

Prepared By: Roya Falatoonzadeh

Background Information

The Andes Mountains of Ecuador has created sub-climates and therefore divides the country into three continental regions: Andes Highlands (Center) Costal Lowlands (to the west of the Andes

Mountains Amazon Rainforest (to the east of the Andes


Additionally, Ecuador has an Insular Region: Galapagos Islands

Andes Highlands

Snow-capped volcanoes Mountain ranges Paramo plains Fertile valleys Cloud forests High altitude Sunshine Varied temperatures

Highland Volcanoes

Nearly 30 volcanoes, many of which are active

“Avenue of the Volcanoes” Cotopaxi is the largest active volcano in

the world Most of the provinces are named after

their most important mountain or volcano.

Highland Images

Coastal Lowlands

Rolling hills Fertile plains Mangroves forests Rivers Tropical climate (hot and humid)

Costal Ecosystems

North: tropical wet forest Center and Southeast: tropical savannas

and cloud forests West: dry forest Coastline: mangroves, beaches and rocky


Coast Images

Amazon Rainforest

Largest region of Ecuador Amazon rainforest Large rivers Jungle Hot and humid Rainfall year-round Active volcanoes Soil is NOT fertile Tropical rainforests occupy 7% of the Earth´s

surface but contain 50% of the world´s biodiversity

Amazon Subregions

High Amazon Located in the north Includes Volcano Sumaco

Amazon Lowlands Located to the east Important Rivers: the Putumayo, the Napo,

and the Pastaza.

Amazon Images

Galapagos Islands (Archipelago)

13 main islands, 17 islets, and dozens of smaller rock formations

Located approximately 1,000 kilometers west of mainland Ecuador

Subtropical climate marked by beaches and forests

Galapagos: Natural Heritage

UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site in 1979

Galapagos marine reserve was declared a World Natural Heritage Site in 2001

The region is home to animals species found nowhere else on Earth

Visited by Charles Darwin in 1835 to formulate the Theory of Evolution

Galapagos Images


Your Escape to Ecuador:

This is Ecuador:

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