The bad impact of techonology

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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What is Technology?

Technology is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools and machines, in order to solve a problem.

Statistics of Dependence on technology

Technology has made our lives so much easier and more simple, but I fear that it has also paralyzed our

real life and world.

Impact on Health • It could damage your eyes.• It cloud damage your ears. • It causes of heart disease.• It causes of obesity.• Late-night computer sessions cut into much-needed sleep time.

• Families: There's less interaction in families as members are busy on the television, facebook, Mp3, Twitter, Skype etc.

• Schools/colleges: The strong relationship that existed between a student and a teacher/lecturer is no more.

•Working places workmates are busy with the computer/internet

Impact on Relationships

Impact on Student/Education

• Students do not take their meals on time and do not take proper rest.

• They take excessive amount of coffee or tea to remain active.

• Technology destroy thinking capacity.

Impact on Social Skills•We lose the ability to read body language .

• People being to apply their “Text messaging slang”.

Example: “cuz” instead of “because”.

•We lose the speaking skill.

Example: LOL, OMG

Impact on Environment

• Our vehicles, mails, factories etc. are polluting the air we birth. So, the level of Carbon Dioxide is increased.

• Some technologies can contain toxic substance such as cadmium and mercury.

• The technology is sometimes melted down for gold, however this emits toxic chemicals into the atmosphere.

Makes you lazy!!

Destroy your

Wastage of time and money

Privacy is disturb

Destroy mood and personality

What do we have to do?• Must always increase knowledge. • Understand the negative impacts of new technology.• Teach students to use technology wisely.• Prepare children or student to recognize and alert towards their surrounding and people’s behavior towards them. •Work together at home, with school and neighborhood.• Using technology wisely.

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