The Fatimids and the Qarmatis - Wilferd Madelung

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Wilferd Madelung is a leading contemporary Islamicist, he has made significant contributions to modern scholarship on mediaeval Islamic communities and movements, including Twelver Shi'ism, Zaydism and Ismailism. Educated at the Universities of Cairo and Hamburg, he became Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Chicago in 1969 and the Laudian Professor of Arabic at the University of Oxford from 1978. Professor Madelung is at present Senior Research Fellow with The Institute of Ismaili Studies. He has contributed extensively to The Encyclopaedia of Islam, Encyclopaedia Iranica of which he is also a Consulting Editor, and learned journals. on the subject of the Fatimids and Qarmatis:By 286/899, when the Ismailis themselves split into the loyal Fatimid Ismaili and the dissident Qarmati factions, significant Ismaili communities had appeared in numerous regions of the Arab world and throughout the Iranian lands, as well as in North Africa where the Kutama and other Berber tribal confederations had responded to the summons of the Ismaili da'wa. The dissident Qarmatis did not acknowledge the Imamate of `Abd Allah al-Mahdi (the future founder of the Fatimid caliphate) and his predecessors, the central leaders of early Ismailism, as well as his successors in the Fatimid dynasty. In the same eventful year 286/899, the Qarmatis founded a powerful state of their own in Bahrayn, which survived in rivalry with the Fatimid state until 470/1077.-- Daftary, Farhad


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