Post on 27-Mar-2018






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Purpose and Goals

This document is for use at all events

run by The General Staff. Anyone who wishes

to use it for their events is certainly welcome

to do so. With so many resources available in

the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing

uniformity and clarity to local events is of

paramount importance in providing a quality

tournament experience for all participants.

Many of the changes or rulings have been

made in consideration of improving that

experience. We invite anyone who wishes to

provide feedback to do so.

How to use this Document

Each section is broken down into

several subsections:

Amendments. Changes to rules that

are often plain on their face, but either are

broken in their application, or produce a

severely undesirable outcome.

Errata. Rules that have been made

to fill in gaps within the rules as provided by

Games Workshop.

FAQ. Answers are provided to

questions created because the language used

is subject to multiple meanings or is just


Every effort is made to keep this

document up to date with current Games

Workshop rulings. When an amendment is

made, it will override everything short of a

new set of rules for the item in question.

When Games Workshop introduces a rule that

fills in where an erratum is made, the Games

Workshop rule will take precedence.

Likewise, the Games Workshop FAQs will

override any previously issued rulings.

Rubbish Bin is the section where all

removed amendments, errata and FAQs get

tossed. Only items removed since the last

version will be placed there.

Event Rulings. All specific rulings

related to the event indicated in the heading

are included in this section. This will include

all rulings related to the missions within the

event. All rulings in this section override all

contrary rulings elsewhere.

Source Code. Each item may be

designated with a code indicating its source

material. Where no code is listed, The

General Staff has made the specific ruling.

The codes are as follows:

[GW] – Games Workshop FAQ

[FW] – Forge World FAQ or


Table of Contents

Warhammer 40,000: The Rules

Armies of the Imperium:

Adeptus Astartes

o Blood Angels

o Dark Angels

o Deathwatch

o Grey Knights

o Space Marines

o Space Wolves

Astra Militarum

o Miltarum Tempestus

Adeptus Mechanicus

o Skitarii

o Cult Mechanicus

Adeptus Soritas

Imperial Knights


o Officio Assassinorum

The Eldar




Dark Eldar


Chaos Space Marines

Chaos Daemons

Khorne Daemonkin



Tau Empire

Farsight Enclaves


Genestealer Cult

1 The General Staff has communicated directly with Forge World in this instance.





[GW] Q: What does ‘base contact’ or

‘base-to-base contact’ mean? Are two

models in base contact if one is on a step,

and their bases are not in (and cannot be

put in) physical contact? Or if they are

more separated than that e.g. on different

levels, where a charge distance is

sufficient for the charging model to reach

the level containing the other unit, but it

cannot be placed on the level above?

A: An element of common sense is required

here. If they’re only fractionally apart due

to the vagaries of scenery they count as

being in base contact. However, though

models on different levels of a building can

be locked in combat with one another, they

will not be considered in base contact with

one another for the purposes of special

rules or equipment that require models to

be in base contact to take effect.

[GW] Q: What are the official rules

regarding specific base sizes for specific

models (if any)?

A: The rules assume that models are

mounted on the base they are supplied

with, but it’s entirely fine to mount them

on whichever base you think is

appropriate. Sometimes, a player may

have models in their collection on

unusually modelled bases. Some models

aren’t supplied with a base at all. In these

cases you should always feel free to mount

the model on a base of appropriate size if

you wish, using models of a similar type as


[GW] Q: In rules that say ‘within X

inches’, do you mean wholly within or

partially within?

A: Partially within, unless specifically

stated otherwise.

[GW] Q: Can any part of a model

intentionally hang off the edge of the


A: No part of a model may hang over the

edge of the battlefield, except for parts that

are explicitly ignored while checking line of

sight (e.g. the wings or tail of a non-vehicle


[GW] Q: When I am using ‘long’ or ‘oval’

Cavalry/Bikes/Monstrous Creatures’

bases, am I allowed to pivot the base on

the spot to gain additional movement like

vehicles would?

A: When making a move, you have to take

into account how far all parts of the model

have moved. Or to put that another way,

trying to come up with a way of making a

move that allows a model to move ‘further’

than its maximum movement distance is

illegal. It is not allowed for a model to

move 6" towards or away from something,

and end up more than 6" closer to or

further away from it!

Q: Which Forge World/Imperial Armor

books are current, and which models from

those publications can be used with the

current codexes?



A: The following titles from Forge World

contain the current rules for units in

Warhammer 40,000:

* Imperial Armor: The Seige of Vraks,

Second Edition

* Imperial Armor: Volume One, Second

Edition – Imperial Guard

* Imperial Armor: Volume Two, Second

Edition – War Machines of the Adeptus


* Imperial Armor: Volume Three

,Second Edition, The Taros Campaign

* Imperial Armor: Volume Four – The

Anphelion Project Second Edition

* Imperial Armor: Volume Eight – Raid

on Kastorel-Novem

* Imperial Armor: Volume 11 – The

Doom of Mymeara

* Imperial Armor: Volume 12 – The Fall

of Orpheus

* Imperial Armor: Volume 13 – War

Machines of the Lost and the Damned

* Imperial Armor Apocalypse (Red


* Imperial Armor Aeronautica

In addition, Forge World has completely

reprinted the rules for the following

armies/units from previous Imperial

Armor books to bring them in line with the

current edition of Warhammer 40,000:

* The Ork Dread Mob Army List

* The Siege Assault Vanguard Army

* The Tyrant’s Legion Army

* All of the characters and chapter

tactics from the Badab War books.

Q: My faction’s name has changed. What

Forge World units do I have access to?

A: The following faction names are

considered to be equivalent for the

purposes of determining whether or not a

Forge World units may be included in an


Sisters of Battle is Adepta Sororitas

Imperial Guard is Astra Militarum

Eldar is Craftworld: Eldar

Tau is Tau Empire

There are some “old” faction names which

are not synonymous with current factions:

Space Marine means an army made up

of detachments chosen from Codex:

Adeptus Astartes Space Marines. It does

not include Blood Angels, Dark Angels,

Grey Knights, Space Wolves, or


Adeptus Mechanicus: Cult Mechanicus

and Adeptus Mechanicus: Skitarii are

two different factions. They are both

different from the Horus Heresy

Mechanicum faction.

Eldar, Dark Eldar, Harlequins, and

Corsairs are different factions. Units and

formations that say that they may be

included (only) in Corsairs armies must be

taken with the Corsairs faction.

Game Turn


[GW] Q: Can a unit go back into Reserve

the same player turn that it came onto the

board from Reserve?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Since a player automatically

loses at the end of any game turn in

which he has no models on the table, does

a player taking a Detachment that

requires him to start all his models in

Reserve (such as the Ravenwing Strike

Force with Flyers) automatically lose

every game he plays?

A: A player who takes an army that

consists entirely of units and/or

Detachments which must be set up in

Reserve, with no special rule that allows

them to arrive in the first game turn, will

automatically lose the game.



[GW] Q: Can you clarify the term


A: ‘Deploy’ is a word for setting up a unit

on the battlefield – this is something you

do during deployment, but also when units

arrive from Reserve and so on.

‘Deployment’ is the stage in ‘Preparing For

Battle’ where the players set up their

armies on the battlefield.



Q: What happens if a unit can’t be placed

on the battlefield when it arrives from


A: If a unit can’t move in such a way as to

be entirely on the battlefield, then it

counts as destroyed.

[GW] Q: Does a unit always enter the

game from Reserves when Deep

Striking? The rules for Deep Striking

seem to imply that being the case, even

when a unit is already on the table. As an

example, does a unit of Warp Talons that

is using Gate of Infinity trigger its

Warpflame Strike each time they use the

psychic power?

A: Not unless explicitly stated – in the

example you use, Gate of Infinity has the

unit arrive anywhere on the board using

the rules for Deep Strike. This doesn’t

mean that it goes into Deep Strike Reserve,

or that you have to make a Reserve Roll for

the unit and so on, and it means that you

don’t get to use the Warpflame Strike each

time you do this.

[GW] Q: If a unit enters the battlefield

using Outflank, are they considered to

have moved for the purposes of firing

heavy weapons?

A: Units moving on from Reserve do so at

the start of the Movement phase, before any

other units can move. This means that they

are always considered to have moved in

the turn they arrive.

Q: Do Skimmers suffer a Deep Strike

Mishap if they scatter onto another unit

or impassible terrain?

A: Yes.

The Movement Phase


[GW] Q: Please confirm if a model may

never be in coherency unless the model’s

entire unit has unit coherency.

A: A model cannot be in coherency unless

its entire unit is in coherency. Coherency is

determined when a unit has finished

moving, not during the move.

The Psychic Phase


Page 27 – The Psychic Phase, Witchfire

Add the following sentence after the

fourth sentence of the first paragraph:

‘However, some witchfire powers do not

have a weapon profile (such as the

Telepathy power, Psychic Shriek);

where this is the case, no To Hit roll is

required – the attack hits



[GW] Q: Does Perfect Timing affect

Witchfire psychic powers?

A: No.

Q: Can you take a ‘Look Out, Sir’ roll

against successful focused witchfire

powers, especially ones that don’t have a

normal shooting profile?

A: Yes.

[GW[ Q: Are witchfire psychic powers

counted as Assault 1 if they have no

profile (the Neurothrope’s Spirit Leech

power, for example)?

A: No. If a witchfire power does not have a

profile, follow the instructions written for

that power instead (in the case of Spirit

Leech, you simply pick the target unit

which must then take a Leadership test on


[GW] Q: Does the To Hit roll for certain

witchfire powers that affect ‘targeted

models’ care what the result of the To Hit

roll is?

A: If a witchfire power does not have a

profile, follow the instructions written for



that power instead – this includes most

focused witchfire powers. If a witchfire

power has a profile, the To Hit rolls matter

in the same way as they do in any shooting


[GW] Q: Can Psykers embarked in

vehicles or buildings only cast witchfire

powers? Does this include Psykers who

are riders of a Chariot?

A: Psykers embarked in Transports or

buildings can only cast witchfire powers.

Psykers who are riders of Chariots can

attempt to manifest any type of psychic


[GW] Q: If there are 2 Daemon Psykers

who cast Cursed Earth and they are

within 12" of each other, do they have a +2

bonus to their invulnerable save, since the

spell says this is cumulative with any

other bonus?

A: No. Modifiers from identical psychic

powers do not stack.

[GW] Q: If a unit includes multiple

Independent Character Psykers, can

they cast the same power (e.g. Psychic

Shriek) multiple times, once for each

Independent Character?

A: No.

[GW] Q: How does a power that targets

‘the Psyker’ but not his unit work on a

unit with Brotherhood of Psykers? If,

for example, a Wyrdvane Psyker squad

casts Iron Arm, does one model nominated

as ‘the caster’ receive the benefits?

A: The power applies to all ‘Brotherhood of

Psykers’ models in the unit.

[GW] Q: Is the maximum number of

powers a Psyker can use in their turn

equal to their Mastery Level, or the

number of powers they have (due to

Psychic Focus they often have one more

power than their Mastery Level)?

A: Unless explicitly permitted to do so,

Psykers may not attempt to manifest more

psychic powers than the number of their

Mastery Level within a single Psychic


[GW] Q: When attempting to Deny the

Witch on a blessing or conjuration, do you

select a unit first to make the attempt? If

so, how is it selected, and if that unit has a

re-roll on Deny the Witch, do you get that

as well?

A: You do not select a unit. If none of your

units were the target of the enemy’s psychic

power (as is the case with blessing and

conjuration powers) you can still attempt

to Deny the Witch, but with no re-rolls or

modifiers to your dice rolls – you will

require rolls of 6 to nullify each Warp

Charge point.

[GW] Q: Do the effects of multiple

castings of the same malediction cast

on the same turn stack? For example, can

additional castings of Banishment

continue to reduce a Daemon’s

invulnerable save?

A: No. As with blessings, the penalty from

any particular malediction can only affect

a unit once per turn.

[GW] Q: Do units that move 12" with the

psychic power Levitation shoot using

their full Ballistic Skill or can they only

fire Snap Shots?

A: They shoot as though they had moved in

the preceding Movement phase.

[GW] Q: On Cleansing Flame – if two

enemy units are in range, are there 2D6

hits divided amongst the two enemy units,

or 2D6 hits for each enemy unit? If the

latter, how many times do you roll the

2D6 – once, or twice?

A: Each enemy unit hit suffers 2D6 hits.

Roll separately for each unit.

[GW] Q: A beam attack does not target a

unit – can you still Jink?

A: Yes.

Q: What happens if a unit fails the morale

check caused by the Terrify power while

locked in combat?

A: The unit makes an immediate Fall Back

move. The unit they were locked in combat



with may not make a Sweeping Advance or


Q: What happens when a unit with the

Brotherhood of Psykers casts

Possession while an Independent

Character is part of the unit?

A: Only those models with the Brotherhood

of Psykers special rule are removed as


Q: Can a Psyker cast Gate of Infinity

while they are Falling Back or locked in


A: Yes.

Q: Do conjured units receive any

Command Benefits from the conjurer’s


A: No.

Q: Can Psychic Shriek be used as a

Snap Shot?

A: No.

[GW] Q: If you play Daemons and you

successfully summon a Bloodthirster

using the Daemonology psychic powers,

what profile will the Bloodthirster have:

the one in Codex: Chaos Daemons, or

one of the ones in Codex: Khorne


A:You can choose to use any of the army

list entries from Codex: Chaos Daemons,

Codex: Khorne Daemonkin or War Zone

Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen – but not


Q: If a player conjures any daemons

available in both Codex: Khorne

Daemonkin and Codex: Chaos

Daemons, which profile is used?

A: The Player manifesting the conjuration

may choose which profile to use.

The Shooting Phase


[GW] Q: Warhammer 40,000: The Rules

states that line of sight can be drawn

from any part of the model (not including

wings, tail, etc.) to the intended target.

Can my model’s foot truly be used as a line

of sight starting point?

A: For simplicity and ease of play, the

rules state that ‘For one model to have line

of sight to another, you must be able to

trace a straight, unblocked line from its

body (the head, torso, arms or legs) to any

part of the target’s body.’ If you wish, you

and your opponent may agree that models

are only allowed to draw line of sight from

the upper body of a model, or some other

area, but you will need to apply a certain

amount of common sense and discretion in

order to make such a rule work well.

[GW] Q: Models obscured by

intervening models get a 5+ cover save

just like the cover rules of terrain. Does

this mean that I only get the cover save if

the models are obscured by more than


A: No – the target only needs to be partially

obscured. If, on the other hand, the target

is completely visible to the firer, but the

firer shoots through a gap between models

in the intervening unit, then the target still

receives a 5+ cover save.

[GW] Q: In the rules for cover saves it says

that intervening models grant cover

even if the model is fully visible unless you

shoot over the intervening models. Does

this include models that are taller than

the intervening models i.e. are taller

models able to shoot over shorter models?

A: Yes, as long as the line of sight for the

weapon being used is not obscured by the

intervening models and does not pass

through a gap between the models in the

intervening unit.

[GW] Q: Does an Infantry model count as

intervening for a Monstrous Creature or

a Gargantuan Creature?

A: If that Infantry model partially obscures

the target from the firer, then yes. In most

cases, however, Monstrous and

Gargantuan Creatures will be tall enough

to shoot over the intervening Infantry.

[GW] Q: With regard to Bike and

Artillery models, I measure from their

weapons when they are shooting, and to

their bases when they are shot at. Is this




A: When Artillery models fire, range is

measured from the barrel of the gun on the

model. When Bike models fire, range is

measured from the base. When firing at

Artillery or Bike models, range is

measured to the base. [GW] Q: Can a model choose between

saves, even if one save is numerically

inferior? For example, can a Ravenwing

Biker take a 4+ re-rollable Jink save over

its 3+ Armour Save?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: When does vertical distance

matter? For example, are shooting attacks

only affected by the horizontal distance?

A: Measurements for shooting are (for most

models) measured from base to base.

Where one model is more elevated than the

other, this will mean measuring the

distance diagonally.

Q: Can some models run while others

either stand still or Turbo-boost?

A: Yes. All models in the unit must forego

their shooting attack, but all movement is

done on a per model basis.

[GW] Q: Do blast weapons, regardless of

size or type, now hit all models at all

height levels under the template? And if

so, is intervening terrain (such as bridges

or floors) ignored when determining how

many hits are caused?

A: A blast marker or template affects all

models underneath it, including those on

different levels of a piece of scenery.

(Designer’s Note: Earlier versions of this

rule restricted the effect of blast markers

and templates to models on ‘a single level’

of scenery. This created problem with

scenery that didn’t have strictly definable

‘levels’ and we decided on this change for

simplicity. In addition, we feel the rules

now better reflect the explosions being

three-dimensional (i.e. spherical and not

circular) as well as better representing the

deadliness of weapons such a flamer when

used in confined spaces.)

[GW] Q: Does the ability to re-roll 1s

allow you to re-roll scatter dice?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Does the Multiple Barrage rule

apply only to multiple weapons with the

same name and Barrage rule (i.e. 3


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Twin-linked multiple barrage

units. Can the drift for every shot after

the first (the shots that use the drift dice

but not the 2D6) be re-rolled?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: If a unit has multiple template

weapons with different names (e.g. a

flamer and a heavy flamer), are To Hit

rolls made, To Wound rolls made, and

Wounds allocated for each named weapon

before moving on to the next named


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Are alien and daemonic flame

weapons like Ork burnas, Flames of

Tzeentch, Baleful Torrent, etc., treated as

flamer weapons for rules that interact

with them?

A: Only if the entry in their codex

specifically notes it is a flamer weapon as

described in Warhammer 40,000: The


Q: How do I allocate Wounds caused by a

Destroyer Weapon?

A: For each Destroyer Weapon hit, roll on

the Destroyer Weapon Chart. Allocate each

result group (i.e. 1, 2-5 and 6’s) as you

would a regular wound.

[GW] Q: If a hit from a Destroyer

weapon is downgraded to a glancing

hit, does it inflict 1 or D3 Hull Points of


A: 1.

[GW] Q: If a result of 2-5 on the Destroyer

weapon attack table inflicts D3 wounds,

do these carry over to the unit if they

overkill the model?

A: No.



[GW] Q: If a model is hit by a Destroyer

weapon and takes a Seriously Wounded

result for, say, 3 Wounds, how many

cover/invulnerable saves does it take?

A: 1. In your example, if the save roll was

failed, the target model would suffer 3


[GW] Q: Do abilities that allow you to re-

roll rolls To Wound, or re-roll armour

penetration rolls, allow you to re-roll the

results on the Destroyer weapon attack


A: No.

[GW] Q: Can you make ‘Look Out, Sir’

attempts against Destroyer weapon


A: Yes.

Q: Can wounds from Template weapons

be allocated to models out of line of


A: No, but any models touched by the

template will add a hit to the pool.

Q: What happens if a model survives being

hit by a weapon with the Vortex rule?

A: The model can move, but must move off

of the template by the shortest route


[GW] Q: Can you clarify the use of a

weapon as both a ranged and a melee

weapon in the same turn?

A: A weapon that can be used as a ranged

and a melee weapon can be used as both in

the same turn unless specifically noted


[GW] Q: If a unit with a Heavy weapon is

forced to get out of a wrecked vehicle

during the enemy's Shooting phase, but

doesn’t move during its next Movement

phase, does it fire normally or with Snap


A: It can fire normally.

[GW] Q: For units with Twin-linked

weapons with the Gets Hot special rule –

if the first shot is missed, but not on a

rolled 1, and a 1 is rolled for the second

shot, does it suffer a Gets Hot wound?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Do plasma cannons and other

Gets Hot Blast weapons benefit from

rules that allow them to re-roll To Hit

rolls of 1? For example, a Clan Raukaan

character wearing the Tempered Helm

nominates a unit of friendly Devastators

to re-roll To Hit rolls of 1 in this Shooting

phase. These Devastators are all equipped

with plasma cannons. Do they get to re-

roll the Gets Hot roll if it comes up as 1?

A: No. The roll to see if a Gets Hot Blast

weapon overheats is not a To Hit roll.

[GW] Q: Can a model fire a pistol in the

Shooting phase and then still benefit from

the extra attack in the ensuing Assault


A: Yes.

The Assault Phase


[GW] Q: In the case of a template

weapon that fires two or more times

(such as the Blood Angels’ frag cannon), do

they still only inflict D3 hits when firing

Overwatch, or D3 hits per number of

shots in the weapon profile?

A: D3 hits per number of shots in the

weapon’s profile.

[GW] Q: How many shooting attacks can

I do when firing Overwatch?

A: As many as the model can fire in the

Shooting phase.

[GW] Q: Are units that are Falling Back

allowed to Overwatch if a charge is

declared against them?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Does a flamer firing Overwatch

have a range?

A: No.

[GW] Q: How many shots do Salvo

weapons get when firing Snap Shots in

Overwatch, if the unit moved in their

previous player turn?

A: When determining if the unit moved for

the purposes of firing Salvo weapons, only

the previous Movement phase is

considered. In the case of firing



Overwatch, this will have been your

opponent’s Movement phase, and therefore

the unit firing Overwatch is very unlikely

to have moved. As a consequence, it counts

as having not moved, and can fire the

higher number of shots with its weapons

that have the Salvo type.

[GW] Q: Do abilities that allow a model to

fire an extra weapon in the Shooting

phase allow them to fire an extra weapon

in Overwatch or while intercepting (e.g.

Monstrous Creatures and Tau multi-


A: Yes. In the case of Interceptor, only

weapons with the Interceptor rule can be


[GW] Q: How does Overwatch work

when a unit is assaulted by multiple

enemy units in the same turn? Can the

assaulted unit choose against which one it

fires or does it have to fire against the first

unit to declare a charge?

A: You can choose not to fire Overwatch

against units that declare a charge against

your unit, but you must do so as each

charge is declared – you can’t wait until all

charges are declared before deciding which

unit(s) to fire Overwatch against.

Obviously, if you’re successfully charged by

one of your opponent’s units, you can’t fire

Overwatch against subsequent chargers as

you’re locked in combat.

[GW] Q: How do you handle situations

where you are attempting to charge a

model that is on top of something, where

there is no room for a model to be in base


A: The ‘Wobbly Model Syndrome’ rule

applies – place the model as near as

possible, and keep a note of its actual

position. It is assumed to be in base contact

with the other model.

[GW] Q: If you make a Disordered

Charge against a vehicle and a non-

vehicle unit, which close combat rules

count for things like Sweeping Advances,

Pile-ins or Consolidation moves?

A: Those that apply to the primary target

of the charge.

[GW] Q: If a unit becomes disengaged in

the Shooting phase (e.g. from a Flyer

crashing and killing the enemy it was

locked in combat with, or a blast weapon

scattering onto and killing the enemy), is

it able to assault in the following Assault


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: If a unit is locked in combat,

and is completely destroyed by a

scattering blast template, does the unit

left standing from that combat get a

Consolidate move?

A: No.

[GW] Q: If a unit ‘must declare a charge

against unit if <insert prerequisite>’, is

the rule ignored if they are unable to

declare the charge (entered from Reserves,

Infiltrated, no line of sight to the target,


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can a single model make a

disordered charge against two or more

enemy units?

A: Yes.2

[GW] Q: Do defensive grenades remove

one additional attack or all additional

bonuses given by a charge (e.g. for models

with Hammer of Wrath or Furious


A: Additional bonuses are unaffected – the

only penalty received by models charging a

unit with any models equipped with

2The single model must still follow all of the other rules for moving charging models. This includes the rule that it must move along the shortest path directly towards the closest model in the primary charge target. Usually, this will mean that the secondary charge target must be located directly in the path of the charging model, so that the charging model first makes contact with the secondary target and then continues around it to make contact with the primary target.



defensive grenades is that they do not gain

bonus Attacks from charging.

[GW] Q: Using grenades in the Assault

phase. Can every model replace their

close combat attacks with a single grenade

attack or just one model in the unit? Like

in the Shooting phase e.g. a unit of 5 Tau

Pathfinders charge a Knight. Do 5

Pathfinders make close combat haywire

grenade attacks?

A: Only one model from the unit can attack

with a grenade in the Assault phase. Per

Warhammer 40,000: The Rules, ‘Only one

grenade (of any type) can be thrown by a

unit per phase’.3

Q: Do weapon special rules that say ‘a

model equipped with this weapon’ or ‘this

weapon’s bearer’ take effect even when not

used as the attacking weapon?

A: Yes.

Q: If a model has a Poisoned close

combat weapon and a normal close

combat weapon, does it gain the bonus

attack for having two close combat


A: Yes.



[GW] Q: Warhammer 40,000: The Rules

states that a model gets ‘the advantage

of always using the best available save’.

Does that mean we have to use the

numerically lowest save, or do we have the

option of using any save we have?

A: The controlling player can use their

discretion as to which of their model’s

saves is ‘the best’.

Q: Can cover saves be used against

attacks or special rules that are not

shooting attacks (or Witchfire Powers)?

3 Grenades that do not replace the user’s shooting or close combat attack do not count towards this limit. This includes, but is not limited to: Assault grenades and Defensive Grenades (but only in the Assault Phase), Rad Grenades, and Psychotroke Grenades.

A: No. Attacks or special rules which are

not expressly shooting attacks or

Witchfire powers do not allow cover saves

unless explicitly allowed by the attack or

special rule.



[GW] Q: When firing at artillery units,

does the gun’s Toughness value apply for

the purposes of resolving Instant Death

against any Independent Characters that

have joined the unit?

A: No, Instant Death is worked out each

time a Wound is allocated to an individual


[GW] Q: Regarding batteries and out-of-

range weapons – if 2 out of 3 weapons

from an artillery battery are in range and

the 3rd is out of range, do you just allocate

2 blast templates (the 3rd being unable to


A: Yes.

Q: What Toughness do Artillery units use

against attacks that are not expressly

shooting attacks?

A: Attacks that are not shooting attacks,

including Witchfire powers, follow the

normal rules for determining Toughness,

i.e. majority Toughness. This would

include Vehicle explosions, Screamer

Slashing attacks, Vector Strikes, etc.

Beasts and Cavalry


Q: Are Beasts and Cavalry reduced to

Initiative 1 when charging through

difficult terrain?

A: Yes.

Flying Monstrous Creatures




[GW] Page 68 – Flying Monstrous

Creatures, Deployment, Add the following

sentence to the end of the paragraph:

‘If a Flying Monstrous Creature is

conjured or otherwise summoned

during the course of the game, as soon

as it enters play, you must declare

whether it is in Swooping or Gliding



[GW] Q: How does a Flying Monstrous

Creature’s Hard to Hit rule work when

part of a unit without the rule?

A: It cannot be used.

[GW] Q: If a Monstrous Creature is also

an Independent Character, can it join

other units? Can other Independent

Characters then join the unit that the

Monstrous Creature is now a part of?

A: Yes to the first question. No to the

second question.

[GW] Q: Do Blast weapons hit Swooping

Flying Monstrous Creatures?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can a Swooping Flying

Monstrous Creature or Zooming Flyer be

targeted by a Blast or Template weapon

with the Skyfire special rule?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can Swooping Flying Monstrous

Creatures be hit by nova and beam


A: Yes for nova powers, no for beam


[GW] Q: Does Jinking prevents a Flying

Monstrous Creature from Vector


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can a Monstrous Creature

charge multiple units?

A: Yes.

Q: Does a template weapon aimed at a

unit at ground level but also touching a

Swooping Flying Monstrous Creature hit

it? Does a blast marker that drifts onto a

Swooping Flying Monstrous Creature hit


A: No, in both cases. Template and Blast

weapons and other attacks that don’t roll

To Hit cannot hit Flying Monstrous

Creatures that are Swooping.

Gargantuan Creatures

[GW] Q: How does a Gargantuan Creature

move through difficult terrain? A

previous official FAQ clarified that a

Super-heavy Walker rolls 2D6 and doubles

the highest result, but said nothing about

Gargantuan Creatures.

A: Roll 3D6 (due to the Move Through

Cover special rule) and double the highest


[GW] Q: Can Gargantuan Creatures

shoot all of their weapons at different

targets, or can they only shoot two

different weapons at two different targets?

A: They can shoot all of their weapons, at

different targets if desired.



[GW] Q: If a Gargantuan Creature

destroys a vehicle or other type of unit

after striking at Initiative step 1, does it

still get to Stomp if there’s nothing left in


A: Yes.4

[GW] Q: Do Gargantuan Creatures/Super-

heavy vehicles need to declare all of the

targets for all of their weapons before

resolving any of the shooting attacks?

A: Yes.

Jump/Jet Units

[GW] Q: Does a model with a jump pack or

jet pack who leaves combat using the Hit

& Run special rule do so using his

jet/jump pack or moving as an Infantry


A: They use their jump/jet pack.

[GW] Q: Does vertical movement count

towards maximum movement distance on

jump pack and jet pack moves?

A: No.

Mixed Units

[GW] Q: Can a Jet Pack unit that has

joined a different unit (e.g. a Necron

Destroyer Lord joining Canoptek Wraiths)

still use its jet pack move in the Assault


A: Yes, but the model cannot leave its unit

and must stay in unit coherency.

[GW] Q: When it states that all models in

the unit must use the same movement

type, does that restrict Independent

Characters with the Bike unit type joining

Jump or Jetbike units, for example?

A: Sometimes a unit will contain models

that move at different speeds. When this is

the case, each model can move up to its

maximum movement allowance so long as

it remains in unit coherency.

4 This entry applies to all models with the Stomp special rule. However, if a model with the Stomp special rules destroys all of the units that it is locked in combat with before Initiative Step 1, it may not make any Stomp attacks.

[GW] Q: How does a unit consisting of a

mix of Cavalry, Bike, Jump Pack and

Infantry models move, Run, Turbo-boost

and charge? Do they all use their

respective rules while maintaining squad


A: Yes. Models move individually, so in the

Movement phase each model in this

Improbable unit can move up to their

maximum movement allowance so long as

the unit is in unit coherency at the end of

the move. If the unit elects to Run, no

models in the unit may shoot. The unit

doesn’t benefit from the Cavalry model’s

Fleet rule, as that only applies if every

model in the unit has the Fleet rule. If the

unit Runs, the Bike may Turbo-boost, but

must finish its move in unit coherency.

When charging, the Jump model may use

its jump pack (if it did not do so in the

Movement phase) to re-roll the charge

distance for the unit.



Q: Are models in a unit that destroyed a

Walker in close combat allowed to


A: Yes.


[GW] Q: Is a hull-mounted weapon’s

arc of fire a total of 45° or 45° to either

side? The chart seems to indicate the

former, but we aren’t 100% certain.

A: Hull-mounted weapons have a total

firing arc of 45°.

[GW] Q: Can a vehicle that has Jinked, or

which has a suffered a Crew Shaken or

Crew Stunned result, use Power of the

Machine Spirit to fire 1 weapon at full

Ballistic Skill?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: In a situation where there are 4

penetrating hits on a vehicle with 3 Hull

Points, are they rolled one at a time or all

at once?



A: It doesn’t matter if you roll them all at

once or one at a time, as long as you roll

them all! You must roll on the Vehicle

Damage table even if the vehicle loses

sufficient Hull Points to be Wrecked, as

there is still a chance that it might get an

Explodes! result.

[GW] Q: I have a question about pivoting

and moving a vehicle. When is the

distance that a vehicle can move

measured – before it pivots for the first

time or after it pivots for the first time?

Some vehicles may be able to gain an

extra inch or two by pivoting, then

measuring, then moving.

A: If a model moves, no part of the model

(or its base) can finish the move more than

the model’s move distance away from

where it started the Movement phase.

[GW] Q: Can you clarify the wording

around a rider shooting from a

Chariot? As written, it appears to allow

an Exalted Flamer to fire both weapons

from a Burning Chariot while they can

only fire one while on foot.

A: A rider can shoot ‘any ranged weapon’

(that is, any single weapon) they are

equipped with – counting as stationary

even if the Chariot moved in the previous

Movement phase – alongside the Chariot’s

weapons, though the Chariot and rider

must target the same unit. In the specific

example, the Burning Chariot itself has no

weapons – the Daemonic Gifts are marked

as belonging to the ‘Exalted Flamer only’ –

and therefore the Exalted Flamer can use

either the Blue Fire of Tzeentch or the Pink

Fire of Tzeentch.

[GW] Q: Regarding Barrage weapons and

vehicles – how do you determine which

side is hit?

A: Assume the shot is coming from the

centre of the blast marker and hits the

nearest side.

[GW] Q: Can a Fast vehicle fire

Ordnance weapons at Cruising Speed?

A: A Fast vehicle that fires an Ordnance

weapon can only make Snap Shots with its

other weapons that turn, but can fire a

single Ordnance weapon at its full

Ballistic Skill, even at Cruising Speed.

[GW] Q: If you fire an Ordnance weapon

from a Stationary vehicle, are all other

shots Snap Shots? What about when

moving? How is this altered if the vehicle

is a Heavy Tank (e.g. a Leman Russ

Demolisher with plasma cannon

sponsons), or Fast, or a Flyer (e.g. when

firing hellstrike missiles, does firing the

first missile mean that the second is fired

as a Snap Shot)?

A: A vehicle that fires an Ordnance

weapon can only make Snap Shots with its

other weapons that turn (whether

Stationary or moving). A vehicle being

Heavy has no effect on firing Ordnance

weapons. A Fast vehicle that fires an

Ordnance weapon can only make Snap

Shots with its other weapons that turn, but

can fire a single Ordnance weapon at its

full Ballistic Skill even at Cruising Speed.

A Flyer firing two hellstrike missiles in a

turn fires both at the same time, as

described in the ‘Select a Weapon’ step of

the Shooting phase. Both missiles would be

fired at the Flyer’s full Ballistic Skill – all

other weapons could only make Snap

Shots that turn.

[GW] Q: Are Ordnance weapons and

Heavy vehicles supposed to interact


A: The Heavy unit type has no effect on

the firing of Ordnance weapons. If a

Heavy vehicle doesn’t fire an Ordnance

weapon, it can fire all of its weapons at

full Ballistic Skill when moving at Combat


[GW] Q: Can a model with an Ordnance

weapon and Power of the Machine

Spirit still fire another weapon at full

Ballistic Skill?

A: Yes.





Flyers, Firing Arcs and Line of Sight.

Ignore any vertical fire arcs if a Flyer is the

firing model OR target of any shooting attack.

Flyers may ignore their own hull in

determining line of sight for their weapons.

Note: this does not change the actual firing

arc for the weapon.


[GW] Q: If a flyer which is forced to move

18" forwards due to an Immobilised

result ends its move over an enemy unit,

does it ‘Crash and Burn!’?

A: No. Use the ‘Wobbly Model Syndrome’


[GW] Q: Can a Flyer make a Bombing

Run on the same turn that it enters

Ongoing Reserves by leaving the


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Does a Flyer with extra armour,

when suffering an Immobilised result

that is turned into a Crew Stunned result,

then have that Crew Stunned result

turned into Crew Shaken?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can a unit that is locked in

combat be chosen as the target of a

Bombing Run?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can a Flyer with the Hover (and

thus Fast Skimmer) unit type be

deployed on the board as a Fast


A: No.

[GW] Q: What is the vertical firing arc

for shooting from Flyers, and how is this

split between targets above and below the


A: Assume that weapons can swivel 45°

vertically, either 45° upwards, or 45°


[GW] Q: Do a Flyer’s wings and tail

count as part of its hull? (e.g. If you can

only see a wing can you shoot at it? If you

are only in range of the wing can you

shoot at or charge it? When hovering, can

the wing get you Linebreaker if it is

within 12" of the board edge?)

A: Yes, a Flyer’s wings are tail are

considered part of the hull in all respects.

Super-Heavy Vehicles


[GW] Q: Do units embarked on a Super-

heavy vehicle fire Snap Shots if it moves

more than 6"?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can a Super-heavy Flyer that has

a Hover mode Thunderblitz?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Do you have to select all targets

before any dice are rolled for the weapons

mounted on a Super-heavy vehicle? If that

is the case, are One Use Only/One Shot

Only weapons used up if a previous

weapon destroyed the target that the One

Use Only/One Shot Only weapon was

going to shoot?

A: Yes, to both questions.

[GW] Q: Can Super-heavy Walkers


A: No.

[GW] Q: Are Super-heavy Walkers limited,

like normal Walkers, to a 45° arc of fire

from the facing of the model?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can Super-heavy Flyers Jink?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Are cover saves allowed against

Stomp attacks?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can ‘Look Out, Sir’ attempts be

made against Stomp attacks?

A: Yes.5

5 Use random allocation to apply the effects of Stomp attacks against non-vehicle units (i.e., hits or “removed from play”) to the models under the



[GW] Q: Can you Stomp an Invisible unit?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: When you make a Stomp attack

in close combat and cause casualties

outside of those in the combat, do the

units outside of combat have to take

Morale checks as if suffering 25%

casualties, if they lose 25% or more?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can Stomp attacks affect units

which are not locked in combat with the

Stomping model?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can I attempt invulnerable saves

or use the Eternal Warrior special rule

against Stomp attacks that cause a model

to be removed as a casualty?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Do Super-heavy Walkers shoot

at targets from where their weapon is

modeled or from the base?

A: Super-heavy Walkers’ weapons are

assumed to swivel horizontally and

vertically up to 45°. Range is measured

from the weapon itself and line of sight is

measured from the mounting point of the

weapon and along its barrel, as is normal

for vehicles.


[GW] Q: How do you resolve a Tank

Shock with a squadron (e.g. does it

cause multiple Morale checks)?

A: Each vehicle carries out a Tank Shock


[GW] Q: How does Tank Shock work

when you stop on a unit? The rules state

that the models ‘must be moved out of the

way by the shortest distance’ – but what

does this mean? The shortest distance

that allows you to be in unit coherency? Or

the shortest distance to just be out from

under the vehicle, with models dying if not

template. Characters to whom a wound/effect are applied may attempt to Look Out, Sir! as normal.

in unit coherency and at least 1" away

from enemy units? What happens if a

Gargantuan Creature or Monstrous

Creature or any other non-vehicle unit

gets Tank Shocked, but cannot move to

another place in the shortest way? Are

they destroyed or just moved further


A: Pick the unit up, and place it on the

battlefield with all models as close as

possible to the unit’s original location, with

all models in unit coherency, and no

models within 1" of an enemy unit. The

intent of this rule is simply to deal with

situations where two models end up

occupying the same space – it is NOT

meant to provide players with a way of

destroying the unit that is being Tank


[GW] Q: When determining the Strength

of a vehicle’s Ram, are the Tank and

Heavy bonuses cumulative?

A: No.

[GW] Q: When vehicles Ram, they may

only fire Snap Shots for that turn. There

is no allowance that I can find for Super-

heavy Tanks and Thunderblitz does not

seem to affect this part of the Ram rule.

According to the rules, then, If a

Baneblade Rams (with a Thunderblitz

roll) a Warbuggy, the Baneblade can only

fire Snap Shots. Is this intended?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: What happens when you fail a

Tank Shock or Ram when arriving from

Reserve in such a way that the vehicle

would end the movement partly off the


A: If following the Tank Shock or Ram you

cannot place the vehicle entirely on the

battlefield, it is destroyed.


[GW] Q: Do non-psychic powers with an

area of effect (‘aura’ powers like the Tau

Ethereal’s Invocation of the Elements, or

the effects of many Warlord Traits) extend

from the hull of a Transport that the

model with the power is embarked within?

A: No, non-psychic powers such as those

described cannot be used by models



embarked upon a Transport unless

specifically noted otherwise.

Q: Do units embarked on a Transport

count as moving if the vehicle moved at

Cruising speed?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: If a vehicle with an

invulnerable save (e.g. a Dark Eldar

Venom through its Flickerfield) is hit by a

Template weapon, do the models inside

also benefit from it when resolving the No

Escape rule?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can models embarked inside an

exploding vehicle benefit from cover

saves (e.g. the Realspace Raiders

Detachment who have a 5+ cover save on

the first turn and any turns with Night

Fighting, or models with the Stealth

and/or Shrouded special rules)?

A: No.

[GW] Q: I have a question regarding unit

special rules that affect all or some units

within a certain range of a model or unit.

How do these interact with units inside

Transports, and what happens if the unit

with the rule is inside a Transport?

A: When a unit embarks on a vehicle it is

taken off the battlefield and does not

interact with anything on the battlefield.

However, certain rules may create

exceptions to this rule, with the most

obvious examples being Fire Points and

psychic powers and Transports. If a unit’s

rules are meant to apply even when

embarked on a Transport, they will specify


[GW] Q: It’s not clear whether or not a

unit that has destroyed a Transport can

then charge the now-disembarked troops.

The rule says ‘if allowed’ – does that mean

as long as they haven’t fired weapons

stopping them from charging, or do they

need to have a special rule to be allowed to


A: The unit that destroyed the Transport

vehicle can charge the now-disembarked

passengers so long as, for example, it

hasn’t fired any weapons that prevent it

from charging, it hasn’t Gone to Ground, it

is within 12", and so forth. A unit doesn’t

need a special rule to allow it to do so.

[GW] Q: Do units disembarking from a

Deep Striking Transport also count as

entering play via Deep Strike?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: What happens to a unit if the

Transport they are in moves over 6" and is

Wrecked by your opponent in their turn?

A: If the unit passes their Pinning test,

they can fire Overwatch if they are

charged, so long as they were not forced to

perform an emergency disembarkation. In

their following turn they will act normally,

though they will be unable to charge unless

the vehicle transporting them had the

Assault Vehicle rule. If they fail their

Pinning test, the unit must Go to Ground.



[GW] Q: Must the passengers of a Fast

Skimmer fire Snap Shots if their

Transport moved more than 6"?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: For the purposes of Heavy,

Ordnance, and Salvo weapons, does the

Slow and Purposeful special rule allow

units embarked on a Transport to fire as if

they remained Stationary if the vehicle

moves at Cruising Speed but not Flat


A: No. Units embarked on a Transport that

moved at Combat Speed count as having

moved that turn, units embarked on a

Transport that moved at Cruising Speed

can only fire Snap Shots that turn, and if

a vehicle moves Flat Out its passengers

cannot fire at all that turn.

Q: Are passengers whose transport

suffered an Explodes! result considered to

have disembarked from the vehicle?

A: Yes.

Universal Special Rules


[GW] Q: Does Stealth stack with

Stealth? Or Shrouded with Shrouded?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can you clear up exactly which

rules stack and how when estimating

cover saves? I’m thinking about Stealth,

Shrouded, bonuses from cover, units,

psychic powers, Venomthropes, Jink, etc.

A: All of the above rules stack with each

other (for example, a model with Stealth

and Shrouded gains a +3 bonus to their

cover saves). The same rule does not stack

with itself though (for example, a model

that has the Stealth special rule from two

sources still only has a +1 modifier to their

cover save, and a model that is Jinking

and is in cover can only benefit from one of

these cover saves).

[GW] Q: Does a model with Preferred

Enemy (Independent Characters)

benefit from the rule when attacking a

squad with an Independent Character in


A: No.

[GW] Q: Does the Preferred Enemy

special rule allow you to re-roll Gets Hot

rolls of 1 for blast weapons (e.g. a plasma


A: No.

[GW] Q: If a Hit & Run roll would take

me off the table, do I stop at the table


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: The Strikedown rule states that

attacks with it cause the enemy unit to

move as though through difficult terrain.

Does this carry over onto a Super-heavy

Walker’s guns?

A: Strikedown only applies to the Super-

heavy Walker’s Stomp attacks.

[GW] Q: The Vortex rule states that the

marker for a Vortex weapon counts as

impassable terrain. As such, must any



miniatures that survive the hit and are

still beneath the template move away?

A: Yes. If they cannot move away in their

next Movement phase, then they are


[GW] Q: How do special rules like Hatred,

Preferred Enemy and Monster

Hunter work when targeting a mixed

unit that contains models your special

rule effects as well as models it doesn’t?

A: The rules mentioned are only used if all

models in the target unit are of the

appropriate type.

[GW] Q: What method is used to resolve

potentially conflicting special rules

(e.g. a Dark Talon’s Statis Bomb’s Vast

Stasis Anomaly vs Reanimation


A: The two rules cancel out and neither is


[GW] Q: When something states that it

happens at the start of the game turn

but both players have a rule that happens

at the start of the game turn, how do you

determine which rule is resolved first?

A: The players should roll-off to determine

whose rule applies first.

[GW] Q: Does having a bonus To Wound

affect Rending?

A: No, the automatic Wounds still only

apply on the roll of a 6.

[GW] Q: When a model uses a rule with a

wording similar to ‘count

[characteristic] as’ or ‘use the

[characteristic] of model X’, do we read

the characteristic as if it were in the

affected model’s original profile before we

apply modifiers?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Does a rule written like the

markerlight ability ‘Seeker’ – ‘resolved at

Ballistic Skill 5’ – bypass the modifier


A: No.

[GW] Q: Does Move Through Cover

allow units to strike at their normal


A: No.

[GW] Q: Does a Hammer of Wrath

attack always hit the front armour of a


A: No, it hits the armour the attacker is


[GW] Q: Does a shooting attack without

the Rending special rule still count as

Rending when the model firing has the

Rending special rule?

A: No. If a model has the Rending special

rule only their close combat attacks benefit

from this rule, not their shooting attacks.

[GW] Q: Can Interceptor weapons fire at

a unit that disembarked from a Transport

that arrived from Reserve?

A: Yes.


[GW] Q: How do you resolve the Helfrost

rule against Feel No Pain?

A: A Feel No Pain roll can be taken as

normal to avoid suffering the Wound. If

this roll is failed, resolve the Helfrost rules

as normal.

[GW] Q: Can Feel No Pain be taken when

a rule says no saves may be taken?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can a model’s Feel No Pain roll

ever reach 1+, and if it can, is 1 still a


A: A model’s Feel No Pain roll can never be

improved beyond 2+.

[GW] Q: Do Feel No Pain saves stack? For

example if a Painboy (5+) took a cybork

body (6+), does it have a 4+ Feel No Pain

save, or do you just use the best one?

A: Feel No Pain rolls do not stack – you

just use the best one (a rule will explicitly

state if it improves an existing Feel No

Pain roll).

[GW] Q: Does a wound negated by Feel No

Pain count as saved or unsaved for the



purposes of wargear that has an effect if a

unit suffers an unsaved wound?

A: It counts as saved.

[GW] Q: If a model has Eternal Warrior

and Feel No Pain, can he still use his Feel

No Pain roll after failing an

armour/invulnerable save from an Instant

Death wound?

A: No.


[GW] Q: Do Immobilised Skimmers get


A: No.

[GW] Q: Does a unit that is embarked on a

Transport that Jinks also count as

having Jinked in the following Shooting


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Are passengers in Jinking

Transports forced to fire Snap Shots?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: If a blast template scatters onto

a Skimmer, can that Skimmer still Jink

even though it was not actually targeted

by the shot?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can you Jink against

Overwatch attacks?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can a model Jink if it is part of a

unit without that rule?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can a Flyer perform a bombing

run the turn after it Jinks?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can you Jink and Go to


A: No.

[GW] Q: Can you use a flamer/template

weapon in Overwatch after Jinking?

A: No.


[GW] Q: Does a unit that is embarked in

a Scout vehicle count as having made a

Scout move?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Are models with the Infiltrate

special rule allowed to not use the rule to

deploy and then charge normally in the

first turn?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: If a vehicle has Infiltrate, can

you embark a unit inside it before

deployment and then infiltrate it onto the

battlefield inside the vehicle?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Do Scout redeployments take

place before or after the player going

second is given the chance to Seize the


A: After.

[GW] Q: Does deploying with Outflank

count as moving for the purpose of


A: Yes.

Q: If an Infiltrating unit cannot be placed

in a legal position on the table, what

happens to the unit?

A: The unit is placed in Reserves.


[GW] Q: Infiltrate rules state that an

Independent Character without Infiltrate

cannot join a squad of Infiltrators. Does

this mean a squad that is actively

Infiltrating or just any unit that has the

Infiltrate rule? This matters for things

like Outflank (granted freely by the

Infiltrate rule) and Infiltrate units that

have Deep Strike.

A: An Independent Character without the

Infiltrate special rule cannot join a unit of

Infiltrators during deployment, whether

they are Infiltrating, Deep Striking,

Outflanking or deploying normally. They

are free to join units as they wish after




Q: If I’m using a special Detachment,

such as the Nemesis Strike Force

Detachment, and add Independent

Characters from Battle Brother Factions

(e.g. the Librarius Conclave), can they all

still benefit from the first turn deployment

and come in together?

A: No, the rules for Detachments and

Formations only apply to models/units

that are part of the Detachment or


[GW] Q: Do rules applying to ‘the unit’,

such as those from Formation command

benefits (e.g. the Skyhammer Annihilation

Force), or unit-wide special rules such as

Dunestrider from Codex: Skitarii apply to

any attached Independent Characters?

A: No.

[GW] Q: If I have two different

Independent Character Psykers in the

same unit, can both of them attempt to

cast the same power in the same Psychic


A: No.

[GW] Q: If two Independent Characters

are locked in combat, can a third

Independent Character enter combat and

issue a challenge, thereby engaging rules

that may impact said combat? This is in

regards to the Shard of Anaris becoming

Instant Death, etc.

A: Yes, unless the two Independent

Characters are already fighting an

ongoing challenge. If they are, the third

character can make a Glorious


[GW] Q: Can a unit ever attack a model in

a challenge?

A: Yes, but only after all other enemy

models in that combat have been slain.

[GW] Q: If a unit charges a single-

character unit and a challenge is issued,

do the non-character units still get to

attack the single character?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: If a model in a challenge that

isn’t Initiative 10 gets an attack at

Initiative 10 (Hammer of Wrath,

mandiblasters, etc.) with which it kills

the opponent, what happens when it

reaches its normal Initiative?

A: It can still attack, rolling against the

Weapon Skill and Toughness of the slain

opponent, and allocating the excess

wounds that are caused to other opponents

as described in the ‘Combatant Slain’ rule.

[GW] Q: Challenges vs. outside forces.

When 2 units (of more than 1 model) fight,

the rule is clear, however if one of the

units is a single model (e.g. a character or

Monstrous Creature), it isn’t.

A: You can only allocate Wounds to a

model taking part in a challenge if there

are no other enemy models you can allocate

wounds to.

[GW] Q: If an Independent Character with

Slow and Purposeful joins a unit, does

that entire unit now count as being Slow

and Purposeful?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can an Independent Character

Monstrous Creature join another

Independent Character to form a unit?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can killing an Independent

Character joined to another unit, without

wiping out the leftover unit, result in

First Blood?

A: Yes.

Choosing Your Army


Q: Do Formations or Detachments

specify Flyer models or Flyer Wings

when listing the units in the




A: They specify the number of models.

[GW] Q: How many Relics/Artefacts can

a single model be equipped with?

A: A model can only be given a single

Relic/Artefact of any kind unless

specifically noted otherwise.

[GW] Q: When listing Formations,

sometimes it states ‘1 model’ (like 1 Tomb

Spyder), while other times it lists ‘1 Unit

of models’ (like 1 unit of Tomb Blades).

Are these interchangeable?

A: No. The former means a single model of

the type listed, while the later means a

single unit of the type listed.

[GW] Q: How do special rules like Hatred

affect multi-Faction armies? For

example how does the Dark Angels’

Hatred (Chaos Space Marines) special rule

affect Khorne Daemonkin? Does it affect

all Chaos Space Marine units in the army

or none at all?

A: The rules in question affect enemy units

that belong to the specific named Faction.

In the case of the example, it would only

apply to enemy Chaos Space Marine units.

[GW] Q: If a unit consists of more than

one Faction, what Faction does the unit

count as when targeted by special abilities

that affect one of the Factions in that


A: They count as having all the Factions of

the models in the unit.

[GW] Q: Can you still take Formations or

models that are no longer available, like

the Void Shield Generator (an out-of-

production model) or the Skyhammer

Annihilation Force Formation (an out-of-

print Formation)?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: If two Formations both include a

model that must be your army’s

Warlord, are you only able to take one of

these Formations?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can I upgrade an HQ choice to a

Unique character in a specific Formation?

For example, the ‘Emperor’s Fist’

Armoured Company Formation mentions

you must take a Tank Commander; can

that Tank Commander be upgraded to

Knight Commander Pask?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can a Detachment include Core,

Command and Auxiliary Detachment

choices from other publications? For

example, can a Gladius Detachment

(Codex: Space Marines) include Core,

Command and Auxiliary Formations from

War Zone Damocles: Kauyon if the White

Scars or Raven Guard are chosen for your

Chapter Tactics?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can units that are Battle

Brothers embark in each other’s

Transport vehicles during deployment?

A: No.6

Buildings and Terrain


Any walls in terrain designated as ‘Ruins’

may be moved through freely, though they

still block line of sight as normal.


[GW] Q: Do the weapon options for a

Vengeance Weapon Battery count as

emplaced gun emplacements or just

emplaced guns?

A: They are emplaced weapons, and cannot

be used as gun emplacements – another

model may not fire them.

[GW] Q: Can a Fortification Scout?

6 Note that units with the same faction (or Space Marines with the same Chapter Tactics) but in different detachments are not considered to be “Battle Brothers” for purposes of this ruling. For example, a unit from an Iron Hands Demi-Company could begin the game embarked on a non-dedicated transport Drop Pod in an Iron Hands Combined Arms Detachment. However, a unit from a White Scars Demi-Company could not begin the game embarked on that same Iron Hands Drop Pod.



A: No.

[GW] Q: The coverage range of the Void

Shield Generators’ void shields is 12". If

a unit is not entirely within the 12" range,

does it still benefit from the Projected Void

Shield special rule?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can Bikes, Super-heavy Walkers,

Walkers, and Monstrous Creatures move

and/or assault units on the higher levels

of ruins?

A: Yes. For simplicity and ease of play, the

core game rules allow most models to

climb any piece of scenery. Use the ‘Wobbly

Model Syndrome’ rule if it is not possible

to place the model in the position it is

meant to be occupying. If you wish, you

may want to say that models are only

allowed to move to places that they could

reach ‘in real life’, but you will need to

apply a certain amount of common sense

and discretion in order to make such a rule

work well.

[GW] Q: Can a unit on the battlements of

a building be assaulted?

A: Yes, if the assaulting unit’s charge move

is sufficient to reach it and there is room

for at least one enemy unit on the


[GW] Q: If a vehicle model fully crosses

over an Aegis Defense Line using its

movement or Flat Out (as opposed to

beginning or ending partially on it), does

the vehicle still take a dangerous terrain


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Do Gauss, Melta, Haywire, and

Graviton special rules affect void


A: Yes. Graviton hits cause the field to

collapse on a roll of 6.

[GW] Q: Do Flyers, Super-heavy vehicles,

Swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures

and Gargantuan Creatures gain cover

while standing on the ‘base’ of a terrain

piece, e.g. ruins or dense thickets, or do

they need to be at least 25% obscured by

the scenery for cover to apply?

A: The 25% rule applies in all types of

terrain if the target is a Flyer, Super-heavy

Vehicle, Flying Monstrous Creature or

Gargantuan Creature. All other targets

count as being in cover if they are in or on

the terrain’s base, even if not 25%


[GW] Q: If you are on top of, under, or

inside terrain (such as a ruined building

or crater), but an enemy unit can see your

model completely; do you get a cover save

from being inside, on top of, or under a

terrain piece?

A: Most scenery has a rule which makes

clear whether your models need to be

obscured to get the cover save. You should

discuss unusual scenery with your

opponent before the game.

[GW] Q: Does an Aegis Defense Line

have to be deployed as one continuous


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: When measuring special rules

that use a radius whilst in a building, does

the escape hatch count as part of the


A: No.



[GW] Q: Can an opponent assault an

escape hatch – the unit can’t assault out

of one but can it be assaulted as a normal

Access Point?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Does a void shield intercept

Psychic Shriek?

A: No.

[GW] Q: If both players have models in

base contact with a gun emplacement,

which player controls it?

A: They both do.

[GW] Q: What cover save do you get

behind the petals of a Skyshield

Landing Pad?

A: None – the cover provided is represented

by the Shielded special rule.

[GW] Q: Does a model that benefits from a

cover save benefit from a void shield as

well? For example, does an infantry model

sitting on top of the battlement of a Void

Shield Generator benefit from the cover

save before the void shield is stripped?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Does Warhammer 40,000: The

Rules (7th edition) override Codex:

Stronghold Assault?

A: Yes. This is an exception to the normal

rules, in which expansions override the


Q: Are Tank Traps impassible terrain to

(Super-Heavy) Walkers?

A: No.

Q: Do allies who are not Battle Bothers

contest objectives?

A: Yes.

Q: For the First Blood Victory Point – if

both units kill each other off at Initiative

step 1, does anyone get First Blood, or is it

carried over to the next unit to be lost?

A: Both players score a point for First

Blood in this case.




Ignore the doors of Drop Pods for all rules

purposes. This includes whether a model

has doors that open or are modeled in the

closed position. For a model with closed

doors, assume that the Drop Pod does not

block line of sight, but any line of sight

that passes through the footprint of the

model will grant a 5+ cover save to the

target, using the normal rules for cover


For all Dreadnought Datasheets (of any

type) found in Codex: Blood Angels,

Codex: Space Wolves or Codex: Grey

Knights, increase the model’s Attack

characteristic by 2, including any of the

unique Dreadnoughts such as Bjorn the

Fell-handed or Cassor the Damned.

For all Dreadnought datasheets (of any

type) found in any Forge World

publications, increase the model’s Attacks

characteristic by 2.


[GW] Q: If I have Tigurius and a Grey

Knights Librarian in the same unit, can

Tigurius use his re-roll for a power known

by the Librarian?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Do Master-crafted combi-meltas

(especially in the case of Salamander

Chapter Tactics and Vulkan He’stan’s

‘The Forgefather’ special rule) count as

Master-crafted for both the bolter and the

melta parts, or just the melta part?

A: Both the primary and secondary

weapon of a Master-crafted combi-weapon

are Master-crafted.


[GW] Q: How many Hull Points does a

vehicle lose when you roll 2 simultaneous

sixes when using Graviton weapons?

A: It loses 3 Hull Points.

[GW] Q: How do Graviton weapons work

with units with mixed armour saves?

A: Use the armour save that is in the

majority within the target unit (in the case

of a tie, the player whose unit is under

attack can choose which is used).

[GW] Q: When rolling for the effect of

Graviton or Haywire weapons, is the roll

still considered an armour penetration


A: No.

[GW] Q: If I have enough bonuses to my

Blessing of the Ominssiah rule – from

Servitors with servo-arms in his unit and

the Techmarine’s servo-harness – can my

Techmarine automaticall repair a vehicle

when using this rule? I mean, even on a

roll of 1?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Since the wording of the

Graviton rule completely bypasses

glancing and penetrating hits, which are

when vehicle saves are taken, can a

vehicle use any saves against Graviton


A: A vehicle hit by a weapon with the

Graviton rule can take any invulnerable or

cover saves that it has.

[GW] Q: Do Graviton weapons ignore

cover when shooting at vehicles?

A: No. If a vehicle is obscured and suffers

a glancing hit, penetrating hit, or is

otherwise hit by an enemy shooting attack

that inflicts damage upon it (such as being

hit by a weapon with the Graviton special

rule), It may take a cover save against it.

[GW] Q: How do Graviton weapons work

against units with mixed armor saves?

A: Use the armour save that is in the

majority within the target unit (in the case

of a tie, the controlling player (of the target

unit) can choose).

[GW] Q: Can the occupants of a Drop Pod

move after it lands and opens the hatches

(i.e. have the occupants disembarked from

a Transport and therefore can move or

have they just arrived from Deep Strike

and therefore cannot)?



A: When the Drop Pod lands the units

inside must disembark. The movement

and the subsequent restrictions on the

units are described under ‘Placing

Disembarked Models’ and ‘Disembarkation

Restrictions’ in Warhammer 40,000: The


[GW] Q: Does a unit embarked in a Deep

Striking Drop Pod count as Deep Striking?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Deep Striking Drop Pods and the

Inertial Guidance System special rule –

can a player aim to Deep Strike directly

over enemy models and then use the

Inertial Guidance System to move the

actual landing to the nearest open space,

or does the Drop Pod need to be place on

the table in open space first, followed by a

scatter roll, with the Inertial Guidance

System then being used if the scattered

position is over impassable terrain?

A: When Deep Striking, you must first

place one model from the unit (in this case

the Drop Pod) on the battlefield where you

want it to arrive. This means you can’t

choose to Deep Strike it onto an enemy

unit, as you can’t put the model down on

top of your opponent’s models! Inertial

Guidance may only be used if the Drop Pod

scatters from its original position.

[GW] Q: What happens if a Drop Pod

scatters partly off the board and partly on

top of another model? Can the Inertial

Guidance System be used to reduce the

scatter and see fi it is still a Deep Strike

Mishap, or is it just and immediate Deep

Strike Mishap?

A: If any part of the Drop Pod scatters off

the board it suffers a Deep Strike Mishap.

[GW] Q: Are passengers allowed to

disembark from a Zooming Stormraven?

A: Yes, using the Skies of Fury rule.

Blood Angels


Page 66 – Scout Squad, Profile

Change the Weapon Skill (‘WS’)

characteristic on the Scout profile to read


Change the Ballistic Skill (‘BS’)

characteristic on the Scout profile to read


Page 85 – Scout Bike Squad, Profile

Change the Weapon Skill (‘WS’)

characteristic on the Scout Biker profile to

read '4'.

Change the Ballistic Skill (‘BS’)

characteristic on the Scout Biker profile to

read '4'.

Profiles – Troops, Scout

Change the Weapon Skill (‘WS’)

characteristic on the Scout profile to read


Change the Ballistic Skill (‘BS’)

characteristic on the Scout profile to read


Profiles – Fast Attack, Scout Biker

Change the Weapon Skill (‘WS’)

characteristic on the Scout Biker profile to

read '4'.

Change the Ballistic Skill (‘BS’)

characteristic on the Scout Biker profile to

read '4'.


Page 29 – Cassor the Damned, Profile

Change the Attacks characteristic on

Cassor the Damned's profile to read '5'.


[GW] Q: Can Blood Angels use the

Skyhammer Annihilation Force?

A: No – the Skyhammer Annihilation

Force has the Space Marines Faction, not

the Blood Angels Faction.

[GW] Q: Does Lemartes take up his own

Elites Force Organisation Chart slot in a

Blood Angels force roster?

A: Yes. Units take up a slot on a Force

Organisation Chart unless otherwise


[GW] Q: Can Blood Angels, being Adeptus

Astartes, use Space Marine Formations



that don’t require Centurions, Flame

Talons, and so on?

A: No.

[GW] Q: The Vanguard Veteran Squads in

Codex: Blood Angels and Codex: Space

Marines both have the Heroic

Intervention special rule, but the rule

differs. Antor Delassio – the Blood Angels

Deathwatch Space Marine listed in White

Dwarf – again has the Heroic Intervention

rule, but uses the Codex: Space Marines

version. Has that rule been changed to

include the re-rolling of charge dice in all


A: No, the rule remains as worded in

Codex: Blood Angels. Antor Delassio has

his own rules that have no effect on the

Blood Angels codex.

[GW] Q: Is a Blood Angels Librarian

Dreadnought’s furioso force halberd

supposed to have the Specialist Weapon


A: No.

[GW] Q: With Gabriel Seth in Codex:

Blood Angels, does the Strength bonus

from the Furious Charge rule apply before

or after the Strength x2 from his weapon?

A: When a model has multiple modifiers

you first apply multipliers (his x2 Strength

from his weapon) then apply any additions

or subtractions (the +1 Strength from

Furious Charge). This means Gabriel Seth

strikes at Strength 9 in a turn in which he


[GW] Q: When using the Skies of Fury

special rule to exit a Stormraven Gunship,

would a locator beacon prevent the unit

from scattering?

A: No – the unit is not arriving from Deep

Strike Reserve.

[GW] Q: Does the Wall of Death rule give

frag cannons 1D3 or 2D3 hits when firing


A: 1D3.

[GW] Q: As it is worded, Mephiston’s

Sanguine Sword psychic power is unique

to him but does not belong to a discipline,

stopping him from ever taking a primaris

power. Should it belong to the Sanguinary

discipline, but only be useable by him?

A: Sanguine Sword is a psychic power that

is not part of a discipline. Under ‘Psychic

Focus’, Warhammer 40,000: The Rules

states that powers that are not part of a

discipline, such as Force, are not

considered when determining whether the

Psyker has Psychic Focus.

[GW] Q: Does Mephiston’s Sanguine

Sword psychic power take up one of the

three powers he can generate on other

psychic tables?

A: As his Army List Entry states, he

always knows the Sanguine Sword psychic

power, and may generate two more powers.

[GW] Q: Can any unit use the Augur

Triangulation special rule from the

Angel’s Fury Spearhead Force to charge in

turn 1?

A: No, only certain Blood Angels units

(those that can Deep Strike on turn 1)

would be able to do so.

[GW] Q: How exactly does the Angel’s

Wrath Intervention Force’s Meteoric

Impact special rule work? For example, if

the Formation deploys in such a way that

an enemy unit has 5 models within 6" of

one of the Assault Squads and 4 models

within 6" of the Vanguard Veteran Squad,

does that unit take 9 hits or just 5?

A: The unit suffers a hit for each of their

models within 6" of a model from this

Formation. However, a unit cannot suffer

more hits from Meteoric Impact than there

are models in the unit. In the example

given, if the unit had 9 or more models, it

would suffer 9 hits. If it had fewer than 9

models, it would suffer a number of hits

equal to the number of models in the unit.

Dark Angels


[GW] Page 141 - Deathwing Redemption

Force, Special Rules, Deathwing Assault:

Replace the first sentence of the first

paragraph with the following:



All units in this Formation that can do so

must begin the game in Deep Strike Reserve

(this includes any Venerable Dreadnoughts

which must be in their Drop Pods). All other

units must begin the game in Reserves.

Replace the final sentence of the first

paragraph with the following:

All units in this Formation in Deep Strike

Reserve automatically arrive by Deep Strike at

the start of the chosen turn. All units in this

Formation in Reserve automatically arrive

from Reserve at the start of the chosen turn.

[GW] Page 158 - Deathwing Strike Force,

Command Benefits, Summoned to War:

Replace the first sentence with the following:

All units in this Formation that can do so

must begin the game in Deep Strike Reserve

(this includes any Venerable Dreadnoughts

which must be in their Drop Pods). All other

units must begin the game in Reserves.


[GW] Q: What happens if I cast Mind Wipe on

a Walker (or Super-heavy Walker)?

A: A vehicle targeted by Mind Wipe will have

its Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill reduced to

1 until the end of its next turn, at which point

it will recover (it is treated as automatically

passing the Leadership test).

[GW] Q: Can I have a Company Master on a


A: No.

[GW] Q: Can I replace the Chaplain in the

Lion's Blade Strike Force's Battle Demi-

company with an Interrogator-Chaplain?

A: No.

[GW] Q: The Ravenwing Support Squadron -

does the entire squadron gain Stealth and

Shrouded (i.e. as the Formation forms a

vehicle squadron, does the Darkshroud

transfer Shrouded to the Land Speeders and

do the Land Speeders gain Stealth from the

Icon of Old Caliban special rule and confer it

in turn to the Darkshroud – in sum, does the

whole squadron effectively have a 4+ cover

save in the open)?

A: Yes. The Darkshroud's Shrouded rule

stacks with the Stealth rule that the Land

Speeders gain from being within 6" of the

Darkshroud - every model in the squadron has

a 4+ cover save in the open.

[GW] Q: Can Cypher be fielded with a Dark

Angels Detachment?

A: No - the Cypher Dataslate describes how

you can field him. Of course, if you and your

opponent want to fight a battle where Cypher

leads an army of the Fallen and you decide to

use a Dark Angels Detachment to represent

them, that's entirely up to you!

[GW] Q: In the Ravenwing Strike Force, if I

take a Flyer, does the whole Detachment have

to start in Reserves, or can I start with all my

Bikers on the board and leave the Flyers in


A: If your Ravenwing Strike Force includes a

Flyer, e.g. a Nephilim Jetfighter (which must

be set up in Reserve), the whole Strike Force

must be set up in Reserve, as described in the

Strike as One rule.

[GW] Q: Dark Angels models with the

Deathwing special rule have Hatred (Chaos

Space Marines). Does this also apply to Chaos

Space Marines, Berzerkers and Possessed

from Codex: Khorne Daemonkin?

A: Yes. For completeness, here is a list of the

Khorne Daemonkin units that the Deathwing

hate: Chaos Lord, Daemon Prince, Chaos

Cultists, Chaos Space Marines, Berzerkers,

Possessed, Chaos Terminators, Chaos Spawn,

Chaos Rhino, Chaos Bikers, Raptors, Warp

Talons, Heldrake, Chaos Land Raider,

Forgefiend, Maulerfiend, Defiler, and


[GW] Q: Are Inner Circle characters without

Terminator armour (Azrael, Ezekiel) able to

be part of a Deathwing Strike Force, since

they have the Deathwing special rule?

A: Yes (see the Codex: Dark Angels errata).

However, as they do not have the Deep Strike

special rule, any of these characters can only

be set up in Reserve (they could, of course, be

embarked on a Land Raider taken as a

Dedicated Transport by another unit that they

have joined in the Detachment).



[GW] Q: With the Deathwing Strike Force,

how do you avoid automatically losing on turn

1, as you can't Deep Strike until turn 2?

A: Detachments like the Deathwing and

Ravenwing are meant to be used in support of

other Detachments and Formations. If your

entire army is a Deathwing Detachment (or a

Ravenwing Detachment deployed in Reserve),

then you will lose the game at the end of the

first turn because you have no models on the

battlefield. To avoid this, field one of these

Detachments alongside other units,

Formations or Detachments. Alternatively, you

can have a chat with your opponent before the

game and see if they're happy for you to tweak

the rules to avoid this situation!

[GW] Q: If I field a Grey Knights Brotherhood

alongside a Deathwing Strike Force, and have

a Grey Knights Independent Character join a

Deathwing Terminator Squad and Belial join

a squad of Grey Knights, does the Deathwing

Terminator Squad roll for reserves on turn

one (because of the attached Grey Knights

Independent Character) and does the Grey

Knight squad arrive on turn two without

rolling (because of Belial being in the unit)?

A: No. As stated in Warhammer 40,000: The

Rules, Independent Characters do not confer

their special rules on units they are joined to

(and vice versa) unless stated otherwise.

[GW] Q: The Dark Angels lnterromancy

psychic power Mindworm states that when

suffering an unsaved Wound, a number of the

target's characteristics are reduced by 3. If a

successful Reanimation Protocols or Feel No

Pain roll is made, what happens to the

characteristic modifiers?

A: If a model passes its Reanimation Protocols

or Feel No Pain roll, the Wound is treated as

being saved, so the model suffers no penalty to

its characteristics.

[GW] Q: Does the Ravenwing special rule in

Codex: Dark Angels allow me to re-roll all

cover saves while the model is Jinking, or only

the cover saves given to the model by the Jink

special rule?

A: When a model Jinks, it gains a 4+ cover

save until the start of its next Movement phase.

A model with the Ravenwing special rule can

re-roll any cover saves it has to make against

the attack that prompted it to Jink, and any

further cover saves it has to make until the

start of its next Movement phase.

[GW] Q: In Codex: Dark Angels, can the

Ravenwing Support Squadron fire Overwatch

for itself, or only other Ravenwing units?

A: Ravenshield allows you to fire Overwatch in

support of a friendly unit with the Ravenwing

special rule - it doesn't need to be part of this

Formation, but it can be.

[GW] Q: When a Dark Angels HQ unit is

equipped with a Space Marine bike, do they

gain the Ravenwing special rule so that they

can be used in the Ravenwing Strike Force?

A: No. However, the following errata was

published in December 2015:

Page 159 - Ravenwing Strike Force,

Restrictions: Replace this with the following:

All units in this Detachment must have the

Ravenwing special rule (p. 148) or be a

Dark Angels Character equipped with a Space

Marine bike.

[GW] Q: Can Ravenwing Bikers Jink against

normal attacks such as bolters, or do they

have to use armour saves (can they use a 4+

re-rollable Jink instead of the 3+ armour


A: The controlling player can use their

discretion as to which of their model's saves is

'the best', so a player could choose to use their

Ravenwing Bikers' 4+ re-rollable cover save

from Jink instead of their 3+ armour save.

[GW] Q: If I put the entire Ravenwing Strike

Force in Reserve, can I declare that some or

all of the units that have Scou1 are going to


A: Yes. If you decide for the Ravenwing Strike

Force to be in Reserve, any units that can

normally do so can choose to Outflank.

[GW] Q: Dark Angels Overwatch as modified

by Grim Resolve - does it work against

invisible units? Since it is still a Snap Shot -

just at a higher Ballistic Skill - I would think




A: A model with Grim Resolve fires Overwatch

at Ballistic Skill 2. This is not affected by


[GW] Q: Do Venerable Dreadnoughts arriving

by Drop Pods benefit from the Vengeful Strike

special rule?

A: No - Vengeful Strike only benefits models

wearing Terminator armour arriving by Deep


[GW] Q: A question about the Dark Angels

relic, the Mace of Redemption. In the 6th

edition, the Bane of the Traitor special rule

'improved' the weapon's AP but the current

wording says the AP is 'increased' - is this a

printing error?

A: The weapon is AP 1 when used to attack a

unit with the Chaos Space Marines Faction.

[GW] Q: Can a Dark Angels Company Master,

Interrogator-Chaplain or Librarian carry more

than one relic by, for example, swapping a bolt

pistol for Foe-smiter, and then swapping

another weapon for Shroud of Heroes?

A: A model may only take one Relic of Caliban.

[GW] Q: In a Deathwing Command Squad,

does a Deathwing Terminator who is

upgraded to the Deathwing Apothecary lose

any equipment other than his power fist?

Similarly, what happens when a Ravenwing

Black Knight in a Ravenwing Command

Squad is upgraded to the Ravenwing


A: A Deathwing Terminator upgraded to the

Deathwing Apothecary replaces his power fist

with a narthecium. He may not take any other

options. A Ravenwing Black Knight may be

upgraded to the Ravenwing Apothecary, taking

a narthecium. He may not take any other


[GW] Q: May a Dark Angels Librarian in

Terminator armour take a storm shield like

his counterpart in Codex: Space Marines?

A: A Dark Angels Librarian may not take a

storm shield.

[GW] Q: Regarding upgrade sequences - can a

Deathwing Terminator have a thunder

hammer and storm shield, and a cyclone

missile launcher?

A: Yes - the Terminator may first replace all of

its weapons with the thunder hammer and

storm shield, and then, as one of a group of

five models in the squad, take the cyclone

missile launcher.

[GW] Q: Is Interrogator-Chaplain Seraphicus

still playable in 7th edition (he was the

limited edition insert character for Dark

Vengeance back in 6th edition)?

A: For Interrogator-Chaplain Seraphicus, use

the Interrogator-Chaplain datasheet and

choose to take a plasma pistol (15 pts) in place

of his bolt pistol.


[GW] Q: Can a unit with both Bikes and

Infantry Run and Turbo-boost as long as

they maintain coherency, or are they

stopped from doing either?

A: They can both Run and Turbo-boost,

but must maintain unit coherency.

[GW] Q: Can Kill Team Cassius perform a

Sweeping Advance whilst they have a

Terminator in the squad? Which of the

models get to make Hammer of Wrath

attacks (Bikes and Jump Infantry, or


A: They cannot perform a Sweeping

Advance whilst a model with Terminator

armour is in the squad. Only models with

the Hammer of Wrath special rule make

Hammer of Wrath attacks.

[GW] Q: The members of the Deathwatch’s

Squad Donatus don’t have bolt pistols. Is

this right?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Are the Deathwatch characters

with individual datasheets (such as

Garran Branatar) supposed to have the

Independent Character special rule?

A: No. Only Ortan Cassius and Jensus

Natorian have the Independent Character

special rule.



Grey Knights

[GW] Q: Can a Grey Knights player use

The Aegis special rule to re-roll 1s made in

a Deny the Witch test against psychic

powers that did not target any of their

units (blessings, for example)?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Does a Grey Knight unit from a

Nemesis Strike Force riding in a Drop Pod

from another Detachment get to use the

Rites of Teleportation Command Benefit

to roll for Reserves on turn one?

A: You can’t start the game embarked in

allied Transport vehicles.

[GW] Q: Do Grey Knights have access to

Space Marine relics?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can a Grey Knights unit

equipped with personal teleporters use its

30" teleport shunt move to leave combat?

A: No.

Space Marines


Page 174 – Battle Demi-company,

Formation, Change the footnote to read:

‘Captain Sicarius (pg 116), Chaplain

Cassius (pg 118), Kor’sarro Khan (pg 121),

Vulkan He’stan (pg 122), Shadow Captain

Shrike (pg 123), Captain Lysander (pg

124) or Chaplain Grimaldus (pg 128) may

be taken in place of the Captain or


Codex Supplement: Clan Raukaan,

Page 49 – Clan Raukaan at War, Scions

of the Forge, Add the following sentence to

the end of the paragraph: ‘Scions of the

Forge does not apply to Formations.’

Space Marines drawn from any Chapter

may not begin the game embarked in any

Transport from a different Chapter.


[GW] Q: Can Black Templars use

Crusader Squads instead of Tactical

Squads in Formations?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Is it possible for an Apothecary

to carry items from the Special Weapons

and/or Melee Weapons lists (e.g. by a

Veteran purchasing upgrades, and being

subsequently upgraded to an Apothecary)?

A: No.

[GW] Q: In the Librarius Conclave, if you

nominate a Librarian to benefit from

Empyric Channelling, can the other

Librarians in the Formation within 12” of

the nominated Librarian attempt to

manifest psychic powers in the same

Psychic phase?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Certain models may replace one

weapon with one Chapter Relic. Can a

model then replace a second weapon (or

that relic) with another Chapter Relic, and

so on?

A: A single model may only be armed with

one Chapter Relic.

[GW] Q: When a Space Marines Tactical

Squad and a Space Marines Terminator

Squad make a unit Fall Back, can the

fleeing unit be overrun?

A: The Tactical Squad can attempt to

make a Sweeping Advance. The

Terminator Squad can only Consolidate.

[GW] Q: In Codex: Space Marines, on the

bottom right of page 112 the footnote

referenced by the Strike Force Command

states that ‘Chief Librarian Tigurius may

be taken in place of a Librarian’. The

Strike Force Command doesn’t include a

Librarian in its list – does this mean that

you can take one?

A: No. Tigurius is there for the Librarius

Conclave on page 113.

[GW] Q: If I fire a Thunderfire cannon

directly, do I still need to use the Barrage

rule for scatter and template placement or



can it fire each shot normally, rolling for

each scatter independently?

A: If you are firing a Multiple Barrage

weapon directly, the first shot scatters as

for a Blast weapon, but the other shots are

placed according to the rules for Multiple


[GW] Q: Do Ultramarines vehicles get the

benefit of Combat Doctrines?

A: Only Ultramarines Dreadnoughts

benefit from Combat Doctrines.

[GW] Q: Do Blood Angels, Space Wolves,

Grey Knights and Dark Angels all count

as having Chapter Tactics for the

purposes of joining allied Space Marine

units? That is, does my Ultramarines unit

lose the benefits of Chapter Tactics if they

are joined by Mephiston?

A: If a unit from any of these Factions

joins a unit with the Space Marines

Faction, or vice versa, neither unit benefits

from Chapter Tactics.

[GW] Q: Do Servitors for Techmarines

and Chaplain Grimaldus form their own

squad that the character is free to join and

leave, or are they attached permanently to

the character? In either case, are they

allowed to join other units with the


A: If a Techmarine or Chaplain

Grimaldus is accompanied by any

Servitors or Cenobyte Servitors, they count

as a unit which the character cannot leave,

and they cannot join other units (though

Independent Characters can join them). If

the Servitors are killed, the character can

join other units as normal.

[GW] Q: Can an auspex be used in


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can Centurions ride in Drop


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: In a Gladius Strike Force, is a

unit allowed to take a Drop Pod as a

Dedicated Transport but then deploy on

the board while the Drop Pod Deep


A: Technically, taking a Drop Pod as a

Dedicated Transport and then deploying

the unit and the Drop Pod separately is

something you can do.

[GW] Q: If a Space Marine Independent

Character joins a Vanguard Veteran

Squad, do they still get to benefit from the

Heroic Intervention special rule?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can the Captain requirement in

a Demi-company, for example the Battle

Demi-company in a Gladius Strike Force

be upgraded to a Chapter Master? None

of the alternate named characters are

currently Chapter Masters.

A: Yes, but the intention…(edited out).

[GW] Q: Do Space Marine Librarians

have access to both Malefic and Sanctic

Daemonology powers? It’s only listed as

‘Daemonology’ on their profile.

A: They have access to both.

[GW] Q: If High Marshal Helbrecht’s unit

charges following a casualty, do the

bonuses to the number of Helbrecht’s

Attacks from the Sword of the High

Marshals and Rage stack?

A: Yes. Helbrecht receives D3+1 bonus

Attacks on the charge.

[GW] Q: Models in Vanguard Veteran

Squads are given the option of replacing

their bolt pistol ‘and/or’ chainsword with a

grav-pistol or plasma pistol. Similarly,

the weapon options available to Veterans

in a Command Squad appear to allow you

to arm them with two Pistols. As such, in

both cases they should be able to make use

of the Gunslinger rule for having two

Pistols – is that correct?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: I have a question about the

Stormraven Gunship’s Transport

Capacity, specifically its ability to

transport a Dreadnought – what Walkers

fit in that spot? Just the standard



Dreadnought or can I put a Contemptor in


A: A Space Marine Stormraven Gunship

can Transport any kind of Space Marine

Dreadnought (e.g. a Dreadnought, a

Venerable Dreadnought, an Ironclad

Dreadnought or a Contemptor


[GW] Q: Are the Primarch’s Wrath and

Dorn’s Arrow affected by the Imperial

Fists Chapter Tactic Bolter Drill?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Do hurricane bolters get 6 shots

at 12” and below?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: When a Heldrake armed with a

baleflamer attacks Salamanders, do the

Salamanders get the 4+ Feel No Pain roll

from Flamecraft against it (the baleflamer

is not listed as a flamer weapon in

Warhammer 40,000: The Rules)?

A: (Removed fluff description).

Salamanders do not get to use their Feel

No Pain special rule from Flamecraft

against this weapon.

[GW] Q: For a Sternguard Veteran Squad

armed with combi-meltas in a Detachment

in which Vulkan He’stan is the Warlord,

are all shots affected by the Master-

crafted special rule, or just the melta


A: The weapon has the Master-crafted

special rule, so the rule applies whichever

profile you are firing with.

[GW] Q: If you have an Iron Hands

Independent Character in a unit of White

Scars, would the Iron Hands character

keep the Feel No Pain special rule from

The Flesh is Weak and the White Scars

keep their Hit & Run special rule from

Fight on the Move?

A: No – if a unit contains models drawn

from two different Chapters, it counts as

being from neither Chapter, and thus

benefits from neither Chapter Tactic.

[GW] Q: Is the Black Templars Chapter

Tactics Righteous Zeal supposed to say

‘game turn’ for losing models in the

Shooting phase to gain the Rage special

rule? Currently it simply says ‘If a Black

Templars unit suffers one or more

casualties in the Shooting phase or as a

result of Overwatch […] until the end of

the turn’, which according to Warhammer

40,000: The Rules means the player’s

turn. How can you lose a model in your

own Shooting phase?

A: The wording is correct. Your unit will

only benefit from the Rage special rule as

granted by Righteous Zeal if one or more of

their unit was killed by Overwatch as they

charged, or, more unlikely, if one or more

of their unit was killed in their Shooting

phase, for example if a model a plasma

gun suffers a Gets Hot Wound.

[GW] Q: What is the firing arc of the

Space Marine Land Speeder and Land

Speeder Storm secondary weapons

operated by the gunner (heavy bolter,

heavy flamer, multi-melta or assault


A: 45°, as GW’s FAQ didn’t actually give

an answer.

[GW] Q: Vehicles in an Iron Hands

Detachment get the It Will Not Die special

rule. Does this include any Tanks in an

Iron Hands Detachment or only the

Dreadnoughts with Chapter Tactics?

A: All Iron Hands vehicles gain It Will

Not Die, including vehicles that do not

have the Chapter Tactics special rules.

[GW] Q: What rule allows one to say that

a Formation composed entirely of vehicles

belongs to a specific Chapter? Can we

claim that a Raptor Wing Formation from

War Zone Damocles: Kauyon is an Iron

Hands Formation, and if so, based on

what rule? Can an Iron Hands Warlord

with the Storm of Fire Warlord Trait

nominate a vehicle from the Raptor Wing

Formation? How about vehicles from the

Warlord’s Detachment, e.g. a Whirlwind?

A: If a Space Marines Detachment or

Formation consists solely of vehicles that

do not have the Chapter Tactics special

rule, you can choose for them to be drawn

from the Iron Hands (do this when



choosing your army). An Iron Hands

Warlord with the Storm of Fire Warlord

trait could nominate a vehicle from such a

Formation or Detachment drawn from the

Iron Hands in this way. The Warlord in

this example could instead nominate

vehicles from their own Detachment, if

that Detachment was an Iron Hands

Detachment (i.e. all units in the

Detachment with the Chapter Tactics

special rule are drawn from the Iron

Hands). Note that you cannot do this with

vehicles from other Chapters – the Iron

Hands (and their Successor Chapters)

have a unique relationship with the

machines that accompany them to war.

[GW] Q: The Skyhammer Annihilation

Force. Can Independent Characters join

this Formation? If so, do they gain the

special abilities bestowed upon the


A: Independent Characters can join this

Formation in the usual way, but they will

not gain the special abilities bestowed

upon the Formation. This means that if

the Independent Character joins an

Assault squad from this formation, for

example, that squad won’t be able to use

the First the Fire, then the Blade special

rule to charge in the turn they arrive.7

[GW] Q: Can any Chapter use the

Skyhammer Annihilation Force?

A: Any Chapter chosen from Codex: Space

Marines can use it. Chapters from other

codexes, e.g. Codex: Blood Angels, Codex:

Dark Angels, Codex: Space Wolves, etc.


7 Independent Characters from other detachments who join units with special deployment rules may never benefit from the detachment’s special deployment rules. The effect of this is that the unit will deploy using the normal deployment and reserves rules. An IC that joins a unit from a Skyhammer Annihilation Force prior to deployment will cause the joined unit to lose the benefits of the “Shock Deployment” special rule. That unit will have to roll for reserves normally beginning on Turn 2.

[GW] Q: Can you upgrade the Captain in

a Hunting Force Formation from War

Zone Damocles: Kauyon to a Chapter


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: In the Hunting Force Formation

from War Zone Damocles: Kauyon I

nominate an enemy HQ unit after

deployment. If their HQ unit is attached

to a unit or embarked on a vehicle, do I get

the formation benefits from The Hunters’

Prey against the unit and/or Transport, or

does it only apply once the HQ unit is


A: You get the bonus if the HQ unit is

attached to a unit when attacking that

unit. The bonus does not apply to any

Transport while the HQ unit is embarked


[GW] Q: Can the Speartip Strike

Formation from War Zone Damocles:

Kauyon be used in a Gladius Strike Force

to make up the one required Auxiliary


A: No.

[GW] Q: The Pinion Battle Demi-company

rules state that each Scout Sergeant and

Scout Veteran Sergeant can ‘spot’ for

another unit from the Formation with 9”.

Does the ‘spotter’ have to see the unit that

the firing unit is targeting?

A: No.

[GW] Q: In the most recent Codex: Space

Marines, the Bolter Drill Chapter Tactics

special rule was updated to function with

the special ammunition. Does this also

apply to Sentinels of Terra Detachments,

or do they still use the more restricted

Close Ranged Bolter Drill rule form

Sentinels of Terra?

A: Sentinels of Terra Detachments use the

rules from Sentinels of Terra.

[GW] Q: I have the Skyhammer

Annihilation Force – can I use it as part of

the Talon Strike Force from War Zone

Damocles: Kauyon?

A: No.



[GW] Q: The Mobile Firebase special rule

fro the Stormlance Battle Demi-company

states that a unit can embark on their

Dedicated Transport as part of their bonus

movement. Can they also disembark?

A: No.

[GW] Q: The Firespear Strikeforce

Formation from the Start Collecting!

Space Marines box lists ‘1 Venerable

Dreadnought’ – is that one unit of the

Dreadnoughts or one Dreadnought


A: One Venerable Dreadnought model.

[GW] Q: Can the Space Marine

Formations in War Zone Damocles:

Kauyon be used to make a Gladius Strike


A: No. Codex: Space Marines states which

Formations can be included in a Gladius

Strike Force.

[GW] Q: Does the Know When To Fade

rule for the Talon Strike Force from War

Zone Damocles: Kauyon allow a Fearless

unit to disengage?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: In War Zone Damocles: Kauyon,

the Hammer of the Khan Warlord Trait

can give the Warlord D3 Hammer of

Wrath attacks, while the Hunting Force

Formation gives its models 2 Hammer of

Wrath hits if there are at least five models

in their unit. Both say instead of one, so

which should be applied, or do they work

together somehow?

A: If your Warlord is part of a unit of five

or more models from a Hunting Force

Formation and has the Hammer of the

Khan Warlord Trait, you must choose

whether to inflict 2 or D3 Hammer of

Wrath hits (before rolling!).

[GW] Q: Does Captain Lysander keep his

Warlord Trait from Codex: Space Marines

(Iron Resolve), or is it replaced by the

Warlord Trait listed in Sentinels of Terra

(Champion of Humanity), or does he get


A: In a Space Marines Detachment, he has

Iron Resolve. In a Sentinels of Terra

Detachment, he has Champion of

Humanity. He does not have two Warlord


[GW] Q: Where do the special

Warhammer World Space Marine tanks fit

in the Gladius Strike Force Detachment in

Codex: Space Marines?

A: They cannot be taken as part of a

Gladius Strike Force.

Space Wolves




Page 37 – The Ironwolves, Restrictions

Add the following sentence to the end of

the paragraph:

‘However, ignore units of Wolf Scouts and

Lone Wolves for the purposes of these



[GW] Q: How do you resolve a special rule

or an item of wargear that makes you

automatically pass a test against another

special rule or item of wargear that makes

you automatically fail? For example, the

Pelt of Balewolf causes certain models to

automatically fail their Fear tests, yet

models with the Daemonic Instability

special rule automatically pass these tests.

A: The two rules effectively cancel each

other out. In the case of the Pelt of

Balewolf, a model with the Daemonic

Instability special rule would therefore

have to take a standard Fear test.

[GW] Q: When using the Wolf Guard

Thunderstrike Formation from the

Champions of Fenris supplement, if the

Drop Pod is the only Drop Pod in your

army, how does that work with regards to

the Drop Pod Assault special rule?

A: Ignore the Drop Pod Assault special rule

for the Drop Pod from the Wolf Guard

Thunderstrike Formation.

[GW] Q: Do Iron Priests have the HQ or

Elite Battlefield Role, and which profile



should I use – the version in Codex: Space

Wolves or the version in War Zone Fenris:

Curse of the Wulfen?

A: There are two different Iron Priest

options at present, and you should feel free

to use either or both in your army. One is

an Elites choice, which uses all of the rules

described in Codex: Space Wolves, whilst

the version in White Dwarf and War Zone

Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen is obviously a

more senior version, with an improved

profile and weapon options, hence the

reason he is an HQ choice and has a

higher points cost.

[GW] Q: When rolling for the Curse of the

Wulfen special rule, do you roll just one

dice for all Wulfen units in your army, or

one dice per unit?

A: Roll one dice to determine the effect of

the Curse of the Wulfen for all units of

Wulfen in your army.

[GW] Q: For the Ancients of the Fang

Formation in War Zone Fenris: Curse of

the Wulfen, can the Dreadnoughts still

purchase transports?

A: No.

[GW] Q: For all models that can ride

Thunderwolves (including Thunderwolf

Cavalry and Wolf Lords on

Thunderwolves), is the Strength bonus

from the Thunderwolf applied before or

after multiplying the user’s Strength by 2

for the purposes of weapons like power

fists and thunder hammers?

A: The model’s Strength profile is

improved by 1 for riding a Thunderwolf.

This is not a modified profile, but is

instead the model’s new profile (as

demonstrated by the Thunderwolf Cavalry

profile). As wielding a power fist or

thunder hammer doubles the Strength

characteristic on the model’s profile before

any other modifiers are applied, this will

mean the model’s Strength of 5 is doubled

to 10.

[GW] Q: How do you resolve the effects of

Helfrost weapons against Necrons for the

purposes of their Reanimation Protocol

special rule, as they technically happen


A: The Sequencing section from

Warhammer 40,000: The Rules cover cases

where two or more rules are to be resolved

at the same time and the wording is not

explicit as to which rule is resolved first –

the player whose turn it is chooses the


[GW] Q: When the Rune Priest is

upgraded to wear Terminator armour, he

trades in his bolt pistol, but he doesn’t

automatically get a storm bolter. The

entry then says that he ‘may take one of

the following’. What happens if he chooses

not to take a storm bolter?

A: Then he will simply have no ranged

weapon. This is to cater for the Librarian

Terminator model, which can be

assembled either with an outstretched

hand or a storm bolter; the same options

therefore apply to Librarians in Codex:

Space Marines.

[GW] Q: In the Champions of Fenris

supplement, the Armor of Asvald

Stormwrack relic is not listed as

Terminator armour in the rules and does

not cause weapons to change to

Terminator weapons, even though it has

the same rules as Terminator armour.

Does this mean a character wearing the

Armour of Asvald Stormwrack can ride a


A: It is effectively Terminator armour, so

no, a model wearing the Armour of Asvald

Stormwrack cannot ride a Thunderwolf.

[GW] Q: If an Independent Character joins

a unit of Wulfen, are they affected by the

Curse of the Wulfen?

A: The Independent Character is affected

by the Curse of the Wulfen special rule as

normal; only the Wulfen themselves are


[GW] Q: The Wulfen’s Death Frenzy

special rule begins with the wording ‘If a

model in this unit is slain…’ – does that

mean that an Independent Character that

has joined the unit also benefits from this




A: No.

[GW] Q: If Wulfen are removed from play

in the Assault phase, by special attacks

such as Stomp or some other effect, do

they still get to strike back as part of their

Death Frenzy special rule?

A: Yes. The slain Wulfen model strikes

back at the end of the Initiative step in

which it was slain. For example, in the

case of a Hammer of Wrath attack, which

is resolved at Initiative step 10, the Wulfen

strikes back at the end of Initiative step 10;

in the case of a Stomp attack, which is

resolved at Initiative step 1, the Wulfen

strikes back at the end of Initiative step 1.

[GW] Q: Which relic lists can Space

Wolves characters choose from when they

are part of a Wolf Claw Strike Force

Detachment from War Zone Fenris: Curse

of the Wulfen?

A: They must use the Relics of the Fang

from Codex: Space Wolves. However, if you

wish, a Wolf Guard Battle Leader from the

Champions of Fenris Formation from War

Zone Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen can

instead choose a single Relic of the Great

Wolf from Champions of Fenris.

[GW] Q: Can a Wulfen wielding a thunder

hammer make a Death Frenzy attack at

the end of an Initiative step that would

result in him attacking before other

models with a higher Initiative than his

modified Initiative of 1 (for using a

weapon with the Unwieldy special rule)?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can each member of the Heralds

of the Great Wolf Formation ignore their

first failed saving throw each turn or is it

just first model in the Formation to fail

their save each turn? What about any

Cyberwolves accompanying the

Formation's Iron Priest?

A: Provided that the Formation's Iron

Priest is still alive, the Formation's Wolf

Priest, Rune Priest and Iron Priest can

each ignore their first failed saving throw

each turn. This does not apply to any

accompanying Cyberwolves.

[GW] Q: If an Independent Character joins

a unit of Wulfen, do the Wulfen models

still get to use the Bounding Lope rule?

A: Yes, but the Independent Character does

not benefit, and all models in the unit

must maintain unit coherency.

[GW] Q: When fielding a Spear of Russ

Formation, can a Vindicator use the

Power of the Machine Spirit to fire its

demolisher cannon twice in the same

Shooting phase?

A: No. Power of the Machine Spirit allows

a vehicle to fire an additional weapon –

one not fired already – not to fire a weapon

for the second time.

[GW] Q: I have my Wolf Claw Strike

Force, and I also pick a Combined Arms

Detachment. If an Independent Character

from the Combined Arms Detachment

joins one of the units from the Wolf Claw

Strike Force, does he get the Counter-

charge special rule as well, or does the

whole unit lose the Counter-charge special

rule because the Independent Character

in question is not part of the Wolf Claw

Strike Force?

A: The attached character does not benefit,

but nor does he prevent the unit he is

attached to from doing so, provided that

all models in the unit (including the

Independent Character) maintain unit


[GW] Q: If Logan Grimnar is riding

Stormrider and it gets destroyed, does he

die with it or can he fight on as an

Independent Character on foot?

A: If Stormrider is destroyed, Logan

Grimnar is slain as well.

[GW] Q: As far as rules are concerned,

what kind of armour do Wulfen wear?

A: Wulfen wear armour over their black

carapace that has been customised

according to their unique physiology, but it

offers them no in-game effect beyond a

standard 4+ armour save.

[GW] Q: If a unit of Wulfen is embarked in

a vehicle or building, does their Curse of



the Wulfen special rule affect units within

range as normal?

A: No. Do not count units of Wulfen that

are embarked at the start of the turn for

the purposes of the Curse of the Wulfen

special rule.

[GW] Q: Suppose a Wolf Claw Strike Force

has the first turn and lands multiple Drop

Pods amongst the enemy lines. If an

enemy unit then charges a Space Wolves

unit that has just disembarked from their

Drop Pod, can another unit from the same

Wolf Claw Strike Force use their Counter-

charge ability during the enemy Assault

phase to charge, even though they had

disembarked from a Drop Pod in their first


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Should the helfrost pistol and

tempest hammer be added to the Space

Wolves wargear lists, or are they unique

to the Iron Priest from War Zone Fenris:

Curse of the Wulfen?

A: These items are unique to the version of

the Iron Priest with the HQ Battlefield

Role from White Dwarf and War Zone

Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen.

[GW] Q: For the Deathpack Formation

that comes in the Start Collecting! Space

Wolves box, you have a Wolf Lord, 10 Grey

Hunters, and 3 Thunderwolf Cavalry. Can

you expand this Formation by adding

another squad of Grey Hunters and more

Thunderwolf Cavalry?

A: The Formation limits you to 1 Wolf

Lord, 1 unit of Grey Hunters, and 1 unit of

Thunderwolf Cavalry; you cannot add any

further units to this Formation. A unit of

Grey Hunters can have a maximum of 10

models, so you cannot add any more of

them, while a unit of Thunderwolf Cavalry

can have a maximum of six models, so you

may add three more Thunderwolf Cavalry

models to the Formation as part of that


[GW] Q: If an Independent Character joins

a unit from a Space Wolves Deathpack

Formation, can they still benefit from the

For Glory, For Russ! special rule (for

example, Run and then still be able to

charge in the same turn)?

A: The attached character does not benefit,

but nor does he prevent the unit he is

attached to from doing so, provided that

all models in the unit (including the

Independent Character) maintain unit

coherency at all times.

Imperial Armor – Volume 2: War

Machines of the Adeptus Astartes


Relic Sicaran Battle Tank (p. 79): The

Side and Rear Armor values of the Relic

Sicaran Battle Tank are 12.

Fire Raptor Gunship (p. 139): In

addition to the armies listed, the Fire

Raptor may be taken by a Codex: Blood

Angels army.

In addition to its listed options, a Fire

Raptor may exchange its independent

turret-mounted quad-bolters for an

independent turret-mounted twin-linked

autocannon for no additional points.

Sisters of Battle Repressor (p. 239):

The Shield of Faith special rule should be

changed to read:

Models with the Shield of Faith special

rule have a 6+ invulnerable save and the

Adamantium Will special rule.

Codex Inquisition: The following

vehicles may be taken in a Codex:

Inquisition detachment:

A Inquisitorial Land Raider Prometheus

(p. 223) may be taken as a Dedicated

Transport option for an Inquisitorial

Henchman Warband.

An Inquisitorial Valkyrie Assault Carrier

Squadron (p. 230) may be taken as a Fast

Attack choice in an Inquisitional

Detachment. Note that this adds a Fast

Attack choice to the two HQ and three

Elite choices specified in the Inquisitorial

Detachment as shown in the Codex. This



may only be taken once per Inquisitorial


Fellblade Super-Heavy Tank (p. 105):

May be taken as a Lord of War choice for

detachments from Codex: Space Marines,

Codex: Blood Angels, Codex: Dark Angels,

Codex: Space Wolves, or the Space Marine

Siege Assault Vanguard.

Typhon Heavy Siege Tank (p. 109):

May be taken as a Lord of War choice for

detachments from Codex: Space Marines,

Codex: Blood Angels, Codex: Dark Angels,

Codex: Space Wolves, or the Space Marine

Siege Assault Vanguard.

Cerebus Heavy Tank Destroyer (p.

113): May be taken as a Lord of War

choice for detachments from Codex: Space

Marines, Codex: Blood Angels, Codex:

Dark Angels, Codex: Space Wolves, or the

Space Marine Siege Assault Vanguard.

Thunderhawk Transporter (p. 131):

May be taken as a Lord of War choice for

detachments from Codex: Space Marines,

Codex: Blood Angels, Codex: Dark Angels,

Codex: Space Wolves, the Space Marine

Siege Assault Vanguard, or the Tyrant’s


Grey Knights Thunderhawk Gunship

(p. 218): May be taken as a Lord of War

choice for detachments from Codex: Grey


Imperial Armor – The Badab War

Q: How does Magister Severin Loth’s

Armor of Selket work in 7th Edition?

A: Loth may activate the Armor of Selket

during his controlling player’s Psychic

Phase by spending 1 Warp Charge. Do not

roll to activate this power – it works

automatically. It may not be stopped or

prevented with Deny the Witch, and does

not count as a Blessing for purposes of

rules or models such as the Culexis

Assassin. Activating the Armor of Selket

counts as one of the 3 powers that Loth can

use on his turn.

Q: Can Magister Severin Loth be taken as

part of a Librarius Conclave detachment?

A: No. This goes for any other special

character Librarians except for the ones

that are expressly listed in the formation







Page 45 – Psykana Division, Special

Rules, Encouraging Presence

Add the following sentence at the

beginning of this rule:

‘Any Commissars taken as part of this

Formation must each be attached to a

different Wyrdvane Psyker unit.’


[GW] Q: Should Commissar Yarrick have

the Stubborn special rule?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Is the Taurox Prime meant to

have the Assault Vehicle special rule?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Should the Hydra have the

Interceptor special rule?

A: No.

[GW] Q: When the ‘Fire on my Target!’

order is issued, do both units (the officer

and the ordered unit) need line of sight to

the target or just the ordered unit?

A: Only the ordered unit needs line of


[GW] Q: Colour Sergeant Kell’s Listen Up,

Maggots! special rule allows nearby Astra

Militarum units to use his Leadership

instead of their own highest Leadership.

How does this interact with abilities that

force a unit to use its lowest Leadership


A: Kell’s rule only affects units taking

Leadership tests for orders issued by

Creed. If, as the result of an enemy ability,

a unit is forced to use its lowest Leadership

value when taking a Leadership test for an

order from Creed, then they can still use

Kell’s leadership as long as he is in the

same unit as Creed.

[GW] Q: Can you add Ministorum Priests,

Primaris Psykers and Enginseers to


A: No.

[GW] Q: Does an Infantry Platoon count

as a single unit for the purposes of issuing


A: No.

[GW] Q: Can you clear up Ordnance and

Heavy vehicles? Leman Russ owners have

been wondering about this for some time.

A: Heavy has no effect on firing Ordnance

weapons. If a Heavy vehicle doesn’t fire an

Ordnance weapon, it can fire all of its

weapons at full Ballistic Skill when

moving at Combat Speed.

[GW] Q: When a Formation like the Steel

Host includes a Tank Commander, is that

the Tank Commander in a single tank, or

a full squadron – i.e. the Tank

Commander HQ choice from Codex: Astra


A: It’s the Tank Commander entry from the

codex, that is, a Tank Commander and 1-2

other Leman Russ tanks, which form a

single squadron.

[GW] Q: What is the firing arc of the

Chimera’s lasgun arrays?

A: They are considered hull-mounted

weapons, and as such have a 45° arc.

[GW] Q: In a Chimera, is it possible to use

both its lasgun arrays and its Fire Point

during the same Shooting phase (if there

are 10 models in the Chimera, for


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Is the Fire Point of a Chimera the

turret hatch or the hatch at the back?

A: The hatch at the back.

[GW] Q: Commissar Yarrick has both the

Chain of Command and Senior Officer

special rules. The first rule stipulates that

if there’s a model with the Senior Officer

rule, they cannot be the Warlord. Do the

two cancel each other out?

A: No. Yarrick can only be your Warlord if

you have no other model with the Senior

Officer rule in your primary detachment.

Yarrick is a Senior Officer, and can issue

orders accordingly.



[GW] Q: Can a Valkyrie or Vendetta

performing a Grav Chute Insertion use a

ground vehicle’s augur array to prevent


A: No. The augur array only affects units

arriving from Deep Strike Reserve.

[GW] Q: Can a Valkyrie or Vendetta

perform a Grav Chute Insertion when it is


A: Yes.

Militarum Tempestus

[GW] Q: Can I use Commissar Yarrick

from Codex: Astra Militarum as my Lord

Commissar in a Codex: Militarum

Tempestus army? I want to add

Tempestus Scions as Yarrick’s personal

guard force, his security team if you will.

A: Commissar Yarrick isn’t part of the

Militarum Tempestus Faction, so he can’t

be part of a Militarum Tempestus

Detachment in a Battle-forged army.

Codex: Astra Militarum includes all the

necessary rules for using your Tempestus

Scions in an army with Yarrick.

Imperial Armor Volume 1 – Second

Edition: Imperial Guard


Atlas Recovery Tank (p. 212): Delete

“Transport” from the Unit Type entry.

Improved Comms (p. 245): Add the

following paragraph:

A vehicle with Improved Comms, if held in

Reserve, may add +1 to its roll to arrive if its

owning player wishes. If part of a squadron,

then this option must be bought for all of the

squadron’s members to be used.

Commissar Tank (p. 250): Replace the

phrase “Ablative Armor” with “Artificer Hull”

(the points cost is correct).

Armored Fist Storm Trooper Squad (p.

252): Remove the Special Operations and

Deep Strike special rules. Replace “may” with

“must” in the Transport section with regard to

the unit’s Chimera transport.

Battle Tank Squadron (p. 254): Replace

the options listed with the following:

A Vanquisher’s Vanquisher Battle Cannon

may have: either a co-axial storm bolter or co-

axial heavy stubber for +10 points.

Armored Fist Veterans (p. 257): Add

Special Rules: Tank Hunter to the unit’s


Tauros Strike Squadron (p. 261): Replace

the last two options for models in the

squadron with the following:

Any Tauros or Tauros Venator may take up to

two Hunter-Killer Missiles for +10 points each.

Any Tauros or Tauros Venator may have Extra

Armor for +5 points each.

Any Tauros or Tauros Venator may take

Camo-Netting for +10 points each.

Any Tauros or Tauros Venator may take

Smoke Launchers for +5 points each.

Weapons Summary (p. 268): Replace the

profile for the Conqueror Battle Cannon with:

Conqueror Battle Cannon, Range 48”,

Strength 8, AP 3 Heavy 1, Blast.

Captain Obadiah Schfeer (p. 273): In the

Special Rules section, replace Tank-Killers

with Tank Hunter.


Q: Armoured Fist Veteran Squads can only

take two special weapons instead of three like

every other Veteran Squad can. This is a typo,


A: No, this is as intended.

Q: How exactly does General Grizmund's

regimental banner work? Is it a re-roll for

each tank's first miss of the turn?



A: Yes, as the rule states: “All friendly vehicles

with the vehicle type Tank... may re-roll the

first missed To Hit roll in a Shooting phase.”

Q: Maximillian Weisemann's Baneblade has

the Warlord special rule but no Warlord trait.

Does he have a special Warlord trait, or is this

a typo?

A: Weisemann may roll on the Armoured

Battle Group Warlord Traits table on page


Q: Is the omission of artillery tanks from the

list of legal targets for Company Command

Tank Orders deliberate? For example, I am

not allowed to give orders to a Medusa taken

from the same list?

A: Yes, it is. Artillery units in Armoured

Companies are attached assets, and their

crews aren't trained and drilled for armoured

assaults in the same way as the Leman Russ-

based mainstays of the company, or the scout

and support units such as Hellhounds and


Q: Laser destroyers seem to go back and forth

between AP 2 and AP 1 depending on the

book/pdf. Which is correct?

A: The profile for a Laser Destroyer should be

as follows wherever it appears:

Laser Destroyer Array 36" Strength 9 AP2

Ordnance 1, Twin-linked

Q: Some tanks without the ability to give

orders can take Improved Comms. Does the

bonus apply on the receiving end as well as on

the sending end? If it's meant to work on both

ends, do you get double the bonus if both the

sender and receiver have the upgrade?

A: This bonus applies only to the command

tank, please see the errata (above) for the

effects of this Wargear on other vehicles.

Q: You can upgrade an Armoured Fist Platoon

Commander to a Company Commander, but

he keeps the BS 3 Guardsmen of a Platoon

Command Squad instead of the BS 4 Veteran

Guardsmen of a Company Command Squad.

Is this correct?

A: Yes, it is; these are attached units rather

than a complete infantry formation.

Q: Should Heavy Mortars still have the

Accurate Bombardment rule?

A: No, this has been removed. This rule

actually represents the benefits of mounting

the mortar on the Griffon’s stable firing


Q: Should Quad Launchers still have the Slow

Rate of Fire rule?

A: No, this has been removed in light of player


Q: Can Sabre Weapons platforms be used to

replace Heavy Weapons Teams in infantry

squads, etc?

A: No. A Sabre Weapons battery may be

selected for an Imperial Guard force instead of

a Heavy Weapons squad as part of an Imperial

Guard Infantry Platoon only – individual

platforms may not be swapped out. They can

also never be used as part of the Combined

Squads rule.



War Convocation

[GW] Q: In the Adeptus Mechanicus War

Convocation Formation, do any

fortifications benefit from the free


A: The only fortifications that benefit from

the Adeptus Mechanicus War

Convocation’s rules are those taken as part

of the Cult Mechanicus Battle

Congregation. The Might of the Adeptus

Mechanicus rule allows you free weapon

and wargear options, which in most cases

will not benefit fortifications – they have

access to Fortification Upgrades, which are

neither weapons nor wargear (this

includes gun emplacements). The

exceptions to this rule are weapon options

on a fortification’s datasheet – for example

on the Wall of Martyrs Firestorm Redoubt

or Vengeance Weapon Battery. These

fortifications could replace their emplaced

weapons for free.

Cult Mechanicus

[GW] Q: Does a Fortification taken as part

of an Adeptus Mechanicus War

Convocation get free upgrades, for

example a Void Shield Generator?

A: The only Fortifications that benefit from

the Adeptus Mechanicus War

Convocation’s rules are those taken as part

of the Cult Mechanicus Battle

Congregation. The Might of the Adeptus

Mechanicus rule allows you free weapon

and wargear options, which in most cases

will not benefit Fortifications – they have

access to Fortification Upgrades, which are

neither weapons nor wargear (this

includes gun emplacements). The

exceptions to this rule are weapon options

on a Fortification’s datasheet – for example

on the Wall of Martyr’s Firestorm Redoubt

or Vengeance Weapon Battery. These

Fortifications could replace their emplaced

weapons for free.

[GW] Q: The Dominus Maniple Formation

lists ‘1 Onager Dunecrawler’ as part of the

Formation. Can additional Onager

Dunecrawlers be purchased for this unit?

A: No. The Formation entry is not for a

unit of Onager Dunecrawlers, but a single


[GW] Q: In the Dominus Maniple

Formation, there have been printed rules

that say the Formation requires Skitarii

Vanguard, and other printed rules that

say it requires Skitarii Rangers. Are

either of these in error, or can the

Formation use either 1 unit of Skitarii

Vanguard or 1 unit of Skitarii Rangers?

A: You can use whichever version of the

datasheet you have.

[GW] Q: I have a question about the rules

of the Dominus Maniple Formation from

my Start Collecting! Skitarii box. Does the

Skitarii Doctrina Imperatives special rule

work on the Tech-Priest Dominus, and

does the Canticles of the Omnissiah

special rule apply to the Skitarii Rangers?

A: No, each unit is affected by the special

rules listed on their datasheet.

[GW] Q: In Codex: Skitarii, the special

rule ‘Luminagen’ reduces a unit’s cover

save by 1 until the end of the phase if they

suffer one or more unsaved Wounds,

glancing or penetrating hits. When taking

cover saves against a weapon with this

rule, do you roll the saves one at a time

until you fail, with the rest of the saves

being taken with the 1 point reduction, or

do you roll them all at once and then apply

the modifier once that shooting attack has

been completed?

A: You would roll all your saves at once

against a particular Luminagen weapon

(for example, against all the heavy

phosphor blasters from a unit of Onager

Dunecrawlers). If your unit suffered any

unsaved Wounds, glancing or penetrating

hits from that attack, it would count its

cover save as being 1 point worse than

normal until the end of the phase. If the

Onager Dunecrawlers had any weapons

that they had not already fired, these

would benefit from this cover save penalty.



[GW] Q: When firing several weapons with

the Luminagen special rule, do the

penalties to cover saves stack (i.e. do 2

hits with Luminagen weapons give a -2

modifier to cover saves)?

A: The penalty from suffering an unsaved

Wound, or a glancing or penetrating hit,

caused by a weapon with the Luminagen

special rule does not stack. It will never

impose more than a -1 penalty on a unit’s

cover save.


[GW] Q: The Dominus Maniple Formation

lists ‘1 Onager Dunecrawler’ as part of the

Formation. Does this mean one unit or one

model? For example, can I have a full unit

of 3 Onager Dunecrawlers in this


A: It means one Onager Dunecrawler


[GW] Q: Can models embarked on a

vehicle that fire at Kastelan Robots

(whether through Fire Points or in Open-

topped Transports) have shots reflected

back at them because of the Repulsor Grid

special rule? Can units that are able to

Jink do so against reflected shots?

A: Any shots reflected back at them will hit

the vehicle. Units cannot Jink against

reflected shots.

[GW] Q: If a unit such as the Kataphron

Destroyers deals an unsaved Wound using

their phosphor blasters, then does the 1-

point reduction in cover save from the

Luminagen special rule apply to the same

unit’s heavy grav-cannons if fired


A: Yes.




Reliquary Ministorum, Ranged Weapons,

Condemnor Boltgun and Reference,

Special Rules

Replace the wording of the Psi-shock

special rule with the following:

‘If a unit containing at least one Psyker

(i.e. a model with the Psyker, Brotherhood

of Psykers/Sorcerers or Psychic Pilot

special rule) is hit by a weapon with the

Psi-shock special rule, one randomly

determined Psyker model in that unit

suffers Perils of the Warp in addition to

any other damage.’


[GW] Q: If Saint Celestine dies and passes

her Miraculous Intervention special rule

Leadership check to return to the board

next turn, but the game ends, does she

award Victory Points?

A: Yes – a model that is not on the board at

the end of the game counts as destroyed for

the purposes of Victory Points.

[GW] Q: Do rules that modify a model’s

statistic apply when that model is ‘dead’?

For example, items or rules that alter

Leadership when rolling to see if Saint

Celestine passes her Miraculous

Intervention check to come back to the


A: No.

[GW] Q: How many models can shoot out

of the firing hatch on the roof of the


A: One model can fire from the

Immolator’s top hatch.

[GW] Q: In Codex: Adepta Sororitas, there

are three Apocalypse Battle Formations.

The codex was written a while ago and

things have changed quite a bit in the

game. Can I use those formations in

regular, non-Apocalypse games?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can a Canoness take more than

one relic?

A: A Canoness can only take a single relic.

[GW] Q: It is not stated what kind of

weapon the Exorcist missile launcher is. Is

it a turret-mounted weapon or a hull-

mounted weapon?

A: It’s a turret-mounted weapon.

[GW] Q: The eviscerator is listed in the

wargear section as being available for the

‘Canoness and Ministorum Priest only’,

while under the Melee Weapons list/pop-

up on the Canoness’ and Priest’s pages it

says ‘Ministorum Priest only’. Which is


A: The text in the Melee Weapons pop-up is

incorrect; an eviscerator can be taken by a

Canoness or a Ministorum Priest.

[GW] Q: What part of the Adepta

Sororitas’ Exorcist tanks do you use to

check line of sight for the Exorcist missile


A: From any part of the missile tubes.




For armor facings, refer to the following


[GW] Q: Does the Sanctuary psychic

power’s 6+ invulnerable save benefit from

any bonuses provided by Formations

and/or Detachments (e.g. the Imperial

Knights Exalted Court’s Council of Lords)?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can you take invulnerable saves

against Graviton weapons as a vehicle

(e.g. through an Imperial Knight’s ion


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Weapons on Walkers are listed as

being fixed forward, and the rules for

Super-heavy Walkers say that they follow

the shooting rules for Walkers. Does this

mean that all weapons on an Imperial

Knight are limited to the 45° front arc,

even including their arms which can

physically move much more than 45°, and

their carapace weapon which can

physically rotate 360°?

A: Treat the Imperial Knight’s arm-

mounted ranged weapons as sponson-

mounted weapons (see Warhammer

40,000: The Rules) for the purposes of

establishing their line of sight. All

Imperial Knight carapace weapons have a

360° line of sight.

[GW] Q: Is Gerantius still a valid

character for Imperial Knights, despite

not being added to the codex after the

update last year?

A: Yes, the datasheet printed in White

Dwarf 24 can still be used to represent


[GW] Q: Do you effectively have a second

ion shield when you equip an Imperial

Knight with Sanctuary?

A: No. Sanctuary replaces the model’s

normal ion shield.

[GW] Q: What are the armour facing arcs

on Imperial Knights?

A: When looking down from above the

Knight, draw one imaginary line from the

front corner of the left-hand shoulder

pauldron to the rear corner of the right-

hand shoulder pauldron. Now, draw a

second imaginary line from the front

corner of the right-hand shoulder pauldron

to the rear corner of the left-hand shoulder

pauldron. These crossed lines divide the

Knight into its front, side and rear armour


[GW] Q: How do you determine which side

of an Imperial Knight is hit by a Barrage

weapon (which are always resolved

against a vehicle’s side armour) for the

purposes of determining if the Knight gets

an ion shield save?

A: Use the direction of the firing model to

determine the facing of the attack for the

purposes of the Knight’s ion shield, but

resolve the attack against its side armour

as normal.

[GW] Q: How does the Wall of Mirrors

special rule of the Tau’s Optimised Stealth

Cadre Formation interact with an

Imperial Knight’s ion shield?

A: Use the direction of the firing model to

determine the facing of the attack for the

purposes of the Knight’s ion shield, but

resolve the attack against its rear armour

as normal.





Condemnor Boltgun and Orbital Strike

Relay, and Reference, Special Rules

Replace the wording of the Psi-shock

special rule with the following:

‘If a unit containing at least one Psyker

(i.e. a model with the Psyker, Brotherhood

of Psykers/Sorcerers or Psychic Pilot

special rule) is hit by a weapon with the

Psi-shock special rule, one randomly

determined Psyker model in that unit

suffers Perils of the Warp in addition to

any other damage.’


[GW] Q: If a unit that is embarked in a

Transport arrives from Reserves within

12" of Inquisitor Coteaz and then

disembarks, can I use the I’ve Been

Expecting You special rule to shoot both

the unit and its Transport, or can I only

shoot the Transport?

A: You can shoot both. Shoot the Transport

as soon as it arrives from Reserves and

shoot the unit as soon as it disembarks (if

it does so within 12" of Coteaz, and within

his line of sight).

[GW] Q: Regarding Inquisitor Coteaz’s I’ve

Been Expecting You special rule – if you

destroy a Transport, can you shoot at the

unit that was inside as well?

A: Yes, if the unit is placed within 12" of

Coteaz when they perform their emergency


[GW] Q: In Codex: Inquisition, the

psyocculum grants the bearer and his unit

Ballistic Skill 10 when shooting Psykers –

does this apply before or after you count

your Ballistic Skill as 1 for firing Snap

Shots at, for example, a Swooping Hive


A: The rules for firing Snap Shots take

precedence in this case; the unit’s Ballistic

Skill is increased to 10, but when firing

Snap Shots, their Ballistic Skill still

counts as being 1.

[GW] Q: Do Inquisitors suffer Perils of the

Warp on any double results when

attempting to manifest Daemonology

(Sanctic) powers?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can we get a clarification on

what counts as a plasma weapon for an

Ulumeathi Plasma Syphon in Codex:

Inquisition, please?

A: All plasma weapons as defined in

Warhammer 40,000: The Rules (plasma

pistols, plasma guns and plasma

cannons), the secondary weapon of a

combi-plasma, and plasma grenades are

all plasma weapons. Any other weapon

whose name has the word ‘plasma’ in it

(such as a Tau Empire plasma rifle) is also

a plasma weapon for the purposes of an

Ulumeathi Plasma Syphon.

[GW] Q: If you take the Inquisitorial

Detachment as your Primary Detachment,

are Inquisitorial Henchmen Warbands

scoring units?

A: Yes – all units in Codex: Inquisition are

scoring units (unless they are Falling

Back), irrespective of whether the

detachment they are part of is your

primary detachment or not.

[GW] Q: If I use psychotroke grenades

against a Super-heavy Walker (an

Imperial Knight, for example), a roll of 2

limits the model to one attack – does it

affect Stomp attacks in any way?

A: It does not affect the model’s ability to


Officio Assassinorum

[GW] Q: When a Culexus Assassin fires

their animus speculum, can they gain dice

through the Absorbed Warp Charge

special rule from any Psykers embarked

on a Transport within range?

A: No.

[GW] Q: A Culexus Assassin’s Psychic

Abomination special rule says that nearby

Psykers only harness Warp Charge points

on a 6, but some Psykers, like those in a

Seer Council Formation, have special



rules that let them harness Warp Charge

points on a 3+. Which rule takes


A: In these cases, the Culexus Assassin’s

Psychic Abomination special rule takes


[GW] Q: Does the Culexus Assassin’s

Psychic Abomination special rule work

whilst it is inside a Transport?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Does the Culexus Assassin’s

etherium negate Ballistic Skill bonuses

(e.g. markerlight’s pinpoint, the Hunter

Contingent Detachment’s Coordinated

Firepower, etc.)?

A: Yes.





[GW] Page 124 - Warp Spiders, Special

Rules, Flickerjump: Change the first

sentence to read:

Once per turn, when a unit with this special

rule is chosen as the target of a shooting

attack, it can immediately make a Warp Jump

(p. 154), moving 2D6” instead of 6+2D6", so

long as it is not Falling Back or charging.

[GW] Page 149-The Forge of Vaul, Ranged

Weapons, Distortion Weapons, Distort

Scythe: Change the last sentence of this rule

to read:

Furthermore, a weapon with this special rule

is assumed to have a Strength of 4 for the

purposes of the No Escape rule and of

determining if a hit has the Instant Death

special rule.


[GW] Q: Do Wave Serpents taken as

Dedicated Transports get+ 1 Ballistic Skill for

being a part of the Aspect Host or Dire

Avenger Shrine Formations?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can Eldar Jetbikes assault after they

have done a 2D6" move in the Assault phase?

A: No. They can either move 2D6" or declare a


[GW] Q: Does the Runes of the Farseer special

rule allow Deny the Witch even when the

Farseer is not directly targeted or in range?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can the lyanden Supplement still be

used with the new Codex: Craftworlds?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can a unit of Aspect Warriors with

an Exarch be joined by an Independent


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Does a unit of Striking Scorpions that

Outflank via their Infiltrate ability gain the

benefits of Shadowstrike?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can Eldar Warp Spiders still move as

Jet Pack Infantry in the Assault phase if they

have Warp Jumped in the Movement phase?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Is it intentional that an Eldar

Autarch with a Warp jump generator does not

receive the ability to Flickerjump with a unit

of Warp Spiders?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Do Swooping Hawks that start the

game on the table and Skyleap on the

first/subsequent turns re-enter the game via

Deep Strike?

A: Yes - they are placed into Ongoing Reserves

and will arrive by Deep Strike in your

following turn.

[GW] Q: When used as a weapon, in what

direction does the serpent shield fire?

A: As described in the serpent shield entry in

the Appendix, it is treated as a hull-mounted

weapon pointing forward.

[GW] Q: Does a Striking Scorpion Exarch

armed with a scorpion's claw and a scorpion

chainsword get to add +1 to their Strength

from the chainsword after applying the x2 to

their Strength from the scorpion's claw in

addition to gaining +1 attack for having two

close combat weapons?

A: No. A Striking Scorpion Exarch with a

scorpion chainsword and scorpion's claw must

choose which weapon they want to use in the

Fight sub-phase. The other weapon grants

them +1 Attack for having two close combat

weapons, but no strength bonus. If the Exarch

chooses to attack with the scorpion chainsword

they will have + 1 Attack and strike at

Strength 4 and AP6. If they choose to attack

with the scorpion's claw they will have +1

Attack and strike at Strength 6 and AP2.

[GW] Q: If Jain Zar uses Disarming Strike on

a Khorne Daemonkin character with Kor'lath,

the Axe of Ruin, and chooses the axe as the

weapon they lose, does that prevent them



from summoning a Bloodthirster of Unfettered

Fury via the axe's Caged Fury special rule if

the character is killed while disarmed?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Is Jain Zar's Silent Death meant to

have the Melee type?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Should Karandras have the Stalker

special rule?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Is the Seer Council listed in the

Craftworld Warhost the same as the Seer

Council Formation?

A: Yes, the Seer Council in the Craftworld

Warhost is a Seer Council Formation as

presented in the codex.

[GW] Q: Can the Autarch's The Path of

Command special rule be used if the Autarch

is in Reserve?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: If a Warlock successfully manifests

the Runes of Battle power Protect, is it only

the Warlock who receives a 6+ save?

A: No. 'Protect is a blessing that targets the

Psyker. Whilst the power is in effect, the Psyker

and his unit receive a + 1 bonus to their

Armour Save (to a maximum of 2+).' The

Warlock receives a 6+ Armour Save, and the

unit they are joined to receives +1 to their

Armour Save as well.

[GW] Q: Can you assault after using Battle


A: No. A unit that Ran in the Shooting phase

cannot charge in the Assault phase.

[GW] Q: Am I right in thinking that the two

Farseers joined to the Warlock Conclave in a

Seer Council cannot manifest the same power

in the same Psychic phase?

A: Yes, you are correct. They and the Warlocks

are a single unit, and a unit cannot attempt to

manifest the same power twice in the same

Psychic phase.



[GW] Q: Can the Solitaire use both the

Harlequin's caress and the Harlequin's kiss

(or Cegorach's Rose) to benefit from the

Caress of Death and Kiss of Death rules in the

same Fight sub-phase?

A: Yes. The Kiss of Death rule applies to a

model equipped with a Harlequin's kiss (or

Cegorach's Rose), even if the model is not

attacking with that weapon. This means that a

Solitaire can attack with their Harlequin's

caress, with + 1 Attack for having two close

combat weapons, and one of those attacks will

have the Kiss of Death rule. Specifically, that

attack will be resolved at Strength 6 AP2. If

the Wound roll for that attack is a 6, the attack

gains the Instant Death special rule. If the

Kiss of Death attack is used against a vehicle,

it will benefit from the Caress of Death special

rule if the To Hit roll is a 6.

[GW] Q: What does a Harlequin Troupe armed

with Harlequin's caresses do to a building or

immobile vehicle? As you automatically hit

does this count as a roll of 6 or is the roll

totally ignored?

A: In this situation, roll all of your attacks.

None of the attacks will miss, and any rolls of

6 benefit from the Caress of Death rule.

[GW] Q: With regards to the Veil of Tears

primaris power, how do you resolve a

Template or Blast attack if a unit not affected

by Veil of Tears is targeted, but the blast

marker or template 'accidentally' clips another

unit affected by Veil of Tears before rolling for


A: If the template or blast marker (before

scatter) is placed over any models affected by

Veil of Tears, the firing unit is considered to be

targeting them, and must roll as described in

the Veil of Tears psychic power. If a blast

scatters onto a unit affected by Veil of Tears

the firing unit is not affected.

[GW] Q: Can Harlequins use any psychic

powers besides witchfire powers while

embarked in a Starweaver?

A: No.



[GW] Q: Does the Harlequin Masque's Rising

Crescendo rule mean that units can be

brought in from Reserves in the second turn,

then Run and charge in the same turn?

A: No. While Rising Crescendo allows

Harlequins to Run and charge in the same

tum, it does not specify that this applies even

on a turn when they have arrived from

Reserves. This means that the usual rule of a

unit not being able to charge on the tum it

arrives from Reserves still applies.



[FW] Skatach Wraithknight Webway

Shunt Generator: Replace the paragraph of

the Webway Shunt Generator with the


A Skathach Wraithknight may choose to

engage its webway shunt generator instead of

moving in the Movement phase. If the

Skathach Wraithknight uses its webway shunt

generator, it cannot use the Jump type special

rules in either the Movement phase or Assault

phase of that turn, but may still fire its

weapons normally, Run, or declare a charge in

the appropriate phases. If the Skathach

Wraithknight chooses to use its webway shunt

generator its controlling player may redeploy

the model to any point wholly within 18” of its

original position that is at least 1” away from

any enemy models and then scatter it D6” or

its controlling player may choose to place the

Skathach Wraithknight immediately into

Ongoing Reserves instead of redeploying the

Skathach Wraithknight. If its final position

after the Scatter roll places it within 1” of an

enemy unit, in contact with any model, or

within impassable terrain, the Skathach

Wraithknight must be placed into Ongoing

Reserves and suffers a single wound (saves

may not be taken against this wound). The

Skathach Wraithknight may use its webway

shunt generator while locked in combat.

[FW] D-Flail, Dispersed: Replace the rules

for Dispersed for all weapons with that special

rule with the rule from p. 174 of Imperial

Armor 11, which states:

A weapon with this special rule, when rolling

on the Destroyer Weapons Attack table, counts

all rolls of 6 (Devastating Hit/Deathblow) as 5

(Solid Hit/Seriously Wounded) results



Q: How do Void Dreamers generate

psychic powers?

A: Void Dreamers choose a discipline

and then roll for each power as


Dark Eldar


[GW] Page 109 - Artefacts of Cruelty, The

Archangel of Pain: Change the final

sentence of the second paragraph to read:

Wounds cannot be allocated to models with the

Fearless or And They Shall Know No Fear

special rules (any excess Wounds are lost).

[GW] Haemonculus Covens, Page 50 -

Covenite Coterie Detachment, Command

Benefits, Freakish Spectacle: Change this

rule to read:

Freakish Spectacle: Enemy units within 12" of

one or more models from any Covenite Coterie

Detachments suffer a -1 penalty to their

Leadership value.


[GW] Q: What is the firing arc of a Venom's


A: They are both hull-mounted weapons and

therefore have a 45° arc facing forwards.

[GW] Q: In a Dark Eldar/Eldar alliance. does

a webway portal allow you to use Gate of

Infinity without scattering?

A: No. The webway portal only works when its

unit is arriving from Deep Strike Reserve. A

unit targeted by Gate of Infinity uses the rules

for Deep Striking, but they are not arriving

from Deep Strike Reserve when they do so.



[GW] Q: Does the Dark Eldar webway portal

prevent a Transport the bearer is occupying

from scattering during Deep Strike?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can I take a Court of the Archon as

an HQ unit without an Archon?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: As they are upgrades to Kabalite

Warriors and do not have their own datasheet,

do Kabalite Truebom still count as Kabalite

Warriors for the purposes of the Kabatite

Raiding Party Formation?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: If I have an Archon from Codex: Dark

Eldar in a unit of Grotesques from the

Haemonculus Covens supplement, do they

benefit from each other's different Power

From Pain tables?

A: No. The Archon and the Grotesques use

their own Power From Pain rules. However. in

your example the Archon would benefit from

the Grotesques' Fearless rule from the second

game tum, and from the fifth game tum the

Archon would benefit from the Grotesques'

Zealot rule, as these are special rules which

affect a unit if even a single model in the unit

has that rule.

[GW] Q: There is a Diabolical Plaything called

the Orbs of Despair. It is printed as having

Strength 1, AP2, Instant Death and costs 25

points. In a previous edition this weapon had

a higher Strength value. Are the statistics on

the newer version correct?

A: Yes.



Forge World


Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw, Legion

Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod:

You are not required to use the flying stand

for these models. However: ALL models of

these types must be used in the same way,

and the models must be used in the same way

at all times (i.e., either mounted on the Flying

Stand or “claws down” on the table).

If you choose to use these models on the flying

stand, you may use the base to measure any

measurement for the hull of the vehicle.

If you choose to use these models without the

flying stand, you must, at the beginning of

each game, clearly mark one point on the

model as the “front” of the model.

Chaos Space Marines


[GW] Chaos Vehicle Equipment, Magma

Cutters: Change the first two sentences of

the rules text to read:

'If a Maulerfiend hits with at least one Attack

in the Fight sub-phase, it may make an

additional Attack with one of its magma

cutters against one of the units it hit. If it hit

with all of its Attacks, it instead makes two

additional Attacks with its magma cutters

against one of the units it hit.'

[GW] Helbrutes: Increase the Attacks

characteristic of the Helbrute by 2 on the

appropriate datasheets and summary profiles

found in Codex: Chaos Space Marines and

Codex: Khorne Daemonkin.


[GW] Q: For Chaos Space Marine Sorcerers

with a Mark of Chaos, does the new rule of

automatically getting the primaris power of

your god's mark fulfil the requirement that a

Sorcerer with a mark must generate one

psychic power from his patron's psychic table?

A: No. They must generate one power from

their patron's discipline. They can generate all

other powers (if they are Mastery Level 2 or

higher) from another discipline, and they will

also know the primaris power of their patron's

discipline because of the Chaos Psychic Focus


[GW] Q: Can Thousand Sons Aspiring

Sorcerers generate their power from the

Daemonology discipline instead of the

Discipline of Tzeentch?

A: No. However, Chaos Psychic Focus means

they will also have the primaris power from

the Discipline of Tzeentch.

[GW] Q: Kharn's attacks always hit on a 2+ in

close combat due to Gorechild. If he attacks a

unit that has the Invisibility power cast upon

it, does he still hit on 2+?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Does Abaddon (or any named HQ

character) have to tum into a Daemon Prince

or Chaos Spawn if he were to roll Dark

Apotheosis or Spawnhood respectively on the

Chaos Boon table?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Chaos Space Marine Super-heavy

vehicles can take Daemonic Possession for 30

points. However, being a Super-heavy vehicle

they already ignore Crew Stunned and Crew

Shaken results, but still take the -1 BS. Is

there an update missing from the Daemonic

Possession rules regarding Super-heavy


A: This vehicle upgrade is included for

completeness' sake only.

[GW] Q: When using a Spell Familiar to re-

roll a failed Psychic test, do you re-roll all of

the dice you used to attempt to manifest the

power or only the dice that failed to get a 4+?

A: You re-roll all of the dice.

[GW] Q : Does a Spell Familiar allow you to

re-roll the Psychic test it you get Perils of the

Warp result?

A: Only if your Psyker failed to manifest the

psychic power in question. If the psychic power

is manifested, the test wasn't failed, so the

Spell Familiar's rule doesn't apply.



[GW] Q: Is a baleflamer considered to be a

flamer weapon?

A: No.

[GW] Q: A Heldrake has one ranged weapon;

if it opts to Vector Strike in the Movement

phase, is it still able to tire its weapon in the

Shooting phase?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Could you please clarity the

Heldrake's fire arc (should it be measured

from the head or from the tip of the weapon,


A: As stated in the October 2014 Chaos Space

Marine FAQs, you should treat the Heldrake's

ranged weapon as a hull-mounted weapon,

measuring all ranges and line of sight from

the barrel of the gun.

[GW] Q : Does the Champions of Chaos special

rule work only in the Assault phase, or does it

apply in the Shooting phase as well?

A: A character with the Champions of Chaos

rule rolls on the Chaos Boon table when they

kill an enemy character, whether this is in the

Shooting phase, Fight sub-phase, or even with

Overwatch fire. The only exception is that you

don't get to roll on the Chaos Boon table for a

character killed by a Sweeping Advance.

[GW] Q: Does the mutation from the

Possessed's Vessels of Chaos special rule last

until the end of the game turn or player turn?

A: Until the end of the player turn.

[GW] Q: How do Feel No Pain or Reanimation

Protocols rolls interact with the Black Mace?

A: If any model suffers an unsaved Wound

from the Black Mace (other than one caused by

its Cursed special rule), then it would make a

Feel No Pain or Reanimation Protocol roll

before the Toughness test is taken. If the roll is

passed, no Toughness test is taken and the

Wound is discounted. If a model is forced to

take a Toughness test at the end of the phase

by the Cursed special rule, Feel No Pain and

Reanimation Protocol rolls are made after a

failed Toughness test - i.e. when the model

would otherwise suffer an unsaved Wound.

[GW] Q: Be'lakor was updated in War Zone

Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen; is he still an

available HQ choice for a Chaos Space

Marines army?

A: Yes, if you have the Be'lakor dataslate.

[GW] Q: Does the 3+ cover save that the

Helcult Formation's Helbrute gets apply in

close combat?

A: No.

[GW] Q: How do the Chaos Boons that give

Toughness, Wounds and other non-applicable

characteristic bonuses work when you roll

them for a Helbrute? (You get the roll by

casting Gift of Mutation on the Helbrute

Champion - which has the Vehicle (character)

unit type - from the Helfist Murderpack


A: The roll has no effect if you roll one of these


[GW] Q: What is the maximum charge range

of a Helbrute that has Just performed a Deep

Strike as part of the Mayhem Pack Formation

- is it 12" or 0"?

A: Units that have arrived from Deep Strike

Reserve cannot charge in the turn they do so,

unless a rule explicitly states otherwise. Once

the Helbrutes have arrived from Deep Strike

Reserve, roll on the Crazed table for them and

apply the result as normal - for the purposes of

Blood Rage the Helbrutes' charge range is still

considered to be 12".

Chaos Daemons


Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch

Change the Unit Type of the Exalted

Flamer of Tzeentch to read:

‘Jump Infantry (Character)’

Daemonic Incursion Detachment,

Command Benefits, Daemonic Corruption

Change the first sentence to read as


‘Any Objective Markers controlled by units

from this Detachment at the end of your

turn count as being under your control for

the rest of the game, even if you have no

units within 3" of them. A unit can only

corrupt a single Objective Marker in this

manner at the end of each of your turns.’



Daemonic Incursion Detachment,

Command Benefits

Add the following Command Benefit:

‘Patronage of the Dark Gods: Psykers from

this Detachment can choose to generate

all of their psychic powers from the

Discipline of Change, Plague or Excess (as

appropriate) if they wish. However, if they

do so, then the rules for Chaos Focus (see

Warhammer 40,000: The Rules) no longer

apply to them; they follow the normal

rules for Psychic Focus instead.’


[GW] Q: How does the Daemon of

Tzeentch rule work in the Psychic phase?

A: As Daemons of Tzeentch gain +3

Leadership while manifesting psychic

powers, they are more resistant to many

effects should they suffer Perils of the


[GW] Q: If a Chaos Daemon Psyker

generates all of their powers from a single

discipline from Warhammer 40,000: The

Rules, does he benefit from Psychic Focus

in addition to Chaos Psychic Focus (as the

mandatory primaris power from Chaos

Psychic Focus isn’t generated as such)?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Tzeentch Warpflame – does the

Feel No Pain gained by an enemy unit

who passes a Toughness test stack with

successive applications?

A: Yes, although this cannot be improved

beyond Feel No Pain (2+).

[GW] Q: For Flickering Fire of Tzeentch

(the primaris power of the Discipline of

Change), do you have to declare how many

Warp Charge points are being used with

the power before rolling for the Psychic


A: Yes, you must declare whether you mean

to harness 1, 2 or 3 Warp Charge points

before rolling.

[GW] Q: Can Kairos Fateweaver still use

his Staff of Tomorrow re-roll when he is in


A: No.

[GW] Q: In Warhammer 40,000, Skull

Cannons of Khorne have two Bloodletters.

In the Assault phase, do you only have to

kill those two to remove the model, like

killing the rider of a Chariot?

A: You cannot target the Bloodletters –

they are considered to be part of the Skull

Cannon, not riders. To destroy a Skull

Cannon in the Fight sub-phase, you have

to attack the Skull Cannon, and hits will

be resolved against its front armour as

with other Chariots. Also note the

following amendment, published October


Page 32 – Skull Cannons of Khorne

Add the following under Special


‘Bloodletter Crew: This model makes

2 additional Strength 4 AP3 Attacks

in each Assault phase resolved at

Weapon Skill 5. These Attacks are

made at the Initiative 4 step (though

this does not grant an extra Pile In

move). On a turn in which this model

charged, the Strength of these

Attacks is increased to 5.’

[GW] Q: When a unit in Reserve with an

Instrument of Chaos makes a successful

Reserve Roll, it can choose a unit in Deep

Strike Reserve to arrive automatically. If

the chosen unit has an Instrument of

Chaos, can it choose another unit to arrive

automatically, and so on?

A: No. No roll is made for the unit chosen

to arrive automatically, and an Instrument

of Chaos’ special rule is only triggered by a

successful Reserve Roll.

[GW] Q: Can Daemons charge in the turn

in which they are summoned?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can a Daemon’s invulnerable

save be improved to better than 2+

(through the effect of psychic powers and

other abilities which improve invulnerable


A: No.



[GW] Q: What’s the movement in inches

for the Skull Cannons and Blood Thrones

of Khorne?

A: They are Chariots, which move

following the same rules as vehicles of

their type. This means that they have a

Combat Speed of up to 6" and a Cruising

Speed of between 6" and 12".

[GW] Q: In the digital version of Codex:

Chaos Daemons, is it intended that the

Staff of Change is now a Greater Reward

while the Mutating Warpblade is a Lesser


A: No, the digital version is in error and

will be corrected.

[GW] Q: Are the Blue Scribes affected by

Daemonology (Malefic) powers that target

the Psyker, since they themselves are not

Psykers? Specifically, would they be

removed as a casualty of Possession?

A: Although they are not Psykers, they are

considered to be a Psyker when

manifesting a psychic power (otherwise

they wouldn’t be able to benefit from

blessings like Cursed Earth, for example).

This means that if they manifest Sacrifice

they will be wounded (unless you choose

another friendly model within 6" to take

the Wound) and if they manifest

Possession they will be removed as


[GW] Q: Keepers of Secrets have Preferred

Enemy (Eldar & Dark Eldar) – what about

Harlequins and Corsairs?

A: The rule applies to all kinds of Eldar,

including Harlequins and Corsairs.

[GW] Q: Can you take the Masque of

Slaanesh as part of the Heralds of Chaos?

A: No. She has fallen out of favour with

Slaanesh, so is not treated the same as the

other Heralds.

[GW] Q: Can the Masque of Slaanesh use

her powers through the Fire Points of


A: No.

[GW] Q: Should the Lash of Despair have


A: No.

[GW] Q: Nurglings have defensive

grenades through the Daemon of Nurgle

special rule, but you can only use grenades

instead of another shooting weapon. As

Nurglings have no shooting weapons, does

this mean that they cannot throw their


A: No. One base of Nurglings in a unit can

throw a defensive grenade in their

Shooting phase (though it’s best not to

think too hard about precisely what it is

they’re throwing).

[GW] Q: According to the rules, ‘friendly

units’ are all units under your control.

Does that mean that a model can target

itself with an ability or equipment that

targets friendly units, like the Grimoire of

True Names?

A: Yes (although in this instance, the

Grimoire of True Names has no effect on

the bearer).

Warzone Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen

[GW] Q: When using Daemonic

Corruption to control Objective Markers, if

a Daemon unit from a Daemonic Incursion

Detachment is sitting on an Objective

Marker, can an enemy unit take it back

without a special rule like Objective


A: If a unit from a Daemonic Incursion is

within 3" of a corrupted Objective Marker

and an enemy unit is also within 3" of that

Objective Marker, the Chaos Daemon

player still controls that Objective Marker

(it is not contested), unless the enemy unit

has a rule that allows it to control an

Objective Marker regardless of the presence

of enemy models (such as Objective

Secured). In the latter case, the Objective

Marker is claimed (and cleansed) by the

unit with Objective Secured.

[GW] Q: War Zone Fenris: Curse of the

Wulfen states that ‘The Bloodthirster of

Unfettered Fury, Bloodthirster of

Insensate Rage and Wrath of Khorne

Bloodthirster datasheets replace the

Bloodthirster Army List Entry found in



Codex: Chaos Daemons.’ Does this mean

that when I cast the Daemonology

(Malefic) Possession psychic power I get to

choose any of the three Bloodthirsters

listed to conjure?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: The Whips of Agony from War

Zone Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen state

that only an Exalted Alluress can take

them, but the Exalted Alluress on a

Hellflayer doesn’t have the option to take

daemonic rewards. Can she take the

Whips of Agony?

A: No. Only an Exalted Alluress riding a

Seeker Chariot or Exalted Seeker Chariot

can take the Whips of Agony.

[GW] Q: Does Shared Power from the

Infernal Tetrad treat each Daemon Prince

as if it were the Warlord, or do Warlord

Traits with wordings like ‘your Warlord

receives X’ only affect the actual Warlord?

Do these effects stack?

A: When using Shared Power, the other

models in the Infernal Tetrad have the

same Warlord Trait that you generate for

your Warlord. This affects each of the

Daemon Princes as if they were your

Warlord, and they each benefit

individually from the rule. For example, if

you generated the Savage Hedonist

Warlord Trait, you would add 1 to the

Attacks characteristic of each of the

models, not 4 to the Attacks characteristic

of your Warlord. The effects are never

cumulative – a unit within 7" of two or

more models with the Miasma of Pestilence

Warlord Trait would only suffer D6

additional Strength 1 hits with the

Poisoned special rule at the end of the

phase, not 2D6 or more. For another

example, if the models in the Infernal

Tetrad have the Strategic Genius Warlord

Trait, you would only add 1 to your roll to

Seize the Initiative, not 4.

[GW] Q: How does Shared Power interact

with Slay the Warlord?

A: Only the model originally chosen to be

your Warlord awards a Victory Point for

Slay the Warlord.

[GW] Q: The Infernal Tetrad’s Shared

Power special rule states that if one of the

Daemon Princes is your Warlord then the

other models in the Formation also have

his Warlord Trait. Does this mean if my

Warlord is aligned to Tzeentch and I roll

Lorekeeper of Tzeentch that I can have a

Daemon Prince of Khorne with Psyker

(Mastery Level 1)?

A: In this circumstance, Shared Power

does not apply to Daemon Princes of


[GW] Q: Does the ‘flip’ from the Paradox

artefact count as a re-roll for the purposes

of the rule allowing any dice to only be re-

rolled once?

A: No. You could use a re-roll on the dice

you have ‘flipped’ or use the ‘flip’ on re-

rolled dice.

[GW] Q: Does the effect of the Mark of

Excess artefact stack?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: The Lord of Skulls isn’t

mentioned in the update for Daemons in

War Zone Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen.

Was this a deliberate omission?

A: Yes.

Khorne Daemonkin


Hellforged Hunting Pack, Fist of

Khorne: These detachments are Khorne

Daemonkin formations, and all models

taken as part of these formations will have

the Khorne Demonkin faction. This does

not convey the Blood for the Blood God!

special rule to any models that do not

already have it.

Fist of Khorne, Meteoric Descent:

Replace the Special Rule with the


The Kharybdis Assault Claw in this

Formation must remain in Hover mode

during the turn that it enters play from

Deep Strike Reserve. When initially

placing the Formation’s Kharybdis Assault



Claw, you may choose to place it over an

enemy vehicle or building. It may NOT be

placed over any any other models or units.

Ignore the Kharybdis Assault Claw’s

Inertial Guidance System special rule but

only for enemy vehicles and buildings. If

the Kharybdis Assault Claw lands on an

enemy vehicle or building, do not roll on

the Deep Strike Mishap table. Instead,

each vehicle or building struck by it suffers

a single Strength D AP 1 hit. Vehicles

resolve this hit against their Side Armor.

After any hits have been resolved, the

Kharybdis Assault Claw is placed as close

as possible to its final position and suffers

an immobilized result on the Vehicle

Damage Table.


[GW] Q: Could you clarify the Blood for

the Blood God! special rule as it concerns

characters generating Blood Tithe points

when slain? Does this only happen in a

challenge or all the time?

A: If a character with the Blood for the

Blood God! special rule is slain in a

challenge, you earn 1 Blood Tithe point. If

a character with the Blood for the Blood

God! special rule slays an enemy character

in a challenge, you earn 1 Blood Tithe

point. If either of the models slain in a

challenge was a unit in its own right (such

as a model that is an Independent

Character or a Monstrous Creature), you

earn 1 additional Blood Tithe point for it

being slain in a challenge as it also counts

as a unit being completely destroyed.

If a character with the Blood for the Blood

God! special rule is slain in any other way,

no Blood Tithe point is earned unless it

was a unit in its own right (such as a

model that is an Independent Character or

Monstrous Creature), or if it was the last

model to be destroyed in a unit, in which

case 1 Blood Tithe point is earned for a

unit being completely destroyed as normal.

[GW] Q: If a model with Kor’lath, the Axe

of Ruin is turned into a Daemon Prince

through Dark Apotheosis, would a

Bloodthirster be summoned? If so, would a

second Bloodthirster be summoned if the

Daemon Prince dies, or can only one

Bloodthirster be spawned this way?

A: A Bloodthirster would not be

summoned, as the Daemon Prince retains

the Axe of Ruin. If the Daemon Prince is

subsequently slain, Kor’lath is released

from his imprisonment within the axe as

normal. However, if a character equipped

with the Axe of Ruin is removed as a

casualty due to the Fury Unbound result

on the Blood Tithe table, this will result in

the summoning of Kor’lath as well as the

Bloodthirster that possessed the character!

Blood for the Blood God!

[GW] Q: If a Chaos Lord in a Khorne

Daemonkin army is wielding Goredrinker,

then changes to a Daemon Prince through

Dark Apotheosis, does the Daemon

Prince’s Goredrinker retain its Blood

Feast level, or is it reset?

A: Goredrinker is unaffected by its master’s

Dark Apotheosis, so retains its current

Blood Feast level.

[GW] Q: What is the Weapon Skill of a

Khorne Daemonkin Skull Cannon in

combat for the purposes of making attacks

against it?

A: Weapon Skill 5.

[GW] Q: A little rules interaction between

Codex: Tau and Codex: Khorne

Daemonkin I did not know how to rule on:

when Drones detach from a Tau vehicle

they form a new unit but for kill point

purposes the vehicle still counts as the kill

and the Drones do not. Khorne

Daemonkin gain a Blood Tithe point for

killing a unit – if they destroy the Drones,

do they generate a Blood Tithe point?

(‘Hydraulic fluid for the Blood God!’)

A: As the Drones form a separate unit

when they detach from their parent

vehicle, they will indeed concede a Blood

Tithe point if they are subsequently


[GW] Q: Can Khorne Daemonkin take


A: No.



[GW] Q: Can Khârn the Betrayer or

Skarbrand be taken as an HQ choice in a

Khorne Daemonkin Detachment?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Do Khorne Daemonkin

Bloodthirsters get access to Daemonic


A: No.

[GW] Q: Should Daemon Princes and/or

Heralds of Khorne in Codex: Khorne

Daemonkin have access to Axes of


A: No.

[GW] Q: In Kill Team games, is each

model considered a unit for the purposes

of the Khorne Daemonkin Blood Tithe?

A: The Blood Tithe rules are not used in

Kill Team games – the potential to

summon a Bloodthirster is a little harsh in

such a small game!

[GW] Q: If I take more than 1 Blood Host

Detachment for my Khorne Daemonkin,

do I generate 1 Blood Tithe point for each,

or 1 in total?

A: 1 in total.

Q: Can the Berzerkers in a Fist of Khorne

Detachment arrive from deep strike,

disembark, and charge all in the same


A: Yes.

Blood Oath


[GW] Q: Can the Formations from Blood

Oath be used as part of a Blood Host


A: No.

[GW] Q: Under the Hungry for Blood

special rule, are the Berzerkers in the Fist

of Khorne Formation allowed to charge in

turn one, or from turn two, when they


A: The Berzerkers can charge on the same

turn they disembark, regardless of which

turn that is.

[GW] Q: Do the non-Khorne Daemonkin

models in the Hellforged Hunting Pack

Formation generate Blood Tithe points

(i.e. do they gain the Blood for the Blood

God! special rule while in this Formation)?

A: Assume that all models in the

Hellforged Hunting Pack have the Blood

for the Blood God! special rule for the

purposes of earning Blood Tithe points.




Page 86 – Night Scythe, Transport,

Transport Capacity

Change the entry to read:

‘Fifteen models. A Night Scythe can

transport Jump Infantry.’


[GW] Q: If the Veil of Darkness is used

while with a group of warriors and you go

into Ongoing Reserves due to a Deep

Strike Mishap, can you come in by Deep


A: Only if all of the models involved have

the Deep Strike rule.

[GW] Q: Could you please clarify Necron

tesla weapons? If you roll a 6 to hit, do you

have to roll to hit with the additional hit

or is it automatic?

A: The extra hits are automatic – you do

not need to make any more To Hit rolls.

[GW] Q: Do Canoptek Wraiths and C’tan

suffer the Initiative penalty when

charging through terrain, despite their

special rules which allow them to treat

other models and terrain as if they were

open ground when moving?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Do the Wraithflight and Immune

to Natural Law rules work only in the

movement phase or do they work during

any kind of movement, such as Run,

charge and Consolidation moves?

A: The Wraithflight and Immune to

Natural Law rules take effect any time the

model moves in any phase.

[GW] Q: Can Nemesor Zahndrekh

accumulate additional Victory Points in

Maelstrom of War missions by generating

Warlord Traits from the Tactical Traits

using his Adaptive Tactics special rule?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Does a penetrating hit that was

saved (by Jinking or cover) still cause

quantum shielding to deactivate?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Does the Lance special rule work

against quantum shielding?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can a unit embark on a Night

Scythe other than during deployment?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: The C’tan Shard of the

Nightbringer’s Gaze of Death special rule

occurs in the Shooting phase, but isn’t a

shooting attack. Can it be used in close

combat? Can it be used in Overwatch?

A: Gaze of Death is not a shooting attack,

so cannot be used to fire Overwatch. It can,

however, be used even if the C’tan Shard of

the Nightbringer is locked in combat,

either against the unit he is locked in

combat with or against another enemy unit

within range and line of sight.

[GW] Q: Can Eldar Warp Spiders use

their Flickerjump special rule to avoid the

C’tan Shard of the Nightbringer’s Gaze of


A: No.

[GW] Q: In the Canoptek Harvest

Formation, can you only include a single

Canoptek Spyder or a single unit (i.e. 1-3

Canoptek Spyders)?

A: You can only include a single Canoptek

Spyder model.

[GW] Q: If a unit from the Canoptek

Harvest Formation started the Movement

phase within 12" of the Formation’s

Canoptek Spyder, then moved out of range

later in the phase, do they immediately

lose the benefits of Adaptive Subroutines?

A: The effects always last until the start of

your next Movement phase, even if units

proceed to move out of range or the

Formation’s Canoptek Spyder is

subsequently destroyed.

[GW] Q: Can units from a Canoptek

Harvest that are currently benefitting

from Reanimation Protocols as a result of

their Formation’s Adaptive Subroutines

also benefit from Orikan the Diviner’s

Master Chronomancer special rule?



A: Yes. In fact, they are affected by any and

all modifiers that apply to Reanimation

Protocols whilst utilising Adaptive

Subroutines to gain that special rule.

[GW] Q: If Canoptek Wraiths from a

Canoptek Harvest have transdimensional

beamers and the Shred special rule is

chosen as their Formation’s Adaptive

Subroutines, if they started the movement

phase within 12" of the Canoptek Spyder,

do their weapons benefit from the special

rule as well, or just their close combat


A: Just their close combat attacks.

[GW] Q: Can a Triarch Praetorian fire

with its rod of covenant in the Shooting

phase, and still use its melee profile in the

subsequent Assault phase?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Is the Transcendent C’tan in

Codex: Necrons intended to replace the

one in Warhammer 40,000: Escalation?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: How many Powers of the C’tan

can you fire in each Shooting phase?

A: A model armed with Powers of the C’tan

uses them as a ranged weapon, so only one

can be used in each Shooting phase.

[GW] Q: How does the Obelisk’s Gravity

Pulse special rule interact with Flying

Monstrous Creatures? Does it force a

Dangerous Terrain test even though they

are usually immune to these tests?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can Necrons decrease their

Reanimation Protocol rolls to less than 4+

for any reason, as with the Infinite

Phalanx Apocalypse Formation?

A: No.

[GW] Q: When fielding a Decurion

Detachment (giving models within it with

Reanimation Protocols a +1 bonus to their

Reanimation Protocols rolls), how do

further modifiers to Reanimation

Protocols (for having a Cryptek in the

unit, for example) interact with the -1

modifier from the Instant Death special


A: The end result can never be improved

beyond a 4+ after all modifiers (both

positive and negative) have been applied.

In this situation, the required Reanimation

Protocols roll would therefore be 4+ after

the three relevant modifiers (two +1

modifiers and one -1 modifier) had been


[GW] Q: If a unit of Deathmarks fires at a

Gargantuan Monstrous Creature on the

turn they arrive from Deep Strike

Reserve, does their Hunters from

Hyperspace special rule (enabling them to

wound on a 2+ with shooting attacks) take

precedence over the rule that says that

Sniper weapons (like their synaptic

disintegrators) always wound a

Gargantuan Creature on a 6+?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can Necron characters embark

upon a Ghost Ark on their own, or must

they be attached to a unit of Necron

Warriors to do so?

A: They are free to embark on their own if

they wish.

[GW] Q: What are the firing arcs of the

weapons mounted on Doom Scythes and

Night Scythes?

A: Treat the death ray and twin-linked

tesla destructors mounted on Doom

Scythes and Night Scythes as hull-

mounted weapons (giving them 45° lines of


[GW] Q: What are the firing arcs of the

Obelisk and Tesseract Vault’s tesla


A: For the purposes of establishing firing

arcs, treat each tesla sphere as a sponson-

mounted weapon.

[GW] Q: Can a unit charge on the same

turn it uses the Veil of Darkness?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can a unit with an attached

Independent Character with the Veil of



Darkness be deployed in Deep Strike


A: No.

[GW] Q: Can the Monolith use its eternity

gate on the turn it arrives from Deep

Strike Reserve?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can Jet Pack Infantry use a

Monolith’s eternity gate?

A: No.

[GW] Q: If a Monolith fires its particle

whip, are its gauss flux arcs forced to fire

Snap Shots?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can Necron models benefit from

their Reanimation Protocols special rule

before testing to see if is removed from

play by attacks such as Space Wolves’

Helfrost weapons or the Ravenwing Dark

Talon’s stasis bomb?

A: Yes. Necron Reanimation Protocols are

taken at the same time as Feel No Pain

rolls would be, to potentially avoid

suffering unsaved Wounds (and any

ensuing tests that suffering an unsaved

Wound may cause).

[GW] Q: Can cover saves be taken against

Imotekh’s Lord of the Storm attacks?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Do Night Scythes taken as

Dedicated Transports for units from a

Judicator Battalion gain the Formation’s

Special Rules?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: When included in the Acquisition

Phalanx Warhammer 40,000: Apocalypse

Formation, Trazyn the Infinite has to

remain part of that unit. If he is

subsequently slain, does he have to leave

the unit to return to battle as part of his

updated Surrogate Hosts special rule?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: When using a Retribution

Phalanx, how exactly do you deploy

returning units of Scarabs and Warriors,

and what actions can they perform on the

turn they arrive in this manner?

A: Use the rules for Deep Strike; the first

model placed must be within 3" of the

Formation’s Necron Overlord, but the rest

of the unit will not scatter. Units arriving

in this manner can Run or shoot, but

cannot charge, as per the normal Deep

Strike rules.

Shield of Baal: Exterminatus

[GW] Q: The rules for both the Conclave of

the Burning One and the God Shackle

name a ‘C’tan Shard’. What C’tan can be


A: Use the rules for a Transcendent C’tan.

[GW] Q: Can a model be given a relic from

the Mephrit Dynasty and an Artefact of

the Aeons?

A: No. A model may only be equipped with

a single relic (or equivalent) of any kind





Page 65 – Tankbustas, Wargear

Add the following:

‘Choppa (Boss Nob only)’

Page 86 – Ghazghkull Thraka, Special

Rules, Prophet of Gork and Mork

Change the last sentence to read:

‘In addition, Ghazghkull and all other

models in his unit can Run on a turn he

calls a Waaagh! despite having the Slow

and Purposeful special rule.’


Page 59 – Blitz Brigade, Special Rules,

Know Yer Limitz

Change this rule to read:

‘Know Yer Limitz: Infantry units that

begin the game embarked upon a

Battlewagon from this Formation cannot

charge in the first game turn if their

Battlewagon made a Scout redeployment.’


[GW] Q: Burna bombs and skorcha

missiles are listed as flamer weapons.

Does that mean they benefit from the No

Escape rule of Template weapons (i.e. do

Open-topped vehicles take D6 hits)?

A: No. They are Blast weapons rather than

Template weapons, so the No Escape rule

is not used.

[GW] Q: Mob Rule works on Pinning tests

and Morale checks. What about other

Leadership tests, like Fear tests?

A: Mob Rule only applies to Morale checks

and Pinning tests.

[GW] Q: When Orks with Mob Rule would

like to use Our Weapons are Useless and

automatically fail the Morale test, do they

then have to roll on the Mob Rule table?

A: No. If you use the Our Weapons are

Useless rule, you do not need to roll on the

Mob Rule table.

[GW] Q: On the Mob Rule table, a result of

4-6 states that ‘A brawl breaks out as the

Orks decide what to do. When the dust

settles, nobody can remember what the

trouble was about in the first place’.

Shouldn’t the subsequent hits then be

Strength 3 rather than 4, as that is the

base strength of Boyz?

A: No. They’re really fired up!

[GW] Q: If an Ork character has a cybork

body (which grants 6+ Feel No Pain), and

is in a squad with a Painboy (which grants

5+Feel No Pain), does that character gain

any further benefit, such as 4+ Feel No


A: No.

[GW] Q: In Codex: Orks, Mad Dok

Grotsnik has both a cybork body, giving

the Feel No Pain (6+) special rule, and

dok’s tools, which give Feel No Pain (i.e.

5+) to all models in his unit. Do the

bonuses stack?

A: No. His dok’s tools confer Feel No Pain

so he doesn’t need the Feel No Pain (6+)

from his cybork body. Did we mention that

he’s mad?

[GW] Q: Is the burna a flamer weapon or

do Ork burnas use some daemonic flames

that Salamanders can’t handle?

A: As specified in the Appendix, burnas are

flamer weapons for the purposes of rules

which interact with flamer weapons as

described in Warhammer 40,000: The

Rules. Salamanders get their Flamecraft

Chapter Tactics bonus against any flamer

weapons as described in Warhammer

40,000: The Rules, so this includes burnas.

[GW] Q: If a Morkanaut is in combat, can

the embarked Boyz shoot?

A: No. A Morkanaut (or Gorkanaut) has no

Fire Points.

[GW] Q: Can a grabbin’ klaw stop a Super-

heavy Walker from moving and hence

prevent it from charging?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: In the Italian version of Codex:

Ork, Da Lucky Stikk lets you reroll rolls

To Wound, rolls To Hit and saving throws

for the whole unit (only the bearer suffers

if things go wrong). Some people from the



international community argue that it

only allows the bearer to re-roll. Is the

Italian version a translation error?

A: The Italian version is in error – only the

bearer can use the re-rolls.

[GW] Q: How do you resolve Deffkoptas’

bigbomms, as the Deffkoptas are neither

Flyers nor Flying Monstrous Creatures?

A: Deffkoptas can make Bombing Runs as

if they were one of these unit types. A

Deffkopta making a Bombing Run must

move over its target, and it cannot shoot or

Turbo-boost in the turn it drops a


[GW] Q: Does the gitfinda work with

Relentless, i.e. can you move and still get

Ballistic Skill 3?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Can a model benefit from a

gitfinda if it moved but is on a Relentless

platform, or under the effects of Slow and

Purposeful (e.g. warbikes or mega


A: No.

[GW] Q: How do the units transported in a

Stompa behave when it gets locked in

combat? For example, a Stompa with guys

inside gets charged by a Death Company

Squad, and both then end up locked in

combat. It’s then the Orks’ turn – so, as

the Stompa is both a Walker and a

Transport with 4 Fire Points, can the guys

inside shoot at a different target whilst

the Stompa is in combat, or get out if they

can and join in?

A: The unit inside can shoot if you can

draw a line of sight from a Fire Point that

doesn’t go through the units locked in

combat. The unit can instead disembark,

following the normal rules – this may have

to be an emergency disembarkation as

described in Warhammer 40,000: The

Rules, depending on where the enemy

models are positioned in relation to the

access point. A unit that disembarks from

a Stompa cannot charge in the same turn,

as it is not an Assault Vehicle.

[GW] Q: Can Orks charge when I call a

Waaagh! even if they have arrived from

Deep Strike, disembarked from a non-

Assault Vehicle, or are Outflanking?

A: No.

WAAAAAGH! Ghazghkull

[GW] Q: The Goff Killmob and Kaptin

Badrukk’s Flash Gitz don’t have the Da

Boss iz Watchin’ and Biggest an’ da Best

special rules on their datasheets. If used

outside a Great Waaagh!-band

Detachment, as just the Formations on

their own, do they have these special


A: Yes, as specified on page 52 of Waaagh!


[GW] Q: Is the Da Boss iz Watchin’ rule

meant to add 2 to the Mob Rule roll? The

table has no results for rolls above 6.

A: Yes. Treat any roll of more than 6 (after

modifiers) as a roll of 6.

[GW] Q: The Green Tide Formation and

the Great Waaagh! Detachment are

missing from the reprint of Waaagh!

Ghazghkull. Can we still use them if we

have the first version of Waaagh!


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: The Council of Waaagh!

Formation – does the Banner of da Great

Waaagh! special rule stack with the

Waaagh! banner rule for +2 Weapon Skill

in total?

A: No. The full effects of the banner are

described in the Formation rules.

[GW] Q: Can we take Ghazghkull Thraka

instead of Grukk Face-rippa or a Warboss

in the Goff Killmob Formation in a Great

Waaagh!-band Detachment from Waaagh!


A: No.

[GW] Q: Can the Looted Wagon be taken

as an Auxiliary choice as part of the Great

Waaagh!-band Detachment?

A: No.



[GW] Q: If the Council of Waaagh! Nobz

unit takes warbikes, what happens to

them when the infantry models run? How

does this affect the power of the Waaagh!

and charging in the same turn?

A: Models move individually, so in the

Movement phase each model in this unit

can move up to their maximum movement

allowance so long as the unit is in unit

coherency at the end of the move. If the

unit elects to Run, no models in the unit

may shoot, and the Bikes may Turbo-boost,

but must finish their move in unit

coherency. However, this unit cannot

charge on a turn in which it Ran, even if a

Waaagh! is called, unless the Bikes

remained stationary during the Run move,

as a Turbo-boost is not a Run move.




[GW] AX39 Sun Shark Bomber,

Wargear, AX39 Sun Shark Bomber:

Add the following line:

Pulse bomb (p. 119)

[GW] Hunter Contingent, Command

Benefits, Coordinated Firepower:

Change this rule to read:

Whenever a unit from a Hunter Contingent

selects a target in the shooting phase, any

number of other units from the same

Detachment who can still shoot can add

their firepower to the attack. These units

must shoot the same target, resolving their

shots at the same time as those of the first

unit. When 3 or more units combine their

firepower in this way, the firing models

add 1 to their Ballistic Skill. In addition,

any markerlight counters expended by the

first unit confer their benefits on all units

shooting at the same target as pan of the

Coordinated Firepower attack. For

example, ii you expend one markerlight

counter on the Pinpoint ability, all units

taking pan in the Coordinated Firepower

attack would add 1 to their Ballistic Skill

for shots directed at the target of that


[GW] Dawn Blade Contingent,

Command Benefits, Killing Blow:

Change the last sentence of this rule to


You can re-roll failed To Wound and

Armour Penetration rolls for units from

this Detachment against that unit for the

rest of your turn.

[GW] Skysweep Missile Defence,

Special Rules, Command Override:

Change this rule to read:

Sky Ray Gunships within 12" of the

Formation's Devilfish in the Shooting

phase can fire any number of their

remaining seeker missiles, at their full

Ballistic Skill, even if they have moved at

Combat Speed or Cruising Speed.

[GW] Forces of the Enclaves,

Signature Systems: Change this rule to


Any character in a Farsight Enclaves

Detachment or Formation that may select

Signature Systems may use the Signature

Systems of the Farsight Enclaves

(opposite), at the points costs shown, in

addition to the Signature Systems from

Codex: Tau Empire. An XV104 Riptide

Battlesuit in a Farsight Enclaves

Detachment may select an Earth Caste

Pilot Array at the points cost shown.

[GW] Tidewall Shieldline, Special

Rules, Mobile Defence Position;

Tidewall Droneport, Special Rules,

Mobile Defence Position; Tidewall

Gunrig, Special Rules, Mobile

Defence Position: Change the second

sentence to read:

It cannot move if there are any enemy

models on it or if any friendly models on it

are locked in combat, and it may only

carry friendly models if all members of

their unit are on the Fortification.

[GW] The Eight, Special Rules,

Independent Character: Replace the

Independent Character special rule with

the following:

Take to the Field as One: When you deploy

the Eight, you can deploy them as a single

unit, even though Independent Characters

cannot normally join a Monstrous

Creature. If you do this, all models in the

unit lose the Independent Character

special rule. Furthermore, no Independent

Characters can join this unit.


[GW] Q: If you Infiltrate a unit of

Pathfinders from a Ranged Support Cadre

and then move them via their Scout

special rule, does the unit count as having

moved from their starting location?



A: Yes

[GW] Q: If a Stormsurge deploys its

anchors while on a piece of Tidewall what

happens if the Tidewall moves? Does the

Stormsurge get left behind, does it have to

retract its anchors or does it get to move

and still fire twice?

A: The Tidewall terrain is also anchored,

and cannot move until the Stormsurge


[GW] Q: Aun'Va's Paradox of Duality

allows him to potentially discount Wounds

'exactly as if a cover save had been

passed'. Does this count as a successful

cover save for the purposes of the Tidewall

Shieldline's Tidewall Field special rule?

A: No.

[GW] Q: If a unit behind a Tidewall

Shieldline being targeted by a shooting

attack Goes to Ground, do they make a

successful cover save on a 4+ or a 2+ for

the purposes of the Tidewall Field special


A: The unit successfully makes a cover save

on a 2+ if it has Gone to Ground. This will

trigger the Tidewall Field special rule.

[GW] Q: Can attacking units Jink or make

a cover save to avoid suffering a Wound or

a glancing hit as a result of the Tidewall

Shieldline's Tidewall Field special rule?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Does the Tidewall Shieldline

Tidewall Field reflect the wound/glancing

hit, or just the hit?

A: Neither. It inflicts a Randomly

Allocated Wound or glancing hit as

appropriate, with the same AP as the

weapon used in the attack.

[GW] Q: Can Tau Tidewall Fortifications


A: Yes, but if they do so, no part of the

Fortification can finish the move more

than 6" away from where it started the

Movement phase.

[GW] Q: If a Flying Monstrous Creature or

Flyer shoots at a unit that gets a cover

save from the energy barrier of a Tidewall

Shieldline, and the target unit makes a

successful cover save and rolls a 6 for the

purposes of the Tidewall Field special

rule, does that Flying Monstrous Creature

or Flyer suffer a glancing hit?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can the Tidewall Shieldline still

move if a friendly unit is partially on it?

A: No. All the members of the unit must be

on the Shieldline.

[GW] Q: Does the Rearm and Refuel

special rule for the Piranha Firestream

Formation from War Zone Damocles:

Mont'ka allow the unit to go into Ongoing

Reserves every turn (as long as it is near

the table edge as specified in the rules)?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: The Piranha Firestream Wing

Formations' Rearm and Refuel special rule

if a unit of 4 TX4 Piranhas loses 3, and the

remaining Piranha leaves the table per

the Rearm and Refuel special rule, how

many Piranhas come back in the following

game turn?

A: The unit returns at full strength - 4


[GW] Q: The Piranha Firestream Wing

Formation - can a unit of TX4 Piranhas,

one model of which has been Immobilised,

still utilise Rearm and Refuel as long as

all of the surviving models from the unit

are within 6" of the table edge?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: The Air Superiority Cadre from

War Zone Damocles: Mont'ka - are the

Razorshark Strike Fighters able to show

up in their first turn if the enemy has any

of the unit types listed in the Skywatch

special rule on the battlefield?

A: No. Skywatch means you automatically

pass your Reserve Rolls for units from this

Formation, and Reserve Rolls are only

made from your second tum onwards

(unless stated otherwise).

[GW] Q: Do Drones become a scoring unit

if joined by a Commander? Does anything



else carry over if a Commander joins a

Drone-Net unit?

A: While the unit includes the

Commander, it is a scoring unit. Special

rules that the Commander and the Drones

have will be conferred or otherwise as for

any other units. For example, a

Commander that joins a unit of Drones

from a Drone·Net will benefit from their

Split Fire rule while joined to the unit.

[GW] Q: When applying Farsight Enclaves

rules to a Formation from a Hunter

Contingent, does the entire Detachment

need to be from the Farsight Enclaves or

can just a single Formation from it be

from the Farsight Enclaves?

A: You can choose for any Tau Empire

Formation or Detachment to be from the

Farsight Enclaves - this could include a

single Formation that forms part of a

Hunter Contingent.

[GW] Q: The Locked Coordinates special

rule for the Rapid Insertion Force

Formation states that Stealth Battlesuits

must begin the game deployed on the

battlefield. Does this mean that they

cannot Infiltrate?

A: No - they may Infiltrate, but may not be

deployed in Reserves or Outflank.

[GW] Q: The Networked Stealth Field

special rule of the Ghostkeel Wing

Formation gives units that already have

the Stealth special rule the Shrouded

special rule. If the unit has the Stealth

(Ruins) special rule, does it gain Shrouded

(Ruins) or just Shrouded?

A: The unit gains Stealth while it is in the

open. While it is in ruins, it gets bo1h

Stealth and Shrouded.

[GW] Q: Can Commander Farsight be

taken as your Commander choice in the

new Hunter Contingent, Hunter Cadre,

Retaliation Cadre, or Dawn Blade

Contingent as long as you have declared

the Formation to be a 'Farsight Enclaves'

formation and abide by all necessary rules

and restrictions?

A: No. As with Commander Shadowsun in

the Hunter Contingent, in the Dawn Blade

Contingent Commander Farsight is part of

the Contingent Headquarters. You can of

course field Commander Farsight as part

of the Eight instead.

[GW] Q: How do you calculate the points

required to field The Eight Formation

from War Zone Damocles: Mont'ka?

A: Simply add up the units and upgrades

taken from Codex: Tau Empire, War Zone:

Mont'ka and Farsight Enclaves - 1494


[GW] Q: In the 2013's The Farsight

Enclaves, any member of The Eight could

be taken as an HQ choice that does not

use a Force Organisation Slot as long as

Commander Farsight was your

commander. Is this still true, or are the

members of The Eight only available in

the Formation now?

A: The intent of that rule was to allow

Farsight to be accompanied by the Eight,

regardless of the limits of the Force

Organisation Chan. The Eight Formation

does this, so The Eight as presented in that

Formation can only be fielded as pan of

that Formation.

[GW] Q: Signature Systems in Codex: Tau

Empire and Farsight Enclaves are

restricted to one of each item per army.

Are the Signature Systems that come

equipped on named characters counted

towards this limit?

A: Yes. Only one of each Signature System

can be used per army, so if you include a

character with a Signature System (one of

The Eight, for example) then you cannot

also give that Signature System to another

unit in your army.8

[GW] Q: Markerlights in Codex: Tau

Empire - it seems to be the case that you

can only fire at the target you used the

markerlights on, but if you have a unit

with Split Fire, people sometimes argue

that you can split your attacks and spread

the benefits of the markerlights. Is this


8 There is no limit on the number of Signature Systems that may be given to a single model.



A: No. Each markerlight counter is spent

to provide a specific bonus or effect against

a single unit. A model in the firing unit

using the Split Fire special rule to fire at

another target would not benefit from any

markerlight counters expended against the

unit's primary target.

[GW] Q: Can XV8 Crisis Battlesuits equip

two of the same weapon and not have

them be Twin-linked, for example by

equipping two fusion blasters to have two

shots rather than a single Twin-linked


A: Yes. Simply take the same option from

the wargear list twice, paying double the

single weapon option points.

[GW] Q: If I expend a markerlight to

increase a Battlesuit's Ballistic Skill

against a target unit, does that apply to

all of its weapons or Just one?

A: All of them.

[GW] Q: If Tau units use markerlights to

increase their Ballistic Skill against a unit

with Invisibility cast on it, do they gain an

increase to their Ballistic Skill when firing

Snap Shots?

A: Yes. A Tau unit that targets an invisible

unit and expends one markerlight counter

on that unit will fire Snap Shots at it at

BS2. It the unit expended another

markerlight counter on that unit, they

would tire Snap Shots at BS3.

[GW] Q: The Infiltration Cadre's

Neutralisation Lattice rule states that you

can fire a single seeker missile if one of

the units of the Formation inflicts three or

more markerlight hits on a unit in a

Shooting phase. Does this missile have the

Ignores Cover special rule as if it were

tired by expending a markerlight counter?

A: No.

[GW] Q: If a unit has markerlight counter

s on them, do they have to declare Jink

before the Tau player decides to use a

markerlight counter to give their Wounds,

glancing hits and penetrating hits Ignores

Cover, or can they wait until the Tau

player has decided what to use the

markerlight counters for?

A: The target must declare whether or not

it is Jinking before the use of markerlight

counters is declared.

[GW] Q: How do markerlights interact

when they are fired against a unit under a

void shield?

A: Markerlights are not affected by void


[GW] Q : If a Tau vehicle that is forced to

make Snap Shots fires a seeker missile

using a markerlight counter, what

Ballistic Skill does the shot use?

A: Ballistic Skill 5. It the target is a

Zooming Flyer, resolve the shot as a Snap

Shot as normal, unless it is fired by a

vehicle with a velocity tracker, in which

case the missile can use the vehicle's

Skyfire rule if you wish.

[GW] Q: If a KV128 Stormsurge that is

part of a Hunter Contingent fires, in what

order must I declare its targets - on its

own or at the same time as other units

firing at the same enemy? If it's at the

same time must I say, for example, 'The

Stormsurge fires its destroyer missiles at

target A, its pulse blastcannon at target B

and its Twin-linked smart missile system

at target C, and the Fire Warriors will

also fire at target A'?

A: If you wish for a Stormsurge to be part

of a Coordinated Firepower attack, you

must declare which of its weapons you will

fire at which targets at the same time as

you declare which other units are taking

part in the attack. When it comes to

resolving the Stormsurge's attacks, you

may attack with all of its weapons, but

only those you declared were being fired

against the target of the Coordinated

Firepower attack can be used against that

unit. All other weapons must be directed

against the targets you declared earlier.

[GW] Q: While using the Coordinated

Firepower Command Benefit for two units

of the Hunter Cadre, can both units Run

and then shoot using the Ambushes and

Feints special rule?



A: No. The units cannot fire

simultaneously, as required by the

Coordinated Firepower Command Benefit,

because the Ambushes and Feints special

rule requires you to complete the actions of

each unit before moving on to the next one.

[GW] Q: Does the Optimised Stealth

Cadre get the benefits of The Wall of

Mirrors only in the Shooting phase, or also

when firing Overwatch or with Interceptor


A: Only in the Shooting phase.

[GW] Q: What is the firing arc of the TX78

Sky Ray Gunship's seeker missiles?

A: 360°.

[GW] Q: How does an Ethereal's Storm of

Fire interact with a unit firing pulse


A: Pulse blasters have a maximum range

of 15", so an Ethereal's Storm of Fire will

grant an additional shot at any range up

to 8" (half its maximum range, rounding

up) at the appropriate profile's Strength

and AP.

[GW] Q: Can a Commander upgraded with

an XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit take

Signature Systems?

A: No.

[GW] Q: What happens when a Tank

Shock is used against an anchored KV128


Does the Unstoppable rule come into


A: No. If the Stormsurge is anchored, it is


[GW] Q: When the KV128 Stormsurge is

anchored, does it need to use one complete

shooting attack, then the next, or can it

fire its total number of shots however it


A: Resolve one shooting attack. including

all weapons that you wish to fire. Once

that is resolved, do the same thing again.

Do not, for example, roll 4 shots for the

pulse blastcannon at once.

[GW] Q: Does the KV128 Stormsurge have

a blacksun filter?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Because of the Gargantuan

Creature rules, and the four One Use Only

destroyer missiles on the KV128

Stormsurge, does the Stormsurge have to

shoot all of its destroyer missiles at one

nominated unit or can it fire them one at a

time until that unit is dead, and then

switch targets for the remaining missiles?

A: You have to nominate all targets for all

weapons before firing. If you have chosen

to fire more than one destroyer missile at

the same target, they are fired at once, so

you roll for them together and have no

opportunity to switch targets if it turns out

that just one missile would have done the


[GW] Q: If an enemy unit charges my Fire

Warrior squad A, and I choose not to use

Supporting Fire with squads B and C, if

another enemy unit charges squad A, can

I still use Supporting Fire with squads B

and C, as they did not use their

Overwatch and the enemy unit is not

engaged in combat?

A: Yes - if an enemy unit charges a Tau

Empire unit locked in combat, friendly

Tau Empire units within 6" of that unit

can use Supporting Fire if they are not

locked in close combat and haven't fired

Overwatch this tum.

[GW] Q: How does Supporting Fire work if

the unit has a flamer which is out of


A: As long as a unit is eligible to fire

Supporting fire and is equipped with one

or more flamers, they can use them as if

they were also being charged.

[GW] Q: Do models who use the

Supporting Fire special rule to fire

Overwatch require true line of sight to the

charging unit, or is it just the unit that is

being charged that requires the line of


A: A unit using the Supporting Fire special

rule fires Overwatch as if they were the

unit being charged. This means it follows



the normal rules for Overwatch given in

Warhammer 40,000: The Rules, which

includes requiring line of sight from the

firing unit.

[GW] Q: If you charge a Tau unit which

cannot Overwatch (because of banshee

masks, dirge casters, Go to Ground, etc.),

can other units still use Supporting Fire?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can you please clear up the

confusion with Monstrous Creatures and

Heavy vehicles firing Ordnance weapons?

Specifically, I'd like to know if the multi-

tracker of an XV104 Riptide Battlesuit

allows me to fire another weapon, or if

that is overwritten by the Ordnance rule.

A: Heavy has no effect on firing Ordnance

weapons. If a Heavy vehicle doesn't fire an

Ordnance weapon, it can fire all of its

weapons at full Ballistic Skill when

moving at Combat Speed. A Monstrous

Creature firing an Ordnance weapon

cannot fire any other weapons in that

phase (even with a multi-tracker).

[GW] Q: I have a question about the XV95

Ghostkeel Battlesuit's holophoton

countermeasures. You can use this gear

once per game, which is pretty clear if

there is only one Ghostkeel in the unit,

but if there are three of them do they have

to use it all at the same time or can they

use it separately to have the whole unit

protected three times in the game?

A: Each model can use their

countermeasures once, and when they do

so it protects the whole unit. In a unit of

three you could use the countermeasures at

three different times.

[GW] Q; Does the Warlord Trait Exemplar

of the Selfless Cause (which means that

once per game friendly Tau units which

have Gone to Ground are no longer

considered Gone to Ground) affect units

that were Pinned in the last game turn?

A: Yes. Pinned units Go to Ground, so if

your Warlord uses Exemplar of the Selfless

Cause, friendly Tau units that were

Pinned recover.

[GW] Q: Can Tau models that are able to

shoot multiple weapons in the Shooting

phase also fire multiple weapons in

Overwatch and multiple weapons with the

Interceptor rule?

A: When firing Overwatch or weapons with

the Interceptor special rule, a model can

fire all of the weapons it could usually fire

in the Shooting phase. In the case of

Interceptor, only weapons with the

Interceptor rule can be fired.

[GW] Q: Does the multi-tracker work

when firing Overwatch or with weapons

with the Interceptor rule? What about the

Signature Systems?

A: Yes. In the case of Interceptor, only

weapons with the Interceptor rule can be

fired. The Signature Systems (the

Command and Control Node and Multi-

spectrum Sensor Suite) specify that they

cannot be used In Overwatch, but they

could be used when firing weapons with

the Interceptor rule.

[GW] Q: An Ethereal with a homing

beacon is embarked on a TY7 Devilfish.

Does the homing beacon work?

A: No. The Ethereal must be on the

battlefield, not embarked on a Transport,

for a unit to benefit from their homing


[GW] Q: The rules for Tau homing beacons

don't say that the model with it has to be

on the table for one turn before it takes

effect. Does this mean the benefits can be

used in the same turn it arrives from


A: Yes, if the model bearing the homing

beacon moves onto the battlefield from

Reserves before the unit you intend to

benefit from it. Note that the model must

disembark from any Transport it might be

on if you want to use the homing beacon.

[GW] Q: Does the Infiltration Cadre's

Intervention Request Beacons special rule

only affect the XV25 Stealth Battlesuits in

Reserve, or all units?

A: It affects all units you have in Reserve.



[GW] Q: Can an XV104 Riptide Battlesuit

move in the Movement phase, then fire

the ion accelerator with both the Nova

Charged and Overcharged profiles?

A: A Monstrous Creature firing an

Ordnance weapon cannot fire any other

weapons in that phase (even with a multi-

tracker), but the Relentless rule allows

them to fire an Ordnance weapon after

moving. You could move the Riptide and

then either fire the Nova-charged ion

accelerator, or fire two other weapons

(three with a multi-tracker), including the

Overcharged ion accelerator.

[GW] Q: If I take a multi-tracker on an

XV104 Riptide Battlesuit, does that

enable it to fire at two different targets?

A: No. like all Batt1esuits, the Riptide

comes equipped with a multi-tracker. This

allows it to fire an additional weapon in

each Shooting phase, but it must still fire

its weapons at a single target unit.

[GW] Q: If you Infiltrate a unit of

Pathfinders from a Ranged Support Cadre

and then move them via their Scout

special rule, does the unit count as having

moved from their starting location?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Codex: Tau Empire states that a

TX7 Hammerhead Gunship can choose to

exchange their MV1 Gun Drones for either

a twin-linked burst cannon or a twin-

linked smart missile system for an

identical point cost (free). Are the point

costs correct?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: The Tau drone controller - was it

intentional that Missile Drones and

Shielded Missile Drones were not


A: Yes.

[GW] Q: The MV17 Interceptor Drones on

an AX39 Sun Shark Bomber have

Interceptor and Skyfire. This combination

used to mean they were effective against

ground targets or Flyers as they wished,

but now they are only really effective

against Flyers. ls this correct?

A: Yes.




[GW] Q: Can units that are created from a

Formation rule (e.g. Skyblight Swarm’s

Skyswarm) Deep Strike if the original unit


A: No.

[GW] Q: Can a unit of Spore Mines run or

charge in the turn they were placed by the

Biovore’s Spore Burst rule?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: If more than one Biovore fires,

when is it that they can spawn the mines?

Only when the first shot misses or can

they be spawned when all shots miss?

A: When a unit of Biovores fires, resolve all

the shots at once using the normal rules for

a Multiple Barrage. If the first shot misses

entirely, place the Spore Mines beneath the

template as described in the Spore Burst

rule, then roll scatter dice for the

remaining shots from the unit as normal

for a Multiple Barrage. These subsequent

shots will not spawn Spore Mines.

[GW] Q: Can Mawlocs arrive from Deep

Strike Reserve via Terror From the Deep

onto units in combat?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can Look Out, Sir rolls be made

against Wounds inflicted by a Mawlocs’

Terror From the Deep? Can this ability be

used on invisible units?

A: Look Out, Sir rolls can be taken, and

this ability can be used against invisible


[GW] Q: What happens when Spore Mines

scatter on top of an enemy unit when

arriving from Deep Strike? Do they

explode or suffer a Deep Strike Mishap?

A: They suffer a Deep Strike Mishap, as


[GW] Q: Do Broodlords gain Psychic Focus

and have access to the Powers of the Hive

Mind primaris power?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: If I have a Hive Tyrant inside a

unit of Tyrant Guard, can he leave it

during the game like Independent

Characters can normally do?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: When a unit contains a Psyker,

does it count as a Psyker unit for all rules

purposes? For example, does Shadow in

the Warp cause all models in the Psyker’s

unit to suffer the -3 Leadership penalty?

A: No. Only models that are Psykers (that

have the Psyker, Psychic Pilot or

Brotherhood of Psykers/Sorcerers special

rules) are affected. A Tactical Squad that

had been joined by a Librarian affected by

the Shadow in the Warp would use its own

Leadership rather than the Librarian’s

modified Leadership of 7.

[GW] Q: I want to field a Genestealer Cult

force alongside my Tyranid army. Many of

the models in the Genestealer Cult force

have Infiltrate. How does this work with

the Allies of Convenience rules?

A: Allies of Convenience are ignored for the

purposes of setting up Infiltrators. So you

could, for example, set up within 12" of an

Allies of Convenience model when


[GW] Q: Does the Poisoned special rule

granted by the toxin sacs biomorph apply

to a Gargoyle’s Blinding Venom?

A: No.

[GW] Q: How does the acid blood biomorph

work with models that are attacking with

an Unwieldy weapon? Is the Initiative test

taken against the model’s normal

Initiative or against Initiative 1?

A: It is taken against the model’s normal

Initiative (so a Terminator with a thunder

hammer would take the test against

Initiative 4).

[GW] Q: If a Tervigon is taken as a Troops

option (per The Scuttling Swarm rule) and

spawns Termagants, do these new models

have Objective Secured? Do they have

Objective Secured if they were spawned by

a Tervigon which is an HQ choice?



A: Yes to both questions, as long as the

Tervigon is taken as part of a Detachment

that confers the Objective Secured

Command Benefit (for example, the

Combined Arms Detachment).9

[GW] Q: The Trygon’s Subterranean

Assault rule allows one Infantry unit to

emerge from its tunnel from Reserve each

turn. With the rule only coming into play

after the Trygon has arrived from Reserve,

and no way of holding back Reserves you

intend to bring out of the tunnel, how is

this rule ever going to be used?

A: As described under ‘Reserves’ in

Warhammer 40,000: The Rules, in a

mission with the Reserves rule (which

includes all Eternal War and Maelstrom of

War missions), players can choose not to

deploy some of their units, keeping them as

Reserves to arrive later. If these units

arrive from Reserves after the Trygon has

arrived, one Infantry unit per turn can

enter the battlefield from the tunnel rather

than the Tyranid player’s table edge.

Q: Does a Monstrous Creature (Leaper)

add 6” to its movement in the Movement

or Assault Phases?

A: No. A model with the unit type

Monstrous Creature (Leaper) may choose

to move normally or to use its Leaping

Ability. In either phase, it does not gain

any additional movement distance, but

does ignore all intervening models and

terrain and gains additional special

benefits during successful charge moves.

Shield of Baal: Leviathan

[GW] Q: Do all five guns of a Tyrannocyte

shoot at one target or are they supposed to

be played as having fixed firing arcs?

A: You should check line of sight from the

barrel of each weapon – each gun will fire

9 This ruling extends to any units or models that are created via any method other than a Summoning psychic power. For, this includes, but is not limited to, Chaos Daemons created by the Warp Storm or Portalglyph. Chaos Daemons created by the Warp Storm table are considered to be part of that player’s Primary Detachment.

at the nearest unit it has line of sight to (so

the Tyrannocyte can fire all five guns, and

likely target more than one unit in a

Shooting phase). If in doubt as to what

each gun can fire at, treat them as if they

were hull-mounted weapons on a vehicle.

[GW] Q: Tyrannocytes don’t use up slots

on the Force Organisation Chart – does

this mean that you can purchase

unlimited Tyrannocytes (within points of

course!) and deploy them ‘empty’?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: A Tyrannocyte can carry a single

unit – does that include units with

attached Independent Characters?

A: Yes.

[GW] Q: Can I directly drop a Mucolid

Spore Cluster onto a unit and have it

explode, following the rules for a Spore

Mine Cluster?

A: No – you cannot choose to Deep Strike

onto an enemy unit as you can’t put the

model down on top of your opponent’s

models! Mucolid Spore Clusters follow the

normal rules for Deep Striking, including

suffering Deep Strike Mishaps.

[GW] Q: How many psychic powers does a

Maleceptor get?

A: It gets three: Psychic Overload, one

power generated from the Powers of the

Hive Mind, and the primaris power from

Powers of the Hive Mind due to Psychic


[GW] Q: How many psychic powers does a

Zoanthrope Brood get?

A: If the unit doesn’t include a

Neurothrope, it knows three: Warp Blast,

one additional power from the Powers of

the Hive Mind, and the Powers of the Hive

Mind primaris power due to Psychic

Focus. If it includes a Neurothrope, it

knows a fourth power – Spirit Leech – so

long as the Neurothrope is alive.

[GW] Q: Can a Sporocyst arrive via




A: No. It can’t move, so it can’t move on

from the edge of the table as described in

Moving On From Reserve.

[GW] Q: In regard to Tyranid Formations

like Endless Swarms, Skyblight Swarms

and Sporefields, can units that are placed

in Ongoing Reserve through the respawn

mechanics choose to arrive via Deep

Strike if they have the Deep Strike rule

and, by extension, Flyers/Flying

Monstrous Creatures that leave combat


A: No. They arrive from Reserve as

described in Moving On From Reserve.

Leviathan Rising

[GW] Q: When using a Living Artillery

Node’s Organic Bombardment rule to

reroll the scatter on a Barrage from the

Biovore Brood, does the re-roll apply to

just the direction dice, or both that and

the distance? What about the subsequent

Barrage hits after the first from a unit

with more than one Biovore?

A: The re-roll applies to both the scatter

and the distance dice, following the

normal rules for re-rolling Blast weapons.

The subsequent barrage shots are

determined using just a scatter dice – you

can re-roll this for each subsequent shot.

[GW] Q: The Manufactorum Genestealers

Formation cannot add extra Genestealers,

but can you add Broodlords?

A: No.

Genestealer Cults

[GW] Q: Can units with a Ballistic Skill of

0 (Patriarch Ghosar from Genestealer

Cults, for example) successfully use

witchfire psychic powers (like the

Telepathy primaris power Psychic Shriek,

for example)?

A: Yes, provided no actual To Hit roll is


[GW] Q: Is the Ghosar Quintus Broodkin

Formation’s Ambush the Unhallowed

special rule negated by other Infiltrators

or Servo-skulls?

A: No.

[GW] Q: Do units with the Genestealer

Cult Faction count as potential targets of

special rules like the Venomthropes’ Spore

Cloud or the Swarmlord’s Swarm Leader?

A: No.

[GW] Q: How does the Genestealer Cult

Faction ally with Tyranids?

A: The Genestealer Cult and Tyranids

Factions ally with each other as Allies of


Q: Do units using the Cult Ambush special

rule count as arriving from Reserves?

A: Yes, if they use the Cult Ambush rule

when arriving from Reserves or Ongoing


No, if they use the Cult Ambush rule in

lieu of the Infiltrate rule during


Q: Can units with the Return to the

Shadows special rule use it while falling


A: No, units that are falling back can only

make Fall Back moves.

Q: Can units with the Return to the

Shadows special rule use it on the same

turn that they rally?

A: No, units that rally cannot move during

the movement phase after the free 3"

movement conferred by Rallying, and

therefore cannot use Return to the

Shadows "instead" of moving during the

Movement Phase.

Q: Can units which become Fearless while

broken use the Return to the Shadows

special rule on the same turn that they

became Fearless?

A: Yes, but only if they became Fearless

BEFORE making a Fall Back move.

Q: Does a Genestealer Familiar benefit

from the Iron Arm or Might From Beyond

psychic powers?

A: No.

Q: Do Servo Skulls or enemy units which

have Infiltrated affect the ability of units



deploying during the Infiltration phase of

deployment to use Cult Ambush?

A: No.

Q: Do units deploying or arriving from

Reserve (or Ongoing Reserves) via Cult

Ambush results 3, 4, 5, or 6 count as

having moved during the Movement


A: No.

Q: If a unit in the Subterranean Uprising

formation is joined by a Patriarch or

Magus who is not from the formation, are

they still able to roll 2D6 when using Cult


A: No.

Q: If a unit in the Subterranean Uprising

formation is joined by a Broodcoven, does

this mean they can still roll 3D6 when

using Cult Ambush, as a Primus is in the


A: Yes.

Q: If the Primus from Subterranean

Uprising joins a unit who is not from

Subterranean Uprising, do they only roll

1D6 when using Cult Ambush, or 2D6 or


A: 1D6.

Q: How do Independent Characters deploy

via Cult Ambush?

A: Immediately before rolling to deploy a

unit via Cult Ambush, you may choose to

join one or more Independent Characters

who also have the Infiltrate and Cult

Ambush special rules to the unit.

Q: Can you use the Cult Insurrection

Detachment Command Benefit and the

Master of Ambush Warlord Trait to give 3

units Infiltrate and Shrouded?

A: No. The Command Benefit is applied

prior to rolling for and using any Warlord


Q: Can a unit that deployed via Cult

Ambush use the Return to the Shadows

rule on Turn 1?

A: Yes.

Q: What happens to the Relic if a unit

holding it chooses to Return to the


A: The unit must drop the Relic prior to

using the Return to the Shadows rule.

Q: Can a unit containing an Independent

Character separate from the IC and use

Return to the Shadows in the same

Movement Phase?

A: No. When the unit chooses to move,

either the entire unit moves or the entire

unit uses Return to the Shadows. The

Independent Character cannot move and

leave the unit (or vice versa) while the unit

uses Return the Shadows to go into

Ongoing Reserves.

top related