The evolution of fruit juice market and Codex issues … · 5th October 2004 AFJA meeting in Sydney Elisabetta

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5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU

The evolution of fruit juice marketand Codex issues of interest for


Tuesday 5th October 2004, Sydney

AFJA meeting

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 2

The International Federation of Fruit Juice Producers (IFU)

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 3


The IFU was created in 1949 by the main fruit juice producers' organisations of the European countries. After more than 50 years of existence, IFU has now a worldwide membership with 66 members from 5 continents. 33 different countries are represented in IFU such as Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, the EU countries, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, USA, etc.

The IFU Secretariat is located in Paris, France.

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 4

Organisation chart

The Assembly of Delegates is the highest IFU Authority in which all our 66 members are represented. It has the power to elect the IFU President, the members of the Executive Committee, the Chairperson and Vice-chairperson of the Advisory Board, the Chairperson and Vice-chairperson of the different Commissions and the Accounts Auditors. The Advisory Board recommends guidelines, medium and long term strategies to the Executive Committee which executes the current affairs of the IFU and decides on the forwarding this to the Assembly of Delegates, for final decision and approval.

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 5

Mission statement

Ø Represent the worldwide fruit juice interests as an NGO at Codex, WTO and WHO, beside the governmental and intergovernmental organisations.

Ø Act as an information and communication center/facilitator.

Ø Harmonize standards and practices for juice products and producers

Ø Coordinate scientific activities to benefit the fruit juice industry, worldwide.

Ø To be the accepted forum for discussion on any international juice relatedmatter.

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 6


5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 7

1) Mandarine (Tangerine) under the Codex regulation is permitted to be added to orange juice, up to about 10%. If it is added does itneed to be listed in the ingredient listing?

Codex General Standard for fruit juices and nectars mentions under heading « fruit juice » (7.2.1) that a single juice is obtainedfrom one kind of fruit. A mixed juice is obtained by blending two or more juices or juices and purées, from different kinds of fruits. In this case (cf a product description must be given by mentioning the names of all fruits used in descending order of thevolume of fruit or purée used. Lemon is the only exception provided for ( – 30). Subject to national legislation of theimporting country, the juice from Citrus reticulata and or hybridswith reticulata may be added to orange juice in an amount not to exceed 10% of soluble solids of the reticulata to the total soluble solids of orange juice (3.1.2). Only in this case orange juice cankeep its product definition of single juice.

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 8

2) Natural flavours – are they permitted to beadded to « Not from Concentrate Juice »?

Codex General Standard for fruit juices and nectars mentions at page 7 (Footnote 1) « Introduction of aromas and flavours are allowedto restore the level of these components up to thenormal level attained in the same kind of fruit ». This footnote refers to both product definition fruit juice and concentrate fruit juice.It is only allowed to restore aromas which weretaken away from fruits during processing.

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 9

3) Brix standards for orange juice

©Codex is the Food Law of the WTO - so the impacts of the outcome of the discussions to be held in Brazil this October, around the world could be quite large.©The Codex Task Force for Fruit Juice will be

reviewed in October, in Brazil, for the completion of the Fruit Juice Standard. Of interest to AFJAis what will be the outcome of the new standard for orange juice. Currently it is at 10 brix and the outcome looks to be in a range between 11.5 –12 brix.

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 10

The IFU and the evolution of the juice market

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 11

The evolution of the juice market

1) A mature market in developed countries (USA – Western Europe)

2) A demand forecasted to double in less developed nations by 2020

3) An increase which could be held back by cost of drink packaging in less developed countries where fresh alternatives are available.

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 12

Global Fruit Juice/Nectars Market 1996-2003










1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003e

Billion litresSource: Zenith International

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 13

Throughout the 1990s, US per capita consumption of fruit drinks increased, while fruit juice per

capita remained mostly flat

U.S. Fruit Beverage MarketFruit Drink vs. Fruit Juice Per Capitas

(gallons per person)


























1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2003P

Fruit Drinks Fruit Juice Source: Beverage Marketing Corporation

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 14

8 7448 924

9 1789 356

9 473

9 990

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Changing rate:+ 5,5 %

Market Development Juice & Nectars West Europe (in Mio. Liters)

Source: Canadean / Döhler Market Research

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 15

2 181 2 1292 422

2 954

3 432

3 813

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Changing rate:+ 11,1 %

Market Development Juice & Nectars in East Europe (in Mio. Liters)

Source: Canadean / Döhler Market Research

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 16

The evolution of the juice market

4) A potentially threatened product image:The image of a natural and healthy productmight be damaged by WHO technical report series 916 « Diet, Nutrition and thePrevention of Chronic Diseases » whichmentions that fruit juices are foodstuffs whichmay cause obesity and tooth decay in children and adults.

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 17

The evolution of the juice market

5) Ever more demanding standards of manufacturing and packaging in Codex regulationsv a limited number of authorized

additives, processing aids and enzymes

v a setting up of authorized maximum residue limits for biologicalcontaminants and limited number of chemical residues.

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 18

The evolution of the juice market

6) Other beverages that can containjuice:vBottled watervLow calorie carbonatesvJuice drinksvFruit flavoured drinksvDairy products

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 19

The IFU is becomingmore effective.

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 20

1) By better representing the fruit juice industry at an international level:

WhatWhat has has alreadyalready been been donedone

Ø Organisation of workshops, international congresses (IFU Congress 2005 in Beijing), symposia (IFU Symposium 2003 in Moscow – IFU Symposium 2004 in Stuttgart)

Ø Participation in Codex Commissions meetings (TaskForce on Fruit and VegetableJuices – Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants -Codex Committeeon Food Labelling where healthclaims issues are discussed etc.)

TracksTracks to to thethe futurefuture

Ø Increasing lobbying for obtaining cooperation of national and international institutions on matters affectingthe fruit juice industry

Ø The various members of theIFU from the different countries are comparing aspects relatingto health claims and preparingto combine their positions atCodex.

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 21

2) By giving better information to members

WhatWhat has has alreadyalready been been donedone

Ø A new IFU website has already been implemented with a new internetplatform enabling an easy and quick update of its content.

Ø A newsletter from the President is prepared on IFU events and relevant meetings organised by IFU members.

TracksTracks to to thethe futurefuture

Ø To insert IFU methods of analysisand microbiological methods in IFU website password area free to download as a service which IFU offers to its members (IFU methodfor the detection of Alyciclobacillus). This proposal will be discussed atExecutive Committee level on 18th

October 2004 in Paris.Ø IFU newsbulletins are being

rethought with a new structure according to the topics of interest for IFU members.

Ø An annual report containing statisticson the world juice market will bepublished and enclosed to the report on the IFU activities.

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 22

3) By giving financial assistance to research on juice and juice containing products

4) By better liasion between IFU members: to share information atthe right time in the right place.

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 23

5) By increasing the number of permanent members6) By developing partnerships

The Executive Committee has considered two media during its last meeting held in Stuttgart on 10th May 2004: Foodnews(marketing oriented) and Food Processing (technical oriented).The Assembly of Delegates recommended to start with Foodnews first. This partnership is still under negotiation.

7) By investigating the possibility of getting governmental grants(as International Office of Vine and Wine - OIV)

5th October 2004AFJA meeting in Sydney

Elisabetta ROMEO-VAREILLESecretary-General of the IFU 24

Thank you for your attention.

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