
The Founding of the

Middle Colonies(1630-1700)

The Middle ColoniesNEW YORK




Introduction to the Middle Colonies

New NetherlandsIn 1624, Dutch settlers financed by the Dutch West India Company founded the colony of New Netherlands.New Netherlands included the Hudson River Valley, Long Island, and the Delaware River Valley.The Dutch settle the city of New Amsterdam on Manhattan Island

( Present New York City.)To attract more settlers, the Dutch West India Company employed the patroon system in which a person who brought 50 settlers to New Netherlands received a large land grant and other special privileges.

Manhattan Island,

New Amsterdam

New Netherlands

New Netherlands Establish By Dutch

New Netherlands Becomes English New York

• England’s King Charles II (son of Charles I for whom Carolina is named for) decided that his brother, the Duke of York, should drive the Dutch out of New Netherlands.

• In August, 1664 the Dutch surrendered to the duke’s ships.

• The colony was renamed New York. It became a proprietary colony under the ownership of the king’s brother.

King Charles II

Duke of York

New Netherlands Becomes English

Controlled New York

New Jersey: A Proprietary Colony

Pennsylvania and Ethnic Diversity• Germans also called the

“Pennsylvania Dutch”• Welsh• Scots-Irish- Lowland Scots who

migrated to Northern Ireland in the early 1600’s and then to the colonies

• English • Some French

Quakers in Colonial America?

• Founded in the mid 1600’s by English preacher George Fox.

• Also, called “The Society of Friends”

• Beliefs:– No Ministers– No Organized Worship

“Silence During Worship Service is Practiced”

– Refer to the Spirit of God as “The Light”

– Pacifists (Did Not Believe in War)

– Fair Treatment of the Native Americans

– Settled in all the colonies, including North Carolina’s central Piedmont and northeast coastal plain

Colonial Quaker Meeting

Colonial Quaker Meeting House

Founding of the Pennsylvania Colony

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