The Gray Wolf

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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The Gray Wolf. By Dolan and lauren. The Gray Wolf. Slide 1: Introductory Paragraph Slide 2: Anatomy/Physical Description Slide 3 : F acts Slide 4 : Diet/Food C hain Slide 5 : F ood Chain Slide 6 : L ife Cycle Slide 7: M ovement Slide 8: Species Survival Status - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


THE GRAY WOLFBy Dolan and lauren

THE GRAY WOLFSlide 1: Introductory Paragraph Slide 2: Anatomy/Physical DescriptionSlide 3: Facts Slide 4: Diet/Food ChainSlide 5: Food ChainSlide 6: Life Cycle Slide 7: MovementSlide 8: Species Survival Status Slide 9: HabitatSlide 10: Behavior/Something SpecialSlide 11: AdaptationsSlide 12: ConclusionGlossaryBibliography

INTRODUCTIONPounce, bite, yum. That’s the Gray Wolf. It is an amazing animal. Join us to learn more about the Gray Wolf.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTIONThe Gray Wolf can be different colors like gray, brown, cinnamon and many other colors. The Gray Wolf also has long legs for running and jumping and big ears for hearing prey. They have powerful jaws for eating meat. The gray Wolf looks like a German Shepherd.


When people didn’t kill wolves they would hunt together . Their breeding season is February and March. Threats to survival are humans and habitat loss.

FOOD CHAINThe Gray Wolf is a carnivore, that means that it only eats meat. They eat elk , voles, and even buffalo. There is only one thing that kills wolves, that is humans.

LIFE CYCLEThe Gray Wolf’s life cycle is simple. It’s baby or pup , kid, young adult and finally adult. See, just simple.

MOVEMENTThe Gray Wolf moves stealthily to creep up on prey, so they aren’t seen.

SPECIES SURVIVAL STATUSThe Gray Wolf is endangered because people kill them to make carpets and coats out of their fur. Some people just go out and kill wolves even though they are endangered.

HABITATThe Gray Wolf lives in the desert mountains. The red part on this map shows where wolves live. The green part shows were they once lived, or are not living there.

BEHAVIORThe gray wolf is usually calm unless it is hunting or something attacks it. If a human comes in contact with a wolf, the wolf will probably try to kill it.

ADAPTATIONSThe gray wolf adapts to its mountains biome. It has long fur to keep warm and sharp teeth for eating meat. They also have great noses for sniffing out prey.

THANKS FOR WATCHINGWe really hope you learned something new about the fascinating features of the Gray Wolf.

GLOSSARY• Breeding - the process by which young animals, birds, etc., are produced

by their parents • Threat - someone or something that could cause trouble, harm, etc• Stealthily - quiet and secret in order to avoid being noticed • Endangered - threatened with extinction• Biome - a complex biotic community characterized by distinctive plant

and animal species and maintained under the climatic conditions of the region, especially such a community that has developed to climax.

BIBLIOGRAPHY• Book: Gray Wolf by Chris Reiter• Website: Defenders of Wildlife• Website: Wildlife• Website:

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