
Lord Selkirk brings settlers to Rupert’s Land from Scotland


Adventure, Intrigue, love and danger!

Lord SelkirkThomas Douglas

A man with a vision

• Lord Selkirk intended for evicted Scottish farmers to be able to settle in Rupert’s Land, with a grant from the HBC

• The new settlers would be able to farm in the fertile Red River Valley, and provide food for the HBC employees in the forts.

• Failed to appreciate the land was already inhabited by many First Nations, Mètis, and fur traders

• Underestimated the harsh climate, much harsher than that of Scottish farm lands.

First settlers reach the Red River in 1812

• But life is difficult – too late to plant crops, the settlers were forced to over winter at NWC post of Fort Pembina

• After an unsuccessful harvest in 1813, again settlers had to rely on the hospitality of the NWC people of Fort Pembina.

• Although their crops were more successful in 1814, settlers feared they wouldn’t have enough food for the winter.

• Their leader, Miles Macdonell was belligerent, and acted contrary to the wishes of Lord Selkirk.

Pemmican Proclamation

• On 8 January 1814, Miles MACDONELL, the governor of Assiniboia and Lord Selkirk's agent, promulgated a proclamation forbidding the export of PEMMICAN from the colony for a year. The proclamation was meant to ensure adequate provisions for settlers expected in summer.


• prom·ul·gate (Verb)• 1. promote or make widely known (an idea or cause).

Métis Response• The Metis relied on the proceeds from selling pemmican to NWC fur traders, so they were infuriated.

• The retaliated by destroying the settlers crops, and firing rifles

• Under the direction of the NWC Chief Trader, Duncan Cameron, the Metis arrested Macdonell in the Spring of 1815.

• The problems seemed to be resolved until the Fall of 1815, when Robert Semple the new governor of the Red River Colony arrived, and provoked the Metis by burning down the abandoned NWC Fort Gibraltar.

Battle of Seven Oaks• The Selkirk settlers were aligned with the HBC, while the Metis sided with the NWC.

• In a show of power, Semple led 28 men to confront the Metis. Believing the Metis to be inferior because of their mixed ancestry, he failed to appreciate the skill of the Metis in a battle situation.

•Within 15 minutes, Semple and 20 of his men were killed in what was now called “The Battle of Seven Oaks”.

• The conflict between NWC and HBC continued to simmer, until it was no longer financially viable for the 2 fur trade companies to complete.

Merger of HBC and NWC• Merged together in 1821

• More efficient to send all fur via HB to London

• George Simpson named Governor of HBC’s Northern Department, actively visiting as many HBC posts across their territory from 1821 – 1829

• HBC continued to rely on Native people as trappers,

guides, map makers, canoe builders, paddlers, and as staff at the forts

Peace at the Red River Settlement• From 1821 – 1860, the Red River Settlement enjoyed a peaceful period of community building

• Inhabitants included Metis, country-born, Selkirk colonists, Swiss colonists, and HBC employees.

• By 1860, 80% of the population was of mixed race, with large families of 10+ kids

• Community was self sufficient, growing crops and relying on pemmican made as a result of the Metis buffalo hunt.

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