The Feast Ho Chi Minh City Chapter August 21, 2011 Bulletin

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The Feast Ho Chi Minh City Chapter August 21, 2011 Bulletin Today’s TOPIC: GOD as Defender, Awesome Kids by Albert Acuna, TODAY’s GOSPEL, Don Moen’s Two Hands, One Heart Lyrics, LETTERS FROM OUR AWESOME KIDS, Message 5: Live Within God’s Circle of Protection, Thanksgiving & Answered Prayers


Do You Want God’s Protection? Like everyone else, I want God to protect me against accidents, fire, crime, and diseases.

I want God to protect me from snatchers, the AHN1 flu and the effects of recession.

Yes, all of these are stuff we can’t control. But don’t underestimate what you can control.

Have a fantastic Feast today!Your brother,

Nelson B.

August 21, 2011

Today’s TOPIC: GOD as Defender

Coming up Next Week:Anointing for a Deeper Faith------------------------------Your Next Blessing! I’m very excited

to share with you our next series:

Relationships RebornEven now, I want you to start praying

for your family and friendships. Pray

that in the next seven weeks, you’ll

have stronger, deeper, closer, and

happier relationships. By the power of

God’s Word, you’re going to bless your

relationships big time!


Sept 11 - Renewal

Sept 18 - Time

Sept 25 - Gratitude

Oct 2 - Service

Oct 9 - Forgiveness

Oct 16 - Self-Love

Oct 23 – Celebration

Deepen Your Relationship With God, And Experience Him More in Your Life

Blah, blah, blah…

We need more volunteers

for Awesome Kids as

Teachers, facilitators,

marshals. Please

Love to sing? Play any

instruments? Contact Bro.

Alex or Sister Sheila and

join the Church choir or

Music Ministry.

1. Protect Yourself From What You Can Control

You can choose to live within God’s ―natural‖ protection by following His spiritual laws. Because

there are certain natural consequences of following these laws of love, and one of those natural

consequences is protection. If you follow these laws, you move within the circle of God’s protection.

Let me give you an obvious example. By not harming your body (because it’s God’s temple)

through smoking or drinking heavily, you enjoy more protection from certain diseases. Are there

exceptions? Sure. Life isn’t black and white. Someone can point to a chain-smoking and alcoholic

uncle who is 93 years old. But generally, statistics will show without a shadow of a doubt that smokers damage their lungs much

more than non-smokers. And drunkards damage their livers more than non-drunkards. No one can argue with that. If you want

God’s protection, start with your choice of living within God’s circle of ―natural‖ protection every day of your life.

2. Protect Yourself From What You Can’t Control

But what about stuff that we can’t control? Fear is a natural reaction against dangers we can’t control. And that’s why death is our

ultimate fear. Because we can’t control death. It comes when we least expect it. I don’t care if you’re old or young, pretty or ugly,

rich or poor—death is the great equalizer. We’ll all die whether we like it or not. Friend, God is your ultimate protection. Because

He protects you from your ultimate fear and your ultimate danger: Death. If you live in God’s love, you’re not afraid of death. You

know that no matter what happens, God will never abandon you. And if you’re not afraid of physical

death, you’re not afraid of other kinds of death—even social death (loss of friends) and financial death (loss of money). Receive

God’s refreshing Word for your life today.

There were a total of 19 kids in the class

plus 3 toddlers with their yayas in tow. Ate

Denise & Kuya Zach organized the kids in

two rows & proceeded to the big

conference room in two neat lines. Tita

Girlie had the kids sit alternately boy & girl

eliciting a big "awww" from all the boys. Ate

Bianca led the opening prayer & after that

Tito Albert started off with a "clapping

exercise", then, on to the house rules

where each kid had a chance to read in

front of the class. Kuya CS was even brave

enough to volunteer & read the last house

rule; Respect for All. All the kids received a

special clap as acknowledgement for a job

well done.

Bro. Albert Acuna presenting the Awesome Kids back in

the Feast room for a surprise to the parents

The main topic for the day was God as Provider. The kids were then asked to make a list of

blessings they received from their parents. Their responses were quite amazing. Some said thank

you for life, for love, for siblings, for protection, for material things & of course toys! They were then

asked to make cards for Mom & Dad. What really struck me was the seriousness each child in


The awesome kids filed in one line coming back in to present

their amazing work to the Feast attendees and their parents

Do you like the Feast Bulletin’s new look?

Any suggestions or recommended topics?

please contact Bro. Melvin or Sis. Nix

Contact Bro. Albert or Sis. Girlie.

Just approach them at any time.

Invite your friends & see you in The FEAST!

Your Sunday Home with the Lord

making sure the cards were well made. You can

actually hear a pin drop during those 20+ minutes.

Amazing also how each child followed one house

rule: "Raise your hands when you need anything."

One child asked to go to the CR, another asked for

extra scissors. All were angels that Sunday.

After the activity we welcomed two new kids, Kuya

Gabby & Kristin Kalaw, with a special clap from all

the kids. Zach then closed the day with a prayer.

This was indeed a special day. A day for angels.

By: Bro. Albert Acuna

Jesus went into the region of Caesarea Philippi and he asked

his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?"

They replied, "Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others

Jeremiah or one of the prophets.― He said to them, "But who do you say

that I am?― Simon Peter said in reply, "You are the Christ, the Son of the

living God.― Jesus said to him in reply, "Blessed are you, Simon son of

Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly

Father. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build

my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.

I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on

earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall

be loosed in heaven.― Then he strictly ordered his disciples

to tell no one that he was the Christ.

Daniel 3: 16-18

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered, “Your majesty, we will not try to defend ourselves. If the

God whom we serve is able to serve us from the blazing furnace and from your power, then he will. But

even if he doesn’t, Your Majesty may be sure that we will not worship your god, and we will not bow

down to the gold statue that you have set up.”

Insight: God wants to protect you from all dangers. God wants to protect you from all your fears. His

invitation is to live within the circle of His natural protection by living according the spiritual laws of this

universe—the laws of love. And even when we are harmed by the evil of others or by the fractured world

that we live in (natural calamities and diseases), we know He protects us beyond death. At the end of the

day, nothing can really harm the real you—your soul—because you live in His love.

Caring Group:

Start: What blessings have you received this past week?

Summarize: Read the Bible verses and present again the points of the talk. If there’s time, do the Caring

Group Additional Study below.

Share: Were you ever controlled by your fears? Worries? Anxiety? Share experiences when God assured

you of His protection.

Supplicate: Pray for each other’s needs.

Personal Daily Readings And Additional Caring Group Study:


God Wants To Protect You

Isaiah 43:2

When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you; your troubles will not overwhelm you.

Insight: There are many dangers in this world. If you focus on these dangers, you’ll be filled with anxiety.

Many times, people suffer not because of the dangers themselves but because of their constant worrying

over those dangers. Fear eats them up. Instead, God calls you to trust in Him. Believe that no matter

what happens, He’ll never leave you alone. If God is beside you, no one can really harm you.


Psalms 121:2-8

My help will come from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let you fall; your protector is

always awake. The protector of Israel never dozes or sleeps. The Lord will guard you; he is by your side

to protect you. The sun will not hurt you during the day, nor the moon during the night. The Lord will

protect you form all danger, he will keep you safe. He will protect you as you come and go now and


Insight: You don’t have to keep awake at night, tossing and turning in bed, worrying about your safety.

God is your guard, your fortress. Because He does not sleep. You can rest in His love. You can live in the

safety of His presence.


Protect Yourself By Being At Peace with God

Philippians 4:7

And God’s peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in

union with Christ Jesus.

Insight: Peace isn’t the absence of conflict. Peace is a great relationship. Your greatest protection is

really a great relationship with God. When you have a strong relationship with God, you know that no

calamity, no problem, no sickness, no problem can take away your real treasure in life—which is God



Protect Yourself By Building Your Spiritual Immune System

Matthew 26:41

Keep watch and pray that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the soul is weak.

Insight: God wants to protect you from spiritual harm. Specifically, from temptations that will make you

less than who you truly are. How? By building your spiritual resistance. The key is to be of the world but

not in the world. Especially if you follow God’s call to be a light to the world and a salt of the earth, you

can’t avoid temptations. But you can build your inner spiritual immune system to protect yourself from the

temptations around you.


Protecting Your Soul Is More Important Than Protecting Your Body

Luke 21:16-19

You will be handed over by your parents, your brothers, your relatives, and your friends; and some of you

will be put to death. Everyone will hate you because of me. But not a single hair from your head will be

lost. Stand firm, and you will save yourselves.

Insight: Don’t you think this verse is contradictory? “They will put some of you to death” and “But not a

single hair of your head will be lost” sounds conflicting to me. But from God’s eternal point of view that

goes beyond death, you can die on earth but it’s ok. Your soul is more important. God promises that the

real YOU will be safe in His hand.


Dear Mom and Dad, thank you for everything you gave me! Thank you for life, toys, food, water, school and Adam. I LOVE U! Ashley

Dear Mom& Dad, Thank you for loving, prayingand taking care of me. Love you so much

YanyanMommy and Daddy

I love you.MC and CS

Mama & Dada thank you for all your gifts & love. May God bless you always.Zach

You are the most handsome guy in the world and you give me things like toys, shirt and going to the cinema, thank you dad.

GianThank you very much! You’re the best parents

that we’ve ever had! We love you! Bianca

Thank you Mommy for things in school you buy for me & Daddy, thank you for letting us go everywhere. We love you & Mommy so much! Kobe

Thank you for working hard to provide uswith food, clothes, school and other stuff,. Sorry if sometimes we don't help with thehouse. We promise to be more productive

and not use computer whole day.Denise & Nikki

Don Moen’s Two Hands, One Heart Lyrics

What can I give

What can I bring

That would be pleasing to my King

I'll give my heart not just a part

I'm lifting up everything

Well it's all I have to offer

And it's all I have to give

Two hands one heart

One life to offer You

Two hands one heart

That's what I give to You

Use me today I know You can

Lord I surrender to You plan

You made this heart

You made these hands

Take me and use me as I am

Well it's all I have to offer

And it's all I have to give

Little becomes a lot

When it's in Your hands

Take me and make me more like


Well it may not seem like much

But with the Master's touch

I know that I'll be more like You

That's what I give to You

Matthew 16:13-20


Thank you Lord for the successful quarter exam

of JayL & Gabriel. For the gift of love, faith &

hope. For the gift of family, friends & community.

For all the small & big miracles in my life & for

all the blessings & trials. – Judith

Thank you Lord for the overwhelming guidance

You gave me through friends, job & family. I will

continue to give thanks to Him for all my lifetime.

– Rain

Thank you Father God for finally healing Vhanj and hope for

her to be completely healed soon. – Rommel & Gladz

Message 5:

Live Within God’s Circle of Protection

Matthew 6:13Do not bring us to hard testing, but keep us safe from the Evil One.

Psalms 23:4

Even if I go through the deepest darkness, I will not be afraid, Lord, for you are with me. Your shepherd’s rod

and staff protect me.

Thank you Lord for the beginning of answered prayers & many

more to come! Thank you for the blessing of a lasting marriage,

50th Wedding Anniversary of our Uncle Ronolfo & Auntie Erlinda

Macachar! Thank you for healing relationships. Thank you for

healing us from our sicknesses. –Mendoza Family

Thanksgiving & Answered Prayers

I love you Mama an Dada, Thank you for everything you gave to me & I’m always praying for you two and I love you! Mwahh!Cheena

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