The Five Stages of Reporting Grief

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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The five stages of reporting grief


The Five Stages of Reporting Grief

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#1 Denial

"Our current reporting solution is fine. There's no need to change. I'm sure everyone has to deal with these types of editing and reporting problems."

#2 Anger

"This is ridiculous! How did we even choose this solution? Reporting is too hard; I don't know why we even do it. This is everyone's fault but mine!"

#3 Bargaining

"If we could only fix this one section of the report, I would be happy withthe rest of the problems. Just let me figure out this small problem. If I can just add a few more days to the drop-dead date, I know I can get this fixed."

#4 Depression

"This is hopeless. We'll never get these reports the way we want them, and everyone is going to blame me. Good-bye bonus."

#5 Acceptance

"This solution will never work. There has to be a better solution out there, and I'm going to find it!"

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