The Great War 1914-1918 Causes and Battles Tensions rise in Europe The time period immediately before World War I was known as La Belle Epoch (which.

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The Great War1914-1918

Causes and Battles

Tensions rise in Europe

• The time period immediately before World War I was known as La Belle Epoch (which means the beautiful era) – Due to the positive achievements of the

Industrial Era

• However, it was also a time when tension among various European powers was increasing for several reasons

Trouble in the Balkans

• One problem was that the Ottoman Empire was receding and 2 countries wanted the land:

• Austria-Hungary wants land for their empire

• Serbia wants their own kingdom

German Aggression• Under Bismarck Germany had

maintained good relationships with most of Europe

• But Kaiser Wilhelm II, the new leader of Germany, destroys the careful balance – He wants Germany to “have its

place in the sun” and actively starts to build up Germany’s arsenal

• Alliances build up as a result

Triple Entente: ______, _____, _____ Triple Alliance: ____, ____, ___

(later known as the Allies) (later known as the Central Powers)

The Powder Keg of Europe• The tensions in pre-war

Europe can be remembered as the MAIN causes of WWI

• Militarism

• Alliance System

• Imperialism

• Nationalism

The Spark

• June 28, 1914– Assassination of Archduke

Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo

– The Black Hand

– The catalyst for declarations of war across Europe


After the assassination…

• Why didn’t the assassination just remain an issue between Serbia and Austria-Hungary?

The “Blank Check”

“Finally, as far as concerns Serbia, His Majesty, of course, cannot interfere in the dispute now going on between Austria-Hungary and that country…The Emperor Francis Joseph may, however, rest assured that His Majesty will faithfully stand by Austria-Hungary, as is required by the obligations of his alliance and of his ancient friendship.”

-Telegram from German chancellor to Austria-Hungary, 1914, pledging German support

The Progression to War(DON’T COPY THIS) Instead, just notice how

quickly everything escalated

• July 23: Austria issues ultimatum to Serbia

• Serbia doesn’t fulfill the ultimatum

• July 28:Austria-Hungary declares war

• July 29: Russia mobilizes its army

• August 1: Germany declares war on Russia

• August 3: Germany declares war on France

• August 4: Great Britain declares war on Germany

The War Begins!• By Aug 4, 1914, the great powers of Europe have

declared war on each other• Both sides are confident that the war will be short and

victorious; it is viewed as an adventure by many• Videos:


Once the war begins, the Ottoman Empire joins the Central Powers.Italy will not fight at first, and then join the Allies.

The Schlieffen

Plan• Germany’s war

strategy• If you were

Germany, how would you address the problem of a two-front war?

• Why did they feel confident they would easily defeat France?

• Did their plan work?

War Fronts• The battle lines were

known as fronts• WWI was fought in

many locations, including European colonies in East Africa and North Africa

• However, the most well known front was…

The Western Front

• Fought in Belgium and France• Involved Trench Warfare

– There was very little movement for 4 years, fierce fighting did not lead to great gains in territory

– Very high casualty rates

– How would you feel as a soldier there?

– Famous battles:• Battle of Verdun (1916) was the longest battle

• The Battle of the Somme (1916) had over 1 million casualties


Other Fronts• The Balkan Front

– Battles take place in the Middle East and Turkey

• The Eastern Front– Fought in Russia– Despite early successes,

the Russian troops were severely under-equipped

• Some were instructed just to pick up the weapons of their fallen comrades

Where are the three fronts?

War of Attrition• WWI quickly became a war of attrition• Basically, each side tried to inflict as much damage as

possible on the other side• The goal was to try to outlast your enemy• How would this mentality relate to casualty numbers?

1917: An Important Year • Russia withdraws from the

war• The US enters the war-Why?

– Unrestricted submarine warfare (German U-Boats)

• Sinking of the Lusitania (1915)

– Zimmerman Telegraph

• Provides a huge psychological, as well as material and financial, boost for the allies

Total War• Complete mobilization of

resources and people for the war effort

• Increased Government Powers– The draft, rationing, government-

run economies

• Manipulation of Public Opinion– Propaganda, censorship

• Increased role of Women and Minorities– Jobs led to more freedoms– African American troops fighting



WORLD WAR IWhy was the Balkan region a trouble spot?

The two alliances systems the were created were:

The MAIN causes of the war were:


The event that sparked the war was the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian heir______________________________by a member of the Black Hand (A Bosnian nationalist group) in Serbia

How did the other countries get involved?Germany issues the ___________________, Austria gives Serbia an __________________, Russia mobilizes its army, and so does everyone elseItaly doesn’t join at first, and will actually __________________________. Also, the __________________________joins the Central Powers.

The ________________ Plan was Germany’s war strategy. It failed and resulted in the creation of ________________________.

What is a front?The Western Front:

The Balkan Front:

The Eastern Front:

Why is 1917 an important year?

A Total War is when all of a country’s people and resources are used in the war effort.Why is WWI considered to be a total war?

What role did women and minorities play in WWI?

What is propaganda?

WORLD WAR IWhy was the Balkan region a trouble spot?

The two alliances systems the were created were:

The Triple Entente: _________________, ________________, ______________This group later became known as the Allies.

The Triple Alliance: ________________, _________________, _____________This group later became known as the Central Powers.

The MAIN causes of the war were:

The event that sparked the war was the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian heir______________________________ by a member of the Black Hand (A Bosnian nationalist group) in Serbia

How did the other countries get involved?Germany issues the ___________________, Austria gives Serbia an __________________, Russia mobilizes its army, and so does everyone elseItaly doesn’t join at first, and will actually __________________________. Also, the __________________________joins the Central Powers.

The ________________ Plan was Germany’s war strategy. It failed and resulted in the creation of ________________________.

What is a front?The Western Front:

The Balkan Front:

The Eastern Front:

Why is 1917 an important year? _______________left the war and ______________ joined

A Total War is when all of a country’s people and resources are used in the war effort.Why is WWI considered to be a total war?

What role did women and minorities play in WWI?

What is propaganda?

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