The Earth and the Moon Part 1 Study Guide

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Mr. Ball’s 4th grade class

a. revolution

b. ellipse

c. rotation

d. eclipse

A. revolution

b. rotation

c. axis

d. ellipse

a. eclipse

b. ellipse

c. rotating

d. revolution

A. the earth rotates on an axis

b. the earth revolves around the sun

c. the sun revolves around the earth

d. the moon sometimes block the light from the sun

a. 24 days

b. 365 days

c. 24 hours

d. 28 days

A. 24 hours

b. 28 days

c. 300 days

d. 365 and 1/4 days

Aa line that runs from east to west around the center of the globe

b. an imaginary line that runs through the earth from the North Pole to the South Pole

c. An set of imaginary lines that run from north to south around the globe

d. the path that the earth takes around the sun

A 23.5 degrees

b. 10 degrees

c. 45 degrees

d. 180 degrees

A Winter

b. Summer

c. Spring

d. Fall

A. 100 miles

b. 93,000 miles

c. 93 million miles

d. 365 million miles

A. chlorophyll

b. oxygen

c. photosynthesis

d. chloroplasts

A. solar eclipse

b. apocalypse

c. ellipse

d. lunar eclipse

A. solar eclipse

b. lunar eclipse

c. ellipse

d. condensation

A. it produces its own light from volcanoes on the surface of the moon

b. the earth’s light is absorbed by the moon.

c. fairy dust

d. sunlight reflects off the moon’s surface


A rotation

b. orbit

c. axis

d. eclipse

A. The seasons change

b. You can feel the earth moving

c. The stars move around the earth

d. You are moving along with it

A. The sun is lower in the sky in the middle of the day

b. The sun is higher up in the sky in the middle of the day

c. The light from the moon affects the shadows

d. none of these

A. solar eclipse

b. lunar eclipse

c. full moon

d. new moon

A. The Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun

b. The Southern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun

c. Neither pole is tilted toward the sun

d. It is summer in the Northern Hemisphere

A. Spring, Summer, Fall, Christmas

b. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Summer

c. Winter, Spring, Fall, Winter

d. Basketball, Soccer, Football, Baseball

The tilt of the earth affects how much sunlight is directly shining on a part of the earth. When the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, it is summer in the United Stated. But in Australia the earth is tilted further from the sun. So it is Winter

In a solar eclipse the moon gets between the earth and the sun, casting a shadow of the moon on the earth. During a lunar eclipse the earth gets between the moon and the sun, casting a shadow of the earth on the moon,

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