
The Future of Print Journalism

The Death of Print

105 newspapers have been shuttered.

10,000 newspaper jobs have been lost.

Print ad sales fell 30% in Q1 '09.

23 of the top 25 newspapers reported circulation declines between 7% and 20%.

Source: The Silicon Valley Insider July 4, 2009

The Death of Print

In 2008, 525 Magazines Overall Went Out of Business

Source: Feb 2009

What Happened?

The Internetz

What Happened?

“For most of history, most publications lost money, or at best broke even, on their subscription base, which just about paid for the cost of printing and distributing the papers.  Advertising was what paid the bills.  To be sure, some of that advertising is migrating to blogs and similar new media.  But most of it is simply being siphoned out of journalism altogether.  Craigslist ate the classified ads.  eHarmony stole the personals.  Google took those tiny ads for weird products.  And Macy's can email its own damn customers to announce a sale.”

Source: Megan Mccardle, The Atlantic, July 2009

What’s Next?

The Future

“One third (35%) of American adult internet users have a pofile on an online social network site, four times as many as three years ago, but still much lower than the 65% of online American teens who use social networks”

Source: “Adults and Social Network Websites,” Pew Internet and American Life Project, Jan. 14, 2009

Source: Technorati: State of the Blogosphere 2008

Print Needs to start thinking like Web Development

Source: Technorati: State of the Blogosphere 2008

Source: Technorati: State of the Blogosphere 2008Source: Technorati: State of the Blogosphere 2008

The Future

Death to the CPM

Are You Actively Listening?

Death to the CPM

Death to the CPM

The Future


New Revenue Streams

Content Delivery Model

Product and Pricing Innovation

Thank You!

Lynne d Johnson

Twitter: lynneluvah


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