



• The constitution of Usa

• Designing

• Declaration of independence

• Revolutionary Congress

• Articles of confederation

• Important constitution makers(along with description of individuals)

• Timeline of events

• Conclusion

• The constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law. The constitution originally comprising of 7 articles, delineates the national frame of government. Its first three articles entrench the doctrine of separation of powers into legislative, executive and the judiciary.

• This constitution came o force on 1789, and has been amended 27 times. In general, the first ten amendments were known as the Bill of rights, which include individual liberty, protection and some other freedoms.

• The United States constitution was written in 1787 during the Philadelphia convention. The old Congress set the rules the new government followed in terms of writing and ratifying the new constitution. The original archives of the USA constitution are seen in The national Archives Building .

• The drafted constitution was submitted to the confederation Congress. It in turn forwarded the constitution as drafted to the States for ratification by the constitutional method proposed.

• On 4th July 1776 a Resolution was introduced in the second continental congress declaring the union with Great Britain to be dissolved, proposing the formation of foreign alliances and suggesting the drafting of a plan of confederation to be submitted to the respective states.

• The era of declaration of independence is sometimes called The Continental Congressperiod.

The government of the first and second continental

congress, the period from September 1774 to March

1781 is referred to as the Revolutionary Congress.

Beginning in 1777, the substantial powers assumed

by congress made the league of states as strong and

cohesive as any similar sort of republican

confederation in History. Prior to the articles of

confederation and the Articles Of Congress, the

Supreme court in Wave v Hylton and again in

Doane’s administration perceived congress as

exercising power delivered from people.

• The articles of confederation was unanimously

adopted in 1981 once MARYLAND agreed. Over

the previous four years, it had been used by

Congress as a Working Document to administer the

early United States government, win the

revolutionary war and secure the Treaty Of Paris


• Another important constitutional convention was

Lord Ordinance of 1785 where Congress promised

settlers of the Appalachian Mountains full


Daniel Caroll (July 22 1730-july 5

1796) was a politician and one of

the founding fathers of the US. He

was a prominent members of one

of the US’s great catholic families,

whose members included his

younger brother was Archbishop

John Carroll.

John Dickinson (Nov 13 1732-Feb 14

1808) was a founding father of the US

and was a solicitor and politician from

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, published

individually in 1765 and 1768- “The

Penman of the Revolution” was written

by him. He later served as the President

of 1786 Annapolis Revolution.

Elbridge Thomas Gerry (July 6 1744-Nov 23

1814) was an American statesman and

diplomat. As a Democratic Republican, he

was selected as the 5th Vice President of the

United States (1813-1814), serving under

James Madison. He is known best for being

the namesake of Gerrymandering- a process

which the Electoral Districts are drawn.

Gouverneur Morris (January 31 1752-

November 6 1816) was an American

Statesman and also a Founding Father of

the United States and a native of New

York who represented Pennsylvania in

the Constitutional convention of 1787.

He was a signatory to the Articles of


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