The Discovery of Atlantis · sesostris’ war against iorgovan.....190 atlantis according to plato.....201 the isle’s location – the island of atlantis, capital of the atlanteans.....216

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    The Discovery of Atlantis





    A new deep excursus in DACOROMANIA’s prehistory


  • S.C. TEMPUS DACOROMANIA COMTERRA S.R.LBucharest, 26/119 Drumul Taberei; Tel./Fax: 4 0214138434; 0721034081, 0722972522,, O.P-66, counter 1, C.P.(Mailbox)58-14, Postal code 061355;,

    Copyright 2011 All rights reservedTEMPUS DACOROMANIA COMTERRA

    andEugen Costel Popescu

    CIP Description of the National Library of Romania

    POPESCU, Eugen Costel

    The Discovery of Atlantis, / Costel Eugen Popescu. – Bucuresti

    Publishing house Editura Dacoromana TDC, 2011

    ISBN 978-973-7782-91-5

    Edition supervised by: Geo StroeCover: Eugen Costel Popescu

    Cover 1: to the left, ATLAS to the right, SATURNCover 4: above 1 The two capitals of the Titans, historical document Below 2 ATLANTIS in the imagination of our contemporary Internet users


    Printed in RomaniaTipoalex S.A. Alexandria

    53. Ion Creanga StreetTel./Fax: 0247 311 884



  • Motto

    There’s nothing sweeter than a man’s own countryand his parents, even if he’s living in a wealthy home,

    but in a foreign land away from thosewho gave him life.

    Homer – The Odyssey Book IX v 45-48


  • Contents

    Motto ................................................................................... 4

    FOREWORD ....................................................................... 7


    CĂLUŞUL .......................................................................... 79

    ANCIENT TIMES RELIGION ............................................. 86

    GETAE RELIGION .......................................................... 110

    GODS’ AND IMMORTALS’ DYNASTY ............................ 131

    GODS’ DYNASTY ........................................................... 141

    IMMORTALS’ DYNASTY ................................................ 156

    ....................................................................................... 189

    SESOSTRIS’ WAR AGAINST IORGOVAN ..................... 190

    ATLANTIS ACCORDING TO PLATO .............................. 201

    THE ISLE’S LOCATION – THE ISLAND OF ATLANTIS, CAPITAL OF THE ATLANTEANS ................................... 216


    THE KINGDOM OF ATLANTIS AN ISLAND, THE CAPITAL OF THE KINGDOM, ALSO CALLED ATLANTIS, ANOTHER ISLAND ......................................................... 236


  • Chapter II. ........................................................ 240

    GETO-DACIANS’ TIME CALCULATION ......................... 240

    TIME CALCULATION BY ADDING A DAY EVERY FOUR YEARS ............................................................................ 254

    THE CALCULATION OF THE Π CONSTANT (3,1415…) ........................................................................................ 257

    Π CALCULATION (PI) ..................................................... 260

    THE ESSENIAN CALENDAR .......................................... 262

    ESSENNIS’ TIME CALCULATION .................................. 264

    THE FOURTH DIMENSION ............................................ 265

    THE LAWS OF ZALMOXIS ............................................. 269

    THE LAWS OF ZALMOXIS (II) ........................................ 277

    THE CARDINAL NUMBERS SYMBOLOGY .................... 280

    THE CARDINAL NUMBERS ........................................... 283

    THE MATHEMATICAL CALCULATION OF THE NUMBER Π ..................................................................................... 286

    THE LOST WORD .......................................................... 288

    Bibliography .................................................................... 291



    First of all, I would like to apologize to all those who disagree with my opinions in this book, volume which looks for truths in times long ago, times that follow the disappearance of the previous civilization, perhaps not the only civilization in the history of this earth.

    Those times long ago are nothing but the dawn of civilization as we know it. Rarely recorded in writing and forgotten nowadays, those days occurred 10.000-15.000 years ago and the actions of the people then have as heroes Uranus, Maya or Hera, Gaea, Saturn, Osiris, Ammon, Zeus-Ra, Latona, Trojan or Atlas, Zeus the Olympian and Sarmis or Hermes, the grandson of Atlas. Some of them were called gods in the Mediterranean Sea region (former mortals born on Earth), like Ra, Amon or Osiris, while others, even though accounted as immortals in the North (Europe and Northern Asia), reached through to the South (India, Northern Africa and Middle East), such as Uranus, Zeus, Hera, Bentis (Gaea), Cybele (Latona), Saturn (Bal, Seth) or Sarmis (Hermes). The immortals were “Sons of the Earth” or of Gaea and “Sons of the Sky/Heaven” or of Uranus, also called AN.

    Just to be clear, I assume the risk of repeating myself, as upsetting as it may be. The expression “Sons of the Earth”, wherever you may find it, is equivalent with the expression “Sons of God”, thus sons of a nameless divinity if we were to make the analogy with the prayer “Our Father”, where we admit God to be our father and each of us His son. This prayer comes from ancient times and still exists today.


  • This book contains chapters from different domains, domains which, in my opinion, are connected with the times long ago, with the history of this civilization.

    It is known that any civilization, having reached its pinnacle, is going to self-destruct and this self-destruction is generated by man either out of ignorance or as a consequence of the fact that science and the new experiments exceed the intellectual power of those who create them.

    The disappearance of a civilization due to cosmic issues is more rare and is caused either by fire or by water catastrophes or, in exceptional occasions, by gigantic meteors or other celestial bodies hitting the Earth.

    The Maya, in their collection of narratives Popol Vuh, which, according to some translations, means “Book of the People”, that is, “text written in an accessible manner in order to be understood by the masses”, talk about the number of the civilizations on Earth, at that time. It is important to note that they only talk only about the existing or previous civilizations, all forecasts regarding the following ones being excluded. It is stated here that, in the beginning, the Divinity created man out of wood and destroyed the civilization by fire (of course, being made of wood, it could only be destroyed by fire). In the following civilization, God created man out of clay and the world was destroyed by water. Finally, in the third civilization, man was created out of white and red corn grains. Here the story ends and we don’t find out how this civilization can be destroyed.

    From this text results the fact that several civilizations existed on Earth, the last of which was destroyed by water, thus by a flood.

    In my opinion, the Atlanteans and possibly the Sarmatians, named after Sarmis or Hermes, the son of Hera or Maya, the oldest daughter of Atlas, kidnapped by Zeus the Olympian (the Immortal) because he was married to Europa and had three children with her: Minos, Rhadamanthus and Sarpedon (not to mix up with other similar names that turned up later on), when Maya succeeded Atlas to the throne, she also becoming a bazilee (the term “bazileu” means “king over kings”), and even the title of Io knew the existence of the American continent, and to prove this I bring the following arguments: a) the existence of the pyramids, built alike, b) the fact that the Aztecs, when they first spotted the Spanish, were shouting at them Maya, Maya, and the poor Spanish had no idea who Maya were, c) the existence, in their tradition, of the “Great White God”, the Aztec king


  • surrendered the throne to the Spanish, saying that he sat on it only temporarily, e) the existence of the possibility to get there (to today’s America) and to this I bring as argument a quotation from Bib. 25, page 299: when Saturn, after his victory over Osiris, occupies the territories owned by the latter and penetrates India with the name of Indra, I quote: “He is considered god of the war and of violent forces in general, therefore, god of the unleashed elements, of the heavenly fire, of the bolts of lightning and rolls of thunder”, which are the attributes of Saturn, and, as it follows, “he is the bearer of a miraculous bludgeon (similar with today’s ATs) and of a fire-throwing weapon (Indra’s arrow) whose flames were compared (but not identified) with lightning bolts, in the old Sanskrit texts.

    From this last quotation, it is confirmed that they had fire arms (the fire-throwing weapons compared with lightning bolts) and I quote “Indra’s arrow, the main and most feared weapon of the god, interpreted by many as simply a natural lightning, is, in fact, from a mythological point of view, much more complexe; its force of destruction by spraying everything ahead, the production of hurricanes during its flight, the fact that at the impact it produced a light equal to 10.000 suns and its feature to return by itself to its quiver afterwards” make it unique. This quotation proves that Saturn, at that time, had airplanes (arrow which returns by itself to its quiver), missiles and even atomic bombs (the light of 10.000 sons).

    All these arguments prove the fact that people then had the science, technology and knowledge to reach and know not only America, but even the whole planet. Actually, in the Antiquity there was also a graphical representation in which Atlas was holding the whole Globe (Earth) on its shoulders. The Globe was round, as we know it today, and not as a saucer, as it is presented in Aristotle’s writings. And this is not all, Plinius says, (bib.12, page 940), I quote “Uranus had also invented a sort of stones with spirit, named Baetulia, which he had made with great wisdom”. Could these be “the landmines or the remote control bombs”? It is hard to say, but entirely possible. Other than this, there is another evidence, this time coming from Diodorus (bib. 9, page 59 and 34), I quote “He (Busiris) also gave orders to be built four or five floors homes for the individuals”. But who was Busiris? I quote “The reign over those parts of Egipt located near Fenicia and the sea, Osiris gave to Busiris” and the city, I quote, “Busiris is said to have been the founder of the city which the Egyptians call


  • Diopolis”. There are some clarifications to be made here: the city of Diopolis – the city of gods – cannot be Thebes, as Diodorus suggests, because Thebes was founded a lot later, by Hermes, so this city can only be Ilion, the city of the gods, also known as Tebaida, Thebes or Deva near Mount Ida, the place where the kings and afterwards the gods resided, followers of Zeus-Ra in that time in Crete (Idaia), the city where the final battle between Atlas (Trojan) and Zeus, son of Kronos, was given, during the Trojan War and not the war in Troy, like Homer lets us understand, although there are many similar reasons. However, it is important to outline that, if even the houses from the outskirts had to have minimum four or five floors, we are certainly talking about a rather developed civilization, perhaps even more so than the one today. Moreover, they were even aware of our solar system and the nine planets, considered then nine heavens (the atmosphere of the planet) and nine hells (the lands that comprise the planets), as well as the fact that the Earth is the third planet from our solar system, according to the quotation from page 300 (bib. 25) “Tridivapati – Lord of the third heaven, which is the ultimate heaven”.

    The occurrence of a great flood is noted by all the older people, flood which is, in essence, similar with what we call “Noah’s Flood”. These inscriptions exactly, at different people, concerning the same event, certify its existence.

    In the history of mankind, according to my knowledge, three floods took place: Noah’s flood, the flood in the time of Ogyges and the flood during the time of Deucalion.

    I remind you that Deucalion was the son of Prometheus, contemporary with Atlas, Hera, Zeus, Horus and Athena and, apparently, king as his father in the region that we call today the Middle East. This flood occurred after the city collapsed, the capital of the Atlantheans, Atlantis, of the mountain or, more precisely, the hill where it was built, this city so searched for today, and not the island or the continent of Atlantis, where the straits Bosphorus and Dardanelles were formed as a result of earthquakes, and the water that covered the entire plain where Europe lies today, named Ocean, passed over to the Mediterranean, flooding the low grounds around this sea. This flood affected only the populations around the Mediterranean Sea and Europe, from an island, the island of Atlantis or the continent Atlantis, in a few decades gained its current form. This is


  • confirmed by Diodorus of Sicily in Book V, chapter XLVII, I quote “the inhabitants of Samothrace tell that, even before the great flood (during the time of Deucalion) which caused sufferance to the other nations, they had a giant debacle which started with the decline of soil surrounding rocks Cyan and then of the one surrounding the Strait Hellespont. Because, until then, Pontus Euxinus had been only a lake; however, because of the rivers which flowed into this lake, its waters began to swallow so much that they ended by invading Hellespont, thereby flooding a good part of the coastline of Asia”. Given this, the island of Atlantis is no longer an island, and in the conception of future generations it was believed that it had a faith similar to any island that sank in the sea. Do not mistake the island of Atlantis, the capital of Atlantis, a mountain surrounded by three ditches of water, which was unsuitable called and island and indeed collapsed because of some earthquakes, and the island Atlantis or the continent bearing the same name, which is none other than Europe today. I should mention that what we call today the Sarmatic Sea was a great stretch of water which existed in the south of today’s Romania and which has had several names after the names of kings who lived in this part of the world, kings who have reigned over the whole white race in those olden days.

    During Uranus’s time, it was called Ocean, or, more precisely, the Coin of The Ocean, and king Uranus was also called Oceanos, during Saturn’s time, also called Poseidon, it was Poseidon’s Sea, during Atlas’s or Trojan’s time it was the Atlantic Sea and during Sarmis’s or Hermes’s time it was called the Sarmatic Sea, name which we still use today.

    There is no known data about the Ogyges’s flood or, better said, I have no knowledge about that, however, there are numerous documents on Noah’s flood, the biggest flood in the history of mankind, and the heroes have different names according to which nation the documents come from, but they all follow the same idea, namely that, during this flood, which is said to have covered almost the entire surface of the Earth, many people disappeared and there are hints that it may have been an entire civilization.

    A similar text, almost identical to the one described in the Bible as being Noah’s flood, was found at the Sumerians on two different tablets, one dated from the time of Gilgamesh, where the hero is king Utanapiştim who arrived by boat on the mountain Nisir, and the other one having king Ziusudra as hero, text that appears to be the oldest. In both Sumerian


  • stories, the gods AN and Enlil save the lives of kings, their families and all the living creatures and plants, but, most importantly, the duration of the flood is 7 days in both texts (bibl. 2 pages 239-241). This 7 days duration confirms my hypothesis on the cause of the production of this flood, which I will set forth.

    The cause which generated this debacle is not stated in any text; the only thing that is stated is the Divine Will and yet, the key to understand what led to the production of this flood is in the following text “all the streams of the deep sea have spread” (quotation from the Bible, chapter 7, verse 11, page 17, 1994 edition).

    This excerpt reveals the mystery which led to the production of this cataclysm on a global scale, the way it occurred, the land surface that was affected, because I think that not all the dry surface was catastrophically damaged, remaining areas where there may have still existed life and the people may have been less affected by the flood and from this the inhabitants from the mountains benefited, especially if they were far away from the oceans. This also results from the Sumerian tablets, the “Lists of kings from Lars and Nippur, where there is the quotation. Then, the Flood arrived and afterwards there came to rule the kings of the people in the mountains” (Bibl. 2, p. 255) and indeed this happens, power goes to the kings of the North, the kings of the boreal hemisphere, as it will be presented in the paper.

    Firstly, I turn to a passage from the Astronomy and Astronautics Dictionary, page 214 (Bibl. 7), which says that, because of the attraction of the Sun and Moon, tides occur, I quote: “the tides of the Earth’s crust have a smaller amplitude – of the order of several dm – than the tides of the planetary ocean, materialized by the increasing (flow) and decreasing (reflux) of the water’s level by up to 10-20 m (more pronounced in narrow bays, straits and river estuaries): in the closed seas, the tides are practically negligible (i.e. the variations of the Mediterranean Sea don’t exceed several dm.), and further “the Moon produces a tide effect twice as big as this (the Sun) due to its proximity to Earth”.

    By this quote I want to certify an already acknowledged aspect, namely that the relation between celestial bodies and their effects on water, but for water to come to the Earth’s surface it is mandatory that a celestial body passes near Earth, either of a big size or a relatively big size, but


  • closer to the planet’s surface, celestial body which might create giant waves, hundreds of meters or even kilometers high, waves which would drive along the sand from the seabeds and deposit it on the soil, thus creating the existent deserts on Earth.

    In my opinion, the celestial body which passed near Earth and generated this big flood cannot be other than the planet Venus.

    It is known that Venus is the heavenly body that appeared last in our solar system (the last planet). Nobody knows when it appeared, nor the road it followed (its trajectory) to its existent position, and there are also differing opinions as to when it appeared. Only a celestial body such as this one could have caused such important changes and have had such a big influence on Earth. I consider that the existing deserts have come to be as a consequence of its passing and influence over our planet. The bigger the water surface around them, the larger the deserts are. It appears that planet Venus’ trajectory in relation to Earth was from Nord-West to South-East and the consequences of its passing by were many, some of which would be:

    The sand from the oceans covered possibly fertile land surfaces, creating today’s deserts. If the water from the depths had come to the surface, the water from the bottom of the oceans as well, associated with the volcanic eruptions from the oceans, could have carried the sand, rising it to the surface. In the passing of the water over the lower grounds, situated near the Earth’s seas and oceans, the sand was deposited there, resulting the deserts we know today, which, in that time, did not have as big a surface as today, but they were taller and because of the meteorological phenomena (the wind), the desert surface grew bigger and, on some areas, the sand is no more. This phenomenon resembles a tsunami, but does not have the same characteristics.

    The sand from the former ocean, coming from the water from the current plains of Europe, formed the Gobi desert. Its position compared to the ocean then (Oceanos, in the ancient writings) gives the travelling direction to planet Venus (its trajectory).

    The fact that the water inside the Earth’s crust emerged at the surface, warm or hot water, water which increased the quantity of precipitation and instead of which cold water penetrated, especially if this happened in a cold time of the year, thus causing the earth’s mantle to cool,


  • according to the quotation in the Bible, “thus all the streams of the deep sea have spread”, all this has generated:

    a) the cooling of the Earth’s poles and, maybe, of the entire planet;b)by cooling the Earth’s crust, it grew bigger, thus causing

    earthquakes and probably volcanic eruptions which can lead to the geographical modification of the planet, more or less important;

    c) according to the location and size of the desserts, we can approximate both the location of the areas covered with water (seas and oceans), and the trajectory and possibly the distance from Earth of planet Venus, especially due to the fact that in the Sumerian writings its effect over the Earth lasted 7 days;

    d) the areas where there could have been survivors, areas either unreached by the water or less affected by Venus’s trajectory, especially mountain areas or remote ones;

    e) it is clear that, had it been a developed civilization at that time, that was destroyed, after centuries and millennia from its disappearance, the population reached primitivism. Personally, I believe that this civilization’s destruction took place 15-16.000 years ago. However, there is no evidence to specify an exact date and this number I presented is no other than a supposition. At the same time, I believe that the peak of primitivism was reached between 800 and 1.200 B.C. after this period following the revival, the dawn of civilization today, which we consider as such, but it has deep roots in primitivism.

    Now let’s analyze the word “ark” of the expression Noah’s Ark. It is known that this word is not used for boat and wasn’t in use in the Antiquity and this lets us believe that it might have had another meaning, even though the Sumerians used the word “ship” in their writings.

    I stat from the premise that the significance of the expression wouldn’t be Noah’s Ark, but Noah’s Country or Noah’s Arg because, in the olden days, the word Ar would mean land, and even today it is a unit of measurement for the land (1 ar = 100 square meters), and Arg or Arga was how the country was called (see Diodorus), and Uranus’s or Saturn’s country etc. was Arga or Argolida or, according to the Greeks, Argos. In


  • this situation, the flood affected everything but a mountain territory and this territory was Noah’s country, which remains still populated and it would explain why Plato tells about an ancient city, 1.000 years older than the first Egyptian city (23e Timaios).

    I find that it’s impossible o get from the Aegean or the Mediteranean Sea to Mountain Ararat because of a blockage in the mountains and then it would have been more logical for Noah to travel on the so-called Ocean, that is the actual plain area of Europe, where there was water because there was no Bosphorus Strait and where the water level was 200-400 m higher than the one in the Mediterranean.

    Thirdly, considering the ship’s size (from the data known today), there could not have fitted in it all the animals and the plants which exist today. It is said that Noah took on his Ark only living beings, and if the water had covered all the surface of the Earth and this for a fairly long period of time, then it can’t be explained the existence of plants on Earth, which proves that not all the Earth’s surface was covered with water.

    Another explanation of the word “Ark”, as a Romanian term, besides the word arc, it is found in the (bib. 5, page 13), I quote – “ark: 1 foundation, basis; 2 protection, support”. In this case, the mountain was both the foundation and the support, mountain which offered protection, but the same things (the protection and support) could also be offered by the Divinity. It can be said that the Divinity created the mountain which offered Noah and his people protection and support in order to be saved by the effects of the flood. I do not exclude the possibility that the Carpathian Mountains are Noah’s Ark or Arg, that populated territory saved by the will of the Divinity from the great flood, since the Carpathian range of mountains form an “arc” and justify the word choice. This civilization, or, better said, rest of civilization, which remained in Europe.

    Evidence of an earlier civilization are many and others will appear in time, but the most brilliant proof, possibly the treasure of the previous civilization, can be found in Gădiştea Muscelului, at Sarmisegetuza, in the Orăştie Mountains. There are several groups of stone formations represented there, which for an uninformed man would seem a child’s game, but in the formation called The Great Round Sanctuary time can be calculated with a precision that can’t be found anyware else in the world and which exceeds the time calculation formulas existinting today (see the


  • chapter about time calculation), a simple calculation, accurate and easy to remember, based on the number Π, the moment of appearance of the companion of star Sirius, called the Star of the Dog by the Caldeans and which had the symbol 292. Time was calculated for a period of 25 or 50 years, corrected after 500 years with a day, period which corresponded to the appearance of the Phoenix bird, bird which died and was reborn from its own ashes, and I quote: “Little bird with the ability to burn periodically and regenerate from its own ashes” (Bib. 25, page 553). It is the appearance of this bird, and its revival once every 500 years, that certifies the existence of this means to calculate time, its age, as well as the fact that it is the only representation on Earth which follows these laws and logic of time, then the accuracy of the calculation for a period of millions of years and even the name of Sarmisegetuza, name composed of Sarmis (Hermes, Armis, Ianus), king and a bazileu (king over kings) who also owned the title of IO (only master), the son of Hera (Maya, Iliţa = goddess) and Zeus, but Zeus, the Olympian (Immortal), the nephew of Atlas, “se” = the son of the earth and the sky and “getuza” = kin of the Getae, not to mention that the year 5508, Christ’s birth year, is the biggest number in time calculation, calendar which no one can take credit for with evidence, and, after all that was said above, we can unmistakably assume it was a Getae calendar.

    The calculation of the number Π resulted from time calculation, was looked for and could not be completed, even though it was known the Π value and use for 2-3 millennia, from the Sumerians until Archimedes. The number found was close to the real value, but not exactly the same.

    Today, man has not yet passed the influence barrier of Earth, its sphere of influence, and beyond it, where there is no life or death, where the matter-energy ration is in balance, then and there in Cosmos the life of a human being, even if it could be transported, would suffer significant modifications at chromosomal level, especially at the memory chromosomes, changes that would generate other attitudes of the human being when it reached other planets. In this situation, it’s more likely that the man became a monkey than the other was around, as it was believed and it still is. In this case, it’s no longer possible to revert to intelligible forms of life regardless the climatic, alimentary or life conditions on the given planet. Just like a chromosome or an allele deplete their functionality, making it possible for the cancer cells to form, because the cancer cell is


  • produced by the human organism and is, at first, normal, but at some point stops in a certain development stage and not only does it become useless to the body (does not fulfill the purpose for which it has been created), but it also inevitably leads to the loss of life.

    The collapse of a civilization slowly leads to primitivism, when the technology and knowledge are lost, and all that is left behind is the material and written evidence, when not even the shape or the size of that civilization are known.

    The writing of both letters and numbers knows a multitude of shapes and graphical representations and does not make the subject of this paper. I only remind the fact that the first writing was (according to the ancient people), the Boustrophedon writing, writing similar to “plowing a field”, that is, from left to right on the first line and the other way around on the following and so on and so forth. The writing has two forms: the syllabic and the consonantal writing. There were countries that had several types of writing, such as Egypt, which had the Hieroglyphic, Hieratic and Demotic, or popular, writings.

    The spoken language, I quote “and there was everywhere on Earth only one language and speech”, says Moses’ first book (Bib. 12, page 1056), and the same author, page 1057, quotes Quintilian, who says: “the barbarian speaking characters (the old Latin) were the following: letters or syllables were added or removed from the Latin words, or, in other cases, letters where changed among them or they were displaced”, and he continues “often did the theaters or circus crowds use the barbarian language in their exclamations” and these things happened in Rome. Cicero calls the popular language, spoken in the homes of the Roman citizens, “barbaries domestica” (Brutus, s. 74). As one may observe, the whole Europe would speak the popular Latin in those days.

    It is said that, in the old days, before the battle, the Getae would go to the Danube and, after they would bathe and wash in the water there, they were ready to go to battle. They were born to be immortal; they were not frightened by death, life was difficult as far as they were concerned, because they had to avoid the temptation to sin in order for their soul to go to Heaven. The washing of the sins is a very old custom, still used in India, custom which today has a different interpretation, for instance, the baptism. For the Getae, bathing in the Danube was a tradition, particularly because


  • the Danube was then considered to be sacred, it was the Styx, and their country was on high land, closer to Heaven, and, beyond the Danube, in the Carpathian Mountains, there was Parnassus, the resting and observation place of the Immortals and even of the gods, gods that came from the South, especially from the Greeks’ area, and in the beginning, the Romans’ area also. In the past, no man and no army had the courage to go across the water which separated the Rams Country from the Arameans (tara ramilor, aramilor) Country (the Balkan Peninsula). Many millennia later, the first one who did it was Sesostris the Ist, pharaoh of Egypt, between 1962-1928 B.C., pharaoh from the XIIth Dynasty between 1964-1962 B.C., who, along with his army, fought in the Balkans and was defeated by the Getae led by Iovan Iorgovan, in reality his name was IO-Ban, the Ban Iorgu, helped by Novac, Balaban (The Ban of Bala, the leader of Bala) and Radovan (the Ban Radu) of Craiova, if we were to believe Diodorus of Sicily and the Romanian oral tradition. It seems like Sesostris wanted to restore the empire of Saturn, Seth in their tradition, after he had conquered Libya (the North of Africa), the current Middle East, India, today’s Afghanistan, the North of Asia, the East of Europe up to the Don, Asia Minor and then entered the Balkans, reaching the Iron Gates.

    The ancients say that the Styx was a water that flowed into the ocean on the right side. Styx flowed to the right and the ocean was to the left. As a personal opinion, I believe that the Styx was the portion between the Tethys Sea and the Sarmatic Sea. If that was the case, no mortal had the courage to pass it, it being accessible only to immortals and gods.

    The ancient Greeks write about Heracles and the Heraclids, but these words are composed from “Hera” and “cleos”. Hera is the daughter of Atlas (Neptun), and cleos means glory. This were the case, the Heraclids can’t be other than “the priests of Hera”, and also “the followers of Hera”, or, perhaps, the Getae kings who followed Hera. The phrase “the return of the Heraclids” to Greece in 1260 B.C. according to some, and 1150 B.C. according to others, can only be understood by the fact that the kings or the priests of Hera had returned on the territories they held previously or before the war of Sesostris, war which depopulated the Balkan Peninsula, territories that were formerly owned by the Atlanteans and afterwards the Sarmatians represented by the Heraclides, but there is no mention about Heracles before Hera, maybe only Hercules.


  • Many have made the mistake to consider the Dacians’ name comes from “daoi”, “daai”, which means wolf, and the origin of which is in Asia Minor. They all had Homer as teacher, who divides the Geto-Scythian world, thus the Sarmatians, into Achaeans who were residents of the Black Sea coastal line, word which comes from aha = water and daai or daoi, the inhabitants from north of the Danube (Doriens) and from the Caspian Sea to the Black Forrest Mountains, name which became (or already was) danai, and then dani, but the word “dan” comes from “de An” = Dan, thus the people of the heaven, because at that time Europe was a high land, and the mountains almost touched the sky, today cosmos. It is time to make clear that the noun Dacian comes from the word dorian, tag (tag-dag-dac), word preserved until today as “duke” (duce). Tag or dac meant, in the beginning, general, then fighter, soldier. The words fight and fighter come from the word wolf. Then, as today, the young people participated on fights, today on wars. Another version of the word Dac would be the following. It is known that the people who carried the name Ahei or Achei (e.g. Achilles) were the ones who lived around a water source and it is also known that the origin of the name Dan comes from De-An, where An is the sky and the people, Danii, were called “Sons of the Heaven”. Similar conclusions can be drawn from the origin of the name Dac. If the water was called Acha or Aka, then the people around it were called De-Achi or De-Aki, so Dachi or Daki, therefore Daci (the plural “daci” is the Romanian version for Dacians). Same with the name of Baba Dachia or Dochia (a character in the Romanian folk stories). A third version would be that, after the death of Boerebista, his kingdom was divided in four parts, one of which was led by Deceneus, whom Jordanes calls “Dokius filius Caeli” (bibl. 12, page 867). This last quotation confirms the Dacians’ existence in the time of Deceneus, thing that is possible, but hard to believe. Because the Dacians have a history of many millennia. The Dacians were the inhabitants of the Sea Tethys and the sons of Gaea and the Getae lived in the West of the Ocean, and were sons of Uranus or An. But, according to their name, they were also the sons of Gaea. Even in the beginning of our era (Ist century), 1300 years apart from the fall of Troy, Dion Chrysostomos divided the dacian society into young men, whom he called wolves, and old men, whom he called bears. It is true that the Dacians had clothing made of wolf skin, because on the land they lived in there were plenty of forests,


  • full of wolves which, especially in winter, used to attack the human settlements and this type of garments were easily procured, but the wolf skins had also a different significance for them, because during the battle they were considered a second weapon, given the fact that in any cavalry facing the horses were scared by the wolf smell and, in this case, the adversary had to take care of two things at the same time, to guide his horse and to fight, thus creating an advantage to the Dacian or Geto-Dacian fighter. A proof of the Dacians’ clothing is Trajan’s Column. The flag the Dacians used in the battle was decorated with a creature having a “wolf’s head”, the symbol of the young worriers, and a “snake’s body”, formed of several segments, the number of which is equal to the number of Davelor (cities) which participated to the fight. Even today, an army which marches, even in the lowlands, does it meandering, resembling a snake, and a numerous army has the aspect of a dragon, this having been the name of the military commander of such army, thing that has been preserved in the popular tradition and songs. The wolf is the symbol of Saturn, Seb, Mars, and then Zalmoxis, and nowadays Saint Elijah’s (Ilie, in Romanian). they were the fighters of Saturn or the messengers of Zalmoxis and, thus, the war was considered just given to Saturn and holy given to Zalmoxis. Moreover, the last star from the constellation Ursa Major is called the Star of the Wolf, the star of Saturn, and, in the popular tradition, the Polar Star, and the last star from the Ursa Minor is considered the “Axel of the World” or the Column of the Sly, star around which the other stars rotate and whose position in the territory of the Titans should indicate where the capital of the kingdom is located, the first or the second capital.

    Another problem that created confusion is related to the seven daughters of Atlas (Trojan, Neptune), who were called muses, fairies, iele or Pleiades. In the popular tradition, it is still celebrated the feast of Sânziene (Romanian fairies), word which in Romanian signifies “they are the fairies” (in Romanian, “sunt zânele”), and the fact that, after the summer solstice, the fairies withdraw, because the victory of evil begins, of the darkness over the light and the good, due to the fact that the light of the day decreases and the darkness of the night increases, and the first who withdraws is, in the Romanian tradition, the fairy Ana, the oldest daughter of Atlas, also called in the manuscripts Hera or Maya or Sânziana, name which comes from An = the sky, and the noun Ana is nothing but the


  • equivalent of the phrase “daughter of the sky”. According to the popular sayings, in some nights, “the iele are dancing” (fairies, muses), and in different regions of the country it is said that this is the time when scary things happen if you happen to pass by there, which is not true. This is based on the events from the olden days, when, during the reign of Atlas, his daughters used to bathe and were, of course, guarded, and if t anybody approached that area, they were killed. You see how an aspect of reality is transformed into a myth which suffers further modifications, in time, like all myths.

    Another similar myth, also based on the truth and that was changed in time is the myth of “the woman who emerged from the sea’s foam”. Long ago, the Earth was called Gaea, Glia, Tethys, and a part of it was covered by water; Europe was, by then, a big stretch of under water land. From the moment the earthquake and inundations described by Plato occurred, in Timaios and Critias, with reference to Atlantis, and the Bosphorus Strait formed, then the water began to withdraw from Europe and the Earth (Gaea = the woman) emerged from the water, of course, at first from the “foam of the sea”, because this foam is found near the shore and it is there where the land comes out of the water. After that, in time, the Tethys Sea from the Pannonian Plain and the Sarmatic Sea disappeared, remaining only the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Caspian Sea.

    It is also acknowledged that the Earth’s crust increases with 1 mm every 10-12 years due to the matter brought from outer space by the “solar wind”. The solar wind has in its composition 70% protons, 20% alpha particles and 10% photons, that is 90% material component (bib.1, page 167). The material component is divided in the atmosphere into mesons, kaons etc., producing the energy the plants need to grow and develop, and, thereby, the energy transforms into matter once more, matter which gets deposited on the ground, contributing to the thickening of the Earth’s crust. Given this, if we want to find traces of the civilization 10.000-15.000 years ago, we shouldn’t look deeper that 10-15 meters, provided that the meteorological factors have not increased or decreased the distance to them.

    There were many discussions about Saturn’s sacred mountain, part of the researchers saying it is Mountain Godeanu, also named Coganion, others considering Bucegi. The explanation of the term Cogaion or


  • Coganion would be the following: in ancient Greek, “aion” means sacred and eternal, while Cog or Kog can be Gog, and there are many pieces of information on Gog or Magog. From Gog, the name Gogu comes, and if we were to consider the Sumerian term Gu-gu, a bridge to its understanding may be created. Mountain Godeanu has still a peak called Gugu, name which many think comes from Gyges, the brother of Saturn, and then Zalmoxis, who was also the great priest of Saturn’s kingdom and one of the giants. The name of the Mountain Godeanu itself can derive from Gog-de-An. Everybody is right, but the timing is different, so that until the water withdrew from Europe the name was Godeanu. Before Godeanu or Kogaion, the Titans’ (Getae) sacred mountain, was a sacred mountain, the Bucegi Mountains, especially “Peak Omu”, was the Mountain of Uranus. This certifies that the first sacred mountain of the Titans was in the Bucegi Mountains, Peak Omu. To the Getae ancestors, the Titans and afterwards the Atlanteans, the AN meant the Sky, today the Cosmos, eternity, time and today the “an” (it means “year” in Romanian) is a time measurement. If the Titans found out about this, they would probably laugh or maybe just smile, because our civilization measures the unmeasurable. Einstein made the same mistake, mixing up eternity with time, and time was mistaken, in its turn, with the energy in the theory of relativity. Replace time with energy and then all is clear and can be easily understood. Even after this change, Mountain Godeanu was for many millennia considered a sacred mountain, mostly known for its peak, Gugu. From Gugu comes the name of the people who lived there, Gugani, people among whom kings of the Dacians were born, like Decebal, Deceneus, Duras, Durpaneus, Scorilo etc. the name Gugu has an equivalent in Sumerian under the form of gu-gu, which means “royal herder who entered a cave where, finding a dead body, took his ring off the finger and, putting it on its own finger, he realized that, by turning it from one side to the other, he became invisible”, quotation from bib. 25, page 247. Analyzing this text, we notice that the “royal herder” is the great priest and his talisman (the ring) gives him the possibility to pass from the earthly world to the heavenly world, to be an angel or a saint and even more, to raise an individual to the Heaven, after he was dead, and this procedure was reversible, which proves that, after the earthly death, life was continued in Heaven, thing that was only possible on Mountain Gugu. This was the proof that Mountain Godeanu was a holy


  • mountain, a magical one, a mountain that, only by its name, which still exists today, was known and respected all over Saturn’s kingdom, which stretched from the West of Japan to the Atlantic and from East of India, Libya, to the Atlantic Ocean, and was named then “Saturn’s Holy Mountain”, mountain which is mentioned also by Plato as Poseidon’s Mountain, name given to Saturn by Pelasgians, mountain that is found also in the description of Atlantis, in Critias.

    The name Gugu found in the Sumerian writings is, in fact, Gyges, the son of Uranus and Gaea (bib. 25, page 247) and the brother of Saturn, who was the Great Priest in Saturn’s kingdom. It was badly interpreted that the Giants were tall people, huge in stature, when, in fact, they were the “high prelates”, the high priests, giants in their faith in those days. The fact that the Giants were associated with the snake is not at all surprising because the snake was the symbol of wisdom. I want to remind you of Hermes’ caduceus, the symbol of the wise man and the prophet.

    Beyond the Styx, to the North, it was the country of the Immortal, the Getae, the country of the Blachi, the northern people’s country, the Parnasus and the Elysian Fields and further to the north, beyond a mountain, there was Tartarus.

    According to the Greeks, in order to pass the Styx, after death, one had to pay Charon, the ferryman. As simple as that. One could not have passed the Styx in the lifetime, in order to be able to do that, one had to be dead. If one had tried to do it while still alive, one had died for certain. For the ones in the south, only the soul could pass it. On the other side, there were the Getae, the immortal and that is why the Getae were accounted as such (by their geographical position and their religion). This ancient belief is still kept today in the expression “the soul passes to the other side”, undefined notion, because it doesn’t specify if the other side is a territory, the cosmos or an underground place.

    The water of the Styx is described by Homer in the Iliad, the Book XIV, verses 266-268, as, I quote: “Then swear it to me by the dread waters of the river Styx/ Lay one hand on the bounteous earth, and the other on the sheen of the sea…”. From this excerpt, we find out that the Styx goes from the sea into the Ocean, on the right side and a portion flows beside the shore. Given this, the Styx is nothing else than the stream of water connecting the Tethys Sea (the Pannonian Plain) to the Ocean, or,


  • precisely, the Sarmatic Sea, thus, the route of the Old Danube, Morava-Timoc.

    Therefore, Parâng was Parnassus, the dwelling place of the gods, the immortals and the heroes and on both sides of Parnassus there were the Elysian Plains or Elatia, or, according to the Goths, Walhalla, and further on, the Prioria or Pieria Plain. This was confirmed by the Iliad of Homer, the Book XIV, verses 220-225, but with a modification, by replacing Olympus with Parnassus, because Olympus came much later, out of the Greeks personal ego to create their own Parnassus. The word Olympus itself means immortal.

    Hera darted down from the summits of Olympus.She passed over Pieria and fair Elatia, And went on and on till she came to the snowy ranges of the Thracian, good horsemen, Over whose topmost crests she sped without ever setting foot to ground. When she came to Athos she went on over the waves of the seaTill she reached Lemnos, the city of noble Thoas.The island Lemnos is near Mountain Athos. If we look on the map,

    Hera (Maya, the daughter of Trojan or Atlas), in order to pass over the Thracian mountains, the tall and snowy ranges, Parnassus or, in this translation Olympus, no other than the Parâng or Bucegi Mountains, was forced to pass through today’s Muntenia or Oltenia, probably Pieria or Elatia. Elatia is the same as the Elysian Fields (Câmpiile Elizee, in Romanian) because the letter Z with a coma was read Ţ, and, in this case, the word which results is Elazia, which in a plural form becomes the Elysian Fields (Câmpiile Elizee) and Pieria becomes Prioria later.

    One thing is clear, Homer did not describe the Trojan war. He wrote about the war in Troy, while the Trojan war was in Crete and the city of Troy was in Asia Minor, events that happened many millannia ago and he just changed the names of the heroes. It is true that there are many similarities, among which the fact that both fights were led against the Egyptians (the Hittites were in Asia Minor the “spearhead” of the Egyptians after 1964 B.C.) and, secondly, Hera (Maya), the daughter of Atlas (Trojan), was kidnapped by Zeus (the Olympian) even though he was married to Europa and had three children: Minos, Rhadamanthus and


  • Sarpedon. The fact that Zeus was married to Europa is confirmed (Bib. 20, page 152) and I quote “It is said that Kronos, the titan, was dethroned by his youngest son, the one the Greeks call Zeus; a temple was erected in a forest of cypresses in Knosos in the honor of Kronos’ wife, Rhea; the young god’s companions, called cureti, had danced with their weapons around his cradle and had taken care of his education. Finally, Zeus, once king of the Island of Crete, had entrusted his wife, Europa, and son, Minos, to king Asterion or Asterios, son of King Tectamos, of the Pelasgians”. This quotation confirms the fact that the name of Zeus was given at a later time, after his death, he having another name, and the name of Zeus came from the Cretans and not from the Greeks, because the Greek people appeared much later, after millennia, and furthermore, the king Asterion is no other than Hyperion, the husband of the bazilee (king over kings) Latona, after the death of her husband Saturn, as well as the fact that during the Trojan wars (two of them), between Trojan and Zeus, Horus and Myrina, then Athena, Saturn was dead. This quotation also confirms that the supposition that Hera was kidnapped, having a child afterwards, Hermes (Sarmis), event which could have triggered a war, as well as the fact that Hera (Maya, the daughter of Atlas) was called in Crete the Virgin with a child. The same author, at page 154, says, I quote “They knew that the titans were worshipped in Cilicia, that Sarpedon, Minos’s brother, had an homonym in Licia” and, at page 239, I quote “The women in Crete would come to pray here in front of some calcareous concretions in the form of a mother with a baby in her arms. The same kind of idol can be found in Hermes’ cave and of Maya at Melidoni (Mylopotamos) and in cave Vigla from Keratokampos (Viannou). Sacrifices were made to the goddess, big bowls filled, apparently, with milk and honey”. Even more so, from the same author (bib. 20, page 242) we find that, before the depression “on Ida (Crete Island), at the altitude of 1.534 m, which before it belonged to Zeus (it is indirectly confirmed that Zeus was a mortal) and his Nymphs, there was the shrine of “the Lady of the Mountain and her Divine Child” that was only accessible from May to October”. And in this quotation a reference is made to Maya and Sarmis (Hera ans Hermes), moreover, the cult began in the month of May, the month of Maia, Hera being one of the seven Pleiades, the oldest of the seven daughters of Atlas (Trojan), kidnapped by Zeus the Olympian, and one of the most serious


  • reasons which triggered the second war between Trojan and Zeus was that this kidnapping was against the nature and the existing laws at that time. It can even be said that this kidnapping wanted to wanted to prove the world then that king Zeus was powerful enough to do as he pleased, that he could break any law. After the war, Zeus being dead, this can also explain why Zeus’s sons were the judges of the dead, according to some Greeks, just like the case of the Egyptian Anubis, son of Osiris, and the two hyperborean virgins, Opis and Arge, reminded the Greeks of the old ways written on brass tablets, at Delos, where it’s described, in fact, the Cretans’ belief in life after death, and maybe of the Greeks’ as well.

    We have two stretches of water, the Ocean and the Tethys Sea, separated by mountains, as well as two husbands, Oceanos and Tethys, or Uranus and Titania (Gaea, Glia) and a city called Severin, mentioned in the Diploma of the Ioanites from 1247, Zeurino, name which comes from the God (“Zeu” in Romanian) Uranus and probably his capital. I quote: “The Banat of Severin, “Zeurino land”, as it is mentioned in the Diploma of the Ioanites, included the south of Banat today and the west of Oltenia (Mehedinţi county) with Turnu Severin” (Bibl. 14, page 16). According to this diploma, the “country of Uranus” covered the current counties Caraş-Severin and Mehedinţi, or more precisely the hills and mountains of these counties, the area between the former seas Tethys and Sarmatic, which we call Danube and which was at first on the route Morava-Timoc, and, according to others, the route Milanovac-Timoc, and after the flood from the time of Deucalion (mentioned by Plato in Timaios and Critias), the Danube had the actuial course that formed by the breaking of the natural dam from the Iron Gates. On this new course of the Danube is the place where there was an island upstream of the Cazane, which collapsed, and was called by Plato the Island of Atlantis (not the continent Atlantis) and which was also the capital of the kingdom of Saturn (Poseidon), afterwards, the one of Trojan (Atlas), and today the Ostrov Moldova Veche, or, according to others, Ogradina.

    It can be easily prooved that the city Zeurino is the same with Severin, because, as it is known, the letters Z and S were indistinct and the letter V was read U, and we can give as exemple the Etruscan writing or we can just notice the writing on some old buildings where the word Justitia is written Jvustitia. In this case, the word Zeurin becomes Severin. With is


  • evidence it is confirmed that the city Severin is the first city mentioned in writing in Europe and maybe in the world, if we were to consider that king Uranus reigned 10-12.000 years ago. I do not deny that after the withdrawal of the water of the Sarmatic Sea, the former capital of Uranus, situated somewhere in the hills or in the mountains, possibly where it is now the citadel Oreva, was moved to an area where there was probably a port called Ocean and where there was a tower, the tower of Uranus (God= Sever) and where now lyes the city Severin.

    Another name that disappeared in the mist of time is Deva. Deva, in Sanscrite, means god, divinity. The city of worship of the Egyptians was Thebes and later on another Thebes appeared in Beotia. As we already stated, the letters T and D were indistinct and even nowadays we witness the same phenomenon, for instance, at the Egyptian city written by some Dendera and by others Tentera or Theo-Deo. It appears that Deva was prior to Thebes, as institutions of worship, if we were to consider Diodorus (Book I, chapter XV, page 33, quotation that will be recurrent), I quote, “it is said that Osiris and his companions founded Thebaida, a city with 100 gates, in Egypt, also called by the people Herapolis, after the name of the god’s mother, the followers calling it Diospolis and some of them Thebes”. As it can be noticed from the quotation, the city of Thebes was founded by Sarmis (Hermes, Armis, Ianus) and was named, in the beginning, after his mother, Hera (Maya), who everybody called Iliţa (goddess) and this confirms what Plato says (Timaios 23d), I quote “your city is 1000 years older that ours (the Egyptians)”, and by this it is indirectly confirmed the existence and antiquity of the citadel Deva, having the same religious attributions as Thebes. Deva, like the majority of the Grădişti, is situated at a difference of level of 200 m from the Black Sea (the nordic sea) and this was once more confirmed by Plato (Critias 118a), I quote „The entire land, it is said, was much above the sea level and its shores were very abrupt” (this figgures, because at that time there were only the hills and the mountains from today’s Europe).

    Theoreticly, we can go farther by reading from the right to the left the name of the Egyptian city of worship, of the city Abydos, when Abyd becomes Diva, thus Deva.

    The religion of the Getae had an important characteristic, their belief that there is life after death and, therefore, they are immortal, they live in


  • Heaven or in the Elysian Fields and the heroes of the Getae go to Parnasus, side by side with the gods of the south, and participate to the divine banquets, the imortality banquets, and, according to the Goths, in Walhalla. Let’s get things straight, for them, death is not what we think of it, for them deah was like a change of home, they continued to live in a place without worries or troubles, they did not die, but kept on living elsewhere. In a way, death was for them a positive thing and that is why they would happily die in battle. Today still, when somebody dies, we say he lives in Heaven. What is there to be done, it is genetic or, perhaps, the memory chromosome is to be blamed. This is why they would call themselves immortal, they were condamned to live eternally because they were the sons of “the Divinity” and, later on, the “sons of God”, named by the ancient the “sons of the sky”, and they were also also a part of “the Lord’s army”, reminded also by Christ.

    It is known that the Getae, by oath, were forbidden to leave anything written, they were relying only on the numbers and the circle as only logic of all there is on Earth and in the cosmos. Everything material can be calculated in numbers, the matter, its shape and essence. The circle, however, is the origin of matter, of life, of movement and energy, because the circle is formed from the center of the circle, which represents matter, and its circumference, representing the energy. Thus, the circumference of the circle can condense itself to a point and then the energy turns into matter and, from a point (the center of the circle), a circumference can be created, this matter being transformed into energy once more, but the circle also has a different meaning, it is life and movement, it is continuity, the opposites which are succeeding without annihilating themselves, it is, in a word, the eternity and the infinite and thus the cosmic laws.

    Personaly, I was curious to know what was left of the wisdom of the Getae after all these centuries, and that is why I turned to Paracelsus, who lived in the XVIth century (1493-1541), because he lived among the Tatars, 1513-1521, after which he went to Constantinople and from here to Germany, travelling “through the countries situated along the Danube” (Bibl. 24, page 8). The fact is that, in what was left of his writings, there are Asian, Egyptian, Greek, but also Getic influences. In my opinion, the Getic influences are found in many “terminologies” used by Paracelsus, and I give some of them as examples: the term A’Kcâsă (used frequently as


  • “acasă”), I quote, page 35 “an Eastern term. A living and primordial substance, corresponding to the conception of a certain form of the cosmic ether which fills the solar system. All that is visible is, so to speak, a condensed ACASA (the term means «home» in Romanian), which becomes visible by transforming its supra-ethereal (?) state in a concentrated and tangible form. This is why everything in nature can be decomposed or not in «acasă» and made invisible by changing the attraction force which held the atoms together. But the atoms that once formed a shape have the tendency to irrupt together in order to reach the former state and to produce the same shape, that is why a shape can be destroyed and then reproduced using the same law.

    This tendency remains valable for the shape which is conserved in astral light”. In this quotation, even though explained in a modern and materialistic way, is the Getae conception about immortality. It is about “the living substance” (life) and the primordial one (spirit), which can take a decomposing shape, but still keeps its memory in the “cosmic ether” and in a solar system. Apparently, this partially explains the Getae belief in immortality and the fact that, by dying, the simply considered changing their living place.

    In the following, there are three quotations connected among each other. I quote “ANYODEI = Spiritual life; the subjective state in which enters the superior essence of the soul after death, after loosing its more dense parts in the Kama-loka. It corresponds to the idea of Devachan”. 2. “KAMA-LOKA = The place of the desire; the area of the earthly soul (the third and fourth principle) – not necessarily situated at the surface of the Earth – there where the astral remainders of the deceased rot and decompose. In this area, the impure souls of the ones deceased live on, until their wistful bodies suffer a second death; after they disintegrate, the passing to superior principles occurs”. 3 “DEVACHAN (possibly Deva ca AN) = a subjective state of happiness at the level of the highest principles of the soul, after the death of the body has occurred (see Anyodei). It corresponds to the idea of Heaven, where each and every individual monad lives in a world it created itself by its own thoughts and where the result of its own spiritual ideation appears to it in a substantial and objective form”. I believe it is a misinterpretation, because it cannot be a “spiritual ideation” and an objective and substantial form.


  • In summary, the soul, after leaving the prison of the body, goes to Heaven, where IT CONTINUES TO LIVE IN A DIFFERENT WORLD, objectively, and that only happens to the pure souls, because the less pure ones suffer a second death, after the earthly death, a death of the soul and, thus, an eternal one. This is confirmed by the name given to the Getae as “sons of the Heaven/sky” and “sons of the Earth (Gaea)”. To the Getae, the soul was not washed by sins, like in India, it was not purified by the fire in Hell (Hades), like at the Greeks or today, the Christians, in their belief, Zalmoxis (Saturn, Elijah, the apostle – named Ilie in Romanian), when the soul was dirty with sins, it was unmercifully condemned to eternal death. This was the Getic belief, which lasted for centuries (XVI th century) and still exists today, though modified, in the Orthodox religion, and this is how it can be explained why Romania is the only country in the world which does not have a precise date when it became Christian because, to a great extent, its current religious beliefs are nothing but a continuation of the old ones. This is also confirmed by Papus (Bib. 16, page 254), I quote “The Indian Brahmans know well that Europe has had a Mesiah twenty centuries ago” and this quotation confirms the idea that the Virgin Mary died near Ephesus, Selçuk today, on the way home, and this home was supposed to be at north of Ephesus, possibly in Europe (if the Brahmans are right), and Romania is considered a holy nation, protected by God, fact which, in my opinion, is also confirmed by the history, given that nations that were strong once, today no longer represent anything because they have attacked Romania at some point. Mark my words. Let’s enumerate them. The Egyptians, who attacked the people in the Balkans during the time of Osiris and Sesostris the Ist, Darius, the king of Persia, in 513 B.C., the Roman Empire, the Huns, the Mongols, the Tatars, the Ottoman Empire, the Hapsburgs and others that may follow, cannot oppose the will of God. It is and has been a death sentence of their power.

    Papus continues, page 258, I quote “He went to conquer India (Ram), found, at that time, under Black people’s domination” and, further, I quote from the “Brahman teaching”, “Because there was a time when the banks of Ganges were inhabited by Ethiopians”. When one says Ram, one means from the country of the Rams, such as when one says Egyptian or Greek, person that can only be from Egypt or Greece. The only definite proof of the passage of Sesostris I are the mummies from Tarim, when part


  • of the people who accompanied him either left his army or strayed from it. If Ram is the same person as Rama, then things become clear. Rama, the hero of Ramayana, one of Vishnu’s reincarnations, the one who vanquishes the demons from Lanka Island (Ceylon), especially Ravana, the one who kidnapped Sita, Rama’s wife, victory obtained with the same weapons as Indra’s (Saturn), (bib. 25, page 598), I quote “Rama then took an arrow which Brahma once made for Indra. In its empennage, the arrow had the wind closed, in its tip it had the fire and the sun; in its nodes, Brahma had set the terrifying gods. It had the face of death”. From this excerpt, we deduce what weapons were used in the Trojan war, as well as the fact that the civilization of the Titans was far more developed than ours. Given this, Ram or Rama cannot be other than a companion of Prometheus, the one who reconquered India after Trojan’s war (Atlas) with Zeus, the second war, which this time ended with the victory of Atlas and the death of Zeus and Horus. Ram (Rama) was a king in India, possibly after Menes, who was one of the sons of Saturn. Ram was married to Sita, the daughter of Atlas and sister of Hera, one of the Atlanteans or Pleiades. After the victory of Zeus and Horus in the first Trojan war against Atlas, Ram is removed from the throne by Horus and replaced with Ravana and Horus brings in India the so-called black population Dasa, “the ruling social section”, population which is driven away by Ram after his victory over Ravana and his banishing to Ceylon. Ram participates at the Trojan war and after the victory of Trojan (Atlas) over Zeus and Horus in the second war, he becomes once again king in India. The resemblances are striking: if in the Trojan war Maya (Hera) was kidnapped, here Sita is the one being kidnapped and afterwards she returns to “Glia (Geia, Titaia), her mother”, just as Hera. It appears that Sita really existed because there are traces of her existence in Homer’s Iliad, Book XIV verse 271, under the name of Pasitea.

    About the Iron Gates it was much written in the Antiquity, either under the name of the Iron Gates or the Caucasian Gates, and their geographical position is known, but it is more important what Plinius tells us (Bib. 12, page 397), I quote “Hercules arrived to these parts and, because here the mountains were close together on both parts, he cut off the range, opened the gorge and let the open sea flow in. in the memory of his


  • expedition and of his everlasting deeds, the natives named the two mountains which form this gorge the Columns of Hercules”.

    If Plinius is right, then, before the coming of Hercules, it could have been possible to pass through the area now known as Cazane, there being a lake between the Iron Gates and Cazane which collected the water from the mountains, especially the water coming from Cerna. Hercules’s doing created two things; firstly, it created the Columns of Hercules (the mountains around Cazanele Mari) and secondly it made that the water coming from what we previously called a lake communicate to Tethys Sea, and thus this water upstream from the Iron Gates flowed into the Tethys Sea (which was open) after it washed the exterior canal of the city Atlantis, the capital of the Atlanteans. This work of Hercules (Heracles) would correspond to what Plato says, that the Atlanteans made a 50 stages canal from the Island Atlantis, where laid the capital of Atlas, to the sea, and the sea can’t be other than Tethys Sea,, namely the portion of the Danube between the Iron Gates and Baziaş, and the distance (if we were to accept their calculations) would correspond to the entrance area of the Danube to Baziaş. Thus, it is confirmed the existence of the Atlantis on the current course of the Danube, possibly upstream the Cazane.

    The same author quotes Herodotus, who says (page 402) “The Greeks who lived near Pontus Euxinus had positive knowledge abouth the Columns of Hercules, which were situated, according to them, outside Pontus Euxinus, near the big river called Oceanos” (the Danube), and at page 404, I quote “Hercules, states Apollodorus, after his arrival near Oceanos (the Sarmatic Sea), where the Island Erythia lays, the former Ada-Kaleh, also called Cerne or Ruşava, builds two columns in the mountains, one in front of the other, as monuments of his journey”.

    Moreover, Dionysius Periegetes says that these Columns of Hercules were consecrated first to Saturn, the god, who represented the great divinity of the endless sky (Bib. 12, page 239). And this author indirectly confirms that Saturn is Zalmoxis and, in addition to this, Plato says that near the citadel of Atlantis there was Saturn’s (Poseidon’s) mountain, because the Columns of Hercules are on both sides of the Danube’s Clisura, then these columns are nothing else than the mountains from Saturn’s kingdom, mountains which resulted in two columns by the digging of the canal in 50 stages, the Columns of Hercules. Saturn’s mountain was Godeanu, like


  • Uranus’s mountains were Bucegi, with their Peak Omu, even though the Greeks called the sky Uranus. Further along, at page 294, there is the following passage, I quote “Even from the second century of the Christian era, the grammarian Apollodorus from Athens had established, based on older texts, that the great mountain of Atlas, which sustained the northern pole of the sky, was found, not in Libya or in the North-West of Africa, but in the country of the Hyperboreans, a vast population of pelasgians from the north of Thrace or of the lower Ister”. From this excerpt we find out that the mountains Atlas (not the mountain Atlas) are no other than the southern Carpathians, knowing the fact that Atlas followed Saturn on the throne and his kingdom had the same capital, the island Atlantis and the mountains of Atlas were also called the Axis of the World (Axis mundi) or the Getic Pole, mountains which spread from the water of the Danube to the water of Buzău and where the Parnassus was situated as well, the sacred mountain of the Titans, Giants, Atlanteans and Getae or, in some treatises, “the resting place of the Immortals and Gods”.

    Trojan (Atlas) has made another road along the Danube, road which made the connection between the Iron Gates and the capital of the Atlanteans, road that, millennia later, was rebuilt by Trajan, the emperor of Rome.

    Homer tells us that the Titans were the “protoparents of the gods and of the distinguished people” (Bib. 12, page 711), and, further along, at page 716, he tells about a fight of the Dacians at south of the Danube with the emperor Augustus, where Horatio glorifies the emperor, “the second winner of the Titans”, and Ovid, in his Fasti (a six-book of Latin poems), writes about “the trophies taken by the Giants”. Pindar says that “among the Hyperboreans the gods were born” and Diodorus of Sicily, in the III rd

    Book, chapter 56, states “the Atlanteans, who live in fertile regions on the shores of the Ocean”, “they pretend that the cradle of the gods is their country”. Even more so, (Bib. 12, page 344), I quote “On a vessel fragment discovered in Apulia, Atlas, the ruler of the blessed nation of the Hyperboreans, where not only the fruits, but also the branches of the trees were made of gold, is portrayed sitting on the throne”.

    Naturally, if we took under consideration only the previous quotations, who still believes that Atlantis sank (the continent of Atlantis that was, indeed, an island)? Only the island of Atlantis sank, that mountain


  • from a range of mountains, surrounded by water, and called island, where there was the city of Poseidon (Saturn), and then Atlas (Trojan, Neptun), a mountain or, more precisely, a hill that collapsed after the earthquakes and the floods described by Plato, especially that in the Christian era, at its beginning, after millennia, the Roman Empire thought the Dacians were the followers of the Titans and Giants and the inhabitants of the former island (continent) of Atlantis.

    It is said that the name of the river Olt would come from Alutus, but aluta meant in that time washed gold. In reality, the word Olt comes from Olb = white, particularly if we have Olbia or the White Citadel, and the Greeks from Olbia called it Leuce, and afterwards the word Olb becomes Olt.

    If Mureş was the black water, the death water, and Olt was the living water, then the space between Mureş and Olt was a sacred space, a divine space, and near to them both we found Parnassus.

    What is interesting is the word Vrancea (today we have a county by this name), word which comes from the olden days, because, like I said, the letter V in writing was read U (thing already known) and then the word VRAN becomes URAN, which is, in fact, the first king from the dinasty of the immortals and the father of the titans. More difficult to explain is the second part of the word. If it were only “ce” then it might have been the equivalent of “se”, which meant immortal, or perhaps even “sea”, which in translation would be the sea. But in this situation we have two options; either the Immortal Uranus, or the sea of Uranus, but the Sea of Uranus was then called ocean (the water from the current plain of Europe) and Oceanos is the names the greek gave Uranus, which does not exclude the second option. I reckon that from those times as well the name of “baba Dochia and Vrâncioaia” comes from, the Romanian folk character with 9 sheepskin coats. In our solar system there are 9 planets and the people then considered that each planet had a sky and a land. The expression still exists today, “being in the ninth sky/heaven”, even though, in the beginning (before the flood), there were 7 skies and 7 hells (lands), because planet Venus did not yet enter in our solar system. Then the religious institutions had 7 and then 9 levels, conception which lingered later on – see the Babel Tower. I insist in my conviction that the religious institutions from that time were frustums of cones on square basis, even though in the books they


  • appear as frustums of pyramids with 7 to 9 steps, which represent the number of skies the respective pyramid represents.

    The fact that “baba Dochia” had 9 sheepskin coats can represent the 9 skies or perhaps the 9 steps to initiation, in order to reach heaven or to be among the saints, because the mountain then was compared to a religious institution and it was believed that the peak of the mountain reached the sky and in this manner a communication was made (a direct connection) to the Divinity, and, like any other institution, even from nowadays, in order to reach perfection, one had to cover some steps. It is not known who baba Dochia was, or maybe baba Dachia, but it is known that Gaea was called “the old one”, the equivalent today to old being baba, in Romanian. The same epithets Isis had, the wife of Osiris and the sister of Latona, in Egypt.

    Saturn was also called Seb and, apparently, from this, the Egyptians called him Seth. All the Sebeş denominations are nothing but remainders of Saturn’s presence on these lands. The same thing with the names of the places which begin with Il, Ila or Ilia, wrongly interpreted by the ones in the south, especially the Greeks, as being names of gods, when, in fact, it is just one of the names Saturn had, name which lasted until nowadays as Ilie. Take the word Caransebeş for example. Sar means lord, king, leader, An was the son of the sky, but also one of the attributes of Uranus and Seb comes from Saturn. Given this, the word Caransebeş means “King Saturn, son of the sky”, but correct is “King Saturn, son of Uranus”. Similar examples are plenty and at reach in Romania.

    In Romania or in the Balkans, but not only, there turn up many cities with names which have equivalents in Sanskrit and I would remind only the name Şureanu, the Şureanu mountains, the place where lays Sarmisegetuza or the old Parnassus, noun that in translation means “the old man”. Moreover, there are places and cities that carry the names of Vedic heroes, such as: Braşiva (Braşov), Uda (Uda-Laca), Tamaş, Păpuşa etc., and all of these show both the continuity and the antiquity of the human presence in these parts, beginning from the Titans, Giants, Getae, then Ram, Vedic heroes until nowadays, all speakers of old Latin. These things are confirmed, many centuries later, by the wise Persian Gardizi, who between the years 1049-1053 A.C. writes the paper “The Ornament of Histories” (Bib. 27, page 29), from which I only mention a quotation “situated between the Slavic people (the Bulgarian), Russians and


  • Hungarians, a nation from the Roman Empire (az Rum); and they are all Christians and whom I call N-N-D-R and they are more numerous than the Magyars, but weaker”. From this excerpt we can precisely locate the Romanian territory, then the name of Rum, actually Rami, and also the term N-N-D-R, term which has the following explanation. It is an Egyptian term. The Egyptians used to write in consonants (the demotic language), and to them N meant Neb = lord or kingship, and NTR is the term for god. In conclusion, this term N.N.T.R. meant “The Gods’ Kingship or the Gods’ Territory, their land”, and in this case we are not surprised anymore when Pindar says that “among the Hyperboreans the gods were born”. The fact that the letter D changes into a T was explained and it is not excluded that the letter was intentionally put there because the text was written during the Muslim expansion and it was logical for the author to fear using the word god. Using the expression NNTR, the author certifies a clearly outlined geographical territory and also the origin and past of the inhabitants of this land, even in the XIth century A.C., land called by the Persians “country of the gods”, when in fact it was a “country of the Immortal”, because the term of god was excluded from that area inhabited by the Titans. Diodorus says the same thing (bib.9, page 233), I quote “And because we mentioned the Atlanteans, we beliee it would be appropriate to tell the readers about their legend concerning the birth of gods. Their traditions in this respect are not too different from the ones of the Hellenes. The Atlanteans, who live in fertile regions on the shores of the Ocean, would – apparently – exceed their neighbors in piety and hospitality. They pretend the cradle of the gods is their country”. This quotation confirms the words of Gardizi, as well as the fact that the Romanian territory was a part of the sacred island called Atlantis.

    In the past (history) of the Romanian people, before the writing of Gardizi, there was a special event, ignored by history, but reminded in the popular legends and also by Diodorus, in the Book I, chapters 53-58, regarding the war of Sesostris I, pharaoh from the XII th dynasty between 1964-1962 B.C., who had arrived in the Balkans and in the south of Europe. Sesostris I (Bib. 10, page 290), I quote, “The second pharaoh of the XIIth dynasty, 1962-1928 B.C., who joins him at the kingdom in 1972”. This pharaoh enters the Balkans in 1964 B.C., after he has conquered a vast territory (developed in other chapter) and is defeated by the Getae king


  • Iovan (IO-Ban) Iorgovan. It is noted that the title of Io is still kept, title inherited from Saturn, thus keeping the tradition, tradition which is continued by the Romanian kings. In this war, it is important not only the victory of the Getae, but also the fact that Sesostris, the conqueror of the world, abandoned his army running when he realized he would be defeated by the Getae. It is also important the excerpt from Densuşianu, page 451 (Bib. 12) who states that “Iorgovan is a name which corresponds to the Greek form of «the Romanian Gheorghe»”, the one who sows the earth. If we accept this interpretation, then, taking into consideration the name Ilie (Saturn), Ioan (Ianus, Sarmis), Ana (Hera), Iorgovan would be the fourth name of Getic origin which has roots in ancient times.

    Another important event took place in the year 300 B.C., when the successors of another great conqueror of the world, soldiers and “officers” of Alexander of Macedon, attacked the Getic land where king was Dromichaetes. The fight resulted in a total failure, by humiliation, when all the Macedonian army led by Lysimachus surrendered without struggle to Dromichaetes. I consider this to be the greatest Romanian battle from all times, victory by humiliating the opponent. After this battle, the Greeks say, the defeated were taken to the city and capital of the Getae, the citadel Helix. Helix, in Greek, means sun, but the city of the sun was called Aplu, Apulum, Apolonia (the city of Apollo), and Apollo was in the south the great priest and was represented by the white colour, so many cities (citadels) were named Alba (white in Romanian). In this case, the citadel Helix is no other than the current city Alba Iulia, city which in the time of Dromichetes was the capital of the Getic kingdom. The name of Iulia appeared later, in the time of the Romans, but before that (the coming of the Romans), the name of the city must have been Alba-Ilia, Ilia from Saturn = Ilie, or perhaps llu or Iliu = god in Sumerian or Akkadian.

    The Getae, between 60-44 B.C., had Boerebista as king, Borebista or Burebista according to others, Getae by origin. There is the question regarding the origins of this name. The word Bor was proven to mean boier (member of high social rank in the feudal period, in Romania), and Bista = linen, according to the explanation from Bib. 17, page 260, I quote “Byssus – expensive linen cultivated in Achaia”. In this case, the name of the Getic ruler means “person who got rich (boier) from the cultivating and selling linen”. Achaia is the region around the sea (acha=water), and from this


  • linen fine fabrics were made, brilliants, as you can see today on the Column of Trajan.

    A discussed and disputed name is the one of a river in Romania, which has its origin at the “very beginning” of life existence on Earth and that is the name of the river Sabar, parallel to the river Argeş, which draws its name from one of the 7 Igigi. The 7 Igigi are called: Gula, Ninana, Lahama, Lahmu, Zabar (Sabar), Ansar and Kisar. They were “the sons of An” and the “ancestors of Anu”, demons according to some, “people of the river” according to others, and apparently they were the first men on Earth to appear after “the sacrifice of brothers Lahama (Lakhmu) and Lahmu (Lakmu) in order to create man”. Zabar (Sabar) was the husband of the goddess Gula and was considered master of the earth, god of plough and of war. The fact that a river was named after him is not important, what is important is that the name was kept until today, for several millennia, which proves the continuity of the human existence on these fields. In the ancient times, Sabar was also a fast dance (alert), which probably today is called sârbă. And in order for this name of an Igigi not to be considered random, several hundred kilometers away it is found a brook called Săbărel (Săbărel – Romanian slow folk dance) and under the same name there are a slow dance and a song kept until nowadays, “Săbărel with sweetness...” (in Romanian, “Săbărelul cu dulceaţă”). There are far too many connections for these things to be considered coincidences and if they are true, than the history of Romania is really very old, placed even before the existence of Titans.

    In closing this chapter I render the graphical representation from the bib.12, page 721, with the explanation provided there. To begin with, I ask you to look at the garments and the shoes of the two

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