The Cold War Continues… The Kennedy & Johnson Years.

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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The Cold War Continues…

The Kennedy & Johnson Years

Nixon vs. JFK

SSUSH21.b Describe the impact television has had on American culture, including the Presidential Debates (Kennedy/Nixon, 1960),

news coverage of the Civil Rights movement.

• Kennedy (Dem.) beat Richard Nixon (Rep.)• First Irish Catholic President

• Lyndon B. Johnson – his VP

• First televised debates• Kennedy: More poised and “better-looking” than Nixon

• Kennedy = 49.7 popular vote; Nixon = 49.6

• Kennedy = 303 electoral votes; Nixon = 219

JFK years!

• “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country!

– Inaugural address, 1961

JFK• “New Frontier” – what could that be?

• He inspired a generation to public service, particularly with the Peace Corps

• He pledged the U.S. would land on the moon!

• His marriage to Jacqueline was seen as a “royal” type wedding! • His kids, Caroline and JFK Jr. were also loved by the American press

and people.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Family

JFK – Imp events during his Presidency • Space Race

• Bay of Pigs

• Cuban Missile Crisis

• Civil Rights Movement

Space Race (USH21d)

• Oct. 4, 1957 Sputnik I launched by Soviet Union

• Jan. 31st, 1958 U.S. launched Explorer I

• April 12th, 1961 Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human in space; 3 weeks later Alan Shepard 1st American in space.

Space Race• Jan. 26th, 1967, Apollo

I catches fire on the launching pad, killing all three members

• July 20th, 1969 Apollo 11 lands on the moon

• July 21st, 1969, Neil Armstrong walks on the moon, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind!”

SSUSH20.c Describe the Cuban Revolution, the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban missile crisis.

• Castro overthrows corrupt President Batists in 1959.

• His future aim…• "Once this war is over

I will start what for me is a much longer and bigger war, the war I am going to wage against the Americans. I realize this will be my true destiny."

20c – The Bay of Pigs• Castro’s close relationship w/ USSR made U.S. nervous.

• A plan had been put in place during Pres. Eisenhower’s Admin. which called for the CIA to train Cuban exiles to over take Castro.

• April 17, 1961 1,500 Cuban exiles, armed by the CIA, return to Cuba in the Bay of Pigs

• Castro’s army destroys them very quickly b/c Pres. Kennedy refused to provide air cover

• Mission a major failure, leads to Cuban Missile Crisis

20c – The Cuban Missile Crisis• Nikita Khrushchev devises a plan to put Russian missile bases

in Cuba; Castro agrees.

• Kennedy learns about Russian bases in Cuba and initiates a blockade on Cuba.

• Khrushchev tells Kennedy that he will dismantle the bases if Kennedy promises that he will not invade Cuba and if the U.S. removed similar missiles in Turkey.

• Kennedy and Khrushchev after 13 long days of back and forth threats, finally make the agreement.

Kennedy’s Assassination:

• Uncertain for re-election

• Hard cross country campaign

• Against advice, he rode openly in a convertible through downtown Dallas.

President Kennedy: Dead in Dallas

• Kennedy was Assassinated on November 22, 1963

• Two hours later Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as president while on Airforce One.

Lee Harvey Oswald • Police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas that day.• Ex-Marine who had

defected to Russia

• He was a Marxist and Castro admirer

• Said to have shot from a Book Depository building across the street.

SSUSH23.a Describe the Warren Court and the expansion of individual rights as seen

in the Miranda decision.

• Chief Justice Earl Warren appointed to head investigation• Investigation Committee

produced the “Warren Report”

• Warren Report says that Oswald was the lone shooter in the assassination

What about the Zepruder Film?• Assassination was caught

on film by Abraham Zepruder.

• It was not used as evidence in the Warren Report.

• Gives key evidence against the theory of a single shooter.

JFK Assassination• This has inspired an entire industry of conspiracy theorists.

• Some of these theories blame anyone from Oswald to LBJ.

• Here are some of those accused: Teamsters, gangsters, Cubans; both pro- and anti-Castro, white supremacists, CIA renegades, KGB moles and of course lone assassins.

• After all these years, we STILL don’t know what really happened. History’s Mysteries!

JFK videos

• The magic bullet•


• The Zepruder Film

SSUSH23.b Describe the political impact of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy

including the impact on Civil Rights legislation.

• JFK was a champion of the CRM.• Met with MLK, Jr.

• Got him out of jail

• Helped protect Freedom Riders after bombs.

• Civil Rights were a “moral issue”.

• In work on the Civil Rights Act.• Brother, Bobby, headed this.

So what happens when he is gone?

• LBJ picks up the fight for civil rights & passes: • Civil Rights Act of 1964

• Voting Rights Act of 1965

• LBJ starts work on his

Great Society

SSUSH23.c Explain Lyndon Johnson's Great Society including the establishment of Medicare.

23c – LBJ declares war on poverty• America needs:

• Tax cuts for middle-class.

• Continue JFK’s “New Frontier”– no second class citizens in the USA.

• Train the jobless

• Educate the uneducated

• Provide healthcare for those in need

• Economic Opportunity Act 1964• Job Corps

(vocational training for the young)

• VISTA (Vol. in Service to America) – peace corps for rural America

• Head Start

23c – LBJ’s Great Society

• 1964 speech, he called America a “Great Society,” that still has to become better.

• “The challenge of the next half century is whether we have the wisdom to use that wealth to enrich and elevate our national life, and to advance the quality of our American civilization…We have the opportunity to move not only toward the rich society and the powerful society, but upward to the Great Society.”

The Great Society Program• Goal: An end to poverty and racial injustice

• How to:• Healthcare insurance

• Medicare – hospital help for elderly

• Medicaid – basic medical assistance for needy & disabled

• Education• Aid schools in poorer communities

• Protecting the environment and consumer• Clean water and air act

• New immigration policies (increased quotas)

Great Society Goal Achieved?

22.2% of Americans lived below poverty line in 1960.

12.6% lived below in 1970.

Conservatism is coming….

• Extreme right, didn’t move to middle following nomination.

• “Better dead than red.”

• “In your heart, you know he’s right.”• LBJ response, “In your

gut, you know he’s nuts.”

Barry Goldwater aims:

• Supported integration, but didn’t want to force states to do what they didn’t want.• 10th amendment

• Social security contribution should be optional.

• Privatize TVA dams and sell for $$ (for gov’t)

• Give NATO military commanders permission to use nuclear power when they wanted.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the

pursuit of justice is no virtue.

- Barry Goldwater

Campaign videos:

• Goldwater ran against LBJ in 1964• Won 5 states

• Did he stand a chance?• Nation still mourning JFK

• Economy was good

• Why significant?• Conservatives are coming

together; modern Republican party of today formed now.

Other part of 23a – Miranda decision

• Miranda v. Arizona

• Confessions can only be taken by police if the suspect has been informed of right to counsel.

• Warren court truly expanded civil rights.

SSUSH23.d Describe the social and political turmoil of 1968 to include the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy, & the events surrounding the

Democratic National Convention.

• Like his brother in ’63 and MLK in ‘68, Bobby Kennedy will be assassinated on June 5, 1968.

• “We are a great country, an unselfish country, a compassionate country.”• Why he was running

What happened after…

• Democratic National Convention that Aug.• Chose H. Humphrey over Eugene McCarthy

(anit-war) and violence erupted outside.• Riots, violence against police, beatings – videoed!

• We need a return to normalcy!• Through republican, Richard Nixon

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