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Thursday, 13th November 2014 No. 18 - 2014


St. Damian’s News

St Damian’s Fete


FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents, Parish and School Fete Our parish and school fete, which was held last Sunday, November 9, was a wonderful community event. It was certainly enhanced by the beautiful, sunny day and the magnificent facilities that St Damian‘s offers. It was a special day of fun that included so many exciting activities and events. From my observations it was enjoyed by all, especially the children. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all who were involved in the organization and facilitation of the day and we particularly acknowledge the small fete committee who worked tirelessly for so many months. I also thank all our parents and all the school staff who volunteered their time to assist in so many different ways. In conclusion I sincerely thank all who attended and supported the fete, making it such a success. Congratulations to our 2015 Leaders We congratulate the following teachers on their appointment as St Damian‘s School Leaders in 2015. They are as follows: Jenny Rubira — Deputy Principal and Learning and Teaching Aoife McCarthy — Religious Education Leanne Gibbs — Junior School Literacy Mattie Dragonetti — Senior/ Middle School Literacy Danielle Di Stefano — Junior School Mathematics Diane Foley — Senior School Mathematics Kellyann Stella — Student Wellbeing They are all passionate about teaching and dedicated to the students that they work with. We believe that they possess the necessary qualities and expertise to undertake this important role. Thank You to Jessica Quinn We thank Jessica for her hard work and commitment as Student Wellbeing Leader over the past two years. Jessica has achieved much success in this area and has really supported the wellbeing of our students. For personal reasons Jessica will not be continuing in this role, but she will continue in her Performing Arts Role. Staff at St Damian’s thank Our Parents’ Committee The staff at St Damian‘s felt extremely valued and privileged last Friday, as the Parent‘s Committee hosted a ‗World Teacher‘s Day‘ celebration for them. The Parents‘ Committee organised a delicious morning tea, plus other special gifts for all the staff to pay tribute to them and to acknowledge their tireless work. A very ‗touching‘ speech was made by Clem Prisc and this is included in the Newsletter. As a staff team we thank and express our appreciation to all who contributed to this celebration. A very extra thank you is extended to Danielle Abolencia who played a major role in this event. We also thank Angela Parisi for making and decorating a special cake to honor the occasion. Remembrance Day Monday, November 11 was Remembrance Day. We acknowledged the day with one minutes silence to remember those who were involved or lost their lives in the wars. In addition the Prep Students acknowledged the day at our school assembly. We sincerely thank Mrs Cannatelli and the Prep students for their prayerful reflection. We were delighted that many students purchased a poppy, as the proceeds from the sale of these poppies are used to support the care and welfare of returned service men and women. Congratulations We congratulate Susie Patsouras on receiving the Watsonia, R.S.L Remembrance Day Scholarship. Susie was presented with a Certificate of Recognition and she will receive a cheque for $200.00 to support her Secondary Education. Susie her mother, Jenny and I attended the Service at Watsonia R.S.L. on Tuesday and shared in the provided refreshments. Susie layed a wreath on behalf of St Damian‘s school. St Damian’s Students attended Remembrance Service at Vasey House On Monday a small group of students, some parents and Eamon Moore attended the Remembrance Service at Vasey House. Our students were very respectful and their attendance was appreciated. A wreath was layed on behalf of all the St Damian‘s students. Italian Poetry Competition We congratulate all the Year Six students who took part in the Loyola Italian Poetry Competition. The names and winners are listed in the Newsletter. We particularly congratulate Olivia who was the overall winner out of the four participating schools. Olivia was presented with a trophy at a special assembly at Loyola College. Our special thanks are extended to Tania Micomonaco who prepared and supported these students.

Prep Information Evening On Wednesday night we held our November, Prep Information Evening and we thank all who attended. The purpose of this evening is to support our parents in their final preparation of their children commencing school. As usual the attendance was high and our parents appeared very interested. Our Prep teachers for 2015 will be Julie Cannatelli, Danielle Di Stefano and Marcia Smarrelli. Annual School Sports Our annual school sports will be held next Friday, November 21. Parents, family members, friends and oarishioners are warmly invited to join us. Please refer to the details included in the Newsletter. St Damian’s Reaches out to Others As in the past a Giving Tree will be placed in the front foyer on Monday November 24. Our students are invited to bring a gift or a hamper item, prior to December 12. A letter will be sent home outlining the details. Congratulations to our Past Students It is always wonderful to hear of the achievements or successes of past students from St Damian‘s. I was recently informed that Lachlan McPhee is the School Captain of Loyola, Benjamin Ferraro is the School Captain of Parade and Anthony Potamidis is the School Captain of St Monica‘s. In addition Thomas Ambrosini was inducted as an Academic Prefect at Parade College as well as Hughes House Vice Captain. Wedding Congratulations to Jade and Mark We congratulate Jade and Mark who were married on October 17. We certainly wish them a life time of happiness. Jade is now Mrs Donohue. Congratulations Our congratulations are extended to Georgia, Rob and Harper Wise. Winnie Kathleen was born on October 23. Prayer Helen Hannay

FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL The Chocolate Throw Thank you to the St Damian‘s community for supporting our Chocolate Throw stall at the fete. The members of our

Student Representative Council (SRC) were the driving force, encouraging students and collecting the donations from the

classrooms. We congratulate the students in 3/4LM for winning our prize for collecting the most chocolates. The stall was

a huge success with all age groups testing their throwing skills. The photos on the front cover of this newsletter capture

some of the enjoyment at the fete.

Helen’s Retirement Events

We extend an invitation to all our families to attend a Parish Mass Sunday December 7, 10:00am followed by a BBQ on

the school grounds. An invitation will be sent to all families next week. Our final assembly for the year is on Wednesday

December 17 at 11:30am. All are welcome.

Jenny Rubira

Deputy Principal/Learning & Teaching Leader



FAITH NEWS Prep Year Level Mass On Thursday November 20 the Prep students will be celebrating a Year Level Mass with the Parish at 9:15am. The theme for the Mass will be: ‗The gifts that God has given us‘. You are warmly invited to join the Prep students and their teachers as they thank God for all we have been given. Advent Prayer Services During the Season of Advent the whole school will attend a number of Prayer Services. Each Year Level will be responsible for preparing one of the Prayer Services. The dates and times are advertised in the ‗Dates for your Diary‘ section of the Newsletter. Everyone is most welcome to join us in the Church as we prepare, hope and wait in joyful anticipation for the birth of Jesus. St. Damian’s Giving Tree As in previous years we will be supporting St Vinnies by collecting food and gift items to donate to those in need at Christmas time. This year the Giving Tree will be operational from Monday November 24 until Friday December 12. You may wonder why we are planning to put the tree up before December has even commenced. The reason for the early beginning is so that the volunteers from St Vinnies can collect the items and sort them into hampers well in advance of Christmas Day. As a school we will collect items for a total of three weeks. A letter will be sent home next week with additional details. Each year I am amazed by the generosity of our students and their families, it is a joy to hear the students chatting outside my office as they plan how they can best make Christmas special for others. Thank you for your continued support for those in need. Congratulations to Father Vincent and the Parish Team I congratulate Father Vincent and the Parish Team on all of the hard work and effort that has been involved in renovating the Church. Many hours of planning and preparation has been put in to ensuring that our Parish Church will continue to be an inviting place of worship for many years to come. Aoife Mc Carthy

Religious Education Leader

ITALIAN POETRY COMPETITION RESULTS At the end of last term twenty one of our Year Six students took part in the Loyola Italian Poetry Competition. The competition also included Year Sixes from other schools in the zone, such as St. Mary's, St. Francis of Asissi and St. Martin's. As part of the competition, the students had to recite an Italian poem to Italian teachers from Loyola College. Students were judged on their pronunciation, expression, intonation and ability to memorise the poem. I am pleased to announce the results. They are as follows: First Place in the overall winner Italian Category (this is out of all schools): Olivia 5/6S St Damian’s in-house results (Italian Category) 1st- Alessandra 5/G 2nd- Claudia 5/6 M 3rd- Luke 5/6 G St Damian’s in-house results (non Italian Category) 1st- Mark 5/6T 2nd- Maggie 5/6M 3rd- Julien 5/6C I congratulate these students and all those who participated. On Friday 7 November, Olivia, myself, and her parents were invited to a special assembly at Loyola College where she was presented with a trophy. I was incredibly proud of Olivia representing our school and was so pleased that of all the Year Sixes that took part enjoyed and benefited from the expe-rience. BRAVI RAGAZZI! Tania Micomonaco LOTE Teacher


Mathematics News Some Suggested Act ivit ies The following are some activities that you can do with your children. Some are general and some relate to specific aspects of the mathematics curriculum.

Estimating Estimating is an important activity and applies to all aspects of mathematics. Whenever possible, ask your children to estimate quantities. For example, you might ask children to: Estimate the number of jelly beans in a jar Estimate how many people are in the room Estimate how many pieces of bread are in a loaf Estimate the biggest house number in the street that you have just turned into Estimate how far it is to a particular point in the distance whilst driving Estimate how long it will be until you walk to a particular point Estimate the crowd at large sporting events, such as football matches Estimate how many steps there are from the bottom to the top when you are walking up some stairs. On some occasions, work together to find the actual amount, distance etc.

Remembering It is helpful for children to get practice at remembering numbers and other information. Examples of the type of information which we commonly try to remember are: Telephone numbers: when children are young, you might ask them to repeat back to you two or three numbers in a row; as they get older they should be able to repeat back longer strings, and even to remember some numbers such as their own phone number and those of their grandparents Addresses: help the children to learn their own address and others such as their grandparents Car registration numbers Birthdays: children can learn the birth dates in your family, and also those of other relatives and friends Times of special events: Christmas Day, ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day, Australia Day. etc. Directions Parents have a variety of opportunities to help children learn about directions. You might like to: Describe how to do various household tasks – e.g. setting the table, give instructions like ―Put the fork on the left hand side, the knife and soup spoon on the right hand side and the soup spoon on the right hand side of the knife.‖ Use north, south, east and west to give directions rather than simply pointing When travelling in the car if you need to use the street directory, let the children direct you. Let them find out how to locate your destination and then direct you using the street directory. When there are maps, such as maps of the school, maps of the suburb, maps of the city, or zoo that the children need to use for navigating or locating, let them take some responsibility for interpreting such maps. (Reference: Mathematics Teaching and Learning Centre at the Australian Catholic University)

Diane Foley

Mathematics Leader

SPORT NEWS Thank you to the parents who have returned their slip to help out at the Whole School Sport Day on Friday November 21. If you have replied, you will receive details about the activity you will be running via your child. This will come home with them early next week. We are also in need of a few more volunteers if possible. Help is needed between 9.15am and 12:00pm to help run the tabloid activities. Students are able to wear their normal school uniform at the Sport Day along with a t-shirt/polo shirt in their team colour if they would like. If your child is unsure about what colour team they are in they can see me or one of the office staff to find out. Tim Watson Physical Education Co ordinator

St Damian’s Fete, Special thanks to all

The St Damian‘s fete was a great success and raised over $20,000 (final amount to be announced at a later date) for the School and Parish needs. Thankyou to all who attended. Special thanks to all volunteers for all their efforts and support.

MAJOR RAFFLE— Congratulations to the winners of the St Damian’s Fete Raffle 1

st Prize – Jo Marinovic


Prize – Dauyn Anandan 3

rd Prize – Anastasia Kynaion

4th Prize – Brian Taylor

5th Prize – Lidiya Dimitrijevski 6

th Prize – Luke Ferraro


St Damian’s Parents host World Teacher’s Day Celebrations World Teacher‘s Day is one day in the year whereby we formally acknowledge our wonderful teachers and thank them for the commitment they have made to teach our children.

"A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart.” Author Unknown

Teaching is not a profession that you enter into lightly, it is usually a life-long commitment. It comes with the good and the bad. It comes with dedication. It comes with a love of learning and a passion for teaching. It has its tribulations, yet it also comes with great reward.

The Best Teachers are

those who open up young minds,

showing them the wonders of intellect

and the miracle of being able to think for themselves.

A great teacher exercises

the mental muscles of students,

stretching and strengthening,

so they can make challenging decisions,

find their way in the world,

and become independent.

The best teachers care enough

To gently push and prod students

to do their best and fulfil their potential.

Author Joanna Fuch

And here at St Damian‘s we are extremely blessed have such teachers.

This year at St Damian‘s, we have some first time teachers who have quickly adapted, challenged themselves and have proven to be wonderful educators. We have also seen the ongoing dedication of teachers who have been with us for a number of years and devoted their life to educating our children. We have many teachers who go above and beyond. Today is a day in which we say thank you. We the parents of St Damian‘s would like to show you our appreciation, our gratefulness and our praise for the hard work you all do, the commitment you show to our children, the wonderful learning you bring into their lives and your dedication to your gift of teaching. We embrace and share this day with you. Thank you



Whole School Casual Clothes Day Wednesday November 19 will be a whole school casual clothes day. Please bring along a gold coin donation. Scholastic Books All students should have received their Scholastic Book Orders for Issue 7. Could you please check your orders and let the office know if anything is missing. Please make sure you have your order form with you.

Term 4 November 2014 Fri 14th Year Three/Four Hoop Time basketball, Mill Park Stables, 9:00am—3:00pm Tue 18th Prep 2015 Orientation Morning Wed 19th Whole School Casual Clothes Day Thur 20th Prep Year Level Mass, 9:15 Fri 21st School Sports Day Mon 24th Assembly, Reflection PrepS, 2:30pm Tue 25th Parents & Friends Meeting, 7:30pm—9:00pm Wed 26th Prep 2015 Orientation Morning Thur 27th Education Board Dinner December 2014 Mon 1st Advent Prayer Service, led by Year Five/Six, 2:45pm Thur 4th Prep 2015 Orientation Morning Fri 5th School Closure Day Mon 8th Advent Prayer Service, led by Year One/Two, 2:45pm Sun 7th Farewell Mass and BBQ for Mrs Hannay, 10:00am Fri 12th Advent Prayer Service, led by Year Three/Four, 2:45pm Mon 15th Advent Prayer Service, led by Prep, 2:45pm Tue 16th Year Six Graduation Mass, 7:30pm Wed 17th End of Year Mass, 9:15am Wed 17th Last Day of Term Final Assembly, Reflection Prep D, 11:30 am. Students finish at 3:15pm


A Special Celebration for Eric Year 3/4A celebrated Eric's achievement of finishing his chemotherapy by throwing him a secret surprise party. It was a great afternoon of celebrations enjoyed by the students, Eric's mum and some teachers and leaders. We wish Eric good health and joy for the following years. Carman Abdilla Year 3/4A

Congratulations Jade Butler

Mr & Mrs Donohue


Thursday November 20, after school in the Brigilia Room.



Happy Birthday List

The following children will celebrate their birthday in the coming weeks:


13th Oliver 5/6C

Joseph 5/6G

14th Yasith 3/4V

Lachlan 5/6S

Isabella 5/6T

15th Adam 3/4B

16th Matthew 5/6M

17th Mia 1/2R

18th Eloise 1/2CW

Jack 3/4 V

Minidhu 5/6M

19th Henry PS

Aaron 3/4KW

20th Luca 5/6M

Peter PS

Mia 5/6G

Teagan 1/2R

21st Adam 3/4B

Madison 5/6G

22nd Adrian 3/4A

Harry PS

23rd Daniella 3/4B

24th Marcus 5/6M

25th Lucas 1/2CW


5th DECEMBER 2014 7PM


Like all school-age students, children with Autism Spectrum Disorder benefit from strong, positive relationships between the home and school. Positive Partnerships uses evidence based materials and practical resources to help support these relationships by Facilitating workshops for parents and carers in your local community. Details for the upcoming 2 day workshop: Dates: 25

th &26

th November

Venue: Karralyka, Mines Ringwood East VIC 3134

Cost: Free - including resources, lunch, morning tea and refreshments. Full details and online registration at The workshop is funded as part of an Australian Government Department of Education initiative to support school-age children with ASD across Australia.


After school from 3:30pm onwards. Group sessions

starting at $9 per lesson.

For further information visit Special offer: free tennis racquet for all new junior enrolments (mention this ad!) and a free cardio tennis session for new adult


Email about a Free trial to all who would like to give tennis a go! Enrolment enquiries contact John:

0419 188 908 /

Providing tennis coaching to all ages & ability levels. We offer a range of programs including: Before & after school coaching Holiday clinics Tournaments Elite squad Tennis parties Cardio Tennis ANZ Hot Shots Mums‘ program

3 Great local clubs to choose from

(Also available at St Damian’s Primary School) Bundoora TC – (Greenwood Drive, Bundoora)

Keon Park TC – (Wagga Road, Reservoir) Lakeview TC – (Leamington St, Reservoir)

Business Name Address Phone Number A&K Quality Meats 2-8 McLeans Road, Bundoora 9466-8575

Amity Immigration Services 59 Settlement Road Bundoora 0402353997

Apex Welding & Steel Fabrication 15 Centofanti Place, Thomastown 9466-4125

Babalui's Pizza 3/89 Plenty Road, Bundoora 9467-7177

Bakers Delight 4/37 Plenty Road, Bundoora 9466-9400

Barry Plant 4/1177 Plenty Road, Bundoora 9467-5444

Basilica Funerals 297 High Street, Thomastown 9465-9491

Big Sams Discount Card & Gifts 2-8 McLeans Road, Bundoora

Bundoora Bakery 5 Dennison Mall, Bundoora 9467-5767

Bundoora Catch 11 Plenty Road, Bundoora 9467-3866

Bundoora Dental Clinic Level 1, 47 Plenty Road, Bundoora 9467-3733

Bundoora Eyewear 25-31 Plenty Road, Bundoora 9470-8399

Bundoora Flowers 2-8 McLeans Road, Bundoora 9467-9918

Bundoora Fresh Fish Supply Shop 8, 2 McLeans Road, Bundoora 9467-5551

Bundoora Kebabs 16/25-31 Plenty Rd, Bundoora VIC 3083 9466-9905

Bundoora Milkbar & Asian Grocery Bundoora Square Shopping Centre, Bundoora

Bundoora Optical 9/41 Plenty Road, Bundoora 9467-8495

Bundoora Post Office Shop 4, 39E Plenty Road, Bundoora 9467-8353

C&M Garraway 22 Anderson Parade, Bundooa 9435-2279

Chemist Warehouse Bundoora 95 Plenty Road, Bundoora 9467-7655

Chemist Warehouse Greensborough Plaza 50 Main Street, Greensborough 9435-7455

Chemist Warehouse Polaris 1056 Plenty Road 9467-6643

Choices Carpets 211 Settlement Road, Thomastown 9466-1444

Cosie Corner Irish Café 8 Dennison Mall, Bundoora 9467-4548

Dashing Boutique University Hill 9467 9559

Dimattina Coffee 126 Edwardes Street Reservoir

Dulux Paint Preston 148-150 Bell Street Preston 9484-5711

Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses Bundoora Shop T14, Bundoora Square Shopping Centre 9470-8144

Fine Fruit Bundoora 35 Plenty Road, Bundoora 9467-3700

Fisherman's Pier Polaris Shop A4, 42-44 Copernicus Cres, Bundoora 9467-9170

Flight Centre Bundoora 25-31 Plenty Road, Bundoora 1300-826-365

GB Packaging 14 Adrian Road, Campbellfield 9357-6059

Herman's House of Style 22/47 Plenty Road, Bundoora 9467-1573

Lucio's Café 9 Plenty Road, Bundoora 9467-3633

Manny's Dumplings 7/12-16 McLeans Road, Bundoora 9470-8883

Namaste Indian Restaurant 6/1 McLeans Road, Bundoora 9467-1868

Nexia Australia 18/530 Collins Street, Melbourne 9608-0100

Paint Spot 493 Grimshaw Street, Bundoora 9467-5114

Polaris Newsagency Polaris 3083

Prego Espresso Bar Bundoora Square Shopping Centre, Bundoora 0400 500 065

Simply Noodles 25-31 Plenty Road, Bundoora 9467-3288

Subway Shop 2, 89 Plenty Road, Bundoora 9470-8200

Sumerhill Hotel 12/830 Plenty Road Reservoir 9471-9962

The Good Guys 30 Dalton Road, Thomastown 9463-7500

The Legends Room Shop H5, 22 Galileo Gateway North, Polaris 1300 788 089

Tupperware Jill- 1 Joint Street Macleod 0400 594 303

Vivace Hairdressing Shop 9 Dennison Mall, Bundoora 9467-6043

Wes's Meating Place 25-31 Plenty Road, Bundoora 0401 655 586

Yes, Good Buy Bundoora Square Shopping Centre, Bundoora 9467-8789


School closures: 3rd Nov Monday School Closure 4th Nov Tuesday Public Holiday 5th Dec Friday Staff Planning 2015 Prep 2015 Information Evening: 12th Nov Wednesday School Hall 7:30pm

Uniform Sale Day: 15th Nov Saturday 9:00am – 2:30pm (By appointment only)

Prep 2015 Orientation: 18th Nov Tuesday 9:00am or 10:00am (Allocated by school)

26th Nov Wednesday 9:00am or 10:00am (Allocated by school) 4th Dec Thursday 9:00am or 10:00am (Allocated by school) End of year: 17th Dec Wednesday Students finish 3:15pm 18th Dec Thursday Teachers finish 3:30pm

Start dates 2015: 28th Jan Wednesday Staff return 29th Jan Thursday Students return (Assessments – am & pm) 30th Jan Friday Assessments – am & pm 2nd Feb Monday Formal Classes Commence Years One - Six all day

Preps Commence: 2nd Feb Monday 8:45 am to 12:30pm 3rd Feb Tuesday 8:45 am to 12:30pm 4th Feb Wednesday Preps NOT at school 5th Feb Thursday All day 8:45 - 3:15 6th Feb Friday All day 8:45 - 3:15

St Peter’s Hall, Alma Rd Bundoora

All Ages – toddlers to

adults Dance, Hip Hop, Unison (performance singing), Tap, Adult

Dance Fitness, Adult Tap & Social Ballroom

Adult Tap - Wednesday Nights 2015 enrolments now open!! New classes include: Junior Hip Hop

Junior Troupe Comp Class 3-5 Years Tap

Visit for full timetable



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