The earth not heaven the place of reward

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The earth not heaven the place of reward

Laindon8th November 2015

Place of reward 2

Christian traditions – what does the Bible say?

1. God a unity not a Trinity

2. The earth not heaven the place of reward

3. Jesus is God’s son, not God himself

4. Baptism not christening taught in the Bible

Place of reward 3

The earth not heaven the place of reward

• Our authority the Bible – God’s word

• Jesus preached the good news concerning the Kingdom of God

• Where will the Kingdom of God be?• Who is in heaven?

• Who will be in the Kingdom of God?

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The Bible our authority• Because it is the Word of God• See 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:21 & Hebrews 1:1-2


1. Its Unity

The Bible contains 66 books, written over a period of some 1500 years by about

40 different men, from different social and educational backgrounds (eg King,

prime minister, doctor and servant), in different languages (Hebrew, Aramaic and

Greek), in different continents (Europe, Asia and Africa), on hundreds of

controversial subjects and yet it is in complete harmony from beginning to end.

2. Its Historical Accuracy

The Bible deals with events which started 6000 years ago and covers a period of

4000 years but is completely historically accurate concerning the people, places

and events it records. Archaeology continuously confirms its precision as do

authentic secular records. Many things challenged as fiction have now been

established by archaeology as fact, such as the existence of writing in the time of

Moses, the existence of the ancient city of Babylon and the existence of Pilate,

governor of Judea at the time of Christ.

3. Its Indestructibility

The Bible has survived over thousands of years despite repeated attempts to

suppress or even destroy its teaching and exterminate its followers. For example

in AD303 the Roman Emperor Diocletian commanded the destruction of all

Christian churches, the burning of all Christian Scriptures and the loss of all civil

rights by those who professed Christianity. It is now the most widely circulated

written text in the world.

4. Its Scientific Accuracy

When the Bible deals with matters that relate to modern scientific study, it is

accurate. For example its account of creation is logical and sustainable and it

speaks of the circle of the earth long before man had come to realise the earth is

a sphere [Isaiah 40:22]. It does not contain the fanciful and inaccurate ideas of its

contemporary literature, such as the Babylonian account of the ark and the flood

but rather an entirely feasible record [Genesis 6:15].

5. Its Prophetic Accuracy

Within the Bible are hundreds of fulfilled prophecies concerning empires, nations,

individuals and world events [eg Daniel 2]. There is no other book that even begins

to compare with it. An outstanding example is the existence of Israel today which

was completely destroyed by the Romans who dispersed the Jews across the

world almost 2000 years ago. In accordance with Bible prophecy it is now a fully

fledged state, founded in 1948 against all the odds and according to a recent

economic survey, now a more competitive nation than even the UK. [See Ezekiel

21:26-27; 20:41-42 & 28:25-26]


6. Its Authentically Truthful Style

The Bible is not a book of heroes. It describes its characters accurately, complete

with their faults and weaknesses. For example we are told of two of the greatest

men of the Bible: Moses was at first reluctant to lead the Children of Israel out of

Egypt [Exodus 4:13-15] and David committed adultery and arranged the murder of

the wronged husband [2 Samuel 12:9]. The Bible also contains many undersigned

coincidences, the hallmark of a genuine and authentic document. For example in

Matthew’s gospel we read: “Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him; and

others smote him with the palms of their hands, Saying, Prophesy unto us, thou

Christ, Who is he that smote thee?” Why was Jesus asked to prophecy? Luke

gives us the answer in his gospel: “when they had blindfolded him, they struck him

on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee?”

7. Its Profound Theme of Jesus Christ

From beginning to end the Bible centres its teaching on Christ: his promised

coming, his role, character and achievements. Christ is referred to in the Garden

of Eden [Genesis 3:15], through the promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

[Genesis 12:7], is symbolised throughout the Law of Moses, his very thoughts are

to be found in the Psalms [Psalm 22:1], details of his life were to be found in the

prophecies hundreds of years before he had been born [Isaiah 53] and then the

New Testament itself details his life and teachings.

8. Its Intellectual Integrity

In the 21st Century modern day men and women can still study the Bible, written

thousands of years ago and believe in it wholeheartedly without having to suspend

reason or deny their powers of understanding. This is not the case with other

ancient texts which are full of myths and fantasies which are known to be false.

9. The Authenticity of Its Teachings

The teachings of the Bible are truly unique. They are directly revealed by God and

not borrowed from other nations or belief systems. For example they show, given

the time they were written, a startling insight into the foolishness of idolatry which

was then practised by every other nation on earth [Isaiah 44:16-17]. These

teachings are now the foundation of all modern codes of law and conduct.

10. Its Impact on the Lives of So Many People

For thousands of years the Bible, God’s word, has been deeply influencing and in

some cases actually transforming peoples lives. It continues to do so in a way that

no other book has ever done or will do. What is more the men and women who

delivered its message had nothing to gain in this life from preaching God’s word,

rather they suffered for their beliefs.

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What did Jesus preach?

• Luke 8:1• Matthew 6:31-33• Matthew 4:17 & Mark 1:14-15• John 3:16• John 6:40• Matthew 7:21

• Good news of the Kingdom of God• His disciples to seek it• He told people to repent & believe• The Kingdom to be everlasting• The hope is resurrection• Only the obedient will enter K of G

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Where will the Kingdom of God be?

• Acts 1:9-11• Luke 1:30-33• Psalm 37:9-11 & 22• Matthew 5:5• Revelation 2:26-27• Revelation 5:9-10

• Jesus will return to the earth• He will reign for ever from Jerusalem• The faithful will inherit the earth• The meek will inherit the earth• The faithful will rule over the nations• The faithful will reign over the earth

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Who is in heaven?

• 2 Chronicles 6:30• 1 Timothy 6:13-16• John 3:13• Acts 2:29-35

• Heaven is God’s dwelling place• No man can approach God• No man can enter heaven• David has not entered heaven and

awaits resurrection

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Who will be in the Kingdom of God?

• “And, behold, I [Jesus] come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Revelation 22:12

• “And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.” Daniel 12:2

• “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.” John 14:21

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