay warm. They carried around bowls and spoons for food, if they lost them they got no food. The prisoners also ate the snow off of each other ’s backs to stay hydrated. The marches could either last a couple days to a couple of months.


The marches could last a couple of days to a couple of months.


Hill, Jeff. The Holocaust. Griswold: omnigraphics, 2006. Print

Dr. Josef Mengele was born in Günzburg, Germany. He was the doctor at Auschwitz who conducted the medical experiments. He always got first pick when the new transports arrived. The Dr. was fascinated by genetics, and that ’s why he did most of his experiments on twins and infants. Some of the experiments he conducted were changing eye color, steril izing, removing limbs and organs, lethal injections straight to the heart, he performed these and many more without using an anesthetics. His nickname was the angel of death. Dr. Mengele was also credited to have made the gassing system more effective. When Auschwitz was liberated he escaped and was reported to have fled to South America, and to have died in the late 1970s.


The doctor was fascinated by genetics.


Clive, Lawton. Auschwitz. Cambridge: Candlewick press, 2002. Print

The Germans final solution was to rid of all Jews and other races, and to complete this final solution they decided to do genocide, or mass destruction. Adolf Hitler was in charge of the final solution, he thought that the Aryan race was superior that everyone else even though he was not one. The final solution was meant to kill all Jews, gypsies, Jehovah’s witnesses, homosexuals, communists, and many others because Hitler thought they contaminated life and culture. 1933 through 1945 these groups were put through harsh treatment, and over two-third of the Jewish population died, and millions of others too.


Thought everyone besides the Aryan races contaminated l i fe and culture.


Hasday, Judy. The Holocaust. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2002. Print

Kristallnacht, also known as the night of the broken glass, was an expression of Hitler’s hate toward the Jews. On November 9-10th, 1938 the German soldiers, SS, and Hitler’s youth burned and destroyed everything Jewish throughout Germany and Austria. Kristallnacht was caused by the assassination of Ernst Vom Rath, by Herschel Grynszpan. That night about 100 Jews were killed, thousands of others were sent to camps. Jewish synagogues, businesses, and homes were destroyed. It is called the night of the broken glass because of all the glass that was broken. For the Jews this was only the beginning.


Also cal led the night of the broken glass.


Mara, Wil. Perspectives on Kristallnacht. New your: Marshall Cavendish, 2010. Print

70 medical research experiments were conducted during September 1939 and April 1945, 7,000 people were forced to do the experiments. The medical experiments had to be approved by Hènrich Himmler before anyone conducted them. The major medical experiments were performed at Sachsenhausen and Auschwitz, the experiments preformed at vavensbrück left people permanently crippled and disabled. Some experiments preformed were they made people go into high pressure chambers, tested with drugs, frozen to death, and sex changes. The doctors even conducted military tests to determine extreme condition surviving. Out of all the doctors that did the experiments seven were executed and 9 got prison sentences.


7,000 people were forced to participate in the medical experiments


Wigoder, Geoffery. The Holocaust. Hong Kong: Jerusalem Publishing House, 1997. Print

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