
The Challenge

By Victoire, Edoardo, Marie

The Place & The Game

• This is the place where every year a special game takes place.

• There are lots of challenges and if you loose them you will change into something weird…

• But nobody knows into what…

The Judges

• The judges are all very strange. They plan the games every year because they want all the people to be like they are.

The Prize

• The prize is made by all girls of the whole country. It protects the winner from everything he is scared of.

The Challenges

• On the 1st challenge everyone has to follow this rope. If they fall off it they will get another leg.

• Unfortunately this guy already stepped off it 2 times.

The Challenges

Slowly!! I don’t want to be like

the judges are

The Challenges

Be careful! I want to

stay like I am!!

Please let it fall down!!!

I’m trying to but it’s so heavy

The Challenges

Yes!! I’m good!

Hopefully I’ll stay like I


The Challenges

OMG!! I’m playing

football with a head!!

The Challenges

Oh I want to

go home.

The 7th Challenge

• There are 8 doors and there is just one in which you are safe when you open it. In the others you will enter a time travel machine.

Oh I have no idea where to

go.What will

happen to me?

The Challenges

Perhaps it wouldn’t

be so bad to be


Oh no!! It is falling down!!!

What’s going to

happen to me now??!!


• After most of the participants had become strange creatures there are just 4 left. They are training to fight against the winner from last year called the Rival….

The Training

Hopefully I will win

this Fight…


the Rival

is good


The last Challenge

Oh no she is so

good!! She is

going to win!

The End

• After fighting for a long time, the girl suddenly stopped. She decided to break the rules and together with the Rival they fought against the judges. In the end they won and the judges had to promise that the game will never take place again.

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