The Giver - Abdi

Post on 30-Oct-2014






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By Abdi Amin


Written by Lois Lowry Attended University of Maine - majored in writing. Didn’t start writing professionally until she was in her mid-30s Author of over 20 novels Very talented writer she won many awards including the Dorothy Canfield Fisher Award. the Boston Globe – Horn Book Award. the California Young Reader’s Medal. the Mark Twain Award. Her father had lost most of his long-term memory.

About the book

GENRE :Young adult; science fiction; fantasy; dystopia

The story is told completely from Jonas’s point of view.

Time : An unspecified time in the future Place :A utopian community Like the Native American oral language

their history is not written down and can be lost forever if the receiver dies.


In Jonas's utopia everything is controlled by "the Elders," right down to who you will marry, who you receive as children, and what you will be "assigned" as a career. There is no individuality, everybody is the same except Jonas, the giver and Gabriel. They have the ability to see colors, here music and most importantly they have memories. Jonas receives memories from the giver and sees the faults in his utopia and wants to change things in his community for the better.


every aspect of a person's life is carefully planned.

People rarely make choices on their own everything is decided for them by the

community. People in the community do not do

anything that is different. There is no colors or music, no animals or


Life in the community

paradise comes to mind when you think about their utopia and its people.

The idea of Sameness Everyone wears the same things No crimes No criticism No discrimination No wars


Jonas Eleven-year-old

protagonist of The Giver Sensitive and intelligent,

with strange powers of perception,

he is chosen to be the new Receiver of Memory for his community

He and the giver can see colors, feel emotions

Giver The old man known in the

community as the Receiver of Memory.

Uses his wisdom to help the Committee of Elders make important decisions

Haunted by memories of suffering and pain for carrying the memories for an entire community of people

Teaches Jonas

Other Characters

Fiona Jonas’s friends. She has red hair,

which only Jonas can see, and works as a Caretaker in the House of the Old.

Has erotic dream about Fiona.


• Jonas’s seven-year-old sister.

• Talks a lot• She is like a

normal kid but well-informed for a little girl.

Asher Jonas’s best

friend speaks too fast,

mixing up his words to the

Doesn’t like his teachers

Assistant Director of Recreation.

Gabriel • New child

that Jonas’s family cares for at night

• has trouble sleeping at night unless Jonas puts him to sleep with some memories

• Jonas becomes very close to him.


After Jonas receives memories form the giver his new emotional and his new awareness cause him to rebel against the restrictions his society places on freedom of choice, individuality, emotion, and human experience.


Written form Jonas's point of view There is no freedom of choice or

expression everyone looks and acts the same

When a child turns twelve the elders gives them a job in the community based on his or her abilities and interests.

You apply a spouse or sometime they assign one , and each couple is assigned exactly two children each.

More of the plot

If your break the rules of the community you are released.

When Jonas turns twelve he is given the highly honored Job of “Receiver of Memory” - keeper of the community’s memory.

Jonas starts to see faults in the community.

Jonas rebels against the community.


The Importance of: self expression individuality life experience rules and order Loneliness


“We really have to protect people from wrong choices.”

“ Jonas did not take his pill. Something within him, something that had grown there through the memories, told him to throw the pill away.”

"The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It's the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.”

Work Cited

"Reading Lois Lowry's 'The Giver' as an Adult." The Atlantic Wire. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Jan. 2013.

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