The Evolution of the Consumer Path to Purchase by: Kaitlyn Dennihy

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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The evolution of the consumerpath to purchase

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

• A little history lesson

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

Why we’re here today

• What this means for today’s consumer

• A brand’s challenge ... and our solutions

Today's consumer journey is more like an infinite loop where

shoppers are always discovering, considering and buying via

multiple channels– Aaron Baar

of consumers research products and services before making a purchase 88%

the average customer consults sources before making a choice 10.4


#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

How has the path evolved?

Conversation & social media have always existed...

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

...they just may have looked a little


#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

We act a little differently too

More than out of every minutes is now spent beyond the PC


- com score

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy


Nearly out of smartphone owners have a secondary digital device


- com score

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy


#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

Consumers now spend daily with major media

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy


- eMarketer

... digital makes up 43.6% of that time

That’s more than extra hours of screen time every day since

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy


- eMarketer


It’s not all negative

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

Technology fatigue?

Exposure Engagement#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

So what does it all mean for

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

my brand?

We’ve entered the

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

age of the consumer

Where everything we do

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

must be...

1authentic#digATL @KaitlynDennihy


#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

3data driven

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

All working together to build relationships

Authentic: understand your consumer

Personalized: engage every step of the way

Data Driven: anticipate, use data to build your story

Consumers don’t care how many agencies a brand has, or who does your print vs. your digital, and they don’t care whether or not you have a vp of content or social. What they care about are valuable

seamless experiences, powered by people and content.

– @BrianBab21

Why does it matter?

They want to engage on their own terms, in whatever channel suits them, and at whatever time they wish. And they intend on having the

same quality and type of experience with a brand across each of those channels.

For them, content that smells like advertising, is an instant warning bell and leads to that content being ignored.

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

All working together to build relationships

Authentic: understand your consumer

Personalized: engage every step of the way

Data Driven: anticipate, use data to build your story

• How?

• Who?

• Where?

1.Understand the consumer

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

How? Start with numbers

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy


✓ Behaviors

✓ Interests

✓ Passions

Who? Know who you’re talking to

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

Put the consumer at the core

Where? Build your brand ecosystem

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

✓ Tailored to the consumer

✓ Speaks in an authentic voice

✓ Creates an experience worth sharing

Define channels by objectives first

Where? Build your brand ecosystem

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

✓ Content has long term value

✓ Creates broad reach and entices a new audience

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

All working together to build relationships

Authentic: understand your consumer

Personalized: engage every step of the way

Data Driven: anticipate, use data to build your story

2. Engage every step of the way

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

✓ Unexpected

✓ Focuses on advocacy

✓ Connects experiences: online and off

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

All working together to build relationships

Authentic: understand your consumer

Personalized: engage every step of the way

Data Driven: anticipate, use data to build your story

3. Anticipate: use data to build your story

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

Alongside creative, data is...

unique & unexpected

✓ Insight driven

✓ Encourages immediate interaction






ContactStrategy Creative


Marketing “Levers”

Data effects every element of what we do

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

It’s up to us to bring it all together

Authentic: understand your consumer

Personalized: engage every step of the way

Data Driven: anticipate, use data to build your story

Because we know all brands aren’t created equal.{ }

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

So why do we look at our plans through the

same lens?{#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

We Can’t.}

Your Customer + Your Objectives =branded relationship bliss

#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

When done right,technology enhances the story

– Jonah Berger Associate Professor of Marketing, University of Pennsylvania 

it doesn’t replace it. “ “#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

How are you enhancing the journey with each of your


#digATL @KaitlynDennihy

you are taking


Thank you

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