
The History of Immigration

By Nereida Aguirre

The Cause

The United States is a country of immigrants, all gathered here because of different struggles. In some cases, it was because of religious prejudices. In others it was because of the violence that had taken over their country. In many cases, however, the migration to the United States was because of extreme poverty or hunger and the idea of a better life in America. They all wanted a shot at the American Dream, unaware of the price they would have to pay.

The Irish Potato Famine (1845)

A Starving Boy on the Latin American streets (Present)

PolPolitical Unrest and Violence in Germany (1848)

Drug War Violence in Mexico (Present)

The Journey

The journey to the United States was just the start of the many struggles that they would have to face in order to achieve the American Dream. The European immigrants would have to make the trip across the Atlantic in ships called “coffin ships” where the mortality rate was 30%. The Latin American immigrants not only have to face the dangers of the border and desert, but many have to face the challenge of riding trains to get across Mexico.

View of

European Immigrant’s First View of America (1800s)

The First Leg of the Journey (Present)

The Second Leg of the Journey (Present)

The Discrimination

Both groups of immigrants would face discrimination while America. The European immigrants would eventually overcome the discrimination.

Irish Discrimination (1862)

The Discrimination Against Hispanic Immigrant

The discrimination against Hispanics, especially Mexicans is

an ongoing problem. As a result of preconceived notions, even legal citizens of Hispanic descent see discrimination and prejudice. Thankfully, other groups of immigrants have faced the same difficulties and overcome them. Someday Hispanics will see the same results.


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