The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend www ... Codexes... · ... Skaven, Skaven logos, Slaanesh, Slaanesh logo, Slottabase, Space Hulk, Space Marine, Space Marine chapter logos,

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The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


History records you as one of the commanders taking part in "the Damocles Gulf Crusade"; a campaign weekend that chronicles an apocalyptic conflict of the 41st Millennium... FIRST THINGS FIRST:

THIS IS NOT A TOURNAMENT. YOU WILL GET MORE OUT OF THE WEEKEND IF YOU ENJOY THE EXPERIENCE RATHER THAN FOCUS ON THE OUTCOME OF YOUR GAMES. IF YOU AND YOUR OPPONENT ENJOYED THE GAME – YOU HAVE WON. The Tempus Fugitives have designed this campaign weekend to be (we hope) as enjoyable as possible. It is important to remember that the campaign weekend is not a tournament. If you are expecting anything other than to just have fun – turn back now! The games you play are all connected to part of a greater battle – the clash of empires over the Damocles Gulf. Games Workshop has a really fantastic Grand Tournament programme and should you want to get involved in a true test of your skill at Warhammer 40,000 please contact Direct Sales on 0115 91 40000 or see the events page at The Damocles Gulf Crusade campaign weekend presents Games Workshop hobbyists with an opportunity to play in a different style than they may be used to. In short, Tempus Fugitives’ campaigns are all about trying out new ideas and contributing to an adventure. In fact the story is almost as important as the actual games themselves and players should be prepared to get into the mindset of the army they have brought to battle with.

The team running the event is there to help describe the campaign story as it unfolds and they will work out what impact your games have upon it. Most importantly they are there to ensure everybody has a great time. After all – it’s only toy soldiers! Games will be driven by the narrative of the campaign. This means that during the course of the event various games may appear a bit one-sided when viewed from the usual gaming perspective. In any war, commanders have to deal with unfair and unbalanced situations, using cunning and skill to prevail against overwhelming odds, and the same may be true for you. However, whatever the scenario or battlefield conditions, your game and your story will always count in the big scheme of things; the Tempus Fugitives will always try to make sure that you are not asked to play a game you simply can't win before any dice are cast. There will always be critically important mission objectives that you will need to strive to achieve. Most importantly remember that, as this is a team event, even if you lose your individual battle your taskforce or faction may still do well overall; don't worry about 'winning', just think about having a good time. It is our hope that we can repay some small part of the kindness that the gaming community has shown us over the years and organise a top notch event that everyone can enjoy.

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


Acknowledgments This weighty tome you hold in your slightly clammy hands is the roadmap for the latest Tempus Fugitives Warhammer 40,000 campaign weekend. We have not arrived at this point by mere chance or by some whim; instead we are here because of a number of important people helped us along the way. The bad news is that the list is quite lengthy – so we’ll group them together so as to hopefully not leave anyone out. Most important of all - the Tempus Fugitives would like to thank Games Workshop for giving many of us jobs and all of us an old, yet familiar world to play with. Without their universe to run around in, we’d all be playing Risk or Sudoku… The wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, partners and right hands of the Tempus Fugitives – for letting their worse halves go and play with lead dollies ‘up north’ several times a year. The Tempus Fugitives are most serious about their work and no fun was had in the preparation of this weekend… Any rumours of 80’s disco dancing on the revolving stage in the Reflex bar in Nottingham high street are completely unfounded. The UK Events team deserve mention here. The support received over the years from Brian Aderson and Andy Joyce has meant that we have had the confidence to try and pull these events off. And last but not least we’d like to thank all those who have visited our website and forums. The feedback and support given to our campaign weekends has encouraged us to try and put together the best Warhammer 40,000 campaign weekend we possibly could.

IMPORTANT! This material is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Adeptus Astartes, Battlefleet Gothic, Black Templars, Blood Angels, Blood Bowl, Catachan Jungle Fighters, Chaos Space Marines, the Chaos device, Codex, Dark Eldar, Dark Angels, Dark Future, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, the 40k device, Dwarfs Crossed Hammer logo, Eavy Metal, Epic, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Eye of Terror, the Games Workshop logo, Games Workshop, Genestealer, Golden Demon, Gorkamorka, Grey Knight, Hammer of Sigmar, Horned Rat logo, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor device, Khorne, the Khorne device, Kislev, Kroot, Leman Russ, Mordheim, Necron, Necromunda, Nurgle, Nurgle logo, Ork, Ork Skull devices, Skaven, Skaven logos, Slaanesh, Slaanesh logo, Slottabase, Space Hulk, Space Marine, Space Marine chapter logos, Space Wolves, Sisters of Battle, Steel Legion, Talisman, Tau, the Tau caste designations, Tyranid, Tyrannic, Tzeentch, Tzeentch logo, Ultramarines, Vampire Count logo, Von Carstein, Von Carstein logo, Chaos, 40k, GW, Warmaster, Warhammer, White Dwarf, and all associated marks, names, characters, illustrations and images from the Warhammer world and Warhammer 40,000 universe are either (r), TM and/or (c) Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2008, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world, used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved.

Weekend Schedule

Saturday 17th May 2008 Sunday 18th May 2008 08:45 – 09:30 Arrive & Check-In 09:30 – 10:00 Doors Open 09:30 – 09:45 Welcome and Introductions 10:00 – 10:10 The Story so Far… 09:45 – 10:00 The Story so Far… 10:10 – 10:30 Game 4 Briefing 10:00 – 10:20 Game 1 Briefing 10:30 – 12:30 Game 4: Recon Doubles 10:20 – 12:00 Game 1: Recon 12:30 – 13:30 Sunday Lunch 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch & Best Army Judging 13:30 – 13:50 Game 5 Briefing 13:00 – 13:20 Game 2 Briefing 13:50 – 17:15 Game 5: Heavy Assault Doubles 13:20 – 15:20 Game 2: Main Battlegroup 17:15 – 17:30 Break 15:20 – 15:40 Break 17:30 – 18:00 Debrief and Award Ceremony 15:40 – 16:00 Game 3: Briefing 16:00 – 18:30 Game 3: Heavy Assault 18:30 – 19:30 Dinner 19:30 – 23:00 Quiz and relax in Bugmans

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


Outline of Play

Upon arrival each player will be assigned to a team, called a Task Force, containing up to eight players. You and the other players in your Task Force are allied field commanders fighting as part of the Imperium, the Tau Empire or the Ork Waagh. These factions represent the three sides of the conflict as they battle it out to secure the Damocles Gulf. Each faction has a number of objectives to achieve over the course of the weekend. These objectives will be revealed as the campaign unfolds. The campaign will be fought in five rounds. Each round a series of battles will be fought using the 4th Edition Warhammer 40,000 game rules. Each player within the campaign will take part in each round. There are a number of Task Forces for each faction each with their own agendas, strengths and weaknesses. Before the first game on

Saturday you will be asked to gather at one of the task force muster points and nominate a Task Force Commander. The role of the Task Force Commander is of crucial importance to the team and it is the Commander's responsibility at the end of each game to collate results and hand those back to your Faction Marshal, who will be represented by a member of the event team. Do not elect an incompetent Taskforce Commander – you will regret it! The initiative in the first round is determined by the narrative for each Warzone and is indicated under the Warzone description. Initiative in each subsequent round is determined by the results of the previous round. At the beginning of each round the Task Force that has the initiative in the Warzone will receive a Mission Briefing which includes a list of mission objectives and which scenarios you must play to achieve them. The Task Force with the Initiative must decide which players will undertake each of the objectives assigned to it and note this upon their Mission Briefing. Each objective will have associated scenarios to be played. Once they have made their decision the players in Task Force with the Initiative must select the tables on which the games will be played; players on each side can then pair up. Players cannot select tables from outside of their Warzone to fight on. As your games finish you must report the result (Win, Lose or Draw) to your Task Force Commander; the Commander in turn must pass all of the completed mission briefings back to your Faction Marshal. Victory points are not required to be recorded for the campaign but are used in games to determine the result as per the 4th Edition Warhammer 40,000 rules.

Your Task Force's success or failure in a particular Warzone will determine the future objectives available in other Warzones and, as discussed previously, it will also determine your Initiative for the next round. If both sides have the initiative that round then the normal rules of Warhammer 40,000 are used for determining sides and first turn. Should anything particularly notable happen during the course of your game, such as an act of extreme heroism or crushing tragedy, please let your Faction Marshal know about it as your deeds may well become one of the legends of the Damocles Gulf Crusade... What You Will Need You will require a painted Warhammer 40,000 army designed to create three distinct forces, as indicated in the following sections. You will require two copies of both of your army lists. These must include all of the models in your army, their point values, and the points of any upgrades or wargear. One of these you should keep with you during the entire weekend, and the other should be handed in at registration for inspection by a Task Force Marshal. All models MUST be painted and representative of the appropriate type of troop. The minimal standard of painting requires that at least three colours are painted on to the model and that the bases are textured in some manner. You cannot use a model that does not meet these criteria. You will need to arrange somewhere to sleep overnight. (For help contact Nottingham Information Centre on 0115 915 5330) and you will need to arrange transport to and from the event. It is also useful to bring some spending money for refreshments and any activities you may want to take part in after the Saturday event finishes.

In addition to your army and this campaign pack you will need the following: • The Warhammer 40,000 4th Edition rulebook.

You need this because some of the material from the second half of the book will be used throughout the campaign, and the Battle for Macragge rule book does not contain this material.

• The Apocalypse expansion • Dice, Templates and Tape measure • Superglue • The appropriate Codex and any Imperial Armour

material relating to your army. No photocopies!

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


Fighting in the Damocles Gulf Crusade The Damocles Gulf Crusade was a conflict fought over a previously unexplored region of the galaxy. We would ask all players to choose painting schemes that reflect the Warhammer 40,000 universe - doing this will greatly increase everyone's enjoyment of the campaign. There is a fantastic prize earned by the Best Army chosen by the judges. To qualify as the ‘Best Army’ particular attention will be paid to well themed armies which reflect the brutal conflict during the Damocles Gulf Crusade as humanity battles again the expansionist Tau and the Ork hordes. Rules of Engagement • The Warhammer 40,000 4th Edition rules will be used for this campaign weekend, as will the latest Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) documents

from the Games Workshop website. You need the hardback version of the rulebook because some of the material from the second half will be used throughout the campaign, and the smaller ‘Battle for Macragge’ rule book does not contain this material.

• Except for the 2500 point Assault force, each player will require an army selected from a single army list - see the section entitled Permitted Armies. • You must have enough models to field your army as a 2500 point Heavy Assault force. • All models within your armies should conform to "what you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG). In other words, all equipment that can be

appropriately shown should be clearly modelled on each miniature. • Legendary units and Formations from the Apocalypse Expansion, Imperial Armour: Apocalypse, Liber Apocalyptica and the Games Workshop

website are permitted in this campaign. Home-made Apocalypse datafaxes are not permitted. • Vehicles detailed only in Forge World's Imperial Armour publications may be used. If a vehicle is described in more than one Forge World publication (for

example the Griffon), the most recent version must be used. If the vehicle has an Apocalypse Datafax available for it then that should be used instead. Please contact the Tempus Fugitives if in doubt.

• No ‘VDR’ rules are permitted in the campaign. • The Warhammer 40,000 Cities of Death expansion will not be used in this campaign. • You may include Special Characters from their army Codex as normal but please rename them where appropriate. So Commissar Gaunt might

become Commissar Tanner. • No allies of any kind may be taken (including Kroot Mercenaries, Deathwatch etc). Instead Armies may use the Faction Specific Units instead

which are found in this document.

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


Recon Detachment Small forces sent ahead of the main army, Recon Detachments are selected according to the following restrictions. Part of the fun of these small armies is doing something a bit unique that you might not have the time to do with a larger army. Must be no more than 1000 points. No Formations, Legendary Units or units with Structure points No flyers. Reconnaissance aircraft do not undertake the type of missions fought by a Recon Detachment. No ordnance weapons are allowed. Recon Detachments must have one troop choice. You may spend remaining points from anywhere in the Codex subject to the Recon Detachment Force Organisation chart provided.

Main Battlegroup The Damocles Gulf Crusade is the first conflict between the Tau Empire and the Imperium. To further complicate matters for both sides the brutal Orks have descended on many of the worlds in the Gulf. The army must be fielded as a single detachment subject to the following restrictions: • Must be no more than 1500 points. • May include models or units from the Recon Detachment. • Is selected using the Standard Missions Force Organisation Chart found on

page 78 of the 4th Edition Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook. • May NOT include units with Structure points or any Apocalypse Formations.

• Models with rules in the Apocalypse rulebook or Imperial Armour: Apocalypse MUST be used over those found in other Imperial Armour books (for example the Valkyrie and Hydra).

• Any Fliers use the rules for aircraft found in the Apocalypse expansion. • Vehicles detailed only in Forge World's Imperial Armour publications may be used.

If a vehicle is described in more than one Forge World publication (for example the Griffon), the most recent version must be used.

Heavy Assault Force Smashing aside all but the most solidly built defences, the Heavy Assault Force represents conflict on an almost unimaginable scale. The army is subject to the following restrictions:

• Must be no more than 2500 points. • May include models from the Main Battlegroup and Recon Detachment. • All rules from the Apocalypse Expansion are used when playing with a

Heavy Assault Force except that you do not get a free stratagem, the only stratagems used are those included in formations. Deployment is based on 12” from the diagonal across the centre of the board – it does not scatter.

• Must be chosen from the same faction (so a Tau player may have Tau, Gue’vesa and Kroot but may not include Space Marines or Orks).

• Vehicles detailed only in Forge World's Imperial Armour publications may be used.

If a vehicle is described in more than one Forge World publication (for example the Griffon), the most recent version must be used. If the vehicle has an Apocalypse Datafax available for it then that should be used instead. Please contact the Tempus Fugitives if in doubt.

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


Warzones of the Damocles Gulf

Though we have had many dealings with our human neighbours, their aggressive and suspicious rulers have rejected the Greater Good and brought themselves into conflict with our people. To compound their arrogance, the Imperium have attacked us in an area recently brought within our empire and the delicate balance we maintain against the green skinned Ork menace has been shattered. Now the Orks and their savagery have been swept along in this conflict. It appears the Imperium and Orks are determined that only violence and bloodshed will settle this battle for the regions of the Damocles Gulf. The following systems have been designated key objectives for the upcoming conflict:

Warzone: Vash'ya The capital world of this system is primarily inhabited by members of our Air caste. Living in finely crafted orbital colonies which ring the planet, visiting members of other Tau castes are assured an honourable welcome and peaceable stay. Vash’ya is an oceanic world with a scattering of small, temperate islands across its equator. This system is strongly held by the Tau Empire and we will have the Initiative against any assault.

Warzone: N’dras There are no inhabitable worlds in this system; however the gas giant at the heart of the system is a key staging point for the Air Caste star fleet. Planetary engagements are thought to be unlikely and our Water Caste assures us it is unlikely that the human Imperium is aware of the significance of this staging ground. As a precaution the area has been heavily mined on all approaches. These mines are both shielded and operating a stealth-field and should prevent any aggressive approach.

Warzone: Au'taal This system is home to one of our most verdant and beautiful cultures. The Tau of Au’taal are mistakenly considered easygoing and even lazy by the other Septs in the Empire. It is an error in judgement to think as such and as the Orks have learned to their cost we will defend this gem-like world with all of our might. Our Tau Empire will have the Initiative in the opening stage of any conflict.

Warzone: Krath Our warpdrive test facilities on Krath have been attack by Ork raiders in recent months. However, our forces are gaining the upper hand and the integrity of the complex has been preserved. The Imperium has sent surveyors to the outer reaches of the system but at present appear to be content to allow the Orks to be contained by our hunter cadres. We have the Initiative at this stage, although with increased numbers of Orks now arriving in the system we may need further resources to hold the line here.

Warzone: Tash'var The arid climate of Tash’var makes this world suitable for habitation by both our own people and the savage Ork hordes. Repeated attacks have badly weakened our defences here and the current sustained assault from greenskin forces may overwhelm us. We remain as tenacious, hardy, practical and courageous as the Tau of Tash’var are famed for. Despite our heroic efforts the dominance of the Orks on Tash’var cannot be denied and they currently have the Initiative on this planet.

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


Dal’yth Prime

Our home in the region. Should Dal’yth fall then T’au cannot be far behind. It will take a massed assault of almost unimaginable proportions for the Imperium or the Orks to take this globe from us. Dal’yth lies too far from the Imperial frontier to be under immediate threat, however terrible fortune in our outer systems in the Damocles Gulf may bring this system within their grasp.

Warzones of the Damocles Gulf

Warzone: Y’leth The greenskins have established a significantly broad coalition of tribes who operate from this system raiding the boarder of Imperial space. Though it will not be long before the Imperial forces retaliate, we must be prepared for the fall out from which ever side gains the upper hand. It will be a difficult battle for the Imperium as the Orks have the Initiative here.

Warzone: T'olku The centres of learning on this verdant world are reputed for the skill of our Ethereal diplomats. Though it would be a monstrous act for the Imperium to attack this planet of peace, it must be understood that they believe that there is only war amongst the stars. The Ethereals have decreed that our Fire Caste may not deploy forces here. If the Imperium attacks they will almost certainly have the Initiative here.

Warzone: Elsy'eir The third planet in this system is a verdant sphere known for the poetry and artwork created by our people. Recent reports of an outbreak of an unknown virus have caused widespread panic amongst our people. With the Imperium drawing ever closer it cannot be denied that they may have had a hand in this. With our forces here in disarray any Imperial landing forces should have the Initiative here.

Warzone: Sky’rrel Our forces have lured the bulk of the Orks and a portion of the Imperial incursion to attack this minor target thinking it holds some riches for them. We will watch them tear each other apart and then conquer the survivors. The Imperium has the Initiative.

Warzone: Ke'lshan This system suffers repeated raids by the savage Orks. Our people have grown mistrustful of outsiders. They are currently in retreat from all major population centres and the Ork forces hold the majority of this desert world’s landmass. As a result the greenskins are likely to be in a position of strength and will hold the Initiative in any initial engagement.

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


…for the Greater Good The alien is not intrinsically evil. Do not hate him. Pity him his ignorance. Seek to understand his differences and acquaint him with his inadequacies. Only then will he accept his place in the Greater Good.” This Sio't meditation supposedly composed by hero O'Mau'tel embodies the view of the rapidly expanding Tau Empire. The Tau Empire is situated inside of the Ultima Segmentum, near the Eastern Fringe. It borders the Imperium, and lies within in the reach of the Astronomican. It has suffered many raids from the Orks. The Tau Empire is grown through a series of Expansion Phases and by the time of the Damocles Gulf Crusade the Tau Empire had gone through two phases of expansion already. These phases are a period of several Tau military campaigns during which nearby worlds are colonized, conquered, or sometimes peacefully persuaded to join the Greater Good (i.e. the Tau Empire). Therefore, apart from the star systems of the Tau, which are called Septs, the empire also includes the worlds and star systems belonging to the Kroot, Vespid, and the Nicassar. They appear to have extensive ties to the alien traders known as the Demiurg. The empire is composed by over twenty fully developed Septs and around one hundred settled worlds. The lists on the following pages present the allowed lists for the Tau Empire involved in the campaign. In all cases the most recent edition of the Codex will be used. These are the only armies permitted in this Faction during the weekend and if you cannot find your army listed, in all likelihood it is not permitted. If you have any further questions regarding army selection, please contact the event organisers before the weekend or check the forums at The Codices used in this campaign for the Tau Empire are: Codex Tau Empire and Codex Imperial Guard. Articles from Chapter Approved or other sources are not to be used in this campaign. All supplementary rules to your Codex can be found in this pack.

Taskforce Name Permitted Armies

Brightsword Tau Empire; Kroot Cadre & Gue’vesa Cadre

Puretide Tau Empire; Kroot Cadre & Gue’vesa Cadre

Shadowsun Tau Empire; Kroot Cadre & Gue’vesa Cadre

Farsight Tau Empire; Kroot Cadre & Gue’vesa Cadre

O’Ttaka Tau Empire; Kroot Cadre & Gue’vesa Cadre

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


The Tau Empire

Tau are organised in teams of warriors originating from the same Sept, often bound by the Ta'lissera. These teams are grouped into an all-arms combat force known as Hunter Cadre under the leadership of a Commander. In many cases, an Ethereal will accompany the force, and the balance of teams will be selected for the particular hunt to be undertaking. The two methods of warfare employed by Hunter Cadres are the Mont'ka and Kauyon. Each method is taught by the great Fire Caste academies on each Fire Caste world and have their own adherents amongst the Shas'o and Shas'el masters. They are both based on two approaches to hunting; the first involves bringing the prey to the hunter, the second involves the hunter running the prey to ground; the former is Kauyon, the latter Mont'ka.

Using the Tau Empire in the Damocles Gulf Crusade

• Armies must be selected using the most recent edition of Codex Tau Empire with the latest FAQ from Games Workshop’s website. Please contact us at the Tempus Fugitives if you do not understand this point.

• Tau Empire armies MUST include 1+ units of Fire Warriors as laid out in the Codex. As a Recon Detachment has no compulsory HQ choice, a Tau Empire army is not

required to take a Commander such a formation. They MUST be taken in a Main Battlegroup. • Sky Rays have the Anti-Air special rule at no additional cost meaning they hit enemy aircraft using normal BS rules (including Markerlight bonuses) rather than only on

a roll of a 6.

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


The Noble Savage – the Kroot Cadre

The Kroot digestive system is extremely efficient, capable of breaking down almost any organic material into an energy form that can be stored in specialised organs scattered throughout their bodies called nymnes. Should anything inorganic and indigestible be consumed, the Kroot must regurgitate it, with considerable discomfort. However the strangest quirk of Kroot digestion is their ability to extract potentially useful strands of their food's DNA. Adeptus Mechanicus Genetors have long been aware that much of the double helix structure of DNA is in fact blank and used to separate those areas that do contain genetic information. The Kroot have somehow inherited the ability to incorporate useful DNA codes into their own genetic make up. Larger Kroot, called Shapers, who have an instinctive understanding of this process, can direct their kindred to consume certain prey in order that in successive generations, they may take on elements of those genes.

Using the Kroot Cadre in the Damocles Gulf Crusade

• Armies must be selected using the most recent edition of Codex Tau Empire with the latest FAQ from Games Workshop’s website. Please contact us at the Tempus Fugitives if you do not understand this point.

• Units detailed only in Forge World's Imperial Armour publications may be

used. If the unit features in an Apocalypse Datafax then that should be used instead. Please contact the Tempus Fugitives if in doubt.

• Army Selection may ONLY be made from the following list:

HQ – 1 Master Shaper; 0-1Shaper Council; 0-1 Kroot Shaman ELITES – Viper Kindred; Stalker Kindred; Kroot-Genestealer Hybrids TROOPS – 1+ Kroot Carnivore Kindred (see Codex: Tau Empire) FAST ATTACK – Feral Kroot; Vulture Kindred; Tracker Kindred; Kroot Knarloc Riders (see Imperial Armour Volume3) HEAVY SUPPORT – Kroot Bird; Hunter Kindred; Great Knarloc (see Imperial Armour Apocalypse)

• The Knarloc Raider formation specifically refers to Great Knarloc units chosen from Imperial Armour Volume 3, however those rules aren't being used, the rules from Apocalypse are. This unit within the formation should be chosen from the Apocalypse book instead.

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


Our Human Helpers – The Gue’vesa Cadre

Gue'vesa ("Human Helper") is the name the Tau give to the humans who have joined their empire. In the build up to the Crusade, m of the Imperial Guard and Planetary Defence forces stationed near the Damocles Gulf have long felt abandoned by the Imperium. The Tau Commander O'Shovah exploited this and gave these humans the option of joining the Tau Empire, an offer that most accepted.

Using the Gue’vesa in the Damocles Gulf Crusade

• Armies must be selected using the most recent edition of Codex Imperial Guard with the latest FAQ from Games Workshop’s website. Please contact us at the Tempus Fugitives if you do not understand this point. You may use the Armoured Company rules found on the Games Workshop website.

• The army cannot use doctrines but gain Carapace Armour for all Imperial

Guard Infantry (as defined in Codex: Imperial Guard) for no additional cost. They count as having taken a doctrine, however and as such do not have access to any units which would require a doctrine to be taken (such as Priests, Special Weapon Teams etc)

• Traitors - In close combat, Imperial models may re-roll hits against Gue’vesa • Gue’vesa Cadres may NOT take Commissars or Sanctioned Psykers. • You MUST take an Ethereal. His abilities affect Gue’vesa units as well as Tau

units. He does not take up an HQ choice. • You may replace Eathshaker cannons with Rail Guns at no additional cost. • You may replace Baneblade battle cannons with two Rail Guns (not twin-

linked) at no additional cost or a Heavy Rail Gun for +10 points (See Imperial Armour Apocalypse).

• You may replace plasma guns with Tau plasma rifles at no additional cost • You may replace Multi-lasers with Twin-linked Burst Cannons at no additional


• You may take up to three Sniper Drone Teams as a single Heavy Support choice.

• You may replace Battle cannons or demolisher cannons with Ion Canons at no additional cost.

• You may replace autocannons for missile pods at no additional cost. • You may replace Heavy Bolters with Burst Cannons at no additional cost. • You may take squads of Fire Warriors as Elites choices. The Fire Warriors have

the options available to them in Codex Tau Empire including a Devilfish.

• You may take squads of Kroot and Vespid as Fast Attack choices. The Kroot and Vespid have the options available to them in Codex Tau Empire.

• Gue’vesa Cadre units that are not Tau may not make use of Markerlight hits. • Gue’vesa Cadre vehicles receive their upgrades from the Tau Empire vehicle

upgrades and may NOT take upgrades from Codex: Imperial Guard except for Extra Armour which is available at +15 points per vehicle. Extra armour may NOT be given to any Tau vehicles in a Gue’vesa Cadre army.

• Gue’vesa Cadre Sentinels may be given Jet Packs at +15 points per model.

Sentinels upgraded in this way may move as Jet infantry. They may deep strike. • Gue’vesa Cadre units that include a Veteran Sergeant may be bonded as per

the rules in Codex Tau Empire at +10 points per squad. • All Tau technology MUST be modelled appropriately on the units. No ‘counts as’

is permitted. • Gue’vesa Cadre may NOT take campaign units from the Imperium Edition of

the campaign pack!

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


Damocles Gulf Crusade Specific Units There are several units which may be taken by many of the armies during the Damocles Gulf Crusade. They are detailed on the following pages and are considered fully usable for this campaign weekend. However, they are not to be considered official in any way outside of the Damocles Gulf Crusade. Where a unit is restricted to one army, it is clearly indicated in the unit entry.

Air Caste Glider Team Pg 14

Embedded Reporters Pg 14

Feral Kindred Pg 14

Gue’vesa’la Squad Pg 15

Hunter Kindred Pg 15

Kroot Genestealer Hybrids Pg 16

Kroot Bird Pg 17

Kroot Shaman Pg 17

Master Shaper Pg 18

Nicassar Telekinetic Pg 18

Shaper Council Pg 19

Stalker Kindred Pg 19

Tarellian Dog Soldiers Pg 20

Tracker Kindred Pg 20

Viper Kindred Pg 21

Vulture Kindred Pg 21

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


Embedded Reporters 60 points Bringing the heroic struggle of the humble Fire Warrior to the people of the Tau Empire, embedded Water Caste Reporters serve a crucial role in the battle for the Greater Good.

An Embedded Reporter may be added to any Fire Warrior team.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Por’la 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 7 4+

Camera Drone 1 4 1 3 1 3 1 5 4+ Unit Type: Infantry Number/Squad: 1 Reporter and a camera drone. They become part of the squad they are attached to and may not leave it. They are unarmed. Star Performers: So inspirational is the idea that their deeds are being sent across the Empire, all Fire Warriors in the team to which the Reporter is attached may re-roll their shooting to hit. Furthermore the unit is fearless. Snuff Film: Any unit which contains an Embedded Reporter and is wiped out is worth double victory points (including the value of the reporter).

Air Cast Glider Team 60 points Equipped with networked markerlights, the use of skilful Air-Cast glider teams was crucial during the Damocles Gulf war to ensure that heavy support systems were given sufficient guidance. In later years the Air Caste gliders were phased out by more advanced drone platforms such as the Remora Drone Stealth Fighter. Air Cast Glider Teams may be taken as Fast Attack choices for the Tau Empire.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Kor’la 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 7 5+ Unit Type: Jump Infantry Number/Squad: 3 Kor’la Gliders are deployed as a single Fast Attack choice but may be

placed and act independently. Wargear: Yeldi glider wings, stealth field generator, pulse pistol and a Network

Markerlight. Stable Firing Platforms: Yeldi Glider rigs are designed to move and fire the markerlight network mounted on them. They always count as stationary for shooting purposes. Pulse Pistol: Range 12”, Str 5, AP 5 Pistol.

Feral Kindred 75 points Kroot Hounds and Krootox are not the only ‘dead-end’ evolutionary paths utilized by the Kroot. Feral-like Kroot are far stronger - more bestial and primitive than normal Kroot. A Feral Kindred is a Fast Attack choice for the Kroot Cadre or the Tau Empire.


Feral Kroot 5 2 5 4 2 3 2 7 - Unit Type: Infantry Number/Squad: 5 Feral Kroot Wargear: Teeth and claws (additional attack included in profile). Options: Up to 5 Feral Kroot may be added to the kindred at +15 points per model. Fieldcraft (see Codex Tau Empire) Infiltrate Ignore Injury

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


Gue’vesa’la Squad 50 points The descendants of the humans that joined the Tau Empire now maintain colonies on the edges of Tau space, and are often recruited as auxiliaries in the Tau army. The Gue'vesa are capable of producing copies of the Imperial lasgun to defend themselves, and in times of war may be armed with more advanced Tau weaponry such as pulse rifles, pulse carbines, and markerlights. These small units of humans are reviled and viewed as traitors by most members of the Imperium. Gue’vesa’la Squads may be taken as non-compulsory Troop choices for the Tau Empire and Gue’vesa Cadre.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Gue'vesa'la 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 4+ Gue'vesa'ui 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+ Unit Type: Infantry Number/Squad: 6 Gue’vesa’la. Wargear: Carapace armour, lasguns, EMP grenades. Options: Up to 6 Gue’vesa’la may be added to the squad at +8 points per model. Any Gue’vesa’la in the squad may replace their Lasgun with Pulse Rifles or Pulse Carbines at +5 points per model. Up to two Gue’ves’la may replace their lasguns with burst cannons at +5 points or fusion guns at +10 points each. Character: One Gue’vesa’la may be upgraded to a Gue’vesa’ui for +15 points, replacing his lasgun with a pulse carbine with markerlight. Traitors In close combat, Imperial models may re-roll hits against Gue’vesa

Hunter Kindred 80 points Some bands of Kroot have access to hunting rifles, a variant of the standard Kroot rifle designed to fire at a longer range and with greater accuracy. These weapons are often fielded by kindred operating in smaller groups so as to provide covering fire for the other warriors in the Cadre. A Hunter Kindred is a Heavy Support choice for the Kroot Cadre or the Tau Empire.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Hunter Kroot 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 7 5+ Shaper 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 8 5+ Unit Type: Infantry Number/Squad: 4 Hunter Kroot and a Shaper Wargear: Sniper rifle, frag and krak grenades. Options: Up to 5 Hunter Kroot may be added to the kindred at +13 points per model. The Shaper may replace his Sniper rifle with a Pulse rifle at no additional points cost, a Fusion gun at +5 points or an Evicerator at +20 points. Fieldcraft (see Codex Tau Empire) Infiltrate Acute Senses

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


Kroot-Genestealer Hybrids 85 points The Kroot Shaper led his kindred through the dense undergrowth, his tongue flicking in and out of his beaked mouth as he tasted the air. His heightened senses picked up the presence of the Genestealers before he actually saw them skulking through the undergrowth up ahead. At his unspoken command the Kroot warriors sunk into the jungle foliage, their keen eyes regarding their foe with intense curiosity. A series of clicks and whistles in the Kroot tongue indicated the warriors' desire to get to grips with this new enemy, to feast of its flesh and add its strengths to their own. Regarding the vicious claws and agile limbs, the Shaper felt the urge to attack, to consume, to please the ancestors and take as his own those predatory traits he watched stalking towards him beneath the dark jungle canopy. As the Genestealers drew nearer, his whipping tongue savoured the pheromone messages permeating the humid jungle air: the lust to survive, the drive to consume and integrate. Something in the scent made the Shaper pause. The warriors behind him were becoming impatient and the enemy were getting closer. High pitched whistles from behind told him his kindred was almost beyond the point where he could control their carnivorous appetites and with an angry series of warbling clicks he silenced the impatient warriors. He needed more time to consider the meanings in the enemy's musky scent. In a moment of instinctive insight, the Shaper sensed what was wrong with the enemy's scent; they too were predators who survived by consuming their foes, by taking within themselves the traits of those they defeated so that successive generations could survive and prosper in an ultimately hostile world. Something in this was wrong, something about this foe made it imperative that their spirits must not be allowed to mingle with those of the Kroot. Lacking the time to fully explain his terrible realisation, the Shaper saw the aliens were too close, and had no option but to order the attack. He just hoped he could exert enough control over his kin to suppress their carnivorous instincts... Kroot-Genestealer Hybrid Kindred may be taken as Elite choices for the Kroot Cadre or the Tau Empire.


Kroot-Genestealer Hybrids 5 1 4 4 1 6 3 10 5+ Unit Type: Infantry Number/Squad: 5 Kroot-Genestealer Hybrids. Wargear: Lots of razor sharp rending claws (included in profile). Options: Up to 5 Kroot-Genestealer Hybrids may be added to the kindred at +17 points per model. Fleet Infiltrate Fieldcraft (see Codex Tau Empire) Rending: The Kroot- Genestealer attacks in combat are rending. Call of the Hive: Each turn, before moving the Kroot-Genestealer Kindred, the Tau player rolls a d6. On a roll of a 1 the unit may do nothing that turn (except fight if engaged in combat). At the end of the turn it resumes normal behaviour.

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


Kroot Bird 50 points The presence on the battlefield of a Kroot Bird often inspires the Kroot Cadre into acts of bravery as well as unsettling the enemy forces. It is believed that the Kroot Bird feeds on souls or some other unworldly food source. A halo of shadowy energy emits from the creature and causes waves of confusion and despair in its enemies. Even those who have forsworn themselves to corpse gods feel powerless in its gaze. Only one Kroot Bird can be taken as an Heavy Support choice for the Kroot Cadre.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Kroot Bird 3 0 2 2 2 5 3 10 - Unit Type: Infantry Number/Squad: 1 Kroot Bird Wargear: None. Options: None. Independent Character Fieldcraft (see Codex Tau Empire) Infiltrate Hypnotic Gaze: The Kroot Bird’s presence is unsettling for the enemy. The Kroot player can force his opponent to re-roll the dice for determining who gets first turn. Furthermore, the Kroot Bird may choose to stare at a unit with a leadership value at the start of the battle (including Fearless units). That unit begins the game entangled.

Kroot Shaman 100 points Certain Shapers can ingest the brains of psykers to put them in touch with the ancient warrior ancestors that are said to protect the kindred of Pech. The Kroot Shaman can be taken as an HQ choice for the Kroot Cadre.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Kroot Shaman 4 3 4 4 4 5 3 10 5+ Unit Type: Infantry Number/Squad: 1 Kroot Shaman Wargear: Force weapon, frag and krak grenades. Options: The Kroot Shaman may be given wings (and become Jump Infantry) but may no longer Infiltrate. Independent Character Mark of the Favoured Child (4+ Inv save) Fieldcraft (see Codex Tau Empire) Infiltrate Shaman Rituals: The Kroot Shaman can invoke the ancestor spirits and with the Master Shaper they agree on a course of action:

The Master Shaper orders that the battle is fought at later that night. Provided there are only Kroot present in the army, the battle is played using the rules for Night Fight. Regardless of other races present in the army, the Shaman uses the warrior spirits to empower all warriors with Fieldcraft to gain the Acute Senses ability.


The Master Shaper orders that the battle is fought at immediately. The Shaman uses the spirit of the land to protect all warriors with Fieldcraft. They gain a 5+ cover save at all times.

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


Master Shaper 130 points Kroot Cadre leaders are known as Master Shapers; they are generally the Kroot with the best ability for recognizing desirable traits in defeated foes and tell his Kindred (Kroot name for clan or squad) what to eat to suit the task at hand. For instance, a Shaper who wants his Kroot to gain muscle mass will take on campaigns against Orks to acquire the right DNA, while extensive feeding on flying predators will allow the Kroot to grow wings. This eating of their foes ties in with the religious beliefs of the Kroot: they believe that when a warrior of any race dies, his warrior spirit should be kept, and the only way to do this is by eating his flesh. The Kroot practice this in their funeral customs, in which the body of the deceased is consumed by the kindred. The Kroot Master Shaper MUST be taken as a compulsory HQ choice for the Kroot Cadre.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Master Shaper 4 3 4 4 4 5 3 10 5+ Unit Type: Infantry Number/Squad: 1 Master Shaper Wargear: Kroot rifle, frag and krak grenades. Options: The Master Shaper may replace his Kroot rifle with a Pulse rifle at +5 points, a Fusion gun at +10 points or an Evicerator at +25 points. The Master Shaper may be given wings (and become Jump Infantry) but may no longer Infiltrate. Independent Character Kroothawk Totem (giving every unit with Fieldcraft the Scout ability) Mark of the Favoured Child (4+ Inv save) Fieldcraft (see Codex Tau Empire) Infiltrate

Nicassar Telekine 100 points The Nicassar are driven by an insatiable curiosity to explore and travel and contribute this skill for the Greater Good to work with the Tau by providing fleets to scout and explore. It is said that the Nicassar are gifted with immense psychic powers in Telekinesis and are able to move entire starships with their minds. For this reason the Tau Empire has been careful to prevent the psychic fearing Imperium from discovering their existence.

The Nicassar Telekine may be taken as a Heavy Support choice for the Tau Empire.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Nicassar Telekine 2 4 2 3 3 6 1 10 4+ inv

Unit Type: Infantry Number/Squad: 1 Nicassar Telekine Wargear: Pulse Pistol. The Nicassar is protected by a telekinetic field which gives him a 4+ invulnerable save and is makes him immune to instant death. Independent Character Nicassar Telekinesis: Instead of shooting, the Nicassar can instead make a Telekinetic attack. Make a psychic test as normal. If successful, choose an enemy vehicle (but not a flier or super heavy vehicle). Roll to hit and provided the target is within 36” range it is lifted into the air. If the vehicle is out of range then the shot has missed. Provided the Telekinetic has hit, roll a scatter dice. If a hit is rolled the vehicle is slammed to the ground and takes d3 glancing hits. If an arrow is rolled then the Nicassar may move the vehicle up to 18” in the direction indicated before dropping it. If the vehicle is dropped on another vehicle then both suffer a glancing hit and the dropped vehicle comes to rest facing in the direction indicated and to the side of the vehicle which it was dropped on. If the vehicle is dropped on a non-vehicle unit, the unit takes 2d6 saveable wounds and the dropped vehicle suffers a glancing hit. Move the non-vehicle unit exactly as though it had been tank shocked. If the vehicle is dropped into impassable terrain it is destroyed. The vehicle may not be dropped off the table edge. If the vehicle is part of a squadron and is pulled out of formation it is destroyed. Guarded Resource: It is of vital importance that the psychic nature of the Nicassar be concealed from the Imperium. Because of this the Nicassar Telekinetic is worth triple victory points to an Imperial opponent if they kill the Telekinetic in combat.

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


Shaper Council 90 points A Shaper Council sits below the Master Shaper in the chain of command within a Kroot Cadre. Each council member is responsible for a number of kindred, coordinating their evolution with other members of the band to obtain the desired mix of skills and abilities. Each Master Shaper taken in the army allows you to include a Kroot Shaper Council. It is deployed as an HQ choice but does not take up a slot on the force organisation chart.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Shaper Councillor 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 9 5+

Unit Type: Infantry Number/Squad: 3 Shapers Wargear: Kroot rifle, frag and krak grenades. Options: Up to 2 Shapers may be added to the council at +30 points per model. Any Shaper may replace his Kroot rifle with a Pulse rifle at +5 points, a Fusion gun at +10 points or an Evicerator at +25 points. The Shapers may be given wings (and become Jump Infantry) but may no longer Infiltrate. Infiltrate

Fieldcraft (see Codex Tau Empire) Evicerator: Doubles models strength in close combat and penetrates vehicles with 2d6. Ignores armour saves. Always strike at Initiative 1.

Stalker Kindred 130 points The Stalker kindred have sought out the stealthiest of predators living within the depths of the galaxy’s jungles and forests. By matching their skills against these deadly creatures and eating their kills, they have become amongst the most deadly of ambush specialists to be found in any warzone. Stalker Kindred is an Elite’s choice for the Kroot Cadre or the Tau Empire.


Stalker Kroot 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 7 5+ Shaper 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 8 5+ Unit Type: Infantry Number/Squad: 6 Stalker Kroot and a Shaper Wargear: Kroot rifle, frag and krak grenades. Options: Up to 10 Stalker Kroot may be added to the kindred at +17 points per model. The Shaper may replace his Kroot rifle with a Pulse rifle at +5 points, a Fusion gun at +10 points or an Evicerator at +25 points. Evicerator: Doubles models strength in close combat and penetrates vehicles with 2d6. Ignores armour saves. Always strike at Initiative 1. Fieldcraft (see Codex Tau Empire) Secret Deployment: Stalker Kindred deploy using the Deep Strike rule, regardless of mission, to represent them leaping out from concealment. They must always Deep Strike into a piece of area terrain. If this terrain is classed as Impassable, the Stalker Kindred will not be destroyed but instead placed as normal. If the Deep Strike roll would take the Stalker Kindred out of the boundaries of the chosen area terrain, the Stalker Kindred must be placed as close to the point indicated as possible without any part of any model’s base leaving that terrain piece. A Stalker Kindred may not move but may assault on the turn it enters play.

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


Tarellian Dog Soldiers 70 points Tarellians are short aliens with broad shoulders whose canine-like face gives them the nickname dog-soldiers. A highly martial culture based on close knit teamwork, during the Great Crusade many of their worlds were virus bombed by the Imperium giving them a deep seated resentment towards mankind. For millennia they have fought a fragmented war against humanity selling their services to the enemies of the Imperium wherever they are found. Tarellians commonly use the weapons of their employers as their nomadic lifestyle makes carrying large amounts of specialised equipment impractical. Tarellian Dog Soldiers are an Elites choice for the Kroot Cadre or the Tau Empire. They will not serve in any army that contains humans.


Dog Soldier 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 7 5+ Alpha 5 4 3 3 1 4 2 8 5+ Unit Type: Beasts Number/Pack: 4 Dog Soldiers and an Alpha leader Wargear: Pulse Rifle, close combat weapon and a pulse pistol. Options: Up to 15 Dog Soldiers may be added to the pack at +11 points per model. The Alpha may replace his Pulse Rifle with a Fusion gun at +10 points

The Alpha may replace his close combat weapon with a powerfist at +20 points. Fleet Fearless Preferred Enemy: Humans Tarellians always hit humans (including Space Marines and Abhumans) on a 3+ in close combat as described in the Preferred Enemy rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Tracker Kindred 80 points Trackers are most frequently used as mounted scouts, but also play a light cavalry role on the battlefield where they can harass the enemy with their ranged weaponry or charge an exposed flank should the opportunity present itself. A Tracker Kindred is a Fast Attack choice for the Kroot Cadre or the Tau Empire.


Tracker Kroot 4 3 4 4(3) 1 3 1 7 5+ Shaper 4 3 4 4(3) 3 3 3 8 5+ Unit Type: Cavalry Number/Squad: 3 Tracker Kroot and a Shaper Wargear: Knarloc, Sniper rifle, frag and krak grenades. Options: Up to 5 Tracker Kroot may be added to the kindred at +17 points per model. The Shaper may replace his Sniper rifle with a Pulse rifle at no additional points cost, a Fusion gun at +5 points or an Evicerator at +20 points. Fieldcraft (see Codex Tau Empire) Infiltrate Scout

The Damocles Gulf Crusade Campaign Weekend


Viper Kindred 100 points These Kroot are the result of their predecessors feeding upon the most poisonous creatures they could hunt. They are capable of inflicting hideous injury through poisons secreted from their skin, claws and quills. Viper Kroot are known to coat their ammunition in such venoms. A Viper Kindred is an Elites choice for the Kroot Cadre or the Tau Empire.


Viper Kroot 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 7 5+ Shaper 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 8 5+ Unit Type: Infantry Number/Squad: 6 Viper Kroot and a Shaper Wargear: Kroot rifle, frag and krak grenades. Options: Up to 10 Viper Kroot may be added to the kindred at +14 points per model. The Shaper may replace his Kroot rifle with a Pulse rifle at +5 points, a Fusion gun at +10 points or an Evicerator at +25 points. Evicerator: Doubles models strength in close combat and penetrates vehicles with 2d6. Ignores armour saves. Always strike at Initiative 1. Fieldcraft (see Codex Tau Empire) Infiltrate Poisonous: All the units close combat attacks and Kroot rifle ranged attacks wound on a 4+ or better.

Vulture Kindred 130 points The Kroot species has an avian ancestry, and these kindred have resurrected that heritage by eating the flesh of winged hunters. Although not suited for extended flight, their wings allow them to spiral on the warm updrafts of the battlefield and swoop down on their enemies. A Vulture Kindred is a Fast Attack choice for the Kroot Cadre or the Tau Empire.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Vulture Kroot 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 7 5+ Shaper 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 8 5+

Unit Type: Jump Infantry Number/Squad: 6 Vulture Kroot and a Shaper Wargear: Kroot rifle, frag and krak grenades. Options: Up to 10 Vulture Kroot may be added to the kindred at +17 points per model. The Shaper may replace his Kroot rifle with a Pulse rifle at +5 points, a Fusion gun at +10 points or an Evicerator at +25 points. Evicerator: Doubles models strength in close combat and penetrates vehicles with 2d6. Ignores armour saves. Always strike at Initiative 1. Fieldcraft (see Codex Tau Empire) Deep Strike

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