The Calypso Family Apocalypse Ch 7

Post on 19-Nov-2014



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Chapter 7 of The Calypso Family Apocalypse.


The Calypso Family Apocalypse

Chapter 7

Welcome Back. Who are you talking to Isaac? If she's not a family friend she's not supposed to be in the house.

"She's one of Mommy's friends. Mommy invited her over."Oh, that's Ok then.

Well, Emily, How did you do at work tonight?"I was promoted to Cat Burglar."

That's kind of backwards isn't it. I thought you would be a Cat burglar before you were a Bank robber."I guess, buts that's the way it is."

I have yet to see Isaac do anything mean."Bye, Daddy! Have a good day at work."

Isaac, don't you want to be mean or cheat at chess or anything."No, why would I want to do something like that?"

Oh, I don't know. Maybe cause you only have three nice points.

You did it again, didn't you Stephanie? How far this time?"They demoted me back to Elite Forces."Well, at least it wasn't the bottom again.

Hey Stalker Mailman. Stop coming home with Jacob, or you'll regret it."But he's my bestest best friend. I just have to come home with him every single day."

No you don't, you're not even in the education career.

Hey Brandon. That uniform looks really nice on you. "Thanks, I'm a Commander now."

That's good. Keep up the good work.

Hey, Jacob. Good news today, I hope."Yeah, I'm back to being a Substitute Teacher, Again."

Well, try not to get any more chance cards. You never get them right."I'll do my best."

Hey little girl, whatcha doing?"I built an evil snowman."

I see. She came home with one of the twins.

"Whaaaa- Hy yaa"

"Belly slam!"

Ok, now that you've let out your anger on the poor defenseless snowman, Why don't you go home to you're Mommy.

"Ok, bye."I will be growing her up with the twins. I like her.

Did I miss you getting a promotion, Brandon?"Yeah, I got promoted to Astronaut today."

Wow, only one more level till you lift Military. Then you can go downtown, again."What's 'Downtown'."

It's a place you can go that's not home or work."Really, that sounds better then staying home all day."

Kali and Neely continue to scare the pee out of our townies."Hiss hiss"

Is it time for birthdays, already?Ian goes first, as usual."I wish to go places."

"Woo hoo, Go Ian go!"

Ick, your clothes suck. You'll have to change soon.What did you roll.

"I rolled Knowledge and Pleasure. I want to be a Media Magnate when I become an adult."We'll see.

"I wanna be like Ian."

"Go Isaac, Get big like me."

Eww, those clothes will have to be changed as well. Well, did you get your wish."I rolled Knowledge too. But my secondary is Fortune like Aunt Emily."

I couldn't believe my luck when they both rolled Knowledge. I just hope Jacob can lift Education before they grow up, or they're going to be very disappointed about missing college.

Hey Emily, You missed the twins birthday."Oh, Did you tell them I was sorry."

No, but I'm sure they understand. So how'd you do?"I got promoted again. I'm a counterfeiter now. I need several skill points and I don't think I have time to

get them."Well, just do the best you can.

The twins are working hard on their body skill."We -huff-huff- want to -puff-puff- go places -huff-huff- when dad lifts -huff-puff- Military."

Well, keep up the good work.

How are you doing, Emily."This is hard. I don't have any playful points."

I think this might take a while. Emily is learning creativity at half the speed a moderately playful sim would.

"Here's your novel. Keep um coming, we're making a fortune off of you suckers."

"I'll just leave it here."

Hi guys. So how did everyone do?"I was able to get the skill point I needed last night and was promoted to Smuggler."

That's Good, Emily.

"I was promoted to the General. Now everyone can go downtown and when Jacob lifts Education, Ian and Isaac can go to college."

That's great. I'll have to build you someplace to go. It may take me a little while. Well, Jacob did you get a promotion today, too.

"Yes, I'm a High School Teacher now. I got a chance card and I was fined 587 Simoleons."Hmm. That's Ok. That's just pocket change for you guys. Um, would you get rid of your stalker again.

Hey Emily, That looks like dancing. You know you're not allowed to dance."I'm ... not ... dancing. ... I'm ... getting .... oooold."

Oh, Um, I thought that was supposed to happen last night.

"I take after Mom."Yep, you do. I can't believe you managed to get almost a whole extra day.

"I feel content with my life. I still want to get my LTW. I need two more skill points, and I don't have time to get them."

Well, I'm sure you'll have some time off soon.

"You won't get rid of us that easily."Don't worry, Brandon is raiding you zombies soon. We won't be seeing much of you anymore.

I went out and reduced the number of zombies on my zombie lot. Now there are only six zombies left.

"I didn't get promoted. I wasn't able to get the skills I needed."She needs one mechanical point and one creativity point.

Now that Emily is an elder, I'm having her encourage Jacob to be more active. "You need to be more active, Jacob. If you don't get your body skills then you won't be able to work as

an elder and you will never get to go downtown."She was able to encourage him up three points, so now he had a total of five points.

I still don't think he had time to get his body points before he turns elder. We may have to pull out are emergency Elixir of life.

Hey, how'd you do Stephanie?"I got promoted to Drill Instructor."

Brandon has four days off, so I'm going to try to get him skilled on the sewing machine.I'm allowed to sell the one tile items from the sewing machine from inventory. But I can't finish any of

the larger items.

"Mmmm, This stuff is good."I let Jacob have one sip of Elixir of Life. He needs more time to life education.


I guess we're having a skill fest. The twins are really happy to skill.

"I'm still a smuggler. I need to skill if I ever want to get promoted."Well, it looks like you'll have your chance. You have three days before you have to go back to work.

Brandon got his Bronze badge, I missed the doohickey. But the bear is proof that he has it. It's one of the items he can make now.

"Heh heh heh, You may have gotten rid of my comrades but I'll get even."

"I'm gonna steal your paper. Now you'll never get the job you want. Heh heh heh"Ha! None of my sims need jobs, so. Ha.

"Crud, Now I have to think up a new way to get even."

Hey Stephanie, You look really happy."I am, I got promoted again, I'm a Junior Officer now."

This is what they do all the time.

"Yay, we did it, We maxed our body. Now we can go downtown."Um, I haven't built you a downtown lot yet. sorry.

"But you said we could go down town when we maxed our body."I'll work on it, but there's not much you can do downtown yet. All you could do is eat and play chess.

"But we do that here already."

Hey Brandon, you look really dashing in that uniform."Thank, but I have to run, I don't want to miss my helicopter."


Cool! I have a feeling that it will get old quickly.

So far we have stored the Culinary reward and the Medical reward on the roof. I can't fit the Military reward anywhere's. I think we will loose it when Brandon dies.

This is getting tedious."What do you mean, I'm the one doing all the work."

Fine then, get back to work.

Jacob, What happened this time?!"It was one of those chance cards again."How far did they demote you this time.

"Just one level, I'm back to being an elementary teacher again."

"I'm going back to work, maybe they will promote me back to my old job."

Hey Steph, you look down, you don't have bad news for me too, do you?"I'm afraid so, I haven't been doing very well aspiration wise and I just didn't get a promotion today."

Well, better luck tomorrow.

I see you finished another novel. What is it about this time."You'll have to wait and see."

Fine, don't tell me.

Jacob, your stalker followed you home again."I don't care. I got promoted back to my old job."

Good. He's a High School Teacher again. Try not to get demoted anymore. Please."I'll try."

Um, Em. Do you need a doctor?"No, I'm fine."

Ok. If you say so.

"Quit watching me stalker man. Or I'll let my inner Demon out.""But I just want to be your friend forever and ever and ever and ever............"

Um, Em. I think he has you beat on demoness."Why can't you just boolprop him to death or something?"

I'm not cheating here. Besides you really don't want another angry ghost haunting the house every single night.

Ah ha. So you wrote a romance. What's it about, Em."My first kiss"

Is that all?"Yes, what more is there?"Snort giggle, hee hee ha ha

"Quit laughing, It's not my fault I haven't had much experience."

"What a lame book, it's not selling well, do better next time."(I don't actually know how well it sold, the phone is still off.)

Finally."I quit. You can get rid of the manuscript, I'm not finishing it."

Well, she finally has all the skills she needs to get that last promotion.

Ian has maxed another skill.

What are you two doing. "Woo hoo ing. Yay"

"They promoted me to Counter Intelligence."Good, soon you will have your LTW.

No demotions today, I hope?"No, I was promoted to University Guest Lecturer."

Yay! Almost there.

Emily has a bronze badge now.

What are you making Brandon."I just thought I'd make a cheesecake. Stephanie said she was wanting one."

Mmmm, It looks really good, I love cheesecake.

Mmmmm, That smells wonderful.

Chomp garble snarf.Wonderful manners, Steph.

I'm running out of skills for the twins to get and Brandon has nothing better to do with his time.

"Oooo, so nice. Why don't you let me do this more often."Cause it take too much time.

"Oooph, What? I'm too old to have any more babies."No your not. You still have time. I'm a little late but I decided I wanted to lift a couple more restrictions.

I want to make sure we have twins, maybe I'm crazy, but Steph doesn't have time for another pregnancy. She has two days off now and will give birth right before she has to go back to work.

I timed it just right. At least I hope."I think your crazy."

So, keep eating.

Isaac maxes a skill, I don't remember what.

Then he maxes logic.

"He's back there, isn't he?"Yes. Did you get promoted?

"Yes, I'm the High School Principal now."

"I told you to quit following me home.""Grrrr, I'll go where I want. Grrr."

Right on Schudule.

Oh, Emily. What happened?"I got a chance card, I chose to use the speed boat, but I got caught. I snitched on my partners in crime

so I could get off. And now I don't have a job."Aww, crud, she was only one level away from getting her LTW too.

Ian maxes Charisma.

Isaac maxes another skill.

Ian maxes Logic.

Then Isaac Maxes Charisma.

Hey Jacob, Why'd you come home in the helicopter?"I shared it with Brandon. I got promoted to College Dean of Students."

Wonderful, you only have one more promotion to go."I'm off tomorrow too."


Six am Friday morning Emily goes into labor."Ooooooooo ooooooooowwwww owowow'

"What were you thinking, we're too old to raise another child."

Well that it for now. Come back soon to see if I got my twins or not, I did make her eat the whole cheesecake all by herself.

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