The Declaration of Independence Objective: 1.Identify the main ideas in the Declaration of Independence. 2.Explain how Americans reacted to the Declaration.

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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The Declaration of Independence

Objective:1. Identify the main ideas in the Declaration

of Independence.2. Explain how Americans reacted to the

Declaration Independence.

Purpose:Understand: What principles of government are expressed in the Declaration of Independence.

Patrick Henry at

Virginia House of Burgesses

Gentlemen may cry, Peace, peace—but there is no peace.The war is actually begun. The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! . . . What is it that gentlemen wish? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!

Second Continental Congress

To discuss what to do about the events of April 19th 1775

Olive Branch Petition

Continental Army

George Washington

Chapter 6.2

A. The Colonists Organize an ArmyA. After Lexington and Concord New England militia

surrounded Boston.B. Delegates to the Second Continental Congress met in

Philadelphia in May 1775.C. Decided not to break away from Britain.D. Sent Olive Branch Petition

B. George Washington and the Continental Army.A. Created a Continental Army to defend the colonies.B. Unanimously selected George Washington as commander.

Battle of Bunker Hill

Battle of Bunker Hill

C.Chapter 6.2

C. The Battle of Bunker HillA. Minutemen held Boston under siege- a situation in which

soldiers surround a city or fort.B. Colonial forces gathered on Breeds Hill and Bunker Hill to

fend off the British.C. Colonists defeated by the British on the third attempt at

Battle of Bunker Hill.

Important Questions

What effect do you think the victory at the Battle of Bunker Hill had on colonials attitudes?

-it made colonists confident that they could win in their struggle against the British.

Fort Ticonderoga

Chapter 6.2

D. General Washington Takes CommandD. Army is disorganized, untrained and has not

supplies.E. Send Henry Knox to Fort Ticonderoga to get

needed artillery.F. Fort Ticonderoga is a British fort in upper New

York.G. Benedict Around, Ethan Allen and his Green

Mountain Boys seize the fort easliy.H. Henry Knox loads 59 cannons and hauls them over

300 miles in the snow to Boston.

Chapter 6.2

E. The British Abandon BostonA. Washington places the cannons on Dorchester

Heights.B. British decide to leave Boston. Some colonist

believe the war is over. Washington know the war is far from over.


A. On the Eve of IndependenceA. A year past since Lexington and Concord and the retreat

of the British from Boston. B. During that time people did little talk about


B. The Olive Branch PetitionA. King rejects the Petition B. King orders his army to bring the traitors to justicesC. People now begin to agree with Patrick Henry. Time for



C. Common Sense

1. a self-educated British Quaker 2. Wrote Common Sense3. Paine wrote as a common person speaking to common

people4. Thomas Paine changes people minds. Calls

for Independence in his pamphlet called Common Sense.

5. He said that the people, not kings and queens, should make the laws

6. demand their independence 7. Influenced colonists’

Important Questions

Why did the delegates send the Olive Branch Petition to King George III?

-to make it clear that even though they were forming an army, they still desired peace.

Important Questions

1) Why did Common Sense become popular with the colonists?

-Written in a style that common people could understand.

2) What arguments did Paine make in his pamphlet?

-The people, not Kings and Queens, should make laws; and the colonies should demand their independence from Great Britain.

6.4A. Thomas Jefferson Drafts a Declaration

1. Second Continental Congress created a committee to write a document declaring the colonies’ independence

2. The committee: John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert R. Livingston, and Roger Sherman.

B. Principles on Which to Base a New Government.1. Based his arguments on natural rights “unalienable rights”

2. Government are formed to protect these rights. 

3. Government’s power comes from the people.

4. If the government fails the people have the right to create a new government.

C. The Kings Crimes1. King George III had violated the colonists’ rights.

2. The right to break away from Britain

6.5A. The Final Break

1. July 2nd 1776 all but one colony voted for independence.

2. John Adams said that this day will be celebrated by all generations.

B. Debate over Slavery1. Adams was wrong about the date because Congress wanted to make a

few changes to the Declaration of Independence.

2. The passage about slavery was a problem for some delagates.

3. It was remove for the good of the cause.

C. Independence Day1. July 4, 1776 approved Declaration of Independence, creating USA.

2. The signers pledged “our Lives, our Fortunes, our sacred Honor.”

3. They were committing treason.

4. “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

Choosing Sides

A. Colonists who chose to fight for independence became known as Patriots

B. Loyalists1. Those who remained loyal to Great Britain were

called Loyalists or Tories.2. More than 100,000 Loyalists fled the colonies

during the Revolution

Other Reactions to the Independence

A. Women1. Many women were Patriots.2. The Declaration failed to mention women at all. 3. Abigail Adams, the wife of John Adams, asked her

husband to protect the rights of women.B. African Americans

1. The Declaration did not recognize the rights of enslaved African Americans.

2. The Revolution raised questions about whether slavery should exist in a land that valued liberty.

3. The conflict over slavery continued long after the Revolutionary War had ended.

4. The issue of slavery remained unsolved

Important Questions

4. Why did the American Revolution raise questions about slavery in the United States?

- Colonists accusing Britain of violating their rights had to face the reality that African Americans in the United States were denied their unalienable rights.

Fifty-six delegates to the Second Continental Congress (mostly well educated, white men) signed the Declaration of Independence. Among the groups not represented in the Congress were African Americans, women, working classes, Loyalists, and American Indians.

In fact, voting rights at the time were generally extended only to white male property owners, who made up one of every four colonists.

An assortment of colonial flags are displayed on the wall. Each flag bears the red cross of St. George, a symbol of the colonies’ allegiance to Great Britain.

• In the center of the flags is a drum, used in this era to keep a beat for marching soldiers. The drum symbolizes the state of war between Great Britain and the colonies.

Declaration of Independence

1. What does the Preamble say?

2. What are some key ideas expressed in the second paragraph of the Declaration?

3. Look at the long list that begins with the words “He has refused his Assent.” What is this a list of, and why do you think it was included?

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