The Foxglove Legacy - Chapter 9

Post on 15-May-2015



Self Improvement



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The Foxglove Legacy Chapter 9

Hi! This chapter I‟m trying out a new layout,

so please comment or message me to say whether you prefer this

on or the old one! Thanks!

“Mum, can I go and see Holly‟s twins?” Lauren

asked. “For a start, why on earth are you asking me?

Secondly, I don‟t think that‟s a good idea,” Evangeline replied.

“Why not?” “Because you‟re

pregnant. Just stay at home for now.” “Hmph... wait, mum, do

I smell burning?”


“It‟s all out. I‟d best be going now. Please be

more careful next time. Bye.”

Then the phone rung. “Hello?”

“Hello, Evangeline. It’s Elise Todd from the SBN. We were

wondering if you would come in for an interview.”

“Hm... well, unfortunately, my

daughter is pregnant so she couldn‟t drive me in, and me and my husband

are far too old to be driving around...” “Oh, getting here won’t

be a problem. We’ll send you a cab.”

“If you insist.” “Jolly good. See you in

about an hour.”

“Joining us today we have Evangeline

Foxglove, the founder of our very own legacy!”

“Welcome, Evangeline! So, first off, did you

know you were being filmed all the time?” “Of course I did!”

“Oh.” “Our newsgirl, Amy, told me on my first day as

founder!” “Right.”

“Have you enjoyed being a founder?”

“It‟s been quite pleasant yes. The only bad part

was lawn-living at the beginning. Have you enjoyed watching me?”

she joked.

“Erm... I think I‟m here to ask the questions, not

answer them. Evangeline, did you ever think you‟d be a


“No, I don‟t think I did.” “And have you been

disappointed with any of your children, ever? Maybe, Lauren, having

her disease?”

“Sorry? I don‟t think I‟m going to answer that.

Erm... anyway, I‟d best be off. My daughter is having a baby tonight.”

“Oh, well. Thank you for joining us, Mrs


“I hate that woman, Lauren. She asked me-”

“Mum, I know what she asked you. I saw it on TV.”

“Oh.” “Mum- I think I‟m...”


“Oh, my!”

“Mum, it‟s a girl! Ricky and I agreed we‟d call a

girl Courtney.” Courtney Foxglove was born, with her dad‟s

black hair and both her parent‟s green eyes.

“M-mum! I think I‟m having twins...”

Also born into the family that day was Harry


“Ricky, sweetheart, look after the kids. I‟m going

to go to Holly‟s.”

“Lauren! Maddie! I‟m so glad you could both

come!” Holly Blue exclaimed. “I wouldn‟t miss it for

the world, Holly,” Lauren said. “And guess what? I had twins too!

Courtney and Harry!” “Wow! And look at you, Maddie! You must be

due soon?” “The next few days! But we‟re not here to gossip,

are we? It‟s time for the twins‟ birthday!”

Everyone gathered round Orlando and

Holly Blue, as they helped Caitlin and Archie with their


Caitlin grew up looking a lot like her mum.

Whereas Archie was more like his dad.

“Is it hard looking after twins, Holly?” Lauren

asked. “Quite hard, I suppose, yes. But look at me! I‟m

going to have three kids to look after soon!” “Haha, I suppose so.”

A few days later, at the Baker household,

Maddie was giving birth.



At last, Maddie gave birth to a boy named


However, the pair didn‟t learn from last time, and

carried on doing what they did before Maddie got pregnant.

Back at the main household, all was

peaceful – but only because the twins were asleep.

Laurenwas a good mum.

And Evangeline was enjoying being a


Because she was no longer on maternity

leave, Lauren could go back to work.

“Evangeline, we‟re getting old. We‟ll die

soon.” “Dominic! Don‟t think about that!”

“I just wanted to say... I love you.”

“Oh, Dominic! I love you too!”

“Hey, Lauren, do you remember that night

when I sort of... lost it?” “Haha, yeah. How could I forget?”

“I haven‟t changed my mind.”


“Sorry.” “I... think you should go

home...” “Yeah.”

“Lauren. I saw that. It wasn‟t fair on Ricky, was

it?” “Mum! I‟m an adult now, I can do what I


“And anyway, he was the one who went and


“Look, it‟s your children‟s birthday

tonight, could you please not go cheating on Ricky again?”

“Who brought up this conversation again, mum?”

That night, Courtney went first.

Ricky helped her blow out the candles.

She grew up looking a lot like her mum.

She had Ricky‟s eye shape and her mum‟s


Next up was Harry.

Harry grew up more like his dad.

Yeah, completely like his dad.

“Say „daddy‟!” “Noooo.”

“Say „mummy‟!” “Mummy!”

“Oh! What a good boy!”

I think Ricky got the short end of the straw

there! Sorry this chapter wasn‟t particularly long, but I

haven‟t had much time on sims recently.

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