The Face?

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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college work



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HazelRa Photography

Meet BENjamin




“I enjoy taking pictures of the world around me and finding the beauty in the ordinary things. That’s why most of my photos are of the natural world and are quite symplistic. I like investigating textures, colours, lines, pat-terns and shapes to create the overall form of the photo and to produce something that is, hopefully, aesthetically beautiful. I find pho-tography is a really interesting art form.”









beautyin the



As well as taking inspiration from ACDC,

Motorhead, Led Zepplin,The Ramones, The

Clash, Black Sabbath, The Who etc I take

the energy and buzz from the audience to

inspire and drive me to keep creating and

playing music.




Trip!No Radio

No CupholdersNo Problem!!!


Tuesday, November 4 - It is election day and I have to be honest, I’ve overdosed on election coverage. My vote has been cast and now all I want is tomorrow morning to come so we can move on. It is hard to get away from election – the media is cov-ering little else, I’m getting robo-calls on my cell phone and my web site was even overtaken by political ads yesterday. Luckily, election day has coincided with the ultimate escape – a road trip

Day 1 2

in a 1971 Beetle. The car is a gift from my sister to her husband for their 15-year anniversary. Their first date was in a 1973 VW Super Beetle named Belvedere and she’s wanted to get one for him ever since. I’ve been looking for months but it was my part-ner Steve that eventually found a 1971 Beetle here in Nashville. The car was purchased from its original owner, a 92-year-old woman, and it is in excellent shape. The only obstacle remained was transporting it to CT.I happened to be in TN for the week end and when my brother-in-law asked if I was interested in driving it back, I wasn’t inter-ested initially. I had to get back to the Northeast and my choices were 15 hours (or more) in a 37-year-old VW or a direct flight to Newark. Then a good friend reminded me that my site is called “” not “” and convinced me that it would be a good story.Alas, I am about to embark on this trip and will be checking in periodically. Since the top speed of my chariot is approximately 65 MPH and the seats aren’t in the best shape, I’ll be breaking my trip up. Day 1 will be from Nashville, TN to Asheville, NC. I am looking forward to escaping from all the news – the car doesn’t even have a FM receiver let alone Satellite radio. I’m also interested in re-living the days of driving when it was more akin to riding a bike without a helmet. Sure, it was quite a bit more dangerous but we survived (most of us anyway).



Wednesday, November 5 -No Radio, No Cupholders, No Problem?I arrived in Asheville, NC last night in time for dinner, wine and a historic election. The six hours in an old VW was the perfect escape and juxtaposing that experience with all the new vehicles I drive certainly opened my eyes.My only entertainment was the drone of the engine and the whine from the drive train. In a test vehicle I would have passed the time listening to satel-lite radio, playing with the navigation system and talking to family and friends via bluetooth. Hell, I might even send a text or two. Not so much in the VW. The complete lack of technology kept me focused on the task at hand – driving – and that is a good thing. The few times I attempted to communicate via type on my crackberry, I was quickly reminded how unforgiving these cars are. Diverting your attention for even a few seconds could mean the difference between staying in your lane and becoming the next meal for the 18-wheeler next to you.

Because I had few distractions, I was able to appreciate the journey and noticed things along the route I’d never seen before. I’ve made the trip between the two cities many times yet this run I appreciated the landscape more and the fall foliage seemed more intense than ever. My focus extended to the road itself as the limits of the Beetle’s engine re-quired constant anticipation of road conditions and traffic patterns. Hills that a base Hyundai wouldn’t even think twice about called for planning and strategy. Don’t get me wrong, “Kat” held her own but if I wasn’t paying attention, the situation could

get ugly, fast. I am running late this morning because I stayed up late to watch President-elect Obama make his speech. In true road trip fashion, I hadn’t decided what my destina-tion would be today. That decision was made for me when my friend Tim called and said that if I made it to D.C., I was welcome to stay with him and his family. He had been reading this blog and saw that I was potentially driving through. What an awesome example of Web 2.0, right?So, if all goes well, I’ll make it to Herndon, VA this afternoon for a photo opportunity at the new VW HQ. Coffee anyone?


Thursday, November 6 – Greetings from the NJ Turnpike. I am on my way home and since I am not in any sort of a rush, I decided to update the site from one of Jersey’s infamous turn-pike service areas. The people watching alone is fascinating and frightening all at the same time.Yesterday was one of those rare perfect road trip days – the weather was gorgeous, the traffic sparse and the scenery spectacular. I left Asheville, NC around 10:30 AM and took I-40 to I-77 to I-81 North. The leaves were exploding in color along the route and the mountains of NC and VA were the perfect canvas for the season’s masterpiece. I attempted to create photographic evidence of my view out the Beetle’s window but in this case, technology simply cannot do it justice. The sense of awe and beauty must be experienced to be truly appreciated.The Beetle motored on in all its mechanical simplicity and deliv-ered a consistent 29 MPG on the highway. I finally managed to get my iPod to function and with a set of Bose headphones, took in the vistas while in concert.

I periodically removed the earphones to check in with “Kat” to make sure everything is OK. She has no engine warning light or any gauges outside of the fuel and speedometer but it only takes a careful listen to know if all is well in her world. Happily, she seems to be enjoying the exercise and has settled in to a groove.I spent the night in D.C. with a friend and navigated the Beltway post rush hour with nary an issue. The most excitement today was the crossing of the Delaware Memo-rial Bridge. There was a high-wind advisory and poor little Kat was thrown around like a contestant on a Japa-nese game show. We both survived and the experience simply reminded me of the joys of really driving rather than computers doing it for me.Kat gets delivered to her new family to-morrow. They’ve been checking in and are eagerly awaiting her arrival. My sister said she felt like she was waiting on the adoption to finally go through! Think about this; what new car today could evoke such emotion and antici-pation?



4Saturday, November 8 – I am in a Starbucks in New York City writing this final installment. I drove Kat to her new home in CT yesterday afternoon. It was dark when I arrived but that didn’t quell the ex-citement surrounding her arrival. My sister was waiting on the porch when I pulled in and she quickly kicked me out to drive her down the driveway. Flashlights and spotlights were turned on as the children ran out to greet the new member of the family. As children do, they climbed into the back seat and bounced around saying “Cool!” over and over again. (WHY do we stop doing this?)

As Kat was a present for my broth-er-in-law, we had to position her so his headlights would illuminate her in all her glory when he pulled down the driveway. The moment arrived and the excitement was palpable. He jumped out of his truck with a huge smile on his face and proceed-ed to examine his new toy. I swear I saw Kat smile in the darkness as she quickly learned that she’d be loved by her new family.When I left today, she was parked next to my sister’s VW Eurovan a.k.a. “The Love Bus” and I it struck me how this family was the perfect example of a strong brand relationship. Our family always had VW’s. All 9 of my siblings and I have had at least 1 or more VWs and I have a strong sus-

picion that my sister’s four children will end up with a VW in the future. The brand evokes emotions and memories that other companies would kill for. The story of Kat is a perfect example. When I was deciding to do this trip a friend commented that a thousand miles in an old Beetle would refill my soul and remind me why I became a car guy. It did that and more. I was transported back to a simpler time in my life and reminded of all the amazing times I had in my old Beetle. It also made me appreciate how far cars have come in the past 37 years – for better and worse. Vehicles today are cleaner, safer and more efficient but there are few vehicles on sale today that in 37 years someone will buy for their spouse because they had their first date in one.I appreciate the safety and efficiency of new cars but miss the soul and personality that only cars like Kat can evoke. Even modern VWs are danger-ously close to losing their bond with their owners. I propose that every product planner out there find their version of Kat and take a road trip like mine. It may just lead to cars with soul again. Here’s to everyone having at least one Kat in their lives.




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