THE GRAMOPHONE Co LTD - SoundsTHE GRAMOPHONE Co LTD. 46HIS MASTER'S VOICE' Circassian Wood, The horn in this instrument is designed and Price built on an entirely new acoustic princi-

Post on 03-Apr-2020






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Circassian Wood, The horn in this instrument is designed and built on an entirely new acoustic princi- Price £30 0 0 ple. Unlike other hornless models, it is

not constructed of wood but of specially tempered metal, which gives added brilliancy to the reproduction.


12-inch, 5s. 6d.; 10-inch, 3s. 6d.

THE BAND OF H.M. COLDSTREAM GUARDS. (Conducted by Lieut. Dr. J. Mackenzie Rogan, M.V.O.)

12-inch (Black Label), 5s. 6d.

0322 Baron Trenck (Selection I.) (Albiui)

0323 Baron Trenck (Selection II.) (Albiui)

T HIS comic opera, which con- tains some first-rate music, was originally produced in Leipzig, and recently arrived

in London at the Whitney Theatre. via New York. The first selection contains an exceptionally pretty waltz, and a charming cantabile movement ; and the second, which is full of vivacity, also gives a further attractive waltz number. "Baron Trenck" is rich in melody and very cleverly scored, while the music is of a kind that will bear repeated hearing, since the ear does not tire of it in a hurry. (Speed 8I.)

Published hi, Remick, Xew York.

Photo Shade ell Clerke

Lieut. Mackenzie Rogan

El Abanico (javaloyes)

T HE opening of this number shows that dignity and organ-like

richness of tone which belongs to the best military music, while the rhythm also is beautifully clear and crisp. The second part is full of tasteful and interesting melody, played with high

finish and clearness. A Coldstream's selection, displaying the utmost possible beauty of tone and rare artistic perfection. (.Specd 8I

.) Published 1j' Hawkes &' Son.

10-inch (Black Label), 3s. 6d.

Convivial March (O'Harra)

T HIS quickstep is notable on account of the use of the jovial old

German song " Drinking" in the second half-hence the title. The beginning of the March is bright and unflagging, while the famous German drinking song is splendidly given on the

trombones, accompanied by some pretty running passages on the wood- wind, the number being of more than ordinary interest. (Steed 81.)

Published 1)), Hawa&es & Son. j

A SPIRITED two-step, full of tune and joyous vigour. Played

in the most magnificent style of the Coldstreams Band, this shows excellent bits of light and shade, as well as those fuller and more rousing effects which display the full resources of

this accomplished band. (Steed 81.) Published hey Hawokes & Son.


rýa" l ' NA(? CC'.11dV ?. ?11% -.n Ccmpositioi .)

12-inch (Black Label), 5s. 6d.

Amina Serenade

V ERY pretty intermezzo, a feature of which is the tapping

accompaniment to the principal theme. Herr Lincke's orchestra secures a full rich tone in the more vigorous passages, these being interspersed with lighter phrases which afford

excellent relief. Such unpretentious music as this is always pleasing and never dull ; it is played in the best style, the smart finish evidencing the close attention given to detail. (Speed S0.) i

Published b),, Haw'zes Son. I

On the Bosphorous (Lincke)

T HERE is certainly a nautical roll about "On the Bosphorous,"

and the short phrase chanted by the bandsmen suggests the singing of native oarsmen. Both the lighter and the more vigorous sections are very suggestive of water music, a southern

character being also given to the music, the quaint effects introduced making it at once novel and stimulating. ( te'a' 81 1

Puhh'shed by .Hauwkr°s .San.

º'TIHIS dance has a well-marked and graceful theme, and its1 numbers afford excellent variety, the whirling finish being in

the true waltz manner, while the performance under the skilled baton of Herr Lincke is clear, spirited and effective.

(Sp,°<d 80.)Published bey Hawkes Son.

10-inch (Black Label), 3s. 6d.

LIGHT and dainty entr'acte piece, full of taking melody, such as

cannot fail to charm the dullest ear. The popularity of " Onkel Fichte" can only be added to by so excellent a reproduction as this one. (Speed 80.)

Published by Hawkes &'' Son.

Mr. HARRY DEARTH (Bass).12-inch (Black Label), 5s. 6d.

02331 Lighterman Tom (Squire)


described as one of Mr. W. W. Jacobs yarns in songs, since it is a description of the joys of

the life of a jolly bargee. The per- formance shows those sterling qualities which ever mark the work of Mr. Harry Dearth ; the colloquial style, the ease and confidence of this singer, have an indescribable charm, and with this comes that knowledge of just how to sing a song which marks a born artist. A

popular baritone song capitally sung. (Speed 8 I.)


Mr. JOHN HARRISON (Tenor). 12-inch (Black Label), 5s. 6d.

`.F studied at the Paris Conservatoire, and subsequently became pianist to Queen Victoria. His songs were exceptionally musical, and this one, like his more famous example "The Message," was sung by the late Sims Reeves. Mr. John Harrison gives a robust and spirited opening to the serenade, modulating his tones on the phrase"

My knees are bowed, my hands are clasped in prayer,"

into a perfect expression of a lover's true devotion. The use of the nie_sa-zoce on the last "Good-night" is skilful and very beautiful. Altogether an excellent per- formance of Blumenthal's splendid tenor song. (Speed 81.)

Mr. THORPE BATES (Baritone).10-inch (Black Label), 3s. 6d.

G.C. 4-2147 The Admiral's Broom,(J'u'an)

T HIS song gains considerably by its

performance at the hand of this fine baritone. The story of the rival Admirals, Van Tromp with

the ensign of the Broom, and Drake with his whip at the fore, is told with a fire and a spirit which recalls the days of these fine old sea dogs. This verve and spirit soon comes out in the words :-

" And as he paced his quarter-deck And looked on the misty tide,

He saw Old England like a speck, And he shook his fist and cried."

And this excellent style is sustained to the end. A fine bluff performance of the o'd sea yarn. (Seed 80.)

I'nbllshea her Enoch Sons.

An Evening Song (Rhimenihal) TAQUES BLUMENTHAL might I perhaps be styled a cosmopolitan

musician. Born in Hamburg, he

Madame EDNA THORNTON (Contralto).

12-inch (Black Label), 5s. 6d. 2-053051 Largo (Ombra mai fu)

by Madame Edna Thornton. The air following-

A s is well known to Handelian students,

the great Saxon Master's earlier pro- ductive years were chiefly devoted to the writing of operas, of which to-day

little is heard on account of the utterly different

conditions now existing. Yet from among these

operas a few exquisite airs are still heard on

the concert platform, and among them the present

example, " Ombra mai fu," known to instru-

mentalists as " Handel's Largo." The short

recitative beginning-

is in the master's finest declamatory style, and is splendidly delivered

is one of the divinest melodies ever breathed by this great composer. The low pitch of the leading phrase lends itself to the display of the deep tones of Edna Thornton's lower register, while the " rar"a eel amabile" brings into play the singer's thrilling upper notes. The rich legato by which the phrases are bound together being another sterling feature of this exceptionally fine performance, which is one of the best

ever recorded of Madame Edna Thornton. (Speed 80.)

Published bey Novello & Co.


Yli;to 1I. na Stý.d'

Mr. Harry Lauder


10-inch (Black Label), 3s. 6d.

G.C. 4-2146

Wee Jean Macgregor


the present ditty to the old Scotch tune of " Rob Roy Macgregor O," and the

band gives a very good representation of the drone of the pipes. For the rest, Harry Lauder is in his highest spirits, and relates the adventures which occur in the courtship of Wee Jean Macgregor, which end up un- expectedly in the middle of a sea-trip. Has all the quaintness and boisterous humour of this genial comedian's admired performances. (5! a' 80

MISS Allicilta",THE] RENARD TRIO. 12-inch (Black Label), 5s. 6d. Slavonic Dance in C.

V /

D VORAK, the composer of these dances, was of humble birth,

being the son of an inn-keeper and butcher, and while studying he supported himself by playing the violin in the cafes at Prague. These dances open with a wild and tuneful strain

as follows :-


This proceeds with no lack of animation until we come to the second

strain, opening with a sostenuto for 'cello, which instrument has later a most charming and sympathetic melody. The characteristics of wild

and irregular passages interspersed with rich melodic phrases is well kept up, and the whole is excellently laid out for the instruments, and

all is given with the utmost effect and expressive charm by this

accomplished trio. (Speed 80.)



10-inch (Violet Label), as. 6d.

Variations (Tartini-Kret'sler)

(` jý

C UISEPPE TARTINI is most widely known as the composer of the Devil's trill, which was revealed to him by Satan in a dream. Apart from this celebrated composition he wrote

50 sonatas and 150 concertos for Violin, and was the foremost

Fritz Kreisler

violinist of his time. These variations open with a straightforward tune easily understood by everybody and performed by Herr Kreisler in a very spirited fashion. The variations are played with that delight- ful delicacy which is one of the chief charms of Kreisler's art, the bowing being

exceptionally light and feathery. The third variation contains an admirable sequence of shakes, and the conclusion a series of chord passages, all executed in the same masterly manner. A splendid example of this leading violinist's command of his instru-

ment and his charm of style.

(Speed 80.)


Rejoice in the Lord (Si;- F. Bridge) 12-inch (Violet Label), 6s. 6d.

For the Coronation of Their Majesties King George V and Queen Mary.


(Conducted by Sir Frederick Bridge, M.ß'.0., M.A., Mus.Doc., Organist of Westminster Abbey and Director of Music at the Coronation.)

(Solo by Mn Edward Lloyd) (Tke .oords arepublisked by kindpcrmission of Sir P. Bridge.)

T HIS is the celebrated Homage Anthem performed after the

crowning of the King in the great Coronation Ceremony, for which it was especially composed by Sir Frederick Bridge, Organist of Westminster Abbey. This record gives a splen-

did reproduction of the singing of the Abbey Choir, the familiar beauties of which will be at once recognised, for, apart from Mr. Edward Lloyd, the choristers and musicians are those who actually

sung and played in the Abbey on this historic occasion. The central feature

Sir Frederick Bridge

of this performance is undoubtedly the singing of the solo,

" The eye of the Lord is upon them that fear Him,"

by Mr. Edward Lloyd, the veteran tenor, who emerged from his retire. ment solely in order to sing at the Coronation of the King. The fresh- ness and beauty of Mr. Edward Lloyd's upper register may well be a surprise to many. The Anthem concludes with Luther's well-known Chorale, " A stronghold sure." Greatest effect is made with the beautiful singing of the boys' voices, and the use of the organ and trumpets add that dignity which belongs to a composition of this character. (Speed 81.)


I)omage .nfff em-coutiuued.

Rejoice in the Lord, 0 ye righteous, it becometh well the just to be thankful.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,

Whose God is the Lord, and the people whom he has chosen. The people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance, Blessed the nation whose God is the Lord, whose God is the

Lord, The nation and people whose God is the Lord, the nation and

people whose God is the Lord, Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, and the people

whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance, for His own inheritance.

The Lord looketh from heaven ; He beholdeth all the sons of men, from the habitation of His dwelling,

He considereth all the inhabitants of the earth, He fashioneth their hearts alike, He considereth all their works, There is no king that can be saved by the multitude of an host ; A mighty man is not delivered-not delivered by much strength. Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear Him, upon

them that hope in His mercy, The eye of the Lord is upon

them that fear Him, upon them that hope in His

mercy, To deliver their soul from death,

and to feed them, and to feed them,

In the time of dearth, in the time of dearth.

Our soul hath patiently tarried for the Lord : for He is our help and our shield.

Our heart shall rejoice in Him. We have hoped in His Holy Name.

Let Thy merciful kindness, 0 Lord, Thy kindness be

upon us As we do put our trust in Thee.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Published by Novello Co. Edward Lloyd



MR. JOHN LEMMONE. 12-inch (Black Label), 5s. 6d.

Wind amongst the trees (Briccial«'i)

S o novel and at the same time so artistic a flute solo has perhaps not been issued upon a record before. The "Wind amongst the trees" is first suggested by some free

chromatic running passages not unlike the opening of Mendelssohn's ` Bees' Wedding." These are heard at all portions of the flute's compass, excellent use being made of the soft lower register of the instrument. The centre of the composition consists of a charming slow melody, and in the variations which follow the flute takes both melody and accompanimental passages together. The

short runs descriptive of the wind now take on a wild and stormy character, and finally the whole closes in a brilliant manner. This is a superb performance and something altogether new, and played with both brilliance and delicacy of tone. (Speed 81.)


(Written and arranged by Mr. W. A. Seymour.)

12-inch (Black Label), 5s. 6d.

09253 Heard during the Royal Progress through London.

T HERE are few things more interesting than a London crowd,

and this record gives a representation of the drama enacted by

a typical Coronation crowd upon such an occasion as that of the King's Progress through the streets of London. We hear

the bands playing and the people shouting ; the questions of strangers and the replies given ; the good-humoured chaff bandied about from

one to the other ; and note the distress of the lady who will not take her hat off. As the procession arrives some of the figures come in for

a share of attention, until finally the arrival of His Majesty the King in person is the signal for the deafening cheers of the multitude. A

scene of this kind has not been recorded so elaborately before, or with such emphatic success ; it is certainly worthy of the occasion.

--- .ý ia, j o

Miss Gertie Millar.12-inch Black Label), 5s. 6d.

03242 Tony from America (Quaker Girl) 1Monckton (Published by Chappell £&' Co.)

E have great pleasure in announcing a Record of Gertie Millar's Quaker

Girl success, " Tony from America." This is the last number of importance

which remained to be recorded from this

most successful of Musical Comedies. The full list of records can be obtained on application to your accredited dealer.

T HIS is one of the best

" hits " from Mr. George Edwardes' successful

musical play, " The Quaker Girl," and gives Miss GertieMillar plenty of displaying all the her voice and style.

scope for

qualities of The cares-

singly winsome way in which she takes the listener into her

in this dainty little song with its catchy refrain ismost captivating. (Speed 81.)

Messrs. Geo. Grossmith, Jr.,

and Edmund Payne.12-inch (Black Label), 5s. 6d.

04085 The Two Obadiahs Lvste (Published by Ascherberg, Hopwood c Crew.)

I N "The Two O6adiahs " we have a revival of a famous

old comic song, originally sung, we believe, by the great Macdermott ; a song which gave great delight to our

forefathers in byegone days. We are especially indebted tothe two celebrated comedians, Messrs. George Grossmith, Jun.,

and Edmund Payne, for

reviving this song, which is sung quite in the traditional manner, as will be noted by all whose memory

will carry sufficiently far back.

Meanwhile " The Two Obadiahs "has been brought up to date, and several topical hits introduced. The

allusions to Strauss's " Salome " are

exceedingly rich, and the humours of the modern skating rink are

also excellently hit off. The combination of the new and old in this is admirable, and the performance a finished one. (Speed 81.)

12-inch (Black Label), 5s. 6d. Archibald ! Certainly Not Alfred Glover

(Published by Franc is, Day Hunter.)ý-=sý. " e .. i---L`- --ý---," ý n ý ý , ý' /% o a iaugmel maker ý-aeoree rtoDeV ilas aworla-

PA wide reputation. He hasastvleand individualitywhich is inimitable and in the present record of

Archibald, certainly not ! " we have caught him in one of his most delightful moods. Nothing more amusing can be imagined than the way in which he sings this honeymoon story. His irritable, nervous manner, his high-pitched voice, and his pretentions to gentility willcause roars of laughter. The song is irresistibly funny,

4 {I % the words perfectly clear and the patter decidedly 1'ý- " Robeyesque." This is unquestionably one of the best

GEORGE ROBEY records ever issued of this prince of humorists. draw,, by him=self.(Speed

81. )

The Light Opera Company. 12-inch (Black Label), 5s. 6d. f,

04517 Gems from " Peggy "-Part I. Leslie Stuart 04518 Gems from " Peggy "-Part II. Leslie Stuart

(Published by Chas5Jell & Co.)

T HESE two selections are of topical interest, being from Mr. Leslie Stuart's new musical play now running at the Gaiety Theatre. There is a vein

of original melody always present in the works of Leslie Stuart and " Peggy " is as full of melody as any of his previous successes. The opening of the first selection at once gives a taste of the excellent quality which is to follow. Among the many pretty airs which are quoted here are the duet " For this I love you truly,' " I beg your pardon-Not at all," and the fine swinging waltz with which selection No. I. closes. The secondrecord has another lively opening, and its numbers containone especial gem in " Ladies, beware," which is sung with exceptional beauty by the soprano and containssome exquisite notes. The whole concludes with a `7

couple of the composer's bustling ensembles. Most of PEGGY."

these songs have a striking chorus sung by a full body of voices, and the effect of the whole is most happy and delightful and should send people flocking to hear " Peggy " at the theatre. (Speed 81.)

The Gramophone Coy., Ltd.



In, the


" HIS MASTER'S VOICE." HE new models of "His Master's Voice" are small in

compass, but being constructed with a Patent Resonance TChamber they have perfect tone and volume, are not just

suitable but designed for you to take with you for an outdoor expedition.Think

what it means to one, when becalmed or laid-to for the evening on. a yacht, being able to hear all the greatest singers in the world-not only such stars as Melba and Caruso, but the greatest


Music Hall Artists, Instrumentalists,

Bands and Orchestras, according to your fancy.

It is made more than easy to take " His Master's Voice " with you by

the introduction of beautifully designed

and constructed Carrying Cases for Instrument and Records. The illustra-

tion shows one of our New Tan Cowhide Instrument Cases, containing a complete Hornless Gramophone ; it is

lined with Green Baize, and fitted with lock and key, in addition to two straps and buckles. The price of it is-

For No. I. ... ... ... ... £ 1 15 0 No. III. ... ... ... ... £2 2 0 No. VI. ... ... ... "". £2 15 0

It is also made in best Leatherette ; the cost of either No. 1. or No. III. is £1 10 0.

I A New Patent Carrying Album for Records,*

invaluable for out-door use, is also illustrated on

this page ; the price for it to hold 12 12-inchýX

Records is 8/-, and for 24, 11;-. To hold 12 10-inch Records, 6/- ; and 24 10-inch, 10j-.

Your dealer can also supply " His Master's

Voice " Tan Cowhide Record Carrying Cases, to hold 24 Records at 17/6, which has the advantage

of great strength. Ask him for particulars of

everything necessary for music in the open air.


MODELS I. & III. THESE handsome little instruments may well be considered the

prodigies of the Gramophone Family. For their size the tone is

truly marvellous.


No. III (illustrated)


Plain varnished oak quartered top. Nickel

grill and fittings. Strong single - spring motor. Gramophone taper arm. junior "Exhibition" sound box. 10 in. turntable.


Inlaid French polish quartered oak. Nickel-

plated fittings. Wooden

grill. Latest single- spring motor. Gramo-

Price £3 10 0 phone taper arm. Exhibition" sound Price £5 10 0 box. 10 in. turntable.

MODEL VI. A Beautiful Hornless model constructed on the new principle,

which secures all the volume and tone of the Horn machine.

Panelled French polishquartered oak. Nickel-plated cabinet fittings.Wooden grill. Double-spring motor. Gramo-

" Exhibition " soundbox. 12 in. turntable.



Circassian Wood, To meet the increased demand for a hand.

Price f 50 0 0 some Cabinet Instrument, embodying all the recent improvements of the Gramo-

phone, a new model has been designed of the choicest Circassian Wood. Great attention has, been paid by the designer to the symmetry of this model, which is so beautifully constructed in every detail that it can take its place unchallenged in any Room.

In honour of THE


Their Majesties

King George and

Queen Mary


has requested the GramophoneCompany,

Ltd., to issue her Record of our

great National Anthem, accompanied by the Band of H.M. "Coldstream Guards, at a special price of 6/6, to bring it within the scope of a greater number of loyal subjects.

The only Record by

With the sole exception of this Coronation Record, which bears a striking portrait of H.M. King George V., no Instrument or Record is issued by the Gramophone Company, Ltd., which does not bear the famous picture Trade Mark,

11 His Master's Voice "in colours, known throughout the world as the Hall Mark of Quality.


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