The Autumn Song

Post on 17-Feb-2017






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AutumnAutumnBy Abi Toha 8HS

The floor crunched with the dead leaves, it sounded as if I was walking on a bed of roasted chestnuts,

I heard the sound of children laughing cheerfully as they kicked golden and red pile of leaves,

The gentle breeze swayed the derelict trees with that distinct whooshing sound.

I heard autumn coming.

That unmistakable autumn smell lingered in the air,From the fragrant aroma of freshly baked apple pie and ripe berries, Its unpleasing smell of the dusty, musty smell of dead leaves,Unavoidable from the cold wind that wafts those smells into your nostrils.I could smell autumn approaching.

The concrete was carpeted with a bed of brilliant red and golden leaves,As so the trees and grass shared the same amazing colours,Bonfires flicker like candlelight warmly in the cold evening,Leaf piles reluctantly waiting for a gust of wind or a person’s temptation to

scatter them,Squirrels darting across trees in their quest for acorns,I saw autumn in the distance.

Many a taste comes into mind at autumn,From the delicious, tangy, freshly picked apples,The ripe, crunchy and juicy blueberries,To the refreshing and bittersweet flavour of cider,I could taste autumn in the air.

The very air of autumn itself came past me,Its crisp gust of wind stung my face,The leaves swallowed my feet as I went by, making it difficult to walk,The dry, dead leaves fell like raindrops on top of my head.I felt autumn brush past me.

I thought about the things I’ve experienced,I saw,I heard,I felt,I smelt,I tasted,Then those things went like a wave towards my brain.Autumn had arrived.

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