The Content Cycle by Fresh Egg - Brighton Digital Marketing Festival 2013

Post on 17-Oct-2014






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A presentation by David Somerville, head of social media at Fresh Egg, given at the 2013 Brighton Digital Marketing Festival. The presentation covers the five different stages of the content cycle, with the aim of helping you plan, implement, measure and improve upon the success of your content marketing strategy. These five stages are: - Discovery – an investigation stage to guide your content strategy and campaigns - Planning and setup – a stage that ensures your content is well thought-out and designed to meet specific objectives - Execution – creating your content and promoting it - Reporting, analysis and insight – measuring what has happened as a result of your content campaigns - Refinement – learning from your reporting and feeding back into planning and setup to help guide future campaigns


The Content Cycle.Brighton Digital Marketing Festival 2013.David Somerville, Fresh Egg.

• David Somerville (@southcoastdavid)

• Head of social media at Fresh Egg

• Work with clients such as, Maplin, Vodafone Australia, Adecco

• Previously spent over 4 years as online content manager for Friday Media Group

About me

The ‘good old days’ of content.The Content Cycle.


Good old days? BAD old days!

There was a lot of crap out there!

Low-quality websites were hit, especially ‘content farms’

Then this happened...


And then this happened…


Low-quality article marketing and blog spam hit

• Everyone went content crazy (especially SEOs!)

• ‘Content marketing’ became the new buzzphrase

• Content moved more away from automation and only written text

• There was an underlying shift in reason WHY content was written

…and the content landscape changed dramatically

Content now needs to be better and content producers smarter

What is ‘content’?

The Content Cycle.The Content Cycle.

• A process of helping to plan and implement your content strategy

• Makes you focus on objectives and audiences

• Allows you to report fully on your content production and help justify ROI

• Five different related stages…

What is the Content Cycle?

The Content Cycle

An ‘investigation’ stage to ensure you have your content fundamentals in place – guides your content strategy and campaigns


Audit your current content (and website) and build a SWOT.

• Technical limitations – crawlable, multi-device accessible

• Content structure – layout for UX, editorial standards, internal linking

• User metrics and conversions – what does the site traffic tell you?

• Resources – who is doing it and who could do it?

• Competitors – what are they doing well and not so well?

Content audit

Producing content for the right audience is crucial, so make sure you know exactly who they are by:

• Using any demographic data you have access to (Hitwise, Mosaic, CRM data, email lists, social media network insights, etc.)

• Building personas for different audience groups

• Including their motivations for wanting to view your content

Audience personas

Social Crawlytics scans your website (or your competitor’s) to show the level of social shares it receives

Use this to see the most popular pages and produce more of this content

Socially popular content – Social Crawlytics

An often overlooked and underused resource…

TIP: this does need to be configured first in Google Analytics

Google Analytics Site Search

Find experts and influencers from within your company (or industry) – use them for ideas and their authority…

Experts and Authorship

Find any offline content and repurpose it digitally

Repurposing content


Planning & Setup

Use this stage to ensure that your content campaigns are well thought-out and have purpose

It is important to consider what role the content you are writing plays in each stage of the customer journey…

This backs up your ‘audience’ work in the discovery stage

Content and the customer journey

What content channel fits which stage?

Content and the customer journey

Search, social networks, blogs, PR

Your website, blog,

interactive tools

Ecommerce process on site,


Why are you producing this content?

Setting clearly defined OBJECTIVES is vital to the planning and success of a campaign

How are you going to measure the success of this content?

Each content campaign needs to have measureable KPIs to help with reporting – these will help show if you have achieved your OBJECTIVES

Objectives and KPIs

Q&A sites

Keyword suggest

Tools to generate content ideas

News monitoring


Tools to generate content ideas

Social tools

Tools to generate content ideas

The tighter, better and more detailed your brief, the better content you will produce (or have produced for you)


Use ‘fag packet wireframes’ to help guide designers and content producers about what you want to see

These can also guide the content writer to see how they content will appear in the context of the page


For each campaign, ensure that everyone knows their responsibilities



The rise of multiple devices means that CONTEXT is key

Different environments


Different environments


The ‘doing’ stage – producing your content and promoting it

Basic content optimisation tips

Content promotion

Content promotion


Influencers vs. brand advocates


Big hitter, short-term loyalty, questionable motivation

Brand advocates…

Loyal, passionate and long-lasting

Influencers vs. brand advocates


Influencers vs. brand advocates

Measure Influencer Brand advocates

Consumer trust 18% of people trust influencers

92% of people trust brand advocates

Typical profile Blogger, journalist, pundit/celebrity

Highly satisfied customer

Defined by Size of audience How likely they are to recommend brand

Motivation Grow their audience Help their friends

Advocacy and loyalty Short term Long lasting

Genuine passion Maybe Yes

Incentives needed Typically yes (money, free products, etc.)

Typically no

Make it easy for people to share and it will spread further

Make it shareable

Reporting, Analysis & Insight

This stage is for reporting on what has happened as a result of your content campaigns

A few examples of metrics:

• Links (who is linking to your content)• Reach (eyeballs)• Social reach• Brand mentions and sentiment• Google Analytics metrics (traffic, time on site, etc.)• Conversions and assisted conversions

What metrics can you report on?


Visitors, inbound links

Time on page, social shares

Conversions (macro and micro goals)

Link metrics – Open Site Explorer, Majestic SEO

Visibility – Searchmetrics, Google Webmaster Tools

Impressions – Google Webmaster tools, tracking pixels

Social reach – Social Crawlytics, Shared Count

Brand or sentiment measurement – Social Mention, Brandwatch

Tools to help measure

Use the Google UTM tag and add this to all links you’re using to promote your content.

• Specify the SOURCE (the place) and the MEDIUM (the method)

• Make sure you keep the CAMPAIGN NAME consistent

• Check the results of the campaign in Google Analytics

Tag your content


The final stage – feeding back into Planning & Setup or Execution to help guide future campaigns

• What worked? What didn’t?

• Ask users for feedback on content – what do your social media and onsite comments tell you?

• Did it meet your objectives?

• Combine your metrics with testing and feedback this learning into the planning and setup stage


Key takeaways.The Content Cycle.

• Content comes in many forms – think beyond just text (and beyond desktop)

• Focus on your objectives and your audience – why are you producing the content and for who?

• Discover > Plan > Execute > Report > Refine


Key takeaways


Slides available at:

The end

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