The Boy Who Lived

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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A Harry Potter Bulletin




Of Ice Creams, Candies, Toys and Harry Potter...A kid's childhood is split into various eras, namely, the toy

scooter era, the Gameboy era, the computer era and the high

school era. For me, it was just one: the bookworm era. Just when I

had finished reading all the Secret Sevens and Famous Fives

when I was around 12 years old, I first heard about Harry Potter.

It was the time when Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,

the third Harry Potter book had hit the markets. I vividly

remember that one evening when I bought the first three books,

all at one go, at a CUMULATIVE price of Rs. 150, from the streets

of Kala Ghoda, and I chuckled at myself as to how awesome a

bargain we had made and how much money we had saved. Little

did I know that it was the beginning of the most cherished and

enriching journey of my childhood. So there I was, with the first

three Harry Potter books, and I have to admit, I read the first two

without understanding much, and as a 'marwari' kid, I felt

obliged to make use of that what money was spent on! Come the

third book, before I realized, I had already been bitten by the

Harry Potter bug and how! My days would begin with reading

about Harry Potter and his magical Quidditch games, the school

lunch breaks were spent cursing Snapes and having imaginary

wand fights with my friends (Avara Kedavra and Stupendify

being my favorites), the evenings were spent reading about the

insane adventures, the nights were spent fantasizing about how I

too, would one day, save the world from You-Know-Who (Yes, as

a 12 year old, I really did think that saying "Voldemort" would


cause eternal harm to me).

my life with comparisons to those of Harry Potter. Getting into the car

and going to the school would feel like being at King's Cross Station,

all geared up to go and face a new challenge. Sports day in school

would feel like the Triwizard Tournament, and each time a teacher

gave me a remark, I persuaded myself that she was a complete Dolores

Umbridge. My most remarkable memory as a Potter fan was the time

my parents took me to the Crossword store at 6 am, to be in the queue

to buy the 6th book which was being released worldwide at the same

time, and at 7 am IST. I remember giving interviews early morning on

television, and being all dressed up with a robe and a scar on my

forehead, ready to make Harry Potter my life once again. I was

amongst the first 10 people that morning to get my hands on the book,

and still remember reading the book every where I could: in my room,

in the bathroom (I would do potty 3 times a day, so that I could take

time off studying and read Harry Potter while sitting on the pot), in

school during breaks and also during classes... Just everywhere! In

about 15 days, I finished the book, and still remember shedding a tear

in front of my parents when I was reading the part where Snape kills

Dumbledore. I read the sixth book thrice. Shortly then, followed the

launch of the ultimate book, and this time too, I was there early

morning, with a deep sense of anticipation as well as grief, both for

obvious reasons. By that time, I was also a budding writer the way I

am right now, and I remember reading the last four chapters four times

in succession. The intricacy and emotion with which J.K. Rowling has

described Harry's walk towards Voldemort, as if almost walking

towards death, felt as if she had weaved a spell of magic with those

words, something that the movie fails to do. And as I reached the

chapter named "19 Years Later", I felt a sudden gulp in my throat. It

And in almost no time, I had begun to view



was the end of an era. I read the last chapter, savoring every single

word, because it did mark the end of the favorite chapters of my


Time and again, I feel like reading Harry Potter once again, but the

magic which I experienced reading it the first time cannot be

replicated. The joy was pure, the fun was magical, and the pleasure

was astronomical. They say that a man needs nothing but hope. I

say a kid needs nothing but magic. And now, it's time to move on...

But the mark which Harry Potter left on me has been indelible.

“Albus Severus Potter... You were named after two of the greatest

wizards in the world. One of them was a


Thank you Mrs. Rowling, for giving me

the most complete childhood that I could ask


Hopefully a Gryffindorian,

- Rtr. Yash Muthiyan.

Through The Eyes Of Hagrid

Rubeus Hagrid is introduced in the opening chapter of Harry Potter

and the philosopher's stone. Following the Death of James and Lily

potter (parents of Harry), Dumbledore entrusts Hagrid with

rescuing the infant Harry and taking him to the Dursleys'. Hagrid is

the first teacher to meet Harry and introduce him to Hogwarts. He

walks through Hogsmeade along with Harry and helps him buy his

Wand and Owl and other wizarding necessities. Hagrid then

befriends Harry's two friends - Ron and Hermione. Dumbledore


gives Hagrid the duty of bringing the Philosophers stone to

Hogwarts from Gringotts and provides the 3 headed dog Fluffy to

guard it. Later in the book Hagrid let's slip to Harry Ron and

Hermione that the way to get past Fluffy is to play music.

In the beginning of the Second novel - Harry Potter and the Chamber

of Secrets, readers first discover why Hagrid was expelled from

Hogwarts. Hagrid was previously expelled during his third year,

after being caught in possession of Aragog, a dangerous

acromantula, who was said to be 'The monster of Slytherin', and

that Hagrid had released it from the Chamber of secrets and allowed

it to attack and petrify other students. The true victim to these

attacks was Tom Riddle who used a basilisk to attack the students

and had framed Hagrid. During these events, Hagrid is sent to

askaban prison, as he is believed to be responsible for the attacks.

However, before going to Prison he lets out a hint to Harry and Ron ,

who discover Tom Riddle's little trick and hence defeat the Basilisk.

Hagrid is proven innocent and is allowed to let go from prison.

In the third sequel - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,

Hagrid is assigned as the Care Taker of Magical Creatures Professor.

During his first class he introduces hippogriffs to Harry and his

classmates and Buckbeak attacks Draco Malfoy. Although

Dumbledore manages to prove that Hagrid is innocent, the Ministry

of Magic sentences Buckbeak to death. Towards the end of the book

Harry and Hermione manage to save Buckbeak from death by using

a time machine.

In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire it is revealed that Hagrid Is of


both mixed wizard and giant parentage. Since giants have a

reputation for being horribly brutal, and were once allies of Lord

Voldermort, Hagrid keeps his parentage a secret. But, Hagrid's

parentage is revealed in the 'Daily Prophet', the newspaper written

by Rita Skeeter, who portrays him as dangerous. Hagrid is gravely

affected by this and attempts to resign , though Dumbledore does not

accept his resignation. During this part of the series, Hagrid

develops a romantic interest with Olympe Maxime- another half-

giant witch.

Hagrid is also one of the very few people who believes Harry's word

that he did not apply to enter the Triwizard Tournament. Later in the

book Alaster Moody suggests Hagrid should show Harry that the

first task of the tournament would involve dragons.

Hagrid is absent during the first part of Harry potter and the Order

of the phoenix. It is then revealed that he and Madame Maxime

traveled across Europe together on a mission to find some more

giants and get them on the good side, i.e. with Dumbledore. Hagrid

and Maxime eventually part on the journey home. Hagrid then

introduces his half brother- Grawp to Harry and Hermione, and

asks them to take care of him after he leaves Hogwarts. Dolore

Umbridge the new principal of Hogwarts , tries to find reasons to

arrest Hagrid due to his closeness with Dumbledore. But Hagrid

manages to escape and finally with Dumbledore's post as

Headmaster is restored, Hagrid returns to Hogwarts.

In Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince , Harry , Ron and


Hermione are no longer students of Care of magical Creatures and

Hagrid is both angry and disappointed with them during the first

part of the book, but he soon realizes that it is not because they do

not like him. Later in the novel, Aragog dies and Hagrid risks his life

to recover the acromantula's body to give it a proper funeral. After

the funeral, he and Horace Slughhorn drink excessive amounts of

Firewhisky. Towards the end of the book, Death Eaters enter

Hogwarts and while trying to fight them, Hagrid’s hut is set on fire.

During Dumbledore's funeral Hagrid is seen carrying the

Headmasters body.

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , Hagrid is a part of the

Order of the pheonix and is assigned to move Harry from the

Dursley's home to the magic protected Burrow. Hagrid takes Harry

on the flying motor cycle he inherited from Sirius Black. But the plan

goes awry when the Order is ambushed by Death Eaters. Hagrid and

Harry narrowly make it to the Burrow, after being attacked by

Voldermort himself. After attending the wedding reception of Bill

Weasely and Fleur Delacour, Hagrid returns to his job at Hogwarts.

Hagrid's next seen near the beginning of the Climax after been driven

into hiding in the mountains to escape the Death eaters, who had

taken over the school. Towards the end during the battle of hogwarts

Hagrid attempts to come to the defence of Aragogs carnivorous

children, who have been driven out of the Forbidden Forest and are

now attacking both Hogwarts defenders and Death eaters. He later

turns up , captive in the Death Eaters camp, when Harry sacrifices

himself to Voldermort. Hagrid is forced to carry Harry back to

school, not realizing that Harry has survived again. Hagrid then


actively takes part in the second half of the battle, and ultimately

was the first to congratulate Harry after he defeated Voldermort.

Nineteen years after Voldermort's defeat, Hagrid is still at

Hogwarts, though it is not clear in what capacity. He invites Harry's

young son Albus to his hut for tea, just as he had done for Harry

himself, signifying that Harry and Hagrid are still close.

~The End~

- Rtr. Insiyah Zoomkawala

Everything that has a beginning has to have an end. That,

unfortunately for its fans and even more so for its producers, also

applies to one of the most lucrative franchises of all times - the 14

year long saga of Harry Potter.

As Deathly Hallows Part 2 hit theatres, magical and non-magical

beings rushed to witness the final battle between Potter and the

Dark Lord. Wands were jousted, spells casted, tears streamed down,

and through it cash registers, all over the world, will ring in magical


My introduction to the universe of Harry Potter was through this

very movie franchise. I saw The Sorcerer’s Stone when I was 12 years

The Magic Of The Books


old (the very same age when Harry joined Hogwarts) and then

later Chamber of Secrets. By the time I had sat through the third

part Prisoner of Azkaban, I was definitely awed by the magic but

also somewhere shaking my head in disappointment. Every story

seemed to follow a set pattern.

Potter, the orphan wizard, leaves his oppressive human relatives

to a school where they teach magic. He zips about on a broom. He

hangs out with his friends. An evil plan is uncovered involving

Lord Voldemort. Harry defeats the bad man. Ho hum.

Then a couple of years later, on a stupid bet with a school friend, I

picked up the fifth book. I was skeptical — I knew the ending,

what else would be left? Still let me read on if only to find what all

the fuss is about. Within two weeks, I was on the first book -

wanting to start from point blank. In about two months of steady

night-time reading, I had gone through the whole series, emerging

at the other end of Deathly Hallows(that too by reading the final

installment illegally on the computer, before it had even released),

a certified ‘Potterhead’.

I now understood the phenomenon. JK Rowling is a master at

drawing believable people and fantastic places, of creating mood,

atmosphere, suspense, tragedy and humour through the fantastic

places of creating mood, atmosphere, suspense, tragedy and

humour through the written word. But her greatest strength lies in

her intricate detailing. Detailing in the plot where the significance

of a small action or a line spoken is truly understood


3,407 pages later, seven of novels down. Detailing in the settings,

the magical artifacts and in the marvelously constructed action set-

pieces. And finally detailing in the characters — both in terms of

their progression through the story (Harry Potter changes from

lovable innocent boy-wonder to a rather unpleasantly short-

tempered adolescent and finally matures into a larger-than-life hero

at peace with his destiny) and the dramatic conflicts that rage inside

each of the protagonists. The movies just do not do full justice to the

subtle nuances of Rowling’s pen. As they exist now, the movies,

focused as they are in moving from one point in the story to the

other, simply paper over the finer details of characterization. They

also give short-misses to episodes of great importance, taking tense

slow-burn sequences and making them into “action movie” blow-

everything-up-in-two-minutes special-e f fects-dr iven


Blink-and-miss-it screen time is given to many protagonists

developed with great care in the books, thus depriving the audience

of any kind of emotional investment in their fate. Some of the very

interesting concepts like Dementors, Patronuses, Horcruxes are not

fully explained with the result that the world of Potter on screen is

never as engaging it is in print. And this is a reason why people who

have never read the books have never really understood the

sentiments or the craze of a true Potter fan.

So unless you have read the books, firmly resist the temptation to

have a DVD marathon of the previous Potter films. The Potter films

are firmly for the converted, those already steeped in the lore.


For them it is a chance to scream, applaud and weep for their

favourite characters, to relive the magic once again. For those still

outside the world (and there must not be many of you), please please

please read the books first before you buy a ticket or rent.

You owe ‘The Boy Who Lived’ that.

“ You owe yourself that.’

- Rtr. Shashank ‘Potterhead’Jogani

- Well this Transfiguration teacher and

Gryffindor head comes off as someone quite stern. But she is the

most motherly character much like Molly Weasley. The reader just

falls in love with her because she has this crazy courageous and fun

side that surfaces in select situations, like in front of Umbridge,

Voldemort and other villainous characters. She is childlike and

mature at the same time.

For all those who saw the last movie, the part where she says "I've

always wanted to use that spell" is that very facet that I'm talking


In the whole mess of things she is someone who seems dependable

much like a counterpart of Dumbledore.

Professor McGonagall was one character who wasn't very deep and

detailed in the book, but all the same she gave out this certain

amount of warmth that just makes her one of my favorites.

3 Characters I loved the most3. Minerva McGonagall


2. Fred and George Weasely

1. Severus Snape

- these were the Weasley twins. I take their names together because there is absolutely no way they can be separated. They were the highlight of the books, making even the gravest moments so light and easy. One of my favourite lines was "Fred I think our future lies outside the area of academic achievement" Fred: I'm thinking the same thing. And then was the big bang where they boomed the O.W.L.s and Umbridge and bid goodbye to Hogwarts.It was most devastating when Fred dies but I know for me he never will.

3 words - Weasleys Wizard Wheezes1 more word - Hole-y

- The potions master then Defence against the dark arts teacher and then a headmaster of Hogwarts, he was the embodiment of what one would call sacrifice, nobility, courage and most of all Love.

Since the first book he had been portrayed as someone formidable who hated Harry and his friends. He was the villain who was apparently double crossing Dumbledore. Though there were subtle hints here and there about his greatness, as the story unfolded things just kept adding to prove that he was horrible.

Until the moment just before he died, most people were glad he was dying especially if they didn't follow the books. But just as Harry lowered his head into the Pensieve, everyones hearts just melted. He loved Harry devotedly, did everything to protect him, killed Dumbledore on his own request and was in fact double crossing Voldemort. Yet he wanted to hide all his greatness.

As Dumbledore said "You want me to hide the best of you”

- Rtr. Dhriti Jhaveri


Through The Eyes Of

HermioneAs I entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I felt a

little weird and insecure due to my muggle background Everything

felt different and brilliant but little did I know that the next 6 years

of my life would be a series of events altogether. I wasn't aware of

the fact that I would be so fortunate all throughout. I never knew

that I would meet the love of my life, the person I would go on to


In our 1st year fate put us all in the same house, Gryffindor. We had

various close encounters with death. Our first encounter with death

took place when Harry was trying to recover the philosopher's

stone in the first year from professor Quirrel. The lovely game of

Quidditch also became a part and parcel of our daily life after this


In the 2nd year we had to see the slytherin side of harry. He was able

to talk to snakes and broke various rules but the worst one being

that he entered the Chamber of Secrets. This unleashed the most evil

creature in Hogwarts. The lives of students was in danger after harry

foolishly entered the Chamber. Over the year he had also found Tom

Marvolo Riddle's diary. One night harry went alone into the

Chamber and was confronted by the bascillus that nearly killed him


but he emerged victorious. He also destroyed the 1st horcrux that

was Tom Riddle’s diary.

In the 3rd year he had to watch his uncle be wrongly accused of mass

murder and escaping from Azkaban. He also realised that Sirius was

with him in the fight against "The Dark Lord". Harry also had to

fight dementors for the 1st time and was introduced to the patronus


The 4th year was a difficult one for all of us. 2 of my best friends

were no more on talking terms after Harry's name had come out of

the Goblet of Fire to take part in the Tri Wizard Tournament. Ron

thought harry had got in by unfair means so as to attain fame. Apart

from this Harry had to fight a dragon, stay underwater for 1 hour to

save his friends and solve an unforgiving maze. He had to watch his

friend Cedric Diggory die at the hands of Voldermort while he

narrowly escaped death.

In the 5th year a sense of responsibility took over all of us.

Dumbledore was replaced by Dolores Umbridge at the helm of

Hogwarts. The dumbledores army was a student organisation

formed by us to over power voldermort. This team died out towards

the end of the year. Harry then saw voldermort torturing sirius in the

ministry of magic so as to attain the prophecy that said "neither can

live while the other survives". Harry was fooled and I went to the

ministry of magic and put all our lives in danger.

The prophecy was broken by Lucius Malfoy and a duel between

dumbledore and voldermort was witnessed.


Harry had just been through the worst part of his life. He had just thlost his uncle and at the beginning of the 6 year, I never knew that

it would be our last year. Dumbledore had killed a horcrux that

was the ring and soon started to set up meetings with Harry to take

him into Voldermort's past so that Harry had a clear picture of

everything that had happened. Harry was introduced to the

concept of Horcruxes and also discovered.

The book of the “Half Blood Prince”. There were some very new

spells in it and much to my disgust Harry started using them on

people. Ron had started dating Lavender Brown and jealousy got

to me. Harry was then taken to find a horcrux by Dumbledore to the

lake where they found RAB's locket. That same night Harry saw

death eaters enter along with Draco Malfoy. This was not a shock

for harry as he had figured that out at the start of the year. Snape

had realized that Harry had access to his book

When he used sectumseptra on Malfoy. That night Draco took the

Elder Wand from Dumbledore and Snape killed him.

Finally in the last book we went around looking for the horcruxes.

We destroyed the locket, the hufflepuf cup, the ravenclaw tiara and

Nagini the snake. Harry also never knew that he himself was a

horcrux until Snape allowed him to enter his memories and find

out. Harry then allowed voldemort to kill him so that the horcrux

was destroyed while in the mean time Ron and I destroyed the

ravenclaw tiara and with the help of 'Neville' the snake too.

Finally we saw the end of voldermort and thus a very important

chapter in our lives as well as the lives of every muggle that

followed us in our journey came to an end.

- Rtr. Yash Hiranandani


“It Opens At The Close”


FactsAs of 2008, Harry Potter books have sold over 400 million copies

and have been translated into 67 languages.

A picture of Gandalf the Grey (from The Lord of the Rings) can be

seen in the collection of great wizards in Professor Dumbledore's

study in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Author J. K. Rowling recently revealed that Dumbledore is gay and

he had a crush on the wizard Grindelwald, whom he later defeated

in a wizard duel.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released on July 21,

2007, and sold 11 million copies on the first day of its release,

breaking Rowling's earlier records for the fastest selling book of

all time.

Colors play an important role in the Harry Potter novels. For

example, shades of red represent goodness, such as Gryffindor's

scarlet robes, Harry's red ink, and the crimson Hogwarts Express

train. The Weasleys have red hair and a red roof. Green is largely

associated with negative events, such as when Harry sees a flash

of green when his parents die and the green-colored curse that jmade Ron vomit.


The Boy Who Lived18

Rtr. Yash Muthiyan

Rtr. Yash Hiranandani

Rtr. Shashank Jogani


Rtr. Dhriti Jhaveri



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Rtr. Insiyah Zoomkawala

A Rotaract Club of H.R.College Publication

Sponsored By The Rotary Club of Bombay

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