The Church Scroll Feb 19,2015 english chinese

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First Christian Church Salem OR 685 Marion Street NE Salem OR 97301-3729 tel:503-363-9273


The Church Scroll

Volume 73 #4 “Reaching Up and Reaching Out” February 19, 2015

The First Christian Church ~ Disciples of Christ ~ Salem, Oregon Church Services ~ 8:30 am, 9:30 am & 11:00 am ~ Sunday School ~ 9:45 & 11:00 am

What’s Inside Pastor’s Message pg. 2 Welcome New Members pg. 3 Celebrating Our Church Family pg. 3 Calendar pg. 4 Children’s Message pg. 5 Youth Message pg. 5 Thank You pg. 6 Salem FCC Women’s Retreat pg. 6 Housekeeping pg. 7

Bingo Afternoon Fundraiser for Mission 2 Mexico

Sunday, March 8 2:00-4:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall

A fun-filled afternoon for all. We are providing snacks, popcorn, and punch. Just one of the great prizes is two Portland Trailblazer tickets! You do not want to miss out on this event. All of the proceeds benefit Mission 2 Mexico participants.

Saturday, March 7 Saturday, March 7 Saturday, March 7 --- at 9:00 amat 9:00 amat 9:00 am

Join us on Clean Up Day at Salem First Christian Church. It is going to be a fun day of fellowship and spring cleaning around our beautiful church.

Come and help us organize, neaten up, clean and make our church sparkle and shine. There will be projects indoors and outdoors.

教堂书卷 第一基督教堂~基督使徒~俄勒冈州撒冷 教堂服侍~8:30am,9:30am&11:00am~主日学~9:45&11:00am

73 卷 4 期 “达到和延伸” 2015 年 2 月 19 日

3 月 7 日礼拜天—9:00am 清洁教堂日 参加到我们的清洁教堂日在撒冷第一基督教堂。这将 会是一个有趣的友谊日围绕着美丽的教堂清洁。里面有什么 牧师的消息 pg.2 来帮助我们组织。整理、清洁并让我们的教堂闪耀发欢迎新成员 pg.3 光。庆祝我们的教堂大家庭 pg.3 日历 pg.4孩子们的消息pg.5年轻人的消息pg.5感谢 pg.6撒冷第一基督教堂妇女退休会pg.6家务 pg.7

Bingo 下午 为去墨西哥布道募捐 3 月 8 日礼拜天 2:00-4:00pm 在友谊大厅 一个充满有趣的下午为所有的人。我们将提供零食、 爆米花和潘趣酒。只有一个最伟大的奖励是两张波特 兰开拓者的门票!你不想错过这个活动。所得收益为 去墨西哥布道的参与者。


Bites of Bread from Bob One congregation had as their Board Chair an admiral. For one particular board meeting he was late. Teasing him, another board member said as he walked in, “What do they say to the Admiral if he is late for a meeting on base?” Without hesitation that Admiral responded, “They would say, ‘Good Morning, Admiral.’ ” I have been told that a flag flies at any base where the Admiral is. When that flag is flying, the base is a different place.

Growing up we sang an old camp song called “There is a flag flying high from the castle of my heart.” In the old days (the really old ones ... even before I was born) when the king of any given land was at any certain place, the royal flag was flown to let the local peeps know royalty was present. Everyone in the area knew the King was in when the flag was raised high.

Whether it is an Admiral or a King, their presence makes a difference. When we make Jesus the King (Lord) of our life there should be a difference. The lyrics are:

If God is taking up residence in me, in my life, then the “flag” of His kingdom will be waving around for any-one to see. Sometimes the flag will be respected, sometimes rejected, sometimes questioned, and sometimes people will get angry that God's flag is being waved anywhere near them. Sometimes people will be so busy shuffling by with their noses tucked into their iPhones they will completely miss the flag.

The flag of God waving about is evident. Just like a flag held high on a pole for everyone to see, the behavior of a person who has God living in their lives will be evident!

I hope that today, even just today, I can honestly say that there is a flag flying high in my life and that The King is truly in residence here!

God Bless, Pastor Bob

Love is a flag flying high from the castle of my heart....

Joy is a flag flying high from the castle of my heart....

Peace is a flag flying high from the castle of my heart…

So let it fly in the sky, let the whole world know, let the whole world know, let the whole world know. So let it fly in the sky, let the whole world know that the King is in residence there.

There is a flag flying high from the castle of my heart, from the castle of my heart, from the castle of my heart. There is a flag flying high from the castle of my heart for the King is in residence there.

4 期 第 2 页






如果神住在我们里面,在我们的生命中,那他国的“旗帜“将会为任何能看见的人飘扬。有时,旗帜会受到尊重,有时会遭到拒绝,有时会有疑问,有时人们会为旗帜飘扬在他们周围发怒。有时人们如此忙把鼻子藏在 iPhone 里,而忙到迟缓,他们将完全错过旗帜。神的旗帜飘扬着证明。就象一面旗帜飘扬在旗杆上,为每个人能看到,一个人的行为有神住在生命中,将会是证据!我希望今天,仅仅就是今天,我能诚实地说有一面旗帜高高飘扬在我的生命中,王真实地住在这里!神祝福鲍勃牧师


Celebrating Our Church Family Birthdays


Alan Brown 1 David Holler 3 Mary Gill 6


Julian Bledsoe 24 Barbara Freeman 24 Michael Pierce 24 Bambi Rux 25 Anita Evans 26 Jerry Shay 26 Judy Garrett 27 Bonnie Peacock 27 Ferol Weyand 28

Prayers For Cathy Austin, at home recovering from heart valve replacement surgery Elton & Margaret Brutscher, now at Meadow Creek Assisted Living Beth Manzo, at home recovering from knee replace-ment surgery Mark Ridings, knee surgery on March 3

Happy Anniversary Roger & JoAnna Jackson!

You are invited to an Open House for Roger & JoAnna Jacksons’

60th Wedding Anniversary

Where: Roger and JoAnna’s Home 6496 Hogan DR N, Keizer OR 97303 When: Saturday, February 28 Time: 2:30-5:00 pm

No gifts, please.

Please RSVP Sherry Kinkaid 503-390-5679 or Carol Jackson 503-393-0925

Condolences Sharleen Turner, the cousin of Dennis Turner, recently passed away. Our prayers and sympathies go out to Dennis and the rest of Sharleen’s family.

New Births Congratulation to Brad & Naomi Beverly upon the birth of Blake, born February 8 at 7 lbs. 6 ozs. Grandparents are Ken & Sherry Kinkaid. Great- grandparents are Chuck & Lois Kinkaid and Roger & JoAnna Jackson. Chuck & Lois also had their 14th great-grandchild, Jack Allen, born to Jess & Teresa Kinkaid in Mt. Angel.

A Warm Welcome to our Newest Members Wes & Becky Brown came forward on February 15 during the 8:30 am service to transfer their member-ship to Salem First Christian Church. Wes & Becky, their kids and grandkids have all attended here. Their son, Dan, and wife, Carrie, have been attending with their children, Abby and Ruby. Their daughter Katie was married here at the church to Kyle Ross and they now have two children, Colin and Chloe. Their youngest son, Matt, has been a good friend of Pastor Bob’s son and were in each other’s weddings. Wes & Becky Brown transferred their membership to the church as a 35th wedding anniversary gift to each other. Al Evans came forward on February 15 during the 8:30 am service to transfer his membership to Salem First Christian Church. Al began attending here be-fore he and Anita were married here almost four years ago. Part of the reason he came forward at this time was as another sign of the unification of mar-riage. Al’s family has a deep heritage of faith. Al’s grandfather was a circuit-riding preachor in Eastern Oregon. His great-grandfather was a missionary in the Congo. His great-uncle had a church in Ohio. In his own words, Al said he “was baptized in a couple of lives ago.”

4 期 第 3 页


生日 祈祷2 月 3 月 卡西 · 奥斯汀,在家从心脏瓣膜替换手朱丽安·布兰德肖 24 阿兰·布朗 1 术中康复。巴巴拉·弗瑞曼 24 大卫·豪勒 3 艾顿 & 玛格丽特 · 布如特斯策,现在牧米切尔·皮尔斯 24 马利亚·吉尔 6 场小溪扶助生命安尼塔·伊万斯 26 白斯 · 芒佐,在家从膝关节替换手术中杰瑞·赛 26 康复朱迪·噶瑞特 27 马可 · 瑞汀斯,3 月 3 日膝部手术 伯尼·孔雀 27

费罗·威扬德 28 哀悼 沙林·特纳,是丹尼斯·特纳的表兄妹。热烈欢迎我们的最新成员 最近去世。我们的祈祷和怜悯给丹尼威斯 & 白克伊 · 布朗 2 月 15 日 8:30am 的 斯和沙林其余的家人。服侍前来,把成员关系转到撒冷第一基督 教堂。威斯&白克伊他们的小孩子和孙子 新出生辈的孩子全來这里参加。他们的儿子丹和 祝贺布让德&瑙米·贝弗利的孩子布莱妻子卡瑞已经和他们的孩子们阿比和如比 克出生,2 月 8 日出生,7 磅 6 盎司。参加教堂的事工。他们的女儿卡蒂在这座 祖父母是肯&舍瑞·金凯德。曾祖父母教堂与凯利·柔斯结婚,他们现在有两个孩 是查克&罗斯·金凯德和罗杰&乔安子,科林和赤罗。他们的小儿子迈特已经 那·杰克森。和鲍勃牧师的儿子成为好朋友,并彼此参加婚礼。威斯&白克伊·布朗把他们的成员 查克&罗斯也有了他们第 14 个曾孙杰关系转到到教堂,作为结婚 35 周年彼此 克·艾伦,是杰西&特瑞沙·金凯德在 的礼物。 天使山所生。

爱尔 · 伊万斯 2 月 15 日前来,在 8:30am 的服侍把他的成员关系转到撒冷第一基督教堂。爱尔开始参加这里的教堂之前,大约 4 年前和安尼塔在这里结婚。他这一时 罗杰&乔安那·杰克森 间前来的部分原因,是另一个作为婚姻合 结婚周年快乐!一的信号。爱尔的家庭有很深的信仰传统 邀请你到开放屋庆祝继承。他的祖父是东俄勒冈是绕圈走的传 罗杰&乔安那道。他的曾祖父是在刚果的一位传教士。 结婚 60 周年他的曾叔父在俄亥俄有一座教堂。用他自 哪里:罗杰&乔安那的家 6496己的话,爱尔说:“在两代前就受洗了。” Hogan DR N,Keizer OR 97303 什么时候:2 月 28 日星期六 时间:2:30-5:00pm 请不要带礼物 请 RSVP 舍瑞·金凯德 503-390-5679 或卡罗·杰克森 503-393-0925

All-Church Clean Up Saturday, March 7 9:00 am Bingo Fundraiser Sunday, March 8 2:00 pm, Fellowship Hall Young Married Couples with Children Gathering Sunday, March 8 5:30 pm, meet in church parking lot. See page 6 for more details. Young Adult Group Monday, March 9 6:00 pm, at the Ike Box Café See page 6 for more details. Prayer Shawl Ministry Wednesday, March 11 1:00 pm, Parlor Pinochle Wednesday, March 11 6:30 pm, Chapel Salem FCC Women’s Retreat Saturday, March 14 See page 6 for more details. Board Meeting Sunday, March 15 12:15 pm, Fellowship Hall Marriage Flame Group Sunday, March 15 2:00 pm, Parlor Strengthening Families Potluck Dinner Sunday, March 15 5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall

Craft Day Saturday, February 21 10:00 am-5:00 pm Fellowship Hall Plenty of tables for all crafters… including quilters. The fellowship is awesome and there is always laughter. Come and create! Welcoming Meeting Sunday, February 22 12:15 pm, Ambassadors’ Room JYF Activity Sunday, February 22 12:15 pm, Fellowship Hall Healthy for Life Every Monday 12:00 pm, Library Library Workday Every Monday 1:00 pm, Library Health Warriors Exercise Every Monday 5:30 pm, Chapel Morning Men’s Coffee Every Tuesday 9:00 am, Parlor All men are welcome for devotion, fellowship and discipleship. Rebuilders’ Potluck Lunch Tuesday, February 24 12:00 pm, Parlor This is a support group for any and all who are rebuilding from any life experiences. Prayer Gathering Every Tuesday 6:45 pm, Chapel


Mark Your Calendars Friendship Sewing Circle Wednesday, February 25 9:00 am, Accordion Rm Health Warriors Exercise Every Wednesday 5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall-S. side Alzheimer's Spiritually Speaking Group Thursday, February 26 1:00 pm, Chapel Health Warriors Exercise Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 9:00 am, Fellowship Hall Serving Team Huddle Sunday, March 1 12:15 pm, Room 302 Scroll Submissions All items need to be 100 words or fewer and due no later than Monday at 10:00 am– March 2 Email to- or drop off in Melissa’s box. Teaching Ministries Meeting Monday, March 2 3:00 pm, Parlor CWF Group Meetings Wednesday, March 4 • J. Wilson– 10:00 am, Parlor

Hostesses: Kathy DeVore • Mary-Martha– 1:00 pm, Parlor

Hostess: Audrey Setness • Rosa Dots- 6:00 pm, Kim

Resch’s • Priscillas– 6:30 pm, at Anna


4 期 第 4 页

标记你的日历手工日 友谊缝制圈 全教堂清扫2 月 21 日星期六 2 月 25 日星期三 3 月 7 日星期六10:00am—5:00pm 9:00am,风琴状房间 9:00am友谊大厅 充足的桌子为所有的手工者... 健康战士锻炼 Bingo 募捐包括拼布。友谊是令人敬畏的 每星期三 3 月 8 日礼拜天总是有笑。来创造! 5:30pm,友谊大厅 S 边 2:00pm 友谊大厅

欢迎聚会 阿兹默灵里讲话组 年轻已婚夫妇带2 月 22 日礼拜天 2 月 26 日星期四 小孩聚会12:15pm,大使班的房间 1:00pm 小礼拜堂 3 月 8 日礼拜天 5:30pm 在教堂停车青少年友谊 JYF 活动 健康战士锻炼 场相见。详见第2 月 22 日礼拜天 每第二个和第四个星期六 6 页。12:15pm,友谊大厅 9:00am 友谊大厅 年轻成年人组健康为生命 服侍队小型会议 3 月 9 日星期一每星期一 3 月 1 日礼拜天 6:00pm,在 Ike Box12:00pm,图书馆 12:15pm,302 房间 Café 详见第 6 页。 健康战士锻炼 书卷投稿 祈祷披肩组每星期一 所有的稿件需要 100 字或 3 月 11 日星期三5:30pm,小礼拜堂 100 字以内,不晚于 3 月 1:00pm,会客室 2 日星期一 10:00am

早晨人们的咖啡 发 Email 到 皮诺驰每星期二 melissah @ 3 月 11 日星期三9:00am 会客室 或投递到美丽莎邮箱里。 6:30pm 小礼拜堂欢迎所有的人献身、友谊和 使徒友谊。 教师牧养会议 撒冷第一基督教 3 月 2 日星期一 堂妇女退休会重建者家常午餐 3:00pm 会客室 3 月 14 日星期六 2 月 24 日星期二 详见第 6 页。12:00pm,会客室 基督教妇女友谊会 这是一个支持组,为任何所有 CWF 组会议 委员会会议从任何生命经历中重建者提供 3 月 4 日星期三 3 月 15 日礼拜天支持。 ● J.威尔森-10:00am 会客室 12:15pm 友谊大厅 女主人:凯西·德·沃尔 祈祷聚会 ●马利亚-马大-1:00pm 婚姻火焰组每星期二 会客室 3 月 15 日礼拜天6:45pm,小礼拜堂 女主人:奥椎·塞特尼斯 2:00pm 会客室 ● 罗莎·多驰-6:00pm,金·瑞 斯驰家 倾力打造家庭晚餐 ● 百基拉-6:30pm,在安 3 月 15 日礼拜天 那·罗素家 5:30pm 友谊大厅

4 期 第 5 页

孩子们和年轻人来自劳瑞的一点光 瑞尼漫谈很多周我已经跟主日学的小孩子们谈到关于 神怎样想让我们爱别人。特别是在他们需要的时候。我们甚至做了使命项目去提供健康零食给帮手橱柜。最近我听说来自小孩子们的这些评论:“我妈说我们不帮助这些人。”;“我父母说有时当人说是无家可归的时候,不是真的。” 我不责怪这些信念,因为这是非常真实的问题,并且我与这些同样的事情争战。没有看到迹象表明诚实的人来自不诚 爱人晚餐和舞蹈服侍人群!实的人中,所以因此我们倾向愤世嫉俗的一 一个大”感谢“给所有参与爱人晚餐和边。自从为教堂工作,我已经目睹了许多不 舞蹈募捐,为去墨西哥牧养!你的 诚实的人尽力去利用系统,这让我伤感。因 奉献将帮助送我们教堂的成员在春为他们为诚实的人毁坏了它。 天休假期间到墨西哥为需要的人建房。 那么这是我做出的决定,告诉我的主日学 一个提醒给这些将去基督(Chi-Rho)班:“神告诉我们爱别人。他没有告诉我们 冬令营在这个周末--我们在 2 月 21 日能挑和选择。他没有说没有一个信号区分 星期六在教堂相聚,9:45am 加载厢式诚实和不诚实。他说判断不是我们的工 客货装车,10:00am 离开。我们将在作。爱是我们的工作并且他将照顾其余 礼拜天返回 1:30-2:00pm。请带一些的。“在这混淆的时期,圣经总是有答案: 钱准备回家路上吃快餐!马太福音 22:36-40 说:”夫子,律法上的诫 命,哪一条是最大的呢?“ 耶稣说:”你要尽 年轻人组:心、尽性、尽意,爱主你的神。这是诫命中 ● 2 月 22 日—没有年轻人组(基督的第一,且是最大的。其次也相仿,就是要 Chi-Rho 冬令营)爱人如己。这两条诫命是律法和先知一切道 ● 3 月 1 日--在河前公园游戏,天气允理的总纲。“ 许● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●3 月 8 日--艺术/手工日主日学新闻:我们将聚焦在大斋期和四旬 ●3 月 15 日--TBA待定斋的誓言。 ●3 月 22 日--没有年轻人组春天休息 ● 3 月 29 日--没有年轻人组春天休息即将:2 月 22 日礼拜天,12:15pm 青少年 *我们将在春天休息期间有一个年轻人友谊为 3-5 年级的孩子:游戏日。带一个游 的特别活动--更多信息马上到来!戏去分享和一灰袋午餐。 如果你想为年轻人提供午餐,在年轻带着爱 人组的时候,他们的肚子不饿,我会劳瑞 非常欣赏志愿者在 3 月 1 日、3 月 8 日、3 月 15 日! 食物想到的:与那造他的主争论的, 多么悲伤啊!泥罐怎能对窑匠说呢, 泥土与塑造它的说:‘停下来,你做 错了!’窑匠会声明说:‘你多笨拙?’“ 以赛亚书 45:9 神知道他做的,相信他。 祝福 瑞尼


Children and Youth A Little Light from Laurie For weeks I have been talking to my Sunday School kids about how God wants us to love others, espe-cially those in need. We even did a mission project to provide healthy snacks for our Helping Hands cup-board. Recently, I heard these comments from kids: “My mom says we don’t help those people”; “My parents said that sometimes people aren’t really homeless when they say they are.” I do not condemn these beliefs, because it is a very real problem and I struggle with these same issues. No visible sign picks out the honest people from the dishonest peo-ple, so therefore we lean toward the cynical side. Since working for a church, I have witnessed many dishonest people who try to take advantage of the system and it saddens me, because they ruin it for the honest people.

So here is what I have decided and what I told my Sunday School class: “God told us to love one an-other. He didn’t tell us we could pick and choose. He didn’t say there would be a sign to distinguish the honest from the dishonest. What he said is that it is not our job to judge; it is our job to love and he will take care of the rest.” In these confusing times, the Bible always has the answer: Matthew 22:36-40 says, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Sunday School News: We will be focusing on Lent and Lenten promises.

Coming Up: Sunday, February 22, at 12:15 pm Junior Youth Fellowship for 3rd-5th graders: GAME DAY. Bring a game to share and a sack lunch.

With Love, Laurie

Ramblings from Riane A big “Thank you” to all who participated in the Sweetheart Dinner and Dance fundraiser for Mission to Mexico! Your contributions will help send mem-bers of our church to Mexico during spring break to build homes for people in need. A reminder for those going to Chi-Rho Midwinter this weekend – we meet at the church on Saturday, February 21, at 9:45 am to load the van for a 10:00 am departure. We will return on Sunday between 1:30- 2:00 pm. Please remember to bring a few dol-lars for a quick lunch on the way home! Youth Group: • February 22– No Youth Group (Chi-Rho Mid-

winter) • March 1– Games at Riverfront Park, weather per-

mitting • March 8– Art/Craft Day • March 15– TBA • March 22– No Youth Group, Spring Break • March 29– No Youth Group, Spring Break *We will have a special youth activity during the week of spring break – More information to come!

If you would like to provide lunch for the youth so their tummies don’t go hungry during youth group, we would greatly appreciate volunteers for March 1, March 8, and March 15!

Food for thought: “What sorrow awaits those who argue with their Creator? Does a clay pot argue with its maker? Does the clay dispute with the one who shapes it, saying, ‘Stop, you’re doing it wrong!’ Does the pot exclaim, ‘How clumsy can you be?’ ” –Isaiah 45:9. God knows what He is doing; trust Him.

Blessings, Riane

Sweetheart Dinner and Dance Serving Crew!


Things to Know and Do

New Session Begins March 3

This 14-week session is on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Cornerstone Room, 302. Contact Michelle Gorman at the Church office or Susan Crom at 503-480-5083 for more information.

Thank You Thank you for all of your prayers and cards during Allan's recent heart surgery. The power of prayer and God's healing is phenomenal! A special thank you to Orin Bruton for his mentoring and visits during this uncharted medical path for us.

Allan & Margaret Cleveland Sincere thanks to our wonderful church family for the prayers, cards, calls and visits during the past 4 1/2 months. You are awesome, caring, and proof that prayer does wonderful things. You have made a dif-ference for us. We are both doing well following sur-gery, concussion complications, pneumonia and the death of our brother. Your support was very impor-tant to us.

With grateful appreciation and blessings to each of you, Sally & Chuck Austin Thank you for the wonderful people who prepared and delivered the great meals at a time of need after my surgery. I also want to thank all those in the church that called me and prayed for me.

Thank you with the love of God and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, Tanya Shubin

Young Adult Group The young adults are meeting on Monday, March 9, at 6:00 pm at the Ike Box Café for a Bible study and discussion.

HOLD THE DATE– March 14 Salem FCC Women's Retreat at Oregon Christian Convention Center in Turner. All women and young ladies from freshman in high school to 99 years of age are welcome to attend. More to come!

Regional Disciples Women's Pray and Play Day April 18, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Silverton, Oregon

Theme: "Get a Clue" - a time to play and pray with the idea of finding the clues that God is present in our lives and the world.

All women are invited to attend. Registration forms and bus sign-up sheet are available at the Information Center.

Young Married Couples with Children Sunday, March 8 5:30 pm, meet in the church parking lot

Join us for a fun night of bowling. Childcare avail-able. Carpool from the church, we leave at 5:40 pm.

Marriage Encounter Weekend There will be a Marriage Encounter weekend in Tigard, Oregon March 20-23, and another in Renton, Washington April 24-26.

If you are interested in finding out more about enrich-ing your marriage or participating, please go to for more information or to register.

Many of our FCC couples have attended a special Marriage Encounter weekend, which focuses on bringing couples closer together and making good marriages better!

4 期 第 6 页


感谢 感谢在阿兰最近的心脏手术期间,所 有的祈祷、卡片。祈祷的力量和神治 愈是显著的!一个特别的感谢给奥

润·布如顿,他的指导并在这次为我们悲伤分享 的医疗之路上。新研讨会 3 月 3 日开始这个 14 周的研讨会是星期二 6:30-8:30 阿兰&玛格丽特·克莱夫兰pm 在基石班房间 302,联系米切尔·哥曼在教堂办公室或苏珊·克如姆 诚挚非常感谢我们精彩的教堂大家庭503-480-5083 了解更多消息。 祈祷、卡片、电话和拜访在过去的 4 个半月的时间里。你们是令人敬畏的,年轻已婚夫妇带孩子 关心的并且证明祈祷做了精彩的事情。3 月 8 日礼拜天 你们已经对我们产生影响。我们都做5:30pm,在教堂停车场相见 得挺好接着的手术、并发症的冲击、 肺炎和我兄弟的死。你的支持对我们参加我们有趣的保龄球之夜。可以有 非常重要。孩子看护。从教堂拼车,我们 5:40pm 动身。 带着感激的欣赏和祝福给你们每个人 沙利&查克·奥斯汀年轻成年人组 3 月 9 日星期一 6:00pm 年轻成年人相见, 感谢精彩的人们,在我手术后需要的在 Ike Box Café 查经并讨论。 时间预备并送来美味的。我也想感 谢所有教堂里打电话和为我祈祷的人。抓住日期—3 月 14 日 撒冷第一基督教堂妇女退休会 感谢带着神的爱并耶稣基督我们的主在特纳在俄勒冈基督教帐篷中心。所有的 和救赎者妇女和年轻的女子,高中一年级到 99 岁 坦亚·树宾都欢迎参加。即将有新消息! 地区的使徒妇女们的祈祷和玩日婚姻邂逅周末 4 月 18 日 9:30am—12:30pm将有婚姻邂逅周末在俄勒冈提嘎德,3 月 俄勒冈州赛沃顿 20-23 日,另一个在华盛顿州润顿 4 月 24 日-26 日。 主题:“获得线索”--一次时间去玩和如果你有兴趣发现更多丰富你的婚姻或参 祈祷,找寻线索,神呈现在我们的与,请到 为更 生活中和世界里的线索。多信息或注册。 第一基督教堂的许多夫妇已经参加了一个 邀请所有妇女参加。注册表格和公共特别的婚姻邂逅周末,聚焦在带夫妇一起 汽车报名表可以在信息中心拿到。更亲密并打造更好的婚姻!


Housekeeping Serving Sunday, February 22

ELDERS 8:30 & 9:30 am– Orin Bruton 11:00 am– Keven Widener, Joyce Frame, Bambi Rux, Jim Blackwell, Craig Johnson


8:30 am Service– Sylvia Bennett, Betty Charnholm, Faith Coleman 9:30 am Service– Sue Moreland, Allison Pfaff 11:00 am Service– Bill Wilkson , Penny Blackwell, Justin Bolen, Karna Bruton, Gary & Linda Danielson, Jason & Becky Feary, Audrey Hirsch, Bob Krebs, Dianne Wilkson Choir: Earnest Freeman, Mary Ann Smith


Joyce Pierce, Mildred Webb

COMMUNION CLEAN UP Gary & Cheryl Clendennen


Brad & Naomi Beverly, Roger & JoAnna Jackson

FLOWERS In celebration of Roger & JoAnna Jackson’s

60th wedding anniversary from their children, Ken & Sherry Kinkaid and Jerry & Carol Jackson.

Serving Sunday, March 1

ELDERS 8:30 & 9:30 am– Linda Olson 11:00 am– Craig Johnson, Gene Clemens, Joyce Frame, Neva Clausen, Suzi Simonsen


8:30 am Service– Faith Coleman, Kathy DeVore, Evan & Joan Lloyd 9:30 am Service– Deana Costello, Nehemiah Huff-man 11:00 am Service– Richard Adams, Walt & Ione Adolf, Justin Bolen, Karna Bruton, Jason & Becky Feary, Lela Jackson, Dave Rehbehn, Ila Russell, Loyst Streeter Choir: Barbara Holler, Pat Salas



Bob & Janet Schafer

COFFEE HOUR Keith & Marjorie Ridings

N U M B 3 R S

February 1, 2015

GIVING General– $21,012.18

Building– $100 Designated– $541.58


8:30– 36/ 9:30– 85 11:00– 207

Sunday School– 125

February 8, 2015

GIVING General– $9978.00

Building– $30 Designated– $109.83


8:30– 46/ 9:30– 100 11:00– 216

Sunday School– 119

4 期 第 7 页

家务2 月 22 日服侍礼拜天 3 月 1 日服侍礼拜天 长老 长老8:30am&9:30am-奥润·布如顿 8:30&9:30am--琳达·奥森11:00am—开文·威德呢,乔伊斯·弗瑞姆,巴 11:00am--克瑞格· 约翰森,简尼·克姆比·如克斯,吉姆·布莱克威尔,克瑞 莱门斯,乔伊斯·弗瑞姆,尼瓦·克劳格·约翰森 森,苏兹·西蒙森

2 月执事 3 月执事8:30am 服侍—赛维亚·班尼特,贝蒂·查霍 8:30am 服侍--费斯·克莱曼,凯西·德姆,费斯·克莱曼 沃尔,伊万&乔恩·劳德9:30am 服侍—苏·默兰德,艾里森·帕法夫 9:30am 服侍--迪那·科斯泰罗,尼希11:00am 服侍—比尔·威克森,潘尼·布莱克 米·哈夫曼威尔,贾斯汀·伯伦,卡纳·布如顿,嘎瑞& 11:00am 服侍--理查德·亚当斯,沃琳达·丹尼尔森,杰森&白克伊·费瑞,奥 特&艾奥尼·阿道夫,贾斯汀·伯伦,椎·赫斯弛,鲍勃·科伯斯,但以理·威克森 卡那·布如顿,杰森&白克伊·费瑞,诗歌:厄尼斯特·弗瑞曼,马利亚·安·史密斯 莱拉·杰克森,达夫·瑞宾汉,伊 拉·罗素,劳斯特·斯垂特 星期六填充 诗歌:巴巴拉·豪勒,帕特·撒拉斯 乔伊斯·皮尔斯,米佐德·韦伯 星期六填充 圣餐清扫 贝夫·拉蒙特 嘎瑞&切瑞尔·克莱登恁 圣餐清扫 咖啡时间 鲍勃&简尼特·斯查弗布让德&瑙米·贝弗利,罗杰&乔安那·杰克森 咖啡时间 花 凯西&马杰瑞·瑞汀斯庆祝罗杰&乔安那·杰克森结婚 60 周年来自他们的孩子们肯&舍瑞·金凯德和杰 瑞&卡罗·杰克森。

2015 年 2 月 1 日 2015 年 2 月 8 日 数 给予 给予 总数--$21,012.18 总数—$9978.00 字 建筑物--$100 建筑物--$30 指定的—$541.58 指定的—$109.83 追 参加 参加 凶 8:30-36/9:30-65 8:30-46/9:30-100 11:00-207 11:00-216 主日学—125 主日学--119

Flower Calendar

The Flower Calendar is on the bulletin board by the staff offices.

Please consider sharing your memories and celebrations with your church family through flowers.

Thank you.

First Christian Church Periodical Postage 685 Marion Street NE Paid At: Salem OR 97301-3729 Salem OR Post Office

First Christian Church Phone: 503-363-9273 /

Senior Pastor Bob Hanna

Director of Ministry Involvement Michelle Gorman

Children’s Ministries Director Laurie Dyer

Youth Director Riane Towery

Director of Young Adults Lydia Dettwyler

Directors of Young Families Scott & Julie Towery

Business Administrator Leanne Griffin

Secretary Melissa Houston

Keeper of the House Mark Ridings

Music Director Judy Dyer

Praise Team Leader Billy Strehlow

Handbell Choir Director Christine Sinibaldi

Organist Marilyn Reischke

Nursery Coordinator Teri Garland

Security Terrance Jull, John Erickson, Brian Smith

Sound Engineer Loring Hermann Video Engineer

Ed Vawter

The Church Scroll UPSP 112-660 Published Semi-Monthly by the

First Christian Church / 685 Marion Street NE Salem OR 97301-3729

Periodical Postage paid at Salem, Oregon POSTMASTER


685 Marion Street NE Salem OR 97301-3729

第一基督教堂 定期邮资 685 Marion Street NE 付给: Salem OR 97301-3729 俄勒冈州撒冷邮局

第一基督教堂 电话:503-363-9273

主任牧师 鲍勃·汉那 牧养参与指导 米切尔·哥曼 孩子们的牧养指导 劳瑞·迪耶 年轻人的指导 瑞尼·托瑞 年轻成年人指导 丽迪亚·戴特沃勒

花的日历 年轻人家庭指导

花的日历是由办公室的工作人员 斯考特&朱丽·托瑞

放在公告栏上。 事务管理


请考虑与你的教堂大 秘书

家庭通过花分享你的 美丽莎·休斯顿

记忆和庆祝。 看门


谢谢 。 音乐指导

朱迪·迪耶 赞美队领导 比利·斯垂豪搂 手铃诗歌指导 克瑞斯蒂·辛巴迪 风琴家 马瑞丽恩·瑞斯驰克 看护协调人 泰瑞·嘎兰德 安全 特让斯·朱尔,约翰·伊瑞克森,布瑞恩·史密斯 音频 劳润·赫曼 视频 爱德·瓦沃特

教堂书卷 UPSP 112-660 第一基督教堂/685 Marion Street NE Salem OR 97301-3729 出版/半月刊 定期邮资付给俄勒冈州撒冷 邮政局长 邮寄地址改为: The Church Scroll 685 Marion Street NE Salem OR 97301-3729

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