The Green Times

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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school baed newsletter meant to raise awareness of environmental degrradation and foster sustainable living.



Earth Day—40 years old

Earth Day began in 1970 in the U.S.A. People were frus-

trated that environmental problems such as poor air qual-

ity and water pollution weren't being solved. The concep-

tion of Earth Day was an important step in environmental

history, one that helped build a global environmental

movement and the United Nations Environment Pro-

gramme (UNEP).

Earth Day is a day de-

signed to inspire awareness

and appreciation for the

Earth's environment. It was

founded by U.S. Senator

Gaylord Nelson on April 22,

1970. The first Earth Week

originated in Philadelphia in

1970 (starting April 16 and

culminating on Earth Day,

April 22.) .

Many communities celebrate Earth Week, an entire week

of activities focused on environmental issues. Earth Day

is now observed on April 22 on virtually every country

on Earth.

The Principal ,

Ms. Lutchman,

plants a tree to

mark Earth Day


The school’s EMA Environmental Club commemo-

rated Earth Day by engaging the school community of

the significance of this day. They planned a whole day

series of activities—and were wise to make these part

of the curriculum delivery process.

Here are some of their celebration: 1 - Morning Assembly- FOCUSSED ON Earth Day. Trichina

Grant, read the history of Earth Day and the significance of ob-

serving this Day.

2- Trichina Grant and Kerri-Ann Bharat sang Michael

Jacksons’ ‘Heal the World”, as the school population

sang along.

3. -M.L’s ‘Earth Song” was adopted as our theme

song for this year’s observance- excerpts of which

were read by students

.4. - Students mounted a display of posters and charts about

the environment.

5 -Library – classes scheduled for the library were treated

to several beautiful clips about the earth – including M>J’s.

Earth Song. Heal the World; re-cycling; ’& His Earth

poem along with many others.

6. - The Art& Craft classes mage Earth day Greeting Cards

from re-cycled paper and found objects other subject areas

focused on poetry writing and other educational stuff.

7- A tree-planting exercises was carried out by the Princi-


8. - EMA members planted a few shrubbery around the



APRIL 2010 Volume2 , Issue 5

The Green Times

Branching out to cover our world

Earth Day 2010


Volume2 , Issue 5 April, 2010

Here are some ways that you too can make a dif-


Each of us has a role to play in ensuring the future

health and well-being of all the people, animals,

plants and ecosystems on the planet. We have a

shared responsibility, and CI wants to help you do

your part.

Responsible choices can help us all save energy,

protect habitats and support a more sustainable

future for communities all over the world. By sup-

A group OF CONCERNED students is doing

what they can to raise awareness of environ-

mental degradation in the hope of promoting sus-


To this end they have joined the EMA’s school

Environmental Club, started a website

[]; started a school newsletter-

The Green Times [available free at the site];

started a school’s re-cycling drive.

They have undertaken four projects since they

have joined the Club. Their last project was com-

memorating Earth Day on 22 April.


Earth Day began in 1970 in the U.S.A. People

were frustrated that environmental problems such

as poor air quality and water pollution weren't

being solved. The conception of Earth Day was

an important step in environmental history, one

that helped build a global environmental move-

ment and the United Nations Environment Pro-

gramme (UNEP).

Earth Day is a day designed to inspire awareness

and appreciation for the Earth's environment. It

was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson on

April 22, 1970. The first Earth Week originated in

Philadelphia in 1970 (starting April 16 and culmi-

nating on Earth Day, April 22.)

Many communities celebrate Earth Week, an en-

tire week of activities focused on environmental

issues. Earth Day is now observed on April 22 on

virtually every country on Earth.

Page 2

Students at Carapicahaima West Secondary School are going green

Calculate Your Impact

Every choice you make contributes to

the health of the planet, for better or

worse. Even a small reduction in your

consumption of natural products can

make the difference between what's lost

and what's saved.

Living green means knowing, acting,

and sharing. To make responsible

choices, you have to know about your

impact. Then you can start making posi-

tive changes in your lifestyle. As you

start to see the benefits of your deci-

sions, share your stories with your

friends and family.


Page 3

Volume2 , Issue 5 April, 2010



Volume2 , Issue 5 April, 2010

was formed when I was in form three and

the group has had great success due to the

support and encouragement of the teachers

and the students. The group has four (4)

members: Keston David, Gabriel Gan-

gadeen, Jason Toorie and me- with many


I am a very good person to talk to and get

along with and also I have good academic

performance throughout the years I have

been in this school. I am not a person not

to like because whatever it is you need for

me to do I will take the opportunity in do-

ing the assignment or in other words I

can’t say NO.

My name is Stefan Scott Lewis and I am a

student of the Carapichaima West Secon-

dary School, form 5, group 2. I am a well

organized student and I am also the Head

Boy- Senior Prefect at my school .my duty

is to make sure that all the Senior Prefects

are their doing the duties that was assigned

to them and also I am accompanied in do-

ing this by the school’s Head Girl- Senior

Prefect; Denisha Goring.

The students and the teachers look for-

ward in expecting the best from me and I

lead them to know that I will not let them

down in any way.

I am in a dance group in the school that

Page 4


Scott has really emerged as a sterling example

of the model student. Always a pleasant stu-

dent, with an innate desire to do the right

things, not through fear of punishment or re-

ward, but he is genuine young man, free from

the lure of egotism.

I could think of no other prefect deserving of

the title of HEADBOY. Along with Headgirl,

Denisha, Scott maintained balanced in judge-

ment and fair play.

He has that elusive allure to command respect

and build cohesive relations with his peers and


By Mr. Pitiram



Page 5

Volume2 , Issue 5 April, 2010

Earthquakes Earthquakes are caused by the movement of plates (huge slabs of rock) making up the sur-

face of the Earth. In volcanic islands, earthquakes may also be caused by the movement of

magma beneath a volcano.


Some of the earthquake effects that can be harmful to people are:

Collapsing walls, buildings and bridges Falling furniture, shattering glass windows and mirrors Falling electricity lines Broken gas lines Floods caused by the collapse of dam walls Rock slides or landslides Tsunamis - these are sea waves which can be generated by very large earthquakes Liquefaction - when shaking causes solid ground to behave like a liquid and can no longer

support buildings. This is common on reclaimed land.


Volume2 , Issue 5 April, 2010

Page 6


The Art Dept. made Earth Day greeting cards as the day’s teaching ac-

tivity. Students used all re-cycled materials- from scrap paper, organic

materials, found objects ,sea shells etc.


Page 7

Volume2 , Issue 5 April, 2010

EMA News In recent decades, global economic growth has

been accompanied by escalating concerns

about energy availability, food security, and the

accumulating impacts on the environment as

manifested by climate change, excessive waste,

and reduced availability of natural resources.

Many developing countries, including Trinidad

and Tobago, have been introducing environ-

mental protection and conservation legislation

to deal with the previously unchecked impacts

on the environment, thus

reducing environmental impacts as an external-

ity to the cost of doing business.

Some of these previous externalities are now

being captured through the need for permits,

payment of fines and penalties, as well as the

cost of equipping or retrofitting businesses with

the appropriate devices

to reduce or eliminate environmental impacts.

Thus, effects on the environment as a result of

business practices are now been included in the

actual cost of doing business.

In part motivated by this new cost, and in part

because of a growing recognition of the need to

act responsibily, corporate sectors are demon-

strating greater buy-in to environmentally sus-

tainable business practices and are incorporat-

ing them in environmental programmes and

wider Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)


However, opportunities for meeting the chal-

lenges still need to be more widely seized and

supported by relevant stakeholders. Continued

research and application of ‘green’ or environ-

mentally-responsible business practices have

generated a school of thought which espouses

that concern.


The Green Times




Phone: 673-0003



To our loving Ms. McAllister. We miss you very

much. We hope you get well soon, so that you can

spread your sunshine everywhere– you are such a

warm person, and we cannot way to see you again.


The Green Times is expanding its operations and seeks

additional writers, interviewers and contributors. The cur-

rent staff is small and comprises mostly students from 4:3,

who will now use their class as the Green Times Headqua-



NAVEETA CHOON is the new student Editor, with

Denihsa Sieunarine as Vice Editor. Ms. Choon is a

well articulate person, very bright and friendly.

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES FOR LIFE Life's real failure is when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up. - Unknown Author Time is really the only capital that any human being has and the thing that he can least afford to waste or lose. - Thomas Edison

QUOTES FOR LIFE The most successful men in the end are those whose success is the result of steady accretion. It is the man who carefully advances step by step, with his mind becoming wider and wider -

and progressively better able to grasp any theme or situation.

- Alexander Graham Bell


The Green Times-


at a time

my g reen a l er t . co m

Involving teachers and children in recycling schemes and

other activities to improve the environment can be a lot of

fun. Educating children about the importance of recycling

and the environment provides a path to a greener future.

In this issue and in coming volumes of The Green Times, we

will concentrate on some recycling activities for the pupils.

Recycling drives in schools can play a pivotal role in improv-

ing the environment and can reduce money spent by the

school on waste disposal.

Educational Activities

There are a number of fun activities for pupils that will edu-

cate them about recycling and its importance to the environ-

ment. Below are some suggestions of activities that can be

carried out in school:

Role Plays are a good way of allowing children to ex-

press their opinions on recycling and encourage debate.

Word search puzzles allow the pupils to explore the dif-

ferent terms related to recycling.

Name that symbol is a game where pupils can become

familiar with recycling symbols.

Arts and crafts are an excellent way of recycling materi-

als, and can demonstrate to the pupils that recycling can be


The magnetism test of aluminium and steel cans can aid


The Green Times goes digital

-catch all the ’green stuff ‘at

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