The Gig Guide Issue 13

Post on 07-Mar-2016






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February / March Edition



NEWS: What’s happening on the Kent music scene | REVIEWS: We check out your music

NOT TO BE MISSED: Top events in Kent | PLUS: Your regular 2 months of Kent gig listings.

K E N T ’ S N o . 1 F R E E E N T E R T A I N M E N T S M A G A Z I N E

Issue 13 / February - March

The Welsh lads showcasetheir latest album in Margate.

WinTickets to see thefantastic LauraSolon inFolkestone.

Snap!Step into thealternative worldof JennyHardcore.



32 High Street, Deal, CT14 6HE Tel: (01304) 369115

Deal’s friendly high-street music bar

Fri 5thSat 6th

Sun 7thFri 12th

Sat 13thSun 14th

- (TBC)- Zero

Tolerance- On The Run- Martin

Jonathan- Donna- Heroes

Fri 19thSat 20thSun 21st

Fri 26thSat 27th

Sun 28th

- (TBC)- Chris (As Is Now)

- MixedEmotions

- (TBC)- Nearly

Famous- Scandal

Fri 5th

Sun 7thFri 12th

Sun 14thFri 19th

- MixedEmotions

- Scandal- Nearly

Famous- Heroes- Chris (As Is Now)

Sat 20thSun 21stFri 26thSat 27th

Sun 28th

- Slug Pixies- Elbert Felc- Gold Top- Archive- Broken

February - March | The Gig Guide | 3

Meet the Team...


Stuart Keeler

Hello and welcome to

Issue 13 of The Gig

Guide, which sees us say

hello to Spring as we see the

end of the Winter months!

It’s getting tougher for music

right now, with more and more

local pubs cutting down their music quota, or even

stopping altogether. However there is still a wide

variety going on and we will try our best to keep

you informed about the latest news.

This issue we’ve got interviews with Mike Lewis from

Lostprophets; talking about life in the band, and

also with Jenny Hardcore; the quirky and alternative

photography who’s shots have already graced the

pages of our Gig Guide previously.

March sees the very start of festival season with

Quarterhouse in Folkestone hosting ‘The Hook’, plus

stay tuned as we’ll be bringing you news of the

summers top festivals in our next edition.

As always, enjoy the read!

Phillip Moore

is forever changing.

Abby Kedwell

is thinking life is good and can onlyget better!

Wayne Elvin starting to think that today is thetomorrow he worried aboutyesterday.

Joe Fendt Sales

is looking forward to an excitingFebruary and March with The Flack.

Jo Lawford

is considering the future.

Michael Lake

is not liking the cold.

Richard Batchelor

is taking a break.

Contact Details


Telephone: 01843 282515

Fax: 01843 282501



Facebook: Search for ‘The Gig Guide Magazine’



The Gig Guide

Thanet Publishing Ltd

Westwood Business Park

Strasbourg Street

Margate, Kent


For advertising enquiries, contact Joe Fendt;

Telephone: 07969198189


For future bookings, contact Martin direct



4th February - 2nd March

Sports Bar (Strass Hotel),Mayrhofen, Austria

Friday 5th

Saturday 6th

Friday 12th

Saturday 13th

Sunday 14th



Saturday 20th

- Lord Clyde, Deal

- Charity Inn, Woodnesborough

- New Inn, Deal

- The Fox, Temple Ewell

- Cullins Yard, Dover

- Park Inn, Dover

- Cullins Yard, Dover


February - March | The Gig Guide | 5

F e a t u r e s

Lostprophets............................9The boys from Pontypridd take timeout to chat with The Gig Guide beforetheir February appearance in Margate!

Jenny Hardcore......................13Jo Lawford interviews the promisingphotographer who’s snapped the likesof The Who, Babyshambles, Jamie Tand Florence and the Machine.

Competition............................19Tickets to see the brilliant Laura Solonlive at Quarterhouse.

Heads South...........................20Michael Lake checks out Heads Southrecent gig at Keppels Bar in Folkestone.

Competition............................39Your chance to win the latest album

from The Concrete Gods.

Googies Art Cafe.....................40Abby Kedwell visits the latest cafe tohit folkestone, which is full to thebrim with artistic potential.

R e g u l a r s



Not to be Missed.....................42

Caught in the Act....................45




13 6


facilisistincidunt enim

erra consequat. Donec vel

ligula orci. Cras imperdiet dictum

euismod. Quisque sed nulla felis, at consequat

nibh. Vestibulum iaculis elit quis odio consectetur ut

faucibus quam dictum. Praesent commodo, risus consectetur

enenatis sodales, arcu ligula volutpat dolor, in vehicula diam leo non

dui. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes,

nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis sed est urna, sit amet fermentum neque.

Phasellus commodo est quis dui aliquam vel rutrum tellus porttitor.

Suspendisse in libero ante, vel viverra tellus. Curabitur iaculis augue

et urna pellentesque at laoreet lacus sagittis. Suspendisse vel risus

ante, vel ornare enim. Suspendisse a nisl orci. Quisque ut risus eu

elit bibendum iaculis at in dolor. Vivamus pretium sem ac mi

auctor vehicula. Aenean quis turpis ac quam condimentum

elementum ac ac urna. Nulla pretium lacus at magna eleifend tristique. Integer

olutpat, risus vitae placerat blandit, libero neque scelerisque

quam, in euismod dolor risus eget magna.

Maecenas dictum laoreet scelerisque.

Suspendisse potenti. Proin erat sem, viverra vel

mattis sed, auctor sed lectus. Aliquam rutrum,

at sed lacinia hendrerit, eros nulla luctus nibh,

rhoncus posuere felis orci vel quam. Nam blandit

lorem a urna ultrices dictum. Phasellus pretium

eleifend eros ornare elementum. Etiam risus

arcu, euismod in lacinia tempus, tincidunt sit

amet metus. In est tortor, blandit quis lobortis

sit amet, aliquam nec tortor. Aliquam erat

olutpat. Integer bibendum turpis quis lectus

estibulum eget varius velit dignissim. Cras

avida fermentum lacinia. Nulla est quam,

sodales a varius ac, vehicula ac mauris. Aenean

sagittis dictum sollicitudin. Cras sem lectus,

condimentum sit amet venenatis eget, hendrerit

id sem. Curabitur posuere arcu quis metus

mattis facilisis. Mauris vehicula lacinia tellus,

vitae feugiat eros lacinia vel. Mauris ut lorem

vitae lectus ultrices cursus eget ut orci.

Etiam eget risus id urna hendrerit luctus ac ac

at. Nam eget quam enim, sit amet tempor mi.

Aliquam et hendrerit nisl. Maecenas eu urna ac

quam tincidunt eleifend. Aliquam erat eros,

adipiscing ut congue in, ornare vel urna.

Mauris cursus mattis nibh, sagittis egestas

justo adipiscing et. Etiam adipiscing

vulputate sapien, et adipiscing tellus auctor

imperdiet. Quisque at turpis nec odio

ultricies iaculis. Cras non tortor vitae tellus

vulputate eleifend a nec orci. Praesent

fringilla, metus a consectetur semper,

urna velit laoreet tortor, non congue

libero justo eget tellus. Phasellus

tincidunt erat ac ligula ullamcorper

vitae mattis sem feugiat. Phasellus

tincidunt dictum arcu, ac consequat

tortor rutrum mollis. Donec ac

tincidunt mauris. Nam ut dolor arcu.

Sed eget varius felis. Vivamus

cursus nibh in tellus vestibulum

condimentum. Mauris faucibus

nulla vitae ante auctor ac luctus

purus pretium. Vivamus id risus

eu ligula gravida commodo sit

amet hendrerit tellus. Aenean consequat, nisl et

scelerisque fringilla, nibh arcu

malesuada ipsum, sit amet

eleifend massa turpis eu

purus. Aenean a felis velit,

eu dignissim dui. Duis arcu

dolor, placerat in dictum

sed, euismod sed magna.

Quisque eu condimentum

mi. Nunc facilisis nunc vel

arcu porttitor vehicula

scelerisque odiodignissim. Phasellushendrerit lobortis nisi,

eget consequat urnaenenatis eget. Lorem

ipsum dolor sit amet,



vulputate justo, ac vehicula

nisl porta eu. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Mauris ornare urna nulla. Quisque iaculis

ornare aliquet. Fusce suscipit tincidunt dolor quis

pellentesque. Integer et turpis arcu. Vivamus vehicula nisi nisl.

Aenean porta facilisis vestibulum.

Fusce dolor turpis, condimentum ut sodales blandit, hendrerit et ligula.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada

fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque placerat consequat est ut

condimentum. Sed imperdiet congue libero ut posuere. Proin est

magna, varius quis mollis eu, viverra id lorem. Integer sollicitudin,

purus id iaculis tristique, ligula neque feugiat mi, et dictum purus odio

vitae libero. Quisque dui neque, mollis eget ultricies eget, placerat

porta massa. Nullam ultrices, magna id ultrices fringilla, nibh tortor

vehicula nunc, vitae consectetur quam sapien vitae urna. Ut luctus

placerat nunc, vel venenatis diam pulvinar quis. Cum sociis natoque

penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Morbi hendrerit vehicula vehicula.

Duis et ligula non ipsum viverra faucibus ut

et est. Maecenas ac tortor et

sapien facilisisconsecteturvolutpat

sed nulla.Vivamus felis nisl,

tincidunt at hendrerit non,

interdum eu magna. Sed tempor

facilisis dolor, a sodales diam dictum ut. Ut

nulla nunc, tempor eu laoreet eget, mollis non purus.

Aenean gravida dapibus mauris, quis vulputate lectus

consectetur vel. Nullam ornare tristique hendrerit. In rutrum, enim a

tempor rhoncus, nulla eros tincidunt nunc, et consectetur velit mauris a

ipsum. Duis sed dapibus sapien. In vitae tortor ut lacus gravida

eleifend. Duis est velit, consectetur ac iaculis in, vestibulum et libero. Maecenas

euismod erat sed enim mollis at molestie nunc varius. Vestibulum at

purus sem. Cras porta, augue nec posuere porta, nulla arcu feugiat mi,

eget molestie massa sapien luctus dolor. Proin eget mauris eu augue

auctor euismod a a ligula. In placerat, nibh ullamcorper dignissim

sodales, risus velit auctor diam, ut feugiat eros lacus sed diam. Cras

est arcu, feugiat ut egestas ut, dignissim ac nisi. Vestibulum lobortis

tortor nec eros varius id hendrerit felis venenatis. Etiam lobortis, neque

ac pharetra commodo, quam diam aliquet quam, tempus bibendum elit

enim at mauris. Integer sed elit ultrices diam mollis lobortis id a orci.

Nullam ac lacus nec erat ullamcorper volutpat eget in enim. Cras id dui

vitae mauris condimentum cursus. Vestibulum felis risus, luctus sed

varius in, porttitor eget neque. Donec ut viverra quam. Suspendisse

imperdiet sollicitudin libero quis viverra. Aliquam ut neque ipsum, ut

pretium lacus. Nulla id fermentum metus. Proin consequat nunc a velit

pretium blandit adipiscing ante malesuada. Aliquam congue mauris

mauris, non egestas lectus. Phasellus convallis turpis quis ante convallis

nec ultrices turpis pharetra. Cras sit amet nisl nec dolor congue

sollicitudin quis ut sem. Donec feugiat congue fringilla. Nulla at lacus et

dolor pharetra rhoncus non a lacus.

Ut facilisis aliquam sodales. Praesent tempor congue leo, ut consequat

nulla viverra ut. Vivamus iaculis est et velit mattis aliquet. Etiam et

sapien purus, et vulputate arcu. Aliquam condimentum justo vel urna

mattis vitae rutrum justo dignissim. Sed varius vestibulum consectetur.

Vivamus a dolor aliquet nulla venenatis dignissim. Ut lobortis venenatis

odio vitae ullamcorper. Nam mauris massa, rutrum eget

feugiat et, ullamcorper nec risus. Praesent ac

sollicitudin erat. Aliquam non purus nec

tortor pellentesque ultrices eu eu



consequat iaculis er

dignissim lacus luctus nec. Morbi

dapibus magna nec lectus

pellentesque vturpis consequat. Duis v

diam quam. Maecenas sapien tortor

molestie eget interdum fermentum,

lobortis eu tortorvolutpat. Donec molestie rhoncus

lacus ut sollicitudin. Cur

sodales mi vitae porta. Duis lorem

diam, tempus ut vconsectetur in mi. Suspendisse purus

arcu, pulvinar ac auctor quis, commodo

vel lorem. Prrhoncus facilisis vVivamus vitae est eu leo gr

non sit amet nunc. Integer v

amet dui egestas scelerisque eu v

Vestibulum facilisis tempor turpis et

commodo. Nunc tempor placer

Aliquam risus tortorac, aliquet eget nulla. Nam in massa mi, a

fermentum purus. Aliquam er

Mauris ullamcorper nisi in neque feugiat

euismod. Nulla sollicitudin bibendum urna

vel consequat. Donec id quam nibh. Aliquam

suscipit posuere cursus. Ut diam dui,

vulputate eu tristique id, tempor a nibh. In

orci nibh, vestibulum ac semper nec, blandit in

lectus. Vestibulum faucibus, risus vitae viv

porta, elit est tincidunt arcu, sed ultricies justo turpis

a risus. Suspendisse porta malesuada nulla vitae

suscipit. Fusce arcu leo

quis, lobortis eleifend diam. Fusce sit amet turpis nibh,

varius tincidunt ante. Pr

eu bibendum. Nunc in nisi semper turpis sodales v

Maecenas lacinia tincidunt accumsan. Aenean elementum

quam id orci luctus viverra. Cr

ante. Phasellus molestie nunc eu felis molestie sed

dignissim diam pulvinar. Mauris dapibus augue non dui

rutrum rutrum. In ac justo orci, v

ut urna a dui rhoncus gravida. In eu justo arcu, vitae

posuere nibh. Donec lobortis lacinia v

bibendum facilisis nisi ac vestibulum. Cur

non nulla suscipit nec interdum sem consequat. Aenean eget

ante massa, faucibus porttitor ipsum. Phasellus eu ipsum sed

metus tempus pulvinar vitae pellentesque justo

sapien, sollicitudin a imperdiet ac, interdum non dui.

Suspendisse eleifend blandit ipsum a tincidunt.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam congue magna ac sem

molestie quis accumsan dui tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea

dictumst. Sed et risus nulla, id cursus diam. In hac habitasse platea

dictumst. Nullam aliquet neque sit amet lorem lacinia dapibus.

Aenean dui mi, ultrices sed faucibus vitae, pharetr

sed leo et velit pretium elementum. Aenean con

sodales pellentesque. Nunc lacinia congue elit, v

pulvinar ut. Etiam porta, diam ac posuere dignissim, er

vehicula ligula, ut porta tortor tellus non urna. In ut ipsum ac

lorem tempor porta. Duis lacinia ipsum ut ligula

tincidunt quis consectetur leo iaculis. Morbi

eget lorem dolor. Mauris at faucibus

nisi. Sed non nisl venenatis

metus ultricesporta.

6 | The Gig Guide | February - March


Get caught up in Folkestone

The Hook; a month long festival of live music takes over the

Quarterhouse during the month of March.

To celebrate it’s

first birthday in


Quarterhouse is hosting a

whole month of music

related events as part of

‘The Hook’; Folkestone’s

new Music Festival.

They have tried to cater for

all tastes with a varied mix

of shows and events all

centred around the theme

of music, including dub reggae stars Dreadzone, Ian Shaw & Guy Barker performing ‘A

Night at the Movies’ and fast rising indie stars; DOGS, as well as several other films, dance

classes and workshops taking place over the festival season.

BBC Kent introducing will also be returning to showcase the very best in local talent as part of

their second birthday bash. Details of the final line-up, showtime and price are still being

confirmed so check or call 01303 85 85 00 for further information.

There will be plenty of activities to entertain the children as well, with ‘Shepway Find Your

Talent’ organising a number of fun free events during The Hook, including music workshops

and interactive performances. More information can be found at

Sedfacilisistincidunt enim

viverra consequat. Donec vel

ligula orci. Cras imperdiet dictum

euismod. Quisque sed nulla felis, at consequat

estibulum iaculis elit quis odio consectetur ut

faucibus quam dictum. Praesent commodo, risus consectetur

olutpat dolor, in vehicula diam leo non

dui. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes,

nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis sed est urna, sit amet fermentum neque.

Phasellus commodo est quis dui aliquam vel rutrum tellus porttitor.

el viverra tellus. Curabitur iaculis augue

et urna pellentesque at laoreet lacus sagittis. Suspendisse vel risus

el ornare enim. Suspendisse a nisl orci. Quisque ut risus eu

elit bibendum iaculis at in dolor. Vivamus pretium sem ac mi

ehicula. Aenean quis turpis ac quam condimentum

Nulla pretium lacus at magna eleifend tristique. Integer

at blandit, libero neque scelerisque

quam, in euismod dolor risus eget magna. Maecenas dictum

laoreet scelerisque. Suspendisse potenti. Proin erat sem,

el mattis sed, auctor sed lectus. Aliquam rutrum,

at sed lacinia hendrerit, eros nulla luctus nibh, rhoncus

el quam. Nam blandit lorem a urna

ultrices dictum. Phasellus pretium eleifend eros ornare

elementum. Etiam risus arcu, euismod in lacinia tempus,

tincidunt sit amet metus. In est tortor, blandit quis

lobortis sit amet, aliquam nec tortor. Aliquam erat

olutpat. Integer bibendum turpis quis lectus vestibulum

as gravida fermentum

lacinia. Nulla est quam, sodales a varius ac, vehicula ac

mauris. Aenean sagittis dictum sollicitudin. Cras sem

lectus, condimentum sit amet venenatis eget,

abitur posuere arcu quis metus

ehicula lacinia tellus, vitae

el. Mauris ut lorem vitae lectus

Etiam eget risus id urna hendrerit luctus ac ac

at. Nam eget quam enim, sit amet tempor mi.

Aliquam et hendrerit nisl. Maecenas eu urna ac

quam tincidunt eleifend. Aliquam erat eros,

adipiscing ut congue in, ornare vel urna. Mauris

cursus mattis nibh, sagittis egestas justo

adipiscing et. Etiam adipiscing vulputate

sapien, et adipiscing tellus auctor imperdiet.

Quisque at turpis nec odio ultricies iaculis.

as non tortor vitae tellus vulputateaesent fringilla, metus

elit laoreet

, non congue libero justo eget tellus.

at ac ligula

ullamcorper vitae mattis sem feugiat.

Phasellus tincidunt dictum arcu, ac

consequat tortor rutrum mollis. Donec

ac tincidunt mauris. Nam ut dolor arcu.amus cursus

condimentum. Mauris faucibus nulla

vitae ante auctor ac luctus purus

amus id risus eu ligula

eleifend massa turpis eu purus.

Aliquamat volutpat.

Mauris ornare urna nulla.

Quisque iaculis ornare aliquet.

Fusce suscipit tincidunt dolor quis

pellentesque. Integer et turpis arcu. Vivamus

ehicula nisi nisl. Aenean porta facilisis vestibulum.

Fusce dolor turpis, condimentum ut sodales blandit, hendrerit et ligula.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada

fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque placerat consequat est ut

condimentum. Sed imperdiet congue libero ut posuere. Proin est

magna, varius quis mollis eu, viverra id lorem. Integer sollicitudin,

purus id iaculis tristique, ligula neque feugiat mi, et dictum purus odio

vitae libero. Quisque dui neque, mollis eget ultricies eget, placerat

porta massa. Nullam ultrices, magna id ultrices fringilla, nibh tortor

vehicula nunc, vitae consectetur quam sapien vitae urna. Ut luctus

placerat nunc, vel venenatis diam pulvinar quis. Cum sociis natoque

penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Morbi hendrerit vehicula vehicula.

Duis et ligula non ipsum viverra faucibus ut et est.

Maecenas ac tortor et sapien facilisis consectetur

volutpat sed nulla. Vivamus felis nisl,

tincidunt at hendrerit non, interdum

eu magna. Sed tempor facilisis dolor,

a sodales diam dictum ut. Ut nulla

nunc, tempor eu laoreet eget, mollis

non purus. Aenean gravida dapibus

mauris, quis vulputate lectus consectetur

vel. Nullam ornare tristique hendrerit. In

rutrum, enim a tempor rhoncus, nulla

eros tincidunt nunc, et consectetur velit

mauris a ipsum. Duis sed dapibus sapien.

In vitae tortor ut lacus gravida eleifend.

Duis est velit, consectetur ac iaculis in,

vestibulum et libero. Maecenas euismod erat

sed enim mollis at molestie nunc varius.

Vestibulum at purus sem. Cras porta, augue

nec posuere porta, nulla arcu feugiat mi, eget

molestie massa sapien luctus dolor. Proin eget

mauris eu augue auctor euismod a a ligula. In

placerat, nibh ullamcorper dignissim sodales,

risus velit auctor diam, ut feugiat eros lacus sed

diam. Cras est arcu, feugiat ut egestas ut,

dignissim ac nisi. Vestibulum lobortis tortor nec

eros varius id hendrerit felis venenatis. Etiam

lobortis, neque ac pharetra commodo, quam diam

aliquet quam, tempus bibendum elit enim at mauris.

Integer sed elit ultrices diam mollis lobortis id a orci.

Nullam ac lacus nec erat ullamcorper volutpat eget in enim. Cras id dui

vitae mauris condimentum cursus. Vestibulum felis risus, luctus sed

varius in, porttitor eget neque. Donec ut viverra quam. Suspendisse

imperdiet sollicitudin libero quis viverra. Aliquam ut neque ipsum, ut

pretium lacus. Nulla id fermentum metus. Proin consequat nunc a velit

pretium blandit adipiscing ante malesuada. Aliquam congue mauris

mauris, non egestas lectus. Phasellus convallis turpis quis ante convallis

nec ultrices turpis pharetra. Cras sit amet nisl nec dolor congue

sollicitudin quis ut sem. Donec feugiat congue fringilla. Nulla at lacus et

dolor pharetra rhoncus non a lacus.

Ut facilisis aliquam sodales. Praesent tempor congue leo, ut consequat

nulla viverra ut. Vivamus iaculis est et velit mattis aliquet. Etiam et

sapien purus, et vulputate arcu. Aliquam condimentum justo vel urna

mattis vitae rutrum justo dignissim. Sed varius vestibulum consectetur.

Vivamus a dolor aliquet nulla venenatis dignissim. Ut lobortis venenatis

odio vitae ullamcorper. Nam mauris massa, rutrum eget feugiat et,

ullamcorper nec risus. Praesent ac sollicitudin erat. Aliquam non purus

nec tortor pellentesque ultrices eu eu leo.

Nullam sem ipsum, placerat in tincidunt in, feugiat in elit. Curabitur

dapibus feugiat lorem, at lobortis purus condimentum non. In non nunc

orci. In ut orci massa, nec congue diam. Suspendisse potenti.

Vestibulum non ipsum mi, non tristique neque. Etiam fringilla dolor in

felis porta iaculis. Vestibulum tristique dui at quam ultrices at lobortis

nibh fermentum. Maecenas imperdiet est in libero condimentum eget

viverra nisi ornare. Pellentesque consequat iaculis erat, sit amet

dignissim lacus luctus nec. Morbi dapibus magna nec lectus

pellentesque varius sollicitudin turpis consequat. Duis volutpat diam

quam. Maecenas sapien tortor, molestie eget interdum fermentum,

lobortis eu tortor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec molestie rhoncus lacus

ut sollicitudin. Curabitur sodales sodales mi vitae porta. Duis lorem

diam, tempus ut varius non, consectetur in mi. Suspendisse purus arcu,

pulvinar ac auctor quis, commodo vel lorem. Praesent in nibh eget enim

rhoncus facilisis vel ut lacus. amus vitae est eu leo gravida semper non sit amet

nunc. Integer vel libero sit amet dui egestas

scelerisque eu vel justo. Vestibulum

facilisis tempor turpis et

commodo. Nunc temporat lacus.

Aliquamrisus tortor,

mattis sit ametpretium ac, aliqueteget nulla. Nam inmassa mi, a fermentum

purus. Aliquam erat

volutpat. Maurisullamcorper nisi in neque

feugiat euismod. Nulla

sollicitudin bibendum urna

vel consequat. Donec id

quam nibh. Aliquam suscipit

posuere cursus. Ut diam dui,

vulputate eu tristique id,

tempor a nibh. In orci nibh,

vestibulum ac semper nec,

blandit in lectus. Vestibulum

faucibus, risus vitae viverra

porta, elit est tincidunt arcu, sed

ultricies justo turpis a risus.Suspendisse portamalesuada nullavitae suscipit.Fusce arcu leo,sodales egetpellentesque quis,lobortis eleifenddiam. Fusce sitamet turpis nibh,varius tinciduntante. Praesentbibendum sodaleslibero eubibendum. Nunc in nisisemper turpissodales vehicula ina metus.Maecenas laciniatinciduntaccumsan. Aeneanelementum quamid orci luctusviverra. Cras sedtellus dui, velsagittis ante.Phasellus molestie

nunc eu felis molestie

sed dignissim diam pulvinar.

Mauris dapibus augue non dui rutrum

rutrum. In ac justo orci, vel molestie massa. Donec

ut urna a dui rhoncus gravida. In eu justo arcu, vitae

posuere nibh. Donec lobortis lacinia volutpat.

Vestibulum bibendum facilisis nisi ac vestibulum.

Curabitur tempor est non nulla suscipit nec interdum

sem consequat. Aenean eget ante massa, faucibus

porttitor ipsum. Phasellus eu ipsum sed metus tempus

pulvinar vitae pellentesque justo. Aenean erat sapien,

sollicitudin a imperdiet ac, interdum non dui. Suspendisse

eleifend blandit ipsum a tincidunt.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam congue magna ac

sem molestie quis accumsan dui tincidunt. In hac habitasse

platea dictumst. Sed et risus nulla, id cursus diam. In hac

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lorem lacinia dapibus. Aenean dui mi, ultrices sed faucibus

vitae, pharetra in mauris. Nam sed leo et velit pretium

elementum. Aenean convallis felis sed nibh sodales

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pulvinar ut. Etiam porta, diam ac posuere dignissim, erat enim

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consectetur leo iaculis. Morbi eget lorem dolor. Mauris at faucibus

nisi. Sed non nisl venenatis metus ultrices porta.

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tristique metus congue. Integer orci

metus, dictum vitae feugiat eget,

commodo ut sapien.

Fusce ornarerisus

February - March | The Gig Guide | 7

Broadstairs Blues Bash ‘10

The Seaside town once again welcomes a whole weekend of the best

in blues music.

After yet another successful year last

February, the Blues Bash is set to take

over Broadstairs for a weekend of music

throughout various venues around town.

Running across the weekend of Friday 19th -

Sunday 21st February, you can expect to see 20

bands in 10 venues, some of which are

international acts making an appearance!

On the Saturday evening, there will be a special

show at the Pavilion with Broken Biscuit Blues

Band and Sam Kelly’s Station House Band.

Doors open at 8 pm and tickets cost £10, available

from the Pavillion itself.

Sunday midday will see a three and a half hour

‘blues jam’ take place, hosted by Wired; a collective of local musicians and all are welcome to

come along and simply watch, or even join in and play as part of the jam!

The music starts at 8 pm Friday and over the course of the weekend you can expect to see

performances from the likes of Marbletones, Andy Lester's Blue Train, The Black sheep,

Fran McGillivray and Mike Burke, Carey, Rathbone & Bell, King Size Slim, Open Harp

Surgery, Smokin Hogs and the Jeff Barker Band.

Please see our centre listings for the detailed line up.

For more information;


or contact:

Saturday 13th February, 8.30pm

The UK's finest Coldplay tribute band; Coldplace

Saturday 20th February, 4pm

The Chosen Few

Saturday 6th March, 8.30pm

UK's no. 1 U2 tribute band; New 2

Sunday 21st March, 4pm

The Chosen Few

Wednesday 31st March, 8.30pm

:'gT{hxe WDÜrtazgjW|iàt{haNÉoaNtaÅmxe:' comedy drag night

Saturday 3rd April, 8.30pm

DDiissccoo IInnffeerrnnoo with live 70's & 80's cover band

Saturday 16th April, 8.30pm

TThhee LLaauugghhiinngg FFaaccttoorryy great line up of stand up comedy


23 Queen Street, Gravesend, Kent, DA12 2EQ

For More Details Call 07581 092 435 / 07976 620 097

Interview: Lostprophets

February - March | The Gig Guide | 9

Since releasing their debut album

in 2000 and exploding onto the

new music scene, Lostprophets

have done rather well for themselves

in a decade.

2010 has already seen the lads from

Pontypridd release their fourth studio

album; ‘The Betrayed’

to a very welcome

reception. The new

album is said to be

darker than previous

offerings and bring a

new, but familiar sound from the band.

Now in the midst of their UK tour (with

support from fellow Welsh band Kids

in Glass Houses), Lostprophets will

be visiting Margate’s Winter Gardens

on 9th February.

We caught up with guitarist Mike Lewis

for a chat to find out about the bands

beginnings, influences and music



Interview: Lostprophets

10 | The Gig Guide | February - March

I remember seeing you guys at TheCamden Underworld back in 2001. Didyou ever think back when you first startedthat you would come this far, 4 albumslater?

“Nah definitely not. We didn’t know whatwas gonna happen as the UK scene was verydifferent back then. We’re very lucky to havethe support that we do.”

Your debut; Thefakesoundofprogress wasquite unique for it’s time, soundingdifferent to everything else around whichhelped to propel you onto the commercialmusic scene. Did you expect such a warmreception from the media and recordcompanies?

“I dunno if we did have a warm reception.Some mags were into us and others slated us.We were never media darlings, it was the kidscoming to our shows that got us where weare.”

Where do you get your influences from…I’m guessing Duran Duran fit’s insomewhere?!

“All over the place! Metal, punk, indie, pop…We’re total music geeks. Duran duran is defo inthere though.”

With thefakesoundofprogress, a largeproportion of fans were keen to shoutcries of ‘selling out’ when you re-masteredthe album. Were you worried aboutlosing your entire fanbase andessentially having to start from scratch?

“Nah we never thought that. We never reallysaw much difference between them. We justsaw it as an opportunity to tweak an albumthat we rushed in a week.”

Originally when news of the band spread,you weren’t overly bothered by musicpiracy and were happy for the listenersto hear your music in whatever form. Doyou still hold the same opinions and whatare your views on the whole musicindustry/piracy debate?

“I think you have to hold that opinion. It’spretty pointless to fight it, I can’t see us goingback now. What’s important to us is peoplecome see us live.”

Your new album ‘The Betrayed’ is said tobe darker than previous offerings. Canyou elaborate on this for us and how has itbeen received so far?

“Reaction has been great so far. Just thetone and mood of the record is darker than ourprevious records.”

February - March | The Gig Guide | 11

You originally planned to release thealbum in 2007 but subsequentlyscrapped material recorded with producerJohn Feldmann. Will we see these songsreleased in the future?

“Nah they will never ever see the light ofday!”

What was it like for you to return to thefestival scene playing Reading & Leeds inthe summer?

“I unfortunately missed it as my wife wentinto labour. The boys tell me they wereamazing though.”

How is drummer Luke Johnson fitting in?“Incredibly well. It’s like he’s always been in

the band.”

You carefully select other Welsh bands tosupport you on tour, is this to show ahelpful community spirit to those bandsyet to be discovered or to ‘give somethingback’ for the success you have achieved?

“A bit of both. They’re all great bands so wethink they deserve our support. Plus most ofthem are our mates so we like touring withthem.”

What are your thoughts on Rage AgainstThe Machine’s assault on the UK Christmascharts using people power?

“I thought it was amazing. Finally someonestanding up against all this manufactured poprubbish!”

The Gig Guide 6Favourite Bar Snack?

“Salt and vinegar crisps.”

Myspace, Twitter, Facebook orMyTwitFace?


What’s the biggest animal you coulddefend yourself against in unarmedcombat?

“An elephant.”

What would be your one message to theworld?

“Slow up son.”

Any pet hates?“Mushrooms.”

Tea of Coffee?“Toffee.”


61 The Strand, Walmer, Deal, Kent, CT14 7DP

Telephone: 01304 372201

Situated on the sea front at Walmer, the Lord Clyde is a delightful pub where you

will be assured of a warm welcome. Comfortable bars where you can sit and

sample some of Shepherd Neame's fine ales & lagers.


Friday 12th - Rags2Riches

Saturday 20th - M’larki (duo)

Saturday 27th - Charlie


Friday 5th - Martin Jonathan

Friday 12th - Sparky & Chef

Friday 19th - On The Run

Friday 26th - Mel Harris

Live music events to look out for at The Lord Clyde

Now under new management

Paul & Lisa would like to wish a warm welcome to all customers old and new

• Regular Live Music • Darts • Children welcome

• Exciting new menu to be launched in March


February - March | The Gig Guide | 13

Interview: Jenny Hardcore

When I was thinking ofwhat to write thismonth I wanted to do

an interview which wasdifferent to the norm and wouldalso give an insight to adifferent side of the bands weknow and love, more of abackstage kind of thing. This is when I spotted JennyHardcore who is totally perfectfor the job.

Jenny is a photographer fromLondon who has had thepleasure of snapping some ofthe music industries top talent. Her career has taken her allover the UK and Europesnapping bands since 2005 andher success has also lead to herexhibiting at the Tom-Tom

Gallery in Covent Garden. I would describe Jenny’sphotographic style as hard,urban and gritty withsometimes disturbingundertones. Her photography isvisually exciting and descriptiveand can make something verydull look mysterious andenticing. Her style has enabledher to shoot many famousnames such as The Who, DirtyPretty Things, The DandyWarhols, The Cribs,Babyshambles, Jamie T, LupenCrook and The Murderbirds andFlorence and the Machine. MissHardcore was also responsiblefor snapping the Charlatanstour photo-diaries and assistingwith sleeve art for their album‘You Cross My Path’.

Jenny has had work publishedin some of the industries topmusic mags such as NME,Artrocker magazine, Time Out,Guardian Guide and of courseThe Gig Guide.Her work has also featured in abook by James Bradshaw titled‘Punk; a directory of modernsubversive culture’. Now I would say that’s a prettyimpressive CV so far however Iam sure Miss Hardcore hasplenty more up her sleeve.

Read on to find out what makesJenny tick and life on tour inamongst sweaty socks andplentiful beer cans...


Interview: Jenny Hardcore

14 | The Gig Guide | February - March

As I said that I would findout what makes you tick Isuppose that’s a good placeto start, so what makes MissHardcore tick? And thatdoes include trolley rage insupermarkets.

“I guess lots of thingsinspire me to take photos, I’vealways had a very vividimagination, not always for thebetter, but I certainly seem toremember things in images farbetter than words or numbers.I went back to my parentshome a few years ago andfound my mum had kept all mycameras from when I was littleand my dad had kept all thephotos – mainly of cats anddogs – but it was reassuring toremember that photographyhas pretty much always beenpart of my life and I’m veryglad it still is today…I don’tthink I’ve ever committedtrolley rage – I’m more of asilent anger person I think.”

Describe yourself in threewords.“I am me.”

So where did the Hardcorepart of your name comefrom?

“There were a lot of storiesand rumours around this a fewyears ago, mostly started by

myself! But the honest answeris that it was a nick-name fromwhen I was younger that stuckand when I started takingphotos at gigs the people doingthe guest list alwaysremembered it so it provedkind of useful.”

Your working life soundspretty glamourous (withoutthe sweaty socks of course)but is it?

“No definitely not, I wastalking to our plumber (who’salso an artist and DJ) the otherday about this and he wassaying it is strange that a lot ofcelebrities and musicians arepublicly presented withglamourous lives getting greathotel rooms, tour buses andfree booze and food at gigs andon tour but when the jobfinishes few people live livesany different to the rest of us. Ithink he’s right and while I amso grateful for all the storiesand adventures I have had theyall end sometime and quicklybecome bizarre but cherishedmemories.”

How would you describeyour photographic style? “That’s kinda difficult; I think Itake photos of how I seethings. A friend of mine oncecommented that she found it

surprising looking at my livephotos when she had beenstood next to me at the samegig and the final image lookednothing like how sheremembered – I think this is agood thing. I’m sure everyonehas been to a tiny gig in theirlocal pub and seen some guywith a guitar who should clearlybe singing to 3000 not 30people and I would like to thinkthat I could visuallycommunicate the iconographyof that individual withoutanyone who sees the imagebeing able to hear what he isplaying.”

You started working in anoffice I believe, what madeyou dump the rat race for amore creative life?

“I actually started myworking life in music shops –nothing fancy just the bog-standard hmv, virgin and ourprice – but after university I fellfor the premise that we all hadto get jobs and well paid jobsat that (if only to pay backstudent loans) which as anyuniversity leaver knows is amyth. I worked in television for5 years – this would be theoffice job I think you arespeaking of but I never quiteaccepted it. I have a lot ofrespect for people who do 9-5jobs and work hard to lookafter the things that areimportant to them but I justnever quite learned how to dothat. Whilst working on theFrank Skinner show I metsomeone who inadvertentlyreminded me what it was liketo love music and feel part ofsomething exciting so I dustedoff (literally) my old 35mmcamera from university andstarted going to gigs and takingphotos again…it didn’t take longto drop the day-job, get part-time work in a pub andremember how to live frugally,I don’t regret it at all even ifmy loan is now twice as muchas it was when I leftuniversity!”

February - March | The Gig Guide | 15

You have snapped somepretty impressive names inthe past, how did theopportunities come about? “I am very lucky in this sense,a lot of people have gone out oftheir way to help me withcertain shoots and passes togigs etc and I am very gratefulto everyone who has given methese opportunities. During theyear and a half that I workedwith The Charlatans theysupported The Who and playedat Alan McGee’s TV show/clubnight with The Dandy Warhols.The Cribs played at XFM winterwonderland with them, where Ialso had the honour of brieflymeeting Peter Hook from JoyDivision/New Order. Jamie Tand Florence & The Machineboth started out playing in pubsin North London I know welland various people helped mewith press passes at the time.I’m hoping to do some morework with Peter Doherty soonas I know a guy who is makinga documentary about him whichcould be interesting as it shouldbe more of a creative projectand an interesting person tophotograph bearing in mindhow well documented his lifehas already been previously.”

What have been thehighlights of your career sofar?“I rarely get star-struck butoften get nervous and most ofmy highlights are riddled withnerves as much as excitement.Photographing The Who atWembley was pretty amazing, Igrew up listening to The Whoand my mum even saw themon Eel Pie Island when theywere called The High Numbersin 1964 so to be stood a fewmeters away from PeteTownshend doing ‘the windmill’was pretty amazing.Also the shoot with ShaneMacGowan was a definitehighlight, the guy is a livinglegend and I didn’t know himvery well when we did thisshoot but he was great to work

with, very professional andeasy going – I hope to dosomething else with him thisyear. The 2 week tour of Europe withThe Charlatans is probably stillmy ultimate highlight if onlybecause I never dreamed that Icould be bombing round thecontinent in a 12 bunk bus withsome of the greatest people ascompany. It was a very surrealexperience as you are cut offfrom most of the outside worldand only see venues and hotelsand the inside of the bus, bythe time it came to an end Ihad become quiteinstitutionalised and the wholeconcept of getting off the busfor the last time was scary ashell, that said I now know howto ask for tobacco in about 5languages which is prettyuseful!”

Got any gossip about thebands you’ve snapped? Wepromise not to any mentionnames. “Half of the job is discretion ;)”

I am going to ask thatdreaded question thateveryone hates in jobinterviews, where do yousee yourself in 5 years? “5 years seems a long way off,especially when I think of the 5

that have just been! I wouldlike to start putting more timeand effort into my personalprojects, I am very interestedin experimenting with oldercameras, I have a Kodak boxbrownie from 1914 which I amlearning to use and variousother art projects too. I willkeep doing music photography(I don’t think I could stop) butwant to get more involved instudio work this year, I find iteasier to be creative in acontrolled environment and canlet my imagination run riot a bitmore...I recently had a bandcalled The Arcadian Kickswrapped up in bondage tape ina studio in Birmingham!”

Who are your musicalinfluences? “This may sound bad but Ithink I take more influencefrom movies and books than Ido music. I have been a horrorfan for some time and enjoyimagery that unsettles theviewer, I enjoy deconstructingit and working out how it hasbeen done and why it makesyou feel a certain way.Lyrically there are a few artistswho inspire me like LupenCrook, Tom Waits, The Horrors,Florence & The Machine’s earlyrecordings ‘Girl With One Eye’and ‘My Best Dress’ inspired me

Interview: Jenny Hardcore

16 | The Gig Guide | February - March

to sketch out an idea for aportrait of her in a taxidermistshop near my old house inHolloway…sadly I never got toarrange the shoot but wouldstill love to if the opportunityever arose – I definitely have afairy-tale/fantasy leaningvisually but it’s always beenlyrics more than music thatinspires me when it comes tobands.”

If you weren’t aphotographer what wouldbe your dream job?

“Domestic house cat.”

If you could shoot someone(alive or dead) who would itbe and where?

“Tom Waits– in a disusedmental asylum. I recently foundloads of online communities ofphotographers who break intodisused buildings likeballrooms, hospitals and oldarmy air bases to document theremaining ruins, the images arestunning. They all share storiesabout which entrances arecovered by security and at whattime you can break into whichwindow, I love that kind ofrebellious creativity, its fairlyharmless as long as thebuilding is stable and thephotographers have respect forit and there has always beensomething exciting aboutphotos of things you were notsupposed to see especially ifthere is visual reference toobjects that served a certainpurpose like hospital beds andwheelchairs, it makes theimage eerie and unsettling.”

Got any favourite localbands?

“In London there are a fewbands I am excited by at themoment, 2 girls called ‘This isLaura’ who play accordion,violin, harp and various otherbits and bobs oftenaccompanied by a cellist and/ordrummer – they play veryhaunting 40’s inspired music I

strongly recommend checkingthem out, I also like RumShebeen and a French gypsyfolk band called Sanjoro a lot.”

What do you think of theKent music scene?

“To be honest I have neverlived in Kent nor stayed theremore than a night or two so Ireally don’t know very muchabout it. I remember a fewyears ago it seemed like one

great band after another werecoming out of it and a friendand I used to say there wassomething in the water thatseemed to make everyonereally talented musicians.”

If you lived your life by aphilosophy what would itbe? “I try to live a moral life but dothink we are faced with moreand more contradicting

February - March | The Gig Guide | 17

information and images. Ialmost never read tabloids butrecently read an article thattruly horrified me and it mademe think about the easy accesswe have nowadays to tragedyand violence – you tube,tabloids, anti-smoking imagesall of which I think do far fromscare us into submission andmore often de-sensitise us andmake us laugh. Some thingsshould be horrific andunpleasant to the vast majorityof the general public and themore we get used to true lifegore the less we will care whenwe see/get caught up in it. So Ihave recently decided to binany tabloid I find left behind onthe bus or tube simply as adrop in the ocean of limiting theconsumption of suchinformation and imagery. Isuppose this is a kind of anti-philosophy but one I would liketo live by.”

What’s your favouritevegetable?

“Mushroom? My dad goesmushrooming in autumn andwhen I was little I used to gowith him, we found all sorts ofdelicious edible mushrooms(and a few not so edible!) andused to make a fire in thewoods and fry them up on anold hubcap and eat them withbread.”

If you had to go in to theBig Brother house and onlyallowed one luxury item,what would it be? (You cantake animals but no people).

“Our beautiful kitten TheNoodle….who is currently tryingto get me to play fetch withhim!”

Who’s your favourite band? “Lupen Crook & the

Murderbirds are still the onlyband I have met or seen tosincerely give me hope forcontemporary, original andtruly unique music in my life-time. As mentioned previously

one of the main things I loveabout music is the sense ofunity people experience beingpart of something exciting andnew. For the past few years theband have been working with asub-name of The CrookedFamily which activelyencouraged people withcreative minds to get involvedartistically, photographicallyand musically. I personally feelthat a lot of time is spentpolishing unique acts andseparating them from theaudience to be held up as‘celebrity’ and something to beadmired for status rather thantalent or originality. Some ofthe greatest and mostlegendary bands and musicianshave been awkward ortroubled…The Ramones, JeffBuckley, The Stones and morerecently Jamie T, I feel we aresadly lacking in such honestand forthright musicians whoare not afraid to presentthemselves as who they are‘warts and all’ as it were. LupenCrook and The Murderbirdsoften write lyrics and musicthat deal with all the dirty andunpleasant often uncomfortableelements of life and have thecharacter, creativity and talentto match such raw and oftendisturbing truths.”

Jeremy Kyle or Trisha?“Jeremy but only for 5 mins

or I start to worry about the enmasse self-destruction ofhumanity.”

Tea or coffee? “Coffee every day, Irish in

winter mmmmm.”

Cats or dogs? “I adore and admire both

but cats have the edge for me,they just make a lot of sense.”

If you could be someoneelse and live their life whowould you be?

“I don’t think I’ve everenvied a person enough towant their life, I see people Iwould like to look like or havethe talent of or people who payfor cabs in the rain (I envythem a little) but I still believeeveryone worries just as muchas the next – it’s the dual curseand blessing of free thought, soagain if I could live another lifeI think I would surrender freethought and be a house cat.”

What’s playing on yourstereo at the minute?

“Jamie T, Yeah Yeah Yeahs,6 Nation State, Kate Bush,Florence.”

The Live RoomThe Live RoomDanes Hill, Gillingham, ME7 2TYDanes Hill, Gillingham, ME7 2TY

Tel: 07905 440433 / email:

Under New Management!

Bar serving until 12.30amBar serving until 12.30am

on Friday's & Saturday'son Friday's & Saturday'sHot & Cold food counterHot & Cold food counter

Upcoming shows at “The Live Room”...

February March

Fri 12th -

Sat 13th -

Sat 20th -

Sat 27th -

The Blues shift

Harvey Hooper, Walker

& Crispe

Tim Hain

The Clintstones

Fri 5th -

Sat 6th -

Fri 12th -

Fri 19th -

Sat 20th -

Sat 27th -


"Elvis" in Concert with

Cliff Castle

The Archie Wah wahs

The Aquitaine Progression

+ Aliquot Flow


Kris Dollimore

Competition: Laura Solon

February - March | The Gig Guide | 19

Win tickets to see Laura Solonlive at Quarterhouse!

Coming from relative obscurity to winning the Perrier award for her Fringe show in 2005, LauraSolon soon became a name to take notice of. Her sketch and character comedy series, Talking

and Not Talking has been running on BBC Radio 4 for the last three years, she has appeared inRuddy Hell! It's Harry and Paul and has more recently starred in Al Murray’s Multiple PersonalityDisorder. Now Laura is back with another excellent and highly acclaimed live show titled RabbitFaced Story Soup. The show presents Laura at her best with a character based comedyincorporating a great plotline. It’s already bought her rave reviews after performing back at TheFringe festival last summer. We will be featuring an interview with Laura in our next issue but hereis your chance to grab two gift voucher tickets for her Quarterhouse show in April.

To enter, simply answer the question below;In which year did Laura make her Fringe debut?& send your completed entries toThe Gig Guide, Thanet Publishing Ltd, Westwood Business Park, Strasbourg Street, Margate, Kent, CT9 4JJ

or enter online at

The winner will be chosen at random from all correctentries received before 15th March 2010.

Terms & Conditions:1) Only official forms or emails received before 15/03/10 will be valid.2) Competition not open to employees or their families of Thanet

Publishing.3) No cash alternative given.4) The winners will be notified by email or telephone after the closing






Tel Number:

Send completed entries to:The Gig Guide, Thanet Publishing Ltd, Westwood Business Park, Strasbourg Street, Margate, Kent, CT9 4JJ

Laura Solon Competition

Review: Heads South at Keppels Bar

20 | The Gig Guide | February - March

Keppels Bar which is

located in the

magnificent Grand Hotel

in Folkestone has been a

venue for good quality

jazz for the past four

years. Keppels is a small

intimate venue with a

black and white,

chequered patterned

floor which creates a

classy cabaret ambience.

Intriguingly, Keppels Bar

is named after socialite

and probable courtesan,

Alice Keppel whose most

famous conquest was

King Edward VII.

Apparently the King had

two adjoining suites in

the Grand Hotel, one for

the Queen and one for

his lover, who was a

creditable 28 years

younger than the King

and by all accounts a bit

of a looker. Just in case

there are any litigious

royal readers, my mate

reckons that Queen

Alexandra makes Camilla

Parker Bowles look bed

worthy so there may

have been mitigating


And therein lies a piece

of historical irony. Alice

Keppel was in fact the

maternal great

grandmother of Camilla

PB. One could be

forgiven for observing

that the similarities

between the two women

end at their royal

patronage. Somebody

once said that history

teaches everything

including the future.

What history actually

teaches us is that the

Royals are indeed partial

to a bit on the side.

And the gig….. Heads

South is a refreshing

cultural mix of players

with outstanding jazz

credentials. The band is

led by pianist composer

John Harriman and

features the outstanding

UK jazz trumpeter Steve

Waterman, Cuban

percussionist Chino

Martel Morgan, drummer

Buster Birch and bassist

Tim Robertson. Their


February - March | The Gig Guide | 21

music is a blend of

original pieces and

cleverly arranged jazz

classics. Cuban rhythms

dominate giving the

music its distinct Latin

jazz feel.

The highlight of a varied

and lively opening set

was an original salsa

number El Cardenel

which is a musical

reflection on the

composer’s choir days. It

featured some rocking

syncopated percussion

and drum soloing. The

second set included

reworkings of the well

known jazz classics Mach

the Knife and

Guatanemera, the latter

provoking a bit of

audience participation

but thankfully no chants

of “one team in Europe”.

Arguably the best tune

of the evening was the

album piece Sweet Swan

which included an

excellent piano solo and

some crisp and bluesy

Hubbardesque trumpet


Heads South is a fine

jazz band and well worth

watching. They have

dates booked in venues

across the South East

over the next few

months. You can check

this out along with some

of the tunes on their


Steve Waterman’s new

album Stablemates also

deserves a listen and

pays homage to the

works of jazz legends

Benny Golson and Wayne


Jazz nights are held at

Keppels every Thursday

night throughout the

year run by jazz

enthusiast Derek

Woodward. For further

details of forthcoming

events check the Gig

guide listings or contact

Derek on 01303 260330.

Tel: 01304 367510 - 90 Manor Road, Deal, CT14 9DB

FebruaryFebruary MarchMarch

Sunday 7th

Sunday 14th

Sunday 21st

Sunday 28th

- Julia West

- Cat Jax

- Billy Brown

- Sarah O’Shea

Sunday 7th

Sunday 14th

Sunday 21st

Sunday 28th

- Sam De La Haye

- Mel Harris

(Valentine’s Special)

- Karis

- Gary Emanuel

The Admiral Keppel

• Live music every Sunday • Live Football • Drink Promotions

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February - March | The Gig Guide | 23


Your definitive what’s on guide for Kent, during February &Your definitive what’s on guide for Kent, during February & March.March.

The Gig Guide Listings

On the following pages you will find our comprehensive gig listings for February & March,letting you know exactly what’s going on in Kent.

Listings appear in date order in the following format:

Band or EventVenue, Location of Venue

...and are divided into sub-sections (Music, Comedy, Theatre, etc.) per day.

Multiple artists will be listed alphabetically unless the event line-up is known, whereby the headlinerwill be listed first with support bands following in brackets. i.e...

Headline Band (+ Band2 / Band3 / etc.)Venue, Location of Venue

Events are commonly £5 or under (payable on door) and begin at 7:30 pm.(Details will be included on the listing where known)

Listings in Italics, represent show titles/events and NOT artists.

All listings correct at time of going to press, please double check with venue to avoid disappointment.

Submit your gigs online at:Submit your gigs online at:

Alternatively, you may email your list to

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

All listings are correct at time of going to press, please double check with venues to avoid disappointment.


24 | The Gig Guide | February - March

Monday 1st February


Dan Antopolski (+ JimmyMcGhie) (Marlowe ComedyClub)

Bramley’s Bay, Canterbury,(£10.50, 8 pm)

Hal CruttendenBrook Theatre, Chatham,(£10)


Eddie Walker The Barge, Gillingham

Zen Bicycle BandThe Louis Armstrong,Dover, (8:30 pm)

Tuesday 2nd February


7 String Les (Jam)The Billabong Club,Rochester, (9 pm)

Geoff Gasgoyne’s Bop PopQuartet

Brook Theatre, Chatham,(£10)

Steve Turner (+ Skinner’sRats)

Central Theatre, Chatham,(£8, 8 pm)

Wednesday 3rd February


JJ Whitehead (+JarredChristmas / Chris Martin)

Exchange Studio, Maidstone,(£10, 8 pm)


7 String Les (Jam)Chequers Inn, Hoo, (9 pm)

Bards @ The Barge (Open MicNight)

The Barge, Gillingham

Break ThruThe Angel Inn,Addington Green

Nick WilsonThe Grey Lady Music Lounge,Tunbridge Wells, (7:30 pm)

The Jones BoysThe Man of Kent, Rochester

Tony JohnsonThe Deal Hoy

Thursday 4th February


7 String Les (Jam)Kelsey Arms,Tunbridge Wells, (9 pm)

A Thousand Ways To Fall (+Support)

Beer Cart Arms, Canterbury,(8 pm)

Heroes (Duo)The Neptune, Dymchurch

KaleidophoneEarl’s, Maidstone

Los SalvadoresFlaming Henry’s, Maidstone,(8 pm)

Pepperarmy BandShip Centurion, Whitstable

The Learning CurveThe Walnut Tree, East Farleigh

The MercurialsOranges, Ashford, (8:30 pm)


A Streetcar Named DesireThe Theatre Royal, Margate,(£8, 7:30 pm)

FootlooseThe Winter Gardens, Margate,(£10, 7:30 pm)

Friday 5th February


Electric BeatlesHole in the Roof, Deal

Hard Road Blues BandThe Cricketers, River,(9 - 11 pm)

HeroesThe Victoria Hotel, Folkestone

InterseptorsThe George Hotel, Ashford,(9 pm)

Kayley WellerThe Bull, Benenden, (9 pm)

Left Of The DialThe East Kent, Whitstable

Mirror Kicks (+ SpecialGuests)

The Westcoast Bar, Margate,(£3)

Mixed EmotionsThe New Inn, Deal

SabotageThe Firs Club, Cheriton

Shameful BehaviourFleur-De-Lis, Sandwich,(9 pm)

The FixUpper Red Lion, Herne Bay

The FlingTartar Frigate, Broadstairs

The Police SquadThe Park Inn, Dover

The Retrophonic ArchiveRising Sun, Kingsdown

Tony Johnson (Piano Man)Three Horseshoes, Mongeham

Up All NightThe Star, Ashford, (8 pm)

Wilson FordThe Angel Inn,Addington Green


2010: A Space OddityQuarterhouse, Folkestone,(£10, 7:30 pm)

FootlooseThe Winter Gardens, Margate,(£10, 7:30 pm)

Saturday 6th February


Sean LockQuarterhouse, Folkestone, (£13, 7:30 pm)

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

If you would like to add your gigs, email:

February - March | The Gig Guide | 25


Any Other BusinesThe Hop & Vine, Gillingham,(9 pm)

Final CutThe Alma, Deal

Get ApeThe Ocean Inn, Dymchurch,(9 pm)

Henry’s Rock BandThe Railway Club, Folkestone,(9 pm)

HeroesThe Park Inn, Dover

InterseptorsRoyal Mail, Lydd, (9 pm)

Juicy LucyThe Albion, Sheerness

Jumbo GumboThe White Horse, Maidstone,(9 pm)

Left Of The DialThe Park Inn Hotel, Folkestone

Marylebone JellyThe Beauty of Bath, Sittingbourne

RelicsEarl’s, Maidstone

SabotageThe Priory Hotel, Dover

Shameful BehaviourThe Frenchman, Folkestone,(9 pm)

The SuspectsWalmer Castle, Deal

WaterhorsePizza Express, Maidstone,(8 pm)

Zero ToleranceThe Captain Howey, Littlestone


Broadway And BeyondThe Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£15, 7:30 pm)

Charles Ross - One Man LordOf The Rings

The Theatre Royal, Margate,(£14, 7:30 pm)

FootlooseThe Winter Gardens, Margate,(£10, 2:30 & 7:30 pm)

Jake & Elwood – The BestBlues Brothers Show In TheWorld…Ever!!!

Central Theatre, Chatham,(£19 / £17.50, 7:30 pm)

Sunday 7th February


7 String Les (Jam)The Fountain, Sittingbourne,(3 pm)

Dave Corsby’s Brass TacksWestgate Pavilion, (8 pm)

Fours a CrowdThe Clarendon Hotel, Deal

Hail BopThe Chestfield Barn

Juicy LucyThe Alexandra Hotel,Chatham, (6 pm)

Kit Curtis & The SceneHole in the Roof, Deal

MelonHeadManPunch & Judy, Tonbridge,(4 pm)

Realm 79The White Horse, Chilham,(6:30 - 8:30 pm)

Sam De La HayeThe Admiral Keppel, Deal

ScandalThe New Inn, Deal

Shameful BehaviourThe Horse & Groom,Ramsgate,(6 pm)


Knight TimeBrook Theatre, Chatham,(£5.50 / £4.50, 2 & 4 pm)

Monday 8th February


7 String LesThe Billabong Club,Rochester, (7:15 pm)

Porch Swing BluesThe Barge, Gillingham

Tuesday 9th February


7 String Les (Jam)The Billabong Club,Rochester, (9 pm)

LostprophetsThe Winter Gardens, Margate,(£22.99, 7:30 pm)

Wednesday 10th February


Lee Mack - Going OutLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone,(£18.50, 8 pm)


7 String Les (Jam)Chequers Inn, Hoo, (9 pm)

DJanglesThe Deal Hoy

Mel HarrisThe Angel Inn,Addington Green

The Deccas (+ Stuart Turner)The Barge, Gillingham

Thursday 11th February


Tony StockwellThe Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£15, 8 pm)


7 String Les / We Were There(Sixties Jam Night)

Chequers Inn, Hoo, (9 pm)Chicory Tip

Ship Centurion, WhitstableCity of London Sinfonia - AnEvening of Strings with ChloëHanslip

Central Theatre, Chatham, (£18, 7:30 pm)

Hobo Jones & The JunkyardDogs

The Man of Kent, Rochester,(9 pm)

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

All listings are correct at time of going to press, please double check with venues to avoid disappointment.


26 | The Gig Guide | February - March


Cinderella - The Police PantoThe Theatre Royal, Margate, (£8, 2:30 & 7:30 pm)

Friday 12th February


HeroesThe Archer, Whitfield

Led GremlinThe Rose & Crown, Canterbury

Left Of The DialThe Park Inn, Dover

Mel HarrisWhistlestop Restaurant, Whitstable

Nearly FamousThe New Inn, Deal

Rags2RichesThe Lord Clyde, Deal

RelicsThe Robin Hood,Tunbridge Wells

Robb Blake (+ The Flack /Tyrannosaurus Alan)

The Westcoast Bar, Margate,(£2, 8 pm)

RunVTThe Angel Inn,Addington Green

ShyChloThe Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£10, 7 pm)

Stephen Triffit - Sinatra’sLive at the Sands Concert

Leas Cliff Hall, Folkestone,(£19 / £17, 7:30 pm)

The BloxEarl’s, Maidstone, (9 pm)

The Blues Shift‘The Live Room’, Plough & Chequers, Gillingham, (9 pm)

Under CoverHole in the Roof, Deal

Wilson FordTartar Frigate, Broadstairs


Cinderella - The Police PantoThe Theatre Royal, Margate, (£8, 2:30 & 7:30 pm)

Still Breathing (2FaCeDDaNcE Company)

Quarterhouse, Folkestone,(£10, 7:30 pm)

Saturday 13th February


Count Arthur StrongBrook Theatre, Chatham,(£13)

John Gordillo (+ WilliamAndrews / Richard Morton)(Laughing Boy Comedy Club -Valentine’s Special)

Quarterhouse, Folkestone, (£10, 8 pm)


Desi RhythmsCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£5, 7:30 pm)


Crazy TrainKing Edward VII, Margate,(9 pm)

Get ApeThe Hampton Inn, Herne Bay,(8:30 pm)

Hard Road Blues BandThe Red Lion, Ramsgate,(9 pm)

Harvey Hooper, Walker &Crispe

‘The Live Room’, Plough & Chequers, Gillingham, (9 pm)

Heroes (Duo)Snowdown Colliery Welfare Club, Aylesham

Led GremlinThe Coach & Horses, Whitstable

Nine Below ZeroAstor Theatre, Deal

Pauline Black (+ The Flack)Tunbridge Wells Forum

Ron Trueman-BorderThe Star, St Mary in the Marsh

Russ Davey (Valentines Meal)The Queen’s Inn, Hawkhurst

Shameful BehaviourRoyal Mail, Lydd, (9 pm)

The FixThe Frenchman, Folkestone

Toot ‘N’ SkamenThe George, Rochester,(8 pm)

Zero ToleranceThe Flying Horse, Ramsgate


Cinderella - The Police PantoThe Theatre Royal, Margate,(£8, 2:30 & 7:30 pm)

Sunday 14th February


The Cheeky Guide To Love –Valentine’s Sketch Show

The Theatre Royal, Margate,(£12, 7:30 pm)


7 String Les (Jam)The Plough, Langley, (6 pm)

Chris ManleyThe Chestfield Barn

Heroes (Duo)The New Inn, Deal, (7:15 pm)

InterseptorsThe Wheatsheaf, Cliftonville

Juicy LucyChurchill Tavern, Ramsgate

Jumbo GumboThe Old Neptune, Whitstable, (5 pm)

Mel Harris (Valentine’sSpecial)

The Admiral Keppel, DealPerry White

The Angel Inn,Addington Green

Rags To RichesHole in the Roof, Deal

Raphael MeadKingston Village Hall, Canterbury, (8 pm)

Roy BrownWhistlestop Restaurant, Whitstable

The DealersThe Neptunes Hall, Broadstairs, (4:30 pm)

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

If you would like to add your gigs, email:

February - March | The Gig Guide | 27

Vince MartynThe Clarendon Hotel, Deal


Skillshare 1 - Movement &Dance (PANeK presents)

Quarterhouse, Folkestone,(£5, 2 pm)

Monday 15th February


Kentish Kreme II Foyer StagePreviews

Gulbenkian Café Bar, Canterbury, (£3, 8:30 pm)

Luke Dorman and the DarkHorses

The Barge, Gillingham

Tuesday 16th February


7 String Les (Jam)The Billabong Club,Rochester, (9 pm)


Follow Your DreamCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£10, 7:30 pm)

Wednesday 17th February


Evolution (DirectionsPerforming Arts)

The Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£11, 7:30 pm)


7 String Les (Jam)Chequers Inn, Hoo, (9 pm)

Dan Clews (+ Support)The Barge, Gillingham

Ian ShawcrossThe Deal Hoy

White PepperThe Angel Inn,Addington Green


Simple Simon in the NewAdventures of Jack & TheBeanstalk

The Winter Gardens, Margate,(£5, 2:30 pm)

Thursday 18th February


Colin Fry & TJ HiggsLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone,(£20.50, 7:30 pm)

Evolution (DirectionsPerforming Arts)

The Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£11, 7:30 pm)

Showtime SpectacularThe Winter Gardens, Margate,(£9.50, 2:30 & 7:30 pm)


7 String Les (Jam)The Royal Oak, Pembury,(9 pm)

Hobo Jones & The JunkyardDogs

The Eagle Tavern, Rochester,(9 pm)

The FlingShip Centurion, Whitstable

Tom Williams and the BoatPizza Express, Maidstone

Friday 19th February


Evolution (DirectionsPerforming Arts)

The Hazlitt Theatre, Maidstone,(£11, 2:30 & 7:30 pm)


ArchiveThe Fountain, Sittingbourne

Blue Train (Broadstairs BluesBash)

The Barnaby Rudge, Broadstairs, (9 pm)

Blues Shift (Broadstairs BluesBash)

The Rose, Broadstairs, (9 pm)Canary Wolf (BroadstairsBlues Bash)

The Wrotham Arms, Broadstairs, (9 pm)

Chris (As Is Now)The New Inn, Deal

Crazy TrainThe Mill Inn, Deal, (9 pm)

Crew Of TwoThe Angel Inn,Addington Green

Fran McGillivray & Mike Burke(Broadstairs Blues Bash)

Tartar Frigate, Broadstairs, (8:30 pm)

Hazy ShadeThe Barnaby Rudge, Broadstairs, (8 pm)

Jon Allen (+ Louise Orfila)Roundhouse Theatre, Dover

Led GremlinUpper Red Lion, Herne Bay

Left Of The DialFleur-De-Lis, Sandwich

Marble Tones (BroadstairsBlues Bash)

Balmoral Wine Bar, BroadstairsShameful Behaviour

‘The Live Room’, Plough & Chequers, Gillingham, (9 pm)

Sunshine Getaway (+ TheSubmission / Keep Method)

The Westcoast Bar, Margate,(£3)

The Blues Shift (BroadstairsBlues Bash)

The Rose, Broadstairs,(8:30 pm)

The FlingThree Horseshoes, Mongeham

The Startover / Wait ForTomorrow

Dover Town Hall, (8 pm)

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

All listings are correct at time of going to press, please double check with venues to avoid disappointment.


28 | The Gig Guide | February - March

Saturday 20th February


Bring It Street DanceChampionships

Central Theatre, Chatham, (£12, 3 pm)

Evolution (DirectionsPerforming Arts)

The Hazlitt Theatre, Maidstone,(£11, 2:30 & 7:30 pm)


706 Union Ave (BroadstairsBlues Bash)

Tartar Frigate, Broadstairs,(3-5 pm)

Bagge & Armer (BroadstairsBlues Bash)

The Neptunes Hall,Broadstairs, (3-5 pm)

Black Sheep (BroadstairsBlues Bash)

Balmoral Wine Bar,Broadstairs, (9-11 pm)

Blues Bandits (BroadstairsBlues Bash)

The Wrotham Arms, Broadstairs, (9-11 pm)

Broken Biscuit Blues Band /Sam Kelly’s Station HouseBand (Broadstairs BluesBash)

Pavillion, Broadstairs,(£10, 8 pm)

Burn The JukeboxThe Alma, Deal

Colt 44Elephant & Castle, Ramsgate, (8 pm)

Crazy TrainKing Edward VII, Dover,(9 pm)

Get Carter (Broadstairs BluesBash)

The Neptunes Hall,Broadstairs, (5-7 pm)

InterseptorsThe Flying Horse, Ramsgate,(9 pm)

Jeff Barker Band (BroadstairsBlues Bash)

The Barnaby Rudge, Broadstairs, (2-4 pm)

Keith JamesThe Charity Inn, Woodnesborough, (8:30 pm)

M’larki (duo)The Lord Clyde, Deal

Norfolk Blue (BroadstairsBlues Bash)

The Dolphin, Broadstairs,(4-6 pm)

RelicsThe Yew Tree, Deal

Scarlet Harlots & Exlovers (+Elephants / The Inside Plan)

Quarterhouse, Folkestone,(£7, 7:30 pm)

Shameful BehaviourThe Windmill Inn, Ashford,(9 pm)

The DealersThe Elephant Inn, Faversham,(9 pm)

The FixAylesham Sports Club

The Slug PixiesThe New Inn, Deal

Tim Hain‘The Live Room’, Plough & Chequers, Gillingham, (9 pm)

Zero ToleranceThe Royal George, Folkestone


One Vision - Risky BusinessThe Theatre Royal, Margate,(£9, 7:30 pm)

Sunday 21st February


A Night Of British WrestlingThe Winter Gardens, Margate,(£12 / £10, 5 pm)

Open Blues Jam (BroadstairsBlues Bash)

Pavillion, Broadstairs(12:00 - 3:30 pm)


Carey, Rathbone & Bell(Broadstairs Blues Bash)

The Rose, Broadstairs,(3:30 – 5:30 pm)

Elbert FelcThe New Inn, Deal

Fran McGillivrayThe Chestfield Barn

GoosebumpsThe Clarendon Hotel, Deal

KarisThe Admiral Keppel, Deal

Katie Bradley (BroadstairsBlues Bash)

The Neptunes Hall,Broadstairs, (5:30 – 7:30 pm)

King Size Slim (BroadstairsBlues Bash)

The Wrotham Arms, Broadstairs, (7 - 9 pm)

Left Of The DialHole in the Roof, Deal

Maverick Blues Band(Broadstairs Blues Bash)

Balmoral Wine Bar, Broadstairs, (4:30 – 6:30 pm)

Mel HarrisCullins Yard, Dover

Peter TaylorThe Mount Edgcumbe, Tunbridge Wells, (8 pm)

Smokin Hogs (BroadstairsBlues Bash)

The Barnaby Rudge, Broadstairs, (9 – 11 pm)

The Learning CurveEarl’s, Maidstone

Where’s My ThingThe Horse & Groom, Ramsgate, (7 pm)


Noddy in ToylandCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£12 / £10, 2 pm)

Monday 22nd February


7 String Les / We Were There(Sixties Jam Night)

The Billabong Club,Rochester, (9 pm)

Happy TrailsThe Barge, Gillingham

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

If you would like to add your gigs, email:

February - March | The Gig Guide | 29

Open Harp Surgery(Broadstairs Blues Bash)

The Barnaby Rudge, Broadstairs, (9 - 11 pm)

Tuesday 23rd February


7 String Les (Jam)The Billabong Club,Rochester, (9 pm)

Tony Dennis QuintetWestgate Pavilion, (8 pm)

The DealersMedway Folk Cellar, Chatham,(8 pm)

Whistle Stop Tour (+DougHudson)

Central Theatre, Chatham,(£8, 8 pm)

Wednesday 24th February


Dave Gorman - Sitdown,Pedal, Pedal, Stop & Stand Up

Leas Cliff Hall, Folkestone,(£18.50, 8 pm)


7 String Les (Jam)Chequers Inn, Hoo, (9 pm)

ArchiveThe Deal Hoy

Fran McGillivrayThe Angel Inn,Addington Green

Who’s BadCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£23.50 / £22.50, 7:30 pm)


Let’s Do It (ChandeliersDrama Group)

The Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£10, 7:30 pm)

Thursday 25th February


7 String Les (Gig With ThePig)

China Palace, Rochester,(7 pm)

Kelly’s HeroesShip Centurion, Whitstable

Paul CarrackCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£24.50 / £23, 7:30 pm)

Seven Year KismetThe Beacon Court Tavern, Gillingham, (8 pm)

The Singing LoinsBrook Theatre, Chatham,(£10.00, 9 pm)


Lady Audley’s SecretThe Theatre Royal, Margate,(£8, 7:30 pm)

Let’s Do It (ChandeliersDrama Group)

The Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£10, 7:30 pm)

Friday 26th February


Any Other BusinesLower Bell, Aylesford,(8:30 pm)

Beergut 100The Trocadero, Gravesend

Dub Pistols (+ Resolution242)

The Westcoast Bar, Margate,(£12.50)

InterseptorsThe Rose, Broadstairs, (9 pm)

Geoff DeanWhistlestop Restaurant, Whitstable

Gold TopThe New Inn, Deal

Jumbo GumboThe Flower Pot, Maidstone,(9 pm)

Led GremlinThe Louis Armstrong, Dover

Run VTTartar Frigate, Broadstairs

Russ DaveyThe Kings Arms, Boxley

SabotageThe Star, Ashford

Shameful BehaviourThe Plough, Swalecliffe,(9 pm)

SimoneThe Angel Inn,Addington Green

Tener DuendeOranges, Ashford, (8:30 pm)

The Slug PixiesThe Fountain, Sittingbourne


Lady Audley’s SecretThe Theatre Royal, Margate,(£8, 7:30 pm)

Let’s Do It (ChandeliersDrama Group)

The Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£10, 7:30 pm)

Room on the BroomCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£10, 2:30 pm)

Saturday 27th February


Calendar Girls and BoysBrook Theatre, Chatham,(£7.50, 7 pm)


ArchiveThe New Inn, Deal

BodegasThe Magpie, Chatham

CharlieThe Lord Clyde, Deal

ChevronPrince Of Wales, Strood,(9 pm)

Circle Of RageWhite Oak Leisure Centre,Swanley

Craig SheridanThe Alma, Deal

Goodbye EricThe Louis Armstrong, Dover

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

All listings are correct at time of going to press, please double check with venues to avoid disappointment.


30 | The Gig Guide | February - March

Hard Road Blues BandKing Edward VII, Dover,(8:45 pm)

IcandyThe Market Inn, Sandwich

Iris (+ Rogues Down / WeDie At Dawn / HooliganVillage) (Rockfest)

Astor Theatre, Deal, (7 pm)Kayley Weller

The Three Cups, Dover,(8:30 pm)

Led GremlinThe Red Lion, Ramsgate

Shameful BehaviourThe Ascot Arms, Gravesend,(9 pm)

Skinny Molly (+ Support)The Westcoast Bar, Margate,(£10)

The BloxOld Eden, Edenbridge, (9 pm)

The Clintstones‘The Live Room’, Plough & Chequers, Gillingham, (9 pm)

The Floorboard FamilyHilderstone College, Broadstairs, (8 pm)

The FixThe George Hotel, Ashford

The SuspectsKing Edward VII, Margate

Zero ToleranceThe Frenchman, Folkestone


Inspiration to Dance (MasqueTheatre School)

The Winter Gardens, Margate,(£12, 7:30 pm)

Lady Audley’s SecretThe Theatre Royal, Margate,(£8, 7:30 pm)

Let’s Do It (ChandeliersDrama Group)

The Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone,(£10, 2:30 & 7:30 pm)

Room on the BroomCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£10, 12 & 2:30 pm)

Sunday 28th February


7 String Les (Jam)The Plough, Langley, (6 pm)

8Control / Hang The Bastard/ One Step Down / Pay NoRespect / This Is Colour

Chantry Social Club, Canterbury, (8 pm)

BrokenThe New Inn, Deal

Chris ManleyThe Chestfield Barn

Counterfeit NotesThe Clarendon Hotel, Deal

Gary EmanuelThe Admiral Keppel, Deal

Kayley WellerCambridge Arms, Deal, (5 pm)

Lee ‘Memphis’ King - Elvis onTour

Central Theatre, Chatham,(£19.50/£18.50, 7:30 pm)

Luke JacksonTartar Frigate, Broadstairs,(8 pm)

SpygeniusThe Old Neptune, Whitstable

Where’s My ThingThe Two Brewers, Whitstable


Inspiration to Dance (MasqueTheatre School)

The Winter Gardens, Margate,(£12, 2:30 pm)

Monday 1st March


Andrew MaxwellBrook Theatre, Chatham,(£11)

Steve Williams (+ JoeWilkinson)

Bramley’s Bay, Canterbury,(£10.50, 8 pm)


Hot Rats (Duo)The Barge, Gillingham

The DealersThe Barnaby Rudge, Broadstairs, (9 pm)


AlfieCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£16/£14, 7:30 pm)

Tuesday 2nd March


7 String Les (Jam)The Billabong Club,Rochester, (9 pm)

Give Get GivenThe Mojo Bar, Tonbridge,(8 pm)

Karen LaneBrook Theatre, Chatham, (£9)

SwampDuckOrange Street Music Club, Canterbury, (8 pm)


AlfieCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£16/£14, 7:30 pm)

Wednesday 3rd March


Kevin McCarthy (+JasonWood / Andi Osho)

Exchange Studio, Maidstone, (£10, 8 pm)


7 String Les (Jam)Chequers Inn, Hoo, (9 pm)

Bards @ The Barge (Open MicNight)

The Barge, GillinghamIan Shawcross

The Deal Hoy

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

If you would like to add your gigs, email:

February - March | The Gig Guide | 31


2010: A Space OddityThe Theatre Royal, Margate,(£12/£10, 7:30 pm)

AlfieCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£16/£14, 7:30 pm)

SeussicalThe Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£8.50, 7:30 pm)

Thursday 4th March


Jethro - Too Late to Grow UpCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£18/£17, 7:30 pm)


Germaine Greer - Forty YearsOf Feminism And Fun

The Theatre Royal, Margate,(£13, 7:30 pm)


7 String Les (Jam)Kelsey Arms, Tunbridge Wells,(9 pm)

BodegasThe Eagle Tavern, Rochester

Open Harp SurgeryShip Centurion, Whitstable

The learning CurveCarpenters Arms, Eastling


SeussicalThe Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£8.50, 7:30 pm)

Friday 5th March


Dara O’BriainThe Winter Gardens, Margate,(£19.50, 8 pm)


(TBA) (BBC Kent Introducing2nd Birthday Party)

Quarterhouse, Folkestone(TBC)

The New Inn, DealAny Other Busines

The George Hotel, Ashford,(9 pm)

BodegasThe East Kent, Whitstable

Canterbury (+ Dissolved In /Lights Go Blue)

The Westcoast Bar, Margate, (£3)

Crazy TrainFleur-De-Lis, Sandwich,(9 pm)

Errol Kennedy’s ImaginationCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£17.50/£16, 7:30 pm)

Gold TopThree Horseshoes, Mongeham

Henry’s Rock BandThe Kemsley Arms, (9 pm)

InterseptorsThe Rodney, Garlinge, (9 pm)

Jenny BarlowCambridge Arms, Deal,(8:45 pm)

Kev Reynolds DuoUK Paper Leisure Club, Sittingbourne

Led GremlinThe George Hotel, Ashford

Martin JonathanThe Lord Clyde, Deal

MelonHeadManThe Frenchman, Folkestone,(8:30 pm)

Moneymaker‘The Live Room’, Plough & Chequers, Gillingham, (9 pm)

Open Harp SurgeryTartar Frigate, Broadstairs

RiseThe Cricketers, River,(8:30 pm)

Sarah BanksThe Clarendon Hotel, Deal

Shameful BehaviourThe White Hart, Cuxton,(9 pm)

The Police SquadThe Park Inn, Dover

Zero ToleranceThe Firs Club, Cheriton


SeussicalThe Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£8.50, 7:30 pm)

Saturday 6th March


In DreamsThe Winter Gardens, Margate,(£15, 7:30 pm)


A Boy Named GirlThe Red Lion, Gravesend

Alex Hills / Five Floors Up /Nic Bennett / The Flack / TheOverdrafts / Spygenius(Kentish Kreme II)

The Gulbenkian,Canterbury, (£10, 7:45 pm)

Any Other BusinesEarl’s, Maidstone, (9 pm)

City of Rochester SymphonyOrchestra

Central Theatre, Chatham,(£13/£11/£9, 7:30 pm)

Cocos Lovers (AlbumRelease) / Krissy and theJackdaws / Will Varley

Astor Theatre, Deal, (8 pm)Elvis in Concert with CliffCastle

‘The Live Room’, Plough & Chequers, Gillingham, (9 pm)

Henry’s Rock BandThe George Hotel, Ashford,(9 pm)

Led GremlinKing Edward VII, Margate

Martin JonathanThe Charity Inn, Woodnesborough

RelicsThe Louis Armstrong, Dover

SabotageThe Captain Howey, Littlestone

Shameful BehaviourCarpenters Arms, Canterbury,(9 pm)

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

All listings are correct at time of going to press, please double check with venues to avoid disappointment.


32 | The Gig Guide | February - March

SpygeniusThe Gulbenkian, Canterbury

The Blues ShiftLower Bell, Aylesford

The Qemists (+ Support)The Westcoast Bar, Margate, (£8)

The Songs of Nick Drake(Keith James & Rick Foot)

Quarterhouse, Folkestone,(£12, 7 pm)

Up All NightThe Alma, Deal

Where’s My ThingBradstow Mill, Broadstairs

Zero ToleranceThe New Inn, Deal


Orpheus Down UnderThe Theatre Royal, Margate,(£15, 7:30 pm)

SeussicalThe Hazlitt Theatre, Maidstone,(£8.50, 2:30 & 7:30 pm)

Sunday 7th March


Holiday For DancersLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone,(£25, 8 pm)


7 String Les (Jam)The Fountain, Sittingbourne,(3 pm)

Craig SheridanThe Bohemian, Deal

Jake Hill’s Tuxedo Jazz BandWestgate Pavilion, (8 pm)

Julia WestThe Admiral Keppel, Deal

Kingsdown BandThe Clarendon Hotel, Deal

Landlord Tenant ActThe Chestfield Barn

Led GremlinThe Alexandra Hotel,Chatham, (6-8 pm)

On The RunThe New Inn, Deal

Monday 8th March


7 String LesThe Billabong Club, Rochester,(7:15 pm)

Avenge Thee NaimeTunbridge Wells Forum, (7 pm)

Bill CliftThe Barge, Gillingham

Hobo Jones & The JunkyardDogs

The Walnut Tree, Maidstone,(9 pm)

Tuesday 9th March


7 String Les (Jam)The Billabong Club,Rochester, (9 pm)

Wednesday 10th March


7 String Les (Jam)Chequers Inn, Hoo, (9 pm)

Landlord Tenant ActThe Angel Inn,Addington Green

The Killers Joes (Feat. IvanThompson)

The Deal HoyWho’s Bad

The Winter Gardens, Margate,(£18.50, 8 pm)


Beauty and the BeastBrook Theatre, Chatham,(£12, 7:30 pm)

Thursday 11th March


7 String Les / We Were There(Sixties Jam Night)

Chequers Inn, Hoo, (9 pm)

Landlord Tenant ActShip Centurion, Whitstable

Pasión De Buena VistaLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone,(£25.50 / £23.50, 7:30 pm)

The DriftersCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£20/£18.50, 7:30 pm)

The Police SquadThe Walnut Tree, East Farleigh


Beauty and the BeastBrook Theatre, Chatham,(£12, 7:30 pm)

Friday 12th March


American SuperslamWrestling

Leas Cliff Hall, Folkestone,(£12 / £10, 7:30 pm)


Archie Wah Wahs‘The Live Room’, Plough & Chequers, Gillingham, (9 pm)

ArchiveThe Rose, Broadstairs

Contempt (+ The Junk)The Westcoast Bar, Margate, (£2)

Guy Barker & Ian Shaw (atthe Movies)

Quarterhouse, Folkestone,(£12.50, 8 pm)

HeroesDublin Man O’ War, River

InterseptorsThe Park Inn, Dover, (9 pm)

Led GremlinThe Barnaby Rudge, Broadstairs

Left Of The DialThe Louis Armstrong, Dover

Martin JonathanThe New Inn, Deal

Martin MatchamThe Market Inn, Sandwich

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

If you would like to add your gigs, email:

February - March | The Gig Guide | 33

Not The Rolling Stones / TheCounterfeit Beatles (ComeTogether)

The Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£14, 7:30 pm)

Rags To RichesHole in the Roof, Deal

RelicsThe Bull, Sissinghurst

Shameful BehaviourCasey’s, Canterbury, (9 pm)

Sparky & ChefThe Lord Clyde, Deal

The Len Price 3The Nag’s Head, Rochester,(8:30 pm)


Beauty and the BeastBrook Theatre, Chatham,(£12, 7:30 pm)

Saturday 13th March


Any Other BusinesThe White Horse, Maidstone,(9 pm)

BodegasThe Ocean Inn, Dymchurch

DOGS (+ Support)Quarterhouse, Folkestone,(£7, 7:30 pm)

DonnaThe New Inn, Deal

Glamour of the Kill (+ Yashin/ Challenge The Chess Club)

The Westcoast Bar, Margate, (£3)

Heroes (Duo)The Railway Club, Folkestone

Jive Aces (A Night At TheBlitz – Includes Dinner)

The Winter Gardens, Margate,(£32.50, 7 pm)

Juicy LucyLower Bell, Aylesford

Led GremlinDuke of Edinburgh, Barming

Martin JonathanThe Fox, Temple Ewell

MelonHeadManEarl’s, Maidstone, (9 pm)

Ron Trueman-BorderThe Bowl Inn, Hastingleigh

Shameful BehaviourThe Alma, Deal, (9 pm)

SPUNGE (+ New Riot / TheFlack / Tyrannosaurus Alan)

Tunbridge Wells Forum, (8 pm)SwampDuck

Orange Street Music Club, Canterbury, (8 pm)

The Band of HM RoyalMarines in concert

Central Theatre, Chatham,(£20/£18, 7:30 pm)

The FixStones Bar, Folkestone

The Slug PixiesThe Louis Armstrong, Dover

Where’s My ThingKing Edward VII, Margate

Zero ToleranceThe Park Inn, Dover


Beauty and the BeastBrook Theatre, Chatham,(£12, 2:30 & 7:30 pm)

Charles Ross - One Man LordOf The Rings

The Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, £14, 8 pm

Me And Me DadThe Theatre Royal, Margate,(£12/£10, 7:30 pm)

The Strange Case of Jekyll &Hyde

Exchange Studio, Maidstone,(£11, 7:30 pm)

Sunday 14th March


7 String Les (Jam)The Plough, Langley, (6 pm)

All Stars Band - 21st CharityConcert

The Winter Gardens, Margate,(£11 / £10 / £9, 7:30 pm)

Beergut 100The Alexandra Hotel,Chatham, (6-9 pm)

Cat JaxThe Admiral Keppel, Deal

Chris ManleyThe Chestfield Barn

HeroesThe New Inn, Deal

Martin JonathanCullins Yard, Dover, (afternoon)The Park Inn, Dover,(evening)

Tim HainThe Clarendon Hotel, Deal

Tony Johnson (Piano Man)Hole in the Roof, Deal

Monday 15th March


Any Other BusinesThe Walnut Tree, Maidstone,(9 pm)

Dennis Locorriere & AndyFairweather-LowLee Mack - Going Out

Leas Cliff Hall, Folkestone,(£22.50 / £20.50, 7:30 pm)

Gastove and MickThe Barge, Gillingham


Mack And Mabel (MaidstoneAmateur Operatic Society)

The Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£11, 7:30 pm)

Tuesday 16th March


7 String Les (Jam)The Billabong Club,Rochester, (9 pm)


Mack And Mabel (MaidstoneAmateur Operatic Society)

The Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£11, 7:30 pm)

Shakespeare in ShortsBrook Theatre, Chatham, (£5)

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

All listings are correct at time of going to press, please double check with venues to avoid disappointment.


34 | The Gig Guide | February - March

Wednesday 17th March


7 String Les (Jam)Chequers Inn, Hoo, (9 pm)

Chicory TipWhistlestop Restaurant, Whitstable

Denny and the BoysThe Deal Hoy


Mack And Mabel (MaidstoneAmateur Operatic Society)

The Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£11, 7:30 pm)

Thursday 18th March


Swan LakeLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone,(£22.50 - £11.50, 7 pm)


7 String Les (Jam)The Royal Oak, Pembury,(9 pm)

Mel HarrisShip Centurion, Whitstable

The MercurialsThe Man of Kent, Rochester,(9 pm)

The Police SquadEarl’s, Maidstone


Mack And Mabel (MaidstoneAmateur Operatic Society)

The Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£11, 7:30 pm)

Friday 19th March


(TBC)The New Inn, Deal

Aliquot Flow / The AquitaineProgression

‘The Live Room’, Plough & Chequers, Gillingham, (8 pm)

Audio Bullys (+ Support)The Westcoast Bar, Margate, (£12.50, 7 pm)

Beergut 100The Viewpoint Club,Gravesend

DreadzoneQuarterhouse, Folkestone,(£14, 8 pm)

Hard Road Blues BandThe Trafalgar Hotel, Queenborough, (8:45 pm)

HeroesThe George Hotel, Ashford

Kit Curtis & The SceneHole in the Roof, Deal

MadazThree Horseshoes, Mongeham

On The RunThe Lord Clyde, Deal

Ron Trueman-BorderRainham Folk Club

Shades of GrayThe Frenchman, Folkestone,(8:30 pm)

Shameful BehaviourThe Robin Hood,Tunbridge Wells, (9 pm)

Spygenius (Q Festival)Quex Park, Birchington

The FixGolden Arrow, Cheriton

The JivesTartar Frigate, Broadstairs

Wait For TomorrowThe Corn Exchange,Maidstone, (8 pm)

Where’s My ThingThe Red Lion, Ramsgate


Forever In Your DebtThe Theatre Royal, Margate, (£12.50/£11, 7:30 pm)

Mack And Mabel (MaidstoneAmateur Operatic Society)

The Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£11, 7:30 pm)

The Day of the Dead,Mexicano (Circus of Horrors)

Leas Cliff Hall, Folkestone,(£25 - £13, 7:30 pm)

Saturday 20th March


Salsa Party with PalenkeQuarterhouse, Folkestone,(£12, 7 pm)


7 String LesThe Freemasons Arms, Snodland, (9 pm)

Any Other BusinesThe Captain Howey,Littlestone, (9 pm)

Björn AgainThe Winter Gardens, Margate,(£17.50, 7:30 pm)

BodegasThe Hare & Hounds, Maidstone

Broken‘The Live Room’, Plough & Chequers, Gillingham, (9 pm)

Canterbury Choral Society -Spring Concert

Canterbury Cathedral,(£25 - £8, 7 pm)

Chris (As Is Now)The New Inn, Deal

Crazy TrainThe Archer, Whitfield

Heroes (Duo)Bowling Green Tavern, Deal

InterseptorsThe New Inn,Minster (Thanet), (9 pm)

Jenny BarlowThe Oddfellows, Folkestone,(8:30 pm)

Lupen CrookThe Barge, Gillingham

Martin JonathanThe Admiral Harvey, Dover

Shades of GrayThe Beauty of Bath, Sittingbourne, (8:30 pm)

Shameful BehaviourEarl’s, Maidstone, (9 pm)

The DealersThe Wrotham Arms, Broadstairs, (8 pm)

The SkatonicsSt Edith’s Hall, Kemsing, (£10)

The Slug PixiesChurchill Tavern, Ramsgate

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

If you would like to add your gigs, email:

February - March | The Gig Guide | 35

Zero ToleranceThe Park Inn Hotel, Folkestone


Mack And Mabel (MaidstoneAmateur Operatic Society)

The Hazlitt Theatre, Maidstone,(£11, 2:30 & 7:30 pm)

Sunday 21st March


Antiques RoadshowThe Clarendon Hotel, Deal

ArchiveChurchill Tavern, Ramsgate

Billy BrownThe Admiral Keppel, Deal

Crazy TrainThe Horse & Groom,Ramsgate, (7 pm)

Get ApeHole in the Roof, Deal

Jeff MartinThe Chestfield Barn

Mixed EmotionsThe New Inn, Deal

SwingtetWestgate Pavilion, (8 pm)

The HolliesCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£24.50/£23, 7:30 pm)

Tyrannosaurus Alan (+ TheFlack)

Tap ‘n’ Tin, Chatham

Monday 22nd March


7 String Les / We Were There(Sixties Jam Night)

The Billabong Club,Rochester, (9 pm)

Junk & DisorderlyThe Barge, Gillingham

TriviumLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone,(£16.50, 7 pm)


Captain Corelli’s MandolinCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£16/£14, 7:30 pm)

Tuesday 23rd March


DiversityThe Winter Gardens, Margate,(£18.50, 7:30 pm)


7 String Les (Jam)The Billabong Club,Rochester, (9 pm)

EditorsLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone,(£21, 7 pm)


Captain Corelli’s MandolinCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£16/£14, 7:30 pm)

Wednesday 24th March


7 String Les (Jam)Chequers Inn, Hoo, (9 pm)


Captain Corelli’s MandolinCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£16 / £14, 7:30 pm)

Lotty’s WarThe Theatre Royal, Margate,(£12 / £10, 7:30 pm)

Mixed EmotionsThe Deal Hoy

The World’s WifeExchange Studio, Maidstone,£12, 7:30 pm

Thursday 25th March


Avenge Thee NaimeThe Beacon Court Tavern, Gillingham, (8 pm)

Charlie LandsboroughLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone,(£17.50 / £15.50, 7:30 pm)

City of London Sinfonia - Anevening of Romance andMajesty

Central Theatre, Chatham,(£18 / £15, 7:30 pm)

Kev ReynoldsShip Centurion, Whitstable

Tom Williams and the Boat (+Chris T-T)

Tunbridge Wells Forum

Friday 26th March


(TBC)The New Inn, Deal

After The Ordeal / AvengeThee Naime / Before SilenceFalls/ The Kairs / TomorrowBelongs To Us

Dover Town HallChicory Tip

The Angel Inn,Addington Green

Heroes (Duo)The Drum, Stanford

Kev Reynolds DuoTartar Frigate, Broadstairs

Lecarla (+ Dirty Revolution /Eleven Eleven / CWB)

The Westcoast Bar, Margate,(£2)

Led GremlinThe Red Lion, Badlesmere

Mel HarrisThe Lord Clyde, Deal

Nick WilsonLiving Room at The View, Folkestone, (8 pm)

Peter AndreLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone,(£24, 7 pm)

Ron Trueman-BorderStile Bidge Café, Marden

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

All listings are correct at time of going to press, please double check with venues to avoid disappointment.


36 | The Gig Guide | February - March

Shameful BehaviourThe Trafalgar Hotel, Queenborough, (9 pm)

The Skints / TyrannosaurusAlan

The Ivy Leaf, Sheerness,(8 pm)

The Soundcasters‘The Live Room’, Plough & Chequers, Gillingham

The SuspectsThe Rose, Broadstairs

Thom CakebreadCambridge Arms, Deal,(8:30 pm)

Tom Williams and the Boat (+Chris T-T)

The Farmhouse, CanterburyWhere’s My Thing

The Plough, Swalecliffe

Saturday 27th March


Richard DiganceThe Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£15, 7:30 pm)


7 String LesStone St Club, Maidstone,(8 pm)

A Boy Named GirlAstor Theatre, Deal

ArchiveThe Unicorn, Marden

ChevronWainscott Club, Rochester,(8:30 pm)

Crazy TrainChurchill Tavern, Ramsgate,(9 pm)

Gabby Young and OtherAnimals / Syd Arthur

Quarterhouse, FolkestoneHenry’s Rock Band

The White Hart, Cuxton,(9 pm)

Heroes (Duo)The Mayfly, Hawkinge

Kris Dollimore‘The Live Room’, Plough & Chequers, Gillingham, (9 pm)

Left Of The DialBradstow Mill, Broadstairs

Legend (Bob Marley Tribute)The Westcoast Bar, Margate,(£10)

Loose ChangeAshford International Hotel, (Ticket Only)

Nearly FamousThe New Inn, Deal

RegradeLower Bell, Aylesford, (9 pm)

Shameful BehaviourRoyal Oak, Lydd, (9 pm)

The DeccasThe Loco Lounge, Folkestone,(8 pm)

The FixThe Jolly Miller, Dartford

The StartoverWhite Oak Leisure Centre,Swanley, (8 pm)


Defending the CavemanCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£20/£19, 7:30 pm)

Sunday 28th March


My Fab Years, An EveningWith Sylvia Anderson

The Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£16, 7:30 pm)


7 String Les (Jam)The Plough, Langley, (6 pm)

Feast of FiddlesBrook Theatre, Chatham,

(£16)Gren Bartley and TomKitchling

The Barge, GillinghamLearning Curve

The Clarendon Hotel, DealSarah O’Shea

The Admiral Keppel, DealScandal

The New Inn, Deal

The BloxThe Old Neptune, Whitstable,(5 pm)

Under CoverHole in the Roof, Deal


Defending the CavemanCentral Theatre, Chatham,(£20 / £19, 7:30 pm)

The Riddle Of The SandsThe Theatre Royal, Margate,(£12.50 / £11, 7:30 pm)

Tuesday 30th March


An Evening With JimmyGreaves

The Hazlitt Theatre,Maidstone, (£18.50, 7:30 pm)


7 String Les (Jam)The Billabong Club, Rochester,(9 pm)

Wednesday 31st March


7 String Les (Jam)Chequers Inn, Hoo, (9 pm)

Keith JamesThe Man of Kent, Rochester,(8:30 pm)

Mel HarrisThe Angel Inn,Addington Green

N-DubzLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone,(£20, 7 pm)

Robert BrownThe Barge, Gillingham

Want to get your gigs seenby over 7000 people?

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Live Music, Function Room available to hire forWeddings, Parties, Conferences

and Meetings, Food served Friday to Sunday, Please call for details.


MarchSatday 6th - Up All Night

126 West Street, Deal - 01304 369349

Satday 6thSatday 20thSatday 27th

- Final Cut- Burn The Jukebox- Craig Sheridan

Competition: Concrete Gods

February - March | The Gig Guide | 39





Tel Number:

Send completed entries to:

The Gig Guide, Thanet Publishing Ltd, Westwood Business Park, Strasbourg Street, Margate, Kent, CT9 4JJ


Fancy getting your handson The Concrete Gods’latest album?

Welcome To The Empire Club is the latestoffering from these punk greats, awarded amassive 9/10 in Issue 12 of The Gig Guide!

We’ve got 5 copies to give away to 5 lucky readers. To enter, simply answer the simple questionbelow;

What is the name of the classic TV show parodied inthis picture?

Send your completed competition entry forms to:The Gig Guide, Thanet Publishing Ltd, Westwood BusinessPark, Strasbourg Street, Margate, Kent, CT9 4JJ

..or enter online at

Five winners will be chosen at random from all correctentries received before 15th March 2010

Terms & Conditions:1) Only official entry forms or emails received before 15th March will be valid for entry into the competition.2) Competition not open to employees or their families of Thanet Publishing Ltd.3) No cash alternative given.4) The winners will be notified by email or telephone after the closing date of 15th March.

Up Close and Personal: Googies Art Café

40 | The Gig Guide | February - March


Googies is, at the moment,the talk of the town withits’ name appearingeverywhere.

Googies is the brain child ofKeith Holland and wasopened on the 31st August2009. Armed with adelicious home-made menu,quirky drinks and bohemiandécor it is a haven for arti-licous people to chill andswap ideas. People from allwalks of the creative worldwander through its’ doorsand make Googies alegendary networkinghaunt. Local artists,writers, musicians,performers, comedians andmime artists (yes I saidmime artists!) alike allgravitate towards thisGoogie wonderland of likeminded people andeccentricity; proving to bejust as addictive to thosewho simply appreciate the creative spark in others. It continuously has something going on from secret

parties to jam sessions andsomehow never fails tosurprise.

From a customer’s point ofview I first found, and stillfind, that Googies isunmistakably unique. Assoon as I entered, I wasstruck by the warmambience and as someonelooking for inspiring andimaginative people to sharea coffee with, I sure foundwhat I was looking for. Iwas introduced to Keith awhile back and from thereit’s a bit of a blur. Keithknew all the right people tospeak to and pointed me inthe right direction. I havesince networked with someextraordinarily talentedpeople, some of which arenow good friends and arehelping me with futureprojects. Personally themost vibrant part ofGoogies is that anythingcan happen. I sat writingthis article whilst glancingat the photographic and

painted artwork, when acustomer got up andstarted playing the piano -very well I might add. Itgave an otherwise ordinarytea drinking session a kindof spontaneity other cafesjust don’t have.

Knowing that no one day isthe same at Googies makesit appealing to go relaxthere and just let anafternoon unfold. I do havea strong feeling that it willbe the birth place of manytalented acts and will bethrowing more amazingparties and events in thenear future. You will notforget Googies in a hurryand it is somewhere Ihighly recommend you seekout and enjoy.

I asked a few customerswhat they thought ofGoogies and here’s whatthey had to say;

“When Googies firstopened, I wasn’t sure what

Photo by Dan Desborough(

Photo by Dan Desborough(

February - March | The Gig Guide | 41

to make of yet anothercafé/coffee shop inFolkestone, but the more Ihave visited and networkedwith the people there, themore I have come to learnthat it is more than a café.It has unpretentiouslybecome the nucleus forFolkestone’s creativefollowing, housing peoplethat can make a genuinedifference in your journeyto getting noticed withinyour artistic field.”

“Googies gives exposureanother meaning, I haveonly visited twice but fromthat I have realised that mywork is good enough and Inow know that I can pursuemy dreams with moreconfidence.”

“After hearing that Googieswas an art café I thought itwould be full of arty fartypeople, that quite franklydidn’t know art if it bitthem on the nose but I waspleasantly surprised todiscover they’re not.Everybody is welcome, allopinions are welcome andall ideas are welcome.” “I had Moroccan lamb andcous cous not long ago andit was gorgeous. Thesmoogies drinks are yummytoo. You can sit and eat ordrink and talk to peopleknowledgeable in theirfields. I have met someamazing people and I knowI will continue to do so.”

If you are interested inbecoming a regular at

Googies or you havesomething that you thinkwould add to thecommunity then take a lookat their website and addthem as a friend

Don’t forget Googies is fullylicensed and openThursday, Friday andSaturday evenings. With afine selection of beers,wines and spirits it offersan alternative environmentto enjoy unwinding in atthe end of a long week –not to mention a greatplace to stop by to getyourselves in the mood fora night on the town.

Upcoming events:(Most events happen at short

notice so check regularly!).


Sat 6th - Back to the 80s

A party indulging in allthings tasteless – expectcrimes against fashion andmusic you’ll simply have to‘bop’ to.

Sat 13th -Lifeboat Appeal

A festival of music to raisemoney and awareness.

Sun 14th Googies


Ring for details.

Also:‘The G Spot’ – a regularcabaret / open mic nightwith a difference.

Yoga - Held downstairs atGoogies every Thursdaynight at 7pm.


Throughout MarchAn art show celebratingPeter Carr – to includepoetry workshops, musicevents, and readings fromthe man himself.

Photo by Dan Desborough(

42 | The Gig Guide | February - March

Not To Be Missed:

Created and founded in 1988 in Melbourne,

Australia by director and musician Rod

Stephen, Björn Again is not a copy or tribute

band, but seen as a satirical parody of ABBA and a

brand in it’s own right, which rapidly achieved

worldwide cult status.

Having been endorsed by ABBA vocalist Agnetha

Fältskog, the ultimate aim, as always for Rod is to

keep his brand at the top and continue for as long

as people want to see and hear ABBA’s songs

performed the way Björn Again does them.

The 20th March sees your chance to witness this

phenomenal show at Margate’s Winter Gardens.

The show starts at 7:30 pm and tickets cost

£17.50 (plus a service charge), available from the

box office in person, or by calling 01843 292795 /

01843 296111.

Björn Again in Margate!

Audio Bullys hit Westcoast

West Londoners Simon Franks and Tom

Dinsoale AKA Audio Bullys crashed into

the scene back in 2002 with a string of

highly successful single releases including the

massive hit 'We Don't Care'. Two albums later

('Ego War' and 'Generation'), they have kept

themselves busy touring the world, performing at

countless festivals and DJ’ing in the finest clubs.

Now the boys are back in 2010 and set to

release their third album; ‘Sunday Night Fever’.

You can catch them playing an intimate live gig

at Margate’s Westcoast bar on 19th March for the

small sum of just £12.50! Don’t miss your

chance to be part of this unique event.

February - March | The Gig Guide | 43

Music at The Astor

Dara O’Briain

Following 2008's sold out national tour, bestselling DVD ‘Dara O’Briain Talks Funny’ andhis debut book ‘Tickling The English’, award

winning stand up comedian Dara O’Briain hits theroad again in 2010.

While not hosting BBC2’s ‘Mock The Week’ Dara isthe star of ‘Three Men and a Boat’, has appearedon ‘Live From The Apollo’ and is also a Guardiansports columnist!

This is a unique opportunity to catch the mostcharming, charismatic, fast-talking funny manworking on the UK's live comedy circuit today.

Dara will be performing at Margate’s WinterGardens on 5th March, 8 pm. Tickets cost £19.50(plus a service charge) and are available from thebox office in person, or by calling 01843 292795 /01843 296111.

As part of the resurrection of Deal’s

dilapidated Astor Theatre, organisers have

put on some live music in February

starting with Nine Below Zero on 13th at 8


The 140 seat auditorium will be home to live

performances, dance events, markets and a big

screen cinema. As well as the main auditorium,

there will be four studios for smaller projects as

well as a dedicated recording studio, which is

available for hire.

Later in February, the very first ‘Rockfest’ will

take place on 27th, providing a great platform

for local live bands to gain much needed

exposure and headlining on this occasion will be

Iris with support from Rogues Down, We Die

At Dawn and Hooligan Village.

For enquiries, call 07802 702071

+ Support

Sat 13-3-10 7.30pm - £7.00 advance

QuarterhouseTontine St


CT20 1JR

Box Office:01303 858500

Promoters,Advertise your

event here!

We’ve got great rates

with quarter pages

starting at just £35!

Call 01843 282526

for details

February - March | The Gig Guide | 45

Caught in the Act

DOGS, Westcoast Bar (Margate),

26th November, by Stuart Keeler

The Flack, Westcoast Bar (Margate),

26th November, by Stuart Keeler

Kevin Iverson, The Archer (Whitfield),

23rd January, by Natalie Fendt

Coronal Mass Ejection, Rainys(Ramsgate), 4th December, by Dave Smith

Iris, Rainys (Ramsgate), 4thDecember, by Dave Smith

Electric River, Downtown Diner(Ashford), 9th November, by Dave Smith

February March

139 Mongeham Rd, Great Mongeham, Deal, Kent, CT14 9LL / Tel: (01304) 375812

The Three Horseshoes, Great Mongeham

Friday 5th

Thursday 18th

Friday 19th

- Gold Top

- Ann Summers Party

- Madaz

Friday 5th

Friday 19th

- Tony Johnson

(Piano Man)

- The Fling

Plus... Karaoke every Sunday!



PLUS SUPPORTThe Forum, Tunbridge Wells

Saturday, February 13th : Tickets £15 01892 557333

+ Support - The Flack

February - March | The Gig Guide | 47






20 Questions to test your musical knowledge!

Q1. Justin Timberlake was formerly a vocalist forwhich band?

Q2. Which famous rock group played their first gigtogether at the Marquee Club in London on July12th, 1962?

Q3. What was the biggest selling single in the UKduring the 1980s?

Q4. Who’s 1978 debut single was called ‘Sultans OfSwing’?

Q5. Which Beatles album consisted only of Lennonand McCartney compositions?

Q6. What was the name of Take That’s first numberone single?

Q7. Who was Britain’s entry into the eurovision songcontest in 1976 with the song; ‘Save All YourKisses For Me’?

Q8. What was Cliff Richards’ first number one single?

Q9. The James Bond theme ‘Goldeneye’ was sung byTina Turner, but who wrote it?

Q10. Who had a hit with ‘Ride On Time’ in 1989?

Q11. In 2000, who became the first female to reachnumber one in the charts as a soloist, in a duoand as part of a group?

Q12. Which country singer wrote the song ‘I WillAlways Love You’ which was a hit for WhitneyHouston in 1992?

Q13. In the music world, how is Damon Gough betterknown?

Q14. Which star took the photo which features on thefront cover of Iggy Pop’s album ‘The Idiot’?

Q15. Which two singers duetted on the 1991 UKnumber one single ‘Don’t Let The Sun Go DownOn Me’?

Q16. Which well known pop star’s real surname isGudmundsdottir?

Q17. In 1990, which singer became the first artist torefuse a Grammy award?

Q18. ‘The Trolley Song’, ‘Under The Bamboo Tree’ and‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas’ aresongs featured in which musical?

Q19. Which band released the 1999 comeback single‘Maria’?

Q20. What was the name of Kylie Minogue’s debutalbum?

Answers on p49

48 | The Gig Guide | February - March


If you would like to place a completely free classified advert in our next edition,


Male Lead Vocals...

Wanted for busy gigging function and dance band in East Kent

Busy rehearsal ( once a week) as well as gig diary schedule.

Please do not apply if you are looking just for money.

Let me know by email in first instance details of experience, whether

you are also in another band, whether you have transport and your

own mikes, etc.

PA supplied

Frank Miles -

Female Lead Vocalist Wanted Urgently

Female singer/frontperson needed for established covers band, gigsalready booked for 2010, must be versatile and fun, music covered is widei.e.,winehouse,lady marmalade,blondie,the gossip,kings of leon to name afew. Must have transport, age range is not important but the ability to havefun is.

Chained Emotion - RochesterListen at;;; 07540 298307Telephone; 07540 298307

Experienced female drummer seeks regular gigingband who play 1-2 times a week.

I currently work freelance [no day job], but wouldprefer to find a regular band to play in. I have myown dw drum kit, transport and backing vocals. Don’tworry about me being a "girl"....i can kick ass [ifrequired] as much as the guys!Preferred music is function/club band, but anythingconsidered. My timekeeping is spot on andcommitment is 100%... 07880741517 /

Extreme metal drummer needed!

For recording a black metal demo.

Based in Ashford with 6 years playing experience, I’m 23 and have a

lot of stuff recorded just need some drums .

If intrested contact Will;

Will you turn my LYRICS into a SONG?

I'm looking for a good singer who will try and turn mylyrics into a song. I want to give my girlfriend a personalpresent for Valentine’s Day and would love her to hearmy song i wrote for her come alive, I’m not a good singerso cannot do it myself, please please help?I am willing to pay.

Natalie Gray - Folkestone, Kent Telephone:

Bass Player Wanted

Re-Forming band requires a new bass player to play Jazz/Funkand Grooved based material. Due to work commitments we willonly do a couple of gigs per month with regular rehearsals for newmaterial etc.The ability to follow a chart is an advantage as wellas a good ear to pick out bass parts.

The Latin Funktion - Folkestone 07766 837189 /

Lead Guitarist Wanted

New band looking for versatile lead guitarist to play originalsongs. To categorise the style would be an acoustic rock feelwith a sprinkling of all genres from early rock and roll to hardrock. A good commitment is required. Contact Gary;

Punk drummer wanted, any age, any sex, any planet!

Powerhouse four four beat specialist required to complete punk

rock trio performing own material for gigs & recording..check it out

doomsday machineboy, Canterbury / Ashford

Bass and rhythm guitar wanted

Malpractice (Dover) are looking for a bass player and possiblyrhythm guitar to play originals and covers of all styles but withemphasis on rock. Vocals a big plus. Gigs on Dover-Ashfordcircuit, possibly more?Rehearse Ashford weekly, max 2-3 gigs per month

Mick07507 796 330 /

February - March | The Gig Guide | 49

Quiz Answers:

Q1. N Sync / Q2. The Rolling Stones / Q3. ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas’ by Band Aid / Q4. Dire Straits / Q5. ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ / Q6. ‘Pray’ / Q7. Brotherhood of Man /

Q8. ‘Living Doll’ / Q9. Bono and The Edge (U2) / Q10. Black Box / Q11. Melanie Chisholm / Q12. Dolly Parton / Q13. Badly Drawn Boy / Q14. David Bowie /

Q15. George Michael and Elton John / Q16. Bjork / Q17. Sinead O’Connor / Q18. ‘Meet Me In St Louis’ / Q19. Blondie / Q20. ‘Kylie’

Paul Rodgers Wanted!Lead singer wanted for newly formed blues band.Looking for somebody who loves blues music,wants to play good gigs and generally have fun.Rehearsals are in the Maidstone area, please usethe contact info below for more details.

Steve; 07963348062 /

Drummer & Bass Player wanted for Live lounge

Style Band

Acoustic Duo are wanting to expand and create an

acoustic live lounge stylee band. Playing a range of

very popular songs from a range of popular artistes.

Would help if your able to groove well and be open

to improvise a fair bit.

Based in Deal - liveloungeband

Female rock singer wanted

New band (mixed male and female) formed last yearfrom experienced musicians seek female rock singer.

Plenty of contacts and gigs lined up. Experience and reliability essential. Regular rehearsals tostart with then occasional rehearsals when needed. Very friendly easy going band who are doing this purelyfor enjoyment although gigs will be paid of course!

Lisa, Maidstone -

Guitarist/Singer wanted

Looking for someone to replace one half of duo, must be fun

person that enjoys playing and not just for the money, also have

good personality and good sense of humour and committed doing

60s/70s/80s music etc. country, rock,pop,etc. age not important,

I’m in my 50s, my son plays bass guitar depending on venues, we

have all equipment pa etc. from the ashford area if interested drop

me a line

Tony - Ashford -

Male Vocalist/Frontman for covers band

Formed 2 years ago, playing venues from stages of

500 people to festivals, weddings and pubs. Wide

variety of rock, pop and funk music from 60's to

present day. Must have a likable personality and

able to gel with the band.

Gigs booked this year (pubs, weddings, parties).

Good fun band with Top Notch equipment.

Lane 1, Ashford -

07776 198919 /







FOR MORE DETAILS; 07852 506984


Violin player for fun celtic, folky physcadelicband, male or female, age is not a problem.Band will consist of guitars (mandolin, banjo,uke when required) drums, bass, keyboards

and violin. We will all make prats ofourselves, have a laugh and hopefully get

lotsa gigs?Barry, Medway

07732550527 /

Pendulum Tribute Band

Experienced and competent Bassist seeks othermembers to make the first (that i know of!!)tribute band to pendulum. Need a drummer,guitarist, synth/keyboardist and a confidentfrontman. Practices will be in the tonbridge area,applicants must have own transport andexperience would be good. Minimum age of 21. Matt - 07762

50 | The Gig Guide | February - March



Issue 9 / June - July


Your guide to what’s on in Kent

Your guide to what’s on in Kent

PLUS:PLUS: Hop Farm Ticket Giveaway, Win a Marshall Amp and Filthy Dukes talk electro!

T H E K O O K ST H E K O O K SLive in MargateLive in MargateBrightons finest indie superstars head to the Winter Gardens

Advertising Opportunities

Want to advertise in Kent’sNo. 1 entertainments


FESTIVAL FRENZY the lowdown on Kent’s vibrant festival scene | WIN Studio time!

WIN Small Faces & STC goodies! | PLUS!... 2 months Gig listings | Kent music news

K E N T ’ S N o . 1 F R E E M U S I C M A G A Z I N E

Issue 10 / August -

HOWZAT!James Morrison atCanterbury’s Cricket Ground.

We catch up with James and

newcommers Vagabond for a chat,during their tour.

NEWS: What’s happening on the Kent music scene | REVIEWS: We check out your music

NOT TO BE MISSED: Top events in Kent | PLUS: Your regular 2 months of Kent gig listings.

K E N T ’ S N o . 1 F R E E M U S I C M A G A Z I N E

Issue 11 / October -

The 2-tone legends prepare to hit Margate for

their 30th Anniversary tour!

Also in this issue... Archie Wah Wahs, Bowling For Soup, The Kingsdown Band, Them Is Me

NEWS: What’s happening on the Kent music scene | REVIEWS: We check out your music

NOT TO BE MISSED: Top events in Kent | PLUS: Your regular 2 months of Kent gig listings.

K E N T ’ S N o . 1 F R E E M U S I C M A G A Z I N E

Issue 12 / December -


NEWS: What’s happening on the Kent music scene | REVIEWS: We check out your music

NOT TO BE MISSED: Top events in Kent | PLUS: Your regular 2 months of Kent gig listings.

K E N T ’ S N o . 1 F R E E E N T E R T A I N M E N T S M A G A Z I N E

Issue 13 / February -

The Welsh lads showcasetheir latest album in Margate.

WinTickets to see thefantastic LauraSolon inFolkestone.

Snap!Step into thealternative worldof JennyHardcore.

Be it Artist, Venue, Studio, Rehearsal room,Manufacturer, Promoter or Retail Store; we’ve gotsome great advertising opportunities for Quarter,

Half and Full page spaces.

Distributed widely across Kent to venues,education establishments, shops, libraries, touristinformation offices, and other public spaces, our

ever growing circulation means your name isguaranteed to be seen far and wide.

Call Joe Fendt for more details on

01843 282526 / 07969 198189.


Live Music

@ The Clarendon HotelDeal

Every Sunday afternoon from 4pm

Gig Listings:

51/55 Beach Street, Deal, Kent, CT14 6HYTelephone: 01304 374748 Fax: 01304 371116


Also, live Jazz every Thursday evening.

February March

Sunday 7th -

Sunday 14th -

Sunday 21st -

Sunday 28th -

Fours a Crowd

Vince Martyn


Counterfeit Notes

Friday 5th -

Sunday 7th -

Sunday 14th -

Sunday 21th -

Sunday 28th -

Sarah Banks

Kingsdown Band

Tim Hain

Antiques Roadshow

Learning Curve

The Soul BarHote l - Cafe - Bar

42 Queen Street, Deal, CT14 6EY - Tel: (01304) 374839

Hole in the Roof

February March

• Situated only a 5 minute walk away from Deal Seafront and Town Centre

• Traditional home-cooked food, including premier country Sunday lunch

• Three Course Specials • Function Room for hire

• Comfortable accomodation; single, twin, double & family rooms available

Live music events at The Hole in the Roof... (7pm Sunday & 9pm Friday)

Friday 5th

Sunday 7th

Friday 12th

Sunday 14th

Sunday 21st

- Electric Beatles

- Kit Curtis & The


- Under Cover

- Rags to Riches

- Left of the Dial

Friday 12th

Sunday 14th

Friday 19th

Sunday 21st

Sunday 28th

- Rags to Riches

- Tony Johnson

(Piano Man)

- Kit Curtis & The


- Get Ape

- Under Cover

top related