
The Flipped Classroom

What I have learned so far!

R. Redekopp and Class Dec 2014

University of Manitoba

Flipping and Blending Your Classroom to Enhance C21 Skills

Fall 2014

Ideas from my course

● The FC is not a ‘solution.’ It is a strategy.

● You can use all or part of it.

● You can use the idea of a changed classroom and

changed pedagogy.

It’s not a “Solution”

● You do not have to make the video - there are hundreds

out there now

● You do not have to be ‘in’ the video

● First few alway take way longer - it gets better

● content matters and it’s still direct instruction

● shorter is better

● perfection is a dream - you need it tomorrow

● videos help you learn about your own teaching/speaking

● helps you focus on key ideas

Videos - Teacher

● watching will have the same response rate as


● express a favourable view but don’t necessarily watch

● they need to be taught how to watch ‘instructional’ video

● keeping notes or answering brief questions can help

keep their attention

● this is where the learner ‘control’ comes in: pause,

rewind, skip, quit, rewatch ...

Videos - Student

● Video can be homework

● Can be watched in class as necessary

● Good for review

● You might get a few more who watch the video than

might do the homework


It better be different - do activities there wasn’t time for before

● The ‘found’ time must be used well to enhance learning and keep students


● There is more time to interact with each student

● It takes time to adapt to a new style and gather new resources

● Students may not recognize the difference initially and may not appreciate

the new style (they have been well trained in the old style)

● It can feel chaotic unless you really know where you want it to be going.

● Lots of patience required!!!!!

The Changed Classroom

● Nothing is proven

● Results are generally positive - certainly in regard to


● May be just the Hawthorne effect or the teacher



● more opportunity for “For’ assessment

● needs to be more obvious on the report card

● In theory the extra class time should allow students to

demonstrate C21 skills

● Extra time should also allow for students to express

their learning through alternative media.

● Writing/powerpoint should not be allowed for some


Assessment and C21 Skills

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