The Courier - Eighth Edition

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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  • 8/6/2019 The Courier - Eighth Edition


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    return rom his interview with the press.

    During the interview the protestors remainedoutside chanting and then moved towards the car

    park to attempt to kettle his car and make theirvoices heard again, however Spencers car wasbrought round the back to the ofce orconvenience and to prevent the situation

    getting out o hand. Some people gatheredwith the protestors however did not agreewith the protesting methods and were singingpeace songs to try to put across their views.

    Ater Spencer had gone a discussion/ debatebroke out in-between Silver Birch and BlueCedar with a variety o views representedspreading rom complete anger that he had

    even been invited to those who elt heshould have denitely been invited.

    Issue Eight

    Lydia HarperProtest Observer




    Interview withMark Spencer M

    Sack YourHeadteacher


    I was ushered into the ofcethrough crowds oenthusiastic andpassionate protestors;news pass in hand steeringme through where I metMark Spencer theConservative Mp or Sherwood.Jovial and pompous he shook me warmly hand almost overowing with complimenthe Courier and quick to oer me the com

    chair whilst he took a non-comy one (cleatrying to get into this young journalists gbooks).

    It all gets a little awkward when we sidown and I ask what he thinks o CoCamrom what he has seen, its a greaopportunity to get together, get to socialisin a sae environment and come and exprviews whatever their views are, so ovepretty positive. Tis vague answer whennext with the I got an idea [o what CoCbut unless you come and see these thihand you never really understand so its education in many respects didnt really me that he knew what he had let himsel i

    When asked about how the governmentsare actually going to help the young peophe merely stated the undamental natureconomy and how it is a necessity to hel

    n the 6th o August, Conservative Mp MarkSpencer came to the CoCamp open day as

    an opportunity to learn more about WoodcratFolk.

    When he arrived he was greeted by a group oprotestors with the intention o questioning him

    on Conservative policies. Tere were mixed

    responses to how successul this was. Spencerwas keen to encourage this type o interactionand attitude towards challenging the

    government; but the opposing sideacknowledged the debate as good elt patronisedand belittled.

    Next ollowed a tour o CoCamp and Spencer

    invited the people congregated rom thediscussion to ollow the tour. Near the late nightprogram area chants o whos kettling who?Were kettling you! arose and a crowd o

    protestors with placards appeared andsurrounded Spencer, asking questions andexpressing their views. Ater a while oquestioning the tour had to be moved on and

    there was general outcry o not being allowed tosay what they wanted.

    Whilst moving up towards Blue Cedar there was apotentially problematic moment when a couple

    o members o the protest march were accused o

    throwing things at Spencer. Reports say that pinecones were denitely thrown but later in the daythe majority o the protesters agreed that on the

    whole the protest was not violent and there was aeeling o the other protestors stopping othersrom arguably taking the protest too

    ar. Te rest o the marchconsisted o journeyingollowed by chants such asno is no buts no

    education cuts and oryscum. Te tour nished atthe ofce with theprotestors gathering on

    the stairs awaitingh i s

    Te DayTe oryCame



    return rom his in

    During the intoutside chanti

    ark to attemvoices heardbrought roconvenience

    getting outwith the p

    ith the prpeace song

    Ater Spebroke outCedar witspreadin

    even beeshould ha

    ar. Te rest o the marchconsisted o journeyingollowed by chants such asn i s no buts no

    education cuts and oryscum. Te tour nished atthe ofce with theprotestors gathering on

    the stairs awaitingh i s

    CoCamp took a pause last night or the whole camp to come together and remember the atrocity that occurred in

    Hiroshima and Nagisaki in 1945. Te commemoration involved a beautiul procession rom each o the our

    CoCamp towns; ollowed by singing, remembering and readings rom elfns.

    Te CoCamp boards right to invite a ory to thecamp thus attempting to represent the whole

    camps opinion; the board is naive and should be

    held to account no not the board theindividuals responsible, they have done so much

    or us, this camp wouldnt be here without them.

    Te lack o respect rom both Spencer and romWoodcrat members; i hed treated us with

    respect, Id have treated him with respect, I

    dont believe in his political ideals but I believe innot being rude to people.

    Te ory attitude; we understand the ories,

    they dont understand us, Woodcrat is all abouteducate or social change...we should learn rom

    dierent people to us!

    Points of Contention


    Te ory

    Mark Spencer MP

    youth; its very challenging obviously. disapointing slip into the Neoliberal stawhere the market comes above all moral cand painted the picture or the restinterview.

    Inevitably we moved onto the protest whplace and was still taking place outside twhilst we spoke and his cutting respon10% o the camp seemed to imply that ewho didnt protest did not object. He peducation as a key theme o the protest anthat the Pupil Premium has been brospecically to challenge this. I pointed outPupil Premium policy had actually beenLiberal Democrat maniesto not hisstumped him entirely.

    Another change o subject and back to theIts oten young people take the opportprotest against the government o today.

    that oten young people oten can get too and dont consider the acts; Sometimeprotest] a social day out, youre not suggve year old has a strong opinion ovesector reductionstheyre just with mdad. Although Mr Spencer seemed kpeoples voices not to get dismissed he seethan happy to dismiss younger peoplepurely based on age. And nally he evoting at the age o 18 has worked or maand that there needs to be an inunderstanding o the world beore beingto vote which implies the maturity o 16 yis not good enough or him.

    Mark Spencer seems to be a great riendbut as a politician? Well he seemspolitician through and through; questions and not really knowing the anthe context. However I think this opportubeen an incredible challenge and learninor him.

    It all gets a little awkward when w

    down and I ask what he thinks ofCoCamp

  • 8/6/2019 The Courier - Eighth Edition


    Ater our narrow escape rom death and/or a permanent

    vegetative state had been on the road or three days sinceour last report was sent to the CoCamp Press via carrierFalcon. We were headed to silver birch. Lesley Harrelson

    a.k.a. erminator Jones was analysing the surrounding area,was oraging or our next meal. He would never tell anyonehow he got that nickname, just that we had better call him it,the redness o his eyes when I frst met him, made my gut

    believe that was probably a good idea. He was the techexpert, the muscle o the operation.Barry Snake was the third member o news team 16, mainlyhe looked ater the carrier alcon and took care o its eggs.

    Having been on News team 1

    majority o his lie now, evelet the London Street gang Bad Jizzle we thought it wup his responsibility. Tus we

    the job o reading the map, acBarry S. we were almost at

    Birch, now known in certain cir

    den o thieves. Ater attempting to shelter rom

    down pour o rain we fnally came to afrst we thought we had arrived. ermina

    pointed out that he detected an anomaly surrounding area, when cross reerenced collaborating data he had on fle or Silver Bira wordy sentence but it roused my suspicio

    me not knowing what hal the words meant.I noticed a young woodchip, soaked to the skand looking very upset. It was important to l

    we were not a threat. I said in my kindest sYou there child, Where the Hell are we? trembled with reassurance. Y-y-yellow Asar-, I turned at Barry and roared Yellow

    Aspen?! What the hell Barry, No more Falcoyou, Barry hissed in disgust. But I would cback to his senses later. How the hell did where? Ater urther polite discussion turns

    was colour blind, which was a real stroke o unmisortune as upon urther inspection we sawhad no colour at all and all the village na

    written on the page.

    For absolutely loads o kids,school is boring and pretty

    horrible; at least or those o usthat dont have an awesomegroup o riends and probably a

    couple o amazing teachers. I

    were honest, I think we can allagree that or children, the

    reality o secondary school is

    that its mostly about making

    national version o Secret riend. Tis is a where you are

    paired up with another person or group and

    they are your best buddy/ies, someone tobe kind to at all times. However, to do

    this we needed contact details,thereore we will be making a round

    o all the villages looking oranyone who would be interested

    in being a connection or us.

    More than one rom each villageis fne. I we dont fnd you, eel

    ree to come and put yourselorward - but remember to look

    out or us anyway!

    We are all open and ready or you tomeet us, please come up and have a

    chat. We hope to do the best we canduring our time as your representatives.

    A couple o days ago you may have noticedan article about the election o theventurer committee. Well good news! Tefteen chosen candidates met on a sunnyFriday morning or our frst ocialmeeting.Te initial phase began with us telling eachother our names, districts and avouritecolours. (I I remember correctly, red was

    A card here, a banner there and a ewcool gits thrown into the mix.

    Secret riends is a great way to dosomething cool or someone you door didnt know. It puts a smile onpeoples aces, and that is as good a

    reward as any. In village 18 there

    have been small presents, bigpresents and those in between. Teir

    presents range rom small bracelets& biscuits, to a huge banners andsigns. One girl received a present

    made in bushcrat! Gits have beenbought, made and in some casesgiven rom peoples own belongings.

    none at all! Te elfns seem to be putting

    more eort in then some o the older,more experienced woodies. Te peoplewho seem to be shining are those who go

    to workshops. Presents are made andgiven rom most and seem to be the mostappreciated. As a non git receiver, I say

    get down to some workshops, go to yourlocal library, be active and make yoursecret riend eel your love!

    Venturer Committee Report

    Shh...its a secret

    Sack your headteacherLuke FleggWoodie with Hoodie

    Tai Lister

    Not-so-secret riend

    News & Commentthecourier #co

    Committing Venturers


    Blue Cedar towncentre

    14:30CC onSunday


    For absolutely loadso kids, school isboring and prettyhorrible

    wed wake up in the morning

    excited about going to school;a place where anything is


    one person suggested wetry a national version oSecret riend

    Although some arecommitted, others seemto be hesitating

    Can all equipment that has been borrowed rom the comms

    please be returned as soon as humanly possible

    the most common) Contact inormationthen being provided by everybody, we had todecide what to do. Ater a ew minutesdiscussion, one person suggested we try a

    Written by Alex MoorEdited by Chris Bowler

    Carbon BeastmenEpisode 2

    Te strange creationistsTe Beastmen

    Remember toask an adultto help youwithscissors


    Milk carton Dove

    Cut the bottom of C u t a v go in g t o s id e o t op P u sh th e p oi nt c re at ed un d erand through the top Push the wings outwards

    Cut out semi-circles next tothe bottom to shape the wings

    Cut out tail &eather to taste

    Cut in hal rom theback up to writing

    Put down your scissors(watch out oryoung children

    trying to steal them)

    your teachers not punish youand helping the school to

    compete in league tables. I onlystudents elt like the point o

    school was to make us happy; by

    helping us discover what welove, what we care about most,

    what were good at, and

    ultimately prepare us or the lives thatWE want to lead. Ten wed wake up in

    the morning excited about going to

    school; a place where anything is

    possible, a place where our passionand curiosity leads our curriculumrather than gets us in trouble or

    asking questions or distracting us

    rom a rigid lesson plan thateveryones ed in the same way.

    So, I've come to CoCamp to hold a

    Workshop/alk in Bebop on Sunday

    (today) at 8:30pm to explore howthings can be diferent and they will

    be another one on Monday. I'll talk

    about how I ended up in a democraticschool with no headteacher - just a

    weekly meeting o all the students tomake all the kinds o decisions a

    headteacher would normally take.

    Although some are committed,others seem to be hesitating. Somehave rarly made gits, and others

  • 8/6/2019 The Courier - Eighth Edition




    @woodcratolk @CoCamp201

    over the world must be peacerom JAPAN.

    >>CoCamp on Twitter

    Project KoodooLaunch

    CoCamp is themed around cooperation. About

    working together. All together. And yetclimate change is still an issue that we dontever seem to manage to cooperate on. Its stilldisputed, ignored and denied. Te climate will

    change. Humans will be afected. End o.

    Te term climate change implies the science,

    the knowledge o how and why the Earth ischanging. It discusses the cold, hard acts. Itis, in act, pretty incomprehensible. Which is

    why we can so easily disconnect ourselves withthe reality o it. But the concept o sustain abledevelopment provides the connection betweenenvironmentalism and our humanity. It

    provides an alternative solution to dealingwith climatic change (other than accepting theend o the age o mammals). So lets broadenour ocus when discussing climate change and

    give sustainable development a bit more room.

    Sustainable development is very much centredaround socialist ideology. It reminds us that i

    we do nothing against climate change, we willbe practicing selsh, conservative morals. Wewill in act be letting down those who live in

    the greatest poverty. We will consume as muchas we can, as quickly as possible withoutconsiderations o others.

    Sustainable development aims to create

    solutions to environmental problems byintegrating them with oureconomy and

    society. It

    e n c o u r a g e sretention obiodiversity via sustainablearming practices and

    acknowledgement o thecrucial role that ecosystemservices provide. Sold? I hope

    so, because now is the perecttime or us to startco-operating on this issue.One o the most exciting

    conerences on sustainabledevelopment is going to

    happen next summer in Rio de Janeiromarking 20 years ater the 1992 U

    Nations Conerence on EnvironmentDevelopment. Te themes are green econpoverty eradication and addressing

    institutional ramework or sustaidevelopment. Its crucial that our gdecision makers take these issues seriou

    Lets unite the let. Lets co-operate. work all together against climate chan

    No Socialism Without Sustainability

    Pat DowsonKoodoo enthusiast

    News & Comment

    thecourier #co

    Yesterday, Woodcrat Folks General

    Secretary, Jon Nott, launched anxciting new project to buy a nationalampsite in time to host the nextnternational camp in 2017 Te Courier

    was there to catch the key points romhis speech.

    Te co-operative community wevereated here is the living embodiment o

    our values and principles. And theelationship weve established with the

    Scouts is just one antastic example ohow we work in partnership with otherso achieve our vision o a sustainable

    world built on childrens and humanights, equality, riendship, peace ando-operation

    campre and dreamed our dreams o aWoodcrat Folk campsite large enough tohost our major national and internationalcamps. Dreams o a site entirely powered byrenewables, dreams o a site ed rom its

    own permaculture gardens, a site that is parto its local community, a home or AnnualGathering our yearly estival o the Folk, atraining centre, a permanent bushcratcamp. As many dreams as there are memb erso the Woodcrat Folk.

    While searching the archives orinormation about international camps othe past, I came across a letter written byone o my predecessors, our NationalOrganiser Henry Fair known by his olkname: Koodoo. In 1943, while we ought torid our world o ascism, Henry Fair was alsolooking to the post-war uture and the needto start preparing the tools to ashion a newworld. A world where our values oco-operation, peace, equality and riendshipwould be practised in every workplace,

    Kat BuddClimate Cat

    Woodcraft Centres

    taught in every school, and lived in everycommunity across the world.

    He wrote to every member o the WoodcratFolk, launching the National Campsite Fund,

    the oundation stone o rebuilding the Folkater the end o the war. Inspired by thisvision, General Council have decided thatnow is the time to turn our campre dreamsinto reality.

    So it is with great pleasure that I announce:In 2017, th e next international camp willbe held on the new Woodcrat Folk NationalCampsite.

    o quote Henry Fair, Koodoo himsel, Start discussing your plans or the Fund now put it into action and the site is ours.Speed the Adve nture!

    A workshop or all those interesting inshaping and delivering Project Koodoo takesplace this aternoon at 2:30pm in Red Oakown Hall.

    All ogether

    Against CLimateChangeis an IFM-SEI

    project, whichs helps young

    people to develop

    educational media cam-paigns on climate


    Lockerbrook Outdo Activities Centre,


    Cudham EnvironmenActivities Centre, Ke

    Hamsterley ForestOutdoor Centre, Co

    Durham Height Gate OutdooCentre, West Yorkshir

    Te Darsham CountCentre, Sufolk

    Woodcraft Park FarLurgashall , West Suss

    Scarletts Campsite, EGrinstead, Sussex

    Extreme green jobs: towards a greener e

    Tis idea is no idledream comrades we

    can do it, we shall do

    it #@athertonjohn

    Got a #cocamp badge,

    @woodcratolk good luk raisi1m or a sustainable camp s

    #permaculture #coops

    >>CoCamp on Twitter

    And yet, even with a welcome as warm ashis and the strength o co-operativepirit that we have generated, there isomething missing. Tat eeling you get

    when Woodcrat Folk come together onour own sites and centres. Te sense o

    ommunity, o common ownership, ohared responsibility or each other, orhe land we live on and or uture


    Manys the time weve sat around the

  • 8/6/2019 The Courier - Eighth Edition


    Te fact it is working, that we

    have really built a living,breathing, debating, disputing,crafting, singing, dancingcommunity here in SherwoodForest

    Te protest wasuncoordinated andlacked creativeorigionality

    Te idea o protestingagainst the tories is reallyimportant but only i it isefective and I elt that theactions today were not. Teprotest was uncoordinated

    and lacked creativeoriginality which eventuallyled to the hatred andscum-bashing that wasthrown at the MP quicklyspiralling into hatred to any

    authority gure, includingvolunteers on a woodcratcamp.

    dom o expression andthoughtis ao the WoodcratFolk ideology, ande at the coreo our society. As ImactiveWoodcrater wouldbe abletoIdisapproveo whatyou say,butIndto the death your right to say it

    Voltairedidntactuallysay,BW). Ideending your right to say things,rotestors, but Im still going toheactthatyouhave.

    st attendee o anti-cuts protests, Insidermyselto beat leastsemi-au

    Sarah LawsonMest-Up Coordinator

    Simon PhillipsOpen Day Co-ordinator

    Adam RaActivism MaPeople & Pla

    Tisrotest was

    bad taste

    You cant say were

    not passionate

    Tis protest was in bad taste

    Cadan ad omosDisgruntled Welshmanstrikes again

    h the art o protesting. As a Liberalat,I do disagreewith someo the

    mentspolicies,and I willshoutandussaboutit when thisis thecase.r, yesterdays protestsaimedat theory MP Mark Spencer werein bad

    Here was someone who probablyely disagreed with the Woodcrateology butwas making theefort towithour organisation,whichor aruddy marvellous,and someo ourstreatedthisas an excuseto shouthim.

    ssortoimmatureaction that,in mylpsgive theWoodcrat Folk a badmongst a lot o members o theAs a movement o (apparently)d and principled young people,

    we notinsteadengagethosethatwee w it h i n d eb at e a nd m at ur eon?

    igned the petition to apologise topencer,and wouldencourage youtosame. We may not agree with is

    y orhispolicy,butweshouldatleastough sel-respect to show him werench o children throwing atantrum.

    this sort of immature

    n that, in my view, helps

    he Woodcraft Folk a badamongst a lot ofbers of the public.

    As we reach the nal ew days o CoCampI am amazed by how our community hasgrown in just one week. Each village has adiferent eeling, each town its ownatmosphere and rhythm o lie, and yetthe elements come together into a whole,co-operating to create or real a vision othe world as we would like it to be.

    In villages every single individual is doing

    their bit to build this dream, working hardand long hours as well as having un. At atown and a whole camp level others arealso doing their bit running caes andlibraries, stewarding, working in FolkSupply, the ood depot and groceries, atthe ino point, MES UP and the oce.

    CoCamp couldnt exist without everysingle person here and that is its greatstrength. Te act it is working, that wehave really built a living, breathing,debating, disputing, crating, singing,dancing community here in SherwoodForest is a testament to what is possibleand a powerul message to everyone whovisited CoCamp or the Open Dayyesterday.

    You cant say the Woodcrat Folkarent passionate about what we

    stand or - and against.

    Weve always beckoned outsiders toOpen Day to show what wereabout, and CoCamp is no exception,

    inviting the representatives o thelocal area the Head o Childrens

    services, Councillors, MEPs andalso the local MP, Mark Spencer.

    Who happens to be a Conservative.But this wasnt discussed because

    in a representative democracy thatswhat youve got: the elected


    It doesnt mean we agree with them.It doesnt mean we like them, or

    would have them round or tea (wewouldnt). It certainly doesnt meanwe support them, or their political

    party. Its about us engaging andshowing people what a phenomenal,

    vibrant community we create andhopeully bringing them on the

    journey and changing them too.

    I have never been so proud to be aWoodcrat Folk member than when

    weve been out in ull orce at ademo whether at the

    million-strong anti war protestsagainst Iraq, or those who led thestudent anti cuts marches across

    the country over the past year.

    Trough these events, its great tosee how our work empowers young

    people o all ages to express theirvoice and campaign or change

    making protest accessible and saeor the youngest eln alongside the

    Few thing

    young peoare the utrue, it mpeople are

    part today

    And so as stormy wawhere betthan surroat CoCam

    Beore thin, I was debate onright to insite. In thdisplayedundamen

    economicmen to whto deer. C

    people acared aboexcellent wrong an

    ace as a r

    Now, o Folk are student through Pand we ar

    process empowerongoing acamp - rto camp-meal-timeproducts

    o our coexperienccommuniwhich emp

    But the tapathetic their am

    Woodies (have moresee is howour riendproblems and groupworld are

    we see ttogether to co-oper

    All argeneratiounderstoo

    Unless weco-operatlet or usgrab todayempowerremindedthings, or

    more understanchallengetogether blook orwyou.

    I the title o this article is understood as will its perspective on the events oSaturday. However much the hal baked argument surrounding the idea o o

    inviting this M.P to our co-camp is pushed around , it Is clear by the events o todaythat this was an incorrect, undemocratic decision. Te events o today were not asmall violent minority, as termed by an individual present, they were sel organised

    by woodcrat members without any pressure rom any individual or group or peoplewithin the camp. Te greatest triumph o this protest aside rom the removal o the

    conservative m.p was the political participation o young people within ourorganistation. Young people mobilised themselves, elns and pioneers educated

    themselves rom the events o today, an understandable parallel with the creed oeducation or social change.

    So comes the act that events o today are ar more in line with woodcrat, maybe not

    in the opinion o the u nder-representative leadership o this camp, but in thesense o what we as an organisation stand or. Te unortunate support o thisindividual by the leadership, has made me question my membership o woodcrat as

    it has by many others. It is repulsive, that all the work put in by young people,surrounding multiculturalism homophobia, the pride march, sexism workshops and

    anti racist workshops, to invite an individual against all o these views, ideologicallyopposed to these ideals to walk round this camp is embarrassing to woodcrat, and

    insensitive to those who have ought or all these ideals. Members o woodcratinvolved in the recent student and worker action, who have been physically hurt to

    the extent o broken bones in some cases, and are having there utures destroyed bythe conservatives. did this seemingly nave board really believe that these

    individuals would stand by and let this atrocity take place. I they did there is aquestion to be raised rstly on the internal democractic nature o co-camp and on

    wether that leadership is any longer representing the interests o woodcrat.

    Te protest today took on a passion that can only expected by the youth o this

    organisation, It is a triumph or common sense and standing up or what we believein, even i it is disagreed by some among camp. Te counter argument was basically

    Petition in avour o apologising to the local MPoday the local MP, Mark Spencer, came to the

    CoCamp site to get an idea o what Te WoodcratFolk is about, and an opportunity to see our values

    and what we believe in rsthand. Instead, whatstarted out as peaceul, civil debate was turned

    into a personal attack. Anti ory slogans werechanted, he was sworn at, he had stuf thrown at

    him, and he was victimized and chased around the


    Adam Fidler and I have organized a petition withsignatures o people who are willing to speak out

    against the actions o the people responsible. Wehope to have it included in the apology letter being

    sent by the CoCamp committee, explaining thatwe see these actions as being completely

    un-Woodcraty, and not being representative owhat we believe Woodcrat to be about.

    Anybody who eels misrepresented by thesemethods o protest, and would like to have the

    chance to show that the Woodcrat Folk andCoCamp specically is not about shouting people

    down, and not giving them a chance to voice theiropinion is welcome to come and sign the petition

    in Village 4 beore the letter is sent.

    stalwart activist, throughnon-violent peaceul

    discussion and protest. And this is where I was letboth overjoyed and saddenedthis week.o see people debating his

    invitation on Friday, andvoting that he should not be

    uninvited, but instead come tolearn rom us abulous. o

    see so many o our youngmembers ercely holding the

    line with him in debate atcamp on topics rom cuts to

    policing o demos a totallyinspiring experience. And thekettling antastic!Tis was undermined by the

    actions o a ew. Trowingmissiles, damaging property,

    and verbally abusing staf,stewards and other volunteers

    is not OK. Tis is WoodcratFolk, and violence and verbal

    abuse does not belong here.Tat weve since received a

    200 strong petition in theoce calling or us to

    apologise to him about todayonly underlines this.I want to see more dissent,protest, energy and passion in

    Woodcrat, and everywhere -but this needs to be within the

    guidelines weve all agreed by joining the Folk to march

    together as one.

    Tere is one thing missing rom thiscommunity, one aspect that I eel shouldbe a cornerstone o all our work and havebeen shocked and appalled by how easily ithas been tossed aside by some. And that isrespect or the work o others. Each o usis working hard on our element o thecamp, and it is all too easy to orget thatthose around you, especially our youngpeople, are also working hard, are alsotired, are also wonderul, passionate,

    think, although we are not a bigthe Conservatives/ories thatg and throwing things at peoplet solve any problems. Everyonebe welcome to the Woodcrat

    o matter what their culture is orare. I there is an issue with

    ng it should be settled over and conversation.

    very hard or somebody totand what Woodcrat Folk ispeace and equality) i we our-

    are not showing that .People willpport us i we are unorgivingteul to others.

    agree with us please show it byind and caring to other people.

    milton (12),ande-Guyard(10),k-Foster (11)

    a Singh (11)

    Zoe Waterman

    aceul Protest

    Chair o theCoCampCo-operative Ruairi OBoyle

    Village 4

    Harry Ellis-Grewal

    WoodcratWoodcrat Folk Member

    caring members o CoCamp, o WoodcratFolk and IFM, and that as well as lookingoutwards we must look in, and supporteach other in what we are doing here,because it is a truly amazing achievementthat no one o us could have made alone.

    I look orward to the nal days o campbeing ull o hope and positivity or whatwe can do when we all work together asone, and go singing to the ashioning o anew world.

    Petition or an apology Protest must be efective.the same , that we want this m,p to come to our campand see a cute eln doing some crat work and goback to his chums at parliament and spread the

    message o woodcrat, there was even the laughableconcept o our camp could change his mind. Tis

    individual who clearly ollows a whip system as hestill remains an m.p is not going to be ideologically

    changed by this camp, that is entirely realistic anddisappointing, the those at the head o this camp

    would believe such things. Te protest today was ledand organised by young people, It was not as

    rumours have stated organised by a select ewmilitant activitists, it was genuine woodcrat

    grassroots organisation, ar more woodcraty thanthe board. Some protesters were throwing things at

    Mark Spencer, this we must disagree with, individualacts o violence can only be seen as detrimental tothe organistation and the cause, but it must be seen

    in proportion to what the con-dem coalition aredoing to us. A condom on a shoulder is in an entirely

    diferent kettle o sh to obliterating theprospective utures o these young people, cutting

    jobs, arresting and committing violent acts againstprotesters and privatising our public services.

    Te march and removal o the m,p is just the start,

    the issue needs to be widened, the now top-downorganisation o the movement needs to bequestioned, and it will be at the rally tomorrow, 3 o

    clock main entrance. I will end this article with aquote rom mojojojo or joseph rom the newham

    district, the pioneer group, i we ght the torieseverywhere, why not here

    Tis is not cool, i we wantto ght the tories insolidarity we need to getmore sophisticated andintelligent tactics.

    However, the wierdest bitor me was ater chattingto the mp about nadinedorris, an mp in the

    conservative party thatpromotes abstenenceeducation, he not onlyvehermently disagreedwith her views on thisissue but also went on to

    suggest that she did noteven ''practice what shepreached''



    omment Bonanza! Te day the ory came




    is the fnal editiono Te Courier.

    What should be init?

  • 8/6/2019 The Courier - Eighth Edition


    Chickin Likin Go

    Plague o chickeswamps Village

    Adam Te Fidler FidlerNature CorespondantLydia Harper

    Rowan Pearce (8) Sam Moon (10)Village 4 Corespondants

    Stuart Walker

    Palestine CallingActionsL

    Undercover Reporter

    Ben Bonneraja

    Killer Chicke

    Swimming in the Rain

    Palestine CallingConspisoryExotic Creatures Analyst

    Anna DonneAnimal Welfare Expert

    ChickenNewsTe Ghost


    News FlashAny car parked in the 2rows o cars to the drive inthe car park urgently needto be moved to allowcoaches to arrive. Pleasecheck with the stewards iin doubt

    aking Condoms rom Mest-Up istotally fnebut please put them in a binater using them even i youre just having

    a water-baloon fght.


    thecourier #cocamp

    Its clearsomething orsomeone wants orneeds whoever, orwhatever is orisnt there to dosomething or not.

    It was 5am on Friday when we assembspears were ashioned out o attesharpened Vango tent poles and our apainted with UV paint.

    Ater a slow start we got the knack o catcbirds by using an Elfn and her impressivimpersonation.

    Ater a long night, seven caught chickalmost impaling Ciaran a Pioneers ooand relaxed back at camp to prepare thejerk chicken on Saturday night.

    I also managed to get a quote rom Jadult rom Village 4 who marvelledcompletely within the Woodcrat ethoswas no packaging, zero ood miles andCo-operation.

    P.S. Watch out or bear traps.

    Mystery encapsulates CoCamp as the suggestion oGhosts and a supernatural presence in the campsitepervades conversation. Rumours o a Ghost townnear Silver Birch Library are enhanced by suspiciouscampers who are wary to keep their distance.

    Te Ghost own itsel sends an ice cold breezewhistling through the nearby trees flling anypasser-by with a chill o ear and dread. Severalempty shells o old green drill tent stand in a ghostlycircle, Its like the empty unulflled souls o youngScouts are still here, says nearby resident, Will.Sometimes I hear the ethereal sound o a woggle orthe haunting timbre o a bugle!

    On approaching the Ghost town itsel there is asense o something or someone or somebody...apower or orce or presence which clearly or unclearlywants or needs, whoever or whatever is there or isnt

    there to speak to someone or do something or notor some unknown or known reason spooky!

    Te Ghost circle is causing trouble or the nearbyBebop Ca and its team o volunteer workers. JoshDodd speaks about what this proximity is like, Its alot like not living by the ghost town but with moreghosts. More rumours become uncovered in TeBebop. Will Searby has been possessed by thesedemons or weeks comments Josh although Willinsists Its a Faustian pact or more tea. Whateverthis means its a worrying sign o modern timeswhen even tents are not sae rom the billowingoaty apparitions o the undead.

    ast night our Palestinian delegationsshared their experiences with over 200comrades rom across the globe. Te

    delegations gave a slide show and presentedflms showing their work with young peopleand how they keep going despite constantdisruptions to their daily routines. Tey talkedabout how the Wall and the overall Israelioccupation aects young people. For example,many thousands o Palestinians are held inprison or political reasons or or minor acts odefance against the occupation. Teseprisoners include many young people and theparents o young people. Te youth movementspresent at CoCamp run projects to help theseyoung people. Te delegations engaged in adiscussion with comrades ollowing the flmsand as a result o that discussion our keyactions that local groups and individuals coulddo to help were identifed:

    On Tursday we went swimming in the swimming pool near the Robin Hood statue. Itwas ABSOLUELY reezing! But i'm glad to say that when you get in there or a while

    it gets warmer.

    Personally I fnd that it is better that it was raining because you get a lot more wet.But unortunately we had to leave early because it was too wet. When you jumped inlots o times in a row it elt like minus degrees, but think, would reezing cold waterstop you having un!?

    Village 20 has ound itsel a popula

    destination, with at least 11 chickens sp

    the time o writing. Dylan Furse has bechicken whisperer, retrieving the

    and returning to their rightul hom

    While most campers are happvisited by our eathered riends

    Morgan Jones is less pleased,

    really really really hate them

    disgusting. Tey make me wannbecause o their gobbly aces a

    appy wings.

    Te Chickens are everywhere! Whethezipping up in your sleeping bag or the chatting up the girl/guy o your dreamlikely to fnd a chicken in the mix, runimood.

    oday in village 21 our council circle wainto chaos as the chickens orced their wbegan running a muck - pecking at theand even preening rom time to time.

    In my expert opinion the out o controll population o chickens must be linked sharp decline o people rom village 11Sure, were told they have a tummy bug to hang out only with each other but I sua cover up or them being pecked to dhordes o killer chickens.

    Te expressed in this paperare those o the writers anddo not neccesseralyrepresent those oWoodcat Folkor IFM-SEI





    Put pressure on governments

    to recognise Palestine as an

    independent state.

    Organise exchange visits

    between Woodcraft groups in

    Palestinian youth


    Boycott goods that come from

    Israeli settlements and buy

    Palestinian goods.

    Visit Palestine

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